Newspaper Page Text
3 S**
THOS. K. PENS, s t Publisher.
Gray Georgia, Saturday, April 2Slh.
TERM 1888.
We the Grand Jurors sworr.ed
arid empanelled for April Term 1888
Jones Superior Court,
submit the following n General , Prc- o
Upon careful inquiry we find the
Public n ... Jioadsgenerally r> , ... m good . con
dition .... except . a portion .. of J .. the road ,
near Robert . ,, s Station ... .■ leading ti- , to
Maeon and to Milledgevillo, all had
places to he cross way ed; also a por
tion ol the road near the Sawyers’
place on same road in Robert’s
District. Wc call the attention ol
the Commissioners to it at once.
We receommond $25 the amount to
ho paid to John Roberts in addition
to the amount that was paid for the
building of a Bridge across V/ulnut
Creek on the road leading from
Will Hudson to Win. G. Kilpatrick
We also reccornmcnd that Judge
Johnson have the road widened
on the top of the cut going through
the rocky ridge leading from Grays
to Clinton. Wc recommend that
our public roads he worked by the
Chain Gang labor of the county and
by Taxation, Wo have carefully
examined and revised the Pauper
list and made such changes in the
appropriations as wo thought fit and
proper. The committees appointed
to examine the J. P. and N. 1*.
honks report thorn ncuily and cor
rectly kept, except James Andrews
book that w as accidently destroyed
by fire lust fall. Also the Ordinary
and Clerk ol Superior Court hooks
nuiuly kept und in perfect order.
Wo find the Dockets and records ol
the County Judge thorough and
complete which reflocts great cred
it ou the incumbent. Also the
•sheriff and Tax Collectors Books
and pupers are correctly and neatly
kept. Wo find oil examination ol
the Public Building that they are
in good order with some little re
pairs needed on top of the Court
House to stop some leaks and some
window glass to be put in the sash
es in ttie upper story of the Jail.
Wo find the County Treasurers
hooks properly kept and vouchers
showing the amount properly ejsg
*<—• <■"
T **“W
J.tmdred orni lor.y ono dollnr. »..<!
.mjo«„t», fo, «ol,,oooounlodll,o
money J m u body. J
Report ol school Commissioners
as to lows.
Balance on hand to date SI GIG.- ’
(Lets. No. „ of Public . . school 55.
White 27. Colored 28. General at
tendance 2500. Average 1702.
Monthly cost of Tuition per pupil
1*5. Amount of tuittou paid by the
slate 00.
Wo find that G. \V. F. Mclvny one
of the hoard of education term ex
pired and having boon reappointed
try the hoard of education. Wo roc
commend that lie he appointed his
own successor. In taking leave of
his Honor, Judge Samuel Lumpkin
who having presided at this term of
the Court we can but express our
appreciation of him us au able and
efficient otticer and well qualified
for tho position ho occupied. To
Solicitor Robert Whitfield wo return
otjr thanks lor his courtesies to this
body and for his willingness to as
sist us in the discharge ot our duty.
And wo further recommend that
these general presentments he pub
lished iu the Jones County
luut|T. John Bradley, Foreman.
R. H. Bonner, Clerk.
Jones Superior Court.
April Term 1888.
Let the foregoing General Pre
sentments he published as requested
aud entered upon the minutes.
By the Court,
JRobt. Whitfield Sol. tieu’l.
Clerks Office Jones Superior Court
April Term 1888.
I certify the foregoing
Presentments to be a true extract
from tho minutes court.
U. T Roes, Clerk.’
Jones Superior Court was brought
to au adjournment quite suddenly
ou Friday last pending the calling
of tho Criminal docket while
a large number of cases were still
uucailod, some of which was for the
highest crimes, scvem! being cases
of murder. It appears that the fol*
lowing cases bad not been called:
The State re. E. P. Berry simple
Tne State vs. E. P. Berry, con
cealed weapons.
The State vs E. P. Berry, assault
and battery.
The State vs Moses Blount, as
sault with intent to murder.
TheS ate vs Madison Blount, as
sault with intent to murder,
The State vs Jessie Miller, ’ btty- J
d ' l > t Lu , i. c'e.
lhe State 1'iank Moms, .... Eadv
Morns and Ida Morris, murder,
The State vs B. G. Gresham, ’ rrnir*
Tho State vs Richard Farrar and
Elijah Etheridge, larceny from
The .State vs Cyrus Bruin, sell
ing crop illegally.
