The Hartwell sun. (Hartwell, GA.) 1879-current, February 11, 1880, Image 2

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TH E SUN. lURTWELL. II %II I lll M l . IM.i WnturMtajr. F. liriiaij 11. IM. BENSON & McGILL. Editor*. A. Q. McCURRY, Awocwte Editor. Tilt: HIHIN BOOMITII. A groat deal ha* boon said by the news papers on the subject of the Grant boom. The question as to his candidacy as a third termor for the Presidency has been one held in much doubt. Since hi* retirement front office he has been parading hintself before the world no little, which tended to the conclusion that he entertained ambi tious aspirations of again occupying the 'White House. What has heretofore been s ague surmise and conjccturo is ripening into moral certainty by the recent action of the “ Keystone Republicanism ” in the State of Pennsylvania. The Harrisburg convention held the 4th instant instructed their delegates to the convention which meets in Chicago in June next to vote for Grant. Considerable division prevailed on this question, but the resolution was carried by a vote of 133 in favor, to 113 against. The New York Convention will select delegates on the 24th, and it is claimed on high Republican authority that her delegation will go instructed for Grant. These developments indicate very dearly that Grant will not only boa candidate, but that lie will stand a very fair chance of being the nominee of the Chicago con vention. In view of these things, the idea of Mr. Jefferson that the safety of Repub lics demands a frequent recurrence to first principles, very naturally presents itself. There is a great deni of talk about Dem ocrats supporting Grant, and the South be coming divided, and all that. Mr. O'Con ner has acted the role of Solomon in this : when he was young he was very wise, but has become old nnd foolish, and in bis do tage advises n support of Grant; and Mr. Stephens has said that the South might go farther and fare worse. We know of no Presidential candidate against whom the South ought to be more solidified than against Grant. Not simply because his candidacy for a third term will be con ti ary to the time-honored practices estab lished by all previous Presidents of the Republic and against its wise and hallow ed usages, but because Grant's administra tions were in open and high-handed op pression of the South. Whenever her peo ple can forget and forgive the disgraceful inflictions of imperious tyranny which stifled the voice of the struggling citizens of Louisiana and South Carolina de throned fair sovereignty itself and estab lished fraud in its place, and whenever they are so far humiliated as to press to their lips the bitter chalice with its dregs ol poison and kiss with frantic joy the rod that smote them—then, and not before, should they follow in the coronal train of the would-be Einpcror Ulysses. A VLW TRIAL RCFIKCn. On Saturday last, tlic Supreme Court of the State rendered a decision in the ca-c of Edward Cox. It will be remembered that he was convicted in May last in Ful ton Superior Court of the murder of lion. It. A. Alston. llis ease was heard in the Supreme Court a short time since, and that tribunal affirms the verdict of the jury and the rulings of Judge Uillycr. Justice Bleckley delivered a lengthy opin ion, setting forth with clearness the views reached by a majority of the Court on the various grounds of error. Justice Jack son delivered a very terse and logical con curring opinion. Chief Justico W arner dissented from the majority of Court, de* livering quite an able dissenting opinion. This would seem to be a virtual termina tion of one of the most famous criminal trials on the judicial records of the State, and that the defendant has no other altern ative but to enter upon the life-long im prisonment to which he was sentenced. Ills zealous and able counsel, however, are loth to give it up, and are considering the propriety of carrying the case to the Supreme Court of the United States, on the ground that Cox was deprived of such a fair and impartial trial as is contemplated by the constitution of the Stato. TH AT ftl PITtVINORSIIir. Tlic question of the contirmation of Sim mons ns Supervisor of the Fifth District is assuming considerable political propor tions. It has drifted from a matter of per sonal insignificance to a matter that in ef fect is a bone of contention between two political factions—the