Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, February 04, 1888, Image 2

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rp i >v- >■-RnbUgM 1 THOS. It. I’ENN, : Publisher. <;ray’s Station, Saturday, February 4. ' Macon News: The tomb which Jny Gould han had built for him ha?* angels on the windows. It gests the fact that those angels will be the only ones with which he will ever come in contact. Jay is ing if not sensible. The New York Legislature has consumed two days in discussing the question of work on the crumb ling ceiling of the State House. The cost of the discussion would bly more than pay the expense of the work required. New York is not the only State whose patriots make the people pay for this sort of gas. 11Ki'ItKHKNTAXIVK J>UNI!AM, of II linois, has introduced a bill in Con gress appropriating §150.000 for construction of an air ship to con vey passengers and freight through the air. This is supposed to bo PeBunsset’s flying machine, which mention has been made Congress will hardly lot it fly with 5150 000 M its. Bely a Lockwood may hav< to contend for the nomination her parly. Two formidable have lately sprung up. They Mrs, Dow, the Dover street President, who reduced the fare her lines, and Mrs Salter, the ores') of a Michigan town, who making it very vvai m for people defy tho law. This is a world disappointments, and M rs, wood must bear her share of — Ex. Ra vann a it News: The Republicans nro afraid the crats will manage to got a of tho Stato delegations m by ordering now elections in tested districts. What causes tho tiirii iity that has lately overtaken tho Republicans ? Thoy see a Democratic ghost in every shadow. However, let there fears he atlayed in this instance, Tho Democrats are not expecting tho election of a President tq be thrown into the House, and if they wore they "would decide contests strictly on their merits. All lixrnrslnn on theC. \ M. Below we copy u portion of a long and interesting article which ap peared in Sunday’s Telegraph, giv ing an account of tho excursion last Saturday. While our space forbids mentioning the long list of dis tinguished gent lemen, who compris ed the party, wo must not fail to no tieo Mr. Alexander Brown, of the firm ol Brown A Rons, bankers, of Baltimore, ami also connected with n... uv.. grot tanking «rms llron-n ft Co Ao.- York J hiladelpbia and Boston, and Brown Shipley A Co., London and Livor pool, i las gentleman has recently beeomo interested in the Covington and Macon railroad, and last Satur day took bis first ride over the road. “As annonnoed in our columns yesterday, a party consisting of several distinguished visitors and quite a number of tho leading eiti zons boarded the north hound tho Covington and Macon road at 10:20 yesterday’ morning, n Tho party was taken in charge by Col. K* C. Mach on, Messrs. Craig C hauncy 1 aimer, and S. „ R. Stonoy, officers of the road, with Mr. John Crawbord, chefde cuisine of thov Hotel Lanier, who had a bountiful supply of the good things of lifo’in the forward compartment of the gentlemen’s ear. At Bradley’s Mr J R ^' Van Huron b r , ” R “ with lnm as a souvenir at.a. tuor gia gourd, fashioned into the shape of a water dipper, well calculated to awaken many delightful memo. vies in the. minds of the happy travelers. A short halt at 'the little town u -i n( i, |,„j cnnituv 1 .... i.-tn w ' within the space of ! ' . iN months, amitnon the journey was Everybody on board ex their delight at the smooth of the road, and as the engine began to miles patter along at the road rate forty an hour, over a that, less than a year ago, svas made of corn ridges and patches of woods. At Hound Oak another short Was made, and the Messrs, Hunt, prominent farmers of that nity, got aboard. At every Btoppiug place the travelers were greeted with loud cheers and the waving of hats by the enthusiastic citizens, while ever and anon the flutter of a cambric! handkerchief from the windotv of ! some fine old Middle Georgia Man sion attested the interest which the ladies took in tins triumphant ride. | At a few minutes past noon tbe| train rolled into the fair town of j Montk-cHo, and the excursionists) wcro gri5ete d \ >y tbe lending men | 0 f t h 0 town, who turned out in, force, as they always do, to friends! extend I a welcome to their Macon j ai.d to the distinguished visitor., from abroad. The object of this trip was to cm-! lAasizo the interest which tlm j t , 0 .! P l0 oi Mucon ,hc extes.