Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, April 14, 1888, Image 4

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4GR1CULTURAL TOPICS OF INTEREST RELATIVE TO FARM AND GARDEN. Garden Insects. 8«tion/4* K. B God of th2 th- Geneva Experiment S/ in order grow radishes free from maggots at the root he would recommend a’bed of sand, and u* prevent the flea beetles from destroy* ing the foliage, he would place thin bed ou sort ground and surround it. with a tight For the frame of cabbage boards at least a pyrethruin foot high. green worm is the most satisfactory destroyer, and if fiesh or strong it will beat <hiutmg twice its bulk of air slacked lime or flour, to stand a few hours before apply ing. Cover cucumber hills before the plants boards, come up with frames of narrow with mosquito netting tucked over the top. The old remedy of white hellebore continues the best for the cur runt worm, applied dry or with water. Animals With lliokcii I a* un caslonally l;.vcry owner of r domestic l losses c animals from • i or experiences act. denial inimies and this i. esneciallv li 1 ne ‘ °* oi bieedi-rs 1 T who " llJ have 1,1 L -.niinrN nUl run ' . aw te. Iilp '“rfTiS,/",™SSKi ; \ to fit oner- rondrmn to death the unfortunate , an,ma. . ..some cases such a dec ision i- undoubtedly justified by the circumstances. The animal Injury'so’iwCr.'or of !he»5 if will ullset $£££ the cost aecmcl possible 1 benefits often,'however, deri-c-d Too pcrticulmly when young itnimala are killed as soon as broken legs are discovered it Is true tuSneil, but if veterin-irv anlcommou skill .' 'sense l.e id, nature may be combined to brin" about substantial it co very. A few cases iu mv experience, to wliicli have been added‘tbe tbserva eficot , ® value '7^ tn to warrant °^ S ftDt some expenditure o! time umt Ifthor and are not too old an W here ........!•»«*; po-sible, it >»i'' doubtless X> true them, m econ oiny to employ the best veterinary as Mistanee in such eases, t ountry doctors, in gem-nil practice are pretty good corn mrative mmtoiri'sts, and are usually totmd willing to apply their surgical skill to injured animals. The animals themselves wilt generally do much to ward recovery if only olaeed under fa vorable conditions anil reasonably ns silted 1,V 111,hr ' Msteu by their owners Some years ago Jr. a two-year-old colt, with xvitii others in in an „„ii(-ir,„ outlying pasture, was found with a foreleg' broken above the knee and hanging limp and useless. It was early June, hot weather just eotniug on . The animal, though fairly gentle, had never been accustomed to stall or harness, f knew it was useless to attempt putting it in a sling or adjusting a splint and bandage if left in pasture. There was a Small lot available, with ceilcnt grazing, water and shade. Iu this the colt was placed, simply watched, given a little extra nourishment in f orm of oats, and left to its fate. The iu leg hung natural in such a way that the bone was a position, mui (!iu muscles were used to keep tho foot clear of the ground. The animal moved about on tlireo legs for a month, took care of the one injured, and I do not think it tempted Then it to began lie down during this time, to put its foot to the ground and gradually to use the leg. By the time pasturage failed in the fall it liad a substantially soutul again, &utl was a useful animal for wars. When trotting it showed slight lameness prob ably tiuc to a little shortening or the in* jured leg, but in field work and for all ordinary thoroughly farm purposes it proved a serviceaole horse. one hi ut fev c'!‘v -rv ^bUllv 5 broken die eluding ^ an ^ flmh wound ’ w un loading . iron, a wagon. 1hia , leg wasset, 8i down yrs of the time. "iz After sarss and varied most with surgical a long sistancc, making experience of muclnntere^t. as n case but which ;/ < unnot annul now now be ut described ucscnoett in b» .le , , ad, the i an,.nal recovered such to an extent that altbouuh she has an awk warn ng, sue ts a gooa cow aliu a iegu iar am breeder n tthm few weeks a thrillv .all, run nmg ltt a covered yard, showed great l ll H re UL , 1 b JUUIUl HIOKou ueiwtcn Ihclui' e aud tUennkie. It was evidently brutal attendant' now'disvhargtHl. ‘Vhe was made to dliig tlaml use a bandage. ; , li ,tn 1, eld .ui Teftd w< ii, atm SKrolkwttoS simple implications have been made to redu. e inflammation and keep it* foot entirely tree trom the which v - , will cnlart»c the ,. lo^auabt-ablem* J \ |'It. 1 do not anti ipatv much tlu! permanent lameness, ami, x,,e. t to see little fel low bee- me a sound servii cable bull. l arm and Gordon Notes* Evetytiling n alien house should be as dry as a chip. The water in Which ho - are scalded totako the hair drought not to Ire cooler than 1,'tO (lt‘*rrc»tva ' init ), ( »ttcr th in 1 Iu t?»* {trees. Rroma chloralum and water, equal pirts, injected iu each nostril ilwo drop* ,’he With , sewirer machine oil ,* best remetij roup. Lnrmer* ±££-c generally do not yet appro. r;"" *jr$» st mca. but onc-t mrth more flesh-forming, i> 0 Tu**muunn>j matormL It can usually be bought in the fall for about one-third k-.toaa.^. The best time to di« a well is during Wag drought.', when the earth is dry and the water in th. surface '’.reams is very low. It you dig deep enough to strike n plentiful the supply of water during a dry time, well will not be likely to fail during droughts, ' you severe The Freuch method of killing poultry, causing instant death and perfect ing, says an the exchange, beak is accomplished fowl, and by opening pointed and of the bl&deri with a sharp narrow knife, ranking an incision at the hack of the roof of the mouth, which will di vide the vertebras and cause immediate death, after which the fowls are hung up by the legi until bled. They are then picked while warm. In this w.*y the skin presents a natural appearance. Hungry animals can be made to eat even weeds, but. it is poor economy to force them to do it. Some weeds have, however, considerable nutritive value, The plaintain Is nearly as rich as meadow hay, and the white daisy is theoretically worth half as much. The greatest nui sauce of weeds in hay is That their seeds iiass undigested spread into everywhere. the manure heap, and are thus It is indaed hard luck to a farmer who is una ble to draw a load of manure on his land without he raising disseminates the question do whether offset the weeds not G,e good .hat the