Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, May 05, 1888, Image 2

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3U #9 *?.tisfeL ?vht. v ims. ft. pi:\\. ; Publisher. <;rat Georgia, Saturday, Kay ■'••l' „„ r. Protective > s T *7 r “ th er annual 2 u r •n - ^ nv 17 and 18t h. Tor Georgia Press Association will meet at C; iit' ! n next 1 hursda.v. The Headlight should lie rc promml (i ( N. JosKHl Jcli.NvTON has lit mi e'ccl ed nn I'.oi'OliO'V i.t su'h r of Ii D. linker. R'.-t A'' 81, Ci'iiii'l Army of the Republic, at Phikebd jiliia. (Jell. Johns, ton i« tin: only ex-confederate w ho has ever been received into the ranks ol a (Land Army Post. Messrs. Brown, Herman, Sweetscr and other Northern friends and sup porters of tlw ( ■ A AL it. it. were in Macon on the first inst. with Col. Machen. It.Seems the more these gentlemen of our section, the C. A M■ ita prospects and the more they become interested uud enthused over the enterprise. Tiia Georgia Democratic ti„„ will meet next Wednesday. There, is every reason to -vo that its session will he harmonious nml p!< asanf. The people have Uen all over tho State, and hearty endorsement of Cleveland's administration and tho tariff Views expressed in bold m-cHige to Congress, clearly in.Jieates the prevailing in the Democratic party ol —Telegraph. ____—--- The Refusal (*f Govciuor Gordon to turn over the 88,000 state appro pi ifition to the Atlanta University on account of its failure to comply with the anti e(-education resolu tion passed by the legislature, is being.used in tho north as capital for the university. The Boston Ad vertiser announces editorially “that tliis seat and ! ulwark of liberal ed In tho sffinU fms been seriously crippled by iiio withdrawal ofihestato ap]iroprialion, because it refusi (1 tai fall back to t he color line in education.” The Advertiser fuithcrcalls tho attention of the public to the presence of Professor I!uinstead in Boston, and urges that libel id sal script ons lie placed in his hands “to carry on the momentous struggle.—Const i tut ion. One of tbe interesting figures of New Voile ibis winter lias I icon Miss Hampton, of South Carolina, a of Gen. Wade Hampton, who is now assistant in the surgical ward of one of the hospitals. Miss Hampton has taken a very thorough course of training as a professional nurse, ami it is her plan, when her studies have bieu completed,to open a school for the instruction of nurses In the South, and supply, if possible ft new field for work for Southern women. She is a slender woman, with it lithe figure, dark hair and a OClnress but healthy com ! ’ loxi ')f‘. Hie . m entirely devoted to her work an enthusiast m .t. and a woman ol ex cep i ional endowments. -Savan nah News. TAX RECEIVER'S NOTICE. THIRD an n LAST ROUND. 1 will be at 'ho following places to receive Tax Returns for tho year ]. ISSS 0.1,...............lay Mhv Haddock Station Tuesday *• 15 YB Clark store Wed. morn “ Jesse Miller “ “ cvm “ jy J. S. Stewart mill Thursday “ Wayside Friday »* Round Oak Jfonday......... »* 21 Grahall Hill Tuesday........ May 22. Glovers Mill Wednesday „ .,,, Caney Creek Thutsday ,, Ropes Ferry Friday „ .jt, Five Points Monday morn « ‘>8 Gordon’s mill Monday eve “ 28. G W F McKay store Tuesday “ 2‘J Jackson Roberts Vt'cdnesdav “ 20 Roberts Station Thursday “ 31 Thomas Slocumb Friday June i. James Station Monday,...... “ *r Morton Tuesday *r. Haddocks ** Thursday •* i - Grays “ Friday x In Umton every Saturday. 1 will close my bocks by the 20th of June, "• T-MORRIS, (Receiver ot Tax mums of Jones co., oritu vr.v. Mn. Mary L. Biadlev, (nee Oner) wits born Aug. 20th. 1835 : tid died ;tt Bradleys Station, .'ours county, April 4:1 1 , 1 - •-'!). 8 he was the t'*f of John II. and Tv Greer (if > .A = dutiful ilir. for ver > . Her aged said at. tho ftint r«! that she never gave him a moments trouble. Shi was always cheerful, modest, ami jpossessing a mild ami picas ant disposition, and alleys had kind and helpful word for every i e mi eiaby for those m-ure-t and dcuf'-st to her. ZT- was married to Mr. dill of county the 18th of July, L87S; to him she was a help indeed. i!e said to the writer after the funeral service, “she was all that a man could expect to find in a wife, she liever gave me a cross word, and always met me with a smile and a ; devotion hiiHt Wortham her was children untiliringin and her to She was.happily converted to Christ iu the ' VCitr j«7D,ut New Hope Church jn iJas )er CQUniy Her religion WaS not ol that demonstrative character which many pogseeB,but quiet unobtrusive. Her Christian life was stend y "'“Hiright. She always held loi'tli tdie word of life in a way ! ‘ U ' vhu k,,ew llCT took knowkdge of lier tl,at lul<1 Leen wlth Jm,s water* other religion widened Ihcit b irders and deepened their channels as they hastened on lo the sea of ini!ll0,hl1 j°y- It is not Mauge therefore that death nail V- t’or her to live was Christ, and to die was gam.” When the summons came she called her loved ones, one by one, and gave them ntimsage ( I love and bade them well, then taking on new life mil strength as if for a tireless she shouted glorv, glory, and ed through the azure dome to gates of day, and left her loved gazing af'er her. (>. A. Tjfiiowi:n. OLD RELICS. Mr. Robert P. Ezelle, of Smith boro, has in his possession a silver spoon that has been m his wife’s lam i!y (Howards) for more than years. A badge of 1841 obtained Madison Ga. at the Madison tmn with tho following printed on its face. Madison Convention. Whig Nominations. HENRY CLAY, EO D< M!K 1 ’ R El d N GIIU YSEN. Whig Principles. One Presidential Term. A sound national currency. A . tanff with fair . revenue Hon fo Amcrtom, industry. Just restraints on the executive *’ ^ Distribution IV. of the proceeds ... of the public; lands. An honest and economical istration. Freedom of tho election franchise. He has also ui his possession one cut saw, one broad axe, and drawing knife that have been in years and all in good bl lIfihl of Swanson & Durham when they k( , 1)t in the yellow store in Monticello. A mantel clock bought the same time, now in good run mug order, never been repaired, and 1ms never boon out of running order us much as a week. One pocket rule lie has carried m his pants pocket dailv for over 13 years Lastly, his ° 1,1 harness horse Charley, 25" years old. tat and active as a colt, and can ------ A Louisville man called on a ho (el keeper in Bulitt county, Ky., the other day and paid 75e. meals he had eaten fntocn years At Townsend, Erie county, New York, stands an oak tree 40 years old, and in a good healthy condition. P * u,, ‘° «*'v eight smali trees giowing from the brunettes, two standing alone and the other six together A Detroit tiewsoape V ts respond We for the statement that the misfit weather prophet, has made t\o predie lions of late because the Canadian government told hint to Shut lip or leave its employ This will give rise in this country to a more tV.endlv foeli.m toward the Canadian goVernment than seemsto lave existed hereto fore I7EN8 0-" INTEREST. A n is r> luted, was ....... ff -Mnsxaebu^U* .•, menliy. i !;<•<:: fir;: is 01 Iowa (..-.v , have atrrcud not to take <■ it licenses to " ! uno-T the ne.v pharmacy P. Duplex, a colored Justice • h !’ fei*. hrs 1 ■■■ ted 'i: - er of \t heuti.tnd, ( al. i t is said that he i* Use firs-, of his race to fid such a position on the Pacific coast, A man who ha-, lately become prominent in Drt-viot. more espec ially in police circles. i« alleged t r> have mart.. -I twenty-one women di/renmt periods of his enterprising eareer. St J,on is burglars robbed dent-elect Patton, of Princeton, hj s C ( at and ®est. and such change as the doctor eurri d v. ■ e 11 ! Judge Brcckenrtdge, his host, robed |,j m j t) garments short and si on t. Counterfeit .. five-cent a , pieces re a being circulated in towns along the Hudson riv>-r. They are reported to bo clumsily executed, and i i tiii-iii are so brittle Unit they can be broken by the. pressure of I he hand. T!,,. Baltimore City Council has passed an o,-(imii..ce t ha , lt!,M »' t,,M schooig tlnit uro heretiftvr esuiin fished in that