Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, April 21, 1888, Image 3

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mfit C' r A PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING at GRAY, GEORGIA, ■BY T. R. PENS.— Subscription Rates*-In Advance. One Year. ¥ 1.00 Six Months. * 50 Three Month, " 30 Entered at the Postoffice at Ga., as second class mail matter. postoffice orders, drafts, etc., bo made payable to T. E. Penn. Kates for advertising made known on application. Communications for individual benefit, or 0 f a personal character, charged for the same as advertisements. Marriage and obituary notices, not ex ceeding one square, inserted without charge —over one square will be charged for same as advertisements. Correspondents alone are responsible for opinions expressed by them through these columns. town and county. Mrs. E. G. HARDEMAN, Local Editress. Apiil showers. Milledgeville is wet. Preaching at Fortville to-day and to-morrow. Mr. Bon Stewart., of Macon, paid Gray’s a 1 pop call” Monday'. Messrs. James Goddard and II. S. Greaves spent Saturday in Ma con. Mr. Gus Small, of East Macon, spent Thursday with us on busi ness. Mrs. Andrew Stewart, of Putnam county visited relatives at Gray’s last week. Miss Lizzie Winters, of Bradleys, visited relatives here last week. Lizzie is a little girl. Last Friday was a beautiful day, and quite a number of the children went fishing— caught a few min nows. Col. R. J. Warren and Mr. J. H. Kelly of Moniieello passed through our town on last Tuesday enroute to Clinton court. The colored people of the Baptist denomination are cutting timber preparatory to build a church at Gray’s for their use. Jones county cun boast of an in dustrious farmer, Mr. G. C. Smith, who hilts coin, meat and lard for sale. Who can say as much? Mr. J. R. Vanburen of Griswold ville, visited Moniieello this week. Mr. V—has the contract for fur l'istiing cross-ties for the C. & M. it. It. We call attention to the card of that popular jeweler J. E. Wells, lie is an honest dealer, a superb workman and one of the cleverest nun in the world. Jt is said that Mr. W. D. Win tors, of this place, has sold more tickets than any agent ort the line of the C. & M. Mr. W— is tho man to help build up a tewii. Capt. Richard Bonner, of Macon, is visiting his son Mr. 11. Bonticr near horn. Capt. Bonner has been hi ill health for some months, Hope Ids visit to t lie country will prove beneficial to him. Mr, II. A. Morgan bits finished hh building, near the depot, and "il,' kindly allow the use of the up per story for Sunday school and singing, until our new academy and church are built. Mrs. Winters, grand-mot her our clever townsman Mr. W. D. Winters is spending somelime with the hitlers family. Mrs. W titers is quite an old lady, although she isa. lively as any person around. Our correspondents will fend in their articles as early in ‘ ■ as po.vsildc. ,, Wo ... otto.. . rc oeive communications at the hour ' f going to press and the qiicnces are they lie over until other week ' Notice in this issue the card the dissolution of the firm ^ Julian 2nd Street Macon. Mr i.-ii, ' .i , .in-in , is sole owner of „ the . ■ tablisiuncnt now. and lie lias congratulations of bis old friends in tbiscotinty, who guarantee to a liberal patronago. Wiihc is a live «*’Clinton’s red hills, and we, like the good Scotch people “chin '''getherj’ No better selection h autiftil goods can he found in '-■-v'p than that of W, J. J uhans. CLINTON LOCALS. Judge David Blount is in town. Col B. W . Frobcl was in town Monday and Tuesday. Miss Fan Woolfolk a charming young lady was in Clinton Wednes d:y. Mrs. Thomas Stripling sold dur ing the month of March fifty dozen egg** Mr. II. S. Greaves is confined to his room with an attack of rheuma tism. Col. E. P. Catchings of Jackson is here shaking hands with old friends. Miss Ida Stripling and Mrs. Dave Norris spent Tuesday in Clinton as the guest of the “Editress.’’ Mr. Cones representing the “Tel egraph’' is taking in court week in tin- interest of that good Daily. Judge Lumpkin from Northern’s circuit is presiding this week for J udge Jenkins, and is giving satis faction. Col. N. E. Harris called in to see us while attending court. He has been putting in some good work and words for the C. & M. R. R. When visiting Macon bo sin e and call at the gallery of L. S. Hill, just over Hoges Drug Store after his handsome Photo’s you '‘ ill de cide to Have one taken of yourself. Rev. Jesse Campbell well known to many people of the Couuiy died in Columbus Ga., on last Monday at tho age of eighty. He was a eonse erated Baptist Minister and the father of Rev. Abner and Charles Campbell. The Macon bar is represented here this week by Col’s N. E liar ris, Howland, Davis & Reid. Jordan and Glover, and R. S. L,-icier, Col. R. L. Berner of Forsyth, R, J, War ren of Monticello and E. P. fjatcii ings of Jackson. Public meeting was held at the Courthouse of Clinton on Monday to select delegates to the State convention to be held in Allan’.; May 8tl>. Capt. II. B. Rid ley was called to the cDair and Col. J. C. Barron requested to act as Secre tary. The delegates were chosen, Richard Johnson, Ad-dplius Lester, Alex II. S. McKay and R. V. Jlnt detnan, these are avowed Cleveland men and strong democrats. VYe have several copies of the “Ciuiton Rattier” sent to us for in spection by Judge David E. Bionnt. The papers are written in very small style on foolscap paper, aid were issued in the year 1825 by Peter Puzzle & Co. They aie per fect curiosities, and show that the people of sixty three years ago were not so ignorant of news paper lore as we would imagine. Wo suppose the “Hauler” existed many years befoie lho “Old Bulletin” made its appearance, Nor Depot. It is probable that the Covington & Macon and the Mai-on & Dctl-lm railroads will build an elegant pas senger depot, eg jo in tly, on the ct witero Holiis’ stables now That is tic- present programme. It is probable that to-night the ('. & M. and !ii. & D. roads will petitb n council for a right of way of 30 feci on Poplar street from Holiis’ stack' to a point near the cotton comp; ■ where the < . & M. track will Im, ox tended from its terminus hear the park, and tins track will > fa used by ti.e M.c D. roud,—id.icon News. Wliifo in 7,tji;-; Satitrday called in at the old reliable Empire Store amt feasted our eyes on mammoth slock o! fa -uitiful goods. Wo were piti-j<i isod to lied stteh goods a tue i-e- iwiie:' u el prices an no-.-e ’■ ■ ‘ >' 1 ; 1 trom 5 to :’(tc: Checked mm hu i: m t«> 15c; indi-o blue calico from (Jj to 7.’.-; !, luti n’ line of (tr-ss goods from 10 to ’ >!t to i s and cassitneres at to ••-. any ■■■. ftplendid sliirts lor fillets auo Their assortment of Parasols, E'ans and Notions is complete. The taste and parse of the most, fastidious ard economical can be suited at t e -tore of Burden, .Small and Eh-. i Tbo mai*y' clerks connected with ihe establish.!,v nt arc courteous und , the ladies ail know tiic-v can t waited upon, and find what they need at the Empire Store. V, <• ! have noted the above bargains, and invent space ‘o speak of the " u/ nificent display of Iovc;y silk Ve:~ rets, luce oversutts, ribbons, etc. ; These occupy no small space. FROM HADDOCKS. The Singleton place, which by the way. is deemed a very attract ive home, has been leased to Mr. Sutherland of 3f.illedgevillo. This family will be an acquisition great ly desired. Missess Sallie Woolfoik, Maude Hardeman, and Irene Stewart, sought pleasure and delight in the home of Dr. John Harden an for it few days. If the Dr. and his most estimable lady, entertained, as is their