The Hartwell sun. (Hartwell, GA.) 1879-current, May 12, 1880, Image 2

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T II E S V N. UAKIUM.L, HAST I VI .M I. UA.I MVdiidtla ~ Nay IX IHKII. BENSON ft McGILL, A. G. McdlEß'?, Aaaociate Editor. niT miMIOAI) I'OMMINNIOX. Vroctidings have recently been institu ted in thu courts to enjoin the Railroad Commission froiu enforcing the new rates established by that body. One Morns K. Jessup, of New representing certain bondholders of the Savannah, Florida and 'Western Railroad has filed n bill in the Federal Courts. The object of the bill is to test the constitutionality of the law passed by the last Legislature, under 'winch the Comui.voon is acting. It ia ■ claimed that tie lan is unconstitutional on two grounds : First, that the Statu has no ’ right to interfere with these rmporntitui.s in any respect whatever; and secondly, the State constitution providing that the leg islature slreuld establish ju. t and reason able lilies of tanir, gave no authority to that body to establish a com mi#* ion by whom the proper regulations are to he made. In other words the regulations should have been made directly by the Legislature, and not by aid of and through the agency ot a commission. With regard to the first ground, it would seem that the •State and people have a great deal less power thau we have hitherto understood to belong to them, if these grasping corpora tions can suck the very life-blood out of the public, and yet a great State r annot lay the weight of her soteretgn little linger upon them. This ir assuming that the stream can rise higher than the fountain. and that the child can ignoio and over throw the fostering parent that gives it 1 birth, life and sustenance. I'he last posi ■ lion, while plausible, is certainly more specious than sound. After a full and careful investigation of lliu subject, it was found impracticable for tlic Legislature to accomplish the desired results In direct legislation without danger being done either fo the public or the railroads. The adrice of the Horatiftn bnrd to steer a mid dle course was tho desideratum to be con sidered. The requirement of the const itu lion is a just medium, and to accomplish this was certainly the cardinal object of the Legislature. My creating a comum-1 sion for the purpose of investigating and: establishing such rates as time and expe rience should demand was deemed the most feasible and equitable solution of a very perplexing ililliculty. And \vc arc very sure that one of the strong reasons that induced the Legislature to pursue this indirect method was an abundant caution lest some injustice might be dono those corporations. And the very thing of which they complain was done to insure justice to them. The Commission as established, \ve think, is doing a good work in the right, direction, and if let alone will do a great deal to promote the public interests of the State and not crush a single railroad in it. A TOKitIVU CASE. The sad fate by suicide at Los Angelos. California, of Samuel R. Hoyle, tax-collec tor of Fulton county, is not only one to produce great sorrow and regret among his relatives and numerous friends, but points .1 moral that eannot be too well consider ed by all who have become acquainted with th-- melancholy details of tins tragic occurrence. Iloylystarted in life thrown -out upon his own tesources, but through an indomitable industry and noble elfort he met and overcame opposition. 