Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, March 24, 1888, Image 2

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*Tji* * 'QitiHitfiU THOS. It. PENN, : I’nlilislier. Cray’s Station, Saturday, March 24. — — ........... .i —------- Good Friday eomes on the of March, and Easter Sunday Of A 3 ,HE__ Ir is estimated that London in another century will contain eleven millions of people. Mil. IIbnhy Button, the founder tbe society for the prevention of e, udty to animals, is dead. Thk late Emperor William, of Germany, is reported to have left estate valued at $.5,000,000. The great storm throughout the north and east, last week, is said to have been the severest known since 1855, which i“ S3 years ago. President Noiitlekn is earnestly at work in the interest of t he State Agricultural Society. Tit© coming Fair will no doubt eclipse anything of the kind that has ever occured in the State. A FEAltFUL disaster occurred a few days ago, near Blucksheare Ga., in which a number ot persons were killed and a great many wour.ded. A trestle gave way while a train was crossing and the entire train was demolished. The okakh Inter-Siatc Military encampment and Celebration which comes off at Austin Texas, May 14lli to HHli inclusive, promises to he a grand affair. There will bo offered twenty-five thousand dollars, fin gold,) in cash premiums. Mil. Jenkins, of Jcnkinsburg, who docs plumbing at Flovilla for the East Tennessee, Virginia and Geor gia railroad, fills his tank by 5 o'clock iti the evening and then walks to Jcnkinsburg, ton miles. He rays ho lmd rather have 1 lie ex erciso than the freo ride on the train. Mr. Jenkins is between six ty and seventy' years old.—Florida Gossip. _ Gov. Hii.l, of New York, has two brothers living in Missouri, Erus lus W, Ilill rosides at Maiden, is 55 years old, and is engaged in the real estate business. lie served with distinction as a Confederate throughout the war. Dr. Alonzo D. Hill is a practicing physician of Dexter, and served in the Federal army. Both are Democrats. The Governor is prepared to appeal to both Northern and Southern voters should he become a* candidate for President about tho yeat^l'JOO.—Sa vannah Nows. FOI M» IlK.iJi. 'Yesterday afternoon, Mr. J. I>. Anchors, of Jones county, came in to the city to purchase » casket of Undertakers Wood <fc Bond, for the remains of Mr. Edward Uiount. Tho story' connected with the death of Mr. Blount, is distressing, ly sad. Tho deceased was about 55 years old, and a brother of Judgo David D. Blount, and half brother wo be lieve, of Congressman Jns. 11. Blount. He was living on tbe Blount plantation, near Haddocks station, was a bachelor and lived a retired life in a house which he oc cupied alone. Frequently he made visits off from Ik n,e and would gone for several weeks, hence, last disappearance excited no picion, for it was supposed that hail taken one of his trips. Yesterdayfinortilng tho startling discovery was made that he was dead. We have been unable to learn tho full particulars of tho find ing of tho lifeless body', but, wo un derstand, that parties who were at ' tractod to the house, had to break down tho door in order to effec t an on trance, The body was found in a vory advanced stage of decomposi tion, almost unrecognisable, sug gesting tho belief that be had been dead almost two weeks with out any knowledge of its Icing know to any one. No suspicion of foul play i» suspected, but it is thought that Mr. Blount died natural causes. It is said that he was last seen about 10 or 12 days before his dead body was found. The casket for the remains was shipped ihWWrniugcn the Angus ta train. The burial will take place on tho plantation in Jones county, --Macon Mows. ITEMS OF IMilHST. When a Boston girl reads otic Howells’ love stories slicis ly affected to tears, and little icicles form on her cheeks. ^ big burr oak liee was recently Mis-omi. It was out up into 411!) railroad fence posts and nine cords of sto*‘e wood. While plowing in a cotton tho other dav, * Jack Keinbardt, Liueo n tr •, North Carolina, slum i c I up c a rich vein of gold, llu !