Newspaper Page Text
To c\im| K \ vii <: \ it hiv
i '» Toll ifir* of a Horse.
To tell th* of any liorw*,
The iiwpwot the lower jaw, «»f four-/ .
sixth front tooth the tul - will tell,
And every douot and fertr <*xf> 1.
Two middle “u ippers’’ you be.noid
Before the colt is two weeks old.
Before eight Wf*‘ik» two more will pow:
Eight months th'.- -ut the
r b t oiif -jdt* ltoov# 4 will diwaiiyar
..................... .
A t t wo the middle “nippei -* drop;
At tiiroe th©second pair can't ctop.
Wlion four years'old the third p:».ir go<>s;
At live a lull new la* show
Til© deep black s| ki'h wiiich pass from view
At six years from the middle two,
TIi© wcond pair at ak*vcn years;
At the spotea'di “corner ’ cleat's.
From middle “nip|H*is‘’ upper jaw
At nine the black ']*r»ts will v. itiulraw.
Tin; w-cond pair at ten ore white;
Eleven finds the “coiners’’ light.
Am time goes on, the horsem n know,
Tin*, oval teeth three sided grow;
Th*»v longer get, project heior ■
Till twenty, when we know no more,
Toronto Troth,
f'oinfH of* l-lviii riiiii iilH.
Experiments by of uncommon interest
were sonde the West of England So
l ietv on twenty-one farms, in thirteen
small scale at Uothamsted and Woburn cn„l/
»,*. 1 .awes .cachings have be**n
m ut f'M wholly, tiiut so fur ;i* I licse trials vvcnl.
They (I i a "Ood clover cron
vendcrsartinctaliimnuresiuineces.saryand unprotitalile. i-rons
i‘li lint after "tain
m* Imre fallow nit,a,gem,ns manure be
rottiKH ulouti have profitable. (:ti Mineral pionure
with given poor resuli >, but are
useful nitrogen. M, As a means of
supplying rather this, nitrate of soda has done,
better than sulphate of ammonia,
(•M !No applienlion of barnyard manure,
hus <"<Miuied the artifleinl manures, w hen
of eoasitlered upplieatioj), wfiolly int he one Iirst year
Mi) The inlluenee of
liniitig remains variable and uncertain,
1 * > beat espcri.'illv reipiires nitrogen,
I he formidable clover-sickness xvliieh
has been a ptis&zlc to everybody is said to
he likely to become preventable through
Miss (h nierod’s entoinulogie researches,
\ complete series of observations are to
be made on this point during the season,
—AW*? York Tnlum.
Huft< k f i!)iJk lo l*i«4s.
Buttermilk is a highly nitrogenous
loo<l, eontaining, us it does, ahout one
purl nitrogen to two parts carbon the
proportion of nitrogen being twice ns
much as necessary for profitable feeding,
Hint is to feed it without witete. C’oni
mral on the other hand, is highly <*) I
honaceous, eontuining eight to nine parts
•urbon to ono part, nitrogen. It is at
least twice as earbomuroHA ur; it should
he for footling growing pigs, just as but
termilk is too nitrogenous. Now a due
admixture of these two feeds will proper
iy balance tho ration and secure the
great oat economy both in preventing
waste and providing the greatest amount
«*f nutriment. Jn feeding pigs at the
'\ iwconsin agrieultural oxperiiuentul sta
lion the rule has been to iillovv one pound
of eornmeal to every gallon of butter
milk. 'I his leaves the ration still strong
in the nitrogenous element necessary to
promote growth. As the pigs advance
■ n size anil fat is more desimblc than
growth, more eorninotil is added. This
makes the food more carbonaceous and
muses In the hogs to lay on more fat.
Massachusetts some experiments made at the
station agricultural experimental,
and —counting corn meal at per
ton buttermilk at. lt> cents per 100
) ion mis it was found that a pound of
!mn mill* < i s "1 of ,u,hM coin meal "'\y lor h every i’- ,n gallon ' ,,r ;i ,,r m of
DUttcrimlk, < ost but‘Mi (rnts; but that
after gradually increasing the corn meal
until it reached within a fraction of two
pounds or the meal to each gallon of the
buttermilk, the cost of in,iking a pound
ot poi k amounted to ■i,.;! cents. I'lus
iatfer was ill flic coldest part of tho
winter, and it was thought that the
difference in temperature trequiring, as
it did, a more cavbomtceous food) ac
counted in a great measure for the dif
forom e in tlie cost of the pork,— Haiti
more ifiiit.
Fjirni a lift (iftrileii \oles.
Hogs should always Imvo a dry and
"arm place to lie in.’ They do not want
u groat muss of .straw, in which they will
crawl to get hot and steam, and then
when they come out get chilled, but an
armful of straw to remain n day or two
and then to la- thrown out and mixed
with the manure.
In the course of advice to small dairy
men, a writef *avs that butter from
1 H- fcetlv sweet cream will not retain it*
keeping qualities as that where the cream
is.uHoWi to become slight it mid. it
should be kept tl»,mmgldv -tiv.ed while
nth *
churned bring enough for a churning, amt
at a temperature of sixty <!>■
trrees ill winter anti fifty eight degrees
in summer.
There is no animal on tlit- farm that
more pig. appreciates They dry clean quarters than
a will thrive belle-, fallen
taster, lie mote healthy, tied make eltt-i
food if cam! for as they ought to lie. it
is proper enough to «!)<•« (h> iu to run
on the horse manure where large qnau
tities of bedding-are Used, inn requiring
them to "allow iu tilth is downright
When farming tools .nr n«*t -i use
they should In* hous’d and Tted
from thr wr*iUc , and vrt how
Are many farm* in this w . “
vAlUfilblo im|>k k m* u?N r\ja > d „"! vk>
lo tho weather ami »h< \lrstr\u t
tluencen of iu ayotteir Jwm n little «i
tent ion lo these mutter-- " ill l the means
of saving many dollars n the fartner'a
Fretol, a celebrated Fwm.-li veterinary
surgeon, considers th.-i We C4II V the
grooming make them of delicate hors.*, to excess, and to
Mo doc* not ad
voertte negieet of cleanlim:**. but think*
that too much excitement .1 tho -kin
luako* the horse- suseeptild to . * ticlmu; .
igtt wevn the
functions There i.- iitt taKiiit that
ninny ot our city horses are injured by
t>cinc pampered and over-groomed.
Tt has been stated on good authority
that if salt be sprinkled on the floor be
fore nutting do\vu the carnet tlie buffalo
f>u".ivit) not harbor there, The ckperi
ment can be easily tried.
A big scheme is on foot ill Mexico for
the irrigation of 1,500,000 acres of fruit
n;id fnrmi n" laml in the central Hi o
tirunile valley, It is proposed to draw
water for the purpose from the Kio
Oratide valley into a canal which will be
150 miles in length.
Tl,e common pud-hall strikingly ilius
* r '. ! V liHi 1 tpi*!it\ w ith whicli fungi imu
rsrt . -Wm
•” tr «»
poo-,ilile in < oiitinuc i.te counting
arni ni^ht K>r tiiiit time. \< t a favora
bi v planted spore will produce a plant
large, as lire double list in a singb
IMi iehiii have -o often reemumended
cum arable a- a nn'lriinent for invalids
that it lias bc.-ome scare*-, owing, in part,
to the new demand for it. Severn! sub
ftitiites have been recommended, al
though The without has invoking wide adoption.
very latest been initnnted. 1 It is
of ci ficrman origin. • • mm I he components , are
tiO parts of powdered su^ar boiled with 7
ii p.tns irfs of ji fresh ,i n»JlK, milk an tin fhi n u mi.\c miveri l wi/h in
.»0 parts of a IJO per cent, solution of
silicate of sodium, ’ the whole being n now
cooled. , , .
A famous sea anemone has just sue
combed to parasitic disease in the Koval
Botanical Gardens arfe of Edinburgh, after
olfstHing, it had be onto intercs.ingVrcature familiarly known
as ‘dir.....i>0 This
*-s pictured iu 8©vcrai scirntilH; woik^amt
"as visited l>v many eminent seicnfilie
men ami tiavelers in addition to the
usual sight-seers. It was fed regularly
once a fortnight with half a mussel, rfnd
^ thoe supphciI meals. wjfh fresh w/iter after earn
Tropica! and sub-tropical woods, ac
cording to distinguished Professor K. II. Tliurston, cxtiuortlinary are
usually by
mzc. >1 length, hardness, soluUty and
durability. Among some thirty* speei
mens to which special tests were applied
there were some like mahogany i >1 no
pcaranee and ipiality, while others re
sembled oaks arui other hard xvoodsof our
forests, but c.v<;<;ll<;d them in density,
strength, elasticity anti durability. These,
anti many other woods which exist in
enormous quantities in Central American
f orests may prove of great value for many
purposes, but their hardness is often a
serious objection.
A novel craft is being built in Montreal.
shaped 1 1, is a steam hulls catamaran, each of the sixty-live cigar
being of steel,
feet long, and built in two compartments,
one being for water-ballast and the other
for stove coal oil, which will be used fiirnish fur
fuel. Two Veil ind engines will
the power for two propellers, which arc
so arranged of the that they will the lift hulls them elves
out. way when strike
ftoatiug ice or other obstacles. The boat
i and nn ho is taken intended apart and packed whale and on a walrus ship,
hunting in the Arctic regions. It will
carry ileetric a Gatling gun and a powerful
batt ery.
.V 1‘aradixa for Slioppcrs.
To ■ any one who likes to “shop”
Tangier would be a paradise; for even a
very small purchase necessitates a vast
amount of tills desultory kind of busi
ness. Though tho masculine intellect
can of shopping, not usually it comprehend share in the the charms femi
nine delight that is sure to be inspired
by the bazaars of this strange city,
Some are entered from the street ; some
from the court which occupies the centre
of most Moorish houses; some are on the
ground floor, and some are tucked away
in odd corners up stairs; but all are tilled
with the most fascinating wares that a
matter-of-fact American ever saw
^ fppe, of
the famous Morocco leather, embroidered
starts and table covers, gauzy Arab
wraps and barbaric fabrics, huge piles
of rim-s and quantities of brasswarc richness!
Oriental costume* of great
scimctar.*, daggers and' long Moorish
gun* inlaid with mother-of-pearl; the
whole sot ol? by a floor of dainty tiles
and pastiics perfumed the by the smoke of of burning
or scent attar of roses;
doesn't that sound attractive.'
In curious juxtaposition with these
barbaric wares, triple-plated knives and
forks from Connecticut show that
Vauketj enterprise is not quite over
looked, even in Morocco. The pro
prictor, in his rolie and turban, is stately
and courteous,_ Spanish in usually midition speaking French
and to liis native
Arabic, anu makes a harmonious figure
in the picturesque scene. Ono can not,
however, buy tilings in a hurry, unless
he is williug to pay several times their
value, but must ta^e plenty of time to
In-tter sfill, ’
"l’’ fmy several
th slightly ;' Wore purchasing. his offer
«>a< h time lucrmtsmg
I'”'tin* dcsir.-d good-, it this course be
"" rsiu ;' 1 ’ t! ' , , 1 “ opnof or will gradually
<>«cr lus price, . tint I the goods
bought for Tho much less visits than made the the original better
ll.sjurc. more
*"*' l ** r S a,n - l fiV’liiilii',
Effect of Impmomneut on the Mind.
To tho ordinary mind, full of busy
st: home- add plats* for future good, in the
.ay active and ivuitful years wide],
Pioplc are so sure remain to them, the
.uiiiuon of ono condemned to die at the
»>■> •’*' “f the law i* inooneeiv aide. To
the 1 sbk, ott-times the restraint which
* muiics from tlit'irown weakness, the irk
souu ue-^ <‘f inactivity, is harder to bear
tiian all the agonies pair and disease.
