Newspaper Page Text
TO B ill .. :.Al) (i \ltl>i;\.
Silage for t'altoning.
The latest comparative trial of silage
in the fattening sLieiy of cattle liy the Itoyal
Agricultural Voelcker is recorded by Or.
in the new number of the so
eiety’s hay ./m/muL silage From the same meadow
and were made, the grass for
and hay weighing that for silage 15 tons few 7 hundredweight, pounds under
14 tons •_•} hundredweight divided Twelve lml
locks were into two equal lots,
one to be fed on hay and the other on
Htlage, with the addition of tl pounds of
lor cotton e:wh cake bu'lock and a pounds day of maize bo h meal
per „• lots.
and wale at will. After cgl.ty-four
S sST o !’ Te
weight of the six bullocks fed on hay
KdX r n whi.r«ha 1 ofTtx Ol lilt six Ted »•"
on silage was Willpounds, , or 1. pounds
t« I uw pel < ay.
As there was oriL-mally about lo hun
remained after the hay bad been eon
suined to feed the ix bullocks for a few
davs it anneal- tied with a considerably
smaller consumption of glass, file am
mills fed on silage made a slightly greater
gain in live weight The silage in this
raw* wh-' Hour, lml of very »„>oorl ouul.ty.
Dr Voclekcr sbo ”iv/ ibc icMilis l. of ’in
expermicnl • witnessed ■ , , bv , Inin - which •
silane ing^nearly intended to be sweet n^l^iu but cnnt-iin
as much mid
tin; other experiment, was trie* aimin^t
bay from the same meadow w b equal
<juautitic*8 of other foods. In this ruse
the gain in live weight was I (i pounds
per head per day among four bullocks
fed on silage, against 1.8 pounds among
four fed Oil liav ■> ’
DiIidmi inj* fat I In.
The .subject of dehorn)!).'' vicious bulls
1ms received much nttcution lately in
a^iieullurul nailers, mid a rorrcnpomleut
of the 7,'fovi/ X ,a .rives Mime
valuable advice on the subject lie
says: “After about seven months’trial I
can add my testimony to the many who
have already re. ......ended the ,,,-aetiee.
l think the danger to the animals
amounts to nothing 1 have dehorned
«lxMJt eighty cow h and yearlings. 1
h.ivc tiicfl IhtuIVs saw. It is good, but
» small butcher's spring back saw, cost
good io/f from enough; fifty to seventy-five cents is
and the good wife will be
glad to have it to cut beet hones when
mit in use on the horns
“The bulls ami rows are not fastened in
the name way. If the horn Is cut in the
right )>lace there will be very little bleed
ing. there There will be no stub horn, | mt
will be a good looking muley that
will bo harmless in the future lam
quite sure that no one will ,-ive up the
practice afraid who mice bcies Do not ho
of cutting too close, if yearlings
or young stock one must, cut half an
inch into thc skin There is no loss of
appetite couple and but little loss of milk for a
of milkings. After that lam
satisfied there will he a gain in milk and
butter, because thc cows cannot harass
each other, and cvcnthin*' gentl/iicrd that helps to
make a quid ami increases
the yield of milk aul butter
“I allow no dogs ,U„,iii mv blow <anvs and
they ate never struck a in thc
stable harder than a little tup with the
lum' hand to make them stand over If
that is not. enough I turn my back to
ward them, and with the hips give them
a shove over. I used to think a stable
could not bo managed without more or
less kicks, milksioe! whacks, duh and
profauitv. abstinence,’ A year mid a tv.If of ‘total
and a stable as quiet ns a
kindness parlor, have convinced me Him, while
will not 'cure all.’ we have not
onc-tcnth part, of the trouble we did
have, while we have more milk ami but
tor. I ei any one who doubt, cut o.T the
horns to begin with, and tin i, ‘reform
themselves’ and trv the new p|.,„ awhile,
and I believe Huv'wiil never allow horns
or blows in th. ir barns
I'ht mu .‘lint (iaction Notes.
Don’t milk at six oYlock to day. seven
to-morrow, and half-past seven the day
Improper footling is the cause of nine
out of ten caws of sickness among your
“kicker” Many a good row has been turned into
a by milking her when her teats
were sore.
V'se every jireeaution to avoid tire.
