Newspaper Page Text
Street ears liehteel and run by elec
tricity -the Jolici,.Brush motor,, are in
successful operation in 8t. I-Ouis.
The Mediml ICecord says that expired
air is optically 1 pure and contains no
microbes. . • . TJ Respiration, *.. therefore, pur
ties air as lar as microbes are concerned.
Seven varieties of fishes examined hy
naturalists of the (hailengm- expedition
are found totally blind in the deep sea,
hut have eyes when inhabiting shallow
A . chair which maybe , eon-eniently . ..
moved from place to place, and wherein
the occupant wind, mav be throw protected the chair from sun
and or may open
at top and sides at, will, has been pat
According to Munhull’s dictionary of
statistics the average age of all the peo
pic living in France is 32 years months
and 12 days. In the United States the
average is only J 21 years 10 months and
rl-iv -I"- •
Asbes front the volcano of Cotopaxi,
which fell at a distance of 120 miles from
«- -r-f.....• rr w by
< onflist of (juartz, fclusj «ir, iritKjUi till,
and specular iron ore. Silver was pres
ent at the rate of -J00 grains per ton.
bir Douglas . Dalton, .. . ma recent 114 lecture .,
in London, discussed the troub e ome
fo^fsof that foggy by'distributing city, mid suggested
that probably the elec
trieal condition of .be air by kites or
balloons, rain my dispersed, he earned, and the fog
hy this means
Sometimes the pressure of an artesian
flow of water results from a gas pressure
instead of from a higli head ot water.
Dakota, for instance, lias several artesian
wells 1,000 feet deep, • with 210 to 2*0
pounds pressure, , hut tlieie , arc no high i i
places near hy to give this head of
In the phonograph of Mr. H. M.
Hunter the aid of electricity is secured.
Mr. Hunter takes a trace on a sheet of
specially prepared carbon paper, throngl, and the
instrument repeats '. the words a
telephone . , , receiver hy , menus which . . i will . i«
readily suggest themselves to the elec
The gun that was east, at Pittsburg a
few weeks ago has been hollowed out,
and the indications are that the of casting which
has been a success. The steel
tlie gun is made is without a flaw. The
outside of the gun is to be “turned off,”
and 1hen it will be annealed. After
ward it will be taken to Washington for
rifling and testing.
It Has been observed that snow is de
structive of marble statuary; and ibis
may bn due, in part ut least, to the re
cently discovered fact that snow absorbs
‘ " acid from the atmosphere.
s jus
This Bcndtner, sulphurous acid, ozonized according to Herr
becomes inlo sul
phuric acid. In the neighborhood of
gas works the results are likely to he
more markdd.
Professor Vaughn reports to tho
Michigan Stale Hoard of Health that, lie
gave typhoid fever to obtained a cat by inoculat
ing her with germs from the
water used by 300 victims of the scourge
at Iron Mountain, Mich. Outside of its
novelty, th ■ experiment is of little
benefit to medical science, unless it lie
further demonstrated that a scratch by
this cat will inoculate a human being
against the disease.
W. J. lloalo and C. E. St. John pre
sented, in the American Association, a
study and of the Dcpsoous hairs in Silphium por/olia
tum lncinottts in relation
to insects. The upper surface of the
leaf in these plants, near the apex, is
thickly set with small hairs, all of which
point toward the tip. Similar hairs were
found all along the mid veins, side veins,
and veinlets of the upper surfaces of the
leaf. The cavities formed by the perfo
liate leaves are very small and hold but
little water. They are very full after
any rain or heavy dew. These cups do
not seem to serve any purpose as insect
catchers, as only a few insects were
caught, during two weeks in which the
plants were watched, and they could
afford but little nutrition. It seems more
probable to the authors that t he object of
the cups with their water is to protect
the plants from crawling insects, and
this is done most effectually.