The State vs \Y. B. Finney, as
sault with intent to murder.
The first of the above cases call
ed was tho Slate vs Madison
Blount, charged with an assault
with intent to murder who was de
fended by R. V. Hardeman and J.
(•'.Barron. These gentlemen had
tiled a plea in abatement and moved
the Court to “quash the indict
ment” upon the ground that ono of
the Grand Jury finding the true
bill was a member of the ‘ County
hoard of Education” this fact being
made to satisfactorily appear to the
court the indictment was quashed
whereupon the Solicitor General
on looking into each of tho above
cases ascertained that all of them
were in a similar condition and the
work of a week was instantly ended
by quashing every indictment, how
ever the Solicitor General who is »!•
ways equal to every emergency im
mediately presented new iudict
mentsand the Grand Jury quitklv
returned over against Madison
Blount for some offense and he was
put on trial and his case soon sub
mined to a jury who returned a
djet of not guilty. Other true hi 11 >
were found but tho parties having
disappeared the Court had no other
criminal cases and instantly ordered
an adjournment and thus ended our
Court which was not expected to
get through with this docket before
Saturday night.
Methodism in Jones County From 1870
to 1888 . 18 Years.
* CM “Undo Billy” Arnold bad
d|>J _ , K . lll0 Clinton
ci „„ it aboul . 68 or . 0 9_ |lo ,hu|»
, longer, iie ,, wus ;i good , man and ,
truo Uo ia buriod in Clinton Ga.
In 1870, BroC A Mitchell was
. to the Clinton circuit. In the sum
u or of tins year they hud u glorious
meeting at oid Fort < die, some
twenty or thirty were added to the
church. Many of these still abide,
“steadfast in tho faith.” and are
good, consecrated men and women
Bro M. was a faithful good man
and the Lord blessed his labors. At
this time, Bros. R. II. Bonner, Col.
1. Hardeman and F. 8. Johnson Jr.
were in or near Clinton. In 1871,
the Rev. J. M. Armstrong was the
pastor. He was a fine scholar, and
an able preacher. About this lime.
the church at Tranquilla was estab
,• hatred. . , I , remember, , going one
> »
•Sunday . with . , Bro ,, A.
up to this
church. This trip with this good
man, did me good. Young men,
don’t shun preachers, they will not
hurt you.
Bro. A still lives, and while
not able to do full work, he preaches
with great power amt is a
writer. In 1872, YV G Hanson
on the circuit, and Rev D L Andor
son was ou the “mission.” Bro A
was a hard student, and some
the older men predicted that
would “make h.s inatk.” aud 1> 1 '
has. He is now a missionary in
Chum and a Presiding Eider. Secret
—“hard study, and constant
cation.” 1873-4. YVe had Bro. J.
Carr und his wife, His wife was
well adapted to tho ilitieraney, and
was a great help to Bro C. Some of
the people thought she used to help
him write his sermons. T hey were
both fully consecrated aud while
his delivery was not tho best, no
one doubted his sincerity or earnest
Jan. 1874 1 lost my best friend —
my mother. She was about tony
years old when she died, and died
iu the same house whore she
born. Br<». Carr officiated at her
burial. 1875 the work was supplied
by old Bro. J. Knight.‘•'Uncle Jack”
as lie was called by many, had been
converted in Clintbu about the year
1835—10 years before. The dear
old man thought the Lord might
use him in reforming some of the
“hard cases” in and around
The church, at this t me, had
elined iti spiritual power. Some of
their heat members had left anti
gone to Macon. Poor Bro K!
labored hard, hut with little success
from a human standpoint, at lea^t?
Such sermons as lie did preach, and
such prayers I have never heard
before, or since. It docs scent that
they ought to have melted and
moved the hardest heart. Thank
God, his labor was not all in vain,
one heart was moved, one “hard
case” who e as “far away from the
Saviour,’’ resolved to do better, and
live for a purpose. 1 shall always
bless the Lord that Bro. K. came to
Clinton. By the grace of God, 1
will meet him in Heaven. Ilis end
was so sad. Strange Providence.
1876-7 wo had—I say we, (I then
began to feel some interest in the
church and preachers) YV T
cliaei. His father was a missionary
Baptist, and Bro Me had pretty
rough sailing to he a Methodist,
much less a minister in that church.
