The Hartwell sun. (Hartwell, GA.) 1879-current, September 16, 1882, Image 4

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suy. a CHURCH DIRECTORY. lurriMT church. Service* <xt 3d olid tth Sunday* i enrh KKV. L’NM. A. J+IAkKI.T, l 4 *tr. pkiwbyArias church. garrioom Uw M Hawlii l •'•eh nmntb lltapllsl church). ltd. K. I*. Mmn., siktik just cnuium. Itnrhr. It I'iimlt. Hantwki.l/—'<l ami -Itli Smi.l\. innrtilnv nnd ulglit. MriiKnliA —ll Kunilnj ami Satimlnv before. 11 a. in. l.iwtirrt llim.—Saturday liefocc 2 I Sunday. 11 n in. t’oKKnliK iiv—lid Sunday and Saturday Wliw Ml. ZiuX—4lli Sunday, 3p. in. Kiev. R. A. SK.U.K, P. C. IX A DANGEROUS FIX. Holding mi n Altisli Tmdn Hundred Furl In Mid Air. Otir Geneva correspondent writes: •‘A few d;ivs since two schoolmasters from Moraine, a Savoyard village near the Swiss frontier, made an excursion to the Col de Coux, not far front Chnm pery, in the Valais. As they were descending the mountain, late iu the afternoon, they thought they heard cries of distress. After a long search they perceived a man holding on to a hush, or small tree, which had struck its roots into the face of the precipice. As the precipice was nearly pe ular and the man was some 1,200 feet below them, and the foot of the preci pice quite as far below him, they found it impossible to give the poor fellow any help. All they could do was to tell him to stay where he was—if he could —until they came backend hurry ott to Moraine for help. Though it was night when they arrived thither, a dozen bold mountainers, equipped with ropes, started forthwith for the rescue. After a walk of twelve miles they reached the col de la Golesc, but it being im- possible to scale the rocks in the durk, they remained there until the sun rose. As soon as there was sufficient light they climbed up a roundabout path to the top of the precipice. The man was still holding on to the bush. Three of the rescue party, fastened together with cords, were then lowered to a ledge about GOO feet below. From this coign of vantage two of the three lowered the third to the bush. He found the man, who had been seated astride his pre carious perch a day ami a night, be tween life and death. It is a wonder how he had been able to hold on so long, fur besides suffering from hunger and cJd he hud been hurt in the fall from the height above. He was a reserve mau belonging toSamoeus on his way thither from Lausanne, where he had been working to be pres ent at muster. Losing his wav on the mountains between Thonou and Satnocos, he had missed his footing and rolled over the precipice. He had the pres ence of mind to cling to the bush, which broke his fall, but if the two school masters had not heard his cries, he must have perished miserably. Hoisting bini to the top of the precipice was a diffi cult and perilous undertaking, but it was safely accomplished. None of the man’s hurts were dangerous, and after a long rest and a hearty meal or two he was pronounced fit to continue bis journey and report himself at the muster — London Times. ••Ul'Tl’l*AlKA.” Quick, complete, all annoying Kidncj\ Bladder and Urinary Diseases. <l. Drug gists. Dakota (Jlrls. A Dakota girl has earned her right to the endearing title of “duck.” While crossing the river near Valley City her canoe upset. She tied the canoe to her ankle and swam ashore. Another yo mg woman of the same Territory has advertised for a