Have a convenient peg for each lantern
in use in the barn, and never place a
light where it mav accidentally set fire,
Be careful in leaving hot ashes around,
“cholera, Hogs are plagued with t wo kind- of
' one affecting the bowels and
the other thc lungs, tme is really the
hog cholera, the other is the swine
plague. diseases Sometime- the hog has both
at one time,
A- a rule, toe farmer who carries the
mo-t grass on his farm produces the
most stock. And those countries which
product* thc wiGst stock P er hiri* of laml
cultivitted are genetally the richest in
agricultural resources.
A curious estimate is made of corn,
viz: Enough corn is usually grown each
vear in this country to allow each in one bn diet a week more than
enough to supply all the food required
for fifty thousand people, but the larger
portion of corn i- used by live stock,
and thus converted into me it.
Boot is a very valuable fertilizer, but
it is much better to apply to moist, cool
land than to that whic h is dry and warm.
It absorbs heat, and appropriates mois
ture from tlie-oil, A small quantity of
soot and plated ill hills ol melons, them squashes
immpkin will cause to grow
rapidly. It also kills many insects.
An experienced reduce poultry raiser advises
people to the stock ol foe Is as
soon as the year’s hatch is well provided
for. but to hold on to oid turkeys and old
geese,as they get used to ihe ways of the
1 arm and are worth much more as breed
ers than young ones. Ducks are also
good until three year*. A turkey is in
her prime at five, and a goose at twenty
years of age.
A ladv who claims to have had twentv
Tears’ success offers this re. iiw in
Ohio former, tor keeping eggs. Take
good fresh eggs and rub them over
melted Jard: Thus closing the pores in
Then a «< ••>#
bran in a box and a layer of eggs, setting
r rrees p set 4 1 last 4 spring ■ will v be greatly xi
»ST prcvetitAhal''repeated\ioi-tiu" , f^ a .r.e c, !ii. “ami
,i J e ,the soil caused bv alter
c ami thawing, which is so
jniuriou- to the voun- root- The nn
terial should not'be allowed to lie in eon
, act wi!h the stems of the trees, lest
mice, under it- shelter, gnaw the bark.
A good plan is to first draw a cone oi
earth lifted, indie- high nr.mr1 the
**“’ then mulch aruund the base of the
thc (!lird , n . - Wl;
wi *
„ h the rca(] , r wotl!(J |>)aIi , the gr;if „. in
evm . vacant Uildlnif-. around the home
h U( : ( , a))(1 falm Allow them
*&£ r 7 - . ..... .
to shade some walk or sunny spot, or
K »il| ,o„, aI ,d cover an ornamental treble, ft
a( , ( , beauty V01lr place, comfort
i’ to your home, joy .iVli.rUt to your children, and
of to every mis
- ■'*-»
Hidden ,,, , , in . „, I rent.
Nome ivoou-oiitter.s in me ol
discovery. Dromaling, Kngland, made fell a strange
They began to a vencr
oak, which they soon found 1° o';
finite ' hollow. Being half decayed it
*P‘<-uilJ fame ... to tin gtounu (rmlinl i with a
crash, disclosing a skeleton in excellent
l-'-'-vatioi^ even the boot, which came
tho knee, were pcitcct. I»y its
«*''' were a nowderhoru a p ; .r.-lain
J>i|*r*b«>wl and a silvei w.ittli. 1 jh> te< tli
were perfect. It. would seem to be the
skeleton of a man between thirty and
‘ I)rt y years ol age. It is eonjeoniiwj
that the while engaged 111 hunting slipped lie climb -el
tree for some purpose 1 and into
tilt* ., , hollow trunk from r which then: wits
no *c;U*iihc, uiul ho probably died ol star
v ’ llt i < ni. Another mystery was found in
? t ‘ le *' 1 ’ 0;n a , '- <i (li
,! , .fo bin.! a large block, about eighteen
'H'dics in diameter, that has been knock