But he bad a head of his own; he
would study and investigate for
himself. I have heard him preach
sonic fine sermons. lie was ari in
dustrious man—had to he to support
his large family. He is st ill efficient
and active, and a member of the
South Ga. Conference.
1878- 9-SO we had Rev. G E Bon
ner. lie was a faithful worker, and
very popular, and during Ins admin
istration of three .years the church
moved up, and he left it in a much
Letter condition than lie found it.
1881 we had Bro DJ YV veins. He
was a graduate of Emery College,
and a tearless, consecrated man—
n ot so popnlui as some of his predc
cessors. He had the courage of his
convictions, and ho would oppose
<*■;„ a nd Satan, and contend earnestl y
for the faith, in the winter of this
year, ’81, he was transferred to the
Little Rock,or Arkansas Conference
where he is held in high esteem
araong-hia people and is a riAig
nian -
1882 we had the lie v. A. W Wil
tuns, lie was very studious and
'i'"’'"'" “ M * 1 ’ S “ T ,K| Ik '? 1,1 J " v
I tonroocl,.
.1883-4 Bro Shea was on the cir
cuit and succeeded in getting some
more of the hard eases into tho
church. BroCDavis, a dear old
man was on the mission and built
two new churches.
1885 . Br „ Smilh| a man 0 f good
physique and fine face and pure
heart, labored zealously among the
people of the Clinton circuit.
ile 1,ad Bom * su< coss '
1886 they had Bro Neese, a hum
ble, good man, and one who preach
ed a pure gospel and a high stand
ard. lie was a frail man.
1887 Bro Phillips was sent to the
circuit. The year before, 1886, he
did faithful Work on the mission,
lie is back again this year, 1888,and
may the Lord bless his labors.
FYom 1870 to 1888—18 years_
many changes have (akeu place hoiuo
0,,es > some for the better. “Tune
like an ever rolling stream, ’ bears
all ,, its •, sons away.” „ Bros „ Arnold ,
ttn a Knight and many loved ones
are watching and waiting for us.
God help us to meet them. J. S. L.
SECOND ROUND. I will be at
. he following places to receive Tax
Returns for the year 1888.
J. C. Dumas store Monday April 23.
Haddock Station Tuesday “ 24.
V B dark store Wed. morn “ 25
Jesse Miller “ eve. “ 25.
S . Stewart mill Thursday
M MuHikin store F,i. morn ‘ 2 ~
j W Bradley store “ eve. “ ** * •
, ioulld 0ak Monday. ., jjq
Graball Hill Tuesday........May 1.
T C Pippens store YVoduesday “ 2
Dames Kerry Thursday..... “ .,
Dick Gordon store Fri. morn “ 4.
F'ive Points Friday evening “
James Station Monday....... “ i.
L. Kinslou r store Tues, morn “ 8
Lafaytt Balkcom Tues. eve “ 8.
Griswoldvillo YY'ed. morn... « <*
Jackson Roberts Thursday “ 10.
F. R. . tripling Friday...... „ . , “ 11.
Iu Clinton every Saturday,
Receiver of Tax returns of Jones co.,
Jones County Sheriffs Sale.
JVILL be sold before the Court
bouse door in Clinton. Jones
county Ga., on the first Tuesday
in J une next between the legal
hours of sale forty seven (47) acres
of land more or less situated upon
the Ocmulgee River near Dames
Kerry adjoining lands of Rosey
Green, Thomas Adams, and 31: ry
D. me and known as the late John
Bird place Levied ou and will
be sold to satisfy a ti lu Iron • Jones
Superior Court in favor of N. S.
Glover vs John C. Bird.
April 23rd 1888. Sheriff.
To All Whom It May Concern.
GEOKGlA I All persoi t mter
) ested are hereby
Jones County. notified that if no
g (,0( i cause be shown to the eon
trarv an order will he granted by
the undersigned on the 5 th day of
may 1888 establishing a new road,
as marked out by the Road Com
missioners appointed for that pur
pose, commencing near Round Oak
in said County and running in an
easterly direction through the lands
R- J. Smith, Mrs. Sullie Smith,
Alfred Glawsun, J. S. Stewart and
Mrs. Sallie Eungerford into the pub
lie road leading from Clinton to
Standfordville near tho residence ou
the Ilungerford place,
YVitness my hand officially this
2d April 18"i\
County Judge.