This is but the beginning with the pr s
oner. Withdrawn from all the interests
tti worm, having no longer any j>art
in humanity, destined at a tixed hour to
in*' - the poor remnants of his pnle and
-iiadovvy life choked out of him at the
hands of the raw of which he was once
mars anff-.trsite
li’OilU’lll u h iu hall, before the mi.
mnmg ev-s of th.- community he has
v. rouged, writhe which out that wretched , X
i-tenec, to he yet as an animat
clings. All crime probably has an elt*.
ment of insanity in it. there is some
thing abnormal : ad unbalanced, there is
m>*>j-useof uroiwhiws no idea , id values' ,
X .: tiir.uivh refto. tinv
meGiuta wjoelt s*ran*xe!y distorts and
faLsitk s them But uuder the strain of
tudson life the sanest mind cannot long
retain its tone.— Amrric%m JfiMniti,
Hands All Bound.
A curious ending of an ancient ven
delta is reported from Hitti, Sardinia,
where, in tI k* presence of thoArchbishop,
Perfect and other.dignitarics, 070
hers of two families knelt in church, for
tnaily receive**l forsworefheir tlie long-standinff-fold, benediction,
the whole population prelate's of the vicinity was
present, and later on a barbecue was held,
where ten oxen, seventy-fonr pigs and
two hundred weight of macaroni were
f. O^of li;»s fhe been mo^p^fetun-sof ___ tho ____ some
sssf, inTJS mi*iogof ftec-so. The
m^ki-ts f 0U r times the price of the latter.
I ( more monev made, , in .
port kl ion to amount „i mirk tlum shipped, at
’';> - ’’ “ V"l'!'' 1 ' 1 M any {:>
" :,U / , "‘ l th " ,ftfflrk « ts aml , ntUilh- . ,
l ~ < 11 *’
now t« save Money,
and we advice might ft!s<y-suy---time.and «oiwl‘ hhu^ke^persand pain as well.
in our to ladies
generally. I ho perfct’tK' great necessity existing al
,vays to haven safe rcniCdv conven -
a nt for thtu-elief and prompt cunt of theaii
j.nity. l»«culiar to woman functional irregu
connf ant. pains and all the symptoms
attendant {?.' upon uterine disorders—induces Dr.‘ ns.
rceumtowrd gtronuly and unqualifiedly
ricrcc s “l avorite Prescription”—^woman’s
best, friend. It will save money.
Within six years a Alpine tunnel
through the Simplon, w il J be constructed.
vi-rsal-i roubles a little advice may be in order.
•**'!;{ n*k«n siorllntrreniedy and dubiliiato, when Prickly such a pleasant Bitters
as Ash
kiilm-y,-t.inmch and bowels, and at the same
tiinemnc upnudstrengthenthewholesystem, 8 “ Ch
> ---—---------
< onsumptiou rslively cured.
that’Mi^’a'posidv^nsmSdhr/or named disease. By its timely thousands U tho*abo” of
hu:k to any of your readers who have con
sumutioii If tliey will send me 'iieir Express
un< i\'^hLucUM^MK ibll^eari SU, N. Y.
I telling Files.
-dinning; Siiiiii>fumy Moisture; by scratching. If itching allowed and
worse to
(Ultima- tumors form, which ofu n bleed and
i!«emte, becoming very sore. Svayne’s Oint
ceration, ment stops and the in itching and bleeding, jioals the ul
many cases removes t u
mors. I'Ajualiy DH.SWAYNE eflicaciotis & SON, in curing Philadelphia, all Skin
fcient by mail for 50cts. Also sold by druggists.
ids Keely, 1 he drawing motor man of Philadelphia, sympathy. calls
money power,vibratory
boss of Flesh mid Mrr*ii*rili,
ii morning, lj poor appetite, first and perhaps nlight rough
should t h»* looked or on in time. lying Persons flown at alllieted night,
wit ih'-ir li consumptionar6,proverbiaIly real Most unconscious
• it rlate. cm -s commence
vn ith disoi'deml liver, leading fo had digestion
and imporfeci assimilation of food—hence the
• •macltuion, or wasting of the flesh. If is a form
of MMoftilous disease, and is blood-cleansing, curable by the
use of that greatest of all
,t nil-bilious and invigorating compounds,
known as Dr. Pierce’s “Golden Medical Dis
that The Kentucky Court of Appeals has crime. affirmed
drunkenness is no sstouaefor
Many imitaf ors but no equal, has Dr, Sage’s
(’aturrit, Kemedy.
I >r. Hell and Thomas Edison are going to law'
lo decide who ip vented the phonograph.
Tlie Jlau in the Moon.
How dot'5 the sailor know there is a man in
l he moon? Because he has been to cough see (sea)
Jijit! slates that whenever lie. has a or
«it’d he takes Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of
Sure Gum ami .Mullein.
We are all liable to err and every ono is who
<h •us not realize realize the the full full valuoof value of Tayl Ta lor’s Hos
pital t ’lire o for Catarrh. Pamnhlet Pamphlet f free at 264
Broadway, New York.
mod’s If affiicted Kw.-ovater. with Dnt^i ore eyesusepr. sell 2.x*. IsaacThomp'
sts at per bottle.
Last Winter
■ i.utavery sev«v attack or mmur.matoryrheuma
«*«*, my feet ami limbs swelled out of all proportion.
A trvlua medical alvlco amt various propara
tlin**. all to no purpose, I wa.* iuanccd to give Hood*
sursuparliiantrial, i have takeit*vo bottles, with
cu-imst results. My pains aurt iches have ait left
••«*. ™>*timt»haw.swmiAt prop«M«j»,
“hm,i'Z.““v MvapUiw'iV liLt rat*. r f«r“u o*
n-hk-h!gtvocredit to Mood*. Sanapu'Uia.-ftuxK
c.x n. Hxivil ,u Nortii Thiol Sc., Brooklyn, N*. y.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Said by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared oaly
Ly i ,1., Hvn>p & CO., ApothSCaiie^i, I^»well, Mxws,
lOO Doses One Dollar
y ktVVJ
pri^ a ,rl| pISyash^ BASK AN £fl|t|ES s
«»i5 ornat EqaAursrnciaT remedies
1 It haB stood th« Tect of Years,
jju Curing BhOGB, all Biaeases of the
ELS, &C, I( Purifies tho
Blood, Xavigorates and
(BjTTE|?S; Cleanses the System.
T .I KB I0USCOMPLAINTS,&c disappear under
IlfinVEYCIi at once
! »t»bewgnni.ttflilwe.
■: blUmAhtl i ItispurelyaHedicine
r AND [ as its cash art ic proper
<i'^T«S>ar i ^ s f ar.uo the taken taste, by end cbiJd- as
j AlLuo iii*nnttrru*rcR iiullul3 ji 1 *®
Hi'..' frorrletorN,
riipBBBar vftai ;.-.- : - ,r ir.’i Ivans a
Baigtv®?* vesrelief *« once«ndcures
rNAffEVERS'” tAUiv rm n in aJSAv, nr air
t '«« » U««Wer *..«■
, wmtnl
—7/. Brw.,a5t.w.»»,.N.T.
,--.i tsrsfrMk »HnU’8 0Hl.Wt 4i? *x,a St„ Bulak N. T.
{#CC ---n.........•*— ^ - ---—-—-----;
mrlm < wuwr. itoodt» CO*. Ci»ci ma N ti.0
Great remeDY'
*£55525^«K-?’ Phptimafkm Nr-itealftia QriatirA
Every fcottle is » sure MUltwjfey wit. iSvory testimonial Utras.
£vBr7 bottle Is m* iMria.
STa77e orr-aebottle bears Ever? pUnt ll enrol.
tb »fl ro .,sig M t«.. iEvnry pain is envmtf.
*r«7 hose trill taro it. Efwydraggirt jtilsoo it.
toryli>fU( IvorycheBirttoi.iti«
Everyjownalcomaeadcit. feet. *
Calcutta int. exhibition~1683-4~GoIcI Medal#
Cincinnati ind. exPO fiiTiON-^-Silver Medal.
California state faib —1684 — Gold Medal,
louisVille so. exposition— 1684—Gold Medal,
At Dbcooists and litALus. Price BO Crntb.
per' \ I II
Over 5,000 Physicians have sent us their approval of
DIOKSTYLIN, Indigestion saying that It Is the best preparation
for that they 1 ave ev er used.
We have never heard of a case of Dyspepsia whart
DIOiESTYLIN was taken th; at was not cured.
For Summer Complaints and Chronic Diarrhoea,
which are the direct results of imperfect digestion,
D1GESTYLIN will effect an Immediate cure.
Take DYGESTYLIN for all pains and disorders of
the stomach; they all come from Indigestion. Ask
your bottle). druggist for DIGKSTYLIN (price fl per large
If he does not have It send one dollar to us
and we wall send a bottle to you, express prepaid.
Do not hesitate to send your money. Our nous# U
reliable. Established twenty-five years.
Will. F. 4k CO.»
'Tnnufacturhig Ch*nrist a * Sit John S t*» N. Y.
Wholly unlike artificial systems.
Any book learned in oue reading.
Recommended by Mark Twain, Richard Proctor,
the Scientist, Hons. W. W. Astok. Judah P. Benja
min, l)r. Minor. &e. Class of 100 CoLimbia Law stu
dents ; >00 at Mqrideu ;.2:i0 at Norwich ;• 350 at Oberlln
College; two classes of 31)0 each at Yale; 400 at Uni
versity of Penn, Pfilia.; 400 at Wellesley College, and
throe Prospect largo classes at from CHatauqua University, Ac.
us post frick
PpoK. 1.0ISETTK. 2S7 Blfth Ave.. New York.
AGENTS m Send kJC/tlU for AUx ,}{• ,: j iew * b.. hookH.includ* treat’s
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> i
m. -w 1 r* Jfl £SI -ggl RAISE -■:*& in/AOs/Ms, a I
S F m :
The following words, in prnise of Hit. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription ns a remedy for those delicate diseases and weak
nesses expressions peculiar with to which women, thousands must be (rive of interest utterance to to every their sufferer from such maladies. They are lair samples health of the which spontaneous has been
restored to them by the world-famed sense of gratitude for the inestimable boon of
use of this medicine.
J .Toira E. Seoar, of MiUenbeck, Va., writes:
SlOO “My years wife with had female been weakness, suffering for and two had or threo paid
Thrown Away. out ono hundred dollars to physicians with
out relief. t?he took Xlr. Pierce’s Favorite
Prescription all the medicine and it given did to her her more good than
during , the three by the physi
cians years they had been practicing upon her.”
Mrs. George Herger, of Westfield, N. Y.,
Tuc pDCiTCOT ivTites: “ I w-as a great sufferer from leueor
Int rhea, bearing-down pains, and pain eontin
r,„..... n„„.. h UN ually Favorite across Prescription’restored my back. Three bottles of your
'Ml j " feet health. X treated me to per
with l)r.-, for
_. nine months, without receiving any benefit.
qiie Favorite Prescription’ is the greatest earthly boon to us
poor suffering women.”
Many times women call on thoir family physicians, suffering’, ns they imagine, one from dyspepsia, another from heart disease,
another from liver or kidney disease, another from nervous exhaustion or prostration, another with pain here or there, and in
tins Wiiy they all present alike to themselves and their easy-going and indifferent, or over-busy doctor, separate and distinct diseases,
disordt*rh*^h^^ f ills an(1 P 0 ^ 0 ^^ 18811111 * 11 ^ them to be such, when,^n reality, they argali only symptoms caused b.veome
woinb *^uifc - consequente-mnphciftkms.
atient gets no better probably worse by reason of the delay, wrong treatment and A proper medicine
ko Dr. I lercos favorite Prescription, directed to the cause would have entirely removed the disease, thereby dispelling ail those
•stressing symptoms, and instituting comfort instead of prolonged misery.
3 if............ rHYSIOIANS JIr s- D- F. Morgan, of XVb. 71 Lexington St.,
*' „ aft Boston, Mass., says: “Five years aaro I
i*... .« was a dreadful sufferer from uterine troubles.
■ fliLED sieians. Having I exhausted was completely the skill discouraged, of three and phy
alone. I wean i could with difficulty cross the room
besran taking lie. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription and
using the local treatment recommended in his ‘Common Sense
Medical Adviser.’ I commeueed to improve at once. Jn three
months 1 was perfectly cured, and have had no trouble since. I
wrote a letter to my family paper, briefiy mentioning how mv
beatth had been restored, and offering to send the lull particulars
to any one writing me for them, and enclosing a stamped^n
rei.ipe for reply. I have received over four hundred Fetters.
In reply, I have deserib.*d my ease and the treatment used,
and have earnestly advised them to ‘do likewise.’ From a great
many I have received second letters of thanks, stating ihat they
had commenced the use of ‘Fnvorite Prescription.’ had sent the
$1.50 required for the * Medical Adviser,’and had applied the
local treatment so fully and plainly laid down therein, and were
much better already.”
The treatment of many thousands of eases
of those chronic weaknesses and distressing
ailments peculiar to females, at the Invalids’
Hotel and .*urgiwil Institute, Buffalo, N. V..
has afforded a vast experience in nieelv
adapting for the ard of thoroughly women’s peculiar testing remedies
cure maladies.
Or. Pierce’s favorite Prescription
is the outgrowth, or result, of this great
and valuable experience. Thousands of
testimonials, received have from pntionts and
from physicians who tested it in the
more aggravated and obstinate cases which
bod baffled their skill, pr0 ve it to be the
most wonderful remedy ever devised for
the relief and cure of suffering women. It
is not recommended Specific as a “cure-all,” but
as a most ail perfect for woman's
peculiar powerful, re-ms. invigorating tonic*
A. a
it imparts the strength to the whole and system,
and to uterus, or womb its ap
pondages, in particular. For overworked,
worn-out.” "run-down.” debilitated teach
crs. "shop-girls,” milliners, housekeepers, dr»-«smakers, searastress»>s, moth
era. and feeble wotset. generally. Dr.
Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is the great
est appetizing earthly cordial boon, and being unequalled as an It
restorative tonic.
promo’-s digestion and assimilation of food,
Address, WORLD’S DISPEXSUU ffEDIfAL AFSOLUTiOV, No. 663 M»in Street, IlirfALO, S. T.
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271 Franklin Street, Chicago. III.
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L»w« Mnt£ree._ A. W. McCormick & Sen. Washinpt tin, D- “
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" Fez he, angrily. Them dumb fools pelifrtt,in supernatural thin;/*. Why ean't.theyp*hwt
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WMsJM!// /i/jf/i There came.\ ’—Weekly am parts so WiTNE^s. excruciatingly “ UnqueBtioiiably funny We have her had best.”—D to sit etroit back and Free lauyh Press. till the (ears
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' AGENTS ate taking THOUSANDS of ORDERS Tin* (100) pictures >>y , 'Opiiei ,M are “j«M
IP' Profits, 850 for HOLIDAY SlOO GIFTS PER Wtf»EK: killin'!." People rum to eet it.
to PRICE (bjni»irw.Wi... PA.
TisnStfi il.nLil unni ■ vor j{ e Prescription* and one bottle of yoc”
BFR ..Li] I s for ‘Pellets.’ time, 1 dm doing I have my had work, toempioy mid have iiel’e been u-e
SlHJPnBTCH I some t»k
UUrruniLii. I about six.cen years before 1 commenced
j n(r your medicine. 1 have hail to wear hud a
n,.Lin;n»a supporter luost of Urn time; this X have
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—.................... t . VIrs. JTaV Gleason, of Nunica, Ottawa Co
. IT U[ WflRKS
", w ***“ 1 I Mich., worked writes: wonders “Your ’Favorite Prescription
WfiPncn? has in my case.
llUHiitilC, s | A ruin she writes: “Having taken Severn) bo*>
ties of the ‘Favorite Prescription' J have re
■ gained my health wonderfully, to the astonish
ment of myself the and duties friends. I household. can now be on my feet all day,
attending to of my
llE&LQUS I..,.,. of A Marvelous Cure,— Mrs. G;. troubled F. Sphaot-e, with
Crystal, Mich., writes: ‘‘1 was
v female weakness, leueorrhea and falling of the
_ ilflPTfiCC bod
null I uno. womb for seven years, so I had J doctored to keep my with
fora good part of the time. large .".'1
*■ army of different physicians, and spent sums
of monev, but received no lasting benefit. At last my husband
persuaded me to try your medicines, which I was loath to do,
because I was prejudiced againet them, and the doctors said
thev would do me no good. 1 finally told my husband that if
he would get me some of your medicines, I would try them
against the advice of my physician. He got mo six bottle* of tho
‘Favorite Prescription, I three also bottles six bottles ‘Discovery’ of the ‘Discovery,’ and four for of
ten dollars. took of
' Favorite I then Prescription,’and the balance I have of the been medicine a sound to woman sister, for four who
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was in same wav, and cureu in a
time. I have net had to take any medicine now for almost
four years.”
cures nausea, wee kness of stomach, indi
gestion, bloating and eructations of pits.
As u sooihlng and strengthening
equalled nervine,” and Favorite invaluable Prescription in allaying ” is and un
subduing nervous excitability, hysteria, irritability,
,exliaust»m, and other distressing, prostration, nervous symptoms spasms
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icly Br, and Pierce’s despondency. Favorite Prescription
is a legitimate medicine* carefully
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organization. It is perfectly purely vegetable In its
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effects in anv condition ot the system.
“Favorite Proscription'’ is a post,
live cure for the most complicated and
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unnatural suppressions,
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troversion. bearing-down sensatiors. ehron
ie congestion, inflammation and ulceration
of the womb, inflammation, pain and ton
dernoss in ovaries, accompanied with “in
temal heat."
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PATENTS ingtQ 1>. C. Scmlfor our book of Instru ct ion*.
■ iiy
ssir rews ncs iter „S Safety .JSK; Rein.p.oljer c *>. Holly. Mlelf.
I230ST , TJ. JA les *5* HliuX&Jly, qentstWa the world. nted. 1 iktrui*. sample M best Mich, Fret- wi -
A *) L !» i is,worth sfcplK) pf*r lb,. Fctt t’ - Ky*s Stcv.* w
T wort h iSl.UOO, but- is sold :ir ah . x 'h; (!*• iIim’r
'• v '• 1 ir i. !.....r#riy-»>vo, 'HI
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In pregnancy. “F’avorite Prescription”
is a “mother's cordial.” relieving riaurea,
weakness of stomach and other mstressin*
sym-’toms common to that eendite If
its use is kept up in the latt.-r months of
gestation, livery it so preparer the an^ systrm fo- do
almost as to greatly lessen, manv sufferings rimes
entirely trying'ordeal, do away with the
of that
“l'avoriie J , re»ertptloti,»when taken
in cotmeetion with the use of Dr. Pi.
Goldtn Jtedical Discovery, Pierre's' s.-d smell M ■
five dose 3 of Ilr. Purgati. i - r
(Pittite Liver Pills), cures Liver. Kidrz----mid
Bladder diseases. Thoir cotri-i*--d usf
removes blc-d taints, and abolish. - C.iTl
eerous and scrofulous humc:? :,->m the
system. “Favorite Proscription»
tfc- only
medicine for women sold, by drum .-rs.
under a positive guarantee, fr ;.> --
tion manufacturers, to that it wi.l more.a-iii gr s.jv.-f. -
every case, or i -
funded. This guarantee has been prim '
on ried the bottle-wrapper, and Large fa.- - bottle*
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fino $5.00. doses) $1-00, or six bottle* for
125" Send ton cents in stamps for X'r
Pierce's large, illustrnred Treatise (KC
pages) on Diseases of " omen.