manure itself should do. Professor Shelton, of the Kansas Agrl cultural College, has been experimenting ifa rut fodder-corn atulka-feeding to n. .i,,, L M “ tulk ,, * one-fourth inch , long, the , amount wasted-not eaten bv the cattle- was * ““'r P enae ^ -saving of power, saving of weai aud tear of the machinerv, sav . oftime and labor and handling. ' In , leedrag , ,. the coarser fodders, , .. says them will be found evc^dit-ly valuable digestion feediug of the coarser supplv fodder: and foi winter a incicipensable of raangeU or “igur »«et. will be to, the most profit, lu a similar way the use ot malt spro its steeped m water, which makea a sweet semi-liquid tJtc nlixe'd pulp of nil ^reeable odor and with cut straw and corn fodder. Ins been found to keep up the yield .... of milk; nud wi,h a hfkht Increase iu the mixed meal, s srs»»r“ Mouoeeoa Only Machine .Mil!. I'here is only ouo machine mill in Mor* rocco. It belong, to an enterprising citizun of the United States, named Cobb. It* erection was utterly illegal, '1 he pcj.idiee against machinery among tlm Mows is us strong us it used to l e among Mr. Cobb’s hngiish application band-loom the authonza- won vers. for tion of his mill wasrejeoted. The J'rimo Minister would no! hear of it, the Sultan absolutely forbade tl.e new-fangled method of ol s,-7 mindin'' corn Mr Cobb however went “right ahead.’ , Me built his mill; ho *. put iu his machinery. Only finishing • i touch a “ one • . r lhe was necessary. grinding “ho wharf. stones But were Ibis duly delivered at gave the author! ties their opportunity, and they e-amly impourded the Moorish them. Government, It was useless going to so Mr. Cobb applied to the United States represenia tive. He got a formal reply, informing him that, since the Prime Minister and the Sultan had both forbidden the eve cutlon of the project, it would be idle for him to expect any assistance from the formal representative of the United States. That letter was all that was needed, He took it to the local authorities, who had his pritnlini* stones iu ohar° , e ! and asked them if they could read fu" iish. “No!” “Then read this,” cried Captain t’obb. There were the arms of the United States; there was an undoubted official signature, and Captain Cobb said he mill. was Nobody going “straight knew what ahead” with his might if this determined complications ensue Aineri can was disappointed. The stoues were given up, the mill was finished, and the B «xt lime the Sultan came that way he sent all his corn to he ground bv tna chinerv.-/.*Wptof Mercury. ’ - — - A Wonderful Lseape from a Geyser. Th ° M ,‘ o( ylont '">« tell* of 1- , w ‘ >n ‘ l ‘ ,rtu ‘ ot »«““« man from *t neyaci, i 11 1■> which he Imd talu . a . Ilis companions, who were s^is & , sns, ssssu; , )rooarB d „ light, and lowered it into tho crftt(fr for * a great a distance as they could A with the uie memiH im .ins at at their \ ih it command eommanu. Xothinir vr : could be seen; but bv pebbles and bits of wood, thev discov ,.ml that at the filled depth with of about'fifty feet the crater was water Thev stave him up for lost, and with sad left the scur. They carried the Bozeman ' Indore newa ... but »nt <olfipafilOn, lie aplieared atuoiur them alivt , stated that he fell into tho t^uSL^mS^ht Tld of? e p ro° alld soon began to ris rapidly. Ashe 1U,V 'r 5lh Uf M 'l U ' d tlu ' ,liat ,i,tted out from the , sides , until he was to crawl out, iu- t as the water be «.i,,.