m various yards and wood
- *«» s l lllf "1» » a tely, and in it was
»*'"''*> «« «“««• »ol« »'»>'* three-iourths
im mch m SIZI '- contamm K a bun( ' h of
lialr done hair tip in a pieee of jimite.l
The was near the centre of
block and fastened in with a pine
P‘"K- T 1( was apparently put m ... wh n trie
trc ® was quite small, ns the tree had
rowB ovcr the plug to th thickness ot
a,mul four uiches, with the grain per
rc, ' ll smooth awl
A natural curiosity was shown in a
t ! m,J< ' r merchant s workshop. I his was
the nest ami skeleton of a bird imbedded
. » p^ce ofbm:h. The timber seemed
M ult « *o«»« 3l11 Tound the cavity, and
there was no sign of any aperture into it:
b,,t th<! timber l,(;i "b r Nil ' v< • ,| «!>• ,h <’' nest
with thc bird sitting upon it was found,
Th,! nest ‘»l*i»*‘» r ><1 to be built with mud,
anfl thc bird resembled a titmouse,
I’rolmiily at the looping of a branch a
L ' avlt y w “® lorme<3 ' an<l the outside sub-
8«-<l«cntly grown over. But how thc bu-d
was seems diihcult. to imagine,
1,1 tllc cc'iter of a log ot Honduras
n ' aho S a »y the saw revealed a large piece
ol honey-comb the cells The hard, tinder and says the
wax w,th was resem
bh <1 111 color the appearance of a mum
"'?• The remains of the bees were in
crnHed m the wax. Another log of ma
h ‘r an v " as bcm ? , u ! m vl ' ,u, ' r b J r a
cabinet-maker, when his . attention was
* tlr “ !Wd b >’ a remarkable and striking
l ,rofll, ‘ of hcr ,na "sty tna knot m the
'1 likeness was so true that all
wbo 8aw Hml " acknowledged this curiosity the only rcsem- been,
'Uncovered in the present year we might
have had pihdee midiogany mtded to the
m *? w ending list of articles so distin-
8 n ' s hed.
baV ( ' 0ads be «“ found ... in -
<,ll , .' s !' d 1,1 solid bodies , , that , it . is not sur
pnsmg to read tu a N ottish paper that a
servant, while breaking a cd urge pieee find of
coal for the Jim. was start to in
tlm center of the l.lo. k a full-grown toad,
which appeared tojJ>e m excellent health
ami spirits. A has H'ommon discovery was
made in Birkenhead. A gentleman
then* was presontod with a cow’s tongue,
which appeared After the' to lx* perfect in boiled every re- lit
sped. tongue sandstone was imbedded
d iscovered a three-quarters pieetvof
in it about of an inch in
length, half an t lueh in width, and a
;» l “ r .' c r of m inch,in ’tiickneas.-CW
. no .
s ' 0,11
lion to Prevent * Hail road Collision*.
A most wonderfhl invention is reported
from Vienna. An Austrian engineer has,
. b is . said, , designed, a truck to run before
every railway train,, being maintained al
ways at a fixed (but adjustable) distance
in front by the force of an electric cur
rent transmitted along the metals from a
dynamo on the engine. The current is
\ (inducted through the mercury contained in
glass tubes on pilot truck. If, there
fore, the truck comes into thc collision
the tubes are bniksm and the contactcou
s ,, 1M . nt ly destroyed. The interruption
the current instantly, and automatically
applies the breiiks on tin* following
tra | n . it is claimed by the inventor that
two expresses, fitted with this system,
might with immunity be set to run full
tilt at each other.. The collision of their
pilot trucks would arrest the progress of
l«>th trains before they could meet. The
element of humam fallibility is accord drivers
ingly entirely eliminated, and
may dash through a whole series of
danger signals vrithout risk, being auto
matically arrested the moment they reach
the spot that is , really dangerous.— >?.
JemeYt Gm«tte.
A Vaiqne N'eektle.
> lr . A . -bid-ton Cole, who is the tnan
rt ger of one of the large Chicago whole
>alt . houses in the line of
furnishings, sihows a novel necktie,
he has just received from Tevas. It i« a
rattle make skin made up in the form of
a four-in-haad tie. The point rattle
set in the centre of the outer fold, tr
serve the and purpose show- of a tie-pin. of As it
glistens aii sorts shift
ing colors in the sunlight or gaslight, it
makes » very attractive, if not exactly
conventional, tie. Mr. Cole says that
>VHS ,0 him as a -ample, th-* sender
**y»g ,bst - a * <«ve stork ot rattlesnake*
iu his country is inexhaustible, he
supply (he hicago os many house of thes strange —Chtcuy ties «,•
A msy want
Sensible Views
*ork State factory inspectors some sue- ^
^ n SS' , {1(1 ,
18 ^ ars of 1,l! CII d»>°yed in a fac
ry without previous medical examina
. ^t child under 10 shall
no be em
ployed lu factories where there is risk of
'" 0r JUI where 7 ln J} thcre 1 ® natufe are n0 of lire .. the esca employment, P es
HoifseTSldf'-denda?f^.f*i888 ~~ 7,7
lemCdl Hoo.iV. otherei.lMSstyll ______
taking feature aiMl.Ty^^hSiSS!; about it, because it is unique in
>; ^8 g^Gfofly wealth of brown hair eon
SffihiShSrthSd? “heJd is a marvel of StoftfaS
!*nfn vtXy
« ttftftttBt
^,lT i ”' U ° PStod &
fVrhir chips rwetted), placed in the nest of
•ettin^ liens will drive out lice.
The Correct Time.
K-d to enable them to do so. But themore
delicate a eliroi nviev i- made, the more sub
jcc| j: become- ri< rngement, and unless it
, , 1I(WS- \v wonder, ihen, that thehu
man machine- - oma.-li i,lore delicate and In
the J™MASS'S inaiiusprin^ot 11 compj<*x;structure.and
onth- impuriti-s left in the. blood by adisor
deml liver. df|».-mi mo.,: of the ills that flesh
>H li, > i i o. Kven eon •unipiion (which is lung
scrofula), is trac able to the imperfect action
ion*/ t-malogiu* of ^ravc malnUies have their
,Dls^r^’i^^ilte’S in nlthy, normal :ictioi» of the liver,
and acts as a
cure preventive of these diseases,
consumption Surely cured,
To the Editor:—Please inform your readers
that ! have a positive remedy for the above
d >*"»“*: «>’** use thousands of
iioi»eh‘SS cases have been permanently cured. I
shall be ukut to send two bottles of my remedy
i’kkk to any of your readers who have con
FUfriiiflon if they wil, send mo their Express
ami r. T. O, A. address. HUM I'M, Hespcetfully, M. m Peart St., N. Y.
In one week,80,000 bushels of Scotch potatoes
were received at New York.
$500 Krward
J>r. , in good faith, by the manufacturers
S« go’s Catarrh deniedy for a ease of ea
n*!i wjiich ihey cannot cure. It is mild,
soothing and licnling in its effects, arid cures
“cold in the head,” catarrhal deafness, throat
distressing ailments,and disease. many other complications of this
50cents, by druggists.
Territory, Women suffrage but. they is re-enacted from in Washington duty.
are exempt, jury
No one can truthfully say that Catarrh is
\%rtAm pamphlet. BVarffiS,
Pyrity and Strength
I’ltc : in the blood and the latter throughout
Hu v i'in, are neeessary to the enjoyment of j er
fe *t nealth. The best- way to secure both ia to take
Ho,.,.”- Strsaparilla, which expels all impurities
from •'«'* blood, rouses the klineys and liver, over
c Mi. < that ttre 1 feeling, and impart.? that, freshnes.
to t ' ! i) nly, whtcli makes one feel perfectly well.
“I have taken not quite a bottle of Hood’s Sarsa
parjlta, nud must say it Ik 0220 of tb^ best medicine.
for ?,ivinu; n;i appetite, purifying the blood and regu
lating the digestive organs, that I ever heard of. it
did me a great deal of good.’’—M rs. N. A. Stanley,
Canastotu, x. Y.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. $1; six for ^r». Prepared only
by C’. I. HOOD & CO., ApOtlteraries, Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses -^ne Dollar
Tito best and surest Remedy for Cure ©f
all diseases caused by any derangement of
tho Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels.
Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation,
Bilions Complaints and Malaria of all kinds
yield readily to tho beneficent influence of
It Is pleasant to the taste, tones up thc
sy tem, restores and preserves health.
; t is purely Vegetable, and cannot fail to
pi >ve benc&chd, both to eld and young.
s a Blood Purifier it is superior to all
others. Sold everywhere at $i.00 a bottle.
Gone Where the Woodbine Twineth.
