Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, March 31, 1888, Image 4

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AGRICULTURAL. TOPICS OF INTEREST RELATIVE 'iO FARM AND GARDEN. nncklng Horses. One thing I have never been subject abio to of Unde,-stand and that is the bucking horses. I havo given the ques tion some study, at:d find that only in the Western part of the United States, hr nes indulge in this most unpleasant performance. This would not be strange if it was confined to horses raised in these countries, but it seems to be in the climate, as the progeny of Western ponies, if taken i last, never buck, and a colt of a high-tired Eastern horse if born on the (.!«ins will buck the first time a saddle i*4 .J! lint on its hnfk 1 ■** a B thiinr ihQt U1 ? L other a colts from IV the same mare born m the East never do Both the Kentucky and Irish horses have a (rick of bounding luto the air and alighting w th stiff legs, which is some of the plains. 1 n ver saw any one who could account for the change of haiut in colls born in the West, but every man who has ever had anything to do witli horses in that section of the country is perfectly Ditiu'cl. familiar with the fact.— Poa Karly Potatoes. Three years’ experience convinced a Fanner /mil fir >hr correspondent that his practice brings potatoes ••several days sooner than if planted without manuring in the hili.” Starting, “the first oppor tunity “reasonably in spring,” with loose, loamy land, rich or made so by thor on ghly be working in of well-rooted ma nure,” proceeds as follows: ‘ The soil should bo thoroughly fined before planting. Mark the rows, tun ning the plow reasonably deep. A good single shovel is tho best implement for marking about for early potatoes—have the rows three or three and a half feet apart. Take reasonably fresh ma nure and drop a forkful where each hill is to bo planted. Cover lightly with soil and then drop a whole potato of medium size; on this cover well, step ping on the hill to press the soil on the seed. The fre-h manure will aid mate rially in securing the necessary warmth to indu 0 germination.and if, as Is some times the case after planting early in spring, we have several days of cold, wet less weather, I here will I at considerably after danger planting of the reed rotting. As noon as condition of soil per mit, a thorough !,'arrowing should be given. destroys This lines and levels the surface and young weeds that are cur tain to start, t nder ordinary condi tions two harrowings can nearly always bo given. Keep tho surface mellow. The first wot king should always be the deep erally est, getting shallower oa h time. 1 gen hoeing prefer to give at least one good after the first cultivating so as to loosen the soil well between the plants and kill weeds. Cultivate sufficiently to keep that e'ean and have the soil mellow so made. a After strong, rapid growth will be 1 find it advisable a good start by the vines, to thin to net OVUf three good plants to each hill.” Farm and Garden Note*. Beets are relished by uiilch cows. Feed oyster shells and ground bones to fowls. Fresh lime scattered around the cellar will hoip to keep it dry. Permit no smoking about the Iwrn, haystacks or strawstacks. Corn-foddor cut fine, moistened and sprinkled with cornmcal or bran, is eaten up dean. Ilogs fattened on barley are reported to make superior moat with a large pro portion of lean, A dairyman asserts that, on the same amount of food, he never saw other young cattle do as well ns llolsteins. is According the to animal Col. F. D. Curtis the hog smartest we havo among stomach!