,,, t Images in « „ aslmigton. , ,
Washington, says a New \ ork I I'm A,
correspondent, is rapidly changing from
a country town to a city, and within the
past five years the business aspects of the
town have advanced more than maii'y the prices
of its real estate. 1, has now fine
four umt five story butlumgs, and the
Baltimore Nt, bidding of white marble
)ft eight Stone* in height and is a Stnic
lure that would honor New York. The
stores have ,-hanged and the ......pi- no
longer go to Baltimore or New \ ork to
shorn Five years ago all the measuring
in the dry goods store* was done with
yimbtieks and .lie latest styles of goods
worn not to be sot-u on the counters. < lire
of the price marks was the “lev v,” which
is s term sometimes used here for shilling.
Silks were so many ’fievie ” a yard ami
eggs might bo a “lew” a dozen. The
furniture stores were mu 1, u ,,f ol tin the sanu
character, and n anything really tine
was wanted the customer had to go to
the find larger good cities dry for it. Now you will
as goods stores here as
there are in the country and wo have a
number of art furniture stores which
keep hand-made furniture. The Japanese
store and the Turkish vender of rugs
and attar of roses is now doing business
in Washiuglou iu the winter as he does
at Saratoga iu the summer, aim the jew
elry stores sport many tine diamonds,
The fashionable population which is
rapidly crowds settling at Washington and
which come here now to spend
the Winter for the sake of the society
Arc lavish buyers and they pay good
prices, has as and good as for markets, will find Washington in the
as you
United States.
The Ragpickers of Paris.
From recent statistics it appears that
the Parisians throw away annually ifloro
than !ilH),t)(>i) tons of material which is
picked up by the chiffoniers and sold by
them for upwards of 25,000,000 francs
per annum. The daily eomnt reoof the
chiffoniers amounts to more than TO,tiff)
francs, which is shared by 40,0,10 men,
whose occupation consists in wandering
about the streets at night with a lantern
in hand and a hod on their backs, and
picking all kinds of scraps out of the
dust-bin and the gutters .—-Public Om.
ion. *
Tiio Lessons of “L'nscr I rilz” Case
The greatest doctors in Europe don*t seem
to known what ails “l oser Fritz.”
medical knowledge is atain shaken.
The effect is a revulsion, the
Since the fatal davs ot 1883 many Of
doctrines of the schoolmen concerning j ex
tensive mr; ,potion have been abandoned,
and all schools of practieeare more and more
relying upon old-fashioned simple root and
These methods and reliances are illustrated and
to-day in a series of old-fashioned roots
herbs preparations recently given to the
world by the well-known proprietors of
Warner's safe cur,—preparations made from
formula; possessed bv many of our oldest
families, and rescued for popular use, and isl
sued under the happy designation of ttar
“My son,” exclaimed a venerable woman to
the writer when he was a boy, “my lookin’,’re you’re
yeller and pale and weak like
sM’iKudiA S1 ‘ ,u "" "i 1 Wi somo
"a* _
jug of spring sarsaparilla supplies” was of just fifty as
necessary lathe “winter
years ago as was a barrel of pork, and a
famous medical authority says that tlie very
general prevalence of tbe use of such a prep
urntion as health X/>g Cabin Sarsaparilla explains
the rugged of our ancestors.
ssarsw tlwspring,
y^ar, it is particularly valuable in
when the system is full of sluggish blood and
requires a natural constitutional tonic and
invlgorator to resist colds and pneumonia,
ail ri tho oir.cts of a long winter. Philo M.
Parsons, clerk of the City Hotel of Hartford,
(Jon:i. r was prostrated with a cold which, ho I
said, “seemed to settle through my body.
by S1^-£^3iSl inflamed 1 treated, but
eyes. was my
eves grew worse. I was obliged to wear l>< a
ecTto worif 1 wou1 ' 1 ’
° ’“Under the” dveu opera°tion >
of Warner’s Log
Cabin Sarsaparilla and Liver Pills,” lie says,
“the sore ami Inflamed eyes disappeared, condition
My blood, I know, lain a healthier
than it lias been for years. I have a much
better appetite. I shall take several more
bottles for safety’s sake. Warner’s and Log I
Cabin Sarsaparilla is a great purifier
Cabin Sar
saparilla used in the family now will save
many a wo dt of sickness and many a dollar
of bills. Use no other. This is the oldest,
“«* thoroughly tested, and the best, is put
winn tho largest, sarsaparilla bottle on tne
market, containing 120 doses. There is no
other preparation id' similar name that can
equal it. The name of its manufacturers is a
K 'u ! 'hiU the gmcatlioctm’s'wmnglo over the
technicalities of an advanced medical science
that cannot cure disease, such simple prepa
rations yearly snatch millions from untime
ly graves,
A Chinese Trick.
To dwarf trees, the Chinese first make
an incision in an orange, about flic size
of a half dollar, by which all the obtained pulp is
extracted. The cavity thus is
filled with a mixture of cocoa nut fiber,
waste wool and charcoal dust.; the seed
of the tree desired is then sown exactly
in the center of the cavity with this sin
gular mixture. The orange, thus pre
pared is placed in a glass, or any other
recipient, poured ami from time to and time water is
through the orifice, then cov
ered lightly with wood ashes. The seed
germinates, and the roots shoot through
the, peel of the orange, the stem coming
up through the incision. These rootsare
cut close to the surface of the orange dur
ing t heir growth. When the tree is three
years old it can no longer grow, and is
about ten or twelve inches high, rarely
ertheless, exceeding these proportions; it has, nev- old
all the appearance of an
tree. Even the roots have ceased to grow.
The orange is then colored and varnished,
and a dwarf tree produced with tlie
special recipient in which it has taken
root. The Chinese produce in this man
ner oak, nut, date and orange dwarf
A fneumatic tube company that pro
poses to blow passengers under the ocean
to Europe in eight hours has been incor
porated in New York. The
cars will travel like a cannon ball, and
will be quite safe and comfortable.
The Prince of Wales has been named
honorary colonel of the twelfth regiment
of hussars by the Emperor Francis Jos
eph. Since the death of Wellington, no
Austrian regiment has lmd an English
man for honorary colonel.
In Breslau, a chimney 54 feet in height
has been constructed entirely of blocks of
paper, rhV chimney joined with a special cement,
is now uninflammable, and,
by the nature of the material, quite se
cure from lightuin".
__________ _
.......... .... wi u S rm, r These English
.... iirnrct"
, ,,
Thou«.Rii<l8of victims ot disease are dailv usk
UoUlon Mtulit al Discovery will do it. \\ imn
the imrpl© lite-tid*iss> slii^gish,causingdrowsi
lor,s-s tlie liver Into jierfeet action, drivesoui
All druggists. * *
* von thp man h « h t0
enforce his conviction,
Farnrcrsnn-t others who have a lifilo leisure
R'chmond, Va., W
whoso advertisement appears
in another column. They offer indnee
meats to persons to work for them all or part
or iholr time,
What terrible \ l^tons this little word brings
before the eyes of the nervous.
Headache, Neuralgia,
Indigestion, Sleeplessness. Nervous Prostration.
All stare them \n the f.tce. Yet all these nervous
troubles can be cured by using
^t,Paine's \elery
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged.
Also contains the liest remedies for diseased con
di lions of the Kidneys. Liver, and Blood, which
always accompany nerve troubles.
It is a Nerve Tonic, an Alterative, a laxative,
and a Diuretic. That is why it
$ 1.00 a Bottle. Send for full particulars.
WULS RICHARDSON & CO.. VT. Proprietors,
Secret of the Sphinx.
An undertaking has been begun which
ought This to yield results of special interest.
is the removal of sand from round
the sphinx. The sphinx occupies a po
sition where the encroachment of the
desert is most conspicuous. At the
animal present day nothing is to be seen of the
except its head and neck; but the
old Egyptian monuments on which it is
figured down show not only the entire body
to the paws, but also a large
square plinth beneath,covered with orna
ments. Since the time of the Greeks,
pc: haps, even since the reign of George
IV., this plinth has disappeared beneath
the sand and its very existence had been
is It hewn is generally of supposed that the sphinx
which overlooked out a large, isolated rock
the plain: but M.
