Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, May 05, 1888, Image 3

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jgke; riiUsiiEn every Saturday mobnikg ATOE.iY, GEORGIA, —BY T. R. VENN.— Subscription Kates--In Advance. lie.' Year, $ gx Months. Hirer Month. Entered at the Postoffice at Gray Ga., IS spc<* ml class liuiii matter. Postoffiee orders, drafts, etc., slioidil be made payable to T. U. I’ess. Kales for advertising made known on ayplicutieli. ,iuinuiiieations for individual benefit, i • { or 0 f a personal character, charged for the tame as advertisements. Marriage and obituary notices, not ex ceeding one square, inserted without charge —over one smutre will be charged for same as a dvertiseuielits. Correspondents alone are responsible for opinions expressed by them through these ■columns. town and county. Hoi, dry and dusty. Airs. Alary Jones is on the sick list this week. The Clinton 8. 8. will picnic at Cray’s May 25th. Air. R. J. Turner and family visi ted Five Points this week. Miss Belle Stewart was at home from Wesleyan last week* The Teachers Association was well represented in Macon this week. Airs. Malt Morgan lias had thirty swarms of bees tins year, and saved only six. Air.Melvin „ „, Morton, „ ot . the , Ridge w out go wn Tuesday to Macon by the way ot C. and M. The Aloiilicelio loika arc having a big lime today at their Sunday School Celehmtion, We noticed ipiiio a crowd of la dies trom Aloiiticeilo on the train Tuesday, going down to spend the day in the Central Ci'.y. > The stock holders .of the Coving ton and Macon railroad met in Ma con the 1st inst. The elecliou officers was postponed until July. Air. John Slocum, of Monroe county, died at his home near Bo ling broke last Friday night, lie was a soiuiu-iaw of Air. John Brad ley of this county. Alessrs. Winters and Jones with a f'oice of hands are busy having the large rocks removed from ‘‘rocky l'idge,” also widening the public road at that place. Airs, Alary Bryant who lias been spending several months in Jones county with lelatives and her many irieuds returned to her home in Wilkes county Wednesday. A special train passed up the road la-W Thursday on route to Madisou. Co.. L. C. Alachen, accoinpMiiied by a number of prominent officials of the road, and a goodly number of Alaconites composed the crowd. Wo note with pleasure that the mime of our young friend, 11. X. Hardeman, appears among the mini her who were awarded Junior Speakers Placcswt approaching com. nieiicenient. They will contend for a medal to be awarded on merit in declamation and composition. NOTICE. I will be at Qray’s the second "cck in each month for the oi repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Those need' big work in that line will do well to call on me. Satisfaction % fii'st visit will bo tho 7th, 8th. •ih, 10th and 11 th of May. J. C. GRANT, April 28th 1888 tf. Jeweler. ELECTION NOTICE. GEORGIA , 4 T It . appearing . that .. . ' „ a vacancy ann ,r „,in wil, { „.,.. Jones , n County ) shortly occur in the office of County Treasui'cr ol -■■aid county, the present incumbent i J 1 Having tendered . nig resignation there-to 1T IS THEREFORE ORDERED That an election to fill said office of County* T reasurer bo field at the various voting preciiits in sai l conn *.v on Saturday the 19th of May 28 . Witness my hand officially, ■ ns.Jdrd April 1883. Richard Johnson, County Judge. (’LSaTOS locals. Mr. S. L. Chiles was at Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Chiles in town Monday. Miss A lice Bowen of Macon was in Clinton Saturday and Sunday. Mr. William Lov e of Morton’s Station has the bragg oat patch 0 ; that section. Jones r county wtH ... send i up quite . ;t representation to Montirello S,:i hath Sohunl Gouvcrtioii on the atii iisst. The Sal,hath School is getting up apicnolor an early Juv. Ai Hamilton man in .1 ehi: i gable er for the school tv d its interests. Wo have just learned of the death in Monroe County of Air. J no. Siueumb, wlio Home years ago n.a C riud Miss Emma Bradley of this County. Station. The .sabbath school there is h) u flourishing condition, with R. II. Kingman as Wiiliain Clarke Butler died at his home in Jones County last He was the father of James Butler connected with Sparks Warehouse in Macon and was a man highly teemed in ids neighborhood. How we do need rain! An old superstition is that if rain /alls May 1st th grape crop for t hat year is a failure, Wo want rain and we want grapes too! I/. S. IIill,corner of Mulberry and Second street Macon is .winning guidon econo, nianis.if praise one who sees his work. He sendsout lho finest photographs in Georgia. Call upon him when in the (Any. In MasHovitirn. The death of Airs, Joe Mercer, which occurred at lieu home i.uar Bradley’s Station on Tuesday April 3rd, brought sorro-w. to the heart. of a host of friends. Turning back a few years •.. nly \vv> retneinher her in all the Hush or her girlish and youth;id Life seemed to sticfcli before hm like a beautiful dream. Possessing much personal mag netism and most vivacious manners. Slio was the center of an admiring circle of ii iciids. With a kind and artless nature, full of clieertufi ess (hat came from a heart free from guile, what could she have neon than the light of tho household ? A mothers joy, a brothers pride, a husbands most devoted wilt. Through five months of intense suffering she eTlnewl lh,J 0,,aost jj-’iLKinco, au eoptmg nil witii a rusigiialioti whicli comes ou;y from on high. Alanv mont Savio^ir’s | )8 ag0 s i, e expressed her fail!, in a love, and was fully prepared for tho summons when it came. Her sufferings are ended; her cross laid down and we know she is at rest. To her heart broken mother, bus band and brothers, wo tender our < sjnccrcst condolences, commending them to One who alone can heal all lieu; t aches. A Friend. obituary. 1 had waited for some other hand ;; niorc capable than mine to pen snitublo obituary of our dear c'liisin Charles T. Griswold, who died in Valdosta April 1 9th 1888. I can not red min from vo. rative of his many noble traits of chnrueier. 11 * was in Lho nuuii\ ^ bloom of file, . 37 , yearn of’u^o when called to leave the uevoted wile and three sons, and yet he expressed hi - willingness to ( bey the sad gum moiis but what a void in the affect iouatu his ‘ 'j; to UKHit the g been creutoU. , Fifteen years ago he married JUas E. .... Gibsiiu at the , home of , her Aiiuie grandlalher Capt. Peyton i. Pitts ones county and f never knew a mote coiiueuitil matrimonial aiiaiiee. ire was eminently endowed , , with . , such qualities as were req aired t*. make a husband and father*. In dulgent, firm, yet gentle, intelleetu al and considerate. His peroep om, of a ha* py home were of the mo -t refin-d order. No pleasure great er to him than to sit y ith the love . ones arid witii rending and corn merits instruct and interest them. About five years ago a lvemti vv i position being offered him in Texa-*, with height hope* ho moved to that j stole business with his family, where in :i I point of view lie was quite | successful, hot a year ago his health I began to fail, and in February last rerVzed that he could no longer labor for those lie so much loved ilni! ho wished t0 “ com « l '0>n° “> Gcotgia to «ie. Just two months Co the day) after reaching his na live city Macon his remains wore , brought and hud to rest by loo side CM iilS parents among the soughing cedar* in Rose Hill Cemetery* ’•'> ith his brothers so devoted, many !t)V ing friends grieve that we nr. mo , 0 i()ok U|l0| , his pU . aHullt f a ,. 0> jh , (lt .. w . hw )lap|lj l0 . i( , s . I( , j, a grand thing to rcilect upon the lives -,f i'.n n ‘•YVho labored in their sphere as men who live In the deiight that work a'one can give: Peace be to them ; eternal peace and rest in Jdmerit of that great bequest \e have been faithful over a few tilings ’’ And we shall long hold in sweet reniembovitneo the virtues of Charles 1'. Griswold. H. U. ti. The Madison Advertiser has come out with a game looking rooster, of no small variety, crowing over the completion of the C. & M. to that pia re. Under it are the words, ‘‘Crow, Crow.” S (LOuHS Negotiated © On Farms Si Town Property, IN Him; AND ADJOINJNa COUNTIES. ELLInTF ESTiS, 36.! Cherry St. • Macon COVINGTON & MACON II. R. SCHEDULE NO. 22. Jan. 10th 1883. GO IN ll NORTH—MAIL TRAIN. Lv Aincon........ .. ...... 4 00 p m .Ussev's ALII,...... ...... 4 14 p in Roberts..-........... ...... 4 35 p in Morton............... ....... 4 58 p m Grays................. ...... 5 08 p rn Bradley ..... ...... 5 2!) p in Wayside............. .. 5 o ; J ]i m Round Oak.......... ...... 5 54 j, in Hillsboro ........... ...... 11,1 1,1 ....... .. ..... (> 2d p 111 '*,,. yj.-V* ...... 6 4(5 p 111 t ; col! ...... 7 00 p in GOING SOUTH—MAIL TRAIN. Lv Aloiiticeilo...... ... ^i 00 :i m At d in a el a................ -i 15 a m d ga tc 3G a in Hiji.-.' onro . 51 a m Round Oak. c: 12 a m Vv ay side .... oc 20 a in Rradiev. .... a 42 a m (-* ''! •• •• 8 54 a m y l( s..'."" l' OH u m R„i, u! t ... 9 25 a in Vias«-y’s Aii!l .... 9 41 a m Ai Alac n..... . 10 00 a in GOING r ORTH —I’RS'.KUIT TRAIN. Lv. Macon..... 7 ,, m Lv. Grays...... ...... 9 25 a m Ar. Aloiiticeilo ..... ^ * B> p GOING SOUTH—F1U5IGHT TRAIN. Lv, Aloiiticeilo.. . 1 50 in j jV (iinys 4 550 111 „r, Jlacmi.. 6 00 p m B. W. FltOB EL. Gen. Mgr. A. if AIcEvoy, jA Craig Palmek,. Snp’ 1 ., i <xun’i. Pass. Agent. Central Hailroad. Kxvann \ii. (i.v., March iSi, tsss. ,l *;. ! .L-'' if i jjc siaiuiu:«i tjiju ov vviiicli . 5 'icic , trains I sluwcr thini Huvumtaii j” ' ; f , - ,, ; 20 pm/,.t 5 r ,m AlOpm .'Si!-; -hU.irm i[.<>•; •» hi i>n; pm Ar A u;;5; ;i i ,.d am m A. 1 .......i i..* j> m l.iTam i! i.....5.30 pm 7.50 a m A r i>i;> ..... 5.50 im Ac -nit;: miury ... 7.00 Ar IthV.-.Ih ;;.r>o '' “ '- 1 ' 2.47 I’assuiurcrs for Sylvania, Smulprsvlllu, .;ht 1 viU**. Mi'!c<i,r;viir<* ami Katoiitoti should t.M kh tlic.’ m train. _ PassciigcrK iV,r injur■ * *» 11 , ( firro!lt(»n, Perrv j*'ort ' : i.Ji p <J tram. ‘ ak K> r “ ,M ‘ •-*- ■ m i.v.Gr.*, i.v f.m.'ii J- in a m *.< • )D a Hi .Till *f« rt </»« in 10. erf/ |> HJ aiilri.....I'-'.'i! m 10.50 j> m Ar ’I p m 10.5 5 a in L\ AtJant'i . . .G O) ft la 0:50 p in 5 . (’filuniSms .O.i5 j» uv I.v Monti..:;:* ..' rv 7..: Mini 7.10 a tit !.*,- i;.;ra-i!:i io.»ri p m W). Vi) a m . 5. •,‘t ?f J *. ton,>.i,.7 •. ; ti >. 1.»:• hi K*.5 r 1 ,o j a 8.05 p m m a J] i)j;/iit paNK'U'p'or train O H 'itTill 11 1 1 Au^ustfl. SaVIUlliail :• *: 1 ?'i;u f ’!;, •'•'•i' i,i and Atlanta and ' I ('illEnhML In i .. k- tv» g h ! arrivin'/ at Will in. i* •:'.vi,:*‘ah’.,ml ''Minimi f i 1 - . i,.;.- .. i, > J'. a W it : 5 V : , -.rn ■ mi■ and i).••«,! of of - a b ” .!.<■. 