Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, May 12, 1888, Image 4

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CURIOUS FACTS. The Seven Years’ War in America con tinaed from 1755 to 1762. ! The “original bearded woman” has just died in the Pyrenees. A ba ptismal garment known to be 13S years old is in use at Pekin, Ill. The Athenaeum at Rome was erected by the Emperor Adrian, A. I). 125. Amadco Von der Iloya, aged 13, of Atlanta, Ga., is a phenomenal violinist. An Ottawa (Kansas) blacksmith has a bellows that has been in the family eighty years. A swinging sign in front of a Chicago store bears the legend: “The Truth .Spoken Here.” A Brooklyn dentist has successfully filled a tooth of his favorite setter. The dog bore the operation nobly. It is said to be the custom in Spain for the girls to kiss every young man they meet on the 20th of February. The first slave labor within the present limits of the United States was that em ployed at the founding of St. Augustine in 1505. The first Chinese tramp ever seen in this country turned up at a Baltimore police station the other evening and de manded a night’s lodging. A. W. Gray's Sons, of Middletown Springs, rice threshing Vt„ resently shipped to Africa a machine, to be run by man instead of horse power. I If a few drops of aquafortis had not dropped burg upon the spectacles of a Nurem glass cutter, etching on glass might still have remained unknown. If a watchmaker’s apprentice hud not lield up some spectacle glass between his thumb anil forefinger, teles; ope lenses might never have been know n. A man was recently sentenced in Liv tude erpool, Eng., to five years’ penal servi for obtaining a shilling under the pretence iliat it was for a charitable ob ject. of < halcedony is not a gem. It is a species quartz, very hard. Good specimens derive their value from their markings and from the work put on them by artists. Spain signifies This country a country of rabbits or conies. was once so ia fested with these animals that the inhab itants petitioned Augustus for an army to destroy them. ted Probably the oldest violin in the Uni States is owned by Rev. \V. M. Beau champ, found of Haldwinsville, N. V. It vvas in tlie ruins of Glastonbury Ab bey, which was destroyed in 1538. The first normal school for the instruc tion of teachers was established at Paris, by a law, October 30, 17!M, and opened Itcon January 20, 171)5, and this design has followed in other countries, espe cially iu the United States. A St. Louis man says (hat Mar. h is the lucky month for the birth of great statesmen, and instances, in support of his statement, the fact that many of tho President* of the United States and Sovereigns of Europe were born in that month. Oren, Captain Baldry, of the steam whaler has returned to San Francisco from a voyage in which ho killed thirty-five whales, the largest catch on record. I wenty-cight of those all the ship could carry—were stowed and yielