Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, March 17, 1888, Image 2

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W&* - :xrr~r~ THOS. R. PENN, s : Publisher. Wray’s Station, Saturday, .March 17. ur Vaeliingtoa correspondent an nomiced a day or two ago that . j.H-aker arlisie would make a >rv .ill HsU-n. !l .» 1,1. „,„.t„r,„l »‘X|„sure of the injustice of tli“ pree .iitl'.ritT in tin, delta!,,, of the Forty nmUhOmtm, that n»!e him •Speaker and the recognized leader of the party on that question, The Speaker Vi,. L, of r.i the Hmise II 1 has the . 11 right . t° i'^Deipate in debate whenever he seesbt o doso. Henry Clay often ]aal aside the gave! o take part in the discussions ol the House. We are glad that Mr. Carlisle has deter mined to address the House on the tariff_Macon tariff. Macon 'I’eUcrunli Jdegiaph. The late Emperor of Germany died hojding the hand of the Em press. Among his last words were: “I am a man of peace, but if Russia forces me to war 1 shall faithfully side with my ally Austria. “Alexander has promised me that he will not make war agiiiustus ” It is Reported that the emperor also said: “1 am convinced that we ought not to go to wur with Russia, toward whom the most friendly attitude ought to be adopted.” A terrible storm visited Washing ton Gity last Sunday morning, which terminated in a blinding know. In fact the storm was pretty general throughout the Northern States. Railroads were blockaded, telegraph wiref blown down, and al together is said to bo the most, re markable known for quite a number of years. Oxford Ala., boasts of a musical prodigy in the person of lone Mathis three and a half years old, who has composed a piece of music, which has been christened as lone’s First thoughts, and has been published by Ludden and Bates, Savannah Ga. Henry. W. Grady has been invited to attend the dinner of Knights of St. Patrick, in New York, Oil blit: of tfio i7,ib »>Bt I.Vv, iliil has promised lo be present. i...-i.i. ' .i-J-i .. The citizens of Kirkwood are mak ing an effort to get a post office for that village, fhrcc miles of Atlanta. They have written to Congressman Blount oi, the subject. The directors for the Augusta Ex position have received plans and of the building and bids will be received at once for a handsome structure. Gov. Gordon has appointed Mr. D. Harrison, Mr. W H. Harriaon Mr. W. J. Speer a committe to make a report on the furniture for the new capital. A new colored Society is being or in Macon, similar to the of Distress.” Their hats are white derby with a black band. 'I’he Phi Gamma society, at Oxford their anniversary the 8th inst, with Mr. W. E. Vaughn chosen orator of the day. The Odd Fellows, of Griffin, have purchased r lot and will erect i> handsome, three story, granite front building in the near tuture. Germany is in mourning for their beloved Emperor, William, who died in the 91st year of his age on the 8th inst. The students of Uordon Institute Barnesville, have begun the publi cation of a paper called the Sentinel, Over ten thousand hills have been introduced in Congress, during a session of about three months. The Southern Press association will hold its auuual meeting m New Orleans on the 7th of April. Thomas F. Bayard is the only liv ing man who was balloted for in the St Louis convention in 1876, The formers of Terrell county will contend for the $1,000 premium st p*$t State Fair, ITEMS 01 IM’EKFST. 'i'lio autograph collection of the late Hen. J'erley Poore brought f)fJ 0. A Baltimore man is on trial stealing a, saw mill. He appears to have left the mill po»d in his haste to escape. 7? ’ 0 U “ *>““»’ *»» "* l^venwortl,. Tfc, l.te.t popnln, is f or “apl'h-g-..n” colors „„d „i„r out ^ en °^the colors come about as near squash-green as they do apple. mi, The Alexandria, . i . . \ a., F,re Depart- , tmmt has been organized over 100 years, and George Washington used to run withjthe boys there. There is a log house still standing in Chicago which is believed to have been built for u defense against agB,nst the the Indians i .• at , the , time Fort T , Dearbor w.isuec c . In Japan a husband is held responsible for his wife’s gossip, and the way a.Japanese wife can keep her mouth shut at a sewing society Wats I In, l^t time Maud S. ever A dozen or more Jewess maidens have eloped to marry gentiles during the past year, and it seems as if the time had come when neither race nor religion could stand up against genuine love. Blocks of ice that were cut in the lake at Memphis, Mo., for storage in the icehouses were l'onnd in many lnstances to contain large catfish Ihat had been frozen solid. Some of the fish were over a foot in length. An inventor in New York, has patented an electric contribution box tor church use. Whenever a # button or piece ot tin is deposited in the box an electric bell rings and informs the congregation of the fact. The lady who posed to her band as the model for the figure Freedom painted in the dome of the Capitol at Wushingon. now keeps a hoarding house