1 eating in Atlanta, he soon evinced his popularity Hy being time and again honored by his fellovrmcn with otiices of the highest trust and responsibility. A gallant wounded Confederate .soldier, having struggled against the evila < f pov erty, his people delighted to honor him, and place 1 him where, by frugality and a proper course of life, he could have laid by an honorably r impotence. Hut at length his tenor of life began to change, and evil associations and evil influences began to gather around him. Generous and liberal to a fault, he has not the bold, firm manhood to resist the insidious dan- gers that arc causing him to drift onward to destruction, and at last be awakes to the. reality that lie is a defaulter of public motley to the enormous sum of A).(kid dol •lars— a rui’tcd tuan. lie abandons home, ;friends and native country, and dies from the field of his prosperity, but on the far off l’aciflc coasts he is apprehended by the ijaw-otlicers. and strange to say, the very •*vound that he received during the late war while nobly tightimr at the head of his; -■ranks was the cause of his detection and •apprehension. A sad travesty on life, th is circumstance has been fitly termed by an able writer of the Constitution. After a stubborn legal fight in the California courts and alter all the decisions had been j adverse, he who had fought his country's battles with daring heroism, he who had struggled bravely to rise from poverty and who had plucked blooming flowers of sue-! cess along his early pathway, and he who I had been honored and respected by in., 1 people, tragically hits earthly career! thy a pistol bail, in his lonely prison ceil at i £,os Angelov. California. An affectionate! litter left to his wife indicates clearly that u-jth all his faults there Something! worthy of admiration, and of true nobility I in the man's heart. The details make up touching ease and point a moral that ! should find a home in the hearts of all • ’ Honesty, integrity, and a firm resistance j i-gAiroUcvil tuHtietfce •• that would hear us i to the iuaels roni of rom. i- the only pole star of safety in neh'-c gs jy.dl as private, life. eiNfTMNATI O*W.HTION. It will, bo t#nu iiibiT"<| that the Conven tion to nouihiste candi late# for Vhe Presi de: iqy w ill be hold at Cincinnati on the 22d of June next. The Convention to se lect delegates to that Convention will be held in Atlanta on U>*' UJh of Juno, i lie Slate Executive Committee recommended that the various counties select their dele gates to the last named Convention on the tlrt Tuesday m June. It is important that this county be represented. If it is the wish of our people to be represented a meeting should bo held on Sal cud ay next for thu selection of delegates. It well for the Chairman of the lU-uioctatic party of this county to call a meeting formally to meet on that day. This is a year fraught with political significance. Of course the suit will continue to rise and set as hitherto, notwithstanding all the boilings of the polftlral cauldron Hml no matter who is elected ami who is defeated ; but as the political situation, to be quite lively for some little liiuu. it may perhaps be well for our people to turn out and give expression as to whom they wish to lead thu van in the next Presidential contest. Pro Mono Publico. Kinnuta St N : We think n majority o' the newspapers and voters of Georgia an in favor of General Oartren f if Governor : but it is very uncertain who the-organised will nominate. Put one thing is certain— if (iartre’l will consent to run ho can beat any man in the State, nominated or not. It is getting about time to let the people have iheir choice. No matter bow many fools may run. the bet man will be elect ed. The common people have much more sente thau the ring- give them credit for. ami arc about ns good judges oi .-.tillable men as any of the delegates to the little packed ring convention-. Gi.oit**2AN. Fa INTESRALaUdhcTEMMuse,. 