Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, May 12, 1888, Image 3

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<•' ' A * 5 * if y**' SATURDAY MOE.MMj L liUsiiEi' t \ till AT GRAY, GEORGIA, —BY T. R. PENN.— Srthsrriptiou llates- In Advance. Vcar. $ 1.00 One Moiidir. 50 ; 50 three Month, Postoliice at Gray Ga., I Entered at the mail matter. I •coiul class should be orders, drafts, etc., •'■able to T. K. I’eKK, known n. t‘“ f or advertising made on ,];catu)ll. miicatious for individual benefit, or , „ lim charged for the it personal character, W ae*as advertisements. and obituary notices, not ex ,r., '.‘jiu^one n .j a „-e inserted without charge square, charged for Lover one square will be same t.s a< tvcrtisenients. responsible for rnrve q,mnlents alone are through these .inions expressed by them m-< loiumns. TOWN AND COUNTY. L s V a. HARMMA5, Local Editress. Jl I m sir r , | \Ve bad quite a pleasant shower V,ednesday. I Master Eugene Morgan spent [Sunday in Mouticello. Sheriff Fountain of Wiikorson County was in town Monday. Mr. T. H. Bragg, of Invinton, vis [iled bis parents last week. Gov. John li. Gordon paid Grays <: "pop call’’ on his return from the [excursion. Miss Hattie Hunt, of Round Oak, [isspending [with the week in Mouticello Miss Blanche Hall. I Mrs. Bailie Howell, of Brunswick, [is [ter spending some time with her sis Mrs. Marshall of Roun l Oak. kastmam, | Mrs. Elio Peacock and family, of are visiting Mr. E. T. [Morton. We wish them a pleasant visit. IVe noticed Prof. Mew man, of Wesleyan Female College, going up to Mouticello to the Sin day School Celelcbration which took place the 5th and 6th inst. r~?iak,s I Mrs. E. G. Hardeman and young est daughters, Misses Annie and llutli, attended the S. S. Celebration [at [side Monticclio last week. At Way they were accompanied Mrs. [lv. [kale. L. Clnles and daughter, Miss A BAH DEATH. I Mr. George Hathimoro, a young sh all, J. Mar near Round Oak, was thrown from ».runaway mule lust Monday evening his foot became entangled jin koine too distance harness, and he rough was dragged ground k'i’ich over resulted in his death. He stood fair in the community and his [death neighborhood. Inis cast a gloom over 'the PIHILLJ BCiiOOL NOTICE. The attention of patrons and [teachers of Public schools is called to tho following point in the revised iiei'l amended school law, and to the Instructions of the State School C'mtnissioner, in accordance there v.ith. 1st. Schools must use tho text hooks adopted by the county Board pi Education. No pupils, who uses other hooks, will be allowed to re ceive the benefit of the public school fund. Die following are the text books jadopted k vu by the boord last Dec. for years to-\vit: Sander’s School lkiniers, Swmton’s spellers, readers, potrruphics can graded aud histories, Ameri readers, Cathcavt’s lit— crapy readers, Robinson’s Arithme tics, Wells grammar, Webster’s school dictionaries, Smith’s pliysiol ogy and hygiene, Spencerian copy hooks. -'^h It is encumbered on fy Boards to establish one school, each, for white and colored children every school district, as near as practicable to the center of tho dis tn< 3, preference being had to any school-house already erected, and to population of said school district “ d ‘0 the location of white and Nored schools with regard to con pity.; plishcd no additional school can be in tho sub-district with ft the enrollment therein of not V than twenty-five pupils. \ will be in Cliuton on Alay 31st fhe purpose of examining |'f Public. .Schools, who have not undergone iin examination, ‘ holding