wont, then indeed the young ladies .cast their lines to a good pur pose. A couple of young larks, whose names we failed to dot, endeavored to boat Joe Miller; the night Con. ductor, out of a ten mile ride, with the usual result, well boys, count ing cross ties even a dark night, serves to develop the mind, makes it active, so to speak. Where you failed to crystuiizo tho little scheme, was not in the act, but in not know tug Joseph. It is more than probable that Mr. Charles Middlebiw ks will try the mercantile with Dr. Glover. Pos sessed of so many of the requisite qualities essential to success, it comes easy to say that the matter rests solely with himself. An En glial; poet’s distlchirite, but tree, can be aptly applied. Whilst our district has many excellent farmers, yet, when emer gencies thicken, and something out of the usual routine, demands quick decision and determined action. Commend us to Mr. Gus Pitts, it is simply intuition. No charge for either ot' the above. Now th n, gentlemen of the Grand Jury, this is tho opporluni tv of your lives. Embody in your General Prosentm mis, or otherwise open up something feasible in re gard to tho county roads. You may be criticised, and’ told to let well enough alone. Thai you may ex pect, but all the same, give tho matter consideration, and put in shupo a scheme, even by taxation. Make tho effort and, you shall be rewarded with the freedom of the city of Haddocks, whenever you see tit to accept. Gold snuff-box, etc. L’honime propose, femme dispose, and thus we failed to see “the Langtry.” Oh, no, wo didn’t lay the piping some days in advance, and didn’t mululate each and every notice pertaining to the Lily’s ap pearance in Macon. With seeming iort.itudo, though a modicum of con fidence, was the announcement made that imperative business re quired my presence in the city Jess so, that was all. Tho atmos phere froze hard enough to preclude approach in the shape of argu ment, but my eiiinn, who likewise tailed, bad i i oke himself tendering before tho denouement of brie a brue. A Iso made selection ol the Summer’s locution fashionable Wa taring place. It goes without, say i '*•;-{ Gnu bis hotter-half couldnt get a 5 coot calico, until time smooths its wrinkled brow. Albert I,o is more or less a m, reliant. We fcarn with satisfaction, that the State iVm-ton lias been granted r. S. T. Whidby. j Mr. Anchor-; in Macon. Mr. j K<-mp attending Wilkes court, left \j William Pamir solus. Al s tliough a bust within him.-elf, in im • sage treatment was not necessary ; >t tiiocioseof business hours, I E tiEsii. ! I IDfEI OF BliSSOOTII. I The Srin of fierririg & Julian is i,,e-day desoi-.ei, Iq. mu • ttal consent .‘1»*. C. D. Ii^ri-;i;g retiring. Mr. W. J. J it !•;>.» w^i c<-»tinuo business at tae old stauo, assnmitig all ilaoil ilieS. C. I). ilERRING j | April 14, 1888. W. J. J UH AN. i j G. f. EMJie & Co •i -o (Successors to Henry Kauh and W. J. Brake.) ______ ‘T7«7 r ZXO .TFrstsg XrT lf X5-,3S r A’.a.XX J L I Q U O It D E A h E 11 IK! ir.t’L lit tf.KSr, MACON, OA., ; 1 21 if. STEMS FROM STEVEN’S POTTERY. Mr, EniToit:—We are on hand again after a silence of a few weeks. Wo have no excuse to render except scarcity of news, caused we suppose by the continuous Tains, and not until the monotony was broken could we hope to entertain the dear readers ot the Headlight. And by the way that reminds us that its bright rays failed to illumi mit 6 our household for t wo weeks during those dark, dismal days, and rest assured Mr. Editor, its looked for visits were sadly missed. Wo uro trying to console a friend of ours, who says his shoo bill is forty dollars par annum, with the fuel that this is leap year and his girl will certainly propose, and the result will be a happy marriage, con sequontly doing away with Urn cessity of so much walking. Ur. and