organized Democra cy, personated in the character of the gal lant (jiordon. and Independcntism, repre sented by Dr. Felton. Quite a stormy session of the Senate census committee was held a few days ago. Senator Hill and Mr. Stephens supported Simmons. Senator Gordon and Col. Hammond made strong speeches against his confirmation. All the Representatives from Georgia are said to be standing by Gordon, except Mr. Stephens and Mr. Speer. The former sup ports Felton in trying to secure the con firmation, and the latter so far has espous 'cd neither side. The “still sow.’’ we opine, is drinking more slop. Atlanta Constitution : “The Sparta Ish lnacjitc applauds the effort of The Consti tution to build up the State—its devotion to the practical interests of the State. The Hartwell Sun endorses the words of the Ishmaclite. adding, * Hut didn’t the pro prietors of the Clement attachment have to pay a little something for that hand some cut ? We think they ought.’ All this in the kindest spirit. Now. wc have no disposition to blow our own horn iu this matter, but we do de-ire to say that The I Constitution has not received a dime for its articles on the Clement attachment. The owner*of the patent did not furnish or pay for the cut; it was ordered and paid for by The Constitution. And what ia more. The Constitution expecta to boom | hereafter whatever it thinks will benelit the State.” Our desire in asking the question was to give our contemporary the opportunity of answering the query we have heard propounded often ; and. also, to show that newspapers are not always working for their pecuniary interest alone, as some narrow-minded people are prone to think. We clip the following from the Atlanta Daily Constitution apropos of the close of Mr. Justice Hlccklcy's career as Associate Justice of the supreme court, which shows the Judge to possess poetic talauts as well as judicial functions of an exalted charac ter. It contains the last decision of Judge Hlecklcy—the last, but who can say it is not the sweetest: ‘‘Yesterday Judge Logan E. Hlecklcy took his leave of the Supreme Court, after serving as an Associate] Justice for five years with that ability which has charac terized hitn in whatever position he has filled. His farewell was in a manner at once unique and beautiful. It was so much like the man, so expressive of bis gentle nature that it naturally affected his associates and all who heard him. After he had delivered several opinions on cases which the court had decided he took up a sheet of paper and read therefrom the fol lowing beautiful lines which were drawn up in the form of a regular judicial opin ion : IK TIIE MATTER OF REST. HLECKLEY, J. I. Rest fur thr band anil brow amt bresmt, Fur finger*, heart anil brain • Real anil |ieaoe ! a Ion" rrluaM From labor and from pain ; Pniti of doubt, fatigue, despair— Pain of darkneaa everywhere, And necking light in vain I S. Peace and rent ( Are they th* beat For mortal* hero below 1 In aoft repoae from work nnd woe* A bliaa for men to kuow t Itliea of time ia blixa of toil; No blia* but this, from sin and anil, Does God permit to grow. Judge Bleckley read the lines slowly and with an emphasis which added to their inherent worth. By order of the court they were spread on the minutes in honor of their author.” It is now confidently believed by the Charleston and Anderson papers that the Blue Ridge Railroad will be completed in a short time. State aid will be invoked. Hon. A. 11. STEPHENS has our thanks for a copy of the Congressional Directory. News Items. Eggs arc selling atS cents in Bcllton, Ga. Millions of pounds of pork have been lost in Texas this season. Constitution : A woman is a thing of beauty and also jawy forever. The Presidential election this year oc curs on the second of November. A bill has been introduced in Congress to appropriate SIOO,OOO to the relief of the famine sufferers in Ireland. Tom Blodgett, a son of Foster Blodgett, has been removed from the collectorship of St. Marys, Florida, for embezzlement of funds. The best physicians assure ns that Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup is a reliable and never falling remedy. All Druggists keep it. 25 cents a bottle. The New York Herald lias opened a sub. seription list for the starving Irish, and headed it with the magnificent sum of one hundred thousand dollars. Washington Gazette : Mr. Stephens