Maspero’s researches suggest that it is a
work still more stupendous. He has
proved that the sphinx occupies the cen
ter of an amphitheatre, forming a kind
of rocky basin, the upper rim of which is
about on a level with the head of the ani
mal. The walls of this amphitheatre,
whenever visible, are cut by the hand of
man. It seems probable, therefore, that
in the beginning there was a uniform
surface of rock in which an artificial val
ley has been excavated, so as to leave in
the middle a block out of which the
sphinx was finally hewn. The excava
tions now being carried on will doubtless
verify the existence of the plinth shown
on the old partings, and also furnish
evidence, by the ornamentation of the
plinth, of the true inclined age of the monument.
M. Maspcro is to assign it to a
than very great early antiquity—possibly dynasties—that higher
the is, than
the first period of Egyptian history. As
the result of last winter's work, the sand
round the sphinx has already been
lowered by about thirty meters .—London
A teacher in one of our grammar
schools was giving her class a lesson on
the art words of putting selected, words with into their sentences. defini
tions, were “aqueduct, a conductor,” and
“effervesce, to work.” One of the sen
tences handed in was, “My father is an
aqueduct, and has to • effervesce very
---- • -----
Consumption, Scrofula, General, Wasting Diseases or Ciiii.orf.;,
Chronic Counhs and Bronchitis, can be cured
by the use of Scott’s Emui.siox of Pure Cod
Liver Oil with Bypnjiliosphites. Prominent
physicians use it and testify to its s cat value.
Please read the follow-ins: “fused Scot: ‘s 1-hnul
sion for an obstinate Cough with Hemorrhage,
Loss of Appetite, * ™ Emaciation, '* Sleeplessn ’ ess.
A-c. All of these have now left, and i believe beli
yonr Emulsion has saved a case of well devel
oped Star, Consumption.”—T. J. Findley, M.D.,
Lone Texas
IllfHN ito I .mil
Is what the grateful heart of old Cynthia Ram
sey, of Newman, Ga„ spoke had when relieved after hy a
severe attack of asthma been
one don© of Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of
Sweet Hum and Mullein, the great medicine
for coughs, colds and consumption.
Think as you please about the tariff, but
plant for revenue only.
When everything else fails, Dr. Sage's Ca
tarrh Remedy cures.
A chair holding a bent, pin is the most in
fn llible sign of an early spring.
At no thor season does I he human system so much
need the aid of a reliable medicine like Hood’s Sar
sapariil» as now. The impoverished condition of
the blood the weakening effects of the long, cold
winter, the lost appetite, and that tired feeling, all
make a good spring medicine absolutely necessary.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is peculiarly adapted for this
purpose and Increases In popularity every year.
Is carvfully prepared from Sarsaparilla Dandelion,
Mandrake, Dock, Pipstssewn, Juniper Berries, and
other well known vegetable remedies. In such a
po ullar manner as to derive the full medicinal
value of each. It will cure, when in th© power of
medicine, scrofula, salt rheum, sores, boils, pimples,
all humors, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick headache,
indigestion, general debility, catarrh, rheumatism
kidney and liver complaints.
the Blood
“We all like Hood’s Sarsaparilla, it Is so strength
enlng.”—L izzie Balfour, Auburn, R. I.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $ 5 . Prepared onl|
Ly C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
.!%s P^jytHOUSANaS *ny tlint
jAYfEYEfiJ^ ^ Ely’s Cream Balm
* ?S cured them of
C atarrh.
Da Im inlo each nostril.
>w^v**—M ^Jiv y Bro s..r»’enwicl 1 St.,N.Y.
Do you want "K?iES!^ ,e Inspirator?
I! c
n« V
a toesiua
fe ri
$50 Cold Watch Given
sou mud send *»c. < silver or
\ fejfeSry' stamps), rolled-gold for choicw wedding, of one
heavy, »nd illustrated
or two heart ring*. postage on Atlanta, catalogue.
11.4KT JKWFLItY t il., Georgia.
til Ilf \NTK1> V MAN! Can Earn n We Salary
Ww from St OO to 8200 is n Month! siraid of want a
lire, energetic man. who not work, in
every county in the Southern States. Such a man can
make the shore amount, handling round. our II. goods. No capital
required. Work the year f. IllBUlNS
A- t O.. rwbliehetH, ATLANTA. «A.
SENT FREE! In Ge*>rgi4
1 mg States,
I * samples of
WALL and ana
BUILDING PAPER, with prices, an d book on hoar
to apply it. M. .11, MAl’CK, At! antn, fla
Q|.!J. Blair $ DHI« r 1113. Great Rheumatic English R.m* Gout an 4
4 y.
UvalBfX,3«i reen., 14 fill*.
It 50. wnm BROWN J: [KING
Manufacturers lmd Dealers in
Collon. \Vnnlrn and Hen—
crnl [INN Humrlh-u.
Wrosmm. mud Iron l'lre Fluingu
Brum- hunln.
M 5.81:0“) Sn. ATLANTA. GA.
The Fires We Hare to Fight.
"Do you know how half the most
dangerous fires start?” asked an old
fireman. A woman had just gone
into the basement with a wooden box
filled with hot ashes. “Well, that wo
man illustrates it to perfection. barrel They and
will put ashes in a box or
then take them down to the cellar. The
first tiling you know a live coal in the
ashes sets fire to the barrel, and then
you have an awful lot of smoke that
maybe suffocates somebody. fire bad for
‘‘Then again, it makes a
the fireman to fight, for they cannot lo
cate it. It is down a cellar, and the cel
lar is filled with smoke. I tell you
the firemen use plenty of ‘cuss’ words
when they are called to a fire like that.
Always put ashes in a tin vessel,” and a
passing car carried the speaker away
toward the quarters of liis engine coni'
pany.— -N. 7 Telegram.
A Pleasure Shared by Womi»n Only.
Malherbe, the* Kitted French author, de
clared that, alone of take all tilings pleasure that being man possessed. possesses,
women in
This seems generally true of the sweeter sex.
Like toe ivy plant, she longs for an object to
ding to and love—to look to for protection.
This being her prerogative, ought she not to
he told that Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription
banishes is the physical salvation of her sex? It;
those distressing maladies that make
her life a burden, curing all painful irregular
ities, uterine disorders, inflammation and ul
ceration, prolapsus and kindred weaknesses.
As a nervine, it cures nervous exhaustion,
prostration, and hypochondria, debility, and relieves mental refreshing anxiety
sleep. promotes
Andrew Carnegie conducts Ills steel works
in Pittsburg, Pa., on the co-operative plan.
Consumption Surely Cured.
To the Editor:—Please inform your readers
that named 1 have disease. a positive By its timely remedy for thousands the above of
Jt opel css cases lmve been permanently cured. I
shall be glad to send two readers bottles who of my remedy
fiuse to any of your have con
sumption if they will send me their Express
and P. T\ O. address. SLOCUM, Respectfully, M. (’.. LSI Pearl St., N. Y.
Corroborative and Conclusive Testimony.
Lowell, Mass., July 0,13S7.
Gentlemen:--Mr. Lewis Dennis has ju3t called
upon me. and Informs me that tho boy Orin Robin
eon, who was a poor cripple cn crutches, and wa i
cured by St. Jacoba Oil In 1381; the cure ha*
remained permanent. The young man has been
and is now at work at manual labor; the cas«
certainly proves the efficacy of Et. Jacobs Oil.
Fold hy Driigpists and Dealers Evcrj,where.