„ i, . . i ... .>, , a A-rw-ss. A Determined Ui.lotiia! Governor. Kiehurd Bellingham. Colonial Hover nor of Massachusetts was boro in 15#S diilnKSir^mrW’m^Kd 3 j - j «x . , ... ?« w oS time under ciremnstanec-s which are de >i noeu as to..ows A V ui.g <:.-n..etnai. «»*<d««l t” Ire coin i-acted to a friend of touted ?<*, «lm> wuh on her a sudden ami obi.unea the Governor her lor coremonv^himsel}'' T»u; I*nas *°th- were..ot ''w-'^nro’sw-’fj published & eSK live p1 h m Wh aid ,.,t ami tried himself thus , waping pun ishiuent. In his last will he daughter! $?jxr,sstes sf-ssif the bulk of hi* estate should be cxpemlml for the Yearly of goodly ministers and preachers of the w ill the general court set oxide on the ground that it interfered with the right* of b » tine of hi* sisteta < Vcne Hibbeu- »a» c-w.uu i - '.dem in June, —Jir uNtt^i, duiing Jlitglr. tin ; • persecution.’’ The Funereal Month of .March. he can tell one's physical condition by the state of hit hair! j tells that . With . his .. hair us affl?ction°Md gone \ Julies I c.ssar was never quite satisfies! with himselr because his poll w*« bare. The face, however, is the open book, and j of the system. The eye that is unusually bright and yet ^ULPS!!!? and’flofh t morrmwked brightness, < the rontrf^lftfths face upon waose bt alabaster appearance of the forehead and coss and lower part of the face, is cue e! whom the skilled physician will tell you M ar c*h“to^Se reaps its richest harvest. Consumption they tell us is caused by this, that and the other thing, jt by microbe* blood, bv in deficient the air, by nutrition, micro-organ ms by a , remedy al £T deo that "y will begins"$th iTeiwgh^imd the that cough the effectually disease of stop the the lungs. causa of cures That is all there is of it. that, will search out the cause, remove that and then heal the hmg and do away with the ’ ough. This is the power, special to itself, W^alone tt!, d Consumption by Warner’s remedy, bog this Cabin is no Cough new tangled old-fashioned notion of narcotics preparation and of poisons, but an balsams, r.,oU and horU. such as was used bv our ass£r^rffsERrsas.«&ss^r; U im, reporreU that - aeiiarl derived more wal benefit for the length of time, from Warners Log Cabin Cough and Comrnmn uuu best remedy than he had for years from the state physicians.’ s^s»=v=aaa away,you month of may March know will will that claim claim soon the you, you, funereal unless unless promptly and faithfully you use the article insist the more ou trying this unequaled preparation. Some persons are proueto consumption, and tgey ^uld neser allow the disease to be co ‘ue seated. Cotton Fites. it jgssxs is nevertheless fact that this phe-• a nomenon has never vet occurred. Owing to St the recent It fiftv L^' dUasters i, ' Air Bunre ' England was commissioned to ascertain the cause of the burning of the, packet boat, “City 0 f Montreal.” Without any success, his made nil possible expeiimenls to provoke ,he spontaneous ignition of cotton. cordinc dmithat to the cheinieal analvsi* it was a J ‘ ^ Ind a cotton would be KSutlSTthe snontnneous combustion nowevei it nt\u i 0 nitca, ine AmirtHin and Egyptian cotton having alone this un f 0 rtu iate -‘ mivilew >l1 We e are ,ire sure l,rt now 110 ' ,, t hut , col tou is oui te as inflammable as gun „owder- a ‘t srmrk ;1“ faliimr V. on a ufi bale at ii! the ?°T nt 1 lu " , P ' •?, b T d °. U 1°*^ , °“ ie y wl11 su&c ' e lor a ' h b^ak out at se.q on the quay, oi ev en m the factory. Cotton often burns slowly, fl. does stopping smoke and smell, and re not- burst out often for some '! me ' rhe remedy consists in avoiding presence oi fire of any kind in the '? ca lt f of ll ‘ 0 c °tK>n, and in inclosiug thc balM wlth 11 moyc or less combustible lnat t er for - Indian Theresuitisperfectlysatisfac- which tory cotton, never ig »»tes when the bales are inclosed in a special wrapper of linen cloth, niaaufao tured nt Dundee, Scotland. Moreover, the bales should be lighter, like those of India, so that they could be morereadily manteuvred without the aid of hooks which tear the covering.-— French paper. "TTTTT---:rr— Cod Liver Oil. Prof. Joel, of St. Petersburg, calls attention to the falsification of cod liver oil, bv pefcroleum. This spurious pro duct no decrees 'bought of mineral at druggists, oil and contained showed vet no suspieious signs from iN outward pect, taste or smell. The sick person who had been taking it had u rising in the stomach which smelt of petroleum. This caused the fraud to be suspected. According to Pioi. Joel the adulteration of olive oil by petroleum is also much ■» ^_____ Kar,’. Great Work. The statue of Liberty enllgiiteniwctlie world. whu-iiMam non liedloe’s Isluud, In the harbor ot tic New\ork. Is on© of th© most sublime artis conceptions of modern times. Tlid torch of {v. a< BKSt 5Tffi-bSSS? f*/S» tofiK tlumsaadsor aWATSlSt poor women nnstaved by physical vwttePrescriptionholds^ speedy It tZhthe'ZwlJZi all a §^»^.stJ?las core. is a specific iu those do lhc unl> medicine told bv druggist, under a -Xml . .....amwii;" Waitia, uitoasr. dis.a^a. (irneral Debility. Dortora «„ ,Uivlativ« value of rod Liver Oil and Hypo Phosphite* tin- one !n a strengtl, tli and and aesn. .Urutlu-r civtug uerve power.andaetinir attiug rived :s.;*:hR; no PC’from ; irs:sKa;s:s Other bIT'nara* n!v. Uons lmve bem curea bvthD. s.-oti^ ^ 1 ' > patatabV and u ea«ny oi»<t Civ« .....uolnatej.lamccU --------- ~ —-- Daring , one week in Chicago, cfc III., a dozen men a,itlwumfn ^ d ^ --- --- %v|iV ia a ,-loady iluy'/He is likely to reign. Taylor** Cherokee BemtUyof -; v *r>.‘bsm ami Mullein is now tho ^;, : >U»« i liM»c».li>«Mp^ ----- nT AblACOSiS W w ffrezr* VC 9 (Q XTTi VT W f ^ rl A ^ , L > % U T tuc 1 r c llmuiinu . PAniMP RPMpnv ntlYltUY. * * is^SI THE Tf?4nF c ayvI vn m *’*'*\*KTttKS IT» lubes are ahk ph» marvelous. ai„ < liroait- Case* to Vear*’!»tauiliiij;C'uriU -*s ,: -t A'W't.-'-.s. .tad Draltrs .’