unexpired license are Pcluded. All Public Schools tea on 1st Monday in July. A. H. S. AIcKAY. Xi ty School Commissioner. CLINTON LOCALS Girls are’ntyou glad plums not all killed ? We regret to learn that Mr. G - Bragg is quite sick. Mrs. Greaves lias (be love collections of pansies v, f Judge Richard Johnson is in At lanta attending the Presidential State Convention: Mrs. W. II. Ilolsenbeck had snap beans from her garden Wednesday, but most of the Clinton gardens are poor indeed. Mis. Annie Lou Smith of Smiths boro, Jasper county, with Stephens of Macon is visiting Mrs. H. S. Greaves this week. Quite a large attendance at ( .mr ty Court on Monday—a heavy dock ct was disposed of, and a good sum thrown into the treasury. Mr. Melvin Morton of Pine Ri has a baby girl visitor at his house. We regret to learn that Mr. Morton was quite sick on Tu; All along the line from Grava t: Mouticello wo found it dusty” ar crops needing rain badly, garde poor and tho outlook quite discour aging. Miss Rate Morgan of Grays “took in” the Association at Mouticello, as did also Mrs. J, R. Chiles, Gus Stew art, Air. and Airs. Henry Marshall, Jim and EugouoMorgan and Frank Hardeman. Should you go down to Macon soon call in and have some of your “pictcrs” taken by* tho unexcelled artist L. S. Jlill. Ho can make a pretty face from a homely subject. We know whereof wo speak. We tendered the congratulations of tho Headlight to that popular Conductor Frank Whitehead of the O. & Al. on Monday p. m. and were pleased to seo that he had resumed his place after a short, and wo pre sume, an exceeding happy holiday. Among the crowd at tho “Asso ciation” we met Mr. Eakes of the spicy “Pheonix” published at Ox ford Ga. Prof. Conway of Eudora added much to tho music on Sab bath afternoon by skillfully “man uring the organ.” He, with Dr. Conoway, his brother both sing well. Prof Abington L. Barron, for merly of Clinton, hut now of Whitesburg, Carroll Co., and Mir Annie AI. Harris of ‘ a-..;/ wore happily married in Caiwh-oD on Sunday Alay 6th., Rev. E. E. Barrett officiating, The many friends of “Tat” waft through the columns of the Headlight their choicest and best wishes. Hope soon to see tho happy couple in our town. While attending the Jubilee M Monticclio last Saturday we were pleased to meet our old friend IM, Alae Bullard and his charming wife. Dr. B— was for several year:-; ;• highly esteemed citizen of Jones county, and while we regret his de parture from among Jones county people, wc congratulate Jasper upon her acquisition and ar glad to know his “lines have fallen in so pleasant a place.” Clinton Sabbath School ed on Sunday the 6th ‘‘C’Hdren.. Day.” A pleasant programme was well carried out, end wiilx songK and recitation the mid (i o one for our villi ge) was happ ly C T3 - tertained. Recitations by Misses Alaudo Hardeman, Lena Phillips and Master Gorion Hardeman. The duett “What shall tbo harvest be.” by Mrs. R. B. Barromand Mies Lois Johnson v:, a:/-M iy ■ and has been complimi many. An offer - :: My r;.u;.Mre of the school amounted to about four dollars. prFrTm _H__1 v vo-vipr ' GF0J > G] y v'it appearinir that j U vacancy w :i! Jones County shortly occur in tho office of County Treasurer of said county, the pn./ent incumbent there‘-to having tendered bis resignation rr therefor s ordered That an election to fid said office V County Treasurer be held at the various voting precint-s in said ty on fsATUUBAY THE !9 tii of AIay 1888. AV it ness my hand Ibis 23rd April ISB 1 '. JL'cuaud Johnson, J .:. -n. r-« We have just returned from the venerable town of Mon ticcllo