Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, March 24, 1888, Image 4

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WILL BREAKERS. FIERCE LEGALSTRUGGLESFOR I»EAr> MEN’S WEALTH. Lawyers Who Peeil Fat on Bis Estates in Litigation — Divert ing Millions From the Pur poses Its Owners Intended. A New York correspondent, writing to tbe Pittsburgh Hollins had Dispatch, ."84 wills says: contested Sur rogate bofore in him his three years’ terra. He admitted ail but fifty of them. It would be impossible to estimate the amount of money involved in these contests, but #500,000,000 would not over estimate it, for they include the estate of Samuel J. Tilden, the #10,000,000 of James Hokes, the #11,000,000 of Jesse Hoyt, the #2,- 5000,?)00 of Louis Hamersly, the $5,000, 000 of Sarah Burr, and the #.'1,070,000 of Paran Steven, besides the great fortunes of A. T. Stewart and his widow. Twenty-five men are paid by the city to look after tho proper distribution of dearl men’s estates, according to their wishes, but Surrogate Hollins said th> re ought growing to be 100 employed in the work, greater every day. Scarcely half a dozen wealthy men, or women either, for that matter, have died here hi the past ten years without leav ing a legacy of endless litigation among their heirs. The late William H. Van derbilt and Miss Catherine Wolfe are the Alias only exceptions Wolfe, I recall at present. Even of her though, will in such had to explicit make the terms and iron-clad terms that it was plain that she feared the humiliation of a contest be fore tbe Surrogate. In fact, it has grown to be th?j prerogative of kinship to grab for other people’s money, and the flimsiest pretext serves the purpose, even if it only results in bagging a few thousands for hush money and counsel fees. What a revelation there would bo for tho rich men of the land if they could come back to earth and listen to the tight over the results of their toil! Here’s A. T. Stewart, the greatest dry goods mer chant this city ever saw, pictured as millions mentally incapable of disposing of tho he had gathered; it is widow is in her grove less than a year before two dozen heirs are pounding on tho doors of the law courts to upset her bequests; Jesse Hoyt’s $11,000,000 have opened the doors qf his family closet, and the skeleton stalks out in the glare of publicity; Sarah Burr died four years ago, but her $5,000,000 were made tho object of hitter litigation, and her ec centricitics paraded before the world. Samuel J. Tilden, keen lawyer as he was, made a will that his nephews are determined to break, and tiis great scheme thus postponed, for a free and public perhaps library here is baffled. The 1 ’m an Stevens ease was only settled permanently a short while ago after 15 years of litigation and personal abuse of the worst sort from the widow to her son ill-law, and vico versa, l’aran Stevens was oue of our great Bonifaces, and Ins estate still holds an interest in the Fifth Avenue and Victoria Hotels here and similar property in Boston. He died iu 1869, leaving his widow, a married daughter, and anti divide son-in-law to manage his estate tho property among about twenty heirs. Mrs. Stevens and her son-in-law never did get on together, and the breach widened after the old man died. Early in 18i2 she denounced him and began suit to have him removed ns remembered, executor. Mrs. Stevens, it will bo created a sensation at New port lart summer by entertaining the Duke of Marlborough. Her fight to oust her son-in-law cost lit least. Who of those who knew Daniel H. Lyddy be would have thought that lie would put forward by his brothers after death as a subject of undue influ ence? Ho was ns sane ns any many that ever lived, and yet he was hardly in his grave before his brothers—the ones who made themselves notorious by accepting $12,000 from Sharp declared war upon his widow for his estate. The ludicrous part ol the story is that l.iddy hadn’t a penny until ho married Madame <’ou nolly, only the famous dressmaker here, who not owned all the Long Branch property but had a good sized batik ac count us well. Of course that wealth greatly shrewd increased under Air. Liddy’s management, but where would he have been if lie had not married thousands? Now his brothers have be gun their a tight to keep those thousands on side of the house, and they declare the