husband as follows: “I mean business. If there is any young man in this country who has a* much sand in him as a pound of plug tobacco I want to bear from him. 1 I have a tree claim and homestead, am a good cook and not afraid to work, and willing to do my part. If any man with a like amount on hand, and decent face and carcass wants a good wife, I can fill the bill.” COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE, ,J. 1$ Benson nml K. 15. Bensou have till* day r * ,ll P Hun name .it jiensox a ( <(., tu tin u general mert-mitile ml trmliiiK business in the town of Hail wi ll lUrt •muitv. Georgia. Tlieir store anil nth,-.,- is located Ml tho eld stand of L. IV Hi nson ,1 Cos . on mint In-ant earner of public mituuw. Tina June 15th, ISML J. IV BENSON. E. H. HKXSOX. AT HOME AGAIN. the above || will be men Hint we are at > wlmre we exiMw.t In e ivr tl„i tnol V.H.'" 1 :* 0,, rM-rie.n. i„i Iv mml Tl K T' ~’ k "'V " ' U, out tin- (treat ailo nmial et. w"l'pteeUtl.lK east fnvura. |mti„i,a-,. ,J "" k lO'ttoiiH sp.-uk louder than wot ,1k atoi e\l<H t to poo e i-li-nilv to all that it will !„■ to theit to with |l M Wa. ....... 'll V V, ** ■ Wt? now have a at h-V of I ate,lt mol Family M.-ilii in, s lla'lwar,- linwaie r rookery < J encode., ete. Kavly tbia fall to al<\ mir ktnel Uiu.t.. ..-I ' * . **“> l >“<> eVawjTthecli^Sto^in^A.^ HKXSOX ii CO. Failing! That is what a great many people are doing. They don’t know just what is the matter, but they have a combination of pains and aches, and each month they grow worse. The only sure remedy yet found is Brown’s Ikon Bitters, and this by rapid and thorough assimilation with the blood purifies and enriches it, and rich, strong blood flowing to every part of the system repairs the wasted tissues, drives out disease and gives health and strength. This is why Brown’s Iron Bitters will cure kidney and liver diseases, consumption, rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, mala ria, intermittent fevers, &c. *O3 S. Paca St. # Baltimore. Nov. 28,1881. I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and for several weeks could eat nothing and was growing weaker every day. I tried Brown’s Iron Bitters, and am happy to say I now have a good appetite, and am getting stronger. Jos. McCawley. Brown’s Iron Bitters is not a drink and does not contain whiskey. It is the only preparation of Iron that causes no injurious ef fects. Get the genuine. Don’t be imposed on with imitations. n msx Kind OHEAFEK THjU^EVSK. IUIIm, Shot Guns, Revolvers, Ammuni tion, Visiting Tackle, Seines, Nets, Knlven, llnzors, Skates, Hummocks, etc. Large Illustrated Catalogue FREE. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, PITTSBURGH, PA. fICERSTS WANTED! Ladies mid Gentlemen, to eiißago with us to sell several I'seTul Eloiiweliolil Article*. Profit* large, i.nbor I* light. Insive territory given. No competi tion. Terms liberal. Circulars KKKB. Address, Henltl HunuftttT'g Cos., llox ttliti, l'lUsburxli, i*s. A NEW CURE FOR ■stBEUETT. ' .1 [.V'f AND ALL TROUBLESOME VERMIN. sure, clean I v und clioap. Haniide Package, Tost flld, 30 ct. AG FNTS WA N I'Ll). Ad lre*n, *T- H. JToltnwton, I’lttaburgh, Pt. Musical instruments of all kinds for saia vory cheap. Catalogues free. Address, RICHARD HULL & CQ„ Boa 860, Pittsburgh, Fa. (Plain English! HERE EXPRESSED! ouh fmc Circular tells the rest Khok.i*. June 9Hh. WH II A Kit IS Hemkdt Co.