Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, April 07, 1888, Image 2

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JEft* * jSjUftbligfrti TUOS. It. I’KXN, : : Publisher. Gray Georgia, Saturday, April 71h. [Communicated.] Washington, D. March 31. Washington, which at all times during the sessions of Congress is astir and furnishing more news to the reading world than any other city in this country, has been unusu ally btisk during the past week and newspaper correspondents have not been without an abundance of sub jects to write about. The funeral of the late Chief-Jus tice Waites on Wednesday occasion ed a grand display on the part of those who have money, fine clothes and handsome vehicles. Long be fore the hour of twelve, groat crowds hud congregated about the Capitol, waiting to get a look at the funeral procession and view the casket containing the remains of Uu* man who for fourteen years had held the highest judicial position in lhe world. At last the procession arrived, and u great one it was, too. Slowly the casket was removed from the hearse by a number of strong colored men, who, followed by the associate justices of the Su preme Court, acting us pall-hearers, bore the remains into the hull of the House of Representatives, where the funeral services were held, after which the remains of the dead Chief-Justice were shipped to Ohio, his former home, and buried. Tho International Council of Women attracted large audiences, notwithstanding the fact that an ad mi si ion fee was charged. Somo of the papers read by tho delegates showed unmistakable signs of abili ty on the part of ihe authors. However mu< h men may dislike to sec women “dabble in politics,” the fact cannot be denied that the wo man's suffragists are making con siderable progress in their work, as more than one Elate now allows them tho privilege of voting in some of their elections. Tho speech of Senator Colquitt continues to be a popular theme oi convcisiition here as well as else' whore; and, judging Irom tho large numbers ol copies that have boon ordered by Democratic loaders in doubtful states, it is quite likely 1 bat Ibis great effort of Georgia’s junior Senator will lie an important campaign document, next fall. A I! Georgians, and especially those living ui the sixth Congres sional District, who visit Washing ton, cannot help but feel proud at the high position and prominence that Hon. J. II Blount occupies here. Few men in Congress have so much mfliiened as does Mr. Blount; and, if mien a thing ho possible, ho a| pears to bo as popular here as at home, it is hardly probable that any effort will bo made to defeat Mr. Blount at the next Democratic non inating convention, for the hold he has on Congress would not like ly be attained by another in twenty years. There are many places of interest to visit in Washington, but tow more so than the National Museum. I lore you can spend hours looking at anything from (he smallest stone to a good sized vessel, I : pon first entering you are met wit h acollee tion of relies belonging to the late la mented George Washington. Among the collection maybe found his easy chair, a microscope and the suit clothes ho wore when surrending bis commission to Congress us gen eral of the Army of the United States, The clothes, which are still ill a good state of preservation indicate that the Father of his country knew how to dress neatly. Just beyond the collodion Washington can be seen some of the personal elb-cts of Andrew Jackson, his sword, pistol case, etc. Posted up conspienonsly in a glass case, and printed on satin, is a copy of his famous nullification message to South Carolina. Just to the left of these is a print ing press once used by Ben jamin Franklin. It 1, seems , to have , woiked , on the same principle as a hand cot ton t-ress. Although rather roii'^h in appearance, it too is delicately juelosed - in a glass ease ... J , • . ITEMS OF INTEREST. Columbus claims a