The Hartwell sun. (Hartwell, GA.) 1879-current, April 10, 1925, Image 9

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The BULLS EYE = ■■ n Td tcr and Qenerai Jdanaqtt t * WILL ROGERS t ’ "■ F BS r f I s 1 c ! 1 a W X 1 / “ / * '>• * ' 1 I Another 'Bull’ Durham ndver- I tisement by Will Rogers, Ziegfeld | I Follies and screen star, and lead* , I ing American humorist. More ; I coming. Watch for them. EVER YWH ERE you go every body is figuring out a Cross 1 Word Puzzle. Nobody is working ' ■ or even exercising. America will lose the next War but win the next Puzzle Contest. It’s the greatest craze that hit this coun try since Prohibition. People say to me, “Why Will, you don’t understand, it is an Education, it. learns you more wayj to say T one word.” 1f you know one way to say a word, what do you need to know any more for? Nobody is going to give you anything for nothing, I don’t care'how many ways you ask for it. Our nation has never been short on words. We might lack ideas sometime but never words. This puzzle has | < done one thing, it has learned us which is Horizontal and which is Vertical. But a Cross Word Puz zle is not new. Railroad Time Tables have been out for years. Smoke ‘Bull’ Durham while work ing one, that is, if you want to, if you don’t, why smoke wherever y you want to. P. 8. I’m going to write some more pieces that will appear in this paper Keep look ing for them. SIXTY-FIVE YEARS AGO! In 1 86oablendoftohacco was born—' Bull’ Durham. Onqualityaloneithaswon V recognition wherever to- bacco is known. 11 still of fers the public this—more flavor, more enjoyment and a lot more money left at the end of a week’s smoking. TWO BAGS for 15 cents WO cigarettes for 15 cents • QA- ‘Bull Durham Guaranteed by INCOftpORJkTBD XII Fifth Avcuue, New York City Get Rid of That Backache Hartwell People Point the Way. The constant aching of a bad back, The weariness, the tired feeling; Headaches, dizziness, nervousness, w distressing urinary disorders — ” Are often signs of failing kidneys And too serious to be neglected. Get rid of these troubles! Use Doan’s Pills —a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys. , Hosts of people recommend Doan s. This is a Hartwell case. You can verify it. P. D. Isom, farmer, R. F. D. No 5, says: “My back gave me a heap of « trouble and I had a weak, tired feel- ■ mg. If I sat long, I got a catch in my back and I had to pull myself around to straighten up again. Some times the kidney secretions passed too freely, making it necessary for me to get up during the night. At times they were scanty. I used Doan's Pills and it wasn’t long be- W sere I was relieved.” , Price 60c, at all dealers. Don t « mply ask for a kidney remedy—£ et O*an’s Pills—the same that Mr. Isom had. Foster-Milburn Co., mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. FORD ANNOUNCES USED CAR OPERATING PLAN One of the most important steps j yet undertaken to protect used car 1 purchasers and at the same time ' place the handling of such cars on a more business-like basis is the an nouncement by Edsel B. Ford, pres ident of the Ford Motor company, that operating under a company plan Ford dealers will hereafter place a guarantee upon used Ford cars dis posed of by them. The Ford Motor company is the first large automobile concern to take direct steps in the matter of used cars. Inasmuch as there are about as many Fords in operation in the coun try as all other makes combined, it is apparent that the action of the Ford Motor company will exert a wide influence on the marketing of used cars and in improving conditions generally in that phase of the auto mobile business. "Every used Ford car represents so much unused transportation and is of value to someone,” Mr. Ford said in his statement regarding the plan. “The Ford dealer through his posi tion and intimate knowledge of the car certainly is the best judge as to the value of this transportation—the best to determine a price cn the mile age the car may yet be expected to deliver—that’s his business. “With this advantage the Ford dealer is prepared to give his used car customers, benefits not likely to be obtained elsewhere. “If reconditioning is necessary be i has the work done by trained Ford mechanics using improved equipment and genuine Ford parts, and with these economies and advantages he is able to offer the used car to the purchaser at a low cost and with a guarantee covering its mechanical fit ness.” The plan becomes effective at once and places a guarantee on used Ford cars purchased from authorized Ford dealers thereby insuring proper me chanical operation under ordinary I driving conditions. In asuming the direction and su- I pervision of this plan to be carried out by its dealer organization, the Ford Motor company feels that it is embracing as opportunity to be of greater service to those who purchase i used Ford cars. o The Snake Indians were so called ] because of the characteristics of these natives in quickly concealing them selves when once discovered. They seemed to glide away in the grass, sagebrush, and rocks and disappear with all the subtlety of a serpent. Hartwell Railway SCHEDULE Eastern Time Nov. 1, 1524 No. 1 Lv. Hartwell 10:40 a. m. No. 1 Ar. Bowersville 11:20 a. m. No. 2 Lv. Bowersville 11:50 a. m. No. 2 Ar. Hartwell 12:30 p. m. No. 3 Lv. Hartwell 2:45 p. m. No. 3 Ar. Bowersville 3:25 p. m. No. 4 Lv. Bowersville 8:40 p. m. No. 4 Ar. Hartwell 9:15 p. m. Trains connect at Bowersville with Elberton Air Line which connects at Toccoa with main line Southern I Railway System; and at Elberton with Seaboard Railroad. J. B. JONES. Supt. nr■■. ■ ■ ■ ■ i J Call 1 •Issi 36 I I -FOR- : : QUALITY: ; —AND- a ■ SERVICE : ■ I I Adams : ■ —and- J ■ C a rjl t o n : “grocers I raiwupl c j Ik \ AW/"’ f . 