will bogus that gives back to the widow the property that was originally hers. has An begun array of long high-priced legal talent a contest over the Widow titewart’s estate, which ex-Judge Hilton has rightfully or wrongfully appropri ated. Mrs. Stewart’s nieee'is not satis fied with her #50,000,but wants the will set aside as having been fraudulently ob tained; one of the nephews, a brother of the present contestant, entered suit for the same purpose, though on different grounds, six months ago. It would not surprise many people if the two Stewart wills wore still in litigation after Judge Hilton’s death, for he is getting on in years now. Meanwhile the big white nimble mansion at Fifth avenue aud Thirty-fourth and street is closely curtained shuttered, mid no one goes in or out but the old butler. It is literally a house of death a marble grave. How every dream of A. T. Stewart’s later days hus been dissipated. His marble mansion is nothing ing but a gloomy tomb, the work women’s home that he planned aud set afloat thousands for has been turned into a fashionable hotel, in w hich a single meal costs as much as he meant to charge for a fall week’s board. His scheme for a grand cathedral seat and educational centre at Garden l ity is all but a flat failure, and the dry goods house that he made known the world over is now merely a reminiscence. Even his boms, weary after a lifetime of drudgery, are hidden no one knows where. There is rest in the grave for the weary, but not for the wealthy. Few of the Protestant ministers iu France receive more than #:ffit) a year from the State, to which a very small turn is added by the congregations. Even in tho large cities $M»0 IS ' con iidcred a liberal salary. The Colorado beetle lias been com pletcly stamped out in Germany by measures Agriculture. adopted by the Ministry of THE LIME-KILN CLUB. K Lecture to an Extravagant Mem Iter by the President. [From the Detroit Free Press.! “Tf Jedge Pizarro Waterfall ar’ in do hall dis eavenin’ 1 should like to hev him step dis way,” said Brother Gardner as adjusted his glasses and looked over the assemblage. “Jedge” present. He has The was lately taken the first prize in an Amateur Art Association (limited) for tho best specimen of an ax handle made by hand, and he went forward under the idea that he was to be complimented before tho club. “Brudder Waterfall,” said the Presi dent as the member stood before him with his weight on his left leg, “I war’ las’ in de baek eand of a grocery sto’ nite, bearin' Kurnel Cahoots fo’ straight games of checkers, when you cum in. l)e fust thing you inquir’d fur was white sugar, an’ I sot dar’ an’ heard you pur chase mocha coffee, currant Brudder jell an’ ninety-cent tea. As' I k’rect, Waterfall?” “Yes, sah." “How’s de house rent?" “A leetlebehind, sah.” “An - de ohill’en’s shoes an’ clothes?” “Purty bad oflf.” “An you'a in debt to de wood-yard an* de grocer?” “Slightly, sa!i; but times is powerful hard dis winter.” “Sartin; an’ who’s to blame fur it?” “Derich, sah.” “Exactly. If it wasn’t for a few rich men in dis kentry who want to show off deir cutters we shouldn’t hev any winter. If de rich didn't own houses to rent an’ refuse to rent 'em fur miffin’, we poo' folks could git ahead. De rich ar’ to blame dat you hevn’t got a big woodpile, a cellar full of pork an’ taters, an' dat your family am not dressed in broad cloth. Isn’t dat de wayyou Agger, Brud der Waterfall?” “Yes, sah.” “ An’ you doan’ argy dat whito sugar an’ ninoty-cent tea ar’ too rich fur do blood of a man aimin' six or seben dol lars a week?” “No, sah. I ain't rich, but I’zo just as good as rich folks.” “I see. Brudder Waterfall, pleaso step into do anto-room. If, arter do lapse of a few minutes, applesass you conclude dat brown sugar an’ an’ liio coffee ar’ mo’ in keepm’ wid a poo’ man’s wages, please gin three raps on do donh.” The audience waited, it wasn’t a min ute and a half before tho raps were heard, and .Brother Waterfall stepped out a great deal the worse for wear. He held clasely resembled a man kicked who by had been by the ear and a No. 10 brogan. Ho was breathing hard and much excited, but ho managed to say: plete “My opinyuns hev undergone a com “Worry change, well," sail. ” quietly replied tho President, “Homo folks kin bo won ober by argyment, an’ odders need a sudden shock. You can sot