Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, January 28, 1888, Image 4

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AGRICULTURAL. TOPICS OK INTEREST RELATIVE TO FARM AN1> GARDEN. The Feet, of Sheep, that “If is, the will “hoof bring of the sheep the is golden,” farm, it money to oehooves every shepherd to look well tc this appendage of his flock. They need Iht -onstant care and watching and to otherwise prevent ir growing out too long disabling. Pretty much alt foot ailments this di rnay he traced to want of care in rection. For instance, a distorted hoof will gather dirt, hold moisture, and sooner or Inter contract disease. At flock the time of s.l earing, every examined, sheep in a should he carefully not only for surface diseases, hut espe cially as nippers to the and state ashoer’s of the hoof. knife A should stout pair of be in the possession of every flockrnastur. All overgrowth should he taken off, and also all dead and useless matter removed, if the toes are tttrued up cut them off as near as may he, so you do not touch the quick. examine Then the bring cleft, the corners into shape, there, and with if there is tenderness swab it a solu tion of carbolic acid, and then give it a coat of tar as hot as can be borne. In the autumn, before the sheep are folded fur the winter, they should again he care fully examined and operated on for what body, ever difficulty limbs in ay he found either in the or hoofs. 1 ri this way, with a watchful eye during the intervening periods, there is no reason why sheep may not be kept as healthy as any other farm stock, and yet how many are bo? — Badger Farmer. Scabby I*ofatoes. This year m many places potatoes arc hiore the scabby t han ever before, while in have same neighborhoods other farmers succeeded in growing good crops of fair tubers. It would seem that the prob lem as to what, causes seahhiness might be solved under these conditions. Many farmers feel quite certain that worms cause the injury, as they are usually, if not But always, this found lie rather connected with it. may an effect than a cate-e Too much fresh manure, coupled seahhiness. with dry weather, will awaya produce Manure drying in the soil breeds fungus growths. These attack the, potato and destroy the skin. The worms come after w hen the interior of the potato is exposed to them. Of them selves they cannot penetrate the skin. 1! worms caused t he scab we should find potatoes sometimes in which they were just beginning work. Wo do in dry weather sometimes find potatoes slightly mouldy. If these are dug and put in elost! heaps the mould soon develops into rot. It it, is mould that causes the scab ought on potatoes some preparation of sulphur to be a cure. This is corroborated by the experience of some fanners, who have found a leaspoonful of superphos phate of lime planted with the potatoes prevented seahhiness. In this ease it was probably the excess of sulphuric acid in dissolving fungus. the hone that destroyed the Now the qurstion is svl.rthri land piaster, which is the sulphate of lime planted in the hill with potatoes, will have the same effect. Who has tried this? If laud plaster wilt do the busi ness it is certainly cheaper than super phosphates.-- Aineri'dii Cnltimtor. Brief unit Direct. Farm animals are hurt more by medi cine than by the luck of it. When an animal needs medicine, it needs a com petent physician, I‘ure water and a variety of wholesome food regularly given, with comfortable shelter and kind treatment, arc the best preventives of disease. We an yet |l)oe., 1887] in search of the man who at harvest blamed himself for cultivating the crop too well, or who in his old age regretted that ho had not indorsed for r friend oftener. Better is it to have one pair of trousers with money in pockets, than two pairs with empty pockets. The man with clean stables and fields, well-housed cattle ami implements, and who has dollars for books but not a cent for rum, is a desirable debtor. But he does not borrow often. Three fourths of us unknowingly re duee our capital each year. For the fer tility of our land is our capital, and this we lessen. The horse knows all that the colt learned, and hoys tormenting the colt are Know. not teaching it what it should Men do not gather roses from thistles, bush nor plump, that bright gooseberries from the grows in the soti, and is pruned is better only by nature. cheaper It and to mend the fines in midwinter than to build a new house in spring, though the insurance company contributes to the new build