>a » bcc, » 8 “° 000 lor " but refuses to sell* A nvtlC htmm at^Sayara, Col., has a that lias a perfect dog’s head, w thdo.^ hair covering til. the head MMl rack. Kxmpfimc nml .bort »nd Imliy toil, tbe ret Gl Ho animal is like a pig. One of the weekly newspapers of Hartford, Conn, goes weekly to this address; “Coopooswany A’. Moodliar, care ofSierlur Rao Bsilia door Viziarungum Moodliar, Rust yns I’uil, Poona, Indies, Bombay Pres. Opoponax is tlio name of a new perfume that has suddenly become very popular,n Paris. Hissaid U. be made eh.efiy from carrots and has what may he termed a mod,fled ^t.,e o t iM vegt a c. The largest block of granite ever qunvned in tins country was recent ly quarried at Auburn, Me. It 70 feet long, 35 wide, and 20 feet lact, and will l««k *!>»« -M* t0,:8, Mrs. Eliza GarfiCid . uat the onh woman who saw her son inaugura ted President of ihe United States. Washington’s mother was living in Frederieksburg Ya. when the of llis Country was sht did not witness the csremciiy which took place in New York. A I’liiladelphia shoe house re conlly received an order for a pair of slippers fit m a member of the Japaneso royal family, the Princess Tamibo Kin. The order was aecotn* psnied by a piece of paper on which was traced the outline of tho royal foot, with lho neecssary' measure ments. It calls for a No. 2J slipper. Of 000 tornaiioeo »r .. m-u has been made in the United States not more than 75 were east of ll 'o Allegheny MountLi, s. The warn, air tempestuously driven from the Gulf of Mexico up (ho Mississippi Valiey is taught by tho polar winds and driven in gyratory tor nadoes aen ss the prairies. Appa lachian miigo serves on tho Atlan tic slope as a barrier agaiust tlio storms of that sort. Charles Boogher is the name of a well known character in the Brad ford (l’a.) gas and oil regions. He has contended for some time that he could tell where natural gas could ho got by boring simp'y by walking over the district. He says that its presence below tbo surface ufleets him with a strange tickling in the throat and choking sensation. Finding no one to put any faith in Ins claim in Pennsylvania ho recent ly went over to the Ohio gas held where ho succeeded in getting as- sistanco. Since then covered a wonderiui gas spot at Delphos, in that State, a well sunk into which is said to bo giving out some 5.000,000 foot of gas per day. Of an iron egg >n the lit Bo lin I n museum tho following story is told ; Many years ago a prince became affianced to a lovely princces, to whom ho promised to send a mag »i*c«l gilt » uflectiot:. In elue time the messen ger arrived, bringing the promised •dtt, which proved to be an irou Ti , 0 princess was so angry lo think that the prince should send her so valueless a present that she throw it upon Hie floor, when the iron esrg opened, disclosing a silver lining. Surprised at such a dis covery, sbo took the egg in her hand, and, while examining closely, discovered a secret spring. which she touched, and the silver opened disclosing a golden ><>*■ closely she found another spring, winch, when opened, disclosed within the gold en yolk a ruby crown. Sufjecting that to an examination she touched » and orl '. ??' I uK'tui ring with which he ataanccu , her to him. FROM CLOVERS. Fanners are very owing to so much, fain Vor litt! plowing Las been done, and Jj I planted, f J j the ^ bt,ck , W ' V for - G,over hi* store bw at It.tej, f and tt wtll soon ben, eoursJf eA " Ct '° n ‘ < 1 a ' J imploring, am, «•> J 1 1 > , a J * s . ,w cl bim ’ u,r !iround arr,ve *' iR we tbe , w,li °P U e, f f° ,r r l> j Mrs. Green Pippins, inotl* off- ' j - T. C. Pippins ' * has been verjlow J r ev<5ral days and she ;* not kpecy ? * t0 1,ve ' Drs. Holland andlAm.