-ion ; iUl ' 1 completion of this enterprise, :u VIr ‘ d to ,}wwn demonstrate, butto the not entire alone world, to | j ' i that Macon is in lioarfy sympathy! wllh everything that will add- vA her prosperity; and that the com- j mu at will '‘o 1 ’ ® m l protect capital from wiser ever it comes. As such Urn | Strattons of approval and satisfuc tion wcro overwhelming. Never before has there been a j “tier gathering of representative i people to sanction this enterprise I with their approval. The j individual «xpror.. ion on the of pleasant lips of every was one mr l’ mc - 'They had expected to find a fine line of road running through a. progreSsivo country; but tho most sanguine did not expect to be car ried over an entirely new road !l< | tho rate of forty miles an hour, with as ranch comfort and safety, and through a country -of such grand possibilities. JbrfTlor the build ing of this rojiY men might have cormaraWd gftne, an d, lik oTer.ny yj/s brook, tb“ stream oi’life might have flown on forever, and the world might never have Jenown that there existed so fine a region as has been opened up by this lino of road. At Montrceiio tho crowd dispers ed and some 'were exchanging eon gratillations With the study citizens of that thriving town. The good j people turned outeu masse to wel come their friends, and there was an exchanging of reminiscences and | ■ war stories, and several deportment! gentlemen of middle ago and grave laughed ami talked, and cracked ' jokes just as old veterans are wont. ; j to do. Major We ekes told of how ! lie had been born hi a few miles of j Monticello; Cape. Dunlap told of how lie used to go swimming in • Murder oreek. years and years ng<»: i Dr. J. G. McCrary mentioned that Iris tvifo Imdgouo to whoollbc. in lho yon,, »go»o nn.l rvrn ‘ up an acquaintance wit h a distant ! relative of a family with whom she : was connected, and so on down thei long list. A friend remarked that: Mr. Sam Coleman looked ten years) younger and laughed more tliau ho had in six years before. Col. Ross was as jubilant as a , three-year-old, and Dr. J. S. u ax .. tc ’'’s usually dignified countenance i Gtok on a yoiuhfulness beyond j ion. Everybody was happy. Everybody had reason to be heppy, tor’wero they not present to witness and partake of the enjoyment of a . triumph that was as much to their honor and giory as to that of tbej citizens tf weref the irood town win re guests they Amrng the d,< extend tingoished cordial gentlemen welcome wlu> came the to a to town were Mr, X. B. White, Mr. llenry McClure, Dr- Maddox. Col. Kd Smitli. old t ol. I reston, the pit triarch, and lather Of two as noble j sons as ever did or ever will honor lsts went^ to tho .r.rm, aes >■ •>’ on invitation of the citizens of Mon tieello. where they had n most do « a »‘ U,no1 ’ > et in thcir 1,on f' | . .m/' ^ leave asearlv as antieiuated. Con duet or Whitehead gave an order to the engineer to “let Vr go. gal lagher," and the train vent h< .:nd | 0 g away at a rate of spec i not of ton attempted on old and settled linos. Part of tho way we ran at a into ot titty miles an hour, and at I o clock we landed in Macon with out jolt or jar. or any apprenension of accident. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Eighteen young men of Mono tain Horne, Ark., swore off from the tobacco habit on the first of the present year. Whoever returns to the habit is to bo ducked in a pond of water, A boy was born with two mouths in St. Paul the other day. When be attains manhood he will be able to out-talk any Minneapolis man regarding the relative advantages t j 10 lWj cUieg The Australian Minister of Public instruction has issued a decree for bidding the use of' small printed books in public schools, as the cause of the near sightedness so prevalent among the school children. A Census has been begun of tbe French carrier pigeon.s They are ?