down, Jedgo.” Sugar-Raising. The practicability of making mercluitit able sugar from sorghum is likely to have a satisfactory test, the enterprising peo ple vantage of Kansas of the having successful resolved experiments to take ad of the Bureau of Agriculture last Autumn. The latest report says that arrangements have been completed for the erection in Garden City, Kansas, of a sugar mill at a cost of $100,000. Citizens subscribed half the stock and pay a bonus of $25, 000 . Jtist Lovely. lently Gaudy waistcoats arc flaming out vio all over England, ?tnd especially in the House of Commons, Gen. Golds drawing-room* worthy was gorgeous at th?; Queen's in bright red, while Lord Carmarthen,the youthful son of the Duke of Leeds, had encased his slim person in attractive huff. 7 I.ots of old gentlemen wore sealskin waistcoats. Count?, ins Vandkiibilt has just given Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., nn additions! donation of $20,000 to en large the school of engineering, “Golden at morniinr. silver at noon, and lead at night," is the old saying shout eating rigid oranges. ltut t here is something taken that is ly named Golden, and can he with ben efit at any hour of the day. This is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, literally worth scrof- its weight in gold to any oue suffering the with blood, ulous affections impurities of or diseases of iho liver and luugs. It is unfailing. Uy druggists. M Gny Wilke*,” tho famous trotting stallion, is valued at For Rickem, MnrnAttin*, niul WntutiiK Dl» oi dem or Children, Scott's Emclsiov of Pure i <><! Liver Oil with HypophosphitoM is unequaled. The rapidity with which children gain tlesh and strength upon it Js very wonderful. Read the follow ing: *1 have used Scon*s Emulsion in cases of Rickets been and Marasmus of longstanding. aifU have more than pleased with the results, as in every case the improvement was mark* ed. ,% —J. Nl. Main, M.D., New York. No Opium in J'iso's Cure for Consumption. Cures where other remedies fail. ~k\ ^f.Hines Qmjsound For The Nervous The Debilitated . The Aged ■ URKS Nervous Prostration,Nervous Head schc,Neuralgia, NervousWcakness. and Liver Diseases, and alt ^^^^•ffections of the Kidneys. AS A NERVE TONIC, It Strengthens and Quiets Uho Nerves. AS AN ALTERATIVE, It Purifies and Enriches th* Blood. AS A LAXATIVE, II acts mildly, but surely, on th* Bowels. AS A DIURETIC, It KepiUics the Kid neys sad Cures their Diseases. Kecouuacnded by professional and business men. Price $i.oo. Sold by druggists. Send for circulars. weus, Richardson & co., Proprietor*. BURLINGTON, ' VT. Cannot Be Beaten. Edward Burgess, designer of the liri tan, Mayflower, Volunteer and Sucipin, has designed an 85-foot schoonerif a compromise and type. She is to have akeel centreboard. The latter when msed joor. will only come as high as the cabin closer, U ith the and board therefore down, make she good will slow- joint ing a in races. The great advantage of a vessel of this type, if she will sail aiwell i as an out-and-out eenterboarder, i the large increase . of accommodation the cabin obtained through the remopl of the unsightly and obtrusive centraoard trunk. Such a vessel will removeabout the last objection which English Sutter men can make to American design* Her weights will be so low that she till be practically ward uncapsizable, and her wind those quality ought to be better than of any keel boat. $500 Reward. limes profuse, watery, and aerid, at others. Uilck, tenaeious, mucous, purulent,bloidy and putrid; it the eyes are weak, watery, tod in named; and there is ringing in the ea*. deaf ne^s.hacking and coughing to clear thethroat, expectoration of offensive matter, tteether with scabs from ulcers: the voter being changed offensive; and having a nasal twang; thibreath smell ana taste impaired; exierience a sensation of dizziness, with mental&epres sion, 1 hen a hacking c -ugh, and general lebuity, catarrh. you Only are suffering few of from throne nasal symptoms a the above-named kny at are time, likely in to be present tht&isease. it one ease one or one stage of l nousands of cases annually, withott mani festing half of the above symptoms,result in consumption, and end in tlxe grave. | No dis ejise is so common, more deceptive Ad dan gerous, less understood or more unsmcessful iv treated ,r9 by physicians. The manufacturers olfei A Catarrh llemedy in good faith, $miu reward for a case of catarh which they cannot cure. The Remedy is soil by drug gists at only 50 cents. During the last sixteen years 25,(XX ‘Bailors on British ships have been lost at sea. Consumption Hnrely Carol. that To the I have Editor:-—Please positive inform yoir readers named disease. a By its timely remedy forjthe thousands above use of J lopeless cases have been permanent}' cured, 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of liy remedy free to any if they of your readers who have con sumption and address. will send me their Express i*. (). Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C., 181 Pearl fct., N. Y. Itching Piles. itching st inging; Symptoms— Moisture; intense and continue tumors worse by scratching. which often If bleed allowed to ulcerate, becoming form, and very sore. Swawe's Oint ment stops the itching and bleeding, heals ul ceration, Equally and in many cases remives the tu mors. efficacious in curiig all Skin Diseases. DR.SWAYNE & SON, Philadelphia. Sent by mail for 50cts. Also sold bf druggi B&8. force Every is member of the Kansas City police a church member. Beautiful woman, from whence came thy Th bloom, beaming what v kindly hand eye, thy features thee fair? laid— Endowing on w as ‘ ’Twas thee with beauty rate? Once noL ever thus,” tho dam# replied. bold. ‘ pale this face, those feat ires The ‘Favorite Prescription* of Dr. Pierce wroughtthewonderous change which you Bev. Dr. McGlynn emphatically denies that no has asked to have his case re*opened. Is There Any Gum in ft? Is there any gum in it? is what all prudent men ask before taking hold of any new enter prise. Hum and Taylor’s Mullein < has herokee in Remedy it, and of the Sweet finest st imulating principle known. gum colds and It cures coughs, consumption. tarrh “Necessity is is the Mother of Invention,” Ca lor’s Hospital not an invention, but it makes Free Tay Cure a necessity . pam phlet. Address 304 Broadway, New York. If afflicted with ?ore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp* son's Eye-water. Druggists sell at 25c. per bottle. 3 -JACOBSOil MARIf RHEUMATISM. T h0 Case Stated.— Jan’y 17th,18S3. Messrs. Ueorgo Mass., C. Osgood & undersigned Co., druggists, Lowell, w rote to the as follows : “Mr. Lewis Dennis, No. 13fi Moody street, wishes to recommend St. Jacobs Oil, and desires especially to say that: boy “Ohin of 12 Robinson, of Grantvllle, Mass., a years, came to his house in the left summer leg being of 1881 walking on crutches, his bent at the knee for over two months, and could not be bent back. Mr. Dennis had sonic St. Jacobs Oil in the house, and gave it to him to rub on his knee. In six days be had no use for his crutches, and went home well without them, as he h been ever since.” Corroborative and Conclusive Testimony. —Lowell, Mass., July 9, 1887.— Gentlemen : Mr. Lewis Dennis has just called upon me, and informs me that the boy Orin Robinson, who was a poor cripple on crutches, and was cured by St. Jacobs Oil in 1881 ; the cure has remained permanent. The young man lias been and is now at work at manual labor; the case certainly CJeo. proves the eftieacy of St. Jacobs Oil.— Dr. C. Osgood, M. D. Sold by Druggists and Dealers Everywhere. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltimore. Md. ill!! f- LV’S^^I ELY’S CREAM BALM, Price 50 Cents, Will do more in ('orlng mm CATARRH Than S500 in any other way. Apply Balm into each nostril. usx]|.; | ) , Hr,„_,<; n ,«inricliSt,,V V. & lil^^find Don’t buy until you out the new $F#|| tho*^ ^ll nil ments. Save I Middleman’s 1 Profits. tSTSend for Catalogue. J. 1 \ STEVENS & BRO., 47 Whitehall St.. Atlanta, Ga. ■ W circulates »11 over the United States, and you *iil hutul reds of sample*. circulars, books, newspapers miuratmes, etc. , from those who want «*ents. You will S3 «t lots of mail matter and givxt rcadm* free, and be (pVosfd with the small investment. Lasts couuin . tr'gr names sent to each person snswerm* this ad. tor we will do as and send yon a splendid putter 6 month#, and a 3T*c. present -soujethm* new to i'' U»ku*i-H. n t *««*tonIe*s« ATl. t NTA. W! <« l.ldA.Us A. lMention A CO., this Ciib paper. ® » live, ene #r*‘<ic* man. who is not afraid of work, in every town above tu trie Southern Statss. Such a man can mafce the amount, handling uur goods. No capital T «.V ,i ""r »<».. d - ,' I’nlibsittr*, v vA t '<" v«»r tonud. ATLANTA. II. C. IJA. lit IMtl.NM r rnrr Kfcfe “m.v J’irt?'