Hats are Kmart, but “Rough on Rais” beats
them. Clears cut Rais. Mice, Roaches, Water
Busv=. Flies, Beetles, Moths, Ants. Mosquitoes, Lugs,
Bed hugs, Hen lace. Insects, Rotate
Sparrows, Skunks, Weasel, Gophers, Rabbits, Chip*
mucks. Moles, Musk Rats, Jack
Squirrels. 15c and *3c. Druggists.
“ROUGH ON PAIN” Plaster. Porosed. 15c.
“ ROUGH ON GOUGHS.” Coughs, colds, 25c.
aliTsiSn i iumors^cuT?e r> by
“Rough on Itch” 0 : ntmfut cures Skin Hu
mors, Pimples, Rheum, Flesh 'A onn>. Km*Worm, Chilblains, Xt' Tot- h,
ter. Salt F;v «•.? b>er
Ivy Poison, Barber's Itch.: <•:? id Head, Eczema,
We. Drug, or mail. K. S. vvsuts, Jersey City.
Cares Files or Hemorrhoids, Itchir-. Pretrud
ing, Bleeding. Internal ami external remedy
in each package, curt- cure. SY. Druggists J.
or mail. E. S. Wells. Jersey City. S
PppS teW^JCATARRHAL LLPS Ci«ajQ9»s CRrAH th© field BALM of
m Vilnyti loflninm tlion,
M Ki v X.S the -v > KJGS,
If»tsfor** ilie spiisfn of
» atu« unU Smt'll.
Apply Balm iti’oeaeu nostril,
Fly ,-*oGreer.w cliSt,,N.Y.
ST >a ay. .frOK r:i®n?sz^:hly ' «.c, Perm*nshipkArithmetic, Cl?
Wuirs ,J. w. ttsxgtit br mar.
i L.OLLK«E, 4i: »« • ftit&a)*.
A Memory of Early Day*.
Till WBMr find another dose:
the.'shuddering you frame revolt!
ci“a/of alt^waol nia’
Huge and gripineold blue pills!
coated, easy “MCrSl* to take,cleansing, wrenching recuperating,
^Tgony i
withagon y. y
fo??h1rTy >etr^nco^tfoSSZt
IfSaflerers from tonsamprt.n
Scrofula, Bronchitis, and General Debility will
‘ry Scot’s Emci^io.v of Cod Liver OU with
. R^ad
fmve usedScEmuUn in%“ver&s “I of
and Debility in Child*m «
A Promt Woman’s Airs.
Why is a proud woman like a music box?
She is full of airs. And if they blow on her,
couj^hsand colds must follow. Do not neglect
a cola, out take Taylor s Cherokee Remedy of
Sweet Gum and Mullein.
SSSfSSI be speedily cured by taking Pnckly
natnreciin regularly. Thmwands thus
afflicted Asl.i Bitters now bear cheerful testimony once as to Us
"------ ------------------ s—a—~
For The NerVOUS
T X hf* X1C L/CulillalcU IVhilitated
mt,. I he Aged, A
' Medical and ecientific skill has at last solved the
problem of the long- needed medicine for the ner
vous, debilitated, and the. aged, by combining the
best nerve tonics. Celery and Coca, with other effec
tive remedies, which, acting gently but efficiently
on the kidneys, liver and bowels, remove disease,
restore strength and renew vitality. Thia medicine is
Ukry /■frames
It fills a place heretofore unoccupied, and mark!
a new era in the treatment of nervous troubles.
Overwork, anxiety, disease, lay the foundation of
nervous prostration and weakness, and experience
has shown that thc usual remedies do not mend the
strain and paralysis of the nervous system.
Recommended by professional and business men.
Send for circulars.
Price 8I.OO. Sold by druggists.
CPJRI^tmfDEAF 9 t»dH I nEfc# M ■
,woW * H,0W * _
f Perfectly Restore the
j I Hearing, * whet her injuries the deafness the is natural caused
by colds, (evert or to
I/?uic drums. Invisible, comfortable, always
gy In position. Music, conversation, whi*
c rprs heard distinctly. We wferto thoi*
ITL « ur-tne them. Write to F. HISCOX* York, 851
fe Broadway, cor. 14th St., New Csi
LfibJ illnstrated book of proofs, FREE.
A y 9 5^ ffi- (\S 9\S *r 8 t c 0 obtained STON tty JB* H. «EL
CO., Wbm!i
* i ugt ft n» 1>. C* Send for our book of instructions.
tv? SIS a day. Samples worth ^LSO^FRBR.
