The Hartwell sun. (Hartwell, GA.) 1879-current, January 07, 1880, Image 3

Below is the OCR text representation for this newspapers page. PKIt KM IIKIO'*; fill 3MI3IQ3M f:rStjfjuvuiioaia i Ril.. lUu. .MITAJIOO KM, |M‘I (Nick, $1 IS. •***" WfciU\, per tirSiW, We. ggSJ&e. 3MITAfIUO l , iH*ier*l * We. ' Soda, p to T#e. ToWco, #1.1.1 to *1 25. a£j# * n a*. ’ JMITMUO AUlnwai awtlicimV’ W* TANARUS ’ I StawU. S hi llks, i Putter I U to *O6. W UtltWlMllA to JSTui or. ,3MiTMU3 Tnrkw* " .an WMMalft RccfS to W* (VohH "'.ei >t S<“>4II|TA flilf) Kenmcnr. Hhy/ J iw>st mac hine on, *.v. ]|ity > nnn OK s* JMirAflU3 Factory \ni. *1 SO. l Oyster*, six in loc. , . ~. . .. Thli.iw m. ' > ™ .a A Beeswax, 18c. Rat:*. I*c- nil Hide*. 10c. fcSMEHftriWWr.).# HIT The ('uuipnljju lor IHW). We will send The Harywem- Mt t m with the Weekly Globe, of Boston. Mush., one year for only $2.25. The Wpekly Globe is the largest and best Dollar Weekly in the U. S., and known everywhere as the stal wart champion of the people against the fraudulent Republican and the luonarehial Republican government, and the powerful advocate of the true Democratic principles. Tlic Sunday Thonnjrraph, Of Atlanta, is the best weekly paper pub lished in the State. It's columns contain something to please everybody. It is a bold, fearless paper ; attacking odleial cor ruption in high and low places. It is n good family pa|>er, in every sense of the word, and we advise our renders to sub scribe for it. if they want a good paper from the Capital. A specimen copy can be seen at this office. Terms $2.00. per year; SI.OO, six months; 50 cents for three months. Address, Phonograph, Atlanta, Georgia. To Him thfti Enjoys Good Reading. (Jrrcllns al <’on(r*nlal Walntaltons from *Rc l>ctroit Free I'reuft. —i —{tt I(! r l From the unlimited words of praise that have been bestowed upon it, the conclu sion is fixed that Tlie Detroit Free Dress is the most popular journal iu existence. Not that it has the greatest circulation— though for that matter few papers have a more extended one—but that the most profound aiTection for it exists among those who read and know its merits. Certain it is that no journal contains so many attractive and original features. Enjoyable in the highest degree, its tone is the purest, its literary standard the most excellent. It combines to a surprising extent in its well-tilled pages the grace, learning, wit. humor, versatility' and genius of the Am erican people. Unique among,- e i spapefj. and readable in every portion—it is edited with so much tact, intelligence and care, that readers of every class lind it, above all others, the one that satisfies ! Varied are j|s departments and its con tents—the whole a Jurist judicious eoinbfj nation. If one may liken intellectual to material tilings its field of story', poetry, correspondence, anecdote, wit. humor, sen timent. history, belles,Ultras, knowledge in its illimitable exteift—may be rfrAipared to a well ordered banquet. And around this superb feast in all its completeness bounteously laid with contributions from every clime, sits the blessed spirit of fra ternity and good fellowship ! And then "The Household,” the bright, sympathetic and kindly “ Household !” No description should be offered of " The Household ;” it is a feature original and unsurpassed, and none can fail to appre ciate it. The Weekly Free Press and “ The Household ” together arc furnished at JMJ a year. Clubs of five. $1.75 each; liberal com missions allowed local agents. Specimen