will have another *“ walk over " in this district next Fall. The Eighth District of Georgia has as illustrious a member as aita in the House, and is glad to keep him in the place lie tills so well. The Republican State Convention of Pennsylvania, which met in Harrisburg on the 4th instant, adopted a resolution in structing the delegates to the National Convention to support General Grant for the Presidential nomination, by a vote of 133 yeas to 113 nays. The appointment of census enumerators will take place in March. Their compen sation is two cents for every live inhabi tant, two Cents for every death reported, ten cents for every farm, fifteen cents for every business establishment and twenty tivc cents for every manufactory. They are limited to 4,000 population each. Gazette : The Elbcrton Silver Cornet Hand arc having rehearsals of a brilliant programme for tlie people at Hartwell on the night of the 26th of this month. The entertainment will be a variety one, but will consist principally of music. The town and adjoining country will be thor oughly advertised right away, and the good people of that section will doubtless give the boys a cordial welcome and a full bouse. “ May your troubles only be little ones, and may you always have Dr. Hull's Baby Syrup handy,” said an old bachelor to a newly-married couple. McDuffie Journal : The Guano agents of Thomson have organized themselves into a Society or Exchange, with by-laws and regularly elected officers, their object being to regulate the business us far as practicable, and to protect themselves against a class of dead beats, who seem to infest every section of country. The class referred to never pay for their fertilizers. They buy from one agent this year and refuse lo pav. and next year they bur FARMERS! LOOK WELL BEFORE YOU LEAP! I desire to call the attention of fanners to the fact that lam Agent for the following Fertilizers: Zell’s Economizer, Which has a high reputation with cotton planters of Georgia, Alabama, North and South Carolina, and contain*^'Jle essential properties to in9urw a good crop. “ . Empire Guano, Which haa given entire satisfaction wherever used, of which I have abundant testimonials to prove. Colgate Manure, Which has an analyst* as good if not better than any on the market. And last, Imt not least, The Ober Acid, Which ia as good as any made in the world, as can be testified to by large num ber* of the best informed farmer* of Ilart and adjoining counties. I wish to state a* an unmistakable FACT ! That I will sell my Guanos at as low prices and upon as liberal terms as they can be obtained at any other point, Come and aee. .r W. H. STEPHENSON, EEaxtwell, Q-a. ROBERT 8. FINDLAY. JOHN B. ROBERTS. FINDLAY, ROBERTS & C 0„ IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HARDWARE, CDILffl, GUNS, CMS, ETC, 2STo- 0 SouLtli Calvert Street, . BAITIMORE, Mr. from some other agent and repeat tha de ception. The names of such parties are entered on the black list of the Exchange, and are known to all of the members, and no fertilizers w ill be sold to them except for the cash. Two Organs. Regulate lirst the stomach, second the liver : especially the first, so as to perform their functions perfectly and you Wfill re move at least nineteen twentieths of ill the ills that mankind is heir to, in this or any other climate. Hop Bitters is the only thing that will give perfectly healthy, natu ral action to these two organs. A Metlleltie Should not be Viujcd Bv the suddenness and violence of its ef fects. Self-evident as this proposition would scetn, there are many foolish per sons who arc contont only with a remedy which acts abruptly. The pill and other nostrum-vendors who trade upon the cred ulity of this class, find their “ best holt,” as poor Artcmus Ward termed it, in the sale of violent purgatives. So long as they wrench the bowels of their dupes suffici ently, they are pretty sure of a certain measure of success. If instead of such pernicious rubbish, Hostetters Stomach Bitters he used, the results are widely dif ferent. The bowels are relieved, but al ways gently, by this pleasant laxative, which does not weaken but invigorates them, and endows the co-operative organs of digestion and bilious secretion with ac tivity and regularity, strengthens the con stitution and physique, and whilo it is safe in its constituents, is sufficiently prompt in operation. BEST IN THE WORLD I j ABSOLUTELY AND Impure Rl-Cnrtj RoJa fa of u altglirfy .llrtv \vtitle color. It tuny • PPMf avliltf. evnmlnoii l>r it cir, l)ut a (Oiltl'.tlilsov \VITII nil uni i >/ ; auti ano UA.