T h« diaries A. Y'»"-#*ter Co.. It:* I to.. ?i T '^
issued March and Sept.,
each year. It is an ency
clopedia of useful infor
mation for all who pur
chase tho luxuries or the
necessities of life. We
can clothe you and furnish you with
all the necessary and unnecessary
appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep,
eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church,
or stay at home, and in various sizes,
styles and quantities. Just figure out
what is required to do all these things
COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair
estimate of tho value of the BUYERS’
GUIDE, which will bo sent upon
receipt of 10 cents to pay postage,
111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
’The Only
; ■ 1
v+-y iMi fel iiii © F: bi fl mjam ’r-
1 A / ■
sssfrSM •
...................... [Col'VBlGIIT, ....... ....... 1887.) - "" —
ajosN Dr. Piorcc’s Favor
Tn I this ‘*tS r »rS5 valuable
c U wnUfc'kl *?v IJlTlCI?^ 8 great and
experience. Thousands
of testimonials, received
frora patients and from physicians who
havc tested iL in the more aggravated and
obstinate cases which had battled their skill,
prove it to be the most wonderful remedy
ever devised for the relief and cure of suf
fering women. It is not recommended as
a “cure-all,” but as a most perfect Spcciile
lor woman’s peculiar diseases.
As* a powerful, In
h Powerful whole imparts*s*“n^"Vthe system, and the
T I to
Rumu. MID appendages, uterus, or womb in particu- and irs
lar. For overworked,
“ worn out,” “ run down,” debilitated
- -
teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seam
stresses, ing mothers, “shop-girls.” and feeble housekeepers, generally, nurs
Ur. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is the
greatest appetizing earthly cordial boon, and being unequaled as
an restorative tonic.
It promotes digestion and assimilation of
food, cures nausea, weakness of stomach,
indigestion, bloating and eructations of gas.
disorder. patient gets The no physician, better, but ignorant probably ot worse the cause by reason of suffering, of the encourages delay, wrong his treatment practice until and largemlsare made ^he suffering
medicine, like Du. Pierce s Favorite Prercriptios. directed to the. cause .Twould have entirely consequent complications mse^ A proner dis
pelling all those distressing symptoms, and instituting comfort instead of prolonged misery i removed the thweby 1
3 Phvsisi&ns
to health any one had writing been restored, for and them, offering and enclmnna to send tbe rtamoeS-rnreUme full bartieTd^re
me a
for rr pi a. I have received over four hundred letters aTi'd hnv?$Zl In rente
I have described ray case and the treatment usial haTo
Rest received yadrisod them to-do likewise.’ From a tW many t
second letters of thanks, stating that had S'sn mm
menced the use of ‘Favorite Prescription • had sent the
required for the ‘ Medical Adviser,' and had applied the local
t^tter'a?readv'" Uy plaia!y lail1 down ‘herein, and were much
Doctors Failed.—Mrs. F. CORwre, of Post Creek If r
writes: “I doctored with three or four of the best doctwy jn
these parts, and I grew worse until I wrote to vou and betrrn
and using two your ‘Favorite Prose* notion.’ T used three bottles of it
of the ‘Golden Medical Pisooverv.’ also one and a half
ootTlesof the * Purgative Pellets.’ I can do my work and sew and
walk all I cane to, and am in better health than T ever expected to
oe m this world again. I owe it all to your wonderful medicines.”
Silk I,AJ)IESi,T3MSISPOKYOlJ, and Satin Ribbons F8EE B * S
A wre frtft for the ladles. Saw)
iii xmicb money and secure
the best! Every lady
knows and appreciates of hav
tbo privilege of
ing a few remnants
ribbon, handy for tho
thous and and onf
tasty; and ngefo'
parposes for whtf
1 ■ sachgooda they, tised, and the Indie* whi<^ a .
useio siunaavan.
tage. To i*wanted puri’lutBfc
whit at
the usual prices
a.aBi such goods would ftro
sold for, bill
’ ere ate a Jar ge
of of expense, and
fhereloie debars z a
great many from
m vYa&v tastes indulging in their this
i i wLdHRJV ‘-T'bSeIm direction, ing tl>at llei there ." i. -
were thousands
upon thousands of
remnants of rib
bons among tbo
large of importing
ft laouses Ament Mill a
frsetion^ot^heinmst, which thej iey wo
be willing to dispose of In bulk, for a small
reftiliitic C ;» V.'lr rihLiiniiig tho entire eevernlof stock of the »ilk. largest end of
ftniiit ICiliimn Ki'mnullt* of
these houses, who imported tho finest goods, lliesc goods may
be depended upon ns superior to anything to ho found, except
in the very best stores of America. Vet they are given away
free; nothing like it ever known. A grand benefit for all the
ladies; beautiful.elegant, choice goods absolutely direction,anil free. ** 0
have expended thousands of dollars lu this can
ofji ran immensely, varied, and moat complete assortment ofnb
bonn, in ovary concelvablo t>lmdc and width, and all of excellent
cinnlit v. adapted for neck-wear, bonnet strings,hat trimmings, etc. Soin#
Lows,’scarfs, dress trimmings, silk quilt work, etc.,
of these remnants ran go three yards and upwards in length. and
Though remnants,all Hie patterns nrenewand late styles,
mav bo depended on as beautiful, refined, fashionable andele
gant. ISowtogetn box conluiliinea Complcto Free.