copies sent free. Address, THE DETROIT 1 FREE PRESS, DETROIT, MICH. EF 3Ve Cu b with this I’acku. _ (A bad beginning makes a goijd ceding.) My Good Man, What Gives You Pain BROKEN PROMISES AND UNPAID DEBTS! We do not say that ALL MEN arc liars : but that we owe debts which MUST BE PAID, and if our GOOD PROMPT-PAY ING customers do not help us, to whom must we look? Some men would let us talk ourselves to death, or die iu the poor house rather than use any exertion to pav what they owe us. We are glad that all men are not so. Many of our good friends are coming up with cotton and money TO HELP US OUT. ljot others do likewise. Some need but to be reminded. Those who want full prices for their cotton, and who desire to render us a real favor, will come early, we know. Do not take offence, for none is intended. We simply need money and are not ash am to tell you so. WE Ml ST HA\E IT. E. 1!. BENSON & CO. The t UrUliaa Irtw l RllUeau. On ChfUrrmtsTTiy tree was given for the benefit of the Sab liatkSchool at Mijltown Church. Although tlA 1 moriang kas ibctfnaent the ploiflo ofltlurviciimy adsciJhlidlitLii early hdtiFtV‘gifc propMranohx. AtnJdiligent btlbrts the tree was complete, and the beau -1 ifut Holly ato4 latlotMV! > precious gilta. At tflis jßnrtitrc n sHihpttimi* rtpasl Was had in the shape of an elegant basket din ica ' jAji l I/jj* liX t <W iH tOtilib i m After dinner the assembly repaired to the chritvh, and after prater by Hit. H. C. Thornton, u short address was defivorcu by Hon. A. G. Ale Curry, Woo liad been invited tbr that purpd T. Tlie distribution of the gifts completed tliß.gxeceisLS of thu pleasant episode in the Church. If was certainly a pleasant occa sion, and all hearts seemed to be* joy bo’s and bappyv .'l|k people *rc tlemedfrn'ttd Xedilnß't*Jll#,dkl vances they are making. They liave built up a fine Sabbath School, have pnTcflfwf' a spleudpl church Pfgau, and manifest a deep interest in Hit the progressive ele ments of tnc (fay. The coimfimeb of ar nmgemcnfs deserve espeeiAl credit fbV 1 THMr tKaKsgiut jf!i 11. a tifuTpfiH'tun iveeivi'd rm the-free, wtnrh 1 although oi|Jie Awiißiulive \v%on i it grows to Iri tloiAdi less pfo\e C a beauty a*id a jpwj A Card. • •n rrpIyBMUEOMI ■• i- • : ■ “>' conscience all T have to cay M, OiiaA uiiforstunt wuh as 1 mu\ be TiVid ottwr peopled i mu not an dhsmipufous. sneaking pulirnmi. goiivg about’ blaciuiailiug and hadvbillug people. 1 never have written an ammy mems letter te nor about nny onej 1 have ne{er a maflclons defamation of anyjone's character in publip. cither, by printing or writing. If Thaw anything to say f say it In the man. nndif I am afraid to spy it to him, 1 let it go and forget it as >"ou h.s possible. I would advise the giver to season Ins judgment a ltttlu with the same kind of salt, before he calls an „iher nun and act in the way he Ita* done. Cun the unde out of your ow n evu, nnl speak out like tt man. If t * Wife WAonged you, let nrO know w her*f Hi*. .iS?i Hmru:rfiin||btf n r-rrrw J A Revelation Burst i r4Jv> public press autl medial'profes sion, when, over twenty-five years ago, that grand ]> an<l synihetto t+killi dlootet.ter's Stomach iht ters, was given to the world. Soon aftAtr it had beeii started on its curative mission it was discovenad that its Irolanic propeiv tics far surpassed those of the approved mineral remedies of the day. Not tlie least among the good consequences of its minds of funny mbsur#- liibeßetfl fallacies, and to demonstrate the superiority of veg etable remedies. H c*nquers and prevents malarial fevers, dyspepsia, chronic consti pation, a tendency to kidney and bladder ailments and rheumatism, and is of the greatest value iiifasls qf bulSify tfoiiblo arisihg from w eak J falM greatly aided by it, and ft is highly scrvice atyltj to e<>nvale|cen|* ni \leliduto health. It is mt-reovor. a useful m to take with o'rij' oji and counteracts the effects' oPmcntal exhaus tion. Ta’ke Down Your Kin. p'here is a ferjy on Savannah Kiver. six uie from this pl*cc., known as thc#Frce Ferry Haulms' FSrry. This fejry was leased by the Anderson of Trade sOni}; tfene since anrijeonverted into a frei f<Sry i n order to ilrsnv trade fr*otn this side' of the river to Anderson. Now. t think that i grids ferry i/not going to be proper-, ly attended to, the proprietorsshduhl tike, down their signs, not be imposing upon the public. Two gents ert unite for Jhirtwal the otlicr day lia<f to drive three miles ont of their ufay to get to another ferry, after going to'this 011 c and failing to tfnil to ferryman present. Tins is not the firstnime this has occurred, eilner. If you want to cross the river safely, go to A. M. Holland's, formerly Brown's* Ferry. But if you see a Broad leading off with a signboard bearing " New Ferry,” you bad bet ter not-take- it, for tlmre w no tolling whether you will cross the river thst way in aweoki audit isuot free if you-dp. * ACiIALI-Y. , No More Hurd Times. thus clothes* iiifhjboiQCui style, buy good, healthy food, cheaper and better clothing ; get more real atid substantial thirds of life -every way.imd ciffeciallj. glop the ftioleali. habit of employing expensive, quack doc tors or using so much of the vile hiiinbng tiitSicino that ’§o£& yt#i? dhly hana, but (fftryodr trust ip that srnijfltfpijrgrcjncdy. Hop Bitters; that cures always at. a tri fling cost, and you will see good times and have good health. Sec another column. A solitary pedestrian was seen walking at a rapid gate down the deserted street one colil winter's dav, when a deep snow covered the ground, and rendered such exercise diflicwlt aiul tinphjsaat. She faced the wind bravely until she came to drug store, which she entered for the purpose of procuring for her invalid mother bottle of Uoussens’ Compound Honey of Tar. the favorite remedy for coughs, colds, and all diseases of the thj-pat and lungs. It is also very beneficial when used for croup, whooping cough, and diflichUNp* fbf breathing. Price •><) cents. For sale by E. B. Benson & Cos. ! PIANOS fe ORGANS nttlli' FACTpM TO PtmCHASBL tvtRY iwtijpist (MtTylif | Pablo coutiiiucu uSmT Nov i. iw. oWy the hinl ever aucce*fully corned out in America. VtnrotltK Yloit ant! AilvvHUfintMh V f / •%A% ai arttiai. Vt Affftll t Pa QttiPMaitl laitr# T nnUgostßijUa. i*uaus,?wt. n<, 7twt. , mP day* tent trial. I’ur. h*<'r rholc trout ten lead itw wmltnri anti XlHi , iUgi<*. Vs a ts* glsHtillAclub of uks purthawn am! teeuie •rt uiatrnntesf at whole.alw rata*. Sf'lal term* t,. .Vutie Teiuhtri, Ckurchet. nml /‘niton. Addrea. lor lnlw>^ a f LI DDL3 JBA iKHa annua Un )AU *MMMr . . Christ maslias been uncommonly lively m Royntnn, I’bo young have plfaaantly associated together in balls and smrmbles iv*i|-Uet SC>la W •"<' experienced sometbing of the skill of Old tinnUV'GlaUs in sniveling presents for the [little folks Their, enjoymant exceeded their expectations nml made glad their lit tle hearts, while the sweet smiles hpbn -Choir loops oale |a.o*l oil' to ho ouvceodod * STS a.7> .f nft.iuJ„... I |lsq., Kd. N. AdWnjt WtllujjWchl). Amos .Mi**e Lis/ic Bttphcnson and c” l ' - centlemen,' Jerwisc. These a/c|rhVmi"g yo Jlifludies. hope eroHeig Wteec wlsit our Rrwn again. From llowersvillcl fJl.aFay otte Attains. W |Tli Rrown. -B"'dn-. and Tifsbkn Hrowti. yTmt IfcnWtounty: Simmon*, who engViJers suspi cion among tlw4 (iuug men by hia A:voted attention to one of our fair on*s J rlso MissNlnttic Simmons, who carries to tier thg love and best wishea of our peo bm oaiiW nwomi tl><w Wo wrtv pleased to meet db Roy it on de pot the oilier dav. .lolumie M'ileoV, who has just finished his apprenticeship, in Hie .office of 1 he 11 Ati'iwSitiV. Johnnie itt a.' business young man, and we hope lie rriaf inert with success wherever be may ,O}*IM3TAI TUUH.TIW Wvssrr- Daniel Johnson and MojUn NoiSds. Of RexteruvilhGcoutomplnte titttig up a steam gin by next ginning senon. N'aUpyi Williams,, a well-known dti/.m r 1 :T(PKL.., of IlaiL,is verv l"\i wuh dropsy. P: ilTlrawJminTirorfcd to his new res itkince ki XoysiiSh. : .t , Ll % mt £k'ho|fi(VAft;.*ar(fti M<m!]Uy.4lhl* WMc . ayjl honp all will a deep inter est in it progica*. Y I ■ m ■ * 1 1 nm n ■l——MM—lW . Trip to Kiiilisnn. \li^Rß.^l^My|P|pg vc US space in your valuable paper for a brief iikiiteh of a recent trip to old Madison. In company with friend G., we left Hartwell hi a turnout t|M ipspriJy-)|ecyiiii to Nfncy nart,ro*p*cia*y \eboh *lim is up. All ' friend G.'s turnout likes of being perfec tum is a whistle. Wj> hayl but lOdrort (fisVatfre frmh IhttwrW Avlien we mcT aTfTsiid ~ wTfft lififf T '• tendency **~to give 11s more " buoyancy.” W e arrived at Mr. A.'s abqnt |5 11. m. Here we were welcomed kil'Lr the usual style i of tfa MnuistomiWiV/kATtdr consuming a ishqfhtimogviUi SWRW |;tvas tpiiuiuHcoiJ, wlXdli, Ui sdy tbs leatt of jit, was really splenuitl.partotan enter fafn- I mCut'vte always' cnfuied IVdin our youth up. You may know friend G. spread liim wolf. The visit-, to faioml A. will long be remembered as one of the most pleasant of our livous up to tjhisMiliac. T* ncJ <lay we flisited DaiqNSM’ftle, the noted ancient citjr This place seems have been in its glory years ajm, (Seems to T5/slceping Ivor this prOgrfcsite age. We visited Mr. ll.’s a very linJtgen tlejnan, that night, where we had the pleas ure; ff nnting| we t/uik, two 0f Madi- SMiM be! Ms. ftie next day we started for Jhe upper portion of the county. We spent -two*.(lights with Hon. .Joshua.H. While there we formed some acq/nin tances that will make/ lasting impression upon us. If friend G. had worn his By .ron or Shakespeare cap, P’c would have him to compose a ft%y of his best lines for a parting soliloquy. All in all, the longer we stayed in Madi- I son tite longer we.stayil. Friday evening found Ti3 back in HaH- WeTT With !( fiiltutoreof many good things •heard and seen in old Madisoii. Success To .M*rtiaoti ever. ■ f 3 - M. AJUL , 4JL ImL JthJaL %J Tile “Him h iiiml (<lrb of Hie Mon lll.”'—The bVerj l*ajer for Children. Let every parent send O.