9 A si re cvitE few ntl the diseases for which it is recommended, and always perfectly sate lu toe t.Oidd of even the most Inexperienced persons. PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER / rrcommtndal by Phyticions, Min inters, Missionarifr, Manapers of Plantations, bursts in Hospitals— ln Short, by Evaybody evn ,/ulurc who has c\cr given It u trial. IT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF FORTY YEARS’ TRIAL. m tt ft T should in every factory, machine-shop, AIN JKlJjliriK and mill, on every farm and plantation, and In every household; for lmmoSuteuse not only for accidents, cute, bruises, sores, etc., but In £9O of sudden sickness; of amr Wad_ welUrlei , and , n ,sted Jrtend of all who want AI IV K 1 1.1. K rC. are and safe medicine which can be freely Tib TT'.TT.-.1.i r,r 11 v without fear ot harm and with certainty ofrtffef. ]ts nrtoc hrluirs it within the reaen oi u; uuu nm unuimur .J—!-*■ Its cost In doctors’ bills Tor auto by all druggists at use. 50c. and #i.oo per bottle. • PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietor*, Providence, R. L tot ai* Waite, Eslex 1 t& Go., MAM .’ACTI'KKRS OF Chesapeake Cylinder, Neutralia Spindle, Extra Fine Engine, Golden Machine ( ) I I j k-\ !> SOUTH CHARLES STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. Id* Otir Royal Safety Oil for sale by F). Tk BENSON & CO. Rip BxctriG3r "Wiig'li.. jraotiiiii Head-Quarters Manufacturers Dealers in Chains, Collars. I (, i nf All Kinds of Saddlery Curry C'ouilis, Hand-Made Saddles, 'Hardware Horst!" Brushes, Bnjfgy. Carriage | Harness, and Materials. Ac., Ac. S;ring Wagon | liridlea, &c. ' Blankets, and Stage o uod'i Sold ut \\ hips.> T-’Olt HAHN E S S ! Bottom Brices. ilames, j BRICE LIST. xo. Mm STREET, LOTTSVILEE, KV. 199 Buy [lie Lilly Slice! Best Slioe in Hie Market! K l ER 1 * PAIR 11. UUUXTED FIRST Cl, iSS ! Miinufiicliirctl by C. \. LI LLY, (liiinmille. Ga ; . And for sale bv— r. It. BENSON A CO.. HARTWELL. OA. HINSON A Of. HO VVERS VILLE. GA. SW’l'T HROTIU'.RS. ELBERTOX, GA. R. A. ELLIOTT. BOWMAN. GA •i. H. GEOER,A SON. BOWMAN. GA. IN 11. BOWERS. ROYSTON. GA. Sou the i'n Alnmijdclurc.i ATeo.u Southcvu - Iu <f t‘pen and eucs. CB ARIES W. SEIDELL, A TTOK A t: 1-A i - /. AH, iUUI Vt I If, t;i Kill Hriddleblt* Again. Mmniw. ]'.i)#roßs : As my subscription to i lit >t'N id tut, of thereabout. [ Con would atop it. I would send the money w ith this letter, but for the reason that I expect to visit your town shortly, then 1 will renew my subscription. I am anx ious to sec your town since it has a rail road. and I read in Thk Sl'N of so many improvements springing into existence there during the last twelve months, it is now about a year since I was there, and hy-the-wav. that reminds me that i lost a lug black dnjr iu Hartwell—did you see ! anything of him? 1 carried him from home ! on purpose to either give hun away nr lose i him. and I tried all sloug the road that morning to give him to someone. hut some how there was no demand for dugs that day : so I finally readied Hartwell with the <iog still at tny heels. After l had hem there two or three hours the dog. be ginning to want his dinner, wandered of!' through town, and for some time l lost sight of him. and thought he was gone for good : but late in the evening Mr. Henson was seen trying to sweep him out of hi* ‘Tore. Ho had taken up quarters too near a pile of bacon. I havo not heard from him since, and never want to. Mot I did not set out to write about dogs. 1 hope j'onr ruilroad may be a per niancnt and successful institution, not withstanding the many tiings made at it. Forty years ago. just nbove where the rail road now crosses Lighlwoodlogcreek. was a dim pathway lending across the creek at a point known as the place where Peek hus buried. At that time there was a large apple orchard there, and n sinnl! house marking the spot where Peek slum bered. Along this path and acrosa thi* creek I use to pas*, going to a mill owned and kept by Noel Skelton, about two miles from where your beautiful town now Hands, and about half a mile from the Line Church, though the Church was not then built. If I mistake not it was built, or the first preaching took plac# there, 3G year* ago tills present month. Tours truly. Rll.J. MnimiLKHITH. I!;it*rn'is in real estate in and around Hartwell, Address 1!., at thin office. A. J. WATT Hns returned ftom market, but in ko busy opening and seTling New Goods, tliat he ha.