-umd lb dlrvcUal ond tlirj compMvlj currd me. In ebottt eeo wwk from ihw time l com ran need untnu them 1 bn**n to well and I Ca*nlinund to u*e ell the hoi with rn rut antluinrovenicnt nud alnc that time ( Oct. lffl) I have fait like anew mnn I truly hope that many of thn sufferer* will tind out thnt you have a specific for nervous woukius- n <1 Du cured by the hhidi. Kespectfnlly Yours, P. B.—Yon e ill not publish my name but person* vislt loai yira may ho referee \ to m> and I will anawor them. To every yountr. middle a*e or old man troubled with nervous or physical debili ty or impotence sealed circular is sent free. Send full address on postal card to HARRIS RSMEOY CO. Bt. Louis, Rio. We want your address. You need our remedy. Bond and bo couviuced of this. For sale ly J. 11. BENSON. < vl. <ln ’i ?°T n t^-f( her. A lovely maiden leaps mto eternitv! Wives and husband*, aon. and daughters aru wieckcd and lost. M iny sad hearts are left to mouru tho loss. A husband lost tun Wife and daughter, a young man lost his betrothed. loai A contemplation of these horrible •* wrecks” work wonderfully upon the mind Tho thought makes ene feel .ml. The strum upon del.cata female nerv.-a is t - . r,-aC A married ills rf oVr scn,.,S„™ wm so wrought upon menially that she became low-.pirit, d-. ands ydl ’-dl a,m/tito, r .?z:££*}r • "-wee, and fro,mi. Her' friends ’,l thata he‘V„uid noi think oftUE .■.a .. , !• l ', ul . I ' l,e insist. 1 that she was sick in reality, and took her bed. She soon bad ache! and exccssosand dealh. W ° ,< ““ l0 ,ruublM * " Ulc “ eTltltuall I •* b =Hron.g andtV'rvmw I ',* ' :i ' ■ f V" unc ''*• *> had lost a friend and soon became melanebolt i min lc.ut’a’bi tv; ' ' ’, ‘ r T >p *° '> he., .he lo.t all desire for company, ki? fat H l,ci * h\ [ /f ,?,c ‘r ’ *£’ r cl T‘ k * weemnopalo, complained of counUnt headache, ami 'i St'L-o cost ,re of evn )r* !v ol‘ nrrlr übUs i fj* l *** o ** V*Jl dclinum, convulsions, and death, thoul.l I t * y ouurrcncts and wracks" upon foiaale society arc frightful. They v . J and On ro is a remedy within tho roach of all, and il is vour duty to at tly it lnsd mWaTSJiSuI' h ~‘V V n: i ,i3h Hid 1. nu and ttJc one* ‘ 1 U>es ® wrecks.” bend your name to j. p. and co„ lounviUe,\y., To FIRST PRIZE! SOLD MEDAL! AWARDED TO E. aan W. nlsle ... Cos. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, For the Best Cotton Gin and Feeder at the International Cotton Exposition of 18*1. Awarded for the I) POT Samim.k Ci. Ran Shed. ' I i V I Co.NSTitriTKD Machine )[ jl ) J rou Ginmno Cotton. This Gin is an iron frame, steel shafts, and everything of the best material. 1 I l' .!|![; I This Press ij said to be the Best Press in the World! Suitable for Horse Steam or Water Power. Send for Prices and Terms. E. VANWINKLE & CO., (Box 83) Atlanta, Ga. 2!H)-niO texas mm. o SIFTINGS is one of the best humor ous papers in the United States, and is robbing the Free Press, Ilawkcve, and others of the glory they' have so long enjoyed. —Cameron Sentinel. It is literally a household necessity, and is taking the lead in the list of hu morous papers. —Rochester ( N. Y.) Ex [tress. 