\F. ixiU.AXt With out delay for this splendid paper. and all tire ctytdnen will be it £ inii nitclv superior ro the trashy. Sensational and immoral. publications which vitiate and corrupt the tastes and morals of the. young. It is filled with entertaining, in structivp,iyipl Juft suited to the tastes of our children, and every one yho has seen a copy is delighted fßth it. It contains beautiful stories, essays, bifyS'Jtftd com positions,' poems”,“jftiz zles, speeches, problems, lessons in elocu tion, questions on history, geography, <tc., and scores of letters written by the young folks in every issue. It is also handsome ly illustrated. IScnd fbr a cemy away, and you will never regret (lie invest ment. Address J, H. fc W, B. Sea us, Atlanta, Ga. 50.01H1 Oikxl Nhlualvs i Wanted bv F<. B. Ben sou a <Jt. Will take |on account or pay for them in goods or I cash. To insure sale come early. Now lint*. It’s a long time tilt Christmas. .1 coins Harper, what'S bekomb of \<b mah l, s dog? • 'hie llfirtlVurtfy ITiarrtai* MAfi sixtgao intmiUts. tai >• yltuaj-uoi ni TIM dl'pw buWtlmj} ; atnM* pthrn l*no"d I nbont mMtpkted j J aS ]mJ >Vi Nt> ViMeytiows n* Tow trait* Dav . ex- COptr* fw at die b*i rtauiwh-utio and 9vU >i| I ’ibuaavmbio a* HolA aIUR.I dnowm Cm) hoiylayv ww. a Jod ii Glßistmas a* (larti*oll -.***■ *Mt !t aud , ordvAly*, t Nvi, * , Adtl# nidk.cuvv, null >otmg calf, for,! *le. sVpplyij) J, % Wn,, mms. | \\ hat Ha) tofts worse than any ™ mowt iq oj ■varuiyua §ja yii thing else just nojt' is a good Itar'u'i simp. Nitwsrs. \N illic Itroarn and Fayette j Ail.mi ■, of rtewersvihe, were in town on sundnt. W. .J/Tceso is nViW’ (tattoblatdd bt buai-1 ness with T. V. StiClTßTrr Hilt is a good .dcMuffi' * nm ■ Mr. ■.lttsepb* W* 1 big slur 1 gPHtIsM of I Athens, was In town Mfaalay night. 4 1U | scllh goetOwkw ui Jv>w j - a-. ,j Tho wheat Amkoata ipiUwitfwttifitjtappv, and looks liny, but *> WS j imhcatc H geed crop. M J The weather seems to ); havq a , at,U,chmgnk This pun was, composed |n less than five initiates, \{'e arc ghel lo know 111 fit Mr. IvicYiaril son'siicw' luiuse is' a good share of patron*,- i • i This office Ik without nf "in imp hIM. Now. girisi yoir cni enmu ta see us without any foar-wlialovgr. host! On I lie road to Madot>n Cbuiyty, OR the 2!Hh ultiiuo,/two fu.fwft ibrium. No insu,rauyy. y reward. L'upt. J. L. Johusiij) i erectly; a dwell ing on the bill southwest of Hartw ell. It commands an excellent view of tovi'ii. MihS Iriila ThojfiUon_4M*Wttf U < -UUI. sonic ffiWrVfclinf fWffiAr* and relatives in AudetSoii county, b'. fX Mrs. Mol lie .Ed'l'kh slis.s,A V jpi Hodges returned to Hartwell .Monday from visiting relatiros'in AYmlersou, S. C, Atlantic Acid Phosphate cau be hud on the best terms at Benson & Co.'s Hoivcrs ville. and K. H. Henson t Co.'s. Hartwell. Henry Holme, W. 11. Ktrphenson's good-looking clerk, is a convert to the bi lief that phrenology as a science has some gum in it. A great many pfour people spent a part of the holidays visiting nesiPoring towns, and they all scion to Imre enipyuC Christmas linely. Jtfgiied We had a pleasant call from Mr. Willie Wilcox, of Elbortun, ilui iug the holidays. Willie is a geuial gcntlppian and athor ougii Inisiiu'.ss man. \VAT('tIK. —Wo havy a lot of the cheapest watches cyer seen )n, Georgia, and can sell them at #2130, up. Call early, at E. B. Benson & Co.'s. Mr. Morgan Brown was in town Christ mas. Hump SkcltotJM says he once tried to yelp up wild turkey* w ith a tin bugle. Brown says it's ad. I. Just ask Enoch Dennald who It was that attempted to split open a standing tree by boring a hole in it and inserting powder, and lie'll tell you all about it. AY# bad a pleasant call from AY. J. fyeotvii, qf AValhalla, during Christmas week. He was enthusiastic in his admira tion of.tlus Ilai t county girls. A young lady in town had seven young gentlemen to call j)pr aj the same hour one night recently, apd yet she does not seem to think herself very popular. Married, at the residence