-tiftiEit” mi.v.NO i.::i siiowr llie dill cronco. See Hint fa wh'tcaml i’S tt SC, n•. I <> u 1,1 l>o ai.r. Sll.tXEL.Att lit Um*J tor food. A ri.njto bli*. severs t rf(V * cTi-O’iUnl value nl t'.iffi-rmt hum s c ( Uo !• 1 i t.iihiitohe * (h-stt’t rp.muli.l rf rwh kind .vriili idiom. ( t puit rf ester (hut i.relrire ) in clear p asm •, Minin? unlil nil is I'iop>i:pb y liimoiie.] 'ftwi’clot rioin insoluVo Menu- j.i th- inte-iorSo<t i wilt bo shown a fit r retinue iocbc twenty minute, cr sooner, by (he milky i p eiranr • of th. solution end thn quantity of floating £..*kv suaUci ac cording to quality. Be sure and ask for Oinreh * C->.'n Go 'a end are that their mine n i.n Ilia package ami m u will (K t the purest and whitest Brute, 'J he use ot this with wur milk, in prslerniico to Baking Powder, saves twenty times its cost. See on* po-nd package f.r valuable informa tion and read carefully. x j, SHOW THIS TO YOUR GROCER. Cl EORGIA—HART COUNTY. T Whereas C. A. Webb linn applied to me for lrttcrs of administration on the estate of M, I*. Webb. Into of said county, dt*cea:u*d. These are, therefore, to cite amt admonish alt eomwmMl to nliuw cnuite. at mv ofiico. on or lx*fore the first Monday in March next why said letters should not be Given under mv hand and official signature, this Jarnarv \“*tTh V. C VSOV. Ordla tM-a P. P. PROFFITT, ATTORNEY- AT-LA W, HARTWELL. UA. 179 C_ -W\ Seidell, ATTORN K Y- AT- L A JV, HARTWELL. UA. 179 DAVID H. MAGILI7 - <VY - ABBEVILLE, S. C. Prompt attention given to nil claims for collection 178 A. G. McCURRY, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Hartwell, Georglii, practice regularly in the counties of ▼ ▼ Hart, Elbert, Madison and Franklin, and be fore the Supreme Court of the State. Elsewhere by contract. Special attention given to the collection of claims, ami when desired the best of references furn ished among the business men of Atlanta, Charles ton, Baltimore or New York. Ottice in the Court House. 175 COLUMBUS Insurance aid Banking, Conan?. Established in 18'2. Cash Assets 1455.117. Deposited in Georgia U. S. Bonds |25 600. 179 C. V. SEIDELL, Agent, Tliutw.-11. Ga. JLsawinqthe 100. fOMEruL imoTTDvlrtP I ®^" Labor Savl ng a I ANT SAW *1 ACfinfF M fully demonstrated by tne number In use and tLa B resent demand for them. It saws Logs of any sire. me mn can saw more logs or cord wood in one day an.l easier than two men ran the o'.d way. It prill aaw a two foot lo* In three minutes. Ksery Csrnaer needs one. Township agen.s wauled, pd for Illustrated Circular and Terms. Address W. W. BOSTHK H A CO.. 179 Him Si., t'luc’liusatl, O. CAUTION —Beware of all imitatois and in fringers. Wcown fivep* rfect patents on these Giant Riding Saw Machines. We warrant every Machine. Highest Medal at Vienna and Philadelphia. CHEMICALLY rUHE. E.&H.T. ANTONY&Co. 591 Broadway , New York., IlHiiiil'MCtiirers. Importer* A Ikenlcra in Velvet Frames, Albums, Graphcscopes, STEREOSCOPES AND VIES, Engravings, fhromos, Photographs, And kindred goods—Celebrities, Actresses, etc. M ATKRIALS. Wo arc Headquarter* for everything in the way of STEREOPTM'OXS A MAGIC LANTERNS Each stylo being the best of its class in the market. Beautiful Photographic Transparencies of Statu ary and Engravings for the window. Convex Glass. Manufacturers of Velvet Frames for Miniatures and Convex Glass Pictures. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with directions for using, sent on receipt of ten cents. gist jau to gist apr. Atlantic Acid Phosphate can be had on the best terms at Henson & Co.’s Bower 8- villr. and F. H. Benson <t Co.’s. Hartwell. ANOTHER TUMBLE IN GUANOS!! BEAD! READ!! READ!!! W\\ ©. \vuA\t\' eowwwweuvX v-vn\.y\.c XVyvyw. o\W *nX 67.50, ©v 450 Was. coXXoyy. Sol-u/tole Pacific GFu.amo at 12a© same price sls Ola. 5. \\\ue\\ ftoU W\ ©X o\' Wys. CjoXXovc, vv-e ©\ ov VaU VW ©oXX©\\. ©v©anA ycaXyyfXyoyy XW. CoWow \\ev Xoyy\ o\Ayoyy cXs. \nc\' V©. £oX XOYY \%X &o\srCA\\W\' YYOkX. \ a - are the best Guaiios to he had, and the prices the lowest ever offered, For cash we offer bargains never before to be had. Now, considering; etiytlii else is lift ie \M ilis retell tervss your nice. BEMBON k CO, BflffirSYl, GfL E. B, BENSON