and frowns upon the department clerks who ask twice for butter. It. is considered an evidence of Sam Jones oratorical power, that he can spend an hour telling women of present vyjjl get mad. It is on re cord that but one woman ever rose to contradict him. A Buffalo mail hung his watch at night over a pan of dough in the kitchen and the next morning it was missing. He, of course, thought it had been stolen, and was considera bly surprised at supper time to sec the lost timepiece roll out of a loaf bread his wife was cutting. During the great blizzard in the West 225 sheep were buried in the snow at Harding’s ranch, near At kinson, Neb., ami were given up as dead. When they were dug out a few days ago thirteen were found to be still alive. They hail eaten wool from each other's backs. In a little town jn Oregon lives a beautiful young lady, 19 years old, who is web-footed. She wears a small and, except in the matter of the webs between her toes, she has a remark ably shapely foot. When a child she was never so happy as when wading in the water, aud she is uow an expert swimmer. A Profitable Market has been found for the poor despised American •red oak, that has been considered of no value at all. American dealers are buying up all they can get hold of ami shipping it to Liverpool. There the lumber is manufactured into fancy furniture and shipped back to New York, where it is sold to wealthy people as the real English oak, and at pretty stiff' prices, too. Fall River. Mass., points proudly to the fact that the late Perry Davis, “the Pain-Killer,” wus a carpenter in that city forty years ago or more When he found his panacea for all physical pills he left his bench and took to peddling medicine in a basket. His neighbors told him that he was foolish to desert his trade in such a manner, but Davis uever doubted his ability to make a foitnne with his “pain-killer.” He went to Prov idence, R. JL, and became proprietor of what was afterward the largest patent medicine establishment in the world. He died some years ago, leaving a large estate tchis heirs. ITEMS 4'KO.V STEVEN’K f. Mr. W. 0. Slovens and Te 1 visiting relatives in Newtri V. Mr. Win. Kite, ’ sinco ^ j, ( . ,T,attp, ‘« co,lf!i 'L‘i-itis concluded that ho can gepd w ‘th hut little expense, all indications we are rutherhis * '“'7 P "V"“' •«*»*««* | ,, H-* “ O***' Y‘T ! * “ "'T* 1,1 I • , , off ^, one n ot his ^ cars, brokeieft - shoulder, one thumband comic. He was in a critical condibut we are glad t„d to state is ,„im proved we trust he wiuble to bo on toot in a few days for c Anrii the i anti ti,„ the1 ie,i prohibition ul ' ,s ; the day|>art , ele if our county. Registrations opened last Tuesday. Wet the matter will be finally sett),''the voters and there will be more squealing over the matter, Mr. R. N. Hall gave us rnsant vis.t last Sunday. He ha* the Central plow arid gone to rail road i]n the line. Bob is wiuwake and full of fun. We wish Imucb success and hope he miiv in be promoted. 1 ‘l K. FROM FIVE POI.VI As I have not seen anjing in your valuable paper from js poi tion of the country, I havbnclud ed to give you the passi events. J am a little girl, and asu riberto your paper, uud wish it out 8UC C088. Mr. John Harris spentpne day last week with Mr. S. JjGla wson and family. Misses Annie and Matt Gordon City, have been visiting returne] hi tlj Central and have to their pleasant homo. The young people of tl^ settle ment hud a candy M.Gitn, pulliik at the residence of Mr. B. attciiLce. and a large crowd was in Mr.' Our succewjflil m „ re l,„., M. try and erected him a handsome^ mansion. in old Jones county. . Miss Minnie Morris has been vi« iting her sister, Mrs. E. W.JFinney. Miss Willie Glawson and one of her little friends enjoy ed a horse back ride one day this week. F. F. Green & Son are doing a thriving business at this place. .Suc cess to them. “Pet." GEORGIA 1 c^rJIRS Jones County )ty:—The of Solomon WhiUemfon, Cullen, Henry Cook, Job,. Reeves, Frank Woodall and snob other per sons as they may associate with them all of said county shows that said petitioners desire to be incor- porated tor twenty years under the name and style of Brothers and Sis ters of the Zion of Peace. The object of suid association is to render mcdieal nid,care and com fort to the sick, and to bury the dead members ot their association. They desire the power to sue and bo sued in their incorporate name, to bavoand use a common seal, to contract and bo contracted with, to posses and own such real estate as may be necessary for the conduct ot their business. They desire to adopt such by-laws as are neecessary for the proper conduct of their business. The place of business of said association is to be in Jones County, Georgia. Richard Johnson, I’et’rs Atty. GEORGIA Clerks Office Su Jones ) perior certify Court;—I County that the above contains a true extract from the minutes of said Court. Witness my official signature ibis 12 March 1888. Roland T. Ross, Clerk Superior Court, Jones County