of the bridu’s mother, on,Tuesday, the2Jd ultimo, by the Jtev. W. A. I*nriss, Mr, Jiokhmiaii W. Saver and ktio# 'Xana'V E. F. McCuki.KY, lleinomber, the Hartwell High School opens oil,next Monday, the 12th instant, and it is the earnest desire of the teachers that all the patrons be present at the open ing- ... Wc arc much gratilh-d to state that onr E. B, Benson has sufficiently recovered from his recent attack of diphtheria to re sume his business. Johnnie is improving slowly. Messrs. M. X. Kitton, of Seneca City, W. A. Holland, of Anderson, and A. Irvine, of Abbovilh-, triced Hartwell New Years Hay, accompanied by their families. Hartwell society wits enlivened during the holidays Wy a short -diay in our in Wat of two of llart county's most intelligent and attractive young ladies—Misses Nura and Emma Johnson. The Bobo Hotel in Hartwell sfeml/ forth the glad welcome —** Oomft one ! dM/c all!” The proprietor is now prepared to carry his customers to any point they may wish to go by private conveyance. We call the attention of oiir readers le the law card of Hon. A. <l. McOurry, tp be found in another column. Parties hav ing business in his line will find him faith ful ami competent, and iu every respect worthy of their patronage. He commences the New Year aright. Who next? We never have seen at this season of the year a belter prospect for an entire failure in the fruit crop. Should this warm spell of weather continue a short while longer, tin- fi ipLWyes wjll bursty forth and blos som. >tts lfill<ai b.y t>o c*l&leather which - , , u On Sunday afternoon, a crippled white boy and a one-eyfcd negro boy boarded a hand-car that somebody bad placed 011 the track near the depot to take a little' illlc. Tbe car started down tho big grade, and soon w'as gort% af K’sdVl'tf tliMlha boys. seriug'tbby-rtitiM • tkot ftiwf> it /- tteroom t#f r* Wy If ghto i iwi ti ltd, ffi'Bftii Ati - .Wtf'fliiij" W. W'DAiidW'lurV' 1 ; fife aAt Whiml on aakr, was unnwiiig at II err mg spTnig' aiiif ri?:?rW? fWJJ nSfwf tut 'grSMltß wlrtlo-tdn lalMty* bIUUnOMi !r,welaslieii Ay * ith iTflvUnm ofßclkiji Vtrf T rr Vfl MhWl 'M-it# iX"n hull auuhc lu on the irack aw mii v iriglff ♦m'dW’unlTul-f W Wc*WlWiW W 1 rnp|!flMt Wile,THtk4iAft*tfl,v't-#lW< and' jt Ihtv grmul bti ! tho' it fcoi>* hMH amt th ' tsdlyrt' bank bp If wait |ite*"W dpi trestle on tlie return trip. Hoys, you are bound* to got. A died before you learn ImwGtMlhdnhJH mU ■! TIuA; i.TinsttnaS tr*p jyimie |o|lt Wallen - timW* ;Mn MfW l*diltlilfWcW^' efftf efrtk\vti. ®>d ftbqoln ißitCfAl(r;o*fi!i..mats. IxauilUwHy.dluiui-, nated M.*k ArtiWiwaJwP 'WWbltti V f hue pi WU 1 ‘.K . hatxd* of Suhti> Cltwift, pruignted alioauli r.dapi Ml .Wi-irJimS#. 1 ‘inW‘dv'v, IYNIfe tiliatfh^W^itrifmftfbrilWi tonimiMifri v>> wriviuktflniMtis. tlbm/Aii Gj MKl*rry anconilod cho mliyo** n*'V 'ivtiirt jntraAudtd Vi 1 ’4( > r u (^ilV impioinplii i( m ue. , Mf "‘’“’i" l *’ ft" " flad to note Uiejtrosperuy of tlio~fiuoani lelmoYs'k tidy atfiV' sctlnint erfuse. '"tfotfi 1 -itllr. irhuptuA -Jihii MutWudnt ,chivrdhi's bavp had-llpuuahug; sahool • Ihe yem ,|o>i. :.e I e every rcaavn to .n.rujft | t^ | iircsent rear tliov will Ic more prosperous than liitliefTij. MHHI.f two fsnbbifwSehriolif,'flic laudable Wb'thbiM. tins bad a thvnniblrf tcm/Cncy on hotih. ‘Let With.ih* ."abbalii svlnlf!