Lines not Unde^ the ^ horse s^^eet.^
Brewster Holly. Mich.
X: ; - J
3 -J. TH^ Ail i i<\ w i
' wo I m ^0
fAM eD uvs^blqod J "a
_S V ’W^Al^yoiir
■:A si V imt'kZfAWr
[ COI'YP.IGHT, 1887.]
T)o you feel dull, , languid, low-spirited,
lifeless, and indescribably miserable, both
physically of fullness and mentally: bloating experience a
or after eating,
or of “goneness,” or emptiness of stomach
in the morning, tongue coated, bitter or
bad taste in mouth, irregular appetite, diz
ziness, sight, “floating frequent specks” headaches, before blurred the eye
prostration exhaustion, lrrita- eyes,
nervous or
with bility chilly of temper, hot flushes, alternating
sient here sensations, and there, sharp, cold biting, feet, trail
paiins drow
siness after meals, wakefulness, or dis
turbed and unrefreshing sleep, constant,
BILIOUS WILluuo C?ii^(qsaVs^ attack, 0 "fei^troulifedwiSia the e tere?We 0 bn- Liver | Co Mrs. A r . I. Y., V. ^Y^ito8: Webber, “For of Yorkshire, five years CalLarauffus previous to
j ous linlU rin:.: of heart, poor rest at 1 | taking: ‘Golden Medical Discovery' and ‘ Pellets ,*
Hi ftvTiny I Alia. night, Medical etc., Discovery’ I commenced and ‘ the Pellets,’ use of and your derived ‘Golden the 1 Disease. I right was side a great continually; sufferer; bad a severe pain in my
highest benefit therefrom.” was unable to ao my own
very work, i am now well and strong-.”
the Tliorouglily fountain cleanse health, the blood, which is : humors, from a common Blotch, or Erup- ence. Virulent Hood-poisons are bv its
of by using Dr. lion, to the worst Scrofula. Salt-rheum, use, robbed of their terrors Ksneciailv
Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery, ’• Fever-sores,” Scaly or Rough Skin, in has it manifested its potency in curing
and good digestion, health a lair skin, buoyant ; short, all diseases caused by bad blood, are Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas, Roils. Carlum
epwits, and bodily and vigor will i conquered by this powerful, purifying, and cles, Sore Eves, Scrofulous Sores and Swell
bo established. I ! invigorating medicine. Great Eating Ul- tags, Hip-ioint Disease “ White Swellineu.”
Golde.v -Medical Discovert cures all cere rapidly heal under its benign influ- Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged !; lands
A medicine possessing the power to cure such inveterate blood and skin diseases as the following testimonial portrays must
certainly be credited with possessing properties capable of curing any and all akin and blood diseases, for none are more
obstmato or difficult of cure than ’-alt-rheum.
SALT-RHEUM World's “Columbus, Dispensary Ohio, Aug. 18th, 1S87.
Medical Associa
tion, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.:
IN ZT3 Gentlemen —For several years 1 have felt it
Rheumatism. to be my duty to give to you the facts in rela
tion to the complete cure of a most aggra
vated case of salt-rheum, by tlie use of your
had ‘Golden been Medical sufferer Discovery.’ from An salt-rheum elderly lad.v
relative of mine The a great disease for
unwards of forty years. skin to crack was the most inside distressing of the in her
hands, causing the the open on She Angers
at the Joints and between of adhesive Angers. plasters was salves, obliged to protect
the raw places by means the winter months had ointments and
dressed bandages, daily. and during quite at to have her hands
The pain was severe times and her general
health was badly and affected, rheumatism paving caused the way for other diseases to
creep in. Catarrh a great faithfully, deal of suffering
in addition to the salt-rheum. She had used and with
the most commendable perseverance, all the remedies' prescribed
by her treating physicians, herself but by without drinking obtaining teas made relief. from She blood-purify- afterwards
began aud nerbs- She continued this for several
ing roots years but de
rived no benefit. Finally, small pamphlets about ten setting years ago, forth 1 chanced to read
one of Dr, Pierce's the merits of his
• Golden Medical Discovery • and other medicines. The name struck
Golden Medical Discovery cures Con- Lungs. Spitting of
gumption i which is Scrofula of the Lungs’, Breath, Bronchitis,
by its wonderful blood-purifying, For invigora- Weak I Severe it Coughs,
ting and nutritive properties. ! tions, is a
I I CfiUKfiMPTffiN . I Solomon Bras, of .Vertft CTayfon, Miami
| uunoumniun. I Cl)., Ohio, writes: gratitude “I have for not the the words to
express ’ Golden my Medical Discovery ’ good your
wife. She taken has done mv
was with consumption, and after truing one doc
tor after another I finally gave up all hope of relief*. Being very
poor and having but one dollar in the world, I prayed to God that
he might show me something; and then it seems as though so m< -
thing did tell me to get your • Golden Medical Diseoverv.’ My
wife took it as directed, and as a result she is so she can work now. 1 ’
ysTmiiBH Gained
tu rUUNOS. iXhu!
pounds. eat four a Then five X if used I dared to eat about one meal a day. and now can
or to.”
4. I,
WML m mark
m, I ?
Carriage.— graceful carriage Why so many be accounted deviate for from in i
there may misshapen beings ai
many ways as are
Lame Back.— The spinal column is the main
stay of the body, which stiffens up th<
straight provided man muscular or woman, supports and to hold nature it erect ha;
Distortions. —Men and women recklessly
twist themselves out of shape, and the re
suit is bending the few down. standing straight and the
Pains.— Those which afliict the back are the
most insidious or subtile. They come at
times without warning; we rise from a sit
strained ting posture to to find acute the back suffering. so crippled or
as cause
Cure.— Rob the parts afflicted freely with
St. Jacobs On.; Tub hard and vigorously,
producing warmth, and if the pain is slow
m yielding, wrap the parts in flannel steeped
Sold by Druggists and Dealers Everywhere.
Salary from $100 to $200 a Month!
We want a live, energetic man, who is not afraid of
work, in every town in the Southern States. Such a
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No capital required. Work the year round. We only
want to hear from those who mean business. II. I.
IMJDtilN* A S'ubiiwhers, 33 s*. Broad
streef, ATLANTA, CJA.
§liPERJ0R^ Kpii ,bs. g^Fft ^Ol/AIrITY
WJPISmsL _ LGZestrim
FHMDEI^HIA-vSend stamp for Cata logue.
B| a !J. DiIIa Great English Gaut and
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Solid GOLD WATCHES and rHEIfc.41
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ToensbJ* ns to^etonrJist of popular low-priced Books Into iho baads d asmany
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Until Mat In lit.: For thc Sr*t 50 correct answers to the question Whali in trio !ong? v,; M N
X verse the Bible? we will plvc the following valuable presents: 1-V.r the first c. rre
O rip answer second,* a< Genuine ion tloajin’a Diamond (or Ledy'sJliuniinzCaGe Rlnj; worth 850; for Solid the tided. Gold Watch nSolid And Gold Chain Watch worth (open fece) ,'»;far worth the
$40; iuf the fourth, a Genuine Diamond Ding worth 8*»5, nn d for each of the ncx 1 40 correct
(if thert be 30 many), an r’.epautlv bound volume of Toema. With y-nr ar.swtr cacloav
vTOPiTfPw/%'-' 1 S5e. Package, (stamp*, containing postal note liatofonr or silver), popular for which low-priced we will Books send and you, nil post-paid, the following our Grand Cards,Games, Combination Ac.,
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Forfeits, 100 Choice Album Versos. Thc Great Eureka Prize Puzzle, How to tell a lady’s* ape. 1 For
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- will refund the monev paid for it. Be sure to CO./ give your full name and addrers. Address
' HOWARD FIJBL1SHIXO - Wallingfo^^nn^
s Tlie Best 1
!l Wi rtfPiFnAfP : 09 y!
