The Hartwell sun. (Hartwell, GA.) 1879-current, July 03, 1925, Image 10

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1904- 1925 Anniversary Sale S ilo Starts This marks our 21 years in business in Hart- Sale Starts well, and hope to be here Twenty-One years . _ . . Friday, July 3d longer. We want to extend our sincerest Friday, July AU P ~ thanks to our patrons who have contributed Fndinff landing so largely to our success. We made it a rule ® Sdtnrrlfiv when we opened business here to sell good. Saturday, saruruay, merchandise at a small profit, and to always ’ July 11th give the people a square deal on every purchase. I J Uly 11 tri We have secured some wonderful values for this sale. Below we mention a few of the many values we will effer in this Sale. We reserve the right to limit the quantity. 7 SPOOLS J. &P. COATS THREAD FOR 25c. 33 - Piece American Queensware Decorated or Gold Band Dinner Set - $6.48 SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON ALL CHINA AND CUT GLASS. We can’t guarantee all these values to last through out the sale; so don’t delay coming early. HERE ARE SOME PRICES YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO MISS: JUST RECEIVED FROM THE FACTORY’: 10c paper Gold Eyed NEEDLES, good size, paper 5c 2,000 yards pretty LACE, 5c yard value, to go in this sale 25 Cases Pure Aluminum Ware— See the LEAD PENCILS we are selling for only .10 at 2 yards for only 2 quart paneled shape PITCHERS, regular 50c value, Our Cut Glass ICE TEA TUMBLERS for .790 Floc Dot VOILE, 38 inches wide, pretty colors, 35c to 45c for only 25c 5c SHOE STRINGS, put up one pair to pack, 3 pairs ...50 yard values > for per yard ■« - - 250 3 quart Aluminum PUDDING PANS 25 C BEST VALUES EVER OFFERED IN CROCKERY One j ot Women’s Lisle and. Silk HOSE, strictly first qual- 14 quart Aluminum DISH PANS 98 C Three pretty decorations, and gold band, C-« 50 set, Cups hy, special, per pair ... •• ! 250 in Aluminum DISH PANS 79c and Saucers, for this sale, per set sl.lO 10 quart Aluminum DISH rANb Q ne lot> Women’s SILK HOSE in pretty colors—this is a LOT OF OTHER VALUES IN ALUMINUM WARE s l>s ° set PLATES, special for this sale, set sl.lO 25 value, special for 79c 4 quart Enamed Covered BOILERS 250 white NAINSO OK, bargain, per yard 10c A , tatcu DAMO OC/* We have Bowls, Platters, Bakers and Pitchers, all to match the abo'®’ at bargain pricese. New shipment 50c Silk Knitted TIES, special 25c 10 quart Enamel PRESERVING KETTLE 25 C 50c red snk SPORT BOW TIES, only 25c 17 quart Enamel DISH PAN 25 C yards pretty CURTAIN SCRIM ’ white and ecru ’ * Oc value, special, yard - 5c Western Union OVERALLS for Men, made of heavy 220 50c white Enamel WASH PAN ; . 250 - - - weight denim, triple-stitched, good dye, regular $1.75 value, LOT OF OTHER VALUES IN ENAMEL WARE 2 ’ ooo yards P retty DRESS GINGHAMS in plaids, stripes pair $1.25 6 oz.bottle PEROXIDE, 35c size, only 100 and checks ' colors, regular 20c grade, per yard 120 p re tty line 25c WASH TIES, special, each 100 10c box Wire HAIR PINS, 130 to box, assorted sizes, for ~~ " ' ■ only per box 50 yards PLAZA PONGEE - in stn P es and checks ’ 36 15c grade MATTRESS TICKING, per yard 1 H € inches wide, fast colors, 35c value, per yard 230 . Hanes Red Label UNION SUlTS—this is an advertised 25c grade MATTRESS TICKING, per yard 180 SI.OO garment, for 79c 36 inch Bleached PAJAMA CHECKS, 20c grade, yard 140 One i o t” Men’s DRESS SHIRTS, worth up to $1.50, special 75c grade Litewear UNION SUITS only -490 2,000 yards ORGANDY and VOILES, 38 inches wide, white, cdose ' < , • 790 SI.OO Khaki SHIRTS for Men only . 790 inJ< blue, peach, black, red, orange, lavender and honey Barrel shape TABLE TUMBLERS, regular 60c set SEE OUR 79c COUNTER dew, good 35c value yard 180 — 12 ounce ICED TEA TUMBLERS, 50c value, set 29 C l 2 Silk stripe FANCY GOODS in assorted colors, reg- Brass DRESS PINS, 5c grade, 2 papers for 50 ular 50c yard values, at only per yard 25c 10c fold Decorated Crepe Paper, for only 5c 3 BOXES OF GRANDMA’S WASHING POWDERS FOR 25 CTS. JOHNSON'S T. H. JOHNSON, Propr. - (Two Stores) HARTWELL, GA. “Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty” THE HARTWELL SUN, HARTWELL, GA., JULY 3, 1925