-" aaft’ftfMSJSs D **eri»u.. PIS05CURE FOR CONSUMPTION Makes the Weak Strong If you feet tired, weak, worn out or run down from hard work, by Impoverished condition of the blood, or low state of the system, you should take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Tbe peculiar toning, purifying and vitalizing qualities of this successful medicine are soon felt throughout tbe entire sys tem, expelling disease and giving quick, healthy action to every organ, It tones tbe stomach, creates an appetite, and rouses the liver and kidneys. Thousands v,ho have taken it with benefit, testify that Hood’s Sarsaparilla ” makes the weak strong.’’ Hood’s Sarsaparilla "1 have taken not quite a bottle of Hood’s Sarsa parilla, and must say it U one of the best medicines forgiving an appetite, purifying the blood and regu lating the digestive organs, that I ever heard of. It did me a great deal of good.”— Mrs. N. A. Stanley, Canastota, V Y. •'I took Hood’s Sarsaparilla for loss of appetite, dyspepsia and general languor. It did me a vast amount of good, and I have no hesitancy in recoin mendWIftt.”—J. W. Willeyord, Quincy, Ill. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. Jl; six for gi. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD * CO„ Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. Doses One Dollar S3 s ma CURES WHERE AIL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use In time. Sol d by druggists. AisacioiW I believe Piso’a Cure for Consumption saved my life.—A. Enquirer, H. Dowell, Eden Editor ton, X. C., April 23, 1887. The best Cough Medi cine is Pxso’s Cure for Consumption. Children take By it all without druggists. objection. 25c, I GTS. fcsasjfcfik _|__ ELSE FAILS. •a 101)RES WHERE AIL 25 Beat Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Ueo I in time. Sold by druggists. !w lUSE ST? you want * E&iEisy* Inspirator? a tOaCiLEA S M WA3IJ l ro DifiHl S Dill rlllS. a Great English Gout and Kheumatio Remedy. Oval Boa, 341 round, 14 Pills. mSBBB&BSEESt OIaI> is worth $500 per lb. Pettit’s Eye Salve is VX worth $1,000. but is sold at 25o. a box by dealers. h- ^ 1?! v : ip r £ 5 "v£ ? : Iff? wo^ tk £ D bmv^a>? l ' 1 fit fAM £D UVERoBLQQD ^ j. • £3 s£2 i 1887. ARE YOU SICK? Do you feci dull, languid, low-spirited, both lifeless, and and indescribably mentally: miserable, experience physically of fullness bloating alter eating, u sense or stomach or of “ goneness,” or emptiness of In tho morning, tongue coated, bitter or bad taste in mouth, headaches, irregular blurred appetite, diz zincss, eight, “floating frequent specks” before the eve irrita- eyes, nervous prostration or exhaustion, bility of temper, hot flushes, alternating with chilly here sensations, there, sharp, cold biting, feet, drew- tran eient pains and siness after meats, wakefulness, or dis turbed and unrefreshing sleep, constant, ■““““““■1 I David G. Lowe, Esq., of St. Agalhe, with Manitoba, bil- TTiS" Mrs. X. I. I'., V. Webber, "For of Yorkshire, Cattaraugus previous to I Mil UlLIUUo IMH! I Canada, says: “Being troubled of heart, a terrible taking C<>., ‘Golden writes: Medical Discovery' five years and ‘Pellets, S Attack. j ous attack, fluttering tho poor rest at | j Disease. [ I sufferer; had pain in right was side a great unable a severe do my bene&t therefrom.” I continually: well and was strong." to my own very highest work. am now “FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE. Thoroughly cleanse tho blood, which is the fountain of health, by using DR. Pierce's Uolden Medical Discovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, and bodily health and vigor will be established. Discovery all 'Golden Medical cures A medicine possessing tbe power to cure such inveterate blood and skin diseases as the following testimonial portrays, must certainly bo credited with possessing properties capable of curing any and all skiu and blood diseases, for none are more obstinate or difficult of cure than Suit-rheum. OMTDUniU “ Columbus, Onto. Aug. I8th, 1887. UmLitHiLUIii World's Dispensary Medical Assocla- L: tion, 6t>3 Main Street, Buffalo, N. AKO Gentlemen—For several years I have felt it to lie my duty to give to you tho facts in rela BuCIlUITieil nnLUInallem. tion voted to the or complete