82 A ¥ F,A B SlI BSCII IPTIOX PRICE. n Address, SWKET & KNOX, Austin, Texas. TRUE AISO TRIED! BEST AND CHEAPEST! Are the Fruit Trow from the Jackson County Nurseries. For tin* convenience of my Hurt ('minty friend* 1 lntve arnuijL’cri with Mr. S. \V I*tMk to rveeivo or ders fo- nit*. He will not cMtivnx*. but will Im* found nt the store of T. •!. Liudur at Hartwell. You may depend on genin'* low cut prices from Itlm. *l. G. JUSTIC E. MOORE’S BUS K ESS UNIVERSITY, ATLANTA, GA Students on 'Clung. ! Tin* 1 ‘.ti-ini World in Miri un*. < 'lie of llie Best Tract leal Sellouts in the coun try. Circulars mailed free on n11(1 licittion. EDWIN BATES & CO., Wv* ftoovV* w\nA Aos. 122 $ 124 Meeting Street, T1(0 M 11 1 *M <<s AIIA s. 1 Ohak’m K. Haik. ,• lAAC lIot.MKB. 311 JollX It. STKKt.K, J BI T '1 I*EST! WI3MSHIP g BBOS.’ COTTON dim, feeder, and condenser. • , ‘>3, a I 'ill ■ THEY CLEAN THE SEEDS. MAKE GOOD “TURNOUTS” AND FINE SAMPLES. IFIEeiCIEiS LO"W. E. E. BENSON, Agt., Hartwell, Ga. For First Class Machinery, ANDERSON, S. C. HAVING pstfllJished thf Southern Knmrli of the (IKISTH MANUFACTURING COMPANY at Aiiilcinoii, S. C., I will always keep on liaml a full supply of WliiTf you ran get any hized Eiinino you want, ritlirr on skills or wheel*, anil will not have to wait on >our orders beiii" 1. 1 tilled, 1 >iit ran take it l-ijjht home with you ns soon ;im you float :.L~I L the trade Yon ran also see the Kliirine hefore huviii'T. ‘ . . 11 v Come and see me, or write for Catalogue and Terms. E. F. DIVVER, Gen’l Agent., 306-318 ANDERSON, S. C. 34 YEARS ON THE MARKET ! THE BESTgiS THE CHEAPEST ! SOUTHERN BRANCH MIL3URM WAGON GO., LIBRARY BUILDING, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. IfcvfXll.BTTlKlfcsr I* made of the best nnitei ial*. of thoroughly seasoned lumber, and by faitlv paid lionext workmen. N convict labor used. A stock of every size and variety can always be found at NOS. 39, 41 and 43 DECATUR STREET. Also at same place the Largest Stock of CAKKIAOEK. BUGGIES, PH.ETONS, AXI) SPKING WAGONS IN TIIE CITY. Tlic Wilburn Hollow Iron Axle Wagon iff liter Itent. Try One. J and s*e us bet* re purchasing. Special prices to the trade.^4-3 If 30111 merchants do not keep them, write to 234-319 11. L. ATWATER. General Agent and Manager Southern Branch. STEAM EIT GLUES AND CIRCULAR SAW HILLS. Improved Southern Fan Mills, Fixed Threshers, Athenian and Bill Arp Ilorse Powers. Bark M! is. Cane Mills, Colt’s Celebrated Power and Lever, and Brook’s Revolving Cot ion Press, Iron Fencing, &e. Also, Manufacturers’ Agents for Portable Steam Engines, Turbine Water Wheels, Cook’s Evaporators, Victor Cane Mills, Combined Threshers and Sep arators &c. ixfr For Descriptive Circulars and Price Lists, Address, 284-335 11 XICKERSOjY, Agent, • —— 11 . ,J .13 *■&, Comsiun Sense ©oels waiter ENGINES. jjsn Prices from $240 up. Wv\v. a,,,.,,,,,.,, E v> BENSON, Agent, HARTWELL. OA. UNDRETHSPSKf* CCCnClForthe MERCHANT on our New PJJ For the MARKET CARDENER OCCUO CCCrtC For the PRIVATE FAMILY CCCftQ hy nurSßlvflfion our own 'armtlwCCUw O’" Handsome Illustrated Catalogue and ltural Register FREE TO ALL. MERCHANTS, SEND US YOUR BUSINESS CARDS FOR TRADE LIST. DAVID LANDRETH&SONSiSeep GROWERS, PHILADELPHIA ROBERT S. FINDLAY. JOHN 15. ROBERTS. FINXi £ Cos. IMTOBTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IX \\tvp\\v*vec.> &:c. 219 >O. 9 SOUTH CALVERT STREET, BALTIMORE. MD. GEORGIA MUTUAL RELIEF Association. G. J. FOREACRE, Fmident W. I*. ORME. Vice-President" K. M. FARRAR. Secretary. J. F. ALEXANDER, Medical R* amin GKO. S. INGE, Gen’l Agent ATI. ANT A .... UKou Thi* la the very bent life inuran,>. ,„ r ' ’ Urn apply tu ' V** f Uc. F>. B. BENSON. _ AuajiT eoa Uakt, HELP For Unmarried People! MEN AND WOMEN’S MUTUAL Relief Fill Asocisaiioi. ATLANTA, GA., ISSUES CERTIFICATES OF $2,000. I l *'*'*>• ill Odrty days lifter maturity f (Vnin cat.-, which U twelve ml,, fnm, date „f u.",'"; Certirirate of Kndow nont. Yor Conntitiithm nnd By Lawn nddnvn MUTITAI. RKI.IKF YUM) ASSOCIATION. Uur. Bn>ad mid Hunter Strevt*. Atlnnla. <; a G. 1). HARW ELL. Secretary, Atlanta. Ga E. B. BENSON. Agent. Ilartwell. fi.-lii') 3 mm I'AMRXCCR Ilr.f vIIT.MK.NT On and after July MU. IW. PaK.tcn-ri T i, arrviee on the Atlanta nnd Charlotte dir! i.-iion of this lamd will be as follows: EASTWARD. Mail a.mi Exi-kess, No st. Leave Atlanta 21o pm Arrive (.aincsville r> (M Lula... 5 35 p:j Kahtiii fxap Junction t> !l n m Toceoa MIL Se".<a Bltp. Oreenville loos pa, Spartanburg lMUpn, “ Castonia 2 Winn, “ Charlotte 3 15, Mail, No. 53. Leave Atlanta 4 no am Arrive Gainesville (i IDa n Lula ti 50 a m Italmn Gap Junction 7 tl a m “ Toccoa 8 17 a m “ Seneca ttfin, “ Greenville 1103 am “ Spartanburg 12 24 pn “ Gastonia 2 30pm “ Charlotte 4 00pm WESTWARD. No. 50. Leave Charlotte lOdan. Arrive Gastonia 2 02am " Spartanburg 4 31 am “ Greenville 5 59am “ Seneca 7 43 a m “ Tmeon 9 It am 14 Kalmn Gap Junction 10 Warn 44 Lula ... 10 37 a m * Gainesville 110* am 44 At lanta .... .... )3tpu No. 54 Leave Charlotte .... 12 51pm Arrive Gastonia \L .. 1471. m 44 Spartanburg 4<Mi)>m •* GreeuviUe S29|iw 44 Seneca 7 10 p n 44 Toccoa 8 39 p 111 44 Rabun Gap Junction ... 917 p 44 Lula 9 54 p m 44 GainsvflTe 10 21 run 44 Atlanta 1J i T. M. Talcott. Gen’l Man. I. Y. Sauk. M. Sl.Al'CillTKll. G. I*. A. W. J. 1101 sign, A. G. 1* A THEY ALWAYS PLEASE BOTH GINNER AND CUSTOMER. IIAUTAYKI.I. K. B. TIME TAII3.It. Takii.g effect Monday. .M.nj 7.7582 No. T. Leave Hartwell 9 55 * to Arrive Bowcrsville 10 55 n a No. 2. Leave Bowcrsville II ! >• m Arrive Hartwell 1- i"> 1 m No. 3. Leave Hartwell 3 in Arrive Bowcrsville 4 I*>pm No. 4. Leave Bowcrsville 4 35 p in Arrive Hartwell 5 35 pm ELBERTON AIH-MXE RAILROAD TIME TABLE NO. 6. Taking effect Monday, May 1. 1882. Train No. 1. Arrive. Leave. Toecca 0 30 a m Martins 10 15 a in I<> IS am Lavonia 10 40 a in H 45 10 Bowcrsville 11 07 a m Hl2 m W. Bowcrsville.. 11 18 a in 12 21 a ro Royston .. 11 40 a 111 11 41 a m Bowman 12 09 p in 12 14 p 10 Elberton 1 00 pm Train No. 2. Arrive. Leave. Toccon 0 30 p ni Martins 5 30 p m 5 35 p m Lavonia 4 59 p m 5 05 pm Bowcrsville 4 25 p in 4 3.i p m W. Bowersville.. 4 14 p in 417 pm Royston 3 50 p m 3 *> P ® Bowman 3 20 p m •* 24 P m Elberton - • '* P n> G. J. FoREACBE, Gen'l Man.. W. J. Houston, G. P. A., Atlanta. NEW BIN! This is to notify all that we have bought a >l , j| n New (Jin, wth Feeder and Condenser aud ; the same in our GIN HOUSE NEA li I in Hartwell. We have one of CLAKKES - 'CLEANERS, with which dirt y< <■ ed. Every convenience for luad'ii ! BEST TURN OUTS and SAMI’!/ ; | Ties furnished customers of the Gin ' 1 Will do everything possible to phase 1 will favor us w'ith their patronage. , E. B. BENSON* CONTINENTAL FIRE !> k (HII’ANV of N-w V►•*•• CASH ASSET-''. * *■ COLUMBUS INSURANCE ° f CASH ASSETS, 5S.S** i t^ Both theme Coropaniee have deposited *!ortvHjr Treasurer of Georjri* 135,000, and J statements of their business to the V t General, as rerjnireil by law of Georgia -179 C. W. SEIDELL, Agent, Hartwell - CHARLES W. SEIDELL ATTORNEY-AT-LA^ HARTWELL, GA. 179