* 103 * Ul!U ’' ““ the In making out orders for nursery stock one novelties. is. liable Stick to invest closely too largely in and varieties. pretty to tested proven season^ Sfould ^o'trcafcT'b^'rubblJg twice* week with a mixture of lard and kerosene, applied warm. Salt benefits the compost heap by kill ing mi weeds and preventing heating.' K« t uu.oii , Xfini , \henex°t“pr!ng hCa!1 ~ Common homemade ive soap, well mixed with corn meal to a stiff dough, and given every few day, is now recom mended as a preventive aud sure cure of chicken cholera. Sheephere do not pay as great profit* ns those iu Euglami. Everything de fends farmers ou compel the mode sheep of management. forage, while Our to in England they are treated as carefully as ns are cattle. It has been found in California that a cold air blust dries fruit in the most per feet manner, bainples of fruit dried in this way—prunes, apricots and apples — two vears uso are still iu a perfect sr-ta Of preservation. spread Secretary Woodward would draw and manure from the stable, even if the snow were a foot deep. He believes that, spread on corn land in the fall, it does fitly per cent, more good than when spread tha following spring. Professor Robertson, of Canada, claims that cream raised by the deep cold process less highly produces flavored a butter that is when first made, and is, m fact, often insipid at that time, but its flavor increases with age, and it at its best when several weeks old. A practical authority states that the best way to make a hog-crate, in his opinion, is to have the height three fifths of the length of the h”g, and the width three-fifths the height, This will make a comfortable crate for a pro perl, tra ueJ hog. It is certainly worth trying. Keep cream apart from any strong smelling rapidly absorbs vegetables, odors as nothing so as milk or crt*ara. Fever put it into a jar that has had viueuar, pickles or a: ids in it, until the rar The i» best thoroughly plan is have cleansed and aired. for it, and be to a jar especially often thoroughly very particular that it is washed and aired PEARLS OF THOUGHT. Destroy ignorance and let progression progress. Every utterance creates some kind of an impression. Calumny is like coal; if it does not burn it will soil. ’ Real glory springs from the silent # con* quest of ourselves. Avoid temptation through fear you uaay not withstand it. Never speak evil of any one. Be just b f J 0 generous.' Colors aro extensively used in tha decoration of black toilets. Our acts make or mar us; wo are tlio ,, * children .... ol .. deeds. , our own „ It U , an irrefragable . . law of .... m.nd that moral efforts become east r by repetition, He who does not engage i:i tile quar Every man has three characters—that which he exhibits, that which he has, and ^ whieh he thinks he ha9 . Irresolution u a worse vice than r.islt ness. JIo that shoots best may some times miss the mark, but ho that shoots not at ail can never hit it. irresolution ,008ens aU ,Uo )" ,nt * of a state i. liko ari it shakes not this nor that limb, but ail tha boiy U at ones in a fit. 1JS00 Picturesque Islands. My visit to Japan lias been a delight ful ono from first to last. The surface of the country is broken and diversified, and the scenery in some parts may be caller! picture-quo and beautiful. As you traverse the country, mountains aro almost always in sight. Tho valleys and plains are uader high cultivation, and the soil productive. A ^great system of horticulture rather than of agriculture may be said to prevail, for tho land is for the most part broken up into small patches oi rice and cotton and millet, and a variety of garden vegetables, so that large districts have tho appearance of ono great garden adjoining the vil lages, or with humblo lodges or homes scattered among the fields. Everything here, from tha pcopia to tho national territory, seems to hb on rather a email scald. Japan, with its 0800 slauds and its 37,000,000 of peo pie, lias a national territory of only 131,000 square miles, or a little more than three times the area of the state of New York, lienco tho population in many portions of the country is very dense. The Japan css ate an industrious people, with simple habits and few wants. Tho laboring classes wear but little and cheap clothing, and aro satis fied with very eunplo food. A cup of tea, a little rice, a few vcgctablos and a bit of dried fish make for them a satis factory meal. But they strike me as a very genial and kindly peoplo, much more so than tlio Chinese, as I have seen them on tho Pacific coast. They seem to unjoy their dome-tic and social life. They nrj rapidly locoming an in telligent people, willing not only to re ceive, but anxious and ambitious to ob tain knowledge.