Notice Leave to Sell Land.
GEORGIA,— Jones County.
Four weeks after date I will ap
ply to the Ordinary of Jones coun
ty for leave to soil all tho lands be
longing to Estate of YVyatt Patter
son deceased of said county.
March 24th 18S8. Ad m’r.
Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga,
March 24th 1888.
YVhemrs, C. B. Drew Adnr’r of
lsham Ethridge dee’d applies to me
^ or Dismission. TTieseare therefore
,0 c ' te a ‘* 'persons concerned to
cause at this office on or by
'^ !e “st Monday in July next it
any they have why Dismission shall
uot he granted said Adm’r.
YVitness my hand offici illy.
K. T. BOSS, Ordinary.
Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga.
March 24th 1888.
Whereas, 0. G. Gibson adm’r of
Estate Jackson YVood (c) dec'd,
applies to me for Dismission.
These arc to cite all persons con
corned to slmw cause at this office
on or by the first Monday in July
next if any they have, why Dismis
sion shall not be granted said Ad
YVitne.88 my ha'wl officially.
R.T. ROSS. Ordinary.
Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga.
March 24th 1888.
Whereas, Mary E. Dame, Adm’x,
with will annexed of Estate Henry
G. Dame Dee’d. applies to mo for
Dismission. Theso are therefore to
cite all persons concerned to show
cause at this office on or by the
first Monday in July next if any
they have why Dismission shall not
be granted said AdinY’x.
YVitness my hand officially,
R. T.
Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga.
March 24th 1888.
It appears to the Court of Ordi
nary that the Estate of Martin R.
Mah no deceased, of Jones county
is now unrepresented. These are
therefore toeite all persons concern
od to show cause if any they have,
at this office by the first Monday
in may next why administration on
said Estate shall not bo vested in
the Sheriff or some other compe
tent person of said county.
YVitness my lmnd officially,
K. T. ROSS, Ordinary.
All parties indebted to this of
fie ® tbeir «obt>eriptioH are ex
peeled to pay us between now and
the middle of May. We shall
vise our books then and if you have
not paid up don’t blame us if you
fail to get the paper after that date.
YVe must have the tuouey.
/ns / <& M. R.
You will find rne at the place formerly occupied by
And find it
Headquarters for Low Prices a id Fair
And will save you as much as any other house at Grays, on all |>ur
chases for cash and on time with approved security.
:o. ID. Holsenbeck,
Gray’s Ga. ni81 tf.
Planters Read
YVc have this day contracted with Messrs. JOHN MERRY.YIAN & Co
to sell, at all stations on the C. & M. Railroad, their
Merryman’s A, D. Bones,
Merryman’s GEORGIA TEST,
We can say without any' fear of contradiction that Merryman’s Fer
tiliziva are to-day, as they have been for 30 years, at the very top ia
excellence, and the perfeet satisfaction they give to planters.
While most of the popular brands on the market in past years have
changed the grade of their goods by lowering their grade, Merry man
has continually improved. YVe do not make these statements at random.
YY’e refer to any plainer in Jones and Jasper counti33 who have used
-■ erryman's Guano, and will stake our reputation on the result.
— WE AI.SO HANDLE — dust
for composting, which is the highest grade acid on the market. YVe sell
eh.’aper acid phosphates; also Kain t, and are agents for the Macon Oil
& Fertilizer Company for the sale of their Cotton Seed xYIcal.
YVe can give low prices on these goods, and are ready to deliver now.
Our Agents will call oil the good people of Jones aud Jasper couu
ties, and \vc trust will receive their orders.
420 and 422 THIRD STREET,
“NOYEM UER 16th. 1887. [Hi] MACGi^f GA
avis <& Balkcom.
Cotton Factors and General Grocers.
All Planters supplies at lowest prices for cash, or ou time with ap
pr ved paper. Agents for
A full lot w ell broke mules always on hand. Rust proof Oats a specially
Jan. 21st 1888 3m. MACON GA.
&BO; T. 9
Plflilll w •Sjirrfartir ifiolB
i ifllisi ■ Novelties BORDERS BY in 3IAIL Holiday WILL RECEIVE Goods
Buggies and Wagons,
468 and 470 SECOND STREET
Macon, Georgia.
Feb. 2-3rd ls88