ing. The more often the currycomb rubs against the horses’s sides, the more days his sides will rub against the harness. The man who buries his wealth in th« <arlIt is blamed; yet the farmer who buries wealth, in the form of tile drains, is wise. Two many forget that only from th< best milk ean the best hotter he made and that only {torn the host cows eat the best milk he obtained. System worked ten hours a day, and was done. Haphazard got up at four in the morning, hurried all day, and was doing There chores at half-past niueat night. are men who compel their wives to milk cows, sitting in the snow on the loo side of a r.iil fence, yet who declare themselves to he Christians. The .lack of all trades is master ol none, yet a good farmer may with profit become a fair carpenter. A workshop is a bettor stormy tlay retreat Hum is a corner grocery, .lob had much patience; yet it was fortunate for him that lie diet not join fences with a neighbor who had lneacUy stock. The man who fi'ls his icehouse pro vides himself with a conservator ol health, and a servant of pleasure. What is said about keeping animal.’ warm during H.e winter, does not apply to the manure. Smoking heap is more injurious to compost than to ls>ys. It is cheaper to keep a |nuind of flesh on the animal in February and March .halt to regain it iu May or June. principal Hejiending iqnm is breakfasting novelties for "ela- yout tion. dining crops hope, on on mid supping on sorrow. .Im-rah Agriculturist. HOI SEIIOGJ) MATTERS. How to Cook a Turkey. A good authority full directions on the subject gives tli& following for cooking a turkey: French works on cooking tell us that poultry and game should never he washed. This may do for French markets and appetites, hut where poultry is sent to market undrawn, the inside is sometimes sour, and apt to give an unpleasant taste to the stuffing and the flesh as well. If the fowl has been drawn as soon as killed, and the gall has not been broken, it will not need wash ing; but if there is the least suspicion of which taint, wash it well in cold and water, to of a teaspoonful of soda, tw o salt, have been added. There is an infinite variety of receipts for stuffing a turkey. A plain dressing, which is the basis of all, is made with breadcrumbs mixed with butter, pepper, salt, and thyme or sweet marjoram. The bread should be soaked in cold water and sijeezcd dry in a towel. The excellence of the seasoning will Add depend all seasonings upon the skill of the cook. a little at a time, and taste to see when you have it right If you have not served an oyster soup previously, is excellent. an oyster or celery stuffing most Use as much of the oyster liquor as may he necessary to moisten the bread, diluting it with half the quantity of water or inilk, and about two dozen small oysters to a ten-pound [must turkey. be served In this with case an it. oyster sauce juice of For this, bring to a boil the half a pint of oysters and one-half pint of milk, also boiling; thicken with two tcaspoonfuls of liour wet with cold water, add tho oysters, give one boil, and serve. For a celery stuffing the celery must he stewed and mixed with the bread crumbs, which should have been moistened with hot milk. A sauce is made by heating a half pint of milk, thickening it as above, and adding celery that has been cut in half-inch pieces and stowed until tender; season witli butter, pepper, and salt, and the least trifle of grated nutmeg. You may also change your dressing by the addi tion of cold minced veal or sausage meat. Now, having decided upon the style in which your turkey is to he dressed, and having washed it preparatory to the pxocess, fill the body and craw as full as may he, and sew the aperture with cotton twine; draw the legs closely in to the body, and tic or skewer them the place, or the bird will come out of oven in any thing but a shapely condition, with its limbs pointing to the four points of the compass. Bend it the the wings baking-pan, back undci the body, all place with in salt and sea- and son it over pepper, let it stand several hours before it, goes into the oven, that the seasoning and flavor in the tho dressing may permeate little into the meat. Pour a water pan, and put it in a moderate oven for the first hour, so that it may heat through slowly. Baste frequently, and increase the heat after the first hour. A ten pound bird should be. baked from two and a half to three hours. Half an hour before it is done, dredge it with /lour, and haste every ten minutes until f Ik cooking is finished. If it is not very fat, skewer thin slices of fat larding pork over brown the breast before made baking. Serve sauce as well, from the gravy in the pan, even if you have celery or oyster sauce. Make the brown gravy by mlding the a little hot water which to the gravy have in pan, from you skimmed the fat. Thicken it with flour wet with cold water ; and the stewed giblets lemon juice chopped the fine, seasoning. and put a dash Serve ol lo currant with or tho cranberry-jelly, turkey. or spiced plums Other Recipes. Hol t; Roast.