Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, February 25, 1888, Image 4

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AGRICULTURAL TOPICS OF INTEREST RELATIVE TO FARM AM* GARDEN'. Til resiling Oals by Hand. Some good farmers are readopting the old method of threshing their oat crops with a flail, leaving the work to be done in winter, and thus furnishing employ ment to men who would otherwise he idle. There are some other advantages in this practice not included in the em ployment it gives to labor in winter. The freshly threshed oat straw is readily eaten by stock, and there are usually enough light oats left iri it to make it light possibly good the bed, It is better to leave oats in straw than to put them in the bin among the threshed grain, for unless the grain is carefully graded some of these light oats will go in the seed and help threshed to deteriorate in the crop. With hand oats cold weather, there has been no danger that vitality of seed ha been impaired by heating. While the oat is in the sheaf any dampness in the grain is absorbed by the chad , and as the head is bulky and porous it dries out without injury. Outs threshed by ma chine as soon as harvested, and then dumped, in several hundred bushels, per haps, one bin, are pretty sure to heat. It would be better in such case it the seed were entirely spoiled in -tead of having its vitality impaired. The crop comes up weak, and if the season is not every way favorable it is a partial failure at the best, and this makes a larger proportion of poor oats for seed the subsequent, season. — Cultivator. Profit iii SHi-ep. Tt seems as if every fanner could make sheep thing profitable. do It is not a difficult of to sfti to make a sheep her yield lamb an in come per year from and fleece. In any of the older States, agood lamb, fit to turn away in July, or before, will bring $t in tho local markets, ami eight pounds of unwashed wool, of me dium or coarse grade, will surely bring $i‘. The sheep may he valued at AT. This is the amount of capital required in tin; sheep. To this must lie added tin-use of land lor pasture and to cut. hay from for the winter. The pasture for a small flock of sheep is an item of little cost, as they can run in the early spring on the land designed for corn.and if they do cat. this down close they will make it richer. After the corn ground is no longer ava l able, the buckwheat lot ami the fallow land can be utilized for pasturing the sheep. Some good farmers may say this is lambs pinching will the do sheep too closely, and the not well. it must be remembered that sheep like ft short and sweet bite, so that a close pasture is not amiss. This is not all. Every flock of suckling ewes and every lot of lambs should have grain everyday in regular feeds. Hero is a secret our readers should know. The money to be made out of Iambs is in a rapid and early growth, and this can be brought about the cheapest and the best with additional food, such ns they need, and that spe cially adapted to make milk and growth. Every man who owns auv land and who afford wants to get buy anything bran, fruit it mu well to if lie does not have it, and to teed it to all young animals and till suckling ones, lie will certainly get it back by feeding it. plentifully to sheep and l imbs in both growth and in iho ma the nure. Sheep of thus fed will shear double fined amount hay and wool that they wdl (•(III to grass. ! ' ln-c;> will do well on clear clover hay before lambing, and if in fine condition they will do well fed exclusively on it, afterward, but a little grain, even when fed on tins, the lo st ol hay, will help wonderfully and pay in the oxtui growth. It is folly to expect any profit will in sheep when not lib erally fed. It make hall'-differenco in the lambs. Any man can figure out the difference, allowing two gills a day, or a full pint for three or more months, with the results, or no grain with its re sults. It must not he forgotten that sheep can by good feeding he made fa r» to-.s for enriching the farm, and this is a grand consideration. Our Country Home. Faffn aiu! (larden XotiM. Tt costs no more to raise good live stock than poor ones. ,, louldy silage . is unwholesome, , , ol course, but silage properly stored can not become mouldy. Don’t let fowls eat snow. It onuses loo-r u as in the bowels and prevents hens lrom laying. Civegood. part* water. A writer in the .Uer. w, VtiUvutfor fa ors sowing beans broadcast, us you wo ild any grain, always putting them on greensward. The /•’,«•'«. C.o-* .W l/ome savs: “A cow is in her prime when she is from four to six years old, and (tie best pay inn time to buv is ust after ihe biith of her second or third calf.’’ Carrots, boots, mangolds, or English turnips, with whon gutheied, should botopprd oaio, should bo put in tight barrols, or cool pih-d and directly damp upon the bottom of a cellar. nished, Sheep liko variety, and if this is fur a very small amount of grain < an lie made to answer. If corn is fed it always is preferable to at least have it shelled, if not chopped. The Sicf :> H << I*r any* sheep require to lie fed oftencr than any other stock, und^it 1 quantity is really often more than es>eiii ,:tl l:iv.;o to quanti- feed a sum a t> all at once, ami watt until they have .ml. ii lb - up clean before fc tong again. l.ike lmg*. a is no essary to l.-ed them r< 'S u!, * r1 )' When manuring fruit trees, remembot that the feeding roots me not at or mar the trunk of the tree, but at the extremi ty of the larger roots, therefore nearly under the extremity of the branches ana often beyond them. In au old orchard the entire surface of the grouud should be covered with manure. Whether it lie best to spread the ma nun- on land intended for corn in winter roiling, or spring depends on the land. If too much of the soluble matter of the manure will tie washed out and car ried off by the rains, unless the laud has condition been plowed and left in the rough tunhurrowed , -o that the rains may more easily carry the mattei downward. It is lw-si to haul the ma uure now. if it can be done, so as t« avoid such labor in the spring, which is usually the busy season. WORDS OF WISDOM. We cannot expect demand perfection consistency in any of one, hut we may every one. Think not thy own shadow longei than that of others, nor delight to take the altitude of thyself. Wickedness may prosper for a while; bbt, in the long run, he who sets all knaves at work will pay them. Friendship improves happiness and abates misery by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our griefs. The wise prove, and the foolish con fess, by their conduct that a life of em ployment is the only life worth living. Earnestness is the best gift of mental power, and deficiency of heart is tin cause of many a man never becoming great. Certain thoughts arc prayers, Tbert are moments when, whatever lie 1 lie at titude of the body, the soul is on its knees. The nerve that never relaxes, the eye that never blanches, the thought that never wanders, are the harbingers of victory. More is felt than is perceived, and more is perceived than can be interpreted, liame and love climbs higher with it lambent than art cun pile I he fagots. Do to-day's duty, fight to-day’s distinct temp tation and do not weaken and yourself by looking forward 1o things which you cannot sec, and could not un derstand if you saw them. It is not good to he angry even with those who may seem with malicious in tent to assail our most cherished beliefs. A few burning weeds may produce smoke enough to hide the stars, but the stars are shining all the same. It is net wise to vex and weary ourselves by angry de nunciations of the smoke which will soon pass oil without our labor. The human mind is so constituted that whenever it sees an event it is obliged to infer a cause; also when it sees adapta tion, it infers design. It is not recess-ary to know the end proposed, or who were the agents. We do not know win built Stonehenge, or some of the pyramids, or what they were built for; but no one doubts that they were the result of design. Tin" Coca ini' Habit. The Bellevue Hospital authoi it ies say tlie cocaine liahit is on the increase ac to their statistics. It has not, reached startling proportions, as only fifteen cases have been treated irt Bellevue during the present year. About one half of the patients were found to he suffering from morphine as well as co caine, mid, as a rule, resorted to the lat ter to escape the former, O win * to tlie comparatively caine recent discovery of co they were not aware that they were flying for relief to a more deadly drug. The cocaine