k CO, Hartwell, Ga. CAPCINE; A WORD TO THOSE WHO USE POROUS PLASTERS. It is a universally ackn nvlcdgod fact that BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS ARE SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. The groat demand for them has caused a numl er of ttnacrnpulmis parties to make *ud sell worthless imi tations under similar sounding names. As the markot is Hooded with inferior planters selling at any price it is important for the consumer to know which is the bus*. It is well known that some of the cheap plan ters have been examined find found to contain injurious ingredients which make them dnugernue to use, causing paralysis and other diseases. UAUTIOX—See that the word CAPCINE on e.*trs* pfatffrtr U Cor rectly spelled. I^2 ISK4IIVUY A JOII\KO\ r . Phnrmnoetltlonl ( liemints \er, Yorli. PRICE 25 CT*. A 1101 SKIIOI.n XEt ll !! A book on Ma la. ial Diseases and Liver Complaint*, sent FITFK. Address Dr. Sanford, IC2 Broadway, New York City COMPOUND OXYGEN markable cures in o'*n*ufpticn, Catarrh. Xeuralgia. and other Chronic Disease* by ilie new (hryrjen Treat ment. now ready and sent free. Drs. STALKKY A PALEN, 1109 and 1111 Girard St., Philadelphia. CHEAPEST BOOK*STOH£w'!tL. 1 5.672 XETV and OLD STIMURII WORKS in Every Department of Liter ature. Almost given away. Catalogue of Gen era! Literature atul Fiction free. Immense Induce ments to Book Clubs and Libraries. I. F. G G A T R R O S„ 3 Beekmax St., orr. Post Office, New York. TIT i IT Of! Stool, Cover and Book onlvsl43 tos-255 ,U| A R V Orsran* J3 Stupa,3 set Reeds. 2 Kuee 2 UiJ Swti!f b Stool, Book, only S9B Holiday Newspapers Free. Address Daniel Fi Reality, Washington, N. J. A KENTS WANTED For the Relit and Krutett il Selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. 1 hires re duced 33 per cent. National Publishing Cos., At lanta, Ga. . r,- AGENTS READ THIS! Wo want an A gent in this County to whom wc will pay * salary off 100 per month.and expenses to ftell our wondeiful invention. Sample free. Address at once,SIIEKMAN A CO., Makbhall, Michigan. SIO,OOO -C ON LIFE & PROPERTY. SIO,OOO vlll be pM lo any person wh.t c.ti EXPLODE A I.AMP fitted with tOiP our N4FETY ATTACHMK2V"”' S f-\V Mai!*• I fret* fop 3ft ctn. F-uirfor ti, .%4D fOB Ajfonie Wanted. Male or Female. V 8- 8. NEWTON’S SAFETY LAMP CO., Kinohahtom, N. Y. v OIJ gALKimooM, 13 Wbit fekoAD way, K. Y. ON 30l^TRiAL! We will send our Ei.kctro-Voltaic Belts and other Electric Appliances upon trial for 30 davs to thoso i suffering from Nervous Mobility. Rheumatism | Paralysis or any diseases of the Liver nr Kulnevs’ and n any other diseases. A Cure guaranteed ter ' no pa;/. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall ! .Michigan. CONSUMPTION Cl HKI). A simple vegetable reinedvH tor tno speed// aim permanent cure of CoDBUmp-H tion.Brouthit’s.Catarrh.Abihmu.amf all Throatm and Lung AJiections. Also positive mullS rndienl cure lor Nerums Dcbijiiy and alia Nervous Complaints, trhich hue h>m letted fan thousand* of cases. Recipe, wiih full directionsH (in German. French, or Emrith) for prupar-H mgr and usimr, sent by mail !>** of chargeH on receipt of Stamp. Please name this paper H ,Rocheiter,W.Y. U F. B. Hodge*. T. T. Hodge*. F. B. HODSES & SON, ATTO It X I.VS-VT-L AW. AIT ILL practice in Hurt. Elbert and Madison of ~! the Nih-■them, and Franklin of the Western Circuit, ami iu the Supremo Court and I’, s I)i. tnet Court at Atlanta. f oflortV’Tt ••tflde. a siifi’bUt =2||HSJ •••>• ••&*>?*!•• • •• • •••••••• \ OLD AND RELIABLE, i! J?Db. Sanford’s Liver INtig orator! ' jtis a Standard Family Remedy for ; of the Liver, Stomach ! j’egetable.— It never ggo •ebilitates—lt is I ■ <' atharticand Gga H M onto, : *|| o'' 3 ! !: IV* ji f Jpf ol A' C !; i LWs^^’lS gy? \ s o'^oA';! s 4's. l 'cv Ki: | {of i | *iJ W l Practice; | 1 R a ftud the public,;; * 111 S’** lor moro thlln 35 years, i IBPX wit!l unprecedented results’? send for circular s fs. T. w. SANFORD, M.D., t* AXt imt tLIST HILL TEll, VOL ITS ItErt TATIOX. * •mvw-vi'i iVHvwi nyvv>vriuu.w JOHN P. SHANNON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ELBEKTON, GEORGIA. Prnetkos In the Counties of Elbert, Hart, Madiaon and Franklin, and iu the Supreme Court elsewhere whe i employed. gj THOMAS C. CARLTON •ii * ‘ • Attorney-at-law, ELBEKTON, GA., AT’"!!!- practice, wherever einplored. in belt. t > TVderal and Stato Court’-