—P ut some beef with a sliced onion into a stone crock and covet with good vinegar (cold), put in pepper, salt and a few c loves. Let this stand a whole day and night, and the next day roast in the oven, vinegar ami all. Disksski) Tonoii-'..- Take a corned tongue and boil till tender; split it and stick in ti few cloves, cut one onion, a tittle thyme, add some browned flour. Have the tongue covered with water, in which mix the ingredients, add three hard with hard boiled boiled eggs chopped fine; garnish eggs. Cheap Koi.i.s.- —Take cold mush (corn meal or hominy flour h ami knead into enough Graham to form a dough, just still enough to handle with flour, make into rolls three or four inches long and nearly an inch thick, then bake in a hot oven from thirty to forty minutes. They best when eaten warm. Corn whites Starch.—O of ne three pint tablespoon of milk, three eggs, fuls of corn boil starch, three milk, add tahlespoonfuts the of sugar; the custard ingredients, of and pint pour of in milk, mold. three Make yolks a one of flavor. eggs and Add three boiled tablespoonfuls milk, and of when ready to serve, pour around the part. Baked—T ake dozen a or more juicy Baldwins, wipe and core, Into a tin baking pan and tilt the with sugar , take a of taVilespoonful flour, rub of but ter and the same until smooth; to this pour just boiling till there is enough to the cover the apples, hake in' grate slow nutmeg over hour a oven an or more, Nice for dessert. Hominy Cam;*. —Cold hominy from breakfast one morning may utilized the next iu cakes. Mix cold hominy perfectly an equal amount add of flour until smooth; a tea spoonful of salt, and thin off with buttermilk, into part of which a tea -spoonful of soda has been when of the consistency melted of corn cakes, add a hake dessertspoonful usual. of butter, and as Ykumh-ki.ia PunniNc.—Parboil twelv. ounces of vermicelli, drain it in a sieve, ami put into a stew-pan with a quart of cream, four ounces of butter, half a pound of of sugar, the the juice grated and rind grated rind two oranges of one lemon, and the juice of half a one, and a little salt; cover and let it simmer slowly until the cream is nearly absorbed; tori' out to cool on a dish. Then add the yelks of six froth, eggs, and the whites beat into a stiff mix thoroughly yet mold, lightly. and Put bake it for into hour a well an and a half in a moderate oven. When done, turn it on dish and serve with sauce.—.1 t grietcttvri To he intelligent is to he honest, kind and good The liRdipi’ Fnvorite. The newest fashion in ladies' hats w’ll doubt less cause the a fair flutter of Ladies pleasurable always excitement among sex. are sus ceptible to the changes of a fashion plate; and the more startling the departure, the more earnest the gossip over the new mode. Dr. Pierce’s for the Favorite ills whfch Prescription afflict females is a and positive make cure their lives miserable. This liispla* sovereign panacea can he relied on in cases of men s and all functional derangements. It builds up the poor, haggard and dragged-out victim, and gives her renewed cope and afresh lease of life. It is the only medicine for woman’s peculiar weaknesses and ailments, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from thc manufacturers, that It Will refunded. give salisflle Head lion in every rase, or money printed guarantee on bottle wrapper. During cold weather the ball room belle in deeoilete costume is dressed to kill. •--- Conflunuxioii Surely Cured. To the Editor:—Please inform your readers that i have a positive remedy for tho above of named disease. By its timely use thousands boneless cases have send been permanently bottles of cured, remedy i shall be glad to two my khee to any of your readers who have con sumption if they will send me their Express “'VirfeMMlW SU N.Y. Life is burdensome, alike to the sufferer and all around him, while dyspepsia and iis at lendingevils holds sway. « ompiaints of ibis nature can he speedily cured by taking Prickly Ash Hitters regularly. Thousands once thus afflicted now bear cheerful testimony as to its merits. •Smell In » Drug store. What smells most in a drug store? Your nose. But when you have a cold, nothing. (Jure coughs and colds by taking and Mul Cherokee Remedy of .Sweet Gum lein. By means of a solution and an called a Nebulizer tho worst case of can be quickly and pleasantly cured. For ticulars address. City Free Hall pamphlet. Pharmacy, B’vvay, New York. THE ENIGMA. What the Scientific World Wants to Know.