habit is considered incur able when once contracted; The most notable instance of its dire effects known in this country is in the case of of Dr. Charles (Bradley, of Chi cago, who was a fine specimen of man hood and one of tho leading physicians of the Lake City, when he commenced experimenting self, with the drug, using him his wife and his children as subjects for his experiments. In a very short time he became a mental and physical wreck, and is now a probably incurable invalid in the Chistinii home of this city. He naturally lost all of his fine practice in Chicago and became a vagrant. One of the peculiarities of the cocaine habit is that a majority of its victims have been physicians, which is at least partly accounted for by their efforts to the arrive at a and thorough effects understanding of action of the drugs. Tho most noted patient besides I)r. Bradley the among the Bellevue cocaine vic tims of past year was a well-known physician of this city who was treated last summer. This gentleman is about forty New years of Medical age, is a graduate of tho York College and a few years ago was considered one of the brightest members of the medical staff of Bellevue Hospital. His practice was large and among the best people of this city and liis family is prominent in the city, perimenting lie, like IJr. himself Bradley, began ex on and became a victim of the drug, but discovered his danger before ho had lost his reason and voluntarily entered the hospital for treat ment. He onlv remained eight or nine days, however, and left apparently con vinced that he was safe, hut his friends fear he did not remain long enough. In another physician'follows and very sad phase this New York Dr. Bradley’s experience, for he, too, experimented on his wife, mid tho husband hud scarcely' left the patient. hospital before his wife entered it as a A patbnt who was gi-en cocaine in its legitimate sphere says the sensation is at all pleasant. It leaves a numb, uncomfortable sensation in the stomach which makes even thoughts of food nauseating ami creates other distressful sensations.—.V nr Tory World. Tall Spires. Cathodal of Cologne, Germany, 511 feet. St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna. Aus tria, 4 70 feet-. Cathedral of Stra<buri>-, Germany, 40$ feet. St. Peter's Cathedral, home, Italv, 448 f t > 0 t Cathedral of Notre Dame, Antwerp, Hel^ium. 440 feet. ( athedrelof Amiens, France, 440 feet. r-.thclral of Florence, Italv. 387 feet. St p au p s Catbrerlral, i oudon, land. 3.55 feet. Hotel tie Ville, Brussels, Belgium, '.HU feet, ('nilii-ilra! of Milan, Italy. 855 feet. St. 1’atrick's Cathedral, Mew York, 828 feet, Cathedral of Bremen, Germany, 824 feet, Catbearal of Norwich, England, 815 feet, Board of Trade Chicago, 808 feet. I incoln Cathredral, England, 800 feet. Trinity Church, New York, 284 feet. Cathedral of Mexico, Mexico, 280 feet, Cathedral Kly Cathedral, England, 270 feet. of Notre Fame, Baris. Fr.,nee, 244 feet, i at bed ml of t'anterbuiy, Kog'aiu], foot, The covers of the range should nevei be allowed to get red hot. New Phase of Drunkenness. e J a TntlSn d 7 “ k A rd " 3 T /om lorm of o f intoxication. In the sparsely settled regions of the South liquor is sold, if at all in the “general str»re« ” ami these will not take the risk of losing their mioX tiljously t when whrn b ^,nh public D ? sentiment lias de dared m favor of prohibition But thev can sell Jamaica ginger, and the thirsty toper can become fairly drunk on a naif pint bottle of this mixture of alcohol and essence of ginger. In view of the use of •Jamaica ginger as an intoxicating bev erage wa., have the passed town office,w ordinance of DawsoSville, it»g the sale of that an tipple prohibit * within town limits The Professor’s idea. Prof E. Stone Wiggins the earthquake I opnet, has been heard from again. He *jys ^•orth that a great earthquake period in America will begin in 1904—on A ugust 19. to be exact. Meanwhile he Will not bother with small shakes, like those which have taken place recently, Which arc merely “the negative or reflex action of an earthquake, the position be iug located soutli of Cape Horn.” The house staff of the swell hotel, at 8t. Augustine, Fla., consists of four head-waiters, 120 waiters, 20 chamber maids, 25 hall boys, five detectives, two bands of