—[New York Evange list. Miami Death by an Inch. A man at work on the II mtingtoa bridge across tlio Ohio, near the foot of Central avenue, was standing oa one of tho piors at least twenty feet above tlio "liter. All around tlio base of the pier "' sort Cr ° of ^? ilebrii, ke “ 8tono on which > drivea u P falling Uo ? a,ul body rtU could bo dashed to pieces. Nowheto about tho pier was there any deep water, ‘T which !V had 7™"' an area ^ of not U ‘ ’ more " ppor than , part lour ot a ' x feet. While tho man stood upon the edgo of tho pier, unknown to him a huge stone, suspended from a derrick, "T iat » P !,' K st ^ k hi, shoulder andrn slantl t . plunged Did y uo"as ' 10 str ‘ ko l * 10 rocks or piling below? Not at all. He made as neat a dive as eve r did th o most expert swimm er di rectly into the well-hole already de scribed, and came out uninjured. Had “® ^ ecu swerved a foot to the right his brains would have been spattered upon the rooks.—[Cincinnati Times Star. ---—---- The Friends of Philadelphia have a Com which protests against the liquor signs on eitv passenger cars, and another winch P^teias against the renting of city property tor saloon purptm s. r m mm . a :k.V K 43 m ; ' ■ -v I rV m fit l■ -jjt 'A y- YS&y^ t Yrfs? Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all drusxtsta, |i; alx for Prepart'.I culy C. L BCWD * CO. Lowett SUsx IOO Dosos One Dollar A Generous Landlord. Baron Vorwarts has near Stavonhagcs, * a Mecklenburg, an estate of about five thousand acres. It is chiefly devoted to wheat and beet-root, aad is worked by lts owncr 011 a form of co-operation; and ” still .... able to . make , good profit the a on capital value of his estate. He is his own farmer. He pays very small wages m money, but the laborer is provided with a house, a supply of corn, a piece of grazing !and t the means of education, and other advantages which enable him to live in comfort. The baron is con tent with four per cent, interest . as ,. hi3 own s h aro > and once in ten years he divides ths remainder or the nroflts in equitable V 1 , proportions * among 0 the peas- r entry. At . tlie . , last . division, .. . . which , took place ia 1831, as much as $300 or $250 share of a single family. This excellent landlord lives among his peo himself with their well-being that the peasants do not speak of “the baron’s wbsat or horses,” but of “our wheat” a:id our R° 1 ’ 5 - 3 - ’ IR® baron believes tllat so far ua agriculture is concerned hc Las discovered the moans of harmoa iziu ” th® interests of capital with those of labor.—[Chicago News. Organized Female Thieves. A new method of stealing has just been detected at Vienna, Austria. A number of women established employ tnent offices for placing shop-girls, and succcoded in gaining tho confidence of numerous store-keepers, The young ladies they recommended were first in structed to rob their employers and hand over the proccods of their thefts to tho agents. The latter made regular rounds every day. On entoring a store the agent would mako a small purchase, for which she would pretend to pay with a largo cote. Tho fictitious difference, consisting of money stolen, was then openly placed on tho counter and pocketed by tlio agent. Tho latter re tained filty cents or ijl of every day’s takings of each girl, and paid the re mainder to tho latter. Tha whole gang i® now in custody. Tlio occurrence may * ead ,0 tkc introduction of our system of a cashier's desk in every store to re place the ordinary money drawer, ac ctj sfcibio to every employe. The losses of some ol tho storo-keopors aro csti mated at $3,000 to $4,000. Largest Tree in the World. Notwithstanding tho wonderful di mensions of California trees, the reputed largest troo in tho wot! 1 is not to bo found among them, but is situated ia Mascoli, near the foot of Mount aEtna. It is called tha “Chestnut Tree of a Hundred Horses,” and mo too ver is be lieved to be one of the oldest trees in tho world. Its name arose from tho re port that Queen Jams of Arragon, with her principal nobility, took refuge from a violent storm md-r its branches. At one time it was supposed that it con sisted of a clump of trues unitaJ, but on digging away the earth the root was found entire at no great depth. Five enormous branches arm from one great trunk, which is two hundred and twelve feet in circumference. A part of the trunk has been broken away and its in terior is hollow, and is largo enough to contain a flock of sheep or two car nages driven abreast through it. It still bears an abundance of fruit, and its collectors havo built a hut within the trunk, the better to. promote their work.—[Prairie Farmer llMorian B ““ orort ’ s Mr. George Bancroft accounted for his own longevity the other day with three reasons: First, that ha was the middle child in lm lather’s family equally distant from the youngest to tlm oldest; second, that ho had always goao to bed at ten o’clock, unless it had been impossible; and, third, that he had spent four hours iu each day in tho opaa..^|r» unless prevented a stors-n. He added that his riding, of which tho newspapers had made so much, was primarily for the purpose of being out of dcors, and not of being on horse back. AT Economy, Penn., the twenty-eight old men miff women survivors of the Harmony Society, celebrated the eighty-third anni versary of their establishment. They own property,vorth fI5.tW.iHiq 100 Doses catch This uot i* ft One Hue only but is original with fUK , . Dollar t rue only of IltxHi’sSar si] art lift, which is the very best spring medi cine and blood purifier. Now, reader, prove If. Take a bottle home aud measure Its contents. You will find it to hold 100 teaspoonfuls. Now read the tloos am! you will Had th it the average dose for persons of tllffer«ut ages is less than a teaspoon lul. Thus the evidence of the peculiar strength and of Hood’s Sarsaparilla ia conclusive aud “Feeling languid and dirry, haTitig uo appetite uo ambition to work, 1 took Hood's Sarsaparilla. with the best results. As a health invigorator and for general debility i think it superior to else.**—A. A R«k, UUca,N.Y. ' Wifi ' J ayseif were both generally run Hood's SarsaivorlUa brought us out of that feeling and male us feel like young people It hns done more far us tima all other in€H.!i together.”—B icbaup BiVXMln. AtnltyviUe, Hood’s Sarsaparilla by all druggists. $i; six for *3. Prepared only i C. J. HOOD i CO. Apothecaries, Lowell. JLw. ..ioo Dosgs A New Whim. Nearly all the fashionable of the fair sex in London, now wear wiist watches. They are constructed in every form, from the plain leather strap to the magnificent bracelet, where the face of the watch is encircled by precious stones. The same device is also applied to purses, pocket books, canes, and even umbrellas, which are made up with diminutive watches at tached. Blood Will Tell. There Is no question about it—blood will tel] -especially eruptlons, pimples if it be and :.n impure hoils, blood. Blotches, are all svmptoms of an impure blood, due this to the :iu proper nc 1 ion of the liver. When important organ falls to properly cleansing perform the blood,impurities Us fumuipn of purifying and are carrhd to all parts of the system, and tile symptoms above referred to are merely evidences of the germs ? 0 Fnlos!rt!or warrdngb^jheede 1 d°in < tm!e 1 Berious results are certain to follow, culminat JSStiJr will Dr PiercoM and CioIden 0 Medlea? covcry the prevent cure these diseases,by restoring liver to a lioalthy condition. The French havo Invented a steam tricycle that easily runs 20 miles an hour. Jinny People lefuae to take Cod Liver Oil on account of its unpleasant taste. ’This difficulty has been overcome in SCOTT’S Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophos phites. It being as palatable as milk, and the most of Consumption, valuable remedy Scrofula known for the treatment eral Debility, Wasting Diseases and Bronchitis.Gen hronic Coughs and olds, of Children. 1 < world has caused physi cians in all parts of i he to use it. Physi cians report our little patients take it with pleasure. Try Soott’s Emulsion and be con vineed. Soma swindlers took a lot of Confedarate money to Mexico and disposed of it at par. When all so-called remedies faii, Dr. Safe's Catar rh Remedy cures. Mormons have gobbled up the most fertile districts in Arizona. Jly Little Girl Had a dreadful and a very alarming cough, that at one time after trying every prescrip tion we feared from her not receiving ail benefit that serious results would follow, was advised to try Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein. A permanent euro was the result. T. B. Cox, Big Island, Va. Never ask a crust of a crusty man. Ask him for meat,-for lie’ll give you a cold shoulder. Bronchitis is cured by frequent small doses of i’.so's Cure for Consumption. For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. • Medical and scientific skill has at last reived tho problem of tho lone- needed medicine for the ner vous, debilitated, aud the aged, by combining the bo-t nerve tonics, Celery and Coca, with other effec. tivo remedies, which, actinic gesitly but efficiently on the kidneys, liver aud bowel3, remove disease, restore strength and renew vitality. Tills medicine la /N ism Paines . Igrnbound : It fills a place heretofore unoccupied, and xniTla a nevf era in the treatment cf nervous troubles. Overwork, anxiety, disease, lay the foundation of nervous prostration and weakness, and experience has shown that the usual remedies do not mend tho strain aud paralysis of the nervous Bystern. Recommended by professional and business men. Send for circulars. Price gt.OO. Sold by druggists. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors BURLINGTON. VT. TYPE and PRINT!Mi Printing MACHINERY.INKS, of description, from Foundry every la the United States, any Bale lor by DODSON'S PRINTERS’ SUPPLY DEPOT, S3 Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. SSSCSSSSS; I BhM V $50 Gold Watch Given to th3 lirst pftrpnn naming tho short est book in t he Bible bofura J nna 1st. fi To 2nd a ®2T» Silvtr Watch. I’o next 2ii, $5 Nickei Watches. Next 75, ele \ \\Kuby pant Turquoise, rolled-gold Garnet Kings. or Persian set. KauU It person silver mu >t send 2oc. (postal note, heavy, or rolled-gold stamps), ior wedding, onoioe ot one or two heart rings, ami postage on illusl'd catalogue. Atlanta, H.4UT JKWEUIIV CO.. (scorgia. M. K. Allen, Macon. Gu., gets gold watch, Mar. 15. f y*8-e new offer above YOU WILL SAVE MONEY, wm Time* Pain, Trouble mist will Ct'UK MEVER®g#i CATARRH HY 1 MNG ELY’S CREAM BALM, Alldy Apply Balm into each no.-itrii. as Bros.,83SGreemTiollSt.,N.Y. I* Don’t buy until you |||^ §jj^'jPi find out the o new “ ^ 11 ^ ^ p 111 §| ^ lal o MS* Save the Middleman’s ^ q Prodts. ^SeivX for Catal^ae. J. T 1) I Oil-. La\ \C O t\ C DllVii D I) l \ • » 47 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. Do you wast a jjootl, reliable Inspirator? and simpi«> r 3 m os 5! irn ( Ual'IS jni _____ I |ynidi Wher £ radical cure. 1 have made the diancae of FITS. EPIL- J. EPSY or FALLING SlCKNEsS a lifo-long study. Because WArrsnt my remedy to cure tho wore* ca*k»s. ©tberc have failed ts no reason for n t non Free rooming Bottle a core. Send at once for a treatisa and a of uiy infallible remedy. Give Express ar.«i Poet Office. XJ. G. ROOT,.11. C,1S^ Pearl St. New York. SEEDS turners, new cniraviuc a, teem) with ilorai htats. Eeerybodv W.Pahk. den«b£*xL Toll »iil vour fri euas. bend now. <». Fann. u.,ru’r<. Px * " 7~I^Z~~A7~ HOME ___... 2 S 5 S^ 3 SjSSS&£B»S^ , 22 l?a?. UN". wm-v HNOVVN (A; Kl?‘ (A Mnnuf-zcmmn mu! Dunluls in (Jouon. ‘v‘n'unlr n and (hub erul .mn Hnmflim. “‘rmmm nnd Iron Plrn I’lllingn "runs mm“. M S.EBIMD 5‘11. ATLANTA, GA. To Erect dream the o? tip a ponderous of his tail, whale, on Is the sign of a stonn fit the weather is warm,) Unless it should happen to fail, Drcr ins don't amount to much, anyhow, Some signs, however, are infallible. If you are constipate !, with no appetite, tortured with sick headache and bilious symptoms, there signs indicate that you need Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Purgative Pellets. They will cure you. a 11 druggists. Airs. W. II. Vanderbilt’s expenses are said to aggregate $ 100,000 a year. Consumption Surely Cured. To the Editor:—Please Inform your readers that I have ft positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad 10 send two Dottles of my. remedy free to any of your readers who have con sumption if they will send me their Express and P u address SLOCUM, Respectfully, M. C., 181 Pear! St.. N. A', T. —- »»»» 1 mw——— PJC? VS ’hi AHXw H, Sf* U SHI 3 ££ 4 SJu fX 1 3 ( ¥ H. ^ FO.-. . . FOR 0 l— ^ ■if 0 r I ►a Am f' • M 9 . H PfKfiS mi a Lgj H H W ( a --cubes- Cuts, Swellings, Bruises, Sprains, Galls, Strains,Lameness, Stiffness,Cracked Heels, soratclies. Contractions,Flesh Wounds, Stringlialt, Sore Throat, Distemper, Colie, Whitlow, Poll Evil, Fistula, Tumors, Splints, Bing' hones and Spavin in its early stages. Apply St, Jacobs Oil in accordance with tho directions with each bottle. Invaluable for the Use of Horsemen, Cattlemen, Stablemen, Stockmen, Turfmen, Itanclnnen, Dro vers, Farmers. fgk FINE HERDS, CnoiCE STOCK, Common Herds, Sold by Druggists and Dealers Everywhere. Baltimore. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. Hi I mmmm. curve for JI UUfffcS Whtnt ALL tL&fc good. r AILS. Use cn B03t E in Cough time. Syrup. Sold bv Tastes dructrists. I COHS P T HK U M liQN * ^ ^ I believo Piso’B Cure for Consumption saved my life.—A. H. Dowell, Editor N, Enquirer, C., April 23,1837. Eden ton, PISO The DEst Cough Medi cine is Piso’s Cube boh Consumption. Children take It without objection. By aU druggists. 20c. SO’S CURE,FOR I >7:1 JI8 WHFRf AU FkSR FAILS* Best Cough in byrup. Sold by Tastes druggists. good. Use tirae. F & fjgl Ejy,\ | ft» WELLS* if|y* 4? HAIR BALSAM twXYT aq|P.| if?. restores llatr to origi- Gr»» I i, 1 1 ■i ■ eleg&nt ine, nal color. softens dress- Aa j) and beautifies X Nogrease oil. nor A Tonio Restorative. wm Prevents hair coming strengthens, out; I cleanses aud heals scalp. 50c. Druggists *. *. WELLS, *.J Itntj Clij, S. I. BOyS^o^OATARRH UneqtiAled for (.'at&rrh^l Jssssssss worst chronic ca-ses. throa* affections, diphtheria, foul breath, one naive odors, sore throat, cold m the head. Ask for “ Korou ok C’ATA anH.” Wc. Drug. E. 8. Wklls, Jersey City, N. J. h LOOK YOUNG ■'•yv as vent longasyou tendency* to tvrin* lii kies skin by or using ageing of the LEAURELLE OIL r \Y itemoves and and prevents h Wrinkles, rough f m ness of Flesh or skin 5 preserves fresh a condition youthful, i plump, of the feature*; re tnovoa complexion, pimples, clears the the only substance kn own J* LStfo strucunsons T0 MORDECAI LE WIS. JOHN T. LEWIS & BEOS., WA R It A NTED PURE lY Mineral, hlSe l r cart Painters '. ? e!l , Colors Llthar and . Linseed ge ‘ °^ a S?i Oil. B COR B EtM-ONPEXCE 1TED. ' Avaw..'/LB rO^fiiTY ■ #$Sop£ Siam IuMl PHfL'ADt&fH - - _ T A-^ Send stamp for Catalogue. I) \ MAN! Can Earn « a — ork, in «. t ^aN , w;« ,, v ^ATSS'MTG 3 Cm OI ontained by E. H. GET. In s STON A: C’O., AVneh « iuston* 1>* C* Send for our book of luatructlons. - ----- HEFtBHAKO FIFTH WHEEL. uuprovaoionu HER UR AND CO,, Frsmout, O. A/sh SLICKER'S” SLICRD Norte f unies? Dr.n’t wa<?te your money on a jmm or rubber coat The FISH BRAND sBayp”*. ^ raND’^ B °° F *” 2*H'oui^orekeepCTd^ sot itiayeth ^risn send for d escriptiv e catalogue to A. J, TO WE It, 20 Simmons f I ~ ~ PURE \ V O WHITE ,®| 1 L X) trxd* \[ 'Ll* Lj/ ***«• Es‘tablishe d ‘ 1772. WORTH 81,000! TESTIMONIAL OF HON. THOMAS PAULK, OF BERIEN COUNTY Would not Tnke SI.OOO for It-Relleved IS Yearn’ Snfleriug from Oyspep,^. ™ Alapaha, GII.,June 22,1S8?.~B. B. Company Atlanta, Ga.—Gentlemen: I had suffered from that terrible disease, dyspepsia, tor over fifteen years, and during that time tried every. thing I could hear of, and spent over tW hundred dollars in doctors 1 bills, without ’ ,'7 * r « . , cuvingme eugmest penent. Indeed, I oon. tinued to grow worse. Finally, after I a. 5 * pa j re j 0 f obtaining relief, a friend i aa ram. rew « mended . . li. „ R is. „ B. m (Botanic Blood Balm), , . and I began using It; not, however, expecting to 1 . benefited After usim? half n t wh^ satisfied that I was being benefited, and the sixth bottlo was taken I felt like good” a 1 not take $1,000 for the has done me; in fact, the relief I derived from It Is priceless. I firmly believe that 1 would have died had I not taken It. Respeotfully, etc., THOMAS PAULK. “I Gave Up to Die.” Knoxville, Tens., July 2, ibst. I have had catarrh of the head for six years. I went to a noted doctor and he treated me for it, bat could not cure me, ho said. 1 was over fifty years old and I-gave up to die. I had a distressing oough; my eyes were swollen and I am confident I could not have lived without a chango. I sent and got one bottle of your medicine, used it, and felt better. Then I got four more, and thank God! it cured me. Use this any way you may wish for the good of sufferers. Mbs. Matilda Nichols, 22 Florida Street, For the blood, US* B. B. B. For scrofula, use B. B. B. Fof catarrh, use B. B. If. For rhoumatism, Use B. B. B. For kidney troubles, uso B. B. B. For skin diseases, use if. B ». For eruptions, use B B. B. For all blood poison, use B. B. B. Ask vour neighbor wh 1 has used B. B. E. of Its merits. Get our book free filled with certificates of wonderful cures. 1 A j m , , i : W.L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR . gentlemen. u ai-ron ted.” or costing from $6 to $9. rmule shoes W. h. DAl'GI.AS SJ.30 SHOE is unei celled for heavy wear. VV. L. nOl’GL&S S2SH0E is worn by all Boys, and Is the best school shoe lu the word). All the above go ids are mvle in Congress,Button dealer, write and Lace, and If not sol I by your HaM W. I1*0r<J l. ts . n i/rk t • n. . _____ EXHAUSTED VITALITY k Great Medical Work for Young and Middle-Aged Men* u § r Of r ^ Wmcm life a §/ i 1 p r KNOW THYSELF.^___ 1 •;*. c Boston, Maas. WM. H. PAlUU It, M.ll.# sold. Consulting It treats Physician. upon Nervous More than and one Physical million Debility. copies Premature Decline, Exhausted Vitality, Impaired untold vigor, and Impurities of the Blood, and the mi-erles consequent thereon. Contains 300 paces, substantial emboss d binding, full gilt. Warranted the best popular medical treatise published in the English language. Price only $1 by mail, ilfv.strativ* postpaid, and concealed free if in send a plain wrapper, Address above. sample you now. as Name th is pa per, * •in r-' m . “osgood” 7. S. Gtaaiitl Sales. Sent on trio!. Warranted. Freight paid. Fully 3 TON $35. Other sizes proportion ately low. Agents well paid. Illustrated Catalogue free. Mention this Paper. OSGOOD t TEOJIPSOU, Binghamton, a. ». CUREjsPJLAE Perfectly R«»^o r *JJS i FI Y ^ Ea* 1 d*vu 6 aeaf««* ls H ”JdS?.V.r. e ari n e, whether (ha k or lojuri.. to tk. -9 d.uvifc Inrltible, romforttblt, ol-JT« illuntcil book of wroofc. ____ = 25 Ghmm IQ@. 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