•i?jn tiuuctu/ (VibM 1 rause as Jlup- tbckpresent year Is (Ycnarlmgt at fts fclosc’. mav tile y(Vun^ 1 inane’£lhd tty a niritaj spleitilid'ChotalifttiH tree than over ItefovK 1 id 'h i WbrtfHtt desotitH* tho do op |yi thb pm* and friTA-'ih tfyliy/j ijjowjo m a young inotUer s couiuenanee, arlif tills Kcr fkvurt ak sttedmbd-* over the cradle of JM/t'HV>T-!ve*i’. ftft'l fbobolds hrtu thar in the sweet repose nT jiifarnyy No rude dreams te disturb bf*> slumber-i-wi hint-fail is allowed in the hallowe I rooui w fiei'e baby sleeps. Al l l l .<m.rli tier love ft pJwiT!(‘s! td pfkvdill ttieC efitionce of dtsi: liws. when croup, tjiat fJirmKlnlde gnrurg. Of ohildlutwdr attacks her darling, her liearf nlindet’Mtirsla with job fd> rtiink tlmt relief can be phAained by usnia (Oussens' Coinnpnud Honey- of Tar. No laniily snoiild be Huthrtifr tbmgft'iiCrrTAcdv llir oougtia k ukW, amt dixeanvh of the tjhniftt, and lungs. Price oil cents, V■> sale by Ti. 11. ITenson A Cos. Mr. Sinclair .MeMullan. who Ybkfde m this count v. about r iriif'- from (..u h bn * i ’ntfd fcwmtiy they enmu nji aaminpniiioil by n wild go I>| lift' The gobbler goes about the lof syemingly very well (umlented with his doiiiesticated brethren when no one is near, but if any-! one goes near them and makes any quick or Sudden me'vknifitt, he will lfso'.idd'ffy if hair mile before44tcp;/ng. The oldest* Idhabitiwt'rior anyiol his kin folk * liave over fiOeitinr or.h>tyian* trfMl balmy wdaH><iW 'v<i ,fat (Jie papt two weeks. J.opk Mt pr i°<> snow and sleet in February and March. All those <*urly hires'' whti are 1 in the KaflJSjlk r uro of planting over again. Merchant*,.do you knew Llqit IffllVide St, Cos., Atlanta.,Hu.. ><ell crodveiw as low as it crtii he houglir afiy w In'i'e’ good goods awl don't mind milling th'Tn dovi'ti at hard pan,prices. They keen the very largest /dock* of crockery'. ghisSAtM/d etc. I roiglits are cheaper from Atlanta than any other point • then why not gjve them your orders? NVhcii you bint* g<'! hitched in with them there is no clmlvUiy you olf. J f , We hear a great dual of complaint if j'the condition of the roads in the neighborhood qf Hrowp'ij Ferry on Savanna!) River. The small brtllge near tuo ferry 1 Vs\siid (o 1/e ih a very daiighto'ls mnditioii. and unless it is' iittemird tiVsoOrt. sonw itccVdeirt will hap pen idiil tho rifunty mil have to pay the damage*. j.mi j. , Ii Ask your merchant for clwthilig made by Edwin Buteiiifc (,'o., No*. Jd7 and T>JV Broadway, New York. J lie largest man yfacturers in New York of .( lathing for .'southern tyaiic. BrlmcTi fiouise. Nos. 21aiid 4 Pryor street, Atlanta, flit! I7h 1 We Were lit errir in stat Tn-f In Dr. B.JG. Witherspoon's triediftiit raid HmtlU ban lorMtisli at T. 11. Andufwoil'a Alilbneikt should have r4ad, at T. U. Amiei *yp>j gu-r wJciic# iiitopqa*! iff uiilLs. ” .Neliy a few of Christmas week witji her li kipls in 4hip place. She is a beau’.rfcil ami amiable young lady. Cqpt. J. It. flardy. Of ‘'ftiFdiul. eaili’d Ifi td kro iiK , 'rtiekd. < ty.' lfe‘ rejiofts Trt< eoit'a* nourishing. BENSONS KgjSfp POROUsI CAPCINE iilglfe PLASTmI That, the public ma if hp.jtmUrfeil aauiMfih Imi tut huts <tnd tin tad- aic w tiullf oifdiW purchaser* ‘of BEWSbH’S' CAPCIWE POTtOUS 10 see Hint the H'nril t'.A fOl ,V H on cAOh -fluster is sp/ltriUriirrti'fn/. Iht'itOt a l laid some vthrr planter to l> pa Inn l <>J) 1 ui<h-r sjmi\ur suiuf.diiii.if naiiu*,i icilji the ■lutsyraf cfiihut it is tin- tame thtjw or as gooT. f! air in mint mat the onfjj t > r naor can Ist the fart Hi lit t hey ran Any tilitf" fhe fn ilV'at' fh'O' 1 it: emit they hope fly I this natmlitalinik y> xhhiU H'liUiMuttil - t ojp \ ' ***** KEAUrUV ti .lOll\sn\. Ph irmiin iillf II I livniisls. \>n 1 rk. S. T. Fleming 1 West I’owcrville's Idliriving rii*4VhMift*.4kf<*H<g Ut4t fues " ' inHf*Hft kMM , There was an unusually large crowd of .people in town '>nrte*lim-MM*A' some very 1 e.rlnob!huioou aftiHli WMfovwi WtcW !