-A 81 00,000 Offer, We have published in our columns from time to time different advertisements in re gard to Bright's Disease and its cures. What is this terrible disease? We have taken the trouble to make an in vestigation from the best sources, and we give the results to our reader?. What astonishes us is the general indiffer ence In given sound to kidney alarm disorders. Thekidneys not the of their diseased coa lition, owing to the tact that they have very few nerves, hence few suspect that there is my disease in them. Irritation, inflamma tion. ulceration set in. and then the little tubes, stroyed of which the kidneys are full, are de and thrown off, and from this fact are called tube casts. As soon as this begins to take place it is only a question of how fast decomposition goes oh before the disease results fatally. If the proper remedies are taken before final de composition becomes or waste of these tubes com menees or too far advanced, that is the only and last chance for relief. It is at this jmint or before that Warner's safe cure proves wasting so beneficial, of the and mav cure or stop the vanced too away far. kidneys if it has not ad The most remarkable thing of all our in vestigation Bright's disease is the has fact that the patient with no exclusive symptoms, ■ at* has the symptoms of every common !iS'-aso. First lie may possibly feel a dull pain in ais back, generally upon one side, which does not debar him from his usual business rou tine. After a time he may begin to feel neuralgic what lie pains, call or have a slight attack of with high may dark rheumatism, or headache, or colored urine, with an un pleasant sensation in its passage, and after standing I-ater showing an unnatural condition. on, come tired feelings, loss of ambi tion or vigor, or loss of or failing eyesight, which is very common, with a distressed con dition of the stomach. Any one of these symptoms is liable to occur. This no doubt explains why the proprietors of Warner's safe curearc curing so many dis eases. kidneys, By regulating and building up the symptoms They of general ill-health dis appear. fession justly accuse the medical pro of treating the effects and not tho cause. the patient Finally if this disorder is neglected cither dies of appoplexy, pneu monia, heurt disease, blood poisoning, con sumption, is or any other disease that the sys tem most subject to. There appears to lie some one cause for nearly every but other ailment of the human system, been up to the present time no one has able to fully account for this terrible malady. We understand that the people of Germany fatality, have become aware of its fearful and have offered 400,000 marks (#100,000) to any one that can satisfactorily explain the cause. Good Financial Showing. The Freedman's Aid Society has 124 es tablished 24 schools, employing attendance of teachers, with an average 4,500 pupils. There are fifteen schools for whites, with an attendance of 2,000. To carry out the work on the plans pro posed for next year will require almost is $2'»0,000, and of this sum only #700 on hand. Since its foundation the socie ty has expended almost #2,000,000 in the work of education in the South, and has school property of almost #1,000,000 in value in its possession. The receipts for last year were #104,424.55, of which sum the conference collections amounted to #85,030. Bequests yielded #24,000.35. Of the receipts of #184,424.55, only #20,057.55 was paid by students. The total expense for the year amounted to # 183, <1,80. IMS. The most novel complaint of impure milk reported is that of the London hoy boarded out underthe poor-law regulation who reported that (he milk given him out of town, instead of being taken out of clean tins, had been squeezed out of a nastv cow, and he “seed ’em a-doing of it." Tlie ('meat l.ltlle Thins". "rate!" lie echoed. “Well 1 don't know as the adjective would liave occurred to me in lust that connection. But if you mean that th y dp their work thoroughly, i et make no tuss bout it; .... short,are a veryt-hing eause no pain that or pill weakness; and, m • a ought to lie, arid nothing that it. ought not,then I agree that I'ien-.-’H Pleasant Purgative Pellets are about the cutest little things going! A new society in New York lias organized for the study of politics. Ili-lilnir Pile". slinging; Symptoms —Moisture; by scratching. intense itching and worse If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming itching very sore. Sway.nk’r heals Oint mknt stops the and bleeding, ul ceration, mors. Equally and in i-tllcaelous many eases in removes curing nil the Skin tu Diseases. Dlt.SAVAYNE &SON, Philadelphia. Sent by mail for 50ots. Also soul by druggists. makes Evolution.—Tight whiskey, boots make a corn, corn whiskey makes n, man tight. Mild, soothing, and healing is I)r. Sage’s Ca tarrh Remedy. Tho National Farmers’ Alliance, Shrove roi* , “resolved” against foreign pauper labor. If afflicted with ore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp* sou’s Kyo* water. Druggists sell at 25c. per bottle. The Plain Truth Is that Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured thousands of sooplo who Buffered severely w-lth rheumaUsm. It neutralizes the lactte aeld In the blood, which causes those terrible pains and aches, and bIbo vitalizes and enriches the blood, thus preventing the reeurrenee of the disease. These facts w arrant u» In urging you, if you suffer w-lth rheumatism, to give Hood’s Sarsaparilla a trial. -- Having been troubled with inflammatory rheu matism for many years, my favorable attention was called to Hood's Sarsaparilla. I have now used three bottles and ean already testify to henettcial results. I highly recommend Bloomfield, it as a great X. blood puritler. — J. C. ay Kits, West Y. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Prepared only Sold bv i. all druggist*. $1; six for $5. by C. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. fOO Doses One Dollar pmm t Bitters li 5ENMA-MAND3AKE-BUCHU use i onus EauAuyejriciotTnuatDics It hat stood the Test of Tears, A ■feaHELOOD.LIVEK, i n Caring all Diseases of the 8T0M k ACH, SIDNEYS.B0W SIS, &c. It Purifies the BITTERS wThCIIBlood, { !eiascs Invigorates ^ 8 Sy3tem and * ' l - DYSFEFSIA.CONSTI CURES PATION, JAUNDICE, AU.O:S£ASESGFTKE SICKKEAD ACHE, BIL LIVER IOUS COMPLAINTS,&c KIDNETYS disappear at once tinder its beneficial influence. STOMACH It is purely cathartic a Medicine AND as its proper BO ties forbids its use as a ___ " S3 SziT ’'Ssntto bsverage. It is end pleas <®Vbvic^ 2tt 4P i easily me taken taste, by child- as : uintScocTu*’ 8 * as aduitA ALLORUhnBLS]Bp B | CKiy ASH bitters co PRICEIOOUARI Hole Proi rietor*. Om HT.Lo( T S**u<t KaSra ST. JACOBS OIL. WHAT IT HAS DONE. Relief. —In any climate at any Oil season relieves; one or two applications of St. Jacobs often cures permanen tly. This is the average experience in ten years. ! I Cures.—The contents of a bottle have cured i thousands of extreme chronic cases. Used ac cording to iMm-tinna directions there there is is a a cure cure in in every bottle.__ Tile substantiate Testimony.— the above Thousands statements of testimo- in the nials evre of all kinds of painful ailments. The Proof. —To make sure of this show ing, answers of to the inquiries resulted concerning follows; the per manency cures as That from date remained of healing to date without of response every cure has permanent re currence of pain. ties Its sold Supremacy. be justly —The rated twenty million bot can case" as so many cures; Its in almost every of a permanent bottle being cure. the price is the surety bottle being every and the same, every a cure poor are protected. Sold by Druggists and Dealers Everywhere. The Charles A. Vogeler Co., Balto., Md. SPTly’5 Ife! THOUSANDS «ny that HAY-fEVER ELY’S CREAM BALM cured them of - «*** CATARRH Apply Balm into eacli nostril. -S-Y :-V us-M Klv Bros.,335Greenwich St.,N.Y. KSDDER’9 J mm 'Ai \\ IJ u ■ - A SURE CURE FOR INDIGESTION and DYSPEPSIA. DIGESTYLIN, Over 5,000 Physicians have H sent la the us best their preparation approval of for Indigestion saying that they that have used. ever DIGESTYLIN We have never beard of a case of Dyspepsia whore was taken that was not cured. FOR CHOLERA INFANTUM. IT WILL CURE THE MOST AGGRAVATED CASKS. IT WILL STOP VOMITING IN PREGNANCY. IT WILL RELIEVE CONSTIPATION. For Summer Complaints and Chronic Dlarrhcea, which are the direct results of Imperfect digestion. DIGESTYLIN will effect an Immediate cure. Take DYGESTYLIN for all pains and disorder# of the stomach; they DIGESTYLIN all come from