Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, April 28, 1888, Image 3

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mht t £«**»$»* I-UBLISHBD EVERY SATURDAY MORNING AT OKAY, GEORGIA, —BY T. R. I’ENN.— Subscription Rales-In Advance. One Year. • $1.(KI fr.v Month*- 50 Three Month. 30 Entered at the Postofliec at Gray Ga., as seen ml class mail matter. Postojljre orders, drafts, etc., should ho made payable to T. It. 1 ’knst. ltatcs for advertising made known on Communications for individual benefit, or „f a perwmal character, charged for the same as advertisements. Marriage and obituary notices, not ex ceeding owe square, inserted without charge —over one square will be charged for same as advertisements. Correspondents alone are responsible for opinions expressed by them through these columns. town and county. yjrs. E. G. HARDEMAN, Local Editress. Cool nights. April has five Sundays. Spring chickens are scarce. Next Tuesday is wale day. Weave having some very windy weather. Ser.d in tlm news from your neighborhood. Mr. John Bradley Jr., visited rel atives at Mouticello last Saturday. Little Miss Addie Winters, of Bradleys, is attending school here. Mts. Gas Stewart and Miss Sal lie Bow an visited Haddocks Mon day. Miss Gertrude Goddard, of Pine Ifidge, spent Friday with relatives in Clinton. We regret to learn of Mr. \Y. D. Harper’s sickness. Hope he will soon recover. The sociable at Col. R. V. Harde man's Monday eve was highly en joyed hy all present. Mr. Claude Finney spent Satur day and Sunday in Clinton. Clan tie is well pleased with Round Oak. The Annual Celebration of the Jasper County Sunday School Asso ciation will he held at Mouticello next Saturday and Sunday. Wc are glad to see so many at tend Sabbath School every Sunday. Hope all around will take an inter est, and help build up a good school. NOTICE. I will be at Gray’s the second week in each month for the purpose of repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Those need ing work in that line will do well to call on me. Satisfaction guaranteed. My first visit will be the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and Iltli of May. J.C. GRANT, April 28th 1888 tf. Jeweler. ELECTION NOTICE. GEORGIA J It appearing that Ca vacancy will Jones County ) shortly occur in tho office of County’ Treasurer of said county, the present incumbent having tendered bis resignation there -to IT IS THEREFORE ORDEUED That an election to fill said office of County Treasurer bo held at the various voting precints in sai 1 conn ty on Saturday rnE 19th of May 1888. Witness my hand officially, Ibis 23rd April 1888. Richard Johnson, County Judge. While in Macon last Saturday we called in at the old reliable Empire Store and feasted our eyes on the mammoth stock of beautiful spring goods. We were surprised to find s’ieh goods as the following al the prices from annexed. Good white lawn 5 to 20c: Checked tnuslin from >85 to 15c: Indigo blue calico from 61 to 74o: Beautiful line of dress goods from 10 to 25c: Cottonades and cassimeres at almost any’ pivee. Splendid f shirts tor 50ets and 81.00. heir assortment of Parasols, Fans and Notions is complete. The taste and purse of the most fastidious and economical can be suited at fie store 1 he of Burden, Smith and Ellis, many’ clerks connected , with the establish™, nt are courteous and the ladies all know they can be waited upon, and find what they need at the Empire Store. We havo noted the above bargains, and havent space to speak of the mag uificent display of lovely silks, veh v ets, lace oversuits, ribbons, etc. 'lhese occupy no small space. CLINTON LOCALS. We are ne- ding rain budly. Corn is looking fine, cotton com b's up. Did you go down to hear die won derful Gilmore band? Capt. Robert II. Barron, wife and son spent last week in Clinton. We are enjoying delicious straw berries from our garden this week. Dr. R. B. Barron spent last week in Rome attending the Medical Convention. Town very dull, since Court ad journed. Reminds one of Gold smiths ‘•Deserted village.’’ Mrs. II S. Greaves accompanied hy Mrs. Park left to-day for a visit to Mrs. Fagan in Fort Valley. Mr. Henry Smith, of Rome is in town this week, in the interest the late Capt. B. M. Hood, the fa ther-in-lttw of Mr. Smith. Capt. John W. Bradley Sr., and Mrs. Meteor wore married Tuesday last. The Headlight tenders its best wishes to the happy pair. Miss Ada L. Griswold has t ecu visiting Clinton the past week. She returns to Macon Tuesday accom panied hy her hostess, Miss Lois Johnson. Jimmie Morgan says Frank Stew art opened his mouth so wide laugh ing al the sociable Monday night that lie actually saw the pegs in his shoe soles! The many ftiends of Col, E C Grier will regiet to learn that he has been quite sick at his homo in Macon. We trust he will soon re cover. He is a useful man. The death of Roseoe Colliding lakes from the Republican party itb brightest star. He was a wonder fully endowed politician, a man of strong prejudices but ol massive in tellect. In the jury drawn in the case of Berry versus M and A R R. were Rodolphus, Ed, and Willie Lester, J. T. and Henry Finney. Three Lester and two Finney brothers. Rather remarkable wasn’t it? Miss Witla Glawson was married to Mr. Raleigh Bowden of Monroe county, week before last. Her fa ther Mr. S. B. Glawson objected to the marriage and it was a “Gretna Green” affair. However all parties nave become reconciled. Mrs. Thomas J. Woolfolk, of James Station spent last Friday with Mrs. Greaves. She is one of the purest specimens of “a perfect woman nobly planned’ that we ever met, and we regret that she has been quite unwell for some time. Quite an enjoyable time was spent by the young ladies and gen tlemen of Clinton <m Monday even ing at a “sociable,’' complimentary to Mist Ada Griswold at the commo dious residence of Col. Hardeman. After a pleasant time spent ju con versation and repartee, refreshments were served. Miss Ada will always find a smiling welcome from Clin ton i its. BLOUNTS! ILLE ITEMS. As I never see any’ mention ofonr litt e village in your paper probably a few little dots may not be amiss. The farmers are much behind with their work, owing to the con tinued rains of March and April, and now find themselves into the mid dle of “Gentle Spring” and cotton planting season with very little work done. Every one seems to be trying to lake advantage of tlio pretty spell we are having, and the squeak ol the cotton-planters is heard on every side. The corn crop is up beautifully, and a good acreage has been plan ted. It seems as if tho olt reitera ted admonitons of the newspaper man in regard to the raising of plen ty of “hog and hominy” is being acted on. On the 17th inst. quite a nico little eveut occured at tho residence of Mrs. J. T. Williams. The quilting ofan Album quilt, intended for a rising . . young physician ... of .. this , . place, , who nas worked himself into the good graces of all the ladies around, Quite a crowd of ladies assembled, married and unmarried, and after several hours of good work with deft fingers (and tongues) they re paired to the dining room, where an elegant table Was spread, loaded down with subs’antials,supplement ed with an abundance of cake, ice cream, etc. After dinner the quill was quickly finished and all agreed they had spent t he most pleasant day in a long while. No gentlemen were expected and our clever host finding that ho was likely to bo the only mala representative to face all the array of feminine beauty sud denly remembered having uigent business in Clinton 1 .So the ladies bad the field entirely. For fear this will land in the waste basket, l’il close immediate iy- “Kjon.” SUPERIOR COURT. The following are the cases dis posed ol: CIVII, CASES. D J Baer vs James S Gray. Ver dict for Plaintiff. W B Sparks vs Dave Jackson and Mrs. S J White claimant. Levy Dismissed. H P Powell, Transferee, vs R A Gordon and John Gordon. Levy Dismissed. R J Turner vs Fly r Seabrooks. Verdict for Plaintiff C II Miller vs W A Miller, DeUt., V B Clark J. P. Certiorari suslain ed. R II Bonner, Guard, vsGa., R. R. Deci ee by consent. W II Jones vs T J Woolfolk and John Hardeman Trustee. Bill in Eqity. Petition