-;not time to write an udv ertisement. I! vuu want full value for your money, th.-- is the place to buy your goods. P. P. PROFFITT, A 1' Ft) HN F Y \T L A \V, •::*>) i.*., c. \ i-.-. FOR GOVERNOR! ,1 § M M k . JH—JC_ L JL JLJL * go To m v,l i ,* i‘ p 1 ffVml| * tftJuJLjL mJr xr yfw vwJtWJsl* v %JL X FAV Y( )R K STORE. L. N. COHEN £ CO., ♦ * - ,fi -t mJ .> if o * Git NN**r ft U' r! * * .* 0 GOVERNORS OF LOW PRICES. ■ f tK % if** */.'( •* il** . fuik' rr>*?- . u jit* '• r i <>•* *>*■ i ' l .** u>ti ifi ■ ; ;/! i:!t . i‘nir v .*> R;fw f >rM: if*v * i *r *• We have in ntwk and are motiving daily a Large and curcfully selected Stock of Goods. bought direct from Manufacturers by our Eastern buyer. Wc have VAvVveo tvX Vj w\\.. Ss V>V>V> \v\.v*. Vu\\vi, Tv*., vv\\. \\Vw. VAveww V*., vv\w. '.i,000 \vV.w. \ w\v>Av\ vvwvV V'WwvcvV \iV\VV-WW, VV\. \OYV- A large variety of other Dross Goods, such as French Worsteds, Parisian Suitings, DeLaincs, Mohair*, Cashmeres, Alajiacas, etc., etc. XTotioxx XDepa.rtaM.erLt. 10,000 Pairs of Ladies' Hose, white aud striped, from 00.. up. Gents’ Half Hope, from lip. , Needles, 2*c. per paper. Handkerchiefs, silk and linen, front 3c. up. Suspenders 10c. per pair, tip. Buttons to suit everybody from the cheapest to the best. A beautiful line of Hamburg Edging, and various other kinds of trimming from le. per yard, up. Ladies’ and Gents’ Kid and Lisle Gloves from 10c., up. Ladies' Ties, from 5c., up. And n vast Assortment of other article, too numerous to mention- dotting' Depaitment, Iu this department we can suit Sons. Fathers and Grandfathers—in all the latest and most fashionable styles at the LOWEST CITY PRICES. White vests front Coe,, up to the finest Marseilles goods. No trouble to show geode—come and satisfy yourself. ! HATS, HATS, HATS. We have a large and magnificent assortment of Hats for Men, Youths and Bovs, in the nobbiest and latest styles. BOOTS, SHOES, SAN DELS. I For the Spring season we have a full line of Ladies’ first-class makes in Pebble, ( Goat, Morocco and Calf. We are agents for Ladies’ hand-sewed French Kid Button Shoes, which we sell below city prices. Also, have a full line of Gents’ Boots and Shoes, from the cheapest to fine hand-made at astonishingly low prices. | We Guarantee Every Pair of Stas we sell! XPlece G-oods XDop3.xtm.erLt. Linens, Cottoimdes, American and French <'a-i acres, cheaper tlsau the j cheapest, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. White Shirft from 50c.. up. Gauze and Summer Merino Undershirts—in fact evervtliiugto be imagined belonging to this department. XVcOV* C V\A S, TvV \jV\¥iV WyVV V'ycuAlc “Wve v *. Millinery Department f A full line of Ladies', Misses’ and Children's Straw Hats, in all the iatc-st stvles and shapes, trimmed in the latest style by a lady artist for this market. THE UNPARALELLED SUCCESS WEED l|i%-WEED FAMILY mm \jA FAMILY FAVORITE Hnfjg FAVORITE Sowing Hade sewing Made Il;is induced us to preson it to the people of Hurt County. A record of popu- Linty proves it to lie the Lightest liuuiiiug, Best Satisfying Machine in the w orid. \\ e " ill sell it clieapi r than any tiist-cJass machine in the market, and .'uinnntee lull satisfaction. ( time and inspect them. Vvv V* OWv\,U.VVV>\\, vv-v' VVVV v\.c\c vwwyvxaV \o Vv V\\C iiVUtVwS Vi^w v WvtA'S u\ V\l. v\c vvAwvXv iy VyyvvV W v *vW eOWVHWW. HEALTH tails PLEASURES OK n DISEASE WITH ITS AGONIES: CHOOSK ui:tw kes thkm HOLLOWAY’S PILLS Nervous Disorders. VTn vt la more fraiful thM brisking <lmi nof the nervous system I To In- tjxcltahlo 01 ucrvoua in small cWk# Is moot tor where tan * maeilv be found i There is one ■—%>* I'ttle wiur. ki r or.plrits, or far letter kMi trtj no wt*ak t : being prrfvrahle; 2rtU the frv*b air vnu can • tsi.e three of four Pili. * vt* i\ flight] eat'ltUutV of solids avoiding the u ol slops; and if U.rse golden rules Ilf*' Min* rd .Von ft ill be happy In | mind ami siren* in bedy, and forget yen have any Mothers and Daughters. I If tknie i*on# thing more than another lor ft hicb thrr pfll. srrwftmona it ie thrit pudKln* prop ertioa eapc rinllv tlHirpoworof cleauaißis tlio bl<M,d I from .it) iutpiiflUr*. Mot rrmovlfti; .Iniigeryii. and . UMftiM 1 , >i i went ion.. I uivt't*ub' auopted n tbo ; ono immrt rr.nnlr for frmak (iMliplftlM.v thoy never fail, nortr weaken the ayateni. '' alwaya bring | uliont wliai rrquirrd Sick Headaches and Want of Appetite Tb*i*o fewliag* whirb ao *aild(“ii u. most frequrnf lv .irixo from imnovince* or tronblr firm rSiirfrttrrsi: ; prr-pitatiou or from ealiPK aftil drinking whaj in until fir n tlui. dl.sordering tbo liver am ktonuicb. Tlu pi no* wnirV n-gulale*. if yo.t wi.h io lie well The Pfllx, if fallen .weonlini to the bi niUMi iuslnuitioca, *>U quickly rent.,,-., In althy action to tioth liver amt atomacb, wlienec follow, ax u natural eonieqneiire, a g'al aeperit* ami n clear bead Iu the built anil t\ e.t lilieu scarcely any other medirln* In cve need for thee diaorilcr.. How to be Strong. Never let the boivd* be riilo v rrmfineil of unduly acted poii. M ma> *p*rr eltisnlai that Holloway a IMlle -lionld bo m.nll,lurml' and tor a run upon the bowel. m*iiv pi-reon- that 'hev ftimbl in ttreaen) relaxation. ThU ia a great mistake, Siwever - for tbfts* I*ll> ft3l Itnmedkfelv forrret tlw liver aft.r atop every knot of hoftel voiniilaiiit. In warm cli mate, fhott.afril. of ih-< bn-“ be-n eyved by the use of thin medicine, whirl* ill ail fawn* gives, tone amt vigor to thr n-Sdle orgsnV syvf*t<i. IMwev gr dir*tigit —b. alih aiiiiatniigtli folio" ing a. matter of courac The *|iin?fe tno ia vreth*rfaliv Inei rrae* by the use of t!ieeerm. rombimd •* the use of sofid ir preference to fluid diet. Arhus! food J* setter titan broths ami atewe. ll\ remov iug acrid, fnmrntod. or other impure humor, fintn tile liver, atomach. or blood, the cause of dyarufry, diarrbaa. and oilier bowel complaints is expelled. The result is, that tho diaturbiioi o is arrested, and the action of the bowels becomes regular. Notlilug will stop tbo relaxation of the iioft iTa an quick); M ItlH tine corn ( ting niedl cine. Disorders of the Kidneys. In all disease* alli-eliog U,*so wgan*..ftliutiieutiia *• seer*- 1. t*s. mnrt* nr ton licto warer -or ivbetTier they be attlit ted * itfi too os gravel, in- witli aclir.r and pain* settled in the loins over *he rogimrftof the kid - neys, those l*>Wa sb.mM ba taken awoontiag to the pidct.d direvtiona. m.d the Ointment should lie writ* rubbed Jttfo the small of tin' bunk at bedtmu'. Thi* trentwrnf will give aba. ’d Uomeiliate vehef wlu n aIS means bote failed. For Stomachs oat of Order; No juefiicinf wi?l i*o t hjvove thy fonts of ' the stouiach a the*;* Pills : fiver remove all .ncfdity, j cKtasittuni itluT I>> interop**!aiieo improm*r di t. ; They roaoli t!n lixer jtnH /•‘flMr*-ft to a iiruiby ac tion; they, air woiHlntuWv rtlicaeioßii in * spasr*: s:i fact they nevsir fori In curi-wj; | of the liver ami stownrli. Uollot?"*/* rills are the firxt int&rr-.i rmwdy ii i Wo rid fur the Jolltncinfj dixtitres : Ague. (’otisumptiou, Tntliiv.Dnat ion. Sure Throat. Aatln.m. Debility, Jaumlice. Stone and Gravel, I)ro])sv, liilion* vonipui t* Liver t loiiijdaints. Secondary D\Mnt*ry f Blot eh ea on the S\liiptomi r Ery Fipel a:*. Skin. I.m:wbug< f Tic doiiloureaux, Fevers of all kimU, Plica. liowel coin ].taints. ItUcuinatiHm. Ulcere. Fits. Retention of Wnrtna all kfttita Oliee. LTino j Ciont. Ueailnthe, Constipation of i ScrofnTa *r the tiuweh. fiaSjs,; , e Evil. Weakncaa from any caurt*. i' A I'TIOX ! Xone genuine unless the sijjna tun* of J. f r the United States, snmiuniD ejfcfi* Va>n of [‘ills and Ointment. A hand some reward will be j,|vet to any partied the tuediviwes or veudinu the .same kncwin‘4 them to *,* Sold dt the Mauuf*4H#y of Di-oiV*ssv? Hollo way i*. Cos.. Nerr York, *vnd by all l-wpoetoble Drm; "its and D alet> in Myhlb .fcc i krone Lout the civil ized world, in bo*i s at . 'Ut.4, *l2 eeaWs and fi each. i kf' Therr* ia c-xLdrtier.ible* -**vf*<; m t*K:ng ti**) larger sizt s X. I'—Dbvftions for !?** piithmT of parfeirts t;i ever*, disorder are adixe<t to bo*. BEST IN THE WORLD i ] r..a:-3 SoCa f-s nf a r k to| lf } y metj trltUo valor. 5< may appear whf.'r, exDrutncd !>y lt *elf, hilt u COi'ili'Ain.soii WlTir t s?t istf'ltl fi- “AlttPT t\D ” k. V. lii allot? ttio Clflaroitcc, hap tlrr-4 y n r - p ß f x . rtcnTn r. ys : !e-an.; ii /J nficulel |o Vff.l, •;. m tto i.’ts.l..".‘.VT: v..-.-A lor iced, A i.uw out peti :.v t, ,/p. . f jSritfK r 71r...' hi an a of .Coda it v.i dissolve a ttevm-i t f pnOßTni < ((• ‘h It mil wi 'i i.b-H't a pink id y-at<r that prei,,y c-.l) in tlear glass. , until ah is tliorurphh- Thodclete liopa jnscluh'c J:i Ut,r in thv infeifor Kod v will -■e shewn nfti r set f linir some twenty nir.utes or aoouer. by tha sulky i p.,e-irmee of the aolutiqa e.n-v the onsnlily if Hoaticj; Cucky matter ao. coming to ijuigity. ' Be Bins nnd ask for C hurch & Soda and eee tneirname ia on the package and you will get the purest and whitest made, The uio ol ilHs with sour railk, in prolerencu to Bakina Powder, ravea twenty tunas its cost. See one ponnd package f t valuable tnformae. .ton anu read carefully. -go. SHOW THIS TO YOUR OROCER. 196 r ]"G CONTE ACTORS d.l •• <*•. •><*•* over mw ti j, tIu e Hamsters around verandah and laving s. M HV ,r I “. v, ii , nd) | pf Un-rour'. House in ltart t'ji; }’*'} Ct iV. nt .' • ( . ; " " 'll >• received by the mi- Ursigued until I'd o ( lock At. Saturday May 15 ihso. lio . ’"L, "t h '"V 1 ;V s, - 1 - - J! " 1 I ' ,,r online Court liird?- *ri ’V. I ** G~” with the name ot 'L . ,V 'V" 1 ' lurnlK U all materials and “tf U,k ai,e * t - srbetiijitial and norh lu r.oi r U, "' r v !iu ' l 11 1 "’"' 1 "minty for till tmllihu performance of the ruik. The Court / lou.-e is t a lee; !. 'i. .and 111 feet wide. Ttie OnU Th'i' emVi* S I th * ' to 'eh* or reject' ~il hid* . 40 Tl'Vl V 'T 1 ’ 1 '' 1 -'-" ,]le Ul August, thi-tn ‘VV 1 ’- I fnKßitiralionaare to be ween at ' ill°4v, ,f “ " fl ‘f H'* l ' l " ell. Gh. The Ordinary Tr , ' ,V m,r: :,n order on the County ia eo,nnl I .LV r h . e a,m " m i lus hid when the work ! V ,T c . nv, ' rt - T,| i* April It iseo. 1 ■ ■ STI-.l HlihisQNi Ordinary lia.i t Cos.. Go. A, G, McCUEBY, Attorney and Counselor at\ Hurl wall. Georgia, ffEularly .n the c„un.|c„ of ’ KII Aladwoit and and be mve the supreme C,, art u{ the Stjdv.Klj.ewhere bv rhlS!?*’*'. V’T"* 1 'V. ue collection of 1 J ' '-‘‘sired the be >i id' references furu lslu tl hiimhhj t!i iiusim.** u.a'ix AUmiti Charles t...r 1.-altnu.-re o, New York. i„ the Court. ~ 175 f ' KORGIA—HART t'OC.'Ci'V Whereas,.l. oH ia i i y. finder -pi.tiy, u , lor lettet., ot administratuni on t }io estate of Lee tin' d-r. latent saulcon-ity. dee-ased : These are there to and ,dl vned ; *Tl?nr V, '■"> "* A }*'■'.'■ amy other .-n <u befon the (ire tT/V ■•* , v vv w hy 3i,ou: ' l 1,0 ram, 1 ‘ ""Hr my hard . . office, this April i 1 STEI’H l. v 7o>' OrdicaiV