The Hartwell sun. (Hartwell, GA.) 1879-current, July 03, 1925, Image 4

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> After Every Meal< J I (i " V Vsy \ KEPT 1 x* ,GM L4 Pass it around after every meaL Give the family the benefit of its aid to digestion, □can* teeth too. Keep it always in the house. , n . y Costs little-helps much t) WRKLEK To facilitate the movement of traffic, and as a safety measure, the city of Washington has raised the speed limit , for automobiles from 18 to 22 miles an hour. SUFFERED AFTER- BIRTH OF BABY Trouble Caused by Getting Up Too Soon. Relieved by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Talcville, New York —“I thought it would interest you to know what bene- 1 fit I have derived from taking your medicine. A few days after the birth rajat of my third child I - got up too quick. hen just before my M W fifth child was born I ” had inflammation of . the bladder and dis placement. Seeing F FW*'*’* your advertisement in a Liverpool (Eng- land) paper I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and that was the best con finement I had. Whenever I feel run down 1 always take the Vegetable Compound as a tonic.. We have just removed from Brockville (Canada) so I was pleased when the store ordered the medicine for me and 1 got it today. I would not be without it for any price and I recommend it to ladies around here because 1 feel so sure it will bene fit any woman who takes it.” Mrs. Agnes Wignall, Talcville, New York. Women can depend upon Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Comixiund to re lieve them from ills peculiar to their sex. For sale by druggists everywhere. Until the outbreak of the World War one rtf the original cedar of Lebanon groves mentioned in the Bible was still standing at the head of Kedisha Valley near ancient Le banon. FIRST IN THE SUMMER vacation kit, put a bottle of CHAMBERLAIN’S COLIC and DIARRHOEA REMEDY Invaluable for sudden and severe pains in stomach and bowels, cramps, diar rhoea. When needed - worth 50 timea the cost for single dose. 0 . An experimenter in a balloon re ports hearing a man’s shout at 1,600 feet; the croaking of frogs in a marsh at 3,000 feet; the roll of drums and music of an orchestra at, 4,500 feet; church bells tolling at 5,000 feet; a riHe report at 5,900 feet; the noise of a moving train at 8,200 feet, and the whistle of a loco motive at 10,000 feet. j Cramped I | and Suffered | gj "My back and head would yfa fa ache, and I had to go to bed," g% <3 says Mrs. W. L. Ennis, of Pzl Worthville, Ky. ‘‘l just could Jg fa not stay up, for I would cramp EZ fa and suffer eo. 1 was very & fa nervous. My children would Ez fa get on my nerves.' It wasn't Ez fa a pleasure for me to try to go % fa anywhere, I felt so bad. jgl "My mother had taken ICARDUII | For Female Troubles | id st on, time, so ah. Insists,! fa that I try it. I took four bot- <5 fa ties of Cardul, and if one 50 should see me now they fa wouldn’t think I had ever <5 fa been sick. g fa "1 have gained twenty fa, fa pounds, and my cheeks are Zz fa rosy I feel Just fine. lam fa regular and haven't the pain, a zj “Life is a pleasure. I can % Z 4 do my work with ease. I Z fa give Cardul the praise." fa Cardul has relieved many z zi thousands of cases of pain and % fa female trouble, and should % zj help you, too. fa fa Take Cardul. fa At AU Druggist*’ ty\ E-iOflgl • DUNCAN *•***••*•• Health of this community is very good at present. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Floyd and children spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Hilley, near Gold mine. ‘ Mrs. T. B. Johnson and children spent Thursday with Mrs. Hymer Cheek. Mr. and Mrs. Bub Dove were in Royston one day last week shopping. those at Calhoun Falls this week on a fishing trip are Mr. J. R. John son and .sons, Luther and Kinzy, Mr. Henry Rutherford, Mr. Grady Dun can, Mr. Fred White, Mr. J. B. Cheek. They all had a nice time and caught more fish than they could eat. Mr. Burt Holcomb and Mr. Henry Allen made a business trip to Ander son, S. C., Saturday. Mr. J. R. Johnson and Mr. Luther Johnson were in Roystoh Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Kinzy Johnson and children spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Frank James near Gold mine. Mrs. Grady Duncan spent Thurs day night in Canon with relatives. Master Herbert Johnson is suffer ing with a painful stone bruise on his foot. Hope the injured member will be well soon. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Blackwell and children, of Anderson, S. C., spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Johnson and children, of Honea Path, S. C., spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allen spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hymer Cheek. Mr. and Mrs. Kinzy Johnson and children spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives in Dewy Rose. Miss Valace Moon, of Royston, spent a few days last week with Miss Ruby Dove. Mr. L. Whitfield spent a few days last week with his aunts, Mrs. Dove and Mrs. Evans. Misses Ruby Dove, Ruby Floyd .and Mr. J. C. Thompson spent Sun day afternoon with Miss Valace Moon near Royston. Mr. Lee Roy Floyd spent Sunday night with Mr. Kinzy Johnson. o LIBERTY HILL ********** Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cordell and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Cordell, of Milltown, Sunday after noon. Miss Recie Richardson spent sev eral daysc last week with Miss Ruby Dickerson. Miss Willie Mae Dickerson spent last week with her grandmother, Mrs. Nancy Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Shiflet and children visited relatives in Fair play, S. C., Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Myers and family attended the birthday dinnei Sunday given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Early Myers, of Cokesbury. Mr. Clifton Reynolds, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Geo. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cash spent Sun day with Mr. Rafe Cordell and fam tty. Miss Dorris Richardson spent Sat urday night with Mrs. Waymon Rich ardson. Misses Thelma and Ruth McMul lan, of Elberton, are spending sev eral days with Miss Peggy Cordell. Mr. Wesley Gaines spent one nigh: last week with his brother, Mr. Jack Gaines. Mr. Lonnie Dickerson, of Atlanta spent Sunday with his father, Mr William Dickerson. Miss Dorris Richardson spent Sun day with Miss Georgia Lee Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Snelgrove and Mr. and Mrs. Duff Cain, of Carswell Institute, spent last Satur day night with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Page. Mesdames Floyd Seawright, Sam Mays, Mitch Dooley, Judson Brown were called to the bedside of their mother, Mrs. Lou Richardson, who has bee nquite ill for several days. Mr. Maxie Dickerson, of Tignall, is spending several days with his mother, Mrs. Edna Dickerson. BLUE BELL. —» o BETHANY ********** Rev. Bussey filled his regular ap pointment here Sunday and dined with Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Reynolds and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Estes dined with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Moorhead and family Sunday. Mrs. C. P. Hendrix continues very' ill. we regret to hear. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Estes and family and Mr. and Mrs. Prue Ban ister dined with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Banister and family Sunday. Miss Janie Mae Jordan, of Roys ton, spent last week-end with Mrs. W. P. Estes. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barnett and family spent Sunday with rela tives in Townville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Herndon and family, of Hartwell, spent Sunday in this community. A good rain would be appreciated here. o Certain species of snakes are cap able of climbing the rougher barked trees. Certain African tribes scar the faces of thejr children with identi fication marks, that they may recog nize them again if separated by slav ery or war. FOR OVER 40 YEARS HALL'9 CATARRH MKDICINE has been used successfully in ths treatment of Catarrh. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINK con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces thus reducing the Inflammation. Sold by all druggists F J. Cheney 4 Co., Toledo. Ohio, i- NEW HARMONY Mrs. Reba Baker continues ill, we are sorry to learn. Mrs. M. J. Isom is improving and Miss Lallie Isom is in Anderson (S. C.) Hospital for treatment. We wish these people speedy recoveries. A large crowd from here attend ed preaching at Reed Creek Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Duke motored from Atlanta last week-end and vis ited Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Isom. Mrs. Curtis Bailey visited Mrs. W. E. Fleming recently. Everybody looking forward to the Fourth of July. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and son and Mrs. W. E. Ayers, of Hartwell, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Isom Sunday. Mrs. J. S. Boleman and Mrs. W. C. O’Barr spent Thursday with Mrs. .J. T. Boleman. Mr. and Mrs. James Massey vis ited relatives here Sunday. Those visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Isom Tuesday were Mrs. Jack Ayers, of Reed Creek, and Mrs. Martha Adams and Mrs. Harmon Hembree, of New Prospect, Mrs. J. S. Boleman, Mrs. Walt Freeman and Mrs. Rebecca Isom. Mrs. Land, of Westminster, S. C., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. H. Boleman. Mrs. Mike Fleming visited Mrs. Boyd Boleman Monday. Mrs. W. B. McMullan, of Reed Creek, and Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Morris and Mrs. Carl Duncan, of Hebron, visited Mrs. M. J. Isom Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fretwell O’Barr vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Doc O’Barr Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Isom, of Air line, visited Mrs. W. L. Osborne re cently. Those visiting Mrs. M. J. Isom Fri day afternoon were Mrs. Otto Shultz, Mrs. Edd Freeman, Mrs. P. L. Fleming and Mrs. Tom Isom and Mrs. Lila O’Barr, Mrs. Howard Baker and Mrs. Cullen Wright, of Reed Creek. Mrs. Doc O’Barr visited Mrs. J. S. Boleman Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Isom visited Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Isom Friday. Mrs. S. H. Fleming and Mrs. W. C. Cox visited Mrs. M. J. Isom Sat urday. Mrs. Sam Fleming spent Thursday with Mrs. W. C. Cox. • ***♦♦*•*• REED CREEK ***•**•••• Rain is much needed here and would be appreciated. Misses Dessie and Talcie Holland spent Saturday night with Misses Fannie Maude and Ruby Hall, of Hartwell. Miss Attis Johnson visited Miss Opal Sadler Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Mathis Elrod attend ed preaching here Sunday and dined with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gray. Miss Marie Madden is visiting rela tives in Anderson, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Pearson Bailey and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Sadler Sunday. Miss Arlie Adams, of New Pros pect, visited her grandparents, Mr. I and Mrs. L. J. Ayers, Sunday. A large crowd attended preaching here Sunday and listened very at-- entively to an interesting sermon delivered by Rev. E. C. White, of •\nderson, S. C. Miss Annie Mae Sadler spent Sat irday night with Misses Pearl and Edna Ayers. Miss Exie Adams spent Saturday with Miss Annie Robertson. Mr. Glenn Sadler is suffering with i broken arm this week. Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. Claud Pinson Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Crate Heaton, Mr. and Mrs. Ank Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Holcomb, of near Royston, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sadler and family. Rev. L. T. Smith, of South Caro lina, delivered an interesting sermon L o a large congregation Sunday night. Sunday school next Sunday after noon. B. Y. P. U. after Sunday school. - ■ »»**♦*♦*•• ADAMS TOWN »♦♦*♦*»**• Mr. and'Mrs. I. T. Myers and fam ly, of Oakway, S. C., spent Sunday with T. S. Mouchet and fafnily. Pauline Mouchet is visiting Marie Myers for a few days. Andy and Rex Martin spent Sat urday and Sunday in Oakway, S. C., with Roscoe Martin. Roscoe accom panied them home. Mr. Bill Byrum, of Reed Creek, pent Sunday night with his daugh ter, Mrs. Willie Fleming. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Myers and son. toe Frank, and Mrs. Robert Heaton, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Johnson, at Waynesboro, Ga. Jessie Mae Stovall and Dollie Mc- Kern. of Airline, spent Sunday night with Llewellyn and Olivia Ford. Pearl Stovall spent Sunday night with her aunt. Mrs. A. A. Hill. Mrs. T. S. Mouchet and daughters, Jessie Bell and Lillie, were the guests of Mrs. C. J. Mouchet Monday. Mr. Frank Martin is sick at this writing. Sylvester Carnes, who has been sick for some time, is improving, we are glad to state. Mr. Perrylee Ford and children have been up to the mountains re cently. They reported a nice time. o— CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our deep ap preciation for the kindness extended during the bereavement that has come to us on account of the death of our beloved mother and grand mother, Mrs. Lou M. Linder. MR. AND MRS. R. C. THORNTON and Family. o , Any woman who is a match for her husband will blaze up when he at tempts to strike her. —————— CAMPGROUND The crops in this section are look ing very good considering the dry weather. Misses Emma, Inez Powell and Messrs. Charlie Russell, Johnny Pow ell spent a while last Tuesday night with Misses Annie and Lula Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Barister and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Logan Bowen Sunday afternoon. Misses Cornelia, Edith Adams spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Mildred Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Tom White visited Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Mouchet Sun day afternoon. Mesdames Marion Powell and Al bert Hendrix spent Wednesday af ternoon with Mrs. R. A. Cooper. Miss Louise Mouchet spent Sunday night with Miss Eugenia White. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Powell and children, of Sardis, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Marion Powell. Miss Eugenia White spent last Monday with Miss Mildred Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Myers vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Bowen a short while Thursday afternoon. Mrs. R. A. Cooper, Mrs. Marion Powell were visitors to Mrs. Bob Russell last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. C. L. Bowen visited her daughter, Mrs. Jim Ginn, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Parks, of Sardis, visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Herndon Sunday afternoon. Mesdames Quincey Haralson, Al bert Hendrix spent Saturday after noon with Mrs. Marion Powell. Miss Emma Powell entertained a number of her friends with a birth day party Saturday night, at which many beautiful and useful presents were received by the hostess. After several hours of fun and merry laughter, delightful cream and cake were served. Those present were: Misses Era, Burlee McCollum, Mag gie Adams, Velvia Holcomb, Jesse 'Lee Powell, Annie, Lula Cooper, Em ma, Inez Powell, and Messrs. Tom White, Jud Brown, Glenn Whitworth, Charlie Russell, Floyd Motes, Mack Stamps, Frank Adams, Clarence Powell, Johnny Powell, Clarence Cooper, Dan Powell, Jackson Weav er, Newt McCollum. Each one de parted wishing her many more hap py birthdays. Those visiting Misses Annie and Lula Cooper Sunday afternoon were Misses Emma and Inez Powell and brother, Johnny, Miss Maggie Adams and brother, Frank, the Misses Green way and brother, Stanley, of Sardis, Misses Glenn Whitworth, Dan Pow ell, Charlie Dickerson. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cason, of Hartwell, re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant were visiting relatives at Royston Sunday. Seems like everyone is planning for a big day the 4th of July. Remember it is only about four weeks until Campmeeting, and prep- i arations are being made for a large meeting this year. 1 o MT. OLIVET WINS FROM AIR 1 LINE 16-8. • | On Thursday afternoon on the Allman field the heavy-hitting Mt. ' Olivet team banged out a total of 19 hits and 16 runs to win from Airline. The great pitching of Jim Crook was a puzzle to the Airline batters, not allowing but three hits until the seventh inning . The hitting stars for Mt. Olivet were as follows: W. Morris, F. Cleve land, J. B. Sanders, C. Morris and D. Bailey, each getting three hits. The hitting stars for Airline were Gray and J. Herndon. Mike Herndon pitched great ball for Airline until the fourth inning. R II Airline 8,9 Mt. Olivet 16 19 Umpire, Fry, Reed Creek. Mt. Olivet Wallops Sardis 13-1. On Saturday afternoon on the All man field the Mt. Olivet nine banged the old apple all over the lot against Turner, J. Cordell and Fry. Wake Bailey was in great form, and pitched jam-up ball and shooting the old ball down the groove, making 15 of the Sardis batters whip at the breeze. The hitting stars for Mt. Olivet were as follows: D. Cleveland, W. Morris, J. Sanders and Wake Bailey. D. Cleveland caught one of C. Turner’s fast balls and socked it to deep center field for a home run, scoring J. B. Sanders ahead of him, who had just tripled to right. W. Morris and W. Bailey also got triples. The hitting stars for Sardis were D. Cordell. Parker Heaton and Paul Heaton. Box Score—Sardi*. AB R H E Maddox, lb 4 0 0 2 Richardson, ss 4 0 11 Paul Heaton, c 4 0 2 2 Smith, cf 4 110 D. Cordell, 3b 4 0 2 0 Cash, If 3 0 0 0 Parker Heaton, 2b 4 0 2 1 J. Cordell, rfp 3 0 0 1 Turner, prf 3 0 10 Fry, Ifp 1 0 0 0 Total 34 19 7 Box Score—Mt. Olivet. AB R H E D. Cleveland, lb 5 2 2 0 W. Morris, 3b 5 14 0 D. Bailey, cf 4 2 4 0 F. Cleveland, ss 5 0 2 0 W. Bailey, p 3 110 W. Sanders, rs 4 110 C. Cleveland, c .3100 C. Morris, If 4 3 2 1 J. Sanders. 2b 3 2 11 Total 36 13 17 2 Summary: Two base hits, D. Cor- : dell; three base hits, W. Bailey, J. Sanders, W. Morris; home runs. D. Cleveland. Struck out by Bailey, 15; by Turner, 4; base on balls of Turner, 2; umpires, Brown and Har ris. Batteries for Mt, Olivet: W. Bailey and C. Cleveland; for Sardis: Turner, J. Cordell, Fry and Heaton. *»»***.*••• Mr. HEBRON ****»»**♦» The farmers in this section would appreciate a nice rain, as the corn, cotton and the gardens are about to dry up for the want of rain. Health of this community is very good at present. Miss Annie Duncan and little Hel en Duke, of Atlanta, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Duncan last week. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Cleveland vis ited the former’s mother, Mrs. Eve lyn Cleveland, Thursday. Mrs. Jim Madden and Mrs. Howard Brown and children spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. B. K. Hall. Mrs. Carl Duncan visited Mrs Mike Isom, of New Harmony, Wed nesday. Misses Irene and Gladys Cleveland spent Thursday with Misses Sylvia and Evelyn Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilborn vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Madden Wed nesday. Mr. Olin Cleveland and Mr. Wal ton Bobo visited Mr. Odis Cleveland Friday. Miss Exie Adams spent Saturday with Miss Annie Robertson, of Reed Creek. Messrs. J. D. and R. C. Cleveland made a business trip to Asheville. N. C., last week. Misses Reecie Dickerson and El len Hubbard spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Powell. Mrs. Bub Hall spent Saturday af ternoon with Mrs. Anderson Hall, of New Prospect. Mr. John Cleveland spent Satur day night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Denver Nation, of Anderson, S. C. Mr .and Mrs. Cleo Powell and Miss Reecie Dickerson spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Vickery, of near Harmony: Misses Pearl and Nellie McLane were the guests of Miss Mary Mc- Lane Saturday night. Mr. Reuben Cleveland and mother Mrs. Evelyn Cleveland, spent Satur day night and Sunday with relatives in Anderson, S. C. Miss Laura Madden spent Satur day night with Miss Dessie Cole. Mr. Oscar Ethridge spent Saturday night with Mr. Timothy Powell. Misses Irene Cleveland and Ger trude Powell were the guests of Misses Sylvia and Evelyn Cleveland Saturday night. Master Hugh Dorsey McLane spent Saturday night and Sunday with his cousins, Masters Inman and Horace McLane, of Mt. Olivet. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Madden vis ited Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Hall Sat urday night. Misses Sylvia, Evelyn and Irene Cleveland spent a while Thursday with Miss Mary Maude Bobo. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ethridge spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ethridge, of Campground. Miss Rubie Adams visited Miss Lattie Dickerson Saturday night. The ice cream supper given by Mr. Malter Bobo Saturday night was enjoyed by a large crowd. Miss Nellie McLane spent Sunday with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Er vin Jones, of Mt. Olivet. Mr. and Mrs. Manly Herring and family spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bobo. Mr. and Mrs. Fretwell O’Barr and two children spent one night last week with Mr. and Mrs. Dock O’Barr, of Mt. Vernon. Mrs. Grady Hall and children, of New Prospect, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ainsworth McLane Saturday night, : Mrs. Denver Bailey was called to the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Clyde White, of Reed Creek, Sunday night, who was critically ill. Miss Ruby Nell Baker visited her sister, Mrs. Jefferson Adams, Mon day. Sunday school at this place is pro gressing nicely. Hope it will con tinue to do so. o • ••****••• VIOLA • * «*•♦***** Quite a number from here attend ed the prom party given by Miss Sarah Jordan Saturday night. Nelle Lankford has returned home after several weeks’ visit in Char lotte, N. C., with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Shirley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dowis. Mrs. I. R. Thomas spent Friday af ternoon with Miss Tyler. Those spending last week with Mr. J. O. Hewin and family were Mrs. Birchel Hewin and baby, of Jackson ville, Fla., and Mrs. L. T. McLane, of Toccoa. Raymond Black and mother spent Friday and Saturday in Atlanta with relatives. Miss Mattie Lou Hicks and broth er, Swinton, and Georgia Jackson spent Saturday night with Sarah Jor dan. Miss Svelyne Vanpelt, of Knox ville, Tenn., is here visiting her cou sins. Misses Lillie and Leona Cope land. We are expecting some good sing ers with us next Sunday. Every body come. Mrs. Edgar Mullenix and children spent Sunday with Mr. Jim Lankford and family. Miss Cheek, of south Georgia, vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim King last week. Several from here attended the singing at Adamstown Sunday night. A marriage of interest to friends and relatives was that on Sunday af ternoon, June 28, 1925, of Miss Cleo Mouchet, of this section, to Mr. Clar ence Andrews, of near Carnesville. The ceremony was performed in Toccoa, after which they left for a trip to Stone Mountain. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. C. J. Mou chet. of this community. We ex tend hearty congratulations and best wishes. o The United States produces $300,- 1000,000 worth of sole leather an | nually. It produces $75,000,000 worth of leather belting annually— these in addition to millions of dol lars’ worth of other classes of leather. RED WINE »•*»»»**** There will be preaching at this place next Sunday afternoon. Ev erybody invited to come. , Mr. and Mrs. Norman McGee spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Pritchard. Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Johnson at tended Quarterly Conference Sunday at Gaines Chapel. Misses Autry and Howard Hicks spent last week with Misses Joe Neil Adams and Thelma Goodson, of Royston. . Messrs. Owen and Hoyt Ruthford visited their sister, Mrs. Leo Taylor, of Dewy Rose, recently. Rev. O. E. Smith visited Mr. Sam Saxon last Saturday, who has paraly- Mrs. Georgia Jones, -of Elbert county, is visiting her son, Mr. CiaiK lO mTss Myrtie M. '. Rut * erf Dewy Rose, is nbrsing Mrs. Charlie lendrix, who has been ill for the past ew weeks. We hope she will soon be well again. . . Mr. Cleo Begg, of Atlanta, is vis ting his parents this week-end. The friends of Mr. Reece lemples are sorry to hear of his illness. We hope for him a speedy recovery. Mr. S. S. Hicks and daughters vis aed relatives- in Anderson, S. C., ,-ecently. . Our Sunday school is to have a aicnic July 4th in Mr. Barnett John