'j'wL ’• / A / '■'i f THE HARTWELL SUN, HARTWELL, GA., APRIL 10, 1925 —OUR— WEEKLY SMILE (C.J.T.—Fhila.Pa.) Hold everything! > have a letter from Berry ("Hick”) Webb. He states that he is now "roosting” at 100 1-2 N. Pryor St., Atlanta, but uses the writing rooms and stationery of the Marion hotel for his corre spondence. Berry states that he now enjoys three meals each day, works six days a week and is "broke” on Monday mornings. He also states that he is as good looking as ever. He goes on to tell about seeing numerous Hartwell people in Atlanta, but says that most of them are so “full" of business that they do not take the time to talk to him very much. “By the way,” he says, “Harry Magill ar rived in Atlanta a few days ago in (on) his private car L and N No. 196684.” Said that Harry had been exploring scYne new territory around the wilds of New Mexico. This is very unusual for Harry for about the fartherest away that I have ever heard of him going was Prattville, Ala. Harry and 1 sang at a picture show in Prattville on commission one night, sometime In 1913 and our bit was so small we didn’t have enough to pay our railroad fare to Mont gomery and pay for a room there , when we arrived, so we walked to Montgomery (ten miles) one night, and when we arrived there, rented a room and, as Harry used to tell it, "slept for three days.” Next week I am going to try and give you my impression of “Seeing the coun try with Harry Magill.” This trip will cover Georgia, Florida, South Carolina and North Carolina. Harry Magill himself will enjoy reading this so my advice to you Harry is to en gage your copy of The Sun early at your news stand. Back to Berry Webb. Berry sug gests that I change the heading of my column to “Have A Smile” “As,” he’ says, “there are,numbers around Hartwell who will understand „ its meaning thoroughly.” “Atlanta,” he states, “is just as quiet as the day when General Lee surrendered to General “Useless” S. Grant at Ap pomattox.” Says he knows he will be able to “make it” all right when blackberries get ripe. It has been said that you can tell a man's disposition by the color of his necktie. man who wears a black tie usually a conservative sort of fellow who has a place and a time for everything. He is also de pendable. The man who wears a tie of bright colors has: a cheerful dis position, but he is not always de pendable. He is usually changeable as the colors of his ties. The man who wears a bow tie is usually set in his ways. Just a bit old maidish. He is very hard to convince. The fellow who wears a knitted tie is a .good busines- man and is usually very stern. Most Fords are called “Lizzies” but the pastor of Logan M. E. church (Philadelphia) has a wife name “Annie.” A certain pastor of a Philadelphia church who was closing a succesful four years ministry announced to his congregation that before leaving he would open the doors of the church and give an opportunity to any who might so desire to join the church. Several came forward and gave their hands. Then he announced that if there were any in the congregation who would like to get married he would give them the opportunity to come forward. One man and eleven women came forward. The fellow who first suggested a new hotel for Hartwell certainly de serves much praise. Just see what it has done for Will Page, Frank Kidd and T. G. Craft. Can’t some body think up something else that will benefit the city like the hotel has. Paved streets are what Hartwell needs more than anything else. All city property will increase in value when the first paved street is finished. The only safe and sure way to destroy an enemy is to make him your friend. No power on earth can make a man do wrong without his own con sent. Some men are called to preach. Some are called to be Sunday school teachers. Some are called to sing in the choir. Some to be Stewards, Trustees, Deacons and Elders. Some are called to be regular attendants at church and Sunday school. The same one does ail of the calling. Are you doing your bit? Maybe your bit is simply to help finance the busi ness of the kingdom. All of us have a part to play. ARE YOU DOING YOUR PART? o NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All obituaries and memorial notices and cards of thanks are charged at the rate of one-half cent per word. In sending in these notices please bear this in mind. We want to publish the account of the death of all persons in this county and section, and ask our correspondents to send them in as soon as they occur, but all obituaries and memorials and cards of thanks must be paid for at the rate above mentioned. THE HARTWELL SUN. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic Purifies and Enriches the Blood, eoc CROP OUTLOOK IN THIS SECTION CROP OUTLOOK AND PROSPECTS TO DATE Weather:—The weather has been favorable in 589, partly so in 55, and unfavorable in 37 counties. Last year about this date the weather was favorable in 104, partly so in 47, and I unfavorable in 295 counties. Preparation*:—General prepara tions for the crop are earlier than last year in 469, about the same in , 49, and later in 163 counties. More plowing than usual in 391, about the same in 198, and less in 164 counties. Fertilizer:—So far as indicated the consumption of fertilizer, taking the cotton belt as a whole, will be about 6 per cent less than last year. Labor: —There are less complaints of insufficient labor this year than last. Only 146 counties showing less than last year, 388 the same, and ample in 147. Acreage: Present indication point to an increase in cotton acre age in all States except Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Flor ida, Alabama, and Missouri. The increase of the whole belt, it now appears, will be approximately 2.1 per cent. Summary of the Crop Situation The weather the past month has been favorable for preparation in over 86 per cent of the cotton pro ducing counties. This includes all of the States with the exception of Oklahoma and Texa’s. Texas is still suffering from a long protracted drought in 136 counties and the same condition exists in 26 counties in Oklahoma. Last year, due to unfavorable weather in the winter months, early preparations were delayed, but this year this beneficial work is far ahead over most of the belt. Even in Texas where it has been so dry the soil has been well prepared, and pre parations are well ahead of last year. The undercurrent points to an in clination to plant more cotton, 1 ,t due to the drought in Texas and Oklahoma it makes it difficult to ob tain views as to acreage in these States. At this time indications point to less use of fertilizer. Far mers have been slow in making their purchases largely on account of th? increase in price and demand for cash payment. For the whole belt present indi cations point to an increase of 2.1 per cent in cotton acreage. Q Wisdom teeth eldom decayed centuries ago when people ate food that required much chewing. A good man is hard to find, but, according to the police, not half as hard as a bad one.—Harrisburg Patriot. Business Directory GARLAND C. HAYES Attorney-At-Law t HARTWELL, GA. M. M. PARKS DENTAL SURGEON HARTWELL, GA. Office Over First National Bank J. H. & EMMETT SKELTON ATTORNEYS Skelton Building Hartwell, Georgia T. S. MASON ATTORNEY First National Bank Building Hartwell, Georgia H. L. Kenmore R. F. Harris KENMORE’S Barber Shop Prompt Service Sanitary Shop Special Attention Ladies’ and Children's Work HEMSTITCHING Highest Grade Work 10c Per Yard We make machine and know how to do the VERY BEST WORK. Mail orders returned same day received. Singer Sewing Machines, Motors, Electric Fans and Parts, Needles and Oil for all Makes of Machines. All makes Machines REPAIRED. WORK GUARANTEED. Our business is to help the WOMAN WHO SEWS. SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY TELEPHONE CONNECTION Depot Street Hartwell, Ga. take the Responsibility We have one hard-and-fast rule here. That is, that every tire or tube we sell must deliver full and satisfactory service. We stock the tire we sell it we make cer tain representations as to its merit and if for any reason the tire proves unsatisfactory, the responsibility is ours fully and completely. Os course, it would be business suicide if we tried to apply that policy to many tires offered motorists but with Diamond Tire Quality back of it . . . that’s another story! Hart Motor Company t Sil '■fl ■ I ; I Hi DIAMOND J I{| J B&S CORD lifl . I W|j Diamond tfires tubes 9 9 9'9 9»9 911 I « * * ****** «’» 'J ** * * f 4 4X7444 4 4 4444 4444 * 444 4 4444 ROOFING Just received another CARLOAD of the best 28 Guage 6-V Crimp -ROOFING- imi all lengths from 6to 12 feet. Leave your Roofing troubles up to us, and get the best that money and skill can buy. See us quick for yours. McGEE & ROBERTSON Hartwell, Ga. - - Air Line, Ga. (At Parham & Ayer», Depot St.) The ancient Romans used wire rope", and regulated the water supply in their homes by means of bronze plug valves similar to those we use today. Tc cure co«tlv«ne*a th* m.dlcine be more then a purgative; it intuit contain tonic, alterative and cathartic propartiaa. Tutt’s Pills tbeaa qualitia*, and speedily r«Htorc to the bowel* thuir natural Hall’s Catarrh Medicine Those who are In a "run down' condi tion will notice that Catarrh bother• them much more than when they are In good health. This fact prove* that while Catarrh la a local disease. it la greatly influenced by constitutional conditions. HADI/8 CATARRH MEDICINE ' on slate of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assists in improving the Ueneral Health. Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. The largest shipbuilding plant in the world is at Belfast, Ireland.