population oi A movement is cn foot to hold an exposition in Richmond this fall. The February term of Campbell Superior court cost that county §1,100. In Clinch county not long ago there were in a crowd of twenty five men, eight Smiths'and neither of them related. In the City of Mexico tho news boys must wear a uniform and pay asmall license. Others are not a! lowed to sell papers on tho streets. Tho City Council of Leavenworth, Kan., has passed an ordinance rais ing tne license for practicing Christian science, or faith cure, to §500. The New Orleans Picayune has found a man named Guitar in In diana w ho keeps a music store, and it forbids anyone to play upon his name. President and Mrs. Cleveland have been “honored” in tho Sauk county (Wis.) poor-house by con ferring the names “Grover” and “Frances” on twins recently born of an inmate of the institution. At Providcnco, during a high wind, a man’s hat was blown ofF his head and carried across tho street and dashed into a woman’s face. Shu Hied him for assauT and but tery, and ii cost him §18 to satisfy the jury that he didn’t mean to. A Now York beggar who said lie hadn’t had anything to cat for two days panned out §8,000 in cash when searched at tho station. Ho, howovej, explained that ho was absent-minded and had forgotten that he had the money. A San Francisco lady owned throe Canary birds which were very much attached to each other. One of them died and was laid tempora rily on the window-sill. The other two flew to the body and exumin cd it carefully for several minutes; then they returned to their cage and refused to leave it or losing a nolo fora whole month, At the end of that period of mourning they became as lively and chipper as ever. Mb. R. C. J. Pendleton, a promi nent citizen of Indiapolis, is in Georgia, soliciting subscriptions for tho monument to be erected in that city to the memory of the late I bom as A Hendricks, and is meet ing with considerable success. The amount needed has been almost raised. Among tho most litoral contributors to the fund at its in ception wore Samuel J. Tildon arid W. W Corcoran. Georgians will doubtless deem it a privilege to as sist in carrying ilio movement to completion.—Savannah News. Mrs, Flora Sciiamm, of New York, has celebrated her 102d birth day. She is descended from a long lived family. Her grandfather lived to be 120 years old, and she promises io get somewhere near that age, for she is a very very old lady. She can read without spectacles, is an expert card player, and her hearing is as good as it ever was. When she was H* she saw the great Napoleon. She iniigruted to America m 1840. She has two living children, twentyone grandchildren, thirty-two great gran,,Ire,,. «,,J llmv gre.-gm,, Mn-K-hU— a decided interest in politics, and U ' IS :l strong advocate 0 Cleveland's election.—Fix. The Morning News. STEAM PRFTIMfG HOUSE Printing, Lithographing, Engrav ing. ISterotyping, lioolc Binding, and Blank (took Manu facturing. Tile I.ui'Kcst 4'oiieern oi'tiie Kiiul Nimlli plete Thoroughly equipped and com within itself; the latest ma chimry and the most skillful workmen. Corporations, Manufac turers, Banks and Bankers. County Merchants, Officers, Fanners Mechanics and itlsiMSs MKS C.I.M.H II. 1,1. About plaoing orders for any thing ^ in the above line, from a v : -a *»•« to a mammoth pister, or fl0,n ’»'lumu-ramlum Umk ton mam *******' ‘ g ‘ VC ' “• KsTILI,, I ropnetor, 3 W hi taker St., - - Savauuuh, Ga To All Whom It Maj CoWrn. GEORGIA ) Ail person inter ' ested are hereby Jones County. S notified that if uu cause be shown to the trary an order will be granted by the undersigned on the 5 th day of may 1888 establishing a new road, as marked out by the Road Com missioners appointed for that pur pose, commencing near Round Oak in said County and running in an easterly direction through the lands of R. J. Smith, Mrs. Sallie Smith, Alfred Clawson, J. S. Stewart and Mrs. Sallie Hungerford into the pub lic r0!ld lea<lin « from Clinton 10 Standfordville near the rcsidenceon the Ilungerford place. Witness my band officially this 2d April 188c. RICHARD JOHNSON, County Judge. To AH Whom It May Concern. GEORGIA \ Ail persons in— Jones County. ) [- tercstcd by notified are that, here no good cause be shown to the con trary an order will bo granted by the undersigned on the 24tii day of march 1888, establishing a new road in said county as marked out by tho Road Commissioners ap pointed for that purpose, commen cing at John Ban’s shop about l mile N. W. of Round Oak on the Clinton and Hillsboro road, on lands of Mrs, Annio Williams, running North cast across lands of Mrs. Annie Williams, Geo. B. White, J. W. Barron and S. P. Clawson a dis bincc of about three miles into the !' ub ’ ic ro : ul l< i adi,, S f 'T “ illsboi ' ° to Milledgevilie 1| about 1 100 yards 1 west of the residence ofS. F. son. Witness my hand officially this 21st February 1888. Richard Johnson, County Judge. Notice Leave to Sell Land. G EG RGI A,—J on i;s County. Four weeks after date I will ap ply to the Ordinary of Jones coun ty for leave to soil all the lands bo longing to Estate of Wyatt son deceased of said county. W. AY. BARRON, March 24th 1888, Adm’r. ( ITATl OX. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga, March 24th 1888. Whereas, C. B. .Drew Adm’r of I sham Ethridge deed applies to me for Dismission. Tuescare therefore to cite ail persons concerned to show cause at this ,office on or by the FIRST MONDAY ijjl JULY next if any they have whyvDismissiuu shall not be granted said Adm’r. Witness my hand officially. It. T. RUSS, Ordinary. CITATION. Ordinary’s Office. Jones Co., Ga. Mijirch 24th 1S88. Whereas, O. C. Gibson adm’r of Estate Jackson Wood (c) deck!, applies to mo lor Dismission. These are to cite ail persons con cerned to show causa at tiiis office on or by the first Monday in jui.y 1,0X1 >*’ any they have, why Dismis sion shall not be gradated said Ad ministrator. Witness my hand officially. R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. __(IIATIOR. Ordinary’s Office, Janes Co., Ga. M.r/li! ,, . , 1eQQ „ il„n: wi. « iu , ,„„„. s a u,o '■ n :,I . „ U , r , ' a ,, V , l ),H ,. ’ s . t0 1110 for • Dismission. Those arc therefore to cite all persons conceriied to show cause at this office on or by the FIRST MONDAY in JULY next if any lll °.V IlllV0 ' v K v Dismission shall Hot bo grained said Adm’r’x. Witries- my hand officially’, R. T. 11088, Ordinary. JLITATIOX. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. March 24lh 1888. It appears to the Court of Ordi nary Mai that deceased, the Estate of Jones ot Martin no cf'unty is'now unrepresented. These therefore tocite all persons concern od to show cause if any they have, a t this office by the fikst ‘ ,N M * v next admunstmtion , . on ««d Estate shall not be vested in lhu Sher.ff orsome other eompe tent person of said county. Witness mv hand ofticiallv, R. T, ROSS, Ordinary. GEORGIA ] I o the Superior .Tones County (Grnrtofsatd Wy:-1 he petition Solomon tVhittendon, Daniel sons as they may associate with them all of said county shows that said petitioners desire to be incor porated for twenty years under the name and style of Brothers and Sis ters of the Zion of Peace. The object of said association is to render medical aid, care and com fort to the sick, and to bury the dead members ot their association. They desire the power to sue and be sued in their incorporate name, to have and use a common seal, to contract and be contracted with, to posses and own such real estate as may be necessary for the conduct of their business. They desire to adopt such by-laws as are neccessnry for the proper conduct of their business. The place of business of said association is to be in Jones County, Georgia. Richard Johnson, Pet’rsAtty. GEORGIA 1 Clerks Office Su j , porioi* Court;—I Jones County tonify that the above contains a true extract from the minutes of said Court. Witness my official signature this 12 March 1888. Roland T. Ross, Clerk Court, Jones County Georgia. $o d. MACON GEORGIA. ---0—0 WATCHES, CLOCKS, and JEWELRY, REPAIRED and GUARANTEED AT THE OFFICE OF J. J. M ercer (Morgan old Corner) No. 2(57. {pW” AH parts of Waterbury Watches repaired or furnished.-lin Crockett’® IRON WORKS. ENGINES, WATER WHEELS. GRIST, SAW and CANE MILLS. KETTLES and EVAPORATORS. Cotton Presses (Hand and Horso Power.) E. CROCKETT. Macon, Ga. JT. O® COCTQ.E Honfcatfoc AND- And Manufacturer of Brick, MONTICELLO, GA. Contracts for brick, stone ami concrete buildings taken in Jasper, Jones and adjoining counties. Contracts also taken for plaster ing and building of chimneys. References— W. A. Kelly & Bros., and N. B. White & Co., Montieello, Georgia. In m3 ©n RtSIIW - N ‘ nSSS?" Dh! “ ,!, b - Having permanently located at Montieello is pvt pared to do your work at reasonable rates. Satis faction guaranteed. A liberal por tion of the public patronage solic ited, Office up stairs over JDi. Do zier’s drug store. 8®*I have established a branch office at Gray’s Station and wii serve my friends at that place the first week in each month. ul c. Him GUNSMITH AND DEALER IN ^pOl q tlllg , - ^ UxOOLlfs . Guns Pistols ’ Cartridges ^ FISHING b TaPKI lA ^ KLR P h k'Td 1 C ’ ” BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES, 516 MULBERRY ST., MACON GEORGIA ,& fe |^lr® £JLJCI E«®J TOYT A ¥§ If „¥ A ■ ' 7 .......... /’ll 1 JLJLJL Tj tlOTl U V--** -LJ. *** A j . 1 TTft V '4s»r •* V/, THE RED FRONT STOKE, OCCUPIED BY W. H. HOLSENBECK, Stands alone with his PULL STOCK OF GOODS, at unusual !PITTO!FllS I will make it to the interest of all passing throui Clinton to buy from me. This is Hffte'fttttf in fpnhMt, and I intend to build up and keep up my trade by keeping polite clerks FAIR DEALING, house full of Goods, and LOW PRICES. Thauki^ you for past patronage, and hoping you will continue same, I am truly yours, ltf W. II. HOLSENBECK. Planters Read, We have this day contracted with Messrs. JOHN MERRYMAN&Cd to sell, at all stations on the C. & M. Railroad, their —CELEBRATED BRANDS OF GUANO Merry man’s A. D. Bones, Merryman’s GEORGIA TEST. We can say without any fear of contradiction that Merryman’s Fcr tiliztrs are to-day, as they have been for 30 years, at the very top in excellence, and the perfect satisfaction they give to planters. AY bile most of the popular brands on the market in past years have changed the grade of their goods by lowering their grade, Merryman has continually improved. We do not make these statements at random. We refer to any planter in Jones and Jasper counties who have usd ferryman’s Guano, and will stake our reputation on the result. —WE ALSO HANDLE— SaX.Ui3il.IS BOECE OUST for composting, which is the highest grade acid on the market, We sell cheaper acid phosphates; also Kainit, and are agents for the Macon Oil & Fertilizer Company for the sale of their Cotton Seed Meal. We can give low prices on these goods, and are ready to deliver now. Our Agents will call on tho good people of Jones and Jasper coun ties, and we trust will receive their orders. MRS, WORSHAM & CO., 420 AND 422 THIRD STREET, NOVEMBER 16tii, 1887. [ltf] ntXA aa?sr ga SK©. T. BEELAND, WATC1S CLOCKS JIW11I, V Bmmziw&ME ft A •5-7' '■ HjtrrfafsFO (Bolfi 2? tits fipillffe $ Vtfc&S t Wim j. PENCILS ETC A Novelties in Holiday Goods i J | 8@rOR.DERS BY J1AIL WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND RELIABLE ATTENTION 320 Second Street, MACON GEORGIA _ W. A. DAVIS. M. C. BALK COM Davis & Balkcom. Cotton Factors and General Grocers. All Flanters supplies at lowest prices for cash, or on time with a p pr ved paper. Agents for_________;____________________________________________________________________ CHESAPEAKE GUANO, A full lot well broke mules always on hand. Rust proof Oats a specialty Jan. 21st 1888 3m. MACON GA. T. B. Ariope, 4? t A?, O (V ‘UOO'BM ARTQPE JV ^ fy o % Bf) m T ❖ —AND DEALER IN—