where. on Cm ‘ " ' -f •- “ v p-M t; i;<ias P cr ComU y Saada y Sohooi As ~ Jones tent, with a seating ea pacify of taro thou mui >>eop: lmd been put up in Penn’s wood under the refreshing shade pf the mom - moth chestnut trees ar.d affor led the accomodation needed, was indeed a fit place for the b , ,i- ’ m& (1 , _ many j. j aSp ° rS fi blo sons and fair daughters who en gage in the exalted Gabbalh School work. At an early hour ; . ! y mao o’clock the e-id grove 'y&s alivo with lid ting forms of all nixes and styles. The exercises wore opened with prayer by tho . .." J. Smith, on Saturday and on Sunday - : Tv. Pmvnm. (fa ' re of tac fewieftof Jas pers first born, and although their heads are frosted with Times un relentless finger, they have vc-fc warm hearts that beat in , on with more you! MM ;v,idlers in the “Christian wareiuro.” The sekoi-i.-; contesting for the handsome ban ner. which is yearly bestowed upon that sohoe-i which excels in eong, were twenty one in number. The judges, Prof. W. F. Newman of Wes ley an, Mr. Duffus Ciancey of Macon with Prof. Eli Pounds of Barnosviiie had before them a difficult bnt as competent critics, they oblivious to everything but- “sounds melodious” they “mil to work” as each school engaged. Each school was allowed twenty minutes for song and reci tation. All did well. Hills Semi nary lead by Hr. Downs gave some most diviucly beautiful singing, this singing was mostly done how- over by adults, as was also the case with Prospects. School. Hillsboro School, under tho competent tutor age of Prof. Power, who also teach es “the young ideas how to shoot” five days of each week, gained (and deserved it too) the Ealiner, which was presented with eloquence by Prof. W. T. Dumas, the sweet voiced poet of Monticclio, and Principal ofAIontieello High School. Little Miss Sa.Ilio Greer of Hillsboro recited most beautifully “Just over the line.”. Tim mu-hi through out tho ‘.say was grand and one coul i fall into imaginations embrace and bo wafted by sounds aei-.-iphio to Golden shores. TJio crowd on the grounds Saturday has been estima ted at three thousand, and the per fect order preserved remarkable - . A harmony prevailed r. mo rig ail ru that of a family with Christian eon trol. TlieJaspex County 1 Sunday School Association -has now , own organized about four years. Judge William Thompson of Eudora has been tlic efficient President since its inaugorat, until Mbntieelio’s recently when Mr, B. II. Hardy. J energetic m young euitor .. wao eiecteo , . tu io sponsible position. Judge Yhornps son is a horn director ;>nd has just tho style required for judical busi ness, although m.r Haruy .8 young in the cause ho acquitted dgubi-u with grace and honor. We hud heard ho much of Alonticelio’s childrens friend Dr. Richard Mad V. •*, 10 ; ; . ‘ " ‘ he had to , be “tagged” - tiling lost in the crowd f Tho exevciscs Sunday were open od by the first hour being to singing, Prof. Pound md Mr. ivfi'i loud with M MM V e-,vr. - :. 4 n at the organ. We ha so..... md niH-ic. J M aim’ family were tho ix t over lb ten ml to. \ f < >ev. - u o'clock Rev. Air. \\ av.i of .. r.. ical class began services. a stran & c ‘ r before tins M - . course he from tho D-./ir ■ - the attention of hie t-i Hi., discourse war rep; to -;* b word of wisdom and thongtor reflect Dinner w: bmmGMHy served - day p. m. was qmnt in nor - dre.: - ■ by lie .'. .y, o. Conyers, CoL *. - F. Davis of the Montico !lo bar, Dr. Walk er of way” and last, but by no mean -, “least'’ the irrcpressildo Dr. Mad Tho latter is decided ,y a childrens man, and his pithy re marki to the future presidents, gov- 3 V x bv the m-.-ai f UiO 4 up -folks' 5 tUso, 'Jio Do .-tor “stuck io his bftsh” and'hado all lid ,-v , I The duet ‘‘Mdern Church” oy Mrs. Elliott and Mi iKS Winbui Conyers wa • defchtftiUy rye.--. By a Ploughthl suggestion ■' a efaildre s frbad 11 dear Hello Sunday School &i . me ii. Vilen around the staid at the dose of Itnd snig'“Sweet bye ' byo/ , «tf ork> ; work foy j n piaint.vuy r.,; nf ;„ av.. an<.-Jsv,^etiy -r, Dr. , , keeping impact Mammas at bey. When the maty voices united in 10 fc,!aUu f' lJL ' Co!, -,r .. /, ii was :■ !’"■ fewest thaftSe great Sabbath iv er had ever riade. E. G. 11. . ........ i (cqiAvx ur Mr. Eipoji.;— ’j'h<: ! < < has nippwl tho Lud with the mers. JLit does 1- rain soon their bri*. jit future prospects trill blighted. Mr. II, F. Ho -.i ton k,».s ed his well roeenlly. It gave oni he has placed an earthen curl mado h 7 $tovcn8 Bro ’ * Co >5 tl;i nlace. The well is 71 feet . and cost 873 to have it Mr. N-™ thinks he will have a when tho last trump ruum-is. Mrs. II. F. Newton has been quite feelue for some tune. V/e soon to ehroniclo her recover;,. Air. Will Lester, of ILwlimeks, says that ho is almosted persuaded to marry. But that |40 shoo bill is enough to back the jadgemont of any one. Much success to tho Headlight. E. Z. K. FROM HADDOCKS. Mr. E. P.Smith,recently » “knight of the key,” now a nicmphi m, spent a day or two with the family of Mi. Jolm T, Williams. Cupids shafts reach great distances. Air. Jackson, of the P O dop’t, divided tho day between Haddocks and Plouiitsvilie, placing man con tracts. The Misses Woolfolksmiled kind ly upon many admirers as they Mir,-wd through the village on-routc happy to friends whom they made by their presence. A oevy of young ladies from va rioua points, Macon, Jasper etc. are booked for Fortvillo pie-nic, Prac - tice attitudes young gouts,and don't omit tho psetry these oeeasrixis de :>i;.ud, far the eye s-of mre y ' i upon you,- those of i; 0 1 : ; ,s ' ' pom'vrous fn-ma. void "” il “ e ' diilicast to May it- boa long, Mog timo ’ v?. sees fit to ie&vi I mv ar ,; o. is asking a good deal, but Dm y - - kaow ' cur.'l some :o o . J'C’l Mow to attend vso ■ M Sil rne day is tho ongrosjmg thought manned 4 _ io ^‘7 take noth, ,! J MV but "toe ... in ^werH V-j dated. that be,” huv/-named idcr.ti f A aiaail, but solect section of our upper tcndoui, embravung the wd. snov.-n leader oi Lie gei man, nia<lo iUl d dr >’ and then-saimd . to the Centra away j (j 1 fy > They were not met at the depot by AlaeoiPa bung-tung, but that was due to modesty la not an u<;,,nCll3 t< It Whs known the m , o ^ end ^ e , p or y 1(J y blow out - the gUf upon re tiring. They .received hut invitations to tbo giipcral pic-nic, owing to tie. «.onf usiiin of managers nam • landed Jiitu the f-eedtid day afm A g. nroiohged absence prompru-d - mmc ...... ,, - , in our Iov<d Ouck.' w hen it wan learned that they aCSrph wore importuning irasoshlo and pious - i ^ v p; 0 p - ; - ; , y -,j ; ■ _ ■ it tooting a bane Drum M ;.m.: taking iau - -t up. v.. . ■ il. Vf;M.v 1 gave notify last week that ' r '" fj and J - - y, - m. - ■ ’ - . j .. do so at pro; i . J. O. G Hi NT Jk ivele'i. -«hkvi 'Mei’.au . - (Si-jmmmmu , . , j Ca 5 t« is Q y. y . ' j 1 s d>;-. --'\fj ■«•' V C-M V< •; - y » OFECJAQLE3Afin EyR qiAssm, Vfi'-teh 3l"8 Ucpairitig 1-IXEKT. \ Specialty, * SECOMP MACON (j A 4 21 3m. V tfilVj i i 10 A N:> V:: 8 il ' ■ ‘ •.i.- . following places If as Returns for the year L C. Dumas store Monday Mar 14. iLMdoek Station Tuesday “ 15. y B Clark store W 1. morn • 1 ( 5 . ;.s,se Aliiier “ eve. - J. S. Stewart mill Thursday « 17, * XX \V-vsidc-Frid-i” (vXl^dr- « M / " ‘ ‘ .......'