Indigestion. $1 large Ask your bottle). drv£$)*t for (price per Ir he does not have It send one dollar to ui Do and not we hesitate will send to a send bottle to you, express Our prepa-'d. nouse is your five money. reliable. EstoVdlshed twenty IIHH.K years. CO. WM. F. H «fc L Manufacturing Chemist** h,'l John St.i n.y, MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Wholly unlike artificial systems. Any book learned In oue rending* Reco munended by it ark Twain. Richard Judah P. Proctob, Benja theSc lentlst, Hons. W.W. Aston. min, Dr. Minor. Ac. Class of 100 Columbia Law sen* dents; 300 at Meriden ; 2!»0 at Norwich ; BOO at Obcrlln College; two classes of 200 each at Yale; 400 at Uni versity of Penn, Phlla.; 400 ut Wellesley College, and three large classes Jit from Chatauqun University, Aa Prospfftufi vnov post I .OTRFTTE. fuek 357 Fifth A New York up.. ASTHMA BRONCHITIS, HAY FEVER, and all Dl» i-a»e* ol the BLOOD, can be cored nnlzbz DD‘ HAIR’S SYSTEM of Treatment, whicn is now recognized by the medical world as the diseases! only one that will^positively and permanent^ Not only doestt excel all other in giving quick relief, but it Thousands absolutely have cures worst coses permanently. Convincing and concluaive proof cured by it. Treatise, sent free. tie found in my 64 page Dr. B. W. HAIR, 233 W. FOURTH CINCINNATI. OHIO. 1 CURE FITS! warrant, injr remedy to cure tho worst caeea. Because ethers have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle Blair S Dill IllSe a Great English Gout and I Rheumatic Remedy. Oval Box* 34) round* 1-1 Pills. DATE 9 NTS SS®r* book of teuton. D. C. Send forour HOME 8 J Kf> ^ n ^ anv h^p, Anthmrtir ruiarsfree^ BK th V K Vr’A'OL i'eUK,' hufalo.' N. FREE sSSSS I A MONTH. Ancnts Wanted. 90 best 'Address ing articles in the world. 1 sample Frtc. JA Y IfRONSUN, Detroit, Mich. PISOS CURE FOR CONSUMPTION I I > \ I.ill’S Kuwin«*tt*i Collpge.Phila.. $>40- Pa, tions furnished. Life Scholarships P '--i v.. 1 -— . r.-lm SHI aagii a £ PROPHET 0Rs Of . ^ -p hr.^AOtS C.ArAf\ RH fyCMEDy 1 i Tv I I o ^ For a case of Catarrh in the Head which they cannot cure. < 3 ! i b iqPl'iiV " mi ibst. CATARRH IN THE HEAD. SYMPTOMS OF THE DISEASE. -Dull, heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal pnssages, discharges falling from the J head Into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, the thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid; coughing eyes are weak; there is ringing in the ears, deafness, hacking or to clear the throat, expectoration of offensive mat ter, together with scabs from ulcers; the voice is changed and lias a * nasal twang”; the breath is offensive; smell and taste sion, impaired; hacking there cough is a sensation of dizziness, with mental depres- of a and general debility. Only a few the above-named symptoms are likely to be present in any one case. Thousands of cases annually, without manifesting half of the above symptoms, result in consumption, and end in the grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive and dangerous, less understood, or more unsuccessfully treated by physicians. Common n_„„_ Sense If yon would remove an evil, strike at its Treatment. ■mill iiiini.nm.imiinaiii( cure the diseaso our chief aim must he directed to the removal of that cause. The more we see of this odious disease, and we treat successfully thousands of cases an nually at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, the more do we realize the importance of combining with the use of a local, soothing and blood-cleansing healing application, a thormigh and persistent inter nal use of and tonic medicines. In curing catarrh and all the various diseases with uH - Lr which bronchial, it is and so frequently lung diseases, complicated, weak stomach, as throat, tarrtml deafness, inflamed ca IltLinnuL. hF! IIUPP weak or eves, impure blood, scrofulous and syphilitic taints, the wonder- 1 * 111 ful powers and virtues of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery cannot lie too strongly extolled. It has a specific ^2 M<5£125 o o o o o o r. . p~ ml 13 k ■<:\ P LEA SA £i x. /1 %j%| ^[lITLE ' f,r JHE ORIGINAL ( ff LIVER PILLS. •7 , HXS PURELY VEGETABLE! PERFECTLY HARMLESS! W As a LIVER PILL, they are L'neqnaled! SMALLEST, CHEAPEST, EASIEST TO TAKE Beware of Imitations, which contain Poisonous Minerals. Always ask f° r Dr. Pierce's Pellets, which are little Sugar-coated Pills, or Anti-bilious Granules. ONE PELLET A DOSE. A Sold by Druggists. SICK HEADACHE, 28 Cents a Vial. Bilions