to sed homestead property, J 11 Woolfolk vs Ga., R R. Ver dict for Plaintiff. E P Berry vs Ga., R R. Two cases. Judgement for Plaintiff. S B Glawson vs S L Chiles and LI S Greaves. Verdict for Pl’ff. J S Stewart k Son., vs Hutching & Marshall. Verdict for Plaintiff Stewart & Son., vs Kilpatrick, Humphries & Broach. Verdict for Defendant. B F Bonner vs Sallio Bonner. Di vorce. Second verdict granting a total divorce to both parties. L W Hammond vs Lucy Ham mond. Verdict refusing divorce. B F Woodall vs C & SI R R. Set tlement between the parties. T J Woolfolk vs Ga R R. Ver dict, taken upon settlement of case. Mrs. Mattie M Williams vs Estate of John F Williams. Dower. Re turn of Commissioners made Judge ment of court. Mrs. Annie G Middle-brooks vs WAV Barron Adm’r. Dower Return of Commissioners made Judgement of court. W A Miller vs Ephrirm Rivers and John Roberts contesting credi tor. Rule to distribute money. .Judgement on the Rule and funds distributed equally’. CRIMINAL CASES. The State vs S B Glawson Jr. Plea of shooting at another unlaw fully’. Fine $250,00. The State vs John Ititchey. As sault with intent to murder. Ver dict guilty of assault. Fine $25,00 and cost. The State vs King Lewis and Felix Lester, Assault with intent to murder. Verdict not guilty as to King Lewis, Nol Press as to Felix Lester. The State vs Mose Blount Jr. As sault with intent to murder. Ver dict not guilty. 'The State vs Madison Blount. As sault with intent to murder. Ver dict not guilty. EOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The firm of Herring A Julian is this day desolvod by mutual consent Mr. C. D. Herring retiring. Mr. W. J. Julian will continue business at the old stand, assuming all liabil ities. C. D. HERRING. April 14, 1888. W. J. JUIIAN. 6 . W. EtMp & Co -i ■- 1 ). — (Successors to Henry J Ranh and W. J. Brake.) WHC XtES SI /\ X.Tn A3STD L I Q * U O R D V E n A A I. F. rj U H a. R 416 POI* LA It STREET, MACON, GA., 4 21 if. KOWOBI. The copartnership existing styled ROLSENBECK BROTHERS, having expired by limitation, and written agreement dated January 5th 18S'-* is now styled H. D. ROLSENBECK. This March 21 th 1888. W. II. ROLSENBECK, D. D. ROLSENBECK. Loans Negotiated On Farms & Town Property i IN BUIIl AN 1 ) ADJOINING COUNTIES. ELLIOTT ESTcS, 563 Cherry St. Macon Ga. )oj. 1. Illen?, Jy, ■o DfAfSOl'loS, Jewelry? su.V'ef^wa^e, SfECJACLES AfJD EyE QIASSES. Watch Repairing a Specialty. 3d8 SECOND STREET. MACON, GA. 4 21 3m. 0 . tiut. GUNSMITH AND DEALER IN Sporting Goods Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, FISHING TACKLE, ETC., BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES, 516 MULBERRY ST., MACON GEORGIA P v \lL^O\D TlfftE T\BUE. COVINGTON & MACON R. R. SCHEDULE NO. 12. Jan. 10th 1888. GOING NORTH— MAIL TRAIN. Lv Macon........ ........... 4 00 p m Massey's Roberts.......... Mill... ......... 4 14 p in .......... 4 35 p m Morton........... ......... 4 58 p m Grays............ .......... 5 08 p m Bradley ..... .......... 5 20 p in Wayside......... Round ...... .. 5 83 p m Oak....... .......... 5 54 p in Hillsboro ........ .......... 0 Up in Ad gate........... .......... 0 26 p in Miiinetn........... ...... 6 46 p in Ar Mouticello....... ....... 7 00 j) m GOING SOUTH—MAIL TRAIN. Lv Mouticello... ......... 7 00 a m Minneta........... ......... 7 15 a m Ad gale........... ......... 7 36 a m Hillsboro......... 7 51 a in Round Oak....... : 8 12 a m Wayside........ Bradley.......... ...... : 8 8 29 a m ........ 42 a m Grays............ ........ 8 54 a in M< rt on .......... ....... 9 08 a m Roberts....... ... ...... 9 25 a m Massey’s Mill.... ...... 9 41 a in Ai Macon......... ....... 10 00 am GOING NORTH—FREIGHT TRAIN. Lv. Macon...... ... 7 30 a m Lv. Grays...... ... 9 25 a m Ar. Mouticello ... 12 13 p in GOING SOUTH—FREIGHT TRAIN. Lv. Mouticello... . 1 50 p m Lv. Grays......... . 4 30 p m Ar. Macon..... . 6 00 p m B. W. FROBKL. Gen. Mgr. A J McKvoy, JA Cn.uo Palmer, Snp’t. I Oen’l. Pass. Agent. Central Railroad. Savannah, Ga., March 22, isss. On and after this date passenger (rains will run as daily Sunday. unless marked ; which arc daily The except standard time which these trains minutes slower hy Savannah run is :«i than city Lv’ time. Ar Milieu 9.40am am 11.03 K.20pm 5.15 pm 5.10pm Ar Augusta 1.4.1 pin 7.15 7.30|>m N.45 pm ; p in am 0.35 p in Ar Tennillc........11.35pm Macon........ 1,17am Ar 1.30pm 7.30am Ar Atlanta......... 5.30 pm 7.30am Ar Columbus......fl.So I m Ar Ar Montgomery. Kufaula...... 7.09 3.50 Ar Passengers Albany....... for Sylvaniu, 2.17 Hmidersville, should Wrightsville, the Milled’geville mtraio. and I’ussengers Ku ton ton tnKG 7.00u for Tlioiuaston, Carrollton, Perry Fort Gaines Talboffon liuemt Vista lllukuly and Clayton l.v Milieu should take the s.27 p in train, 2.2.Sp m 3.10a m S.UO am 5.20 am Lv Augusta 0 00a m 10.00 pm Lv -Mainii ...... ..10.35a m 10.50 p in Ar Tennillc . 12.21 p m 12.51 a m Lv Atlanta.........0.50 a in 0:50 p in Lv Columbus. . . .0.25 p m Lv Montgomery.. 7.25 p in 7. to a in Lv Kufaula...... 10.IS p m 10.40 a m Lv Albany . 5.(15 a in ArSaivinniali5.0OpiiilU5utiiie.30am .Sleeping all niyLt 8.05am train cars on passen/jcr between Savannah and Augusta. Savannah and Macon, Savannah and Atlanta and Macon and Columbus, Train leaving »t. S.20 pro tend arriving at 5.55 _ a m will not stop to put oft'or take on passengers between Savannah and Milieu. Connections atSanannah with H. F. & \V K 5* for al) points in Florida. Tickets fora)) (loints and sleeping ‘Jo car berths on sale <;ity nee 30 office minutes No before l’mll street departure and Depht of each train. O. A. WHITEHEAD, "J. C. 8IIAW. General Passenger Agt. Ticket Agent, ri at law ^ CLINTON, GEORGIA. -- Ra.vcrrcm tx Otwijoass Circuit. Oracs in Court House. Crosketl’s IRON WORKS, ENGINES, WATER WHEELS. GRIST, SAW and CANE MILLS. KETTLES and EVAPORATORS. Cotton Presses (Hand and llorso Power.) E. 0 ROCKETT, Oil I>r 3a A JONES RESIDENT DENTIST, Having permanently located Monticello is prepared to do work at u EASON able rates. faction guaranteed. A liberal tion of the public patronage solic ited. Office up sluits over I)i. zier’s drug store. T. B. Artope, a W°rf Ef l & noo-ew O & » VI & * ■e-O 44 ?>. & m —AND DEALER IN— IMCAOOJXT Gr A. A Cold Fact. —WE HAVE NOW THE LARGEST AND MOST— furled Slack of SM0IS IN THE CITY OF MACON, $n§ all al Maf| fSoffaut jurlets Our stock is selected with great care, with a view to wearing well. We don’t keep a shoddy shoo at all, but Wo Ilnvo GOOD SOLID SHOES at prices you ordinarily pay for worthless shoddy shoes.. Give us a trial and be convinced. I ££«*({«*»> |giae £§*««« are made by the leading manufacturers of Philadelphia and Boston, and it* ^is department you will find nothing Imt the latest fashions and of the best quality. A largo stock of CHILDREN’S SHOES. mXX «Sr EVERETT 107 (Old No. 3 ,) Cotton Avenue, JUT AG ON GA (Successors to Mix & Kirkland, eotaliliHlied 1840.) ltt J 3 & 2 sfeBam m lb_« t®. The largest stock in the city. We have any article that can be called for, and guarantee everything to be of the beat quality and at the LOW EST PRICES. Fine Jewelry, Bronze Art Goods, etc. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS FROM M0NT1CELL0 AND JASPER COUNTY Watchesand Jewelrv Repaired BY SKILLED WORKMEN. (©.REMEMBER THIS PLACE 314 SECOND STREET MACON GEORGIA. J* H. <fcW. W. Williams, Till! BR!LLIA\T. Biscuit Smith is now the presi 1 ing genius of THE BRILLIANT SALOON, the finest in Macon. lie gives his customers the best to oat, best to drink, and furnishes --FREE BEDS doing more for his patrons than any man in Macon. Golden Days. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. This admirable weekly tor the youth of this great land is now well established, and has an increasingly large and well-deserved patronage. It is well worthy the examination l ,arent;s who v ' s * 1 to provide their children with a large amount of care fully-prepared miscellany, at once entertaining, instructive and clean. It is edited with ability, and shows a quick sympathy with the pleasures ot the young people, and a clear out look fori heir welfare, Address JAMES EL VERSON, Jan 19 th 1888. Philadelphia, Pa