Georgia. KOBT. V. HARDEMAN: SjlHmeg »t gaw, CLINTON, GEORGIA. Practices in Ocmclgek Circuit. Dmci in Court Uouse. " APKlirsHER1FF’S -SALE. G H<)K< i IA—J ones County. UjIGG BE SOLD before the Court W house door in tlietown ofClinlon ’! UESDAY the FIRST in ApRir^ next between the legal ‘ ’ ’ ..’q , the ; 0 |!owing pro}>cr iy . i1( , p> horse power : ’ Tuber and ^ silis Wood, one saiv mil! including ton MM* «m*T < i favor rftan Wnlto « J. Meeks. Property P«i»leJ .e.'vcd »»> ■” ton.»t " fif “' N'.lioo »« possession at date o c • P"*" 1 * c * n Goolsby * secn place T ^ in said t C ° -Feb ' 2 s t huU W W. B ^ Prillte "1 rf fee t »4 15. Sneriff. GEORGIA, ,( Jones Jones County, Con y If|ILL BE SOLD on the first Tuesday in April next at the Court House in said county within the legal hours of sale to the high est bidder for cash the following property to wit; One 5^x8 horse power Farquliar, “Ajax” steam en gine mounted, one 50 saw Brown Cotton gin, and one condenser, one and one short with said machinery, one circular wood saw, frame and shafting. All the above mentioned property is in good order and almost new, and can be seen at the gin house on t he promises of Thos. J. Green now oc cuijiod by Joseph Chilos. feaitl propelty is levied on as the proper g^S'H^uirsll^o^cSu^ ' of A B. Far )fuak | county in favor oniiar & Co. vs Thor,. Feb, J. 1888. Green. This the 28th day of W. W. BAKlloN, Sheriff Jones County. Pmiter’s foo, To AH Whom It May Concern. GEORGIA > All persons in L tereste't are here Jones Countv. ^ by notified that, it no good cause bo shown to the con truly an order will be granted by the undersigned on the 2t'rii day of MAUCU 1888, establishing a new road in said county as marked out by the Road Commissioners ap pointed for that purpose, common J 7k “.m’ Ikl Clinton and Hillsboro road, on.lands of Mrs, Annie Williams, running Nmdb ein}h,.itty;ass„lands ..«>? &* a - Barron and S. F. Clawson a dis tance of about three miles into the public road lending from Hillsboro to Milledgevillo about 100 yards west of the residence ofS. F. Ulaw son. Witness my band officially this 21st February 1888. Richard Johnson, County Judge. J- a. c«*w«k*R ^ AND And Manufacturer of Brick, MONTICELLO, GA. Contracts for brick, stone and concrete buildings taken in Jasper, Jones and adjoining counties, Contracts also taken chimneys. for plaster ing and building of References— «W. A. Kelly & Bros., stntl N. B. White & Co., Monlioello, Georgia. lmnS C. HIM GUNSMITH AND DEALER IN Sporting Goods Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, FISHING TACKLE, ETC., BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES, 516 mulberry st.,. MACON GEORGIA. Loans Negotiated On Farms & Town Property, IN BIBB AND APJOININO COUNTIES. ELLI3TT ESTES, 563 Cherry St. Macon Ga. ■jpO THK PUBLIC. 01 intone Alive. THE RED FRONT STORE, OCCUPIED BY w, s " Si; OX-BE2ST with his FULL STOCK OF GOODS, at unusual LOW Stands alone through PRICES I will make it to the interest of all passing Clinton to buy from me. This is and I intend to Oulld up and keep „p my trad, by you L^stpluoimgraud I hoping truly you yours, will continue same, am 1IOLSENBKCK. ltf W. H. Planters r> day contracted with Messrs. JOHN MERRY MAN & C O We have this Railroad, their to sell, at ail stations on the C. & M. —CELEBRATED BRAND? OF GUANO— Merry mins A. D. Bones, Merryman’s GEORGIA TEST. without fear of contradiction that Merryman’s Fer We can say any at the very top in tiliztrs to-day, as they have been for 30 / e “™> are they to planters. excellence, aud the perfeet satisfaction give the popular brands on the market in past years have While most of grade, Merry man chantred the grade of their goods by lowering their (k.i.tinuallv improved. We do not make these statements at random. ^:r:»nrer I will in Jones stake and reputation Jasper counties on the who result. have used errymau’s Guano, and our —WF, ALSO HANDLE— BUST which the highest grade acid on the market. Wo sell for Xrraeid composting, is for the Macon 0,1 phosphates; also Kaimt, and are agents Company for lire sale ot then- Cotton • on - c.i 1 & Fertilizer and ready to deliver now. We can give low prices on these goods, are Our Agents will call on the good people of Jones and Jasper eoun ties, and we trust will receive their orders. BOORS, WORSHAM & CO., 420 and 422 THIRD STREET, NOVEMBER 16tii, 1887. [1U] BSACOXST a a P®7 Qq t[ApCI^JEF^ >y ARTOrS » c<5|| & Cv U ‘XIOOBJ'I l-7 ^ o w As' X IT dealer —and in— MAOON GA GUO. T. BUELAND, ■~\ WATCHES CLOCKS JIW1LRY, Sjirrfai'tfs (GolS •- V PJESK'GSX, X.9 ETC : i Novelties in Holiday Goods . Sji jgrORDERS BY MAIL WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND RELIABLE ATTENTION. 320 Second Street, MACON GEORGIA W. A. DAVIS. M. C. BALKCOM. Davis & Balkcom. Cotto Factors and General Grocers. All Planters supplies at lowest prices for cash, or on timo with ap proved paper. Agents for CHESAPEAKE GUANO. A full lot well broke mules always op baud. Rust proof Qais a specialty, Jan. 21st 1888 3m. MACON GA.