salt-rheum, cure by of the a most use of uggra- your case lady ‘Golden Medical Discovery. An salt-rheum elderly for relative of mine had been a great sufferer from upwards of forty years. The disease was most distressing in her hands, causing the skiu to crack open on the inside of tho fingers at tho joints and between the lingers. She was obliged to protect the raw places bv means the of adhesive months plasters, had salves, to have ointments her hands and bandages, and during winter her general dressed dailv. The pain was quite severe at times and health was badly affected, paving the way for other diseases to creep in. Catarrh and rheumatism caused a great deal of suffering in addition to the salt-rheum. She had all used remedies faithfully, prescribed and with the most commendable perseverance, the by her physicians, but without obtaining relief. She afterwards began treating and herbs. herself Sho by continued drinking teas this made for several from blood-purify- years but de ing roots Finally, about I chanced to read rived no benefit. pamphlets ten setting years ago. forth the merits of his one of Dr. Pierce’s smali medicines. The • Golden Medical Discovery" and other name struck CONSUMPTION, WEAK LUNGS, SPITTING OP BLOOD. Golden Medical Discovery cures Con- Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Shortness of promptly cures t the severest Coughs, ff sumption (which is Scrofula of the Lungs), Breath, Bronchitis, Chronic Nasal Catarrh, strenglhens the system and purifies tne by its wonderful blood-purifying, For invigora- Weak Severe tions, it Coughs, is sovereign Asthma, and remedy. kindred While affec- blood, ting and nutritive properties. a it 1 Consumption. | Solomon Hitts, of North Chvrton, Miami Co., Ohio, writes: “ I have not tho words to express mv gratitude for the good your _____ ‘Golden Medical Discovery’ has done my wife. She was taken with consumption, and after trying one doc tor after another having I finally gave up the all world, hope of I prayed relief. to Being God very that poor and but one dollar in ho might show me something: and then Medical it seems Discovery.’ as though some- My thing did teii me to get vour * Golden wife took it as directed, and as a result she is so she can work now.” GAINED Wasting Disease,—W atson F. Clarke, Esq., of <Box 10b. Summerside, 1 Prinrr FAsrard Island, Can., writes: “When commenced taking your 75 tu rOtlNflS * uunuo ' ‘Golden work and Medical was a burden Discovery, to myself. I was At not tbar irtde time to ■—1 weighed 122 pounds, ““ and to-day day and I weigh 147 0 “ U ’ a0W Ca “ WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDIOAL ASSOCIATION, Propr’s, No. 663 Main St., BUFFALO, N. Y. ”80. Write BROWN & KING. Manufacturers and Dealers in Comm. crul “'ooh-n Mill Suppllos. mgd Gen “Wrought and Iron "rugs H glands. e Fittings 64 S.EROAD 812, ATLANTA. GA. At this season, as spring approaches, a ble tonic and blood purifier is needed by everybody. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is peculiarly adapted for this purpose and becomes more popular every year. Try It this spring. heaviness “When I took Hood’s Sarsaparilla that in my stomach left; the dullness in my head and the gloomy, despondent feeling disappeared. I began to get stronger, my blood gained better circulation, the coldness in my hands and feet left me end my kidneys do not bother me as before."—O. W. HBLt, A ttoruey at Law, MUlersburg, Cl. Health and Strength ■•A year ago I suffered from indigestion, hod terri ble beadachei, verv little appetite; in fact, teemed completely broken down. On taking Hood’s Sarsa parilla I began to improve, and now I have a good appetite, and my health is excellent compared to what It was. I am better in spirits, am not troubled with cold feet or hands, and am entirely cured of in digestion.”—M innie Mannino, Newburgh, Orange County, N. Y. N. B.