- 80n ’*> physician* attoud.»sJ j I». *. Cl.rk E. - T»x»s «ur|)n «0 l,.«/:i«»oTn,nl stives a lew days ago by piling m his appearance. IP' has lit len here in about thirty audlpledid yea* 1“ ls still a great talker Iraeff company, He lived and 1 cl in Hawkinsvillo G a. for o4r tD'G years. The only thing stuIi Je^ rgret is that the Dr. makes short stay. ^ lh(} 1 neW or(J J affairs ^ f ^, ^ ^ r ,. e l slol he ^ ^ ^ • i 1 js coun . ^ ()f l011>t J ulK , was a show. Now they can counted by the hundred. Car lorn of guano ar(j beJ dep 08 i, e d at th different slaljon <, on both the C. 4 L R - and K ' ^ lhe E T y & Ga , . R. dialing UrgelyIi foicign fertilizers. Success conk from periment, judgement a/d manage ment> an( ] j<i we forms trust ibajthe wilfead depart- to sue uro 0 coss Without «, Columbus wou |j [ 1!IVC ncv er dised’cred Amcr it . a> „ or Washington Xfu our lihcr- Wo are adverse to alking, and p ro f el . listeninir, to wi ling and pro f er reading. Wo have, opened the ;, u il from this place, if k>u will cx ( , ug0 lho expression, aijd as this will will bo our last, we hope sqmo one still give the Headliuht the enr rent news from this section. We know we have no Demosthenes or Cicoroes but the brightest geuitts is the handiwork of the hardest labor. flWn pci .^ ona | ' Il0 ' cl)l ertains of his capacities, and * tbc h- develop th posibio exteHt of , l)0Ittj doteminos in bis career w | icvhel . he B |iall rcsembse an os . , j t , t , tides it8 head in tbe sand or an eagle that cleaves the storm clouds with wings that cut way 7 to the se.sperian. Adieu, March 14th 1883. “Ike.” Wc regret very much to lose an able contributor, as "Ike has proven liimsvli to be, and hope ho will reconsider the mutter, ih however, he still declines to favoi us with articles in the future, we trust another may fill his place. Ed] GEORGIA......S To tl,e ofsaid s "l >erior v S Court coun Jones County ty. -The petition of Solomon Whittendon Cullen, Henry Cook, John Reeves, Frank Woodall and such other p. r sons as they may associate with all ofsaid county shows that petitioners desire to he incur pointed vdYtyde'of'Brothors tor twenty years under the name m and Sis ters of the Zion of Peace. The object of said association is to render medical aid, care bury and com fort lo tbe'sick,Sand to the dead u members ot their association. Tbey dcgiro tbc power to sue and b(J 8llcd j,, thoir incorporate name, to |, ave a nd use a common seal, to contract and be contracted with, to posses and own s eh real estate as o"' m S for the business. 'pp C y d csire to adopt such by-laws llH e neeeessarv proper place conduct of their business. 1 lie of business ofsaid association is to |'J ,'^11 n° Jo u n'son !po't’'rs A tty. GEORGIA ") ( Clerks Office 811 poj-iot Court;—1 Jones County ) certify that from above contains a true extract the minutes of said Court. M it ness in v official signature this 12 March 18 SS. Roland T. Rosa, Clerk Superior Court, Jones County Georgia, Rif F. V. BARDHANi ~ , . ,,. Jff ,* 4 | CLINTON, GEORGIA. Practices in Ocmulgkr Circuit Office in Court House. APRIL SHERIFF'S -SALK GEORGIA,—Jones County. RE SOLD ou the first || Tuesday in April nest at within the House in said countt the legal hours of sale to the high P 0P ‘J 5 JxS Torse, pavetU^ steam eu , ^ ^ ^ Bpown gm, and one condenser, one | on «r tuid one short lubbei belt used w itli said, machinery, one circular WOO J saw, frame and shafting. A11 „, ab ovc mentioned property is in e and can o, dor and almost new, g seen at the gin b«»w» 011 11,0 e J Gruon IlOW Of i’™-;*' , /*rpj , , Clines. Said • levied t he proper tv is on as ,f Tims. J. Green to satisfy a “ “ (ire.n. - ). i A Ct , „ 1888. ^ 28 th day of Feb. \y j) ARID >N, Sheriff Jones County, foe, To All Whom It May Concern. GEORGIA i rsons in a ure here' Joses Count r. ) by notified that, if jjq good cause bo shown to tiic con trary an order will be granted by the undersigned on the 24 th hay of march 1888, establishing a nevv road in said county as marked out the Road Commissioners ap pointed for that, purpose, totntnen cing at John Barr’s shop about* l mile N. W. of Round OaK on the Clinton and Hillsboro road, on lands of Mrs, Annie Williams, running *„„ lands of Mrs. i0 Willlann, UfO. 1! White, J. ^ Ba)ron an( j g. F. Glawson u dis tance 0 f nbout three miles into the ‘ b)jo road le . ldil)f , from Hillsboro ^ Jlilledaevillo about 100 ^ ^ re6idouce ofs . p. sou. Witness my ha ml officially this 21st February 1888. Richard Johnson, County Judge. Tu THE Traveling Public __YOU CAN— by STOPl’ING AT ^ j|g[ 1^08 O f 3. H I AHD I Vl ' 1 RoOWS " " ^ ? Opposite Hotel Lanier, ga This house lias recently been re fitted and refurnished with elegant NEW FURNITURE and BEDS throughout, contains 20 rooms, and •ho proprietor is now prepared io accommodate the traveling in a satisfactory manner and at cheaper rates than can he procured elsewhere in Macon. 2ko4gt.iug; 8 o& dent® fSjjip* Meals furnished ut any bom- : day or night, and first class accom modations insured ut reasonable vales. (< . t _, f J. H. PENNER, Prop. m BRIlilANT. Biscuit Smith is now the presid- ing genius of THE BRILLIANT SALOON, tho finest in Macon. He gives his eustomers t ) 10 | )c8 t to cat, best to driuk, and furnishes --FREE BEDS doing more for his patrons than any man in Macon. C. Mil. QrryfgyjXTH AND DEALER IN Sporting Goods Guns. Pistols,Cartridges, FISHING TACKLE, ETC, BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES, old MULBERRY ST MACON GEORGIA. Loans Negotiated On Farms & Town Property, IN HIRE AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. ELLI3T7 ESTES, 5G3 Cherry St. Macon TO THE PUBLIC. Clinton Alive. THE JiED FRONT STORE, OCCUPIED BY w. EC. holsbhbeck, Stands alone with his FULL STOCK OF GOODS, at unusual LOW I will make it to the interest of all passing through Clinton to buy from me. This is lP*’g»l .3 fit*** and 1 intend to build up and keep up my trade by keeping polite clerks. FAIR DEALING, bouse lull of Goods, and LOW PRICES. Ihanking you for past patronage, and hoping you will continue same, I am truly yours, HOLSENBECK. ltf W. II. T. B. Artope, <h O & C> ARTOPB O ^5 «-%> B ^ $ IN— ■?>' —AND DEALER 3MCA.003SJ Q>^3L T. B'SEXjAND, ifa ppb waidiibs mm jiwmi, ! m BXWBSVUfta S|tfc!a.ftf5 IfitslB § uts PXBSOJDU9 ETC Novelties in Holiday Goods BORDERS BY MAIL WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND RELIABLE ATTENTION y--.- »■*:. • P W- 320 Second Street, MACON GEORGIA A Gold Fact. “E —WE HAVE NOW TIIE LARGEST AND MOST— Yariei Sfeek of SM 01 S IN THK CITY OF MACON, nii alt al Miffl] iBoftimt wearing jffte! well. Our stock is selected with great care, with a view to We don’t keep a shoddy' shoe at all, but Wo Have GOOD SOLID SHOES at prices you ordinarily pay for worthless shoddy shoes., Give ns u trial and be convinced. a fittrtlmt*'* I'iM ift*« are made by T tbo leading manufacturers of Philadelphia and Boston, and ____ of in this department y’ou will find nothing hut the latest fashions and the best quality. A largo stock of CHILDREN’S SHOE&. seize JEVESiJSX-X, 107 (Old No. 3,) Cotton Avenue, MACON CtA (Successors to Mix & Kirkland, established 1840.) ltf v’V r n a (SUCCESSORSTO R. S. COLLINS.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CARRIAGES Buggies and Wagons, BABY CARRIAGES, HARNESS WHIPS, Etc. 468 and 470 SECOND STREET Macon, Georgia. Feb. 23rd 1588