music, and an army of other assistants. All of the employes are white except the hall boys, who are mulattoes. rather “Charley, didn’t you leave Miss Smith “Well, suddenly the other evening?” yes. To tell the truth, she was beginning to get tender, and I got fright ened.” it’s Always the Way. “Didn’t I toll you so?” said a gentleman to an the acquaintance whom lie chanced to meet on street; “it’s always the way.” “What’aal ways the way?” inquired a mutual friend of the two men who happened along just then. Why, just this.” replied the first speaker: you see Smith, here; the last time I met him he had one of the worst coughs you every heard. He compialqed of a loss of appetite, of night-sweats, takable of low spirits and other unmis tion. I told premonitory him symptoms of consump to get a supply of i)r. Pierce’s Oolden Medical Discovery at once. He did so, and look at him now! Did you ever see a healthier looking man? The ‘Discovery’ has snatched thousands from consumptives’ graves. I knew it would cure 2-mith. it’s al ways the way.” Snow and ioo is keeping the peace of Eu rope. War is certain to break out in Spring. We ought not to be too anxious to encourage untried innovation, in cases of doubtful im provement. For a quarter of a century Dr. j Wage’s public Catarrh Remedy has been before the and passed thr. ugh the severest test I and is pronounced the most reliable remedy ! for that disagreeable malady. Thousands of i testimonials of its virtues. 50 cents per bottle. By druggists. j 1 1 Missouri decided ! The Supreme Court of has j that t lie state local option law is constitutional. ('ohmi! nipt ion Surely (lured. To the Editor:—Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless coses have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy iriUcE to any of your readers who have con sumption V*. if they will send me their Express and T, O. address SLOtRTM, Respectfully, M. C., 181 Pearl St., N. Y. A. KehiitK Files. Symptoms— Moisture; intense itching and Flinging; worse by scratching. If .allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Sw.vynk’s Oint ment stops the itching and bleeding, heals ul ceration, and in many cases removes the tu mors. Equallv efficacious in curing: all Skin Diseases. DR.SWAYNK ArSON, sold Philadelphia. Sent by mail for fiOcts. Also by druggists. How to .Join Flesh nml Strength. Use after each meal Scott’s Emulsion with HypophoKphites. It is us palatable as milk, and easily digested. The rapidity with which delicate ful. Use people it and improve with weight. its me Asa is wonder remedy try your infections and Bron chitis, for Consumption, uueqnaled. Throat l*lea<e road: *T used it is old Scott’s Emulsion in a child eight months witii good result s. l!e gaine 1 tour pounds in a very short time.” Tim. Pium, M.D., Alabani«. Unele’H Fat Wile. ing Why is hill? the letter It makes P like ant uncle’s fat (aunt), wife and go up off pant and colds Taylor’s cooling uhorokco too soon Remedy produces of coughs Sweet and Ciurn Mullein will cure her. If, after a ton days’ trial of Taylor’s Hospital Cure for Catarrh, the remedy fails (o meet the requirementsof funded. Address. ; he City case llail the price Piiarn w s-SS be 2(54 re Broadway, New York, fur free pampl *y, If afflicted with - ore eyes use l)r. Isaac Thomp son’s Eyewater. Druggists sell at 25c. per bottle. IVtake Me Mi^iaae If you have made up your mind to buy Hood’s Sar saparilla do not be induced tt* take any other. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is a peculiar medicine, possessing, by virtue of Its peculiar combination, proportion and preparation, curative power superior to auy other article of the kind before tho people. Be suro to get Hood’s. •*In one store the clerk tried to induce me to buy their own Instead of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. But he could not prevail on wb to change. J told him I knew what Hood's S irsapavilla was; 1 had taken it. was perfectly satisfied with U. and did not want any other." -Mrs. Ella A. Goff, 61 Terrace St, Boston. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggist*. $1; si v for $:>. Prepared oaly by C. 1. HOOD .t CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. lOOD'vsnc; Ono Collar y ANTED-A MAN! CAN EARN A We Salary from SfOO to $200 a Month \ work, want a live, energetic in the* man, who is not afraid of in every town Southern Status. Such tt man No capital e.%n make required. the above Wmk amount, hniiiiiunr our good*. hoar troin those who tho year round. Wo only want to mkan bcsxnkss. ll.r. liriUUNS il CO.. l*nbli«li*‘rs. 33 S. Ilroud Street, ATLANTA, ii\. ELY’S CREAM BALM wurth SIOOO to any ^ ai! - ftr diiltl Miiftcriug from CATA RRH. Apply Biilm nuoeacu ucMti'd. Kly Bros..Ur-onvv icu St., N. Y. J.P. STEVENS & 8 R 0 . JEWELERS. Atlanta, Ga. k .wj for r«mi«gnp ._ JOUJES IXB P 5 A Ten YStHp FREIGHT Scales* \\ nsoB Tr«a Unrs, St»el i-eariag*, BrMi Tiff »r.d Ib-am Box tot Srfrv 9GO. rw- priK.-#!la ITve »»M>a IhO fi-f and sddr'MNl 1 PENSIONS E. H. RKI.STO N A. TO., Wohln ;- -„ V. irat i» v\ Terracing Levels. The most ingenious arrangement, and some thine that all wide-awake tarmera should use H> Wilkinson, 87 South Broad St, Atlanta <Ju. Tnis Level is scientifically made,ot brass ami iron, easily-manipulated, wjimre^ri-^mlre. veiy simple w" in email-'imr t fm.i ^ "mens-’ ed. (All complete, with target, mi- f3.) The Gravity Level capture-s all the premiums an?!^ at made. Thousands ot te.stiiuuniahs (ram leading fanners throughout, the Slates tes ify to its Slicra sure." x.uvr lii "'i'.-i’ih'.h' L ivrite for i-ir cularsaiul and agents' commissions. Instruc —----- “Marion Hartai.i!" (Mrs. Ter-hum) is to edit anewiUustratedmagazine.tlieituHieniater. She Broke the Engagement because she saw that he had ceased toloveher. II r beauty had faded, her former high spirits had given place to a dull lassitude. What had rohersei. And so t heir two young iiv -s drift How nee she might htve been restored to heal;hand Imppi ness. If any lady reader of these lines is saui sold TwSi new lease of her life, by druggist s,under refunded. See guarantee on bottle wrapper, Number of persons supported by all forms of employment furnished by electricity is 5,000,000 NERVES! NERVES!! What terrible visions this little word brings before the eyes of the nervous. Headache, Neuralgia, Sleeplessness, Indigestion, Nervous Prostration, All stare them in the face. Yet all these nervous troubles can be cured by using fey. ^iPames (Mound For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. THIS GREAT NERVE TONIC Also contains the best remedies for diseased con ditions of the Kidneys, Liver, and Blood, which always accompany nerve troubles. It is a Nerve Tonic, an Alterative, a Laxative, and a Diuretic. That is why it CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL. WELLS, $i.oo a Bottle. Send for full particulars RICHARDSON & CO , Proprietors, _BURLINGTON, VT. Qoa**!^**.^ dirilviSS ^iUSI ^nllODll I*■ m& l!1i » FarticuJara ..... of this wonderful book, and other valuable informal ion,sent on receipt of two-cent st amp to 5o«/k. Address.1. l.ndy Admits wanted for this fast i:. il.UthiMi', \tiituutj 3" all ucl Pensions, if M shliled; Officer*’ travel W bounty collec ted; Laws relieved; free, 22 W. years' McCormick practice & Eon. success W^hington, or no Mat A. By return mall. Full Description cn la rs five. X. | Y ’ LAPS ItusinetfM PoU»*tre. Phila.. P.»., J tio'iH furnished. 1.5•'.* Scho*’>v«!rips £ I'V J>k. ^XiDBj^.SA.3STT nE^PmiiRH L, f REMEDIAL ROME. FULL STAFF OF fit i ■ T V sB SWBBa Ml ‘•J EXPERiEHSEQ Many CHRONIC PHYSIOiA^S — ---- «ja- DISEASES S SURGEONS. Suc Si <7-8 cessfully Treated without a. r - Personal Consultation. --- f *■ i,gkj ITfE obtain our knowledge of the patient’s dis ease by the application, to the practice of m Iff Si? medicine, of well-established principles of modern -v. ; - scit'iice. The most ample resources for treating lingering or chronic diseases, and the greatest skill, are thus placed within the eaBy reach of liei.sS: invalids, however distant they may reside. Write >--- v’-T - '• r. and describe your symptoms, inclosing ten cents in stamps, and u complete treatise, on your par INVALIDS’ HOTEL ticular disease, will be sent you, with our opin AND SB8SI0SI INSTITUTE, ESS Htin SI., Boffald, H. I ion as to its nature and curability. OUR FIELD OIF SUCCESS. Nasal, Throat Tlte treatment oT Diseases oS tlie Air Passages and Luk^k, such as Chronic Catarrh its tho fff cad, hiiu AND Sand LarynibliN, CosiHumption, SSroackitis, both Avtlimaj through j ttailiui nun nrcFMSTO &!lOu,j«Ud..a 1 p correspondence eonstituU‘s an important and at our specialty. institutions, ( Nasal, Diseases, publish which three separate hooks on Throat and Lung Consumption, give luicti valuable in formation, Bronchitis; viz: price, (i) post-paid, A Treatise ten on cents. (2) A Treatise Laryngitis Asthma, and on or Phthisic, giving new and successful treatment; price, post paid, ten eeuts. (3) A Treatise on Chronic Catarrh in the Head; price, post-paid, two cents. Diseases of 1 I rhea, Taiw-iyorias, and kindred affections, mncmnil UiuLoitbl. B | are cessful among treatment those of chronic which diseases specialists in tho have suc our attained great success. Our Complete Treatise on Diseases of the Digestive Organs will be sent to any address on receipt of ten cents in postage stamps. 7 SjnMSTy J I kindred BRIGHT’S maladies, DISEASE), have heen very DIABETES, largely treated, nml Diseases. « and cures effected in thousands of eases which had been pronounced readily diagnosticated, beyond hope. determined, These dis eases are or by chemical analysis of the urine, without a personal examination successfully of patients, treated who at can. their therefore, homes. generally be The study and of practice the urine of in chemical consideration analysis and of microscopical with examination our cases, reference to correct diagnosis, in led which our Institution long ago became famous, has naturally to a very extensive practice in disease* of the urinary organs. ■ I These diseases should be treated only by a special AirRDH. 8 ist thoroughly ascertain familiar th* with them, condition and who is eora ■ petent of advancement to which 1 exact the disease has and stage ascertained by made (which can only o« a careful chemical and micro scopical examination of the urine), for medicines which are curative in one stage or condition do positive injury in others. Being in constant and receipt curability of numerous inquiries for a complete' work on the nature of these maladies, written in a style to be easily understood* we have published a large. Illus trated Treatise on these diseases, which will be sent to any ad dress on receipt of tea cents in postage stamps. __ L 'TO*il T ft r BiiBDPR umuo-n BEK. Gravel, Knlariced 1 ProMate Hr BL4B«EBl Gland, niQClPCP Kelemirttt of t rine, unci kinffreff affi-c UI a L0 L 0, tions, may be Indnded ancons those in the cure — ---------- of which our specialists have achieved extraor dinary Pamphlet success. Urinary These Diseases, arc fully treated mail of tor in our Illustrated on sent by 10 cts. in Etamps. 1 Sthistube. of Tl STRICTURES strictures, L AS. Hundreds many of AND of them oases URINARY greatly of th*- aggravated worst FIS- form by the careless use of instruments in the hands of urinary inexperienced flstuhv, physicians other and surgeons, annually causing* false passages, and complications, consult us for relief and cure. That no case of this class is too difficult for the skill of our specialists is proved by euros reported in our illus trated To treatise on these maladies, to which w - refer with pride. intrust this class of cases to physicians ’a of small experience, is a dangerous proceeding. Many man has been ruined for life by so doing, while thousands annually lose their lives through unskillful treatment. Send particulars of your case and ten testimonials. ccntg m stamps for a large, Illustrated Treatise containing many £** \VSff&w'M J*. l lfc#ii3 XUS J| "E 1 **4^| < A*jl yfk / , J & TRADE. rEWi»A5w. v NEURALGIA. Nerves.— Everyone of the thread-like excruciat- nerves has each a latent power to cause, ing pain, the limit of which and is Neuralgia sifnply the limit of human endurance, has a few of these fibrous torments all puls- • ing painfully at once. CHARACTERISTICS. Subtile Pain.— Nothing is so subtile in its approach; nothing so flagrant, acute and distressing, and certainly nothing yet dis covered so completely subdues its ravages and so permanently conquers its pangs as that above mentioned. SYMPTOMS. Symptoms.—Neuralgia disease, the chief is symptom defined of to which be a nerve fol is an acute pain, intermitting, which lows t lie course of t he nerve branch atl'ected. TREATMENT. Treatment.—Apply ly, gently rubbing the St. Jacobs afflicted Oil parts; frequent- apply to the whole extent of the nerve soreness; burning keep up a gentle friction until a sensation is produced. Sold by Druggists and Dealers Everywhere. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltimore. NId. DR. KILMER’S S3 H .?• Jiff/ -lil j-Atj SYMPTOMS AND CONDITIOK8 TIil« Ifomedy Will Kdleve «»d elf skips . Ur Vmtiv heart thuin ps after sudden ort. il I QUl beats or flutters, if you have heart disease, faint spells, fits or spasms, gathering If II Vn*i till feel as though water was heart dropsy, I around tlic heart, or have If Vmi have Vertigo, dizzy attacks, ringing in il IUUears, shock disposed sudden to nervous death, prostration, appoplexy, or jjy*,, have Neuralgia, Numbness in arms or i! I UU brnbs, darting pains prevents like going Rheumatism, to heart Ocean-Weed cures and Prepared at Dispensary. “GCIDR TO HEALTH,” a waiSgjSr- »i. oo. m to S>8 a d*y. Samples worth $1.50, F RES. Na Lines not under tho horse’s feet. Write 143 Brewster Safety Hein Holder Co.. Holly, Mich. il S0SCUREF m 5PNS;U MPTd 0 N / v l v ^ ’■b ‘-I< ‘•I'* cl- v ►> ►I’ Bffl. M We the The man who has invested l'roui three oner man who wants service to live dollars In a Kubber Coat, and (not style) a garment that will keep at liis tlrst half hour s experience m n At » Eg flBasa him dry in the hardest storm. It i» a storm finds to li is sorrow that it is a ~ H called TOWER’S FISH J3RANI> issss^a?5“wrs«i at being badly taken in, but also W 13 S?®* SR § the only perfect Wind and Waterproof so fcgw • els if he does not lo ok exactly liko j InhI gGSa Coat is “Tower’s Fish Brand Sl icker.” Ask lor the “FISH 15HAND ” Slicker « am! :ak<: no <>ilnr. sti.rekeei>.-r *l*»es not have the ft-hi brand, send for descriptive catalogue. A. J. Towku, 20 Simmons St., Boston, Mass. ►]< *■[< ^ >X* >][•« ►J*! 1%l ►Ji ^ »“^5 ^ ^ ►[< ^ ■■HOMBBRan 1 I« Epileptic Convulsions, Fits, Pa Hfiwous or ■ IU.UIUUU I ralysis, or Palsy, Locomotor Ataxia, I Mt. St. vitiiuTw Vitus’s Mtanev, iLbiuc. Insomnia, niKiimui^ (ji or • inability inability ^ S ICC a GO CO to sleep, and tUreatene-.l mean ity. Nervous • Debility, treated and by every viui specialists iety of nervous affec tion, are our for those dis eases with unusual success. See numerous cases reported in our different iltLVnrnnt illustrated ilhiatritltul pamphlets on I'.Ti nvrvous TU'rv/iua diseases, flia*>aef>e any unv one nun of /if which will be sent for ten cents in postage stamps, when request for them is accompanied with a statement of a case for consulta tion, so that we may know which one of our Treatises to send. gfsjravscii iiiinmiBb We j mve a Special Department, devoted of 1 a y.fia.huLO HP ur exclusively Women. Every to the ease treatment consulting of Diseases Epeciaiiets, our a a Ufr.upM IV Until. whether most careful by letter and considerate or in person, attention, is given lin- the i iw w mjR. -:-.-. niTTm ■— ! portant cases (and we get few which have not c- e physicians) have the benefit of - full Council of skilled specialists. Rooms for ladies in the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute are very private. Send ten cents in stamps for our Complete Treatise on Diseases of Women, illustrated with wood-cuts and colored plates (ICO pages). I RADICAL lUinE I HERNIA (Breach), or RUPTURE, what no matter of how long standing, or of size, Rupture. is promptly and permanently cured bv of our specialists, without the knife and without dependence iss>oii trusses. for Abundant references. Send ten cents our Illustrated Treatise. bowels, PULES, FlSTUEiE, wonderful and other diseases affecting* The the lower of are treated with success. worst cases pile Send tumors, are permanently cured in fifteen to twenty days. ten cents lor Illustrated Treatise. WeITI 1 decline impaired Organic of memory, weakness, the manly mental nervous powers, anxiety, debility, involuntary absence premature Josses, of Heiil tions will-power, arising melancholy, from youthful weak indiscretions back, and all and affec- per nicious, solitary practices, are speedily, thoroughly and permanently cured. We, many years these ago, established a Special Department for the of treatment of diseases, under the management of some the most skillful physicians and surgeons on our .staff, in order that all who apply to us might receive all the advantages of a full Council of the most experienced specialists. 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