'iil.MV rRoiorat t*.i tk kut Av'-ftif. ^ *** gp«»TE9» ,, ^‘ u ' cop&rt uorship heretofore l ‘ xistil1 ^ styled EOLSEN lil.CK l HERS, having expired by limitation, and Written agreement <ilU01 ‘ January «»>** 1^ is now led 1>. 0. 1IOLSEN LUCK. This March 24th 18>8. W. II. HOLS EX RECK, D. D. II OLSEN RECK. Jo?, t. hi$, )r Id -o* CfAptOUfos, WAyC^ES, Jewelry, sh-Ve^w ^e, SpECJACLES AftD EYE ^LASSES. Watch Repairing :t Specialty. R, 8 SECOND STREET. MACON GA. 4 II 3m. c. m, GUNSMITH AND DEALER IN Sporting 1 Goods Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, fishing tackle, etc., AND TRICYCLES, 51C MULBERRY ST., MACON GEORGIA NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The firm or Herring A Julian is this day devolved by mutual consent Mr. C. D. Herring retiring. Mr. VV. J. Juban will continuo business at the old stand, assuming all liabil ities. V. I). HERRING, April 14, ms. VV. J. JU1IAN. G. If. EMp & Co., -O-.— (Successors to Henry* Ranh and VV. J. Brake.) XajSSSSa&XxIQ AKTD 3El.jtZS'3?a£^.XX« L I Q U O R D E A L E U S. 416 POPLAR STREET, MACON, GA., 4 21 tf. Golden Days. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. This* adjnirable weekly ior the youth of this great, land is now well established, and has an increasingly large and well-deserved patronage. It is well worthy the examination of parents who wish (o provide their children with a largo amount of care fully-prepared misceUany, at once entertaining, instructive and clean. It is edited with ability, and shows a quick sympathy with the pleasures of the young people, and a clear out look for* their weliare. Ad<lress JAMES EL VERSON, Jan 19tb 1883. Philadelphia, Pa Crog-ketF C. > IKON WORKS. ENGINES, WATER WHEELS. GRIST, 8a VV and CANE MILLS. KETTLES and EVAPORATORS. Cotton Presses (Hand and Horse Power.) E. CROCKETT, Maccn, Ga. jFi ZX. JONBS RESIDENT DENTIST, * ! avi, .'« permanently located .Jonticello , is p'upared lo do work ft, REASONABLE HATES. • action guaranteed. A liberal Lion of tiie public stai'is patronage up over D,. Do- 2ior a tlnti' hiorc. r? t " T ora 1 1 & ME r HI. i (SUCCESSORSTO R. S. COLLINS.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CARRIAGES Buggies and Wagons, baby carriages, harness WHIPS, Etc. 463 and 470 SECOND STREET Macon, Georgia. Feb. 23rd 1 n.88 -SB! ■*«&&&. T he largest stock in the city. We have any article that can bo called tor, and guarantee everything to be of the best quality and at the LOW PRICES. Fine Jewelry, Bronze Art Goods, etc. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS FROM MONTICELLO AND JASPER COUNTY Watehes and J ewe!rv Repaired BY SKSL.LED WCR&fViEPfl. SSt-REMEMBER THE PLACE 3D SECOND STREET M \CON GEORGIA. J. H. AW. W. Williams, T« 3B« JLfftope, §0 IfdfOUJEq . 'O' 'O' * kr, O r> Cr iiETOFE <>o r ^v / & :v 25 N> m T 4k J <S4 —AND DEALER IN—• iMC-zikOOixr f3* YN A Gold Fact. nmi»«W,r.T*wi frrnt — WE HAVE NOW THE LARGEST AND MOST— feted Stock of SHOfS IN THE CITY OF MACON, 3 tn 5 ail ai 3 lofft flsflnm. jlfiffG Our stock is selected with great care, with a view to wearing well. Wo don’t keep a shoddy shoe ut all, but Wo Have GOOD SOLID SHOES at prices you ordinarily pay for worthless shoddy shoos.. Give us a trial and he convinced. AND jSSytUkift* Ls - * •p-*' • arc made by the leading manufacturers of J’h luddphia and Ho-ton ai d 'll this department you will find nothing but the latest l.-cdiioim and of 1 he best quality. A large stock of CH 1 LIB.hfVs SHOES. saux: «3c £7&asTT, Hfr (Oid No. :i.j Cotton Avenue, (Sitcechsor Mix & Khilantl, MACON GA. .1 to established 1340 .) i u