AssoHi'.iciit of the*.- elegant ribbon*
Tho Fraetieal tlUuisekeeper and Ladies
Fireside t’oinpanson, published monthly byus, isac
km-w lodged, by those competent to judge, to be the best peri
odical of I he kind in the world. Very large and handsomely il
lustrated; regular price 75 cts. peryear; scud cents ami wo
will send it to vou tor a trial year, and will also send free a
box of the ribbons: 3 subscriptions and 2 boxes, €»o» cts.;4:
subscriptions and 4 boxes, I. *ine-cent postage thereby stamps may
be sent for less than $1. CvtS* fri-nds to join you get
ting 4 subscriptions ami 4 boxes for only fl: can do it who in a read few
minutes. The above offer is based on this fact:—those
*i.» periodical referred to, for one year, want it thereafter, and
par us the full price for it: it is in after years, and not notv,
that we make money. Wo make thin great offer in order to
at once secure 250,0!H) new* subscribers, who, not now, but next
year, and ir. years thereafter, shall reward us with a profit,be
cause the majority of them will wish to renew their subscrip
tions, and will do so. Tho money required i* but* small fraction
of the price vou would have to pay at any store lor a much
smaller assortment of far inferior ribbons. Best bargain ever
known: you will not fully appreciate it until after you see ait.
Bate lectiv delivery guaranteed.’ cut Money thisnut, refunded send to at any once,lor one not prob- per
satisfied. Better or
able it won t appearagsin. Address,
T. ^
3 C t the new
m Improve
m ca 11 ments.
Save the
tUPSend for Catal or/ue.
47 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga.
WlS’lil! aaBBXffl fur H aiimi Scales, can save
f *aS,S p! e ?eJ^SS„ the business.
horses and live their whole time to
Spare moments may > e profitably emnloyed also.
A few vacancies In towns and cities. B. i. JOHN
SON & CO.. 1013 Main St., Rlchnund, Va.
rftgs to Ss a day. ^Samples worth $1.50, FREE
Brewster Safety Rein Holder Co., Holly, Mich.
COLS Live at home and make more money working for m» (haa
I nt anyihiar else in the world Dither sex Costly* outfit
rut-*. Torn.* Hint. Ad<lres*, Till K & Co.. Augusta/M am a.
improvement. IIEKIHIANO CO.. F remont,
(Pbwb O SooTnil mmbmmm i A a a sootliing
g 1 t*I NERViSlt H Prescription cjualed ” is une
IL—________1. and is invaluable
8 in in# allaying and subdu
irritability, . nervous cxcitabil
JOf* hysteria, exhaustion, prostration,
spasms and other distressing,
n(!rv °us functional symptoms commonly attendant
u P° n and organic disease of
womb. It induces refreshing sleep
an<1 relieves mental anxiety and do
Dr. Pierced Favorite Prescrip
tion is a legitimate medicine,
and carefully skillful compounded physician, by and an experienced
woman’s delicate organization. adapted to
purely vegetable in It is
perfectly its composition and
condition harmless in its effects in any
of the system.
’ In pregnancy,“Fa
k Mother’s J vorite Prescription ” is
a *’ mother's cordial,”
Cordial relieving nausea, weak
ness of stomach and
other distressing eymp
•■—••••••• toms common to that
condition, if its use is kept up in the
latter months of gestation, it so prepares
troubles seem to be I leaving feel me under than the benign influence Mj et
y C’ ,r medicine, and now smarter for years before.
P h ,V3icians told me that I could not be cured, and thereiere you
?»« please accept my everlasting thanks for what you have done
for me. and may God bless you m your good works.” I
Later, she w-ntes: “If is now four years since I took your a
vonte Prescription, and I have had no return of the female
* r °uMo I had then.”
Falls. Well T Vis., as writes: I Fvor “I Was.-Mrs. wish to inform Jons Stewart, that I am of os wo.i as i J
ProerripUem is Sold tej DruemUt* the World
°** r! Barge Bottles $1.00 , Six for gB.OO.
Send ten contain stamps for Dr. Pierce’e large, illustrate j
Treatise HSO pages, paper covers) on Diseases of Women.
Address, World’s Dispensary Medical Association*
No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo. N. T.
V m
■i >
|u. 4 :; ji mm
i Ip
■ .•
i- }
The only fine calf $3 Seaintes* She© { n the w'-id,
made* without tacks or nails. A< stylksh :,>«i
durable ai those costing $5 or S‘>, and having
tacks or nails to wear the stocking or h u t ti-ereet
makes hand sewed them shoe. as comfortable Buy the best. and None well fitting as i
less njx*d bottom “\V. L. Douglas genuiuea* $3
stai on Shoe,
W. Ti. DOUC3J.ASS1 SHOE.theoriginalar.fl which
only hau l sewed welt $4 shoe, equals custom
made shoes costing from $ii to $0.
W. Ii. DOUGLAS S3.50 SHOE is unex
celled for heavy wear.
W. Ii. DOIJGIi AS SHOE is worn by all
Boy*, and is the best school shoe iu the won ’.
All the above goods are mad© in Oong'*cs3, Butbvi
wl LTi'oTijf.Af. MtM x " rti
srccassons T0
White Lead, Red Lead, Litharge, Orange W.
Mineral, Painters’ Colors and Linseed
C»ltltKSI»aX»KXt!K *01.11 ITKI).
iSfe; Sent U. S. on Outdiri trial. Freight
m !Hy paid. TON Fully Warranted. $35.
paid Other illustrated size., proportion- Catalogue
#te j y ] ow . Agents well .
CU RE P theDEA^'
-- pkck’s ivmnt iMPnovxp Ulhiosto
jTrp M d*umb ,whether Perfectly the deai!‘' Restore :ss h C3U tne i fld
H ©a ri n 2 the nstunl
»-v colds, fevers or iujuries comfortable, to alwsy,
jM- drums. Invisible,
(pfe A MONTH. AoentsWanted. SO IxstMlI
G O Is i) is worth $">00 per lb. Pettit’s Eye deal 3a!re w
worth $ 1 . <M0. but i s gold _afc «3c. (U>jx by ers
A. N. U...... .....Fifteen, *88.
the lessen, system and for times delivery as to entirely greatly do
many almost
ordeal. away with the sufferings ol that trying
w Favorite Pre
O script ion ” 5s a
positive cure for
Worst Cases. the most complicated
and obstinate eases
of leucorrhea, excessive or
flowing at monthly “whites,” periods, painful
struation, falling unnatural of suppression, prolap- back,
PUS or the womb, weak
'female weakness,” anteversion, retrover
sion, bearing-down sensations, chronic
congestion, inflammation, and ulceration and
of the womb, inflammation, pain
tenderness in ovaries, accompanied with
“internal heat.”
— __ “Favorite Prcscni'
RR THE B I nection tion,” when with Hie (alien in of con- T>r.
| use
„ Pierce’s Golden Medical Ihs
SiflHFV*! EilUnCiu, I | eovery, dopes of anil Dr. small Pierce’s ln.vnfive Pur
gative Pellets (Little Liver
Pills), cures Liver, Kidney and Bladder dis
eases. Their combined use also removes and
blood taints, and abolishes cancerous
scrofulous humors from the
fop***}. so»
1'25 cablished