Indigestion, Headache, Dizziness, Constipation, Bilions Attacks, and ail derange ments of the stomach and bowels, are promptly re BEING PTRFAV VEGETABLE, - he red and pofmanently cured by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Pellets. In explanation of their remedial Dr. Pierce's Pellets operate without disturbance to power over so creat a variety of diseases, it may universal, not» , . the system, diet, or occupation. Put up in glass truthfully gland tissue be said that their action upon the system is vials, hermetically sealed. Aiwa vs fresh and relia- or escaping their sanative influence. ble. purgative, As a gentle they give laxative, tin- alterative, perfect or aulve Jtaimfietnred by WOBLP’S PISPESS4RT JKDICAL 1SS0CUTI0R, most satisfaction BtTPPAI.O, 3Sf- XL wel Sr^ er g pm L 4 ■ SOES DIRECT TO WEAK SPOTS. Youth, Don’t allow Health, yourself Vigor. As to good break. Keep up at 50 years as at 25, as good at 75 as at 40. At the first sipns of going back Rejuvenates begin the use lagging of Wells’ Health Rkkbwkb. vital forces, causes the blood For to weak course through delicate the vein* as in youth. men, women, Cures s Dyspepsia, Brain or Nervous Weairirss. Exhaus Drug, tea Ex. Vitality, E. 8. Wells, Restores Jersey Vigor. City,111, #..00 or Buchu-Paiba annoying Kidney, Mm comp Quick dete CK, cure, all Bladder and Urinary diseases, Catarrh of Bladder, &c. $1. Druggists E. S. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. EXHAUSTED VITALITY A Great Medical Work for Young and Middle-Aged Men. 0f M.UfE m KKOW THYSELF., Consulting ESMOTp® Physician. More than one millioncopie# •old. I* treats upon Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline, Exhausted Vitality, Impaired Vigor, and Impurities of the Blood, ana the untold miseries consequent thereon. Contains 900 pas?en, substantial embossed binding, full gilt. WarruniH the best popular medical treatise by published matt, in th« English language. Price only $1 postal and concealed In a plain wrapper. JUustrMw tarn pie free if you send now. Address as above. A n me th i* p ayer. * JONES XX SI PAYStheFREICHT 5 To# Wasoi Scales, Xr«a l.«r«r«, Bie te*T Bsviagi. Bria Tars Bun and B esa 1*1 for . *800. t Brsry aU« Seals. For and fre* ynvt'lS f fo-? msattos chit paper midrem * JONES IF BIROMAMTMl BINGHA MTON. fUT J.P. STEVENS&BR0, JEWELERS. Atlanta, Ga. Send for Cnialosiir. SOLDIERS 22 years practice Success or nofe& Laws sent free. A. W. McCormick & Son. Washittjrcon.U' J9fc 3a P» ■% Lines to *8 not a under day. the Samples horse’s worth feet. |1.50, Write FKH 409# Brewster Safety Rein Holder Go.. Holly. Mich. f ~1 Of* D is worth $500 per lb. Pett't.’s EyeSaiww \JT worth $1,000, but is sold at 25c. a box by deiieri. effect upon the lining- mucous membranes of the nosnl and other air-passaaros, promoting the natural secretion of their follicles ana glands, thereby softening the diseased and thickened membrane, and restoring it to its natural, thin, delicate, moist, healthy con dition. As a blood-purifier, it ia unsurpassed. As those diseases which complicate catarrh are diseases of the lining mucous mem branes, or of the blood, it will readily be seen why this medicine is so well calculated to cure them. Io5n z" | * all comparison the best preparation ever invented. In CUT I It is mild and pleasant to use, producing no smarting HiIC.ll I■ I or pain, and containing no strong, irritating, or caus .... ful antiseptic, ............ ... tic and drug, speedily or other destroys poison. all This Bemedy smell which is a flCCOHl- power bad comfort to lanies so many cases of catarrh, thus affording great hose who suffer from this disease. Sal SSSSSsSS Cures. up quers the throat, system bronchial, to a healthy and lung' standard, complications, and con effects the lining when membrane any such exist, but, nasal from its spoonc it awf upon of the passages, ulcerated materially brane in healthy restoring condition, the diseased, thickened, or the disemfc mem to a and thus eradicates When a cure is effected in this manner it is permanent. Both Dr. Fierce’s Golden Medical Discovery and Dr. Snge’l Catarrh Remedy are sold by druggists the world over. Discover? cents; $1.00, six bottles for $5.00. Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy 50 half-dozen bottles 82.50. to A complete Treatise on Catarrh, giving valuable hints ns clothing, diet, and other matters of importance, will be mailed post-paid to any address, on receipt of a 2-cent postage 6tamp. Address, World’s Dispensary medical Association, No. 663 Main Buffalo, N. T