-Be sure to get only Sold by all druggists. $l;slxfor$3. only by C. I. HOOD & CO„ Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dolla r Oh:R1LMLR?S Eh tigi KIDNEY. LIVER & BLADDER CURE m READ SYMPTOMS and CONDITIONS This Remedy will Relieve and Cure. It II Vnu I liU are threatened with, or already trouble, have, Bright’s disease, or Urinary have sediment in urine like brick dust, frequent calls or Retention, with ess or pressure in the parts, II II Vein IU U have Lame Baek, Rheumatism, hips, Stlng ing, Aching Pains in side or U II Van IBU have high colored Diabetes urine, or Dropsy, or scanty or \t II Ve.., I Jll have Gall Stone, Malaria, Fever Torpid and Liver,Dyspepsia, Ague, Gout, or U II Vnu I Ull have Irritation, Spasmodic Bladder, Stricture, or Catarrh of the IF II Vnu I Ull have Seminal BLOOD Weakness, humors, Pimples, Syphilis, Ulcers, or U li Vnu IUU der, have Stoppage Stone in Kidney,or of Gravel Dribbling, in Blad urine or IF ! I Vnu 1 U breath, * lave poor internal Appetite, Slime Bad Taste, fever, Foul y or OUllUo n.iJIJn Don’t up quickly neglect a run-down early symptoms. constitution. Kveky Dose Goes RteitT to the Spot ! Prepared iysiciaus-‘*lnvalids* at Dispensary—Recommended Guide to Healki” free. by Advice renowned free gli Genuine have Dr. Kilmer’s likeness on Mil outside and inside wrappers. g 0 |{j ^ 1 1 “^ 9 \? Qd DB - Kua£K 4 Co ” 1 1 $1.0©—Six Bottles $5.00 SEND 50c. Atlanta. Ga., and you will receive by return mail beautiful Rubber Nam** Stamp, with Indelible Ink, stamping linen. Everybody should have their marked. gW"Also Business Stamps made to order. 1230 a artic ress, riS'b. IS (jentsWunted. the It UN world. SON, 1 Detroit sample on best , ^ ^ ^ * 1 * ^ 1 * * 1 * >M< A We ►Jff offer ►J* ►Ji ►Jff ►Ji who ^ ►J* ^ ^1* Tiic man who has invested from three the man wants service to five dollars in a Rubber Coat, and Aem (not style) a garment that will keep at Ins first half hour's experience in n ■ fi BOB nUB him dry in the hardest storm, it is a storm finds to his sorrow that it Is W In ■ called TOWER’S FISH BRAND hardly a better protection than a mos- w ■ “ SUCKER,” a mime familiar to every quito netting, not only feels chagrined i xx a m Cow-boy all over the land. With them at being so badly taken in, but also (B B G220 tBh H the only perfect Wind and Waterproof 1 eels if ho d oes not look exact l y like I Coa t is “ 'I’ower’s Fish Brand Sli cker.” Ask for the** FISH BRAND’* Slicker |HBl B and take no other. If your storekeeper does not have the fisii brand, send for descriptive catalogue. A. J. Tower, 20 Simmons St., Boston, Mass. indescribable feeling of dread, or of im pending If calamity? have ail, considerable number iber you of of these these or any suffering from that that symptoms, symptoms, you you are are of of most most common common Torpid Torpid American American Liver, Liver, maladies—bilious maladies—Bilious associated associated with with Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia, or or or or Indigestion. Indigestion. disease has become, The more complicated the the your the the greater greater number and diversity of symptoms. symptoms. No No matter matter what wliat stage stage it it lias has reached, reached, Du. Du. Pieece's Golden Medical DiscOVEUy will subdue it, if taken according to di lections for a reasonable length of time, Consumption If not cured, of complications the Lungs, Skin multiply Diseases, and Heart Disease, other Rheumatism, maladies Kidney Dis ease, or grave are quite humors, from a common Scrofula. Blotch, Salt-rheum, or Erup tion, to the worst short, "Fever-sores," Scaly or by Rough bad blood, Skin, iu ail diseases caused are eonquered invigorating by medicine. this powerful, Great purifying, Eating and Cl cers rapidly heal under its benign intlu- my fancy, and seeing that it was essentially a blood-purifier, I im sufferer mediately from recommended salt-rheum. it She to the commenced old iady who taking had been it at so long and a once, realized took one bottle, but seemed to be no better. However, I the that it would take time tor any medicine to effect a change for better, and encouraged her to continue. She then purchased a lialf-a-dozen bottles, and before these had all been used she began to notice an improvement. Alter takiug about a dozen bottles she was entirely cured. Her hands were perfectly well and as smooth and healthy as a child’s. Her general health her, was also greatly improved; the rheumatism entirely lelt and the catarrh was almost cured, so that it ceased to be much annoyance. She bus enjoyed excellent health from that day to this, and lias had no return of either sait-rheum or rheumatism. The ‘Discovery seems to have entirely eradicated the salt-rheum from her system. She is now over eighty years old, and very healthy for one of such extreme age. you I have written tills letter, of which you can make any use to fee lit, hoping that some sufferer from salt-rheum might chance read it and obtain relief by using your ‘Golden Medical Discovery —for ‘Golden 1 it is in its curative properties, and as much above the multitude! of nostrums and so-called ‘patent medicines, so zealously flaunted before the public, as gold, is above the basei metals. Respectfully yours. „ F. Wheeler, 182 21st „ St. W. Dough Mrs. X. W. Rice, of Netefane, acknowledge Vermont. of lys: “I feel at liberty to bottles oi Ciirr VciDS* _ tho benefit I received from two cured the ‘Golden Medical Discovery,’ which lllL lUnO a cough of five years’ standing, and dyspeP" QTIumun OlflffUlnu. sin, from which I had suffered Pierce's for Extrart a lens ammmmmmmmmmmmJ time. I har e also used Dr. BJ good of Smart-Weed, or Water Pepper, in family, with effect." ...... Si ^U^hat^taken _ ^wonderful , rf( , WfiRTH WUUIn IlllUV SI 0(1 writes-’ ‘ Golden Medical Discovery *‘ your and have been 3 ft DfiTTl DU I ELL C cured of consumption. I am now sound ana well, and have oulv spent three dollars. ana i would not take three thousand doiiare be put back where I was." Discovery $1.00, Six Bottles for $5.00, by Druggist- ROfgPS DON’T! ! yopiEIN THE H 0 U 5 Gobs 'Where the Woodbine Twiaeth, ■ Rats are smart, but “Rough on Bats” beats them. Clears title 3&t«; Moths, Mice, AtiiSi Roaches, Water Bu^s, Flies, Beetles, Ww«< 4 Uitoe&, Bed-bugs, Hen Lice, Insects, rOttttci Bugs, Sparrows, Skunks, weasel, Gophers, Jack Chip* munks, Squirrels. Moles, 13c. and Musk SJBd. Rats, Druggists. Kabbiw, “ROUGH ON PAIN” Plaster,Foroscd 15 a “I tOLtiH ON COH BfleJ* Cgugha, colds, 8 .V 1 , liTski bTuuMOiiS Ciiniih by R0UGH»m “Rough on Itch” Ointmefit cflrss Skin Ho Mots, Pimples, Flesh Worms. Feet, RingWerm,Tet ter, Hdlt Memo, BSttjef»Itch, frosted Scald Chilblains, Head, IJch, Ivy Poison, mail. Eczema. BOe. Drug, or S- 9. W*ma, Jersey City. IMGMLES iuTk", Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, and external Protrud ing, Bleeding. Internal 50c. Drllgtist/l tstneriy in each mail package. E. S. Sure W cure, Jersey City, h. »r ells, f CUREFITS! cure. Send at once for * treatise and a Ires fjfl}* JONES fW HE !ron Lever*, Steel Baericg*, Itrus Tare Beam and Bean Bo* M Kterrfise $60. Sc Scale. For free pr«<ell .it e Hiettlo# t!m Of paper and addreaa BINGH JONES AMTON *iN8HAMT9tt' V . N. tVhy for I’lUE is Chicago ARMS heartquarteri ? W« are shipping daily to all pttria 01 the United State#, Fir© Good! Arftia IxESS Rnd Thnn Sporting 55 A K* UFACTUT*FK$ at f PKfm. Write for CATALOOtr. JenneyS Graham 6i»*s Go. ! 5JJ V£U Ht ate CAtil*. Painless Childbirth. Particulars of this wonderful book, and other valuable information.Kent muiing. I.iuly on receipt wanted of two-cent for this stamp to selling cover book. Address,!. Agents I*'. U\UH 1 N(m fast U a Unit ■», i, ^ 8n wmhS Floral Guide, all for 2 stamps. New flowers, new engravings, teems with floral hints. Everybody G. delighted. Park, Faanettsburg, Tell all your Pa. friends, bend now. w. _ Al &lavU Him been^made^i:n^an^hour^sehing^ rsHIIOl.iUAt' the ii lid lilt mailed receipt of Sdcrinx* Sample and full iniormation HO on CO., Ind i lis.Iml. EUREKA BROOM LDER anap MIS to SS a day. Samples worth $1.50, FREii Lines not under the horse’s feet. W rite Brewster Safety Rein Holder Oo., Holly, Mich. rv. v ...... ...Ten, M8. liable to set in, and, sooner or inter, in duce a fatal termination. Dh. Piebce’s Golden Medical Discov euy acts powerfully upon the Liver, and through the that great blood-purifying all blood-taints organ, and cleanses system of impurities, from whatever cause arising, It is equally efficacious in acting upon the Kidneys, and other excretory organs, cleansing, diseases. strengthening, As appetizing, and healing restorative their an tonic, thereby it promotes building digestion both and flesh nutn- and tion, In malarial up districts, tills strength. dertul has gained celeb- won medicine Ague, great rity in curing Fever and Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases. ence. Virulent blood-poisons are, by Its use, has it robbed manifested of their terrors. potency in Especially curing its Tetter, cles. Eczema, Eyes, Scrofulous Erysipelas, Boils, Carhim- Swell Sore Sores Swellings,’ and Goitre, ings, Hip-joint Thick Disease,” Neck, and White Enlarged Glands. or