: c
f isn EYerMaae.
trade MARK. A sk for tho *»FISIT BRAND” slicker and takenooilier. .I f your storekeeper aoe.
no*t 1>ayM he^FFs^BnANiV^eni^^vr^^eril>tiv^atalogu^o^^ J. TOWER. 20 Simm ons St..
indescribable feeling of dread, or of im
pending If calamity have all, V
number you or any considerable
of these symptoms, you are
suffering American from maladies—Bilious that most common of
Torpid Liver, associated with' Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia, or
or indigestion. The more complicated
your disease lias become, the greater the
number and diversity of symptoms. No
matter what stage it, has reached. Dr
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
will subdue it, if taken according to di
reetions for a reasonable length of time,
If not cured, complications multiply and
< bnsumption of the Lunge, Skin Diseases,
Heart Disease, Rheumatism. Kidney Dis
ease, or other grave maladies are
sufferer mediately from reco^ended^tto^e^'ladj’whohad’&“e ealt-rheum. She commenced nto^onga I im
took one bottle, but seemed to be better. taking However, It at once, I realized and
that would no
it take time for any medicine to effect a change for the
better, and encouraged her to continue. She then purchased a
halt-a-rtiozen bottles, and before these had all been used she began
to notice an improvement. After taking about a dozen botties she
was entirely cured. Her hands were perfectly well and us smooth
and healthy as a child's. Her general health was also greatly
almost, improved; cured, the rheumatism entirely be leit her, and the catarrh was
so that it ceased to much annoyance. She has
enjoyed excellent health from that day to this, and has had no
return of either salt-rheum or rheumatism. The ‘Discovery’
6mns to have entirely eradicated the salt-rheum from her system.
She is now over eighty years old, and very healthy for one of such
extreme age.
I have written this letter, of which you can make any use you
see fit, hoping that some sufferer from salt-rheum might chance to
read it ana obtain relief by using your ‘Golden Medical Discovery *
—for Golden' it is in its curative properties, and as much above
the multitude of nostrums and so-called * patent medicines,’ sc
zealously metals. flaunted before the public, as go Id is above the basei
“ Respectfully
Wheeler, 1 62 21st St.”
Blood, Shortness of i I promrely cures the severest Coughs, it
Nasal Catarrh I strengthc ns the system and purifies the
and kindred affec- j blood,
remedy. While it
Mrs- Rice, of A T ei riant, Vermont.
LOUGH uuuun OF _ Ur the benefit J feet J received at liberty from to two acknowledge bottles ol
FlVF *L f YFMJv l Land G’ a c cough Golden of five Medical years’ Discovery,’ standing, which and dyspep* curec
KTMMMfi I onuimi, sia - fr 0 ™ which I bad suffered for a long
w time. I have also used Dr. Pierce's Extract
family, with goodlff^^^ ° F Wat ® PePPer ’ iD
WorthS I finntF tOOO ifeS ‘c^SS^fSn “t
ILL well, and have only spent three dollars, and
z p U rnck; DacK waere h ;re f 1 w:k - notthreethousanddoliarsonc
Discovery $1.00, Six Bottles for $S.OO; by
Sciatica, Scratches, Contracted
. Lumbago, . Sprains, Muscles,
Ehenmatmn, Strains, Eruptions,
Bnrnii Stitches, Hoof Ail,
Scalds, Stiff Joint*, Screw
Stings, Backache, Worms,
Bites Galls, Swinaey,
Braises, Sores, Saddle Galls,
Bunions, Spavin Piles.
Corns, Cracks. CakOdBieasta
For MAN or BEAST, Rub it in
_ I _ D ®T8»W Mf M iramMi HI?si
J* IT* W S &S OSs/J I
&J I Eflitf ^1 bsLaSnk ga 1
A tfanta, Ga.
Send for Catalogue.
gWi m.
O S fjood. ^TL^owypSoj^j
When X gay cure I do not mean merely to tneir>
fora time and then have them return again. of F11S, I iwbip nriL'
radical cure, I have made the disease lifelong study. A
M“leETb n 'w®w v«rk
SZoOiaBKsaa fkAASti month. ssssss^sssmsss tentsWantea. t» tr«
A, N. U.. ...................................I IV. SS.
liable to set in, and, sooner or later, in
duce a fatal termination.
Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov
ery acts powerfully upon tbo Liver, and
through cleanses that groat blood-purifying blood-tain organ,
tho system of all Is and
impurities, It is equally from efficacious whatever in acting cause arising. the
Kidneys, and other upon
cleansing, strengthening, excretory healing organs, their
diseases. As an appetizing, restorative
tonic, it promotes digestion and nutri
tion, strength. thereby In building malarial up districts, both this flesh and
derful medicine has gained great celeb
rity in curing Fever and Ague, Chills
and diseases. Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred