Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, April 07, 1888, Image 4

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AGRICULTURAL SOFITS OP ENTBREST KKLATIVIi TO i’AKAI AND OAKDklN. flow Sheep Pay. If a farmer has plenty attention of patience, and du is willing to give close to tails in the care of stock, lie can make wore money for food consumed from sheep than from ony other stock. But not one farmer in they ten will care to give them the attention require at oertuin seasons of the year; so the few who do take good cure of a flock will find a good market for mutton, and a for wool wintering id some price, the flock. usually A enough to jpay faun which is rolling ia its surface sosrns per fectly land adapted to sheep the hill raising. Such nacds grass on and sheep tops to keep it from washing, need hill tops and sweet, short grass. They like to lie down on a hill-side in the spring, where the sun Blake# the ground dry and warm, and where they are protected from the cold sweep of the wind. The gioetcst profit from sheep is not inmuttou or wool, but in the enhanced fertility of the farm on which they arc sheep kept. in No this other direction. stoek can compare with The increased value comes from two causes: the large quantity of solid and liquid manure de posited highest ou all the land, and particularly on the and poorest point# in the pasture. The manure, being tine and well-scattered, is urc sed about the roots of the grass, whore it gives the greatest possible by tho benefit. Another encouraged source is the where- de structiou grasses of bushes are and many kinds of weed# which grow where cattle and horses only are pastured. Hazel-brii-h fare# very badly in tlm sheep pasture, and wild roses, rag-weed, burdocks, and other weeds am selected first, and then tho sheep look for grass. In this wav a sheep lawn, aud pasture become* like a beautiful every •"'million* year grows better: but if the farmer secs in sheep,” and over stocks hi# field#, thou tho grass goes with the bushes and woods. Then the sheep get poor, tumble down one aft« r another, their ambition lessens as their flt-eh goes, and the unfortunate owner, or perfect imprudent manager, votes sheep a nuisance .—American Ayricultu - ruiL Label * aud UttootuU. well During the the latter spring, part trees of autumn, and plants as as in have been set out. and need stake# and label# to preserve their names and places, If they urc to remain for years, they should also be registered in mi account book. Small wooden labels and stakes ure often used, and if the names are written with a pencil on a thin coating of white paint, they will usually remain for some years. But the owner# of small places paint do hand, not always have the white at and write on the dry, wooden surface. A few shower* of ram obliterate such names; but if the wood is first moistened, before tho writing is done, the name will strike into the pores, and will last distinctly for a year or two. If in addition to wetting the surfao?, a little gritty soil or mud is very thinly rubbed over the surface, it will give u much greater distinctness or blackness tf •r U,n wnttcu -*s P PB white ®V» an . a * good as lruit on paint. Deled trcsB are most conveniently In on one of the side limbs, for which the old method was to hang » plate of invtnl or a piece of wood With a loop of copper wire, fine difficulty iu using such labels is that the wire oltcu cracks or bicaks off after swinging years in the wind, or else it cuts into the bark qt the branch, while spine labor is required in making cheaper label and placing made them. A much is ot a strip of zinc halt an mob wide and several inches long, on one end of wiuoh the name is ■writtea with a common pencil, and the otlicr end is colled around the side limb, i<> that the name hangs down in sight 1 he zme must be roughened a little with rust, bv exposure to moisture or salt water, so as to take a strong mark Irqra wul hist the peuctl. for lifetime Such writing ou zinc weather. We a have exposed distinct to the seen it as as ever alter thirty years exposure. 1 in' coil should extend rather more than once around the branch,and as the tree grows, the zinc slowly uncoils and does not cut tile bark. Scrap zme will make them by the hundred for the mere tabor, and they will lie tar better than any ot the more expensive tag-, with wire loops, Culti - l'arm nml Harden Notes. 'H-< ■%.. •»•»! — 1 Have no machines “lying around loose. Warm stnllies, sheds, etc., economize fodder, remember. Tiffs is a gooff season to compare note# w ith brother faruiets. Al! tledffuous trees—thusc shetMin^ tlwiv foliage In nutuvnn—tuny be planted a; any time after the fall of the leal" until the buds start again. The dust bath is the hen’s wash bowl, A setting lien requires the dust bath as regularly as she does her food, and good poulterers will see she is provided. A pair of oxen were exhibited at the Ea-teru Maine state Fair, which measured ten and feet iu girth weighed 7,00-1 i>ounds. cost over tf 1,000 to raise them. They were Vermont cattle. The Smtherti l.irretvk Journal says: “As grain is the natural and cheapest food tor the horse atid the row and the sheep, pork so it is made for the hog. The but cheapest is not upon corn upon grass." Speaking of the Canada thistle, Prairie Farmer says the only way of kff ling it which ha's nu t with general suc cess. is to prevent the tops from growing until the roots die of exhaustion from want of air and light. At the Toronto Ont. Fair Mr. Thomas Shaw read a taper in which he argued that nearly uti the suh-tautirff progress in the improvement of live stock ha- been made io lands vhete exhibitions prevail —-since their iutr’ductiqn. The A (Viff'.'V A fwrroaa call* atteptiou to tho weii-kn- u ts fact that nothing wil! offers purify aaff keep a stable so fret--from as the free u-e of tlry earth, tyoiybo.h will find that who it keeps horses with interest, or rattle pays to keep ou lur.d a plentiful supply of fine dry soil to be used daily. A few shovel fills of earth scattered over the fioor after Gleaning will render the air of the apart meat pure and wholesome, In preparing cattle for the winter, the SoiiKttead well remarks, let theta get just as fat as all the grass they want and oan eat will make them. Corn and pumpkins the beasts will help out amazingly. If have a good coat of fat on their ribs, and are kept as v eil sheltered spring as possible, they will come out in the in good condition and yield good work and good profit the ensuing son sou. The furmers" live stock demands peculiar attention in the cold weather, different in kind but not less in degree than tlust accorded to the members of his family, No-Man'8.La»(]. A strip of land bordering on Kansas *“ known as A’o-Man’s-Land. Clark County, Kan., border# on the strip in question, and is the fourth county lrom kh° southwestern corner of the State, ^’c metropolis of No-Man’s-Land is Beaver City, a towu of about 400 people, tdtuuted in the central portion of the strip. Perhaps for its size Beaver City f m ’ the world. roughest It will population be remembered of any ciry that No-Man’s-Land is a country entirely without government. It has for some unexplainable H jurisdiction reason been left without le of any court In the l-iff . toil States, nxid no process, either F fate or Federal, can he served legally in '*• i strange country. As a consequence lfis for years past been the refuge for K>'oat ll “ aost ^Southwest. dangerous Horse criminals of the deters, and thieves, ruur other criminals have fled there in order to get beyond the pale of die law. Whar Canada istothe default ln S£ i 4Ulk cashier# of New York city, No Muu’s-Laud , is to the murderers, Sieves uad cut-throats of the South "’est, In the light of these facts it is not to be wondered at that the present population of Beaver Lily is composed largely City has of the roughest class. Beaver a provisional government. By common consent of the citizens almost absolute powwr h vested in one man, who governs the city with a rod of iron, if a “y °f 'be gamblers or thugs become committed "nusually dangerous, of or violence if they which have any act does not meet with the approval of the mighty potentate, the man is shot. A coroner’s and jury perhaps views the remains, returns a verdict to the effect that the deceased was killed as a public no cessity. United State# Home time ago Assistant addressed communication Attorney Eugene Hagan Cenerai Garland, a complaining to Attorney of the sit nation of affairs in No-Man’s-Land. These complaints have been forwarded to the United States District Attorney’s office, und on the strength of said com plaints, Mr. Hagan addressed an official letter, calling the attention United of the Attor ncy General of the States to the situation. No reply has yet been re reived, but it is very probable that Mr. Garland cau take no action in the case without the consent of Congress .—Boston Transcript. Ohio's Great Serpent Mound, This mound is ouo of the prehistoric monuments of the country. It is situ nted in Adams County, Ohio. It is a of Jong earthen embankment high, on the edge u.bluff 100 feet and throughout |] le g rtu ter part of its course it has tho waved outline of a sttaku, while the tail js coiled In a spiral like a watch-spring, The head of the serpent is represented with wide-open mouth, and in front of it is an oval figure about ninety feet long, apparently resting on the distended jaws, B has |, i been still beyond there isan object which supposed to resemble a jumping frog. The length of the serpent is nbout i.atlO feet; measurements of it vary considerably because of the difficulty of following tho center of the curvingout lino. There was onco quite a heavy growth of timber down on this mound, but it was blown by a tornado in 1850. 'Eire embankment, constituting the ser broad punt, is upward of 5 feet high by 80 feet at the center of the bodv, tlimin idling somewhat, toward the head and tail. The embankment forming the oval ia about -1 feet high. This curious figure 1ms boon supposed by some to represent the original cosmological idea of the ser utV.i the egg. borne have supposed that, this mound was erected to contrac morate a great battle; others that it had u religious significance. Whatever it was made for, it may be regarded as one of the most remarkable of the prehistoric monuments in tills country. It has been purchased as a public f ark. The well known archeologist, Professor T. W. 2 »xscs?iai!r#s:-a some wealthy —tttdt r * of - th e Iinst . j ' also sixty been acres purchased, adjoining and the the mound purpose have is to enclose it all, and have it cared for as a park.— Inter-Detail Tnifetl States IVnsiotis. i n answer to uu inquiry, as to the number of pensiou claims allowed each year since 1 S<t 1 , the number of pension ers on the roll each year, and the total of disbursements each year, the Chicago Inter-Or. ,• --says: In lMit there wore 8,1538 pensioners ou the roll, ami the disttrsements for the focal year fluting June fill, ISil, nggre #l.dT‘-‘,451.-Vi, The increase ; U;lt »'««> is "N“U inducted by the follow ' R bU*: z -wai peur -VsI'F iVvAIMT Dtsbv lunr'ic aig'TIt mecs t' IL ptn<siv»* S,1.VJ $TiK».KS4.76 isos' . T.s*» l4.TV»i l.U-’o . 51. Km I MIT . 4c.m b5,»46 £.545,1 ”*dL 11 . . ehm:: . K),KM $»ss£3 155,1^1 IsSS., . '->,’.111 ItW.b-Ki ¥4,td'\9Si.:t* . *ucs# lN» >13 . lSri-’-'J . - ,'U.Sl . lissi lfi&ij so;,4»5 w», : Is x*». . ^K'aV».r.»1,v4 J '* . N 4U f; J , S4»*9 6. s_ . r.wsu 8^,5 »s,T4».5C s * s ' . tuan w.nSj^ v »:» *11,1 AT M»351,5M.(1*1 mu4 jj-'’ . n,wi ,r is-a! : . iiXMS «4i.T£5 »-•* ‘ , 19,515 .* ,V4<> 540.14 J's-iu! ;^- . - •:.*** 8T,«W» S«S,!v4» «55,t»r 5t>,6»6,5A!N.51 51,S' 54 t*M. U\168 iu 4 i,9iS5 . .'4 .'9i 5f.;7 £r <14 , w,r«r 5»5.1tf5 f 40,S5i The Gu f Stream has s velocity of five miles, anti i» fifty miles wide in iti roxvest place. Sugar is put into cement to increore its -strength. Th-Experience of Mrs. Peters. Mrs. Peters iwd ills, Mrs. Peters laid chills, Mrs. Peters was sure she was going to die; 'J With hf. dosed her and with rquiUs, pills. With remedies powders aid with remedies dry. Many medicines wet, lured h her, r, but none of them number cured could Their names and tueir nooody And she soon ‘‘Pellets' might have tried, died. Hot s.ume were That acted like magic, and than she got well. The magic “Pellets” were Dr. Pierce’s Pleas ant Purgative Peiletts (the original Little Liver Pills). They cured Mrs. Peters, aadnow she wouldn’t be without them. Pope Leo’s jubilee presents are valued at 2IK,000,ODJ. Jubilees are very nice thing#. Consumption Surely Cured. To the Editor:—Please inform your readers that i have a positive remedy Tor the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless oases have been )iennanently cured. 1 ►hull he glad to send two bottles ot my remedy t't:to any of your readers wiio their have con sumption and if they wil! Kespectfully, send me Express P. O. undress. Y. T. A. SLOCCM, M. C„ 181 Pearl St., N. To boycott a workman in New York by a Union, 1# a crime in that state. Don’t Hawk. Spit, Cnnuh, suffer dizziness, indigestion, lassitude, inflammation inability of Ihe eves, headache, indisposition to bodily per form mental work and disgust friends for and labor, ami annoy and your noquaintsncos with your nasal twang and ol fenaivo breath und constant efforts to clean Yournose t.-a-rh Remedy" ami throat, ill promptly when Dr.fiage’a'VJa- relieve of \i and frloods you of discomfort and suffering, needless your the disgusting and inflictions of jour loathsome disease ? _____ Three French physicians went to Australia to kill rub its with chicken cholera germs. Satisfaorory Um«U* Always follow the salo of Taylor’s tJherokt-e Remedy of lestimouiai Sweet Gum for end Mullein, cough medicine. which i“ It. u strong sells well ami any parties using it ah with us, wa yg recommend it,is the experience of Daven port, the druggist of Americas, Ga. If afflicted with r ore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thump 1 son’s Eye-water. Druggists soli at &»c. per butlie. The best cough medicine is PisoV Cure foi Consumption. Bold everywhere. 25c. ——--- ----- —-----------------—.......... ...—- NERVES! NERVES!! What terrible visions this little wogd brings Ixiforc the eyes of the nervous. Headache, Neuralgia, Indigestion, Sleeplessness, Nervous Prostration. All stare them in the face. Yet all these nervoui troubles can be cured by using Paine’s For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. THIS GREAT NERVE TONIC Also contains tho best remedies for diseased con ditions of the Kidneys. Liver, and Blood, which always accompany nerve troubles. and It is a Diuretic. Nerve Tonic, an why Alterative, a Laxative, a That is it CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL. $x.oo a Bottle. Send for full particulars. WELLS, R/CNAfWSON & CO , Proprietors, BURLINGTON, VT. ■£fl\NTKI»-A KSf $100 MAN! S300 Gun Mouth! Earn a We Salary Iron* t«# at want a VV live, eiioi getic man, who is not afraid of wmk, iu ovory oouuty in the Southern States. Such mnanuan make the above amount,handling our goods. No caoltft) reuuired. Work tho year round. NTA, II. C. <jA. lll’UGlNM X: < f» . PiibllHl»e.ra. ATLA THE BEST INVESTMENT for the Family, the School, or ih© l’rofes nional or l'ubllc Library, is a copy of tho latest issue of Webster’s Unabridged. } J Besides many other valuablo features, it eonUins A Dictionary of 118,000 Words, 3000 Engravings, A Gazetteer of the World A locating and describing 25,000 Places, < Biographical of nearly 10,000 Noted Dictionary Persoas, Ail in One Book. 3dOi> more Words and nearly 2000 idoto IUnstra tions than any other American Dictionary. Sold, bv ail Booksellers. Pamphlet free. G. A C. MERRIAM & CO., Pub’rs,Springfieid, Mass. w Don’t buy until you out the new iffl p|| Improve » ments. Save the Middleman’s ^ H Profits. <££~Scnd for Catalogue. J. V. STEVENS & BR0., Ga. 47 Whitehall St„ At lanta . Do you isant Inspirator? 4 ■ rc.-.ii.Ltii s SfSS I ft*-;: 8 JONES KS PAVStheFREICHT .1 Tosj Wakon SchI«** # Iron Le*»f«. Ste«T bear urn. UtaM Tara Bean and Beam Box for ^ S80. V. Srrrr «ixs Scale. For free pri^e UU S I aiert'oB Uu- paj’f'r and a-idma ^ n«5 C5 tlHQHAMTtlt. BINGHAMTON. N. V. 9 SURE FITS! When t t*y cure I do not reein merely to »top I them bfir m n m* w>a then have them nstum . WM& » mj- reraedy to cure tiie nox** cask. Because etJUttre heve feiiv<d is no reason for not now Free recemn* a care, S*nd *t onc« for » treatise end * Bottle cf my 6. infallible n ruodj. Give Express end Poet Office. 1L ROOT.31. t',.183 Pearl SL Newlt«rk. p|»ipge bSCpp Moodr’a Bj return New mail, Tailor roll System Drecrfptien ° uUi " c * 4 CO.. Cxaaionatt, O. n dav. SampLM teortB *r v \\ FRRB Kw'iJI ■% Idnes not ami or tht* horse's feit. Write * T'r.')V:-tvn- SaiV^v Hein Hol ier Co.. H-Vlv, Mich. E ■ >*V .SilW <9 S5f!. atnii b y <j<— -*pn. | _ HnstiifiM ____ Philft.. SitoaT J * IV, 1 fin. s farmshed. Lift* Scholar^hipei 9^40. Wri»B. PIS0 S CURL FOR CONSUMPTION Hun. Inna IBINDWN 5: KING Manufacturers and Dollars in (Sollon. \Vmpll'u nud Gen eral .vlill Hmm-lh-s. “’roamht «ml Iron I'ire Fittings "min iomlu. m 5. Buow BL, ATLANTA. (LL A Suuare Siatctnent by a ll.ii-penrcr. ‘•For years I have had a chest trouble amounting 1 o nothing short o? consumption. I sou-how oilier# in like condition h id Medi- been cured by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Golden cal Discovery, and resolved to test Us merits in av own case. The results are so plane as hardly to require tnis grate a Pitstoch, remedy, or any ft auger-meat does aid it in favor or it builds 'be support.-,-and strengthens claims; where up o'hers system, fail.” Hou-te: “My recover.', whi his now on a euro of found: hinges entirely on the tump iss tnis w. ; der fnl Restorative, having tried other remedies withouta hit ot relie'.” The Pari-4 Universal Exposition, of 1889, in tends to a gitate for a ur^iyeysal g auge. Itching Pile*. -Moisture; intense itching and BunffiQK*, worse by scratcldug. It allowed, to continue luuiors form, which oft^n bleed aud nleerate, becoming very sore. Bwayn’i/s Oim ME>t stops the itching and bleeding, heals the ul ceration, und in many cases removes tu mors. Eqiiallv ellicncious in curing all Skin Diseases. DB.SWAVNE OQois. & SON, Philadelphia. unigglsti. Bent by m all for Also sold by Cbilclrcu SlJir\inv to fieatli On account of their inability to digest food,wil! find a most marvellous food aud remedy in Scott’s EMU’ sjox of Pure Cod Liver Oil wifi flvpophosphites. ted. Dr. S.W. Coui;v,of Very palatable Waco, and Texas, easily dl yea used Emulsion in Infantile say, ‘T Lave good your results. It only wast ing with Jbut strength not restore wasted t issues gives and increases the appetite. I am glad to U;e such a reliable article." Try Long 1 # ___________ Veari Tooth 9<>ay for cleaning your teeth and perfuming your breath. CREAM ELY’S BALM CiUUH ir:“i mm Pain aud Inilamiua tiou, HealstheSores, Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. 1RY GURE, «■» FF\fFR ! 5» w partirle is appUnd into each nostril and is agreeable. ELY Prioe5ae BROTHERST235 ( *ntsatdiajfgi.‘»tii;byraai''. registered, New 60cents. Graenwku St.. York. I 7*0 I IS ELSE FASlI raRESWHERE All Use Bast in Cough time. Syrup, Solti bv Tastes drusreusts* good. l m. £ :c O N SUM PTtON • sF" I believe Piso’s y Cure for Consumption saved my Editor life.—A. H. Dowei.i,, N. C., Enquirer, April 23,1S87. Eden ton, :Wvv»":T; [piso| The best Cough Medi cine is Piso’3 Cube tor Consumption. Children taka it without objection. By all druggists. 25c. CTS 1 Beat CURES Cough WHERE Syrup. m Tastes ELSE good. Fm Use | SR 25 in timo. Sold by druggists. gj S230*^@ c ^f^^k?wF' : f Eft A. rPXiIELfiL SANT i i urn •' v; \r. REMEDIAL POME. m FULL STAFF OF y m EXPERIENCED PHYSICIANS a SURGEONS. s» r! E mm rS ■ -4 I .] i hi B i 1(3 Many CHROMIC DISEASES Suc m £3 y cessfully Treated ■wifliout a ■tf: m HP Personal Consultation. m m If a H XjU '' E obtain by our the knowledge application, of to the tho patient’s practice difl- of i':- easo tiH mem .e-; s medicine, of well-established principles of modern science. The most ample resources for treating -r* lingering or chronic diseases, and the greatest skiU, are thus placed within the easy reach of ZJH invalids, however distant they may reside. Write and describe your symptoms, inclosing ten cents :~r in stamps, and a complete treatise, on your par INV1U0S' HOTEL 1N9 SMIL IHSTITUTE, SOS Klin St., BulfaJo, 1V. ticular disease, will be sent you, with our opin ion as to its nature and curability. OUR FIELD OF- SUCCESS. Uinii RASAL Tnn.IT IHnuAT treatment o! Diseases o! ’ Chronie Passages Catarrh nud Lungs, such * m " as in the Head, and Laryngitis, Consumption, ni-oneUitis, Asthma, , Lung Diseases. n - both through srr i Snl o rs tlo “’ We publisti three separate books on formation, Nasal, _ Throat , and Lung Diseases, which give much valuaole in viz: (D A Treatise on Consumption, A Larjugiris and Bronchitis; Phtaisie, price, post-paid, ten cents. (2) Treatiao on Asthma, or paid, giving (31 A new Trof-iso and successful Chronio treatment; in price, post price, ten post-paid, cents. on Catarrh the Head; two cents. Hi, SEASES DF •tinote Dyspepsia, Constipation, “Liver Complaint,” Chronic Dint-. Ob. ■ » U s' rhea, Tape-worms, aud kindred affections, ( uluu0 nmcoTinii ' ■U". are cessful among treatment those of chronic which diseases soecialists in the have suc our Diseases ^ attained great success. Our Complete Treatise on receipt cf the Digestive in Organs will be sent to any address on of ten cents postage stamps. Kidhey ... ! an(J ““SSSrgRS cures effected in thousands of nillClCCa had been pronounced beyond cases which uijluclv, readily diagnosticated, hope. determined These dis eases are or --- ----- by chemicEl analysis of tho urine, without a personal examination successfully ot patients, who can, therefore, generally The study and bo praotice of chemical treated analysis at and their microscopical homes. examination of tho urine lit our consideration of easts, with reference became to correct diagnosis, naturaiiy in which our institution long ago famous, has led to a very extensive practice In diseases of the urinary organs. Caution eclal ■ petent to ascertain the ci?m exact condition and eta-rn ■ of advaneesi- nt which tiio disease has ntnSe scopical (which can outv oe ascertained the by a careful chemical and micro examination of urine), for medicines which are curative in ono stage or condition do positirc injury ia others work Being in the constant receipt of numerous inquiries for a complete on nature and curability of these maladies, written in a stylo trated to Treatise be easily understood, wo have published a large. Illus on these diseases, which will be sent to any ad dress on receipt of ten cents iu postage stamp s. Bladder DER, OTUJIMATIOS OF THE BEAD. STONE IN' THE BLADDER, Diseases. (iravel. Enlarged 1‘roMatc Oland, Reteniton ol t rine, and kindred affec tions, may be included among those in the cure of which our specialists have achieve-! extraor uiaary success. Thcst- are fully treated of in our idustrared Pamphlet on Crinary Diseases. Sent by mail for 10 cts. in stamps. 4 I uTRlCTUfit. I I Tl STRICTERES LAS.—Hundreds AND T'RINAItV FIS df ecscs of the worst form I —1 I of stnetun-s, many of them greatly aggravated ex' thfi careless use of instruments in the hands of , inexpenenced phystciang and surgeons, eatwing false passages, urinary relief flstuia?. and other comphcatioos, annLsiiy consult ns for and cure. That no cose of this class is too difficult foe the «ud“ cf our specialists is proved by cures rcpoit-al in our illus trated treatise on tnese maladies, to which we refer v.-itb pride. To Intrust ttiis class of case-s to physicians of email cxp-rienee. ts hfe a byjo,dome, dangerous preceding. Many a man has been ruined for whlie thousands annually lose their lives through unskillful treatment, bend particulars of vour case and ten teSnouhthk** 1 * l0r * lBrire ’ Wustnrted Treatiee containing many Gv$«Z523sfew m BSf fwkM ■ Wf gflu 3m wm ms m B© sui-e to get Hood’s Sn-saporhiaj my oiijJd, See that they do not give you anything else- tem re member it is the medicine which did mama so nitioh good a year ago—so rehabi”, benehcinl, pleasant tp taltd^my favorite spring medicine. Hoad’s Sarsaparlfila Bold by all druggists. ; six for $5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD Sc CO., Apcthecarles, Lowell, Mass. >QO Doses One Dollar ROUGH,, ** -tr* WARK BON’TV H0U?J / ^D IEIH T HE Gone Wiiere tlie WfiodWa# Twinetli. Rata are smart, but “Rou^h on Rats" beat* them. Clears out Rata, Mice, Roaches, ave? Buss, Files, Hen Beetles, Moths, Ants, Potato Mosquitoes, Bugs, Sparrows, Bed-bugs, Skunks, Lice, Weasel* insects. Gophers, Chip mucks, Molfs, Musk Rat& Rabbity Squirrels. 15c. and Druggists. “ROUGH ON RAIN" Plaster,Porosed. 15c. “ ROUGH ON COUGHS.” Coughs, colds, 25c. TliTssin humors cured by MESSITSH “Rough on Itch” Ointment cures Skin Hu mors, Pimples, Flesh Worms, RingWorm, Itch, Tet ter, Salt Rheum, Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Ivy Poison, Barber's mail. Itch, Scald Head, Ecserna. 50c. Drug, or E. ». Wells, Jersey City. RQUGHiPSLES Cures Piles or Eemorrhoids, Itchir.~, Protrud bag, Bleed tag. Internal and cxiernsl remedy In each package. Bure cure, 60c. City, Brugeists H J or mail. E. S. Well s, Jersey . 3ml«QiJE>iid9 aud Planters, oihr-rs Stock-Kaisers, for Merchants Scales, one-half, why bavu use \\ :ur«i« 3* oan save or wore, by ordering of the Chicago wholesale Soule Uo. prices. 1,000 othW Catalogue* useful articles, &t ioas tuan ami Dealers supplied. sent Address free. Affente CHICAGO StAU; everywhere CO., Chicago, Illinois |p$£$S30f§§ 1,1 SotUlars and Hei>s. s>epd formr » a, H. CiHI.Wi’OX A-Ctif, tVttail'iagtom D. O, f|r5g*|g ud bsC (il Bhuithand, l >»V. UooX-keeplng, lviunans,a;p.AntU:netio, taught by niait, Cir CUita-sL:»». UUI AX1’9 A<*., C UI.hLUK, thoroughly g aiw §t. Ij^Haio. S. V l o7 , . Tho wan who irns invested from three ^3lt \V e culcr tiio man who wants service to live Iiis Uoliurs half lu a Rubber Coat, and ffift (not style) a garment that will keep at first Ildar's experience in c « a esssa SE^3 hhn dry io the hardest storm, it ia a storm finds to his sorrow that it Is called TOWER’S PISH BRAND liardly quito liettiugv u better nt*t protection only feels Burn chagrined a mos- '&} ** " PuL m M “ Cow-boy SLICKER,” ail a name familiar With to every them being badly bitf SpBB over the laud. at eo taken la, also (| B SB H the only perfect Wind aud Waterproof fe Abk els for if the bo “FISU d o es not Bit lo.ok AND ex 1 act * SLidKLTt ly li ke Inn H S raBI w w ||| K ^3 caul Coftt takemTothCr. is T'lhh Ifycnr Brand stoTekf-eper Siicker.” does not have the risy EiUND, send for desoripl Ivc catalogue. A. J. Tower, 20 Simmons St., Boston, 31 ass, NEnVuUS m Epileptic Palsy, Convulsions, or Fits, Ataxia, Pa ‘ St. ralysis, or Dance, Locomotor (I'CCAeco Vitus’s Insomnia, or inability UlduHObC. to sleep, and threatened insanity. Nervous Debility, treated and by every variety of nervous affe.c “■““■s tion, are our specialists !c.r these dio eases with unusual success. See numc-rous cases reported in our different illustrated pamphlets on nervous diseases, any one of which will be sent for ten cents in postage stamps, when request for them is accompanied with a statement of a easo for consulta tion, so that we may know which ono of our Treatises to send. rr"........ I IpAFJ t’f ' HP I erclUBicely We have to a the Special treatment Department, Diseases devoted of 1 of I ur I women. Every case consulting our specialists, i | Vfffi^-jTU llbuffln. I [ whether by letter or in pei-son, is given the 1 most careful and considerate attention. 1m already °r.-n baffled in , 11 portant cases the (and we get few which have not the skill of all home physicians) have the benefit of a full Council of skilled specialists, nooms for ladies in the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute are very private. Send ten cents in stamps for our Complete Treatise on Diseases of Women, illustrated with wood-cuts and colored plates (160 pages). I nAUluAL Q-n-mi bilRE I 1 HEBNIA(Breach),or of how long standing, BFPTFRE. of what size, no matter or — HUPTORE i J is ours^ee-ahwa, promptly and iJCrnjauejiSly knife cured by OF VviJhout tire ni»a rr -irm—ni ■ .....I _\bvmdnnt references. Send ten cents for our Illustrated Treatise. bowels, PILES, FISTCL.E, Wonderful and other diseases affecting the lower are treated with success. The wont cases of Pile Bend tumors, are permanently cured in fifteen to twenty days. ten cents for Illustrated Treatise. Organic weakness, nervous debilitv, premature decline of the manly powers, involuntary losses, impaired memory, mental anxiety, absence of I n | tions will-power, arising melancholy, from youthful weak back, and all affec - - indiscretions and per and aicioue, solitary practices, are speedily, thoroughly XYc, permanently eared. established Special Department the lean o7 ears ago, a for treatment these diseases, under the management of some of the most skillful physicians and surgeons on cur Staff, in order that all who apply to us might receive all the advantages of a full Council of the most experienced specialists. r.!^\ > apology for devoting so much _________ tL. - this neglected class of diseases, believing believing that no ™ condition of w humanity uuwau, is E Stff ^ ->i fiPfil vi, (1SV 400 | . wretched services of to merit tho noble the sympathy profession and to K . R ** w ) ; ich we bi-long. Why any medical man, intent on doing good and alleviating suffering, should shun t-uch ceses. we c-annot imagine. Why any one should consider it otherwise than most honorable to cure the worst cases of these dirr-ases, we eannot understand; and yet of all the other maladies which afflict mankind there i# probably none about which physicians .n general praotice know so little. We ahnii, therefore, eontiiju . as heretofore, to appSc-ants treat with our best con sideration, sympathy, and skill, all who are suffering from any of these delicate diseases. flpj-rr, i-v Unite Most of these eases can be treated by its when UdnCu ii I nU!K. at a distance as wt-il as if here in person. sent A Complete fwoicd, in plain Treatise envelope, <138 pages) from on these observation, delicate diseases receipt ffeure on of only ten cents, in stamps, for postage. All statements confidential. made and secrets confided to us vriil be held to be sacredly All letters of inquiry, or of consultation, should tie addressed to WORLD’S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, ~- fio. 663 Main St, BEFFALO, ¥. Ti. Spring Hcea-s aoarBcawsnijs' Jleflictni. ** *# W f nl* Nearly Hedicsne everybo dy need* a sprSrg medicine like Hood’s Sarsaparilla t > expel tie lag purllleawhich the winter, h«v« to accumulated keep up strength in the MockU^' a* the ^ iff Hi weather eomes on, create an appet te and PPOUlO*fl - lieaitby dlsestion. Try Hood's Sarsaparun spring and and you peculiar will be merit. eon-vlnced that It eo d5lj0i jZ . superior A Good Appetite “When i began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla \ was dizzy in tbe morning, had a headache and no ariDc. the "-Emu ; but now SHEPArtD, I cun hardly 1 Coral get enongti coetat^ *et Street, Wor- egsw Mosi. “last s-pvlng my whole tomVp took Scot', g 3B . parilia. The result Js that all have been tm-i 0 , scrofula, my Uttle boy being entirely free frg a sores, and a'l four of my children took bright sm healthy as possibly cau be. I have f. JUnrt Sarsaparilla gnoil for catarrh.”—Wit. a. 4iaa !c „ Rjasate Oily. If, J. Sold by ftti d?e«3lstS. 41; six for Prepared only by C. X. HOOD Si «3Sy Apothecaries, I#oweli, iUi. iOO Doseg Qdq Poliar DR'KILMER'S _£-•■■■ m I f Pf ®uaaN* ’ M Jms j>w I w- % V J'Jr, y ;/ jhSgglffy f 6 It l! Vniiv util neartthumpsaftersuadeneffort,skips beats keit; disease, i spells, or flutters, if you have faint fita or spasms, JZ Si vv Uli ii ieel as the though heai-t, water have was heart p-atherin; l avouch or <Jreps.v, Vfjn have Veivigo, dizzy attacks, Kmring in El appoplesy, i UU ears, dis>.ioseu to cervons death. prostwUoD. shock or sudden !f Ocean-Weed Ton lieait cures and prevents going to PrejjAreU Sent nt Di^peiisory. Free, hluzhomtan, “6UIHE TO 1. HEALTH,” Tl- rtrUUJCKT*. l»MMCJ3 $1,00# ^ Floral delighted. Guids, all for all - stamps. friends. £v orv G.’W. tfowtr lo’-er Toll your Park, Fajmettsburg, This Pa. but ^*Be prompt. ofter appears once more. Blsir’s Fi!ls.“3i“SK* round, Pills. Oval llox. .14; 11 A N- V ........... ...........TivelTC, tat.