^v li'.Vffrunn ylJnooov ,w<4 jjnnoddjptii AVW'Hl'ttHTw !wii "4v/rtF"f*BWrf < *WUi l ßK l jySfc> 1 s tfW r V W’Srff In J'j'glinuaT* 1 dlfi at doaUt'o <L Jtiod* oJq IHWld>iMn/dFHkfWV odT riin.inWiM'trwtf ¥ft4iT I*SW"I f'Mt %I (ionvii'L Uiw iiurtv Dini hWTc ii)Oui ouoy HunTred Smfc *t' } ftftw and jails foal 9d J V tftluvd odt bn a .lutti If. fTX4rtiHfts*on lisnslaiui vlyirttnosoft t|% iKluiad.o rlu \arwjni. .. . . mi: s'uttli, . ... Mi oi nwiiqn ju)iin sinnoi suf nUw vt #* ♦r*^M#’ ,^iWrf o tt , "lMr>W T lftbnd •taa> hm MHrA'ytfj m oV Ye!in!nnM n * Cos he licet ion. Pie last issil* com** W trt , ] km* 1. td ,„A* dtTft- V Wul yxt Hlidtrl.l HfWJftr *|*l ftliofi#iMdtifft*4ii'fcit tore if wtH mil tk- Wmt tint rub* . 4^l'tlßdFl* t iHft , ’fi* ,, %>' IHh^Mdßpißt> 1 Hh^MdßpiBt> te P S v Wf'blKS?U2iV 1 iV£Mhr Jt,wiU eonlnin cvel-y pt?K timrry „r ,e, .-indhilMiffiMUM 6ufti*yv'i*l**il nßti'hHNWßth evory V'lißWiuMrt ' it. .Club# '* fmsm ii .ii. A •\fflrtv J -£A w ; , i Pr.TUTTS ,/ ———in ■PIIIIHIIRBWRW— ,;t Expectorant I IN Bat *A(W Jkj PAWiiP tivo Balsamic. Soothhnr unu lwiluif. I moat offoctivo I,U NUs t offored to BUtf.yura from inli(i.uriH.ry u U *tw voca, rvwim# utftpiilh , HAi iiili jSKK4wa*wti'. Mfeanwtf. city ihn c mu* y ere of n v-ry * HrH I/,/. It we* Mid I conies* my eur.ris iff it* wonderiui power ■, icvf (lays. 1 ctmwr fully ‘t- Mjhp b*jt 1 oog A NEWSPAPEaVuB. Office. Kvenmf News, ■> pr TU r IT: Dear Kir My huio eon, w-w atlA<ke4 isjiassr ‘ VMtiu mended,but non* tli'luny K‘>oti until u*d y° ur **x uorv rMt 000 boltto UK which ro|fy^ antii-tUy. Willi many ilwulu. Im ym.r Iruty, - ‘ }(, j'oof) fI2 1 joiw ii, wr,t*u,i- H.d kinil your Kxpatitora I w O-M'l*iUCd *>woh U ami HUtiMin nuunUn in I had U 4 .i*d Bg (hvcryt hiriK ; lywt turrililu instil wr)at. I twiva Ukan half txilt 04. Hih ooujrh has 1 ipimared.umi 111 iTogllnoo nrtfHtn IMPORTAWT"QHfSTIB!Wr able to iaiaii 1 In* tipn iu tlm llirom ; -1i 0“ flt.of to' b s>s SrT"‘t A sUon> UOYWinotiicy in the rejliori x>f the ji**urt, nboul- Woaf ior ipMtf wfjfvflai, Blg:;E: tMM r.iifs I'iih. Tmm wiii • oa i .'i innij> t cough gon, lull; wort i ton. fiQTiijf liowcts Miwiacni •aitiiratfwntw. KxperUmuit mwriu cluyi. Office, 3S Struct, tmlP TUTT'S PILLS * <.Mn,u>rCrit.. ,i. TUTT’S PILLS oi/in:coNTivirsnss. TUTT 7 8 PILLS c UJK IJLVire AND AULfc. tWt XS| hlr? TUTT’S PILLS CHICK MH.IOLS ( UC.IC TUTT’S PILLS MIVi: AI'I'EI I'l K. TUTT’S PILLS PHlll I'V 'AUK ÜbOOD. tmt,t;s,.pills mmuirai: Guay Haim ok WHisKimi* U.vmt Black by a ainglo ttpplicttti®r^CK , tai* 1)Y%6. IJ, im parts a Natural C.dtvr, acta initar^Ltne and is aa llarml**HH as spring water. Sola by JUrugifiats, or sent by express on receipt of Jjl. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. -t—- J-Hr : Tt* (1 KOktilA—HA KT Clir I TV. I WliOMiL (J..A. \l (*jilJl* #lM'dirtoft (tf Murv L IhifMiiirhm. n<*<cjihi <I, u|iTi<'H t tm* Inr ipiiy *• to -.pH iiiii l iir.dividnl li.ilf intcrcHt 111 four 'I if l tin* Town f Hurtw. 11. I*a.. known in tin; blfli <>!' said Town bv lots N< h. IMS. IKt, -fJ. 35. ami tulbc rsfHto’of said . Tln ac ayt*. g/yj .-lon*, fjY if- ;iil V#lffs :41 HifWwWuW t Mmy otiicr oil or, tin*. tii>k Monday in wbt Mti'l fortvA kiwrtbl JiMitM J >J wA MMI edr. livob udt ImiwWVkft