®g wd «* «°w as of such importance iu the event of war that all owners ir ° oWiged to report thier pigeons under a maximnnffine of 2.00 0 . A room] r of tbe Kentucky leg i 'lutiiro has introduced a bill pro hibiting tbo marriage offramps, vagrant.--, gafoblers, drunkards m*d persons of bad temper in that state. U«* probably expects to create for tho model young nr n a corner in the matrimonial market. A ■ ,o«J women in Deer Lie. Me., chroehetcd a baby's eacqite for a chnreh fair. The sacquo was raf-) fl> d off. and she took a share and won. She offered it to the fair again if they’d give her a chance She won again, ff the fair had kept on would, too. A j-,; on p S , !0r tc i] s of a remar k. able wedding in London recently, where tbo bride was attended by a cflittlo ^ixTu c-Iad in black vcl vet frocks, red stockings, black 8hot;9) red c!oaks nnd ,. ed thr06 cor nered hats, trimmed with black vel vet, and carrying red bongnr-ls tied with red and black ribbons. Romo of tbe voting people of Cairo, 111, had a candy-pulling the evening, andSevorybody was having a jolly time until suddenly lho house cat slipped from tho shelf tlie stove and fell into boiling molasses. It put such a damper entertainment that the broke up. The eat di# W. R. Gaines, Of Clarence. a cow more than a month ago. * a * ll ' r seal ' t '* l ‘ 11 g bi vain for her ' 0 lho conclusion that die had stolen. A few days ago, while was pubb'g straw from a stack 8 c ‘ ame ' n contact with an ’ 8 tnil and following it'np > ,1,at !t lo »gcd to his lougj cow - Tho cow appeared none j worse for her long imprison A Scotch terrier owned by C. I of Watertown, Wis., can I a sdaneo detect a bo«us silver I from j, a ‘ ^ Pennine ore ’ \ \ ,‘, n ‘J „ 0 ,2, 0 t . vl - e ,. lo a na ! of “ ...i™ ‘ I ,l ull u „ d „„„„ , v 1 1 ik l . . u ' ‘‘' 1 1,1 , . 1 l ’ ! ° U< °“° 9 u 1 ‘ ‘ j Probably the most remarkable in the world is -hat run -1 from Gloggintz to Lounering, oni '’ V )cnna - h 18 0,; '- v t ' venl v - miles in lengt.i an! cost over .Oth-.UOO. U begins at the (l >«gvmtz,at an v c'atton TO* 4 L et, and trom t aero tho hauled by two powerful loco motives, winds round and round . son »o fifteen dcablo viaducts ' ] } T lhr s . a,on °"- h , aa W! ) H - V lunn . ationfing f » ‘ . Il u . s of some of the wildest seen iu Europe Its terminus, Loun is at an elevation of3,500 feet. A stone of ranch . interest . precious an opaque white hydrophane ! r , ; . nal wip.uhisn.moral, itpo^es the property of becoming abso o] v ,r ; i,ie l‘ ire, ' t if xvuter is ‘* r0 P* - iT’porom'thaV'h 1 its weig.n oi . " » own wa u ' r - D 'fit t;y recovers its opacity. I’ho to. lor suggest- that the stone bo used for sc tls, , in js, and pins a , bv reason of its opacity would completelv conceal mottoes, or mementoes, which brought to view when do sired bv the application of a water.* SHERI FF’S SALES FOR MARCH. GEORGIA— •' ones County. 'Fj^i» j ! 8 fi 8 *be C' art House door in said Courty, I will sell at public outcry two hundred acres of land more or less, being one hundred and fifty acres off of lot seventy two, all said lot south of Long Slash, and fifty acres off lot sixty, parallel to lot fifty nine in the sixth District of said State and County and known as the Tom Stewart place—adjoining lands of John Baker, Mrs. Nancy If all: com and others. Levied on by virtie of a fi fa issued to the April Term 1888 of Jones Superior Court in favor of Elizabeth J. Lowe vs. Lafayette Balkcom, as the property of said Balkcom, the same being in his possession. Written notieo of levy served said Balkcom as tenant in possession. This 25th of January 1S88 W. W. BARRON, Sheriff Jones County. Piiivter’s fee $8.90, SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA—Jones County. .L BE SOLD at public outcry || tniore the Court House door in the" town cf Clinton on the first Tuesday in March next, between the icgn hours of sale, the following prop i ty tc-wit: One sorrel horse ipuli, Rock, one black mare mule, Kite one Mack horse mule,'Scott, one lay horse mule, Fete, one sor rel herso mule, Sam, one bay mare mu le. Beck, one bay horse mule, ,Jeff r one bay horse mule, Bill, one sorrel marc Valley, one'iron gray* mare mile, Jessie, one sorrel mare mule, Ida, or.e light sorrel mare mule. Duck. Levied on to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from Jones Superor Couit in favor of W. B. and O G. Sparks; vs. Sam Barron. Property pointed out in mortgage fi fa. This the 25th of ^’January 1888. W. VV. BARRON, Printe ’» fee. 54,95.j Sheriff. SHEivI! 1 it bALE. GEORGIA—JonesjCounty. |V'H*:i H-.usc- BE door SOLD iu before Clinton, tho Court Jones the flrsX Tues' m*Marcb next, between the le gal hours of sale, the following to wit: One eight horse engine, Talbott make and one %w cotton gin and one rubber Levied on as the property of Luudy to satisfy a fi fa is from the County Court of in favor of Talbott & s - liobul 1 Lulld y- Also at the * c ur« ai d place, one hundred itfiy acres of land more or less Uofvkins District: Jones county, us the Ivey Plane, ml joining a M s Mrs. Charles Hamilton, Y.'imbcrly and others. Levied property of Robert Lundy 10 « « *> “rood from the Conrt of .Tone, C. nnly, in of Talbott & Sons. Property out by oPlft’s atty., written served on Defendant. \Y. W. BARRON, an. 25th 1888. Sheriff. rintor’a leo. 85.75. 1 xirw i^aVeilllg ^ ±“llDilC . i --- ; —YOU CAN— ||OHEY • BY sr(m , IN0 AT I* ^ 6 * *“■ ■"MSS'* f?uxvri|tfi ® j W ^ W ^ ^ “ “ g 8 Um M0 \ LCD nnrnw'r’ ^ ! h C t Fv onyQ > Opposite Hotel Lanier, ^ n. »-«--»•?.s > q* .!*? ’** t'is house has recently been re fitid and refurnished with elegant plfjRNlTUUE and BEDS contains 20 rooms, and ±ssr,£ rxrsui in i ^asis.'.u-tory manner and at | eh if per rates than can be procured elsi'hore in Macon. 4 CTcalS 1 3 humished et any hour, dayfcr *x night, ‘ and first-class m Uou insurod ut rat l : -!—*t J. It. BENNER, Prop. —~! * ™ aiSfkct s Goe Middling. o . 5 . ling.......... o Lot Middling...,. "O T& THE PUBLIC, i ■“***■“*“ n ton V«^ 1 '■"" ^ A live. TIIE BED FRONT STORE, OCCUPIED BY W„ K. BEOX.SBXTSSCXE. Stands alono with his FULL STOCK OF GOODS, at unusual E*Q-"W' 2*3FII033JSJ I will mako it to the interest of all passing through Clinton to buy from me. This is IP* §«% *» ®U*fWtr and I intend to build up and keep up my trade by keeping polite clerks, FAIR DEALING, house full of Goods, and LOW PRICES. Thanking you for past patronage, and hoping you will continue same, I am truly yours, ltf W. II. HOLSENBECK. GEO. T. BEEIaAHO, WATCHES CLOUS IBM, m sxufbbv&bb Ilia Hjffcl&tfa lEuli ifsttS F’JSgrcE Z.S ETC HJ rtp®i Novelties in Holiday Goods SOrORDERS BY MAIL WILL RECEIVE tgs&gg PROMPT AND RELIABLE ATTENTION. 320 Second Street, MACON, GEORGIA I T« B« Ariope, a IppOHIEH *y O o w SS* a? ° WW) —AND DEALER IN— w iii @a 6 5w % @ Q 2. sn Hum. CB ® m The largest stock in the city. We have any article that can be called for, and guarantee everything to be of the best quality and at the LOW PRICES. Fine Jewelry, Bronze Art Goods, etc. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS FROM MONTICELLO AND JASPER COUNTY Watchesand Jewelry Repaired BY SKILLED WCRXftfiEW. ^REMEMBER THE PLACE 314 SECOND STREET MACON J. H* <& W. W. Williams, A Gold Fact. —WE HAVE NOW THE LARGEST AND MOST— \1 o IN TIIE CITY OF MACON, Unit all al ffcatlj jpnicrs! Our stock is selected with great care, with a view to wearing well. Wo don’t keep a shoddy shoe at all, but BaVO CKX)D SOZOB SHOES at prices yoa ordinarily pay for worthless shoddy shoes.. Give us a trial and be convinced. \ * 0 « made b y manufacturers of Philadelphia and Boston, and in this department you will find nothing but the latest fashions and of best quality. A large stock of CHILDREN’S SHOES, MIX <5r EVERSTT, 107 (Old No. 3,) Cotton Avenue, MAY COIM GrjFk to Mix & Kirkland, established 1840.J ltf Macon; Swan