c>tv. i ae new onfi nanee will not effect the present schools. A German who walked most 1 „e way from l\ xas to BoonviJIe, f,id. whore he wits to marry a young woman. Was near! v six months in protective wedded bride. and The ,epicure now g01ic t0 K llll8a8 . Aibert Foss, a N w ] ! man bought him a tombstone and ! had the hurt put on that he died April 2, U88. On April 2 he took poison and tried to die, but the j doctors pumped him out ami now lie has a useless slab on hand. > • A Kentucky who is the v man, son 1 ol Congressman and brother-in I a - law to two State Senators, has been j i sent to the penitentiary for ! theft of a suit of clothes. , A San Francisco gentleman that . it has , been demonstrated , , , by I ' English , , scientists . that , stu excel!, nt quality ol sugar can , be made , from , • coal , tar and , tho refuse matter , o; giis works. W hen the blizzard struck Ludlow Mass., it buried under tbe snow four turkeys belonging to John Ba y- were dug-out after be ing without food fm cightceb. and were noi only alive, but «p really uninjured. A Kentucky j no .vspaner i chiims . the invention of the drink known a Tom aid Jerry tor Jack Shiiigler, an e eon t rie old shoe maker, who originated it a third of a century ago and named it after Jefferson and the Biblical prophet J -reminh. An Albany lady had a parrot U»U sudden y b ante dumb. Slit took the bird to a doctor, found a Um,ot ''« ity throat, w h had out Rs linguistic apparatus out of (! °r. The tumor was cut out and pally U now herself again. . , , \ f 1,1 "" w 0 '*• 1 0,11 tu A p,r .. ‘"' s several years ago took a trip back last month just to get an old-fashioned doughnut made ,T..... . » foi,nd ,t J 0St i,kc> otlu,r ' »» d « little poorer than his own wife nmde. Rlll.lIAilliil I ) m if. nt ^ m . . Wf CLINTON, GEORGIA. P.t\ iv O'-i'T ; : tNa Offick in Court House. *—1"" 1 “ *’— ----rriTn-'Wi mr»~ iti uni iitf f«HH S iSb DU’S biiiiiiJAM. h i\ r r Biscuit Smith i.sjiow tue prestd ing genius of THE BRILLIANT SALOON, tho finest In Macon, He gives his customer* th« bg.-t to eat. best to . r,uk • . ami WntmLos . l ' « -- FREK BED? - ,io >ng more for bis patrons than any man in Macou. J; ;. ;s County Sheriff’s Sale. 3 |f T iILL lie sold before the Court honsp door in 01intolK Jones ,- 0 . = nty tin., on the first Tuesday I; , t v E ne:;f. between the legal hours of Sale forty seven (47) acres ,i mure m less situated upon the 0--;i,iil.:ee Liver near Dames fv-ry adjoining lands of llosey 'j’|, Adams, and M: ry j) me and known as the late John e. bird place- Levied on and will he .-'.Id to -ali'f' ... fl fa from Jones Superior (.'mi > in favor of N. S. i. .. r vs John C. Bird. W. W. BARRON, Ai..--ii third 1888. Sheriff. Aii.fifNfSTit.i TOR'S SALE. GEORGIA— .J ones County. Ry virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary will he sold be ton - the (.'out-' House door in Clin— ton Jones county on the first Ti ;x-day ix Junk next, sixty eight (68) acres of land more or less be longing to estate of John F. Wil liams deceased, good hind situated 1 ' ,iu ‘ '•astern part of Jones county near the Baldwin county line ad - j.lining Mrs. L. V. Farrar on F. E. M.r-. M. id. Williams and children on N. H. public Clinton and Eaton , „„ yj >w . alltl the Dower M> Willialn8 on S . W . Sold pa y debts. Terms Cash. ]\i. M. WILLIAMS, -\[„y r )t |, [ggg, Adrn'rx. -Jones V ounty. Imiinary’s Office, May 1st 188S. To all whom it may eoneoi n. R. II. Kingman adm’r of estate F. Unit, deceased, has ap to me for leave to sell all the belonging to said Estate wherever situate, and said appliea don will he iumrd on tiie I’lR-T Mont,ay in June next. R. T. ROSS, Ordinary*. CITATION. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga, Match 24th 18“8. When as, C. IL Drew Adm’r I sham Ethridge deed applies to me for Dismission, Chese are therefore to cite ail persons concerned to show cause at this office on or by the FIRST MONDAY IN JULY next aiiv they , , havc vviiv . Dismission ...... shall , ,, ' ' not be , granted , said Adm’r. , , . ,... Wituess my hand officially, " ti. T. 11088, OrOmarv. ITTAflON. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. March 24tb 1888. Whereas, O. C. Gibson adm’r of Estate Jackson Wood (e) dec'.l, ^ , r0 fl)1 , J)ismis , io) , . 1W a ,-e u, cite a!, persons eon corned tor how cause at this office on or by tin fiil t Monday in july next if any they have, why Dismis. sum shall not be granted said Ad minis! rator. Witness my hard officially. R. T. ROSS. Ordinary. ' Cl fAIiO.V. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. Match 24th 1888. ' Whereas, Mary E. Dame, Adm’x ' Wl 1 ' llu,oxe; , 01 , „ ! ’ late He, "'y ' - ‘' 1 am ? apl>,K ’ 8 to - ,ll>e un ' therefore , to nU ’ n11 pe^ons concerned to show cause at this office on or by the first Monday in july next, if any thev have why Dismission shall not v ho ( r ,. afH cd said AdtnY’x. n,.. t i n • n ----------- riii Mora i g I *w s. TEAM PE 1 TTI 1 TG HOUSE Printing, ing. Lithograjihing, Engrav and Sterotyping, IBank Book Book Binding, Manu facturing. TUe Iiargest Uoscern • . 5 Kind bon lit Thorott ghiv eqn i \ >jx and coni plete within itself : latest Pinery and the most skillful ivorkraeu. Corporation®, 'kinks .Manufae- ;,nd Linkers, tnrers, County OpHc rs. i armeis iVlereit.'int,--. j!.. ( laities and TV- 1 ■■ s\. - .VEB.UXY. th'nr About in placing bo*. J yisli j the - com tj.g nr! tc &ooi a memoraudam book to a mam noth this ledger, are request* I to house a trial. J. H. Es till. Proprietor, SWliitak r St., - - Savannah, G 4 r, T-rS r * r e U. ---Co!)- You will find me at the place formerly occupied by - mimm mm i co. And find it Headquarters for Low Prices ai Fair Dealings. And will save yon as much as any other house at Grays, on all p llr _ chases for cash and on time with approved security. WILL ORDER FOR YOU WHEN YOU WANT ANYTHING O'JT OF AlY LINE, AND TAKE RLE \SURK IN LOOKING AFTER YOUR ORDERS WHEN ORDERING FROM MACON. Gray’s Ga. m81 tf. jsesticiwwi- w~ r-furamra T”ri. T t l 14 .. u .angers kXiQ&yj.. -• «tii rssixr art. va-tviii rjes^amm We have this day contracted with Messrs. JOHN MERRYMAN & (,\> to sell, at all stations on the C. & M. Railroad, their —CELEBRATED BRAND? OF GUANO — aeirvman ° B Bones, o ,i;s..s ferryman’s GEORGIA TEST, We can say without any fear of contradict ion that Merry man’s Fw tiliz* rs are to-day, as they have been for ■’>() years, at the very lou iu excellence, and the perfect satisfaction they give to planters. While most of the popular brands on the market iit past years have changed the grade of their goods by lowering their grade, Merry mao has continually improved. We do not make these statements at randan. We refer to any planter in Jones and Jasper counties who have tbui erryman’s Guano, ;,nd will stake our reputation on the result. — VYF, ALSO HANOI,F,— S3LUBL.-S ErCFSX for composting, which is the highest, grade acid on the market. We sell eheapee acid phosphates; also Lain t, and are agents for the Macon Oil & Fertilizer Company for the sale of their Cotton .Seed Meal. We can give lovv prices on these goods, and are ready to deliver ww, Our Agents will call on the good people of Jones and Jasper corns ties, and we trust will receive their orders. mm worn 4 co, 420 AND 422 THIRD STREET, NOVEMBER 16tii, 1887. [Hi] M&caM a a W. A. DAY IS. M. c. balk: ) i <x P oaflccom. Cotton Factors and General Grocers. All Planters supplies at lowest prices for cash, or on time with up pr ved paper. Agents for CHESAPEAKE GUANO. A full lot. w oil broke mules always on hand. Hast proof Oats a specially Jan. 21st 1888 3m. MACON GA. t' A1P B1 11 li -o--o ■~~C WJ Merclsiaiafs j* or the sale and storage of Cotton. Farmers buy sll P can neccessary plies either for cash or time [tapers, with satisfactory security. Call and see us before making arrangements for another season. (fljSCOfl (j,L y( v -y * VVATCilKS CLOCKS Jffl'EE 9 ■ If * Snrrfaclc-s ffiolS $ .s,™. rrv ^ ps ^ s ^i»s etc: I Novelties in Holiday Goo& - ’ -Yi'-L-'L U ; £©“0RDERS BY* MAIL WILL RECED 1 PPfiMPT R0Mrl AAD tvn fiKLlABLE nm,r-r Af * tu l t'\T10>' ^ 11 320 Second .Street, MACON GECBfil^