-.ivr--uttz;-r. The tliarle* A. Vo.vetert».. Ballo.. MU. Noble Woman. , . The late Lady Brassey, „ ’when on net deathbed, with that thoughtful her large* char* hp ar tedne r rs which was one of acterUtics, made a special request to the Hon. Maybelle Brassey, her eldest aaugii ter who is soon to be married, that her troufseau e^l should be entrusted to the Dou Industrial Fund, in Dublin Ireland lor the benefit of the Irish workers, ant. to show the interest Lady Brassey liad a j wa y 8 felt ia tluit undertaking. wishes are being fulfilled, and the trous ;eau. now in course of handiwork. preparation, will consist wholly of Irish h has just been discovered that to en », one t^ t., P v»ghhu LU ® l ^te tfp thick a , «mokVDlaees - the mouth and lips snouiu oe i with cotton wool. The **J Five *"' (tutei-s *™”V . au ue ’ < ’ aiin— fashionable dame: Flora would fain be a Anna, ambitious, aspired after wealth; Sem-ible Sara? sought first for good health, andgiewhealthy andblooming. eySfaiied Cora's . rom 0 ver-stad\: Flora be.-arne nevous and fretful in striving after fashion and But a sickly family kept Anna’s husband poor. sense We '*r.,b..grew daily inure healthy, charming .-hall be glad to send two tootles of my have remedy rjar. to any of your readers who Express con- 11.they wjU send me their ":, 1. u A. : a ci bLOCUAl, ncuHt \! M- P C„ r- iri 181 Peat pLvm, l at., N. Y l -Ve TflaxS mid tod three dJswsatMwww?* P’s, when signifying Dr. Pfero»’s Purga vation tiv.- Pe.lets, Perfection brine Peace ^th to the mind, the bod>. Preser and o f t . By buUdine a SKOculvert SHOO,000damages. atChatsworth, 111., it would have saved Qmbound For The Nervous The Debilitated f** IJ URFS Nervous The Proatration.Nervous Aged Heafl *=*he,Neura!gia, NervousWitknese. Stomach and Liver Diseases, and all affections of the Kidneys. and Ai5 .... Quiets A NERVE the Nerves, TONIC, It Strengthens EnrlcheB AS AN the ALTERATIVE, Blood. itPnrtaes and yirely, AS A tho LAXATIVE, Bowele. It acts mildly, but on AS A DIURETIC. It Regulates the Kid. neve und Cure* their Diseases. Recommended by professional and business men. Price $i.oo. Sold by druggists. Send for circular*. WUS, RICHARDSON & CO.. Proprietors, BURLINGTON. VT. $10 REAL VALUS FREE L 0urn . w . ___ ereryre»a;rof tm* putiiciiiouj i.y'hiu* 1 I a2» m 11 ! Im , ‘ nr »ni«i5 nT ^**7 a! wk U'i : i J^waerT,a«i*„,Xpamt re?nT"«.oM, u w{H tt'W s »«»p*»iu*fuK^-f«^vrhitt,wae, VM” lunnpioi,,''rq*i.ire,, yVn^rl^pinfami «*- T to u.«* biutt &. OiVtll, SZZZZSS. uu> #*»mpi«»iff«Miat»a«doa»rv«jrh«iidiJfifknowidUg:tf«iw u ^ *odts:.Hiyjournnisa Ameika;it ucuteruioinifandof gim: sssskesssss aojwiu-iai «• •plenty M M trat«i by th« We yvili-ak-j year.ub*crih.r.»tA ptk* nbicb S iru»* but p mii u lh * FREE ! rial , S'’“IE” r of “ 1 “p“t'P n sB»iid tern*, «!»««» -“S o.-ymnth.okyou;,p*. *«■<» eithor pAper lor • year, want »tth«i«nrter. and «r« willlDf gSS.l'TVS-T; iXSZXlXX? ua.ito. - -S"noaf.- -. i,,*,,...,i,mc;-sK«ss,t.iaB»ucsr t r fhcu nndUuiM'clotbiGriutbaatcraixhann v’f^ •ubp^*. ^ ,X 0 nt'lttuui vAr.ub^r.TilB ^.liS’KTrSS?^*. ' >w‘t'“C 0 * .wimiiJ^«ir «# i m7i «nd m j forertt Ui. "r ,‘ft^uV wiiT ««r,*»th*wpi%r|H.i,c.w!.-.ei» *u bo wiui»«ioAdmits iu\ Wii-'on. ntki>- s ucivt sa'akl c»n 6iri « s,i, r t-ioo t» a .Uonth! V * lbll ^ r ’*_ ATljA>TA * <,v a " roarffieaiK gars t* uaaton w. Thi.*> LotUM» win not appears gain, ciiuc Doubts cor-i, c«nt*r Fir*, rac — { ■* <1 1.1> Sl.GCG, i° worth #50M U«*r :o. RyaS*! deiiftr-i t» ii \TT or<vrt > b'ti \* v>id ft 6 ^'o. n b »x by f.iv* at korarnaj make morn tu«a« « weriklagfbe itathas »t fttsyi!.-:n*eler the er.»r!a I.liUrr CoKly oatfit Nkf term. Uli». . .-sir.*, "iUt-filk t u„ Aasusta. PISO S CURE FOR CONSUMPTION % ... J Hi e-; ,.;f Wk SEBp, X 1 ■P \\x m .J -s oft'-J liH fir/ ■ P m Sj £ !. & m* m i'6 mm •SxW'LC „ ^g§ Lvl I Bring Tou Sweet t'louers itnd Good Medicine Hood’s Sold by aU druggists. *1; six for *3. Prepared only ity C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowsll, MaBB. (OO Doses One Dollar ■P-'Tly’&’tS .......... , _ Rahil , ultrO I tllcdlil TfiQTB tSdllJI “ \ aim M1M at mc* and com ^ %J crantmiithw. $50 Ooid Watch Given JgL ft w toth« first person n»mmgth® ®hou is, S5 Rwkai WaicbM. Seatts, «te M. E. Alleo. Macao. 0»., *«t»*oU wateu, *»ar. to. ar*s-e uewoa.r abate. ir.-y--. / l » Si JX M , •;• * *A'^rV >.*. r W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE FOU . GENTLEMEN, a,!;! s \£ wurruuted." l g22S£% fiTgiSWoS; \V. J„ DOTGI.ASS-t BHOE.theuriEiualaiid which equals custom only hand sewed welt $4 nhee, made 6iioei costing from $u to S3. W. It. DOt T DLAS SHOE i^ unex ceiled for heavy wear* 15o> W. I*. m>UDL\S §v5S!£OE is worn by all h, and is the best school suoe in the work** AU the above goods are made in Congi’oss, Button and Lace, and if not sell bv j'our dealer, writs W. I,. 5)01 (JliAS, B< ocktbii. in; CURES WHERE AIL ELSE FAILS. Dso Best in Cough time. Syrup. Sold by Tastes drur good. 35 lists. CONSUMPTION I believe Piso’s Cure for Consumption saved my life.—A. H. Dowell, Editor N. C., Enqulror, April 23,18S7. Eden ton, PISO The best Cough Medi cine is Piso’b Cure for Consumption, Children take it without objection. By all druggists. 25c. __—SHUMpEL CURES m WHERE ALL ELSE FATlS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Uao in time . Sold by druggists. Z9 ptfga EAHIuSTEO ft RAViPA 9IIV ViTALIIl A I IVU A Great Medical Work for YfiUllg t - H ^fCiEHCE‘ J%£ OF ?%/11 m ^IfW ________ "If iff .—._/¥ laeWFl «M» HK$ElFuflH9 1 Hl.lSli INaiTIT(-TE» t.II bv the PEABODY -WEIII Si55ai&f CAL No. 4 ttalliluch 8t.. 1 ! «SSciau' huu i mi«erie3 vnfor?aud cousequeui tiapurmi.Vta« tuer^on. Hioodl'auif Cgu cue »a> uoiJd nun h pa/es. S?«oJUA“. .'.auu ihti • roper. ~ rrirt - |RP , lll F *ueril* AP M B" |1 |b 1 HtBrnr amm ml JsleiSteSk e ”„ l ^ {fL* 1 ^ Ki^M Wi J]k ^^S^SSSZ^ 'airrrp'a^WaB^> ri ' fl '-^»^'^ ri ''rv'^*A HERBRAND FIFTH WHEEL. iffaE© uaptoviaeni* ulkbua^d r o., FrimonCu *n» t*. otov. dMoloMv , n a tend moor, »nd will k»<»y*o ury tn t.i. liarhc-t TXtDS MAan, a>Ic lorU-.6*"FISH BRAND” sxicszitaQa takenootlicr-. If your rtorotoei-er■!« hAVft ihe Mtvn' 1 . tfnd for de c criDtivr tO A. J. TO$>'Bft. £0 . g !mriont Ft., Fo*‘cn. ll Spring Medicine Nearly everybody ueed» a reliable spring raedlcln, to expel the Impurities which Have accumulated in the blood during tiw winter, u> keep up strength as the warm weather com*?? w, create au appetite ana promote healthy digesiioii. Hold's Sarsaparilla !« the if*M popular and sucees^ai SpMagMedi.ihv. Try It this and you will bo? convinced of it„ peculiar merit “For five years 1 ras sick every sp,\nr, but last year took Hood’s SarsapartUa and have >.eeu 4 tick d.ty since.” U. W. Sloan, Hiltou, 3 Iilss. Hood’s Sarsaparilla ' Fir a first-class epriug meUk-lne my wife » ui i r both tiutffc -cry lilghly of Hood's SirsapwHK, We both tooX it last tpriiig. It did as a great to of good and " e felt bettor through the hot weatbnr than ever betore. It cured >'ny wife of sick lie.ul aehe, from which she has sulTered » great deal. a r,.l ,-iicved me oradlszy. tired fec-UUir. I think et.-rr one ought lo take something to citrll/ the h:u»i before the hot weather comes on, and we nbsil ,-er ul ilT take Hood's Sarsnparll a this spring.” J. h. htiRe-K, Supt. Granite Railway Co.. Concord. N\ H. X, B.—If you have decided to take Hood's Sarsaia rilin do not be Induced to buy any other. Sold by all druggists. ; six for S3. ouly by C. I. HOOD Sl CO., Apothecaries. Jboweb. Ma>a. I oo Doses One [Jollar S 9 WELLS’ HAIR \ "F BALSAM - .‘If restore, origi ti -s? ° Hair to - _ ffi. V : m elegantdrcs*- ing, nal color. softens A ‘ §1% i mid beautifies m Jiojpreaeenor oil. ; A Touts gML A ~M hestorative lYevents hair ‘til « coming out; a SB cleanses strengthens, and heals scalp. 60c.Cniggi»l» v E. S. WELLS, Jorjej City, X.J. BtSUiH^OATABBH citronic Unequaled for CaturrW throat worst cases. odors, a flections, foi tl bre&th, ia offensive head. Aik for “Row* eore throaf. diphtheria, cold Drug. the C. S. Wkli-s, Jersey City, 7* .j. ok Catab* h.” Lb c. LOOK YOUMG las lor nga»yoacan,pre [vent tendtney to wrin kles or seeing of th»> - skin by usinir r- LEAURELLE OIL X2 Jtemovert anti pi ereiM Wrinkle*, ana rott^b .j wm nc*8 of Flesh or skiu; prewrve* fi*(?*> a condition yonthffil, plump, of featuref: i the re Ba w Siaii 1 the moves complexion, pint pirn. t-ffRrB th* only anbetance ioo wt.i that vriH sirreal and pre Kpt vent tendency lo wrlnhUst i$i. UruK*trintsor Exp. it. fi. HELLS. Chentisl, 4er»ey Vlty, N. J. .H3 11.," ' * uonmmu mms. JOHN T. LEWIS & BUGS-, whit, Mineral, jriffuriasi Painters’ Colors and Linseed ** Oil. (:<»uItE SPOXPENCE SOLICITED* ^ 1* Don’t buy until you ‘ find out the new Improve I SJ fo e ments. Save the (Vliddletrtan’s Profits. i t&Send for Catalogue. J. P. STEVENS & BRO- 47 Whitehall St.. Atlanta, Ga. , as n mill ns ira{«, a ** '': ';)• p. ':Q tStPIlt* I i-rf" ttAV.'C - I CURE FITS d S^-l wArrant, 1 Kaf.{3MtlStei£l^Aj iny remedy to cure the wotirt- ca^es. ot hers have fai’ed in uo reason for not iww r«-Lt«w cui-e. Send nt ouce for a treatise and ft Free Boti-e uX gl/PERJOR^^^QlAlilTY Q _______ (SgmS^Km V-'rS'igOansaULm ..oshosm- 1 ^jMHBfegSst SgAs U. Mtaal-r- *s- a r* *. ~ -^as- St ^ ?5 c ,'* pAVarrS;- 3 TON *»• * Other ““ size- dC propojno- Ty OSGOOD & TS0HPS01T, EiEgianton^. Y «*iai»ioisrc Planwra, Stock- Kxisew, a*' “HI «*«»«? « usefuUnicics,«than t<». other n!^' L OciGreat English Gout ani fflfllf " $ *“• riliS* Rhemuatio Remedy. $230^® MPfcttf'ljAiKire.sJ-iruno.v.soN., Ufo* S 5 IrKs® S&SS 1 ——--- A. .n. t........... .........Thirtwn, ’SS. hk Ax?* IX PURE V 6 WHITE 0» I * V /> -t.&A'b* h , TRADE HARK. nu... mm \Q‘fimws & hLVIi: Munutaswtmrs and Dmkzrs ix Couon‘ “‘mvlrn mI-l lien “'rouarit er"! .1Iill lrun Rupiflieu.‘ Pipe Fittings. mm Hruux (hunk. 64 8.5m)“: SL, ATLANTA, (iA. [Cstablishe d. 1772.