son’s pasture. Everybody invited to •ome and don’t forget to bring a full basket* -Jf Mr. and Mrs. Horace McGee, of Macedonia, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Beggs Sunday. , Misses Curtis and Cleo Hendrix, of Duncan, spent one night last week with Misses Lola and Eula Fowler. Mrs. Sam Shaw’s father, Mr. “rather, was operated on last Friday. We hope he will soon be well again. Miss Curtis Hendrix spent Satur day night with Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Hilley. t » Everybody be sure to come to the >icnic Saturday. —— o- ♦ ♦***♦♦♦*• HOLLY SPRING ******* *** Every one seems to be hunting' i cool place these hot days* Every one is most up with thfeir work. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Singleton and family, of Carnesville, spent Wednes lay with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Single- F ton. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Barton and fam ly spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Seymour. Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sey mour, June 23, a fine girl. Con gratulations. Miss Sarah Scott spent Saturday night, June 20, with Miss Mary Thomas Brown, of Bowman. Miss Eva Moss, who has been at tending school at Mt. Berry, is home . for her vacation. Mrs. N. A. Howell and little son, Nathan, are visiting her mother, Mrs. G. L. Nelms. Mrs. Howell is mak ing her home in East Point. The guests of Mrs. Elly Moss and family Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Seymour and family, Messrs. Major and Hubert Brown, Miss Gladys Singleton and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jordan, Mrs. Molly Haynes and daughters, Mrs. Lester Webb Letha, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dick-»* srson. Mr. and Mrs. Casin House ana family, Mr. and Mrs. Tebe Jordan and family visited Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Singleton Sunday. The young people enjoyed a par ty at the home of Colley Ayers’ Sat urday night. The Junior class enjoyed a, birth day party at Miss Lois Jordan’s Sat urday night. Mr. and Mrs. Curx Colvard ana family dined with Mr. and Mrs. J. t A. Seymour Sunday. Miss Fannie Ida Ford spent this week-end with Miss Louie W’hite. Miss Mildred Singleton and Sarah Scott spent Saturday night with Miss Lois Jordan. Miss Ruth Thomas spent Sunday with Miss Mamie Campbell. Miss Margaret Hutchinson spent Sunday with Sarah Scott. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Richey and family, of Florida, are visiting rela- A tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Willie G. Ayers and son, Elrod, visited relatives beyond Commerce Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ayers and son, Colley, visited Mr. Ayers’ niece Sunday evening, Miss Flora Ayers, who has been sick. Miss Lou Moseley is visiting home folks. She is a rKirse in a hospital'' in Athens. Misses Dexter and Willie Mae Bry-" an and Miss Loilie White visited Miss Gladys Singleton Thursday evening. o • *»♦♦♦**♦» FLAT SHOALS ♦»•***♦♦*»♦ Health of this community is not very good at present, as there are several on the sick list. * Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Bray ana little daughter spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Charley Shiflet. Mrs. Polly Ekelton and Miss Myra Sanders spent Thursday and Friday with Mrs. Bill Waters and daughter, Miss Willie Mai, of Campground. Mrs. Robt. Cornell had as her guest a few days last week her sis ter, Mrs. Anderson Ppeples, and lit tle son and daughter, Alma and Frank. The many friends of Mrs. Charley Shiflet will be glad to learn of her * rapid improvement. Misses Dollie McKern, Willie Mae and Pearl Stovall, of Airline, visited Miss Opal Shiflet Thursday evening. Mr. Aaron Adams and sister, Miss Dallas, spent Friday night with their uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Adams, of near Hendrys. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Carlton dined with Mr. Will Vickery and family . Sunday. ** u The Tropics contain some 240 mil lion cocoanut trees, which bear an annual crop of seven or eight bil* lion nuts.