Mrs, J. 11. Stevens unfortunate in losing their little daughter a short time ago. We tender our sympathy to the reaved parents. Wo regret to chronicle the of Mr. William Adams which red recently. He was afflicted pneumonia and leaves a wife, al children and a host of friends mourn ins loss. E. Vu K. TAX RECEIVER’S NOTICE. SECOND ROUND. I wilt be at ’hefollowing places to receive Tax Returns for the year 1888. J. C. Dumas store Monday April 23. Haddock Station Tuesday “ 24. V B dark store Wed. morn “ 25, Jesse Miller “ eve. 25. J. S. Stewart, mill Thursday “ 26. M II Mullikin store EYi. morn ‘ 27. J W Bradley store “ eve. “ 27. Round Oak Monday......... “ 30. G rubai! Hill Tuesday........May 1. T C Pippens store Wednesday “ 2. Dames Ferry Thursday..... “ 3. Dick Gordon store Fri. morn “ 4. Five Points Friday evening “ 4. James Station Monday....... “ 7. L. Kim low store Tuns, morn “ 8. Lahiytt Balkcotn Tues eve “ - 8. Griswoldville Wed. morn... “ 9. Jackson Roberts Thursday “ 10. T. R. Stripling Friday...... “ 11. In Clinton every Saturday. W. T. MORRIS, Receiver of Tax returns of Jones co., Jojs, t. fens, If,, D. 1 A,j$Qd33j WA 7 C!|E3, J E W E L >7 Y f Sit '/ E E^W \ i\E f SfECJACLES AflD EYE qlasses. Watcli Repairing a Specialty. 3J8 SECOND STREET. MACON, GA. 4 21 3m. /Y \ —t <•“* ) 8 -s-t W IRON WORKS. ENGINES, WATER WHEELS. SAW and CANE MILLS, KETTLES and EVAPORATORS. Cotton Presses (Hand and Horso Power.) E. CROCKETT, Macon, Ga. CsoEdon Bayp <££ a FO BOYS AND GIRLS. This admirable weekly ior the youth of this great land is now well established, and lias an increasingly large and well-deserved patronage. It is well worthy the examination of parents who wish to provide their children with a large amount of care fully-prepared miscellany, at entertaining, instructive and clean It is edited with ability, and shows f juicle sympathy with the of the young people, and a clear out look for their weiiare. Address JAMES ELVEBS0N, Jan jl 9 th 1888. I’htla !<*lpli;a, Pa a urn GUNSMITH AND DEALER IN Sporting Goods Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, FISHING TACKLE, ETC., BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES, 516 MULBERRY ST., MACON GEORGIA 1 i ■T 1 mm (SUCCESSORSTO R. S. COLLINS.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CARRIAGES Buggies and Wagons, BABY CARRIAGES, HARNESS WHIPS, Etc. 4 G 3 and 470 SECOND STREET IV! aeon, Georgia. Feb. 23rd lh88 T, 3 . .Artope, Sb ¥p of it e, \ & & ^UCO'eM G O a a. t>4 A U 0\Y 0 H t> tii a r* p> fa 4^. (%. %/ J <s> —AND DEALER IN— MAOONT Ge AY 11® 1. stasia <3® natal, m « The largest stock in the city. We have any article that can bo for, and guarantee everything to be of the best quality and at the LOW HST PRICES. Kmc Jewelry. Bronze Art Goods, etc. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS FROM MONTICELLO AND JASPER COUNTY Watches and Jewel rv Repaired BY SHELLED WORKMEN. ■S. RE MEMBER THE PLACE 3D SECOND STREET MACON GEORGIA. J. H* &W. W. WiSiiams, AO old Fact. —WE HAVE NOW THE LARGEST AND MOST— \ V > 7 W I fkd 51 ‘..■J \ J T j l.Y. r A! m A SM 0 t ] 7 IN THE CITY OF MACON, 1L-, v 8H Tf ttl 5lrd? iioflfillt p|«s Our stock is selected with groat cure, with a view to Wearing •veil. Wo don’t keep a shoddy shoo at all, but Wo Xlavo GOOD SOliID at prices you ordinarily pay for worthless shoddy shoes.. Give us n trial and be convinced. w; \' V tl @kiuJa;u n-s. ^Ei«y ,,,- c made by the loading manufacturers „t Philadelphia and Boston, p, Biis department you will find nothing hut the latest fashions and j| (( . p,..., , jf .-.iny. A large -tm-k of <;ll 1 '.DREN’S 8110178. MIX or EXT, 1 <)7 (Oi<J No. 3,) Colton Avenue, MACON GrA. (Successors lo Mix & Kit Maud, established 1810.) ltt TO THIS Traveling Public —YOU CAN— BY STOPPING AT J II Bestveb** MACON GEORGIA. OPPOSITE HOTEL LANIER.