........ uraball , lull Tuesday. _______ May 22. Glovers Mill Wcdnoskay Oaney Creek Thursday “ 25. * • • J f.vordon’a n.i’.l fonday eve “ r W F 2 1 <■ 13-i >' store Tuesday “ J a ok.ton Ro ! H'l't-S V7ednesday “ SO. aiierts f.-tation Thursday “ 31. ■tom: ' doeumb Friday 'Juno ; ".mes Station Mon ay...... 4 A: erton Tuesday if . Mo d ■: “ Thursd-iv -< -v " 11 v.-tys if Friday 8. In Clinton every Saturday. 1 close my bocks by the 2(!th ofJnim. W, T. A1 OPTUS, Receiver of Tax returns of Jones —------------------ if 2 A|jI’lPH|M M.M v;M 73 ' ■. ,V. ; . » , r > r..A '. . ; v h * 24 ' . • • CLINTON, GEORGIA. PilAO'MC’tt IN OcMlTL'lEE CnmUIT. Office in Court House. "iw.-l.iw: G. I IlteA 5 U8. O (Successors to Henry Ranh and W. J. Brake.) who MSvax lui AAXJTO 3EL3a*J7wa^X.^ L I Q U O U L» E A h B R 416 POPLAR STREET, MACON, GA., 4- 21 tf. r|T| 1111|T fl || IliiEiiil jv v WMlf 1 in Mien a n a (8U(.GESSO 1 IS TO It. S. (301 -El NS ) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Mr ' v■; o g 4T VI E t. fl 'Wagons K| v '.AIAG-.G J, HARNESS MIPS, Etc. ;:.v 4. 470 SKOl'D STBEET y" : n 7 V y M'ig,^ l.| f 1 „ X03 BB fi3 Sac Georgia. mu or- iv ax:\ .-t :■ Msspej, T' ^v! e ii.*' a£tii n ry> h) Vi A r*s y t •v M ' r\ P*1 I J) /A r\ / % i V p niy? o i a * , w VJ fa '/ M\ ” S% 0 D4i c X. AX V ip) : i 'V;.: ; M f *! i-’; - fC'vf 'X D-si 7M D-7 c% j-y ■. 'vvx ^ P rp xti A < fi*. V-f iv;\r> J fa** i.jS W /V u H sau ,!/,■ V, %y y y •A- V <tU —AND DEALER IN— 2 KAOOIT o;- .zl '“’Jfeiil, .; ‘M,i M M/-v, r * ... . ;• f’ Ijf ■Jki a '-' : “-V - e ! ImXm clo^s jewelry, / f-r.l .XEbi'-V&MM r/T*. t fe 'Jm-ES .J&j <i ,/p v ry Dirt ’ V ( -> i- -„ /,.-. T£*:.7.:X'7,XZ?L ZPS ETC . /■. 14 “ “:.n hi lioHdiiy Oocds mH?V". li. kl I l *ORH:lS liY MAIL V, 11 L RU'! tVB V % : ' ■1 M- AND HLUABLE AT'J RN'i ION '" '"tp - -i Si 2:'f» Skcond Btiieet, Xi... m ... CON AI A GEO I GIA lyA-i-Giy^O i [f£E JX^LE. COVINGTON & MACON li. 11. - HO IT .E PULE NO. 10. May 4Ui I^§8. GOING NORTH—MAIL TRAIN. Lv Macon.... . 7 00 a m Massey’s Mill . 7 10 a m Roberts., . 7 22 a in Morton. , »•« . 7 35 a m Grays..... , 7 42 a m Franks.. , . ? 48 a m /arrom 7 54 a in Wayside..,. . 7 57 a m Round Oak . 8 05 r. in Hillsboro,. . 8 10a rn Ad,gate .... . 8 27 a m Minneta— . 8 42 a. m Monticclio . 8 48 a m Markon.............. . 1) 15 a in River....... . 9 27 a m iodlVov............. . 0 33 a m A r S ad is m........ .........10 20 a m GOING SOUTH MAIL TRAIN. p v eon ■.. .........I! 30 am Godfrey.. ........12 17 a m Lilt! * River. ........12 23 a m hen..... , .......12 35 a m Lv MontiuoUo. ......... 1 25 p in Minneta......... ......... 1 33 p m Adgato..----- ......... 1 49 58 p m Hillsboro ... ....... 1 }> m u mn ' c f ......... 2 12 p m Wayside......... . ........ 2 19 p in ......... 2 22 p in F r anks... ........ j 2 28 p m Grays.......................2 31 p m 'Iton.,...................... 2 41pm Uouorttf.......................- 2 54 p m Massey’;! Mill............... 3 00 pm A r VI anon.................. 3 1(5 p in GOING SOUTH—FREIGHT TRAIN. Lv. Macon................ 8 30 p m Lv. Grays.................... 4 30 p m Ar. Monticclio............. G 21 p in GOING SOUTH—FKEIGHT TRAIN. Lv. Monticollo. ...... 8 23 a re Lv. Grays...... ...... 10 20 a m ar. .Macon..... ...... 11 35 a m !>. W. EltOllEL. Gen. Mgr. A J Mc EVoy, j.\ Craig Palmar, Snp’L ) (ien’l. Pass. Agon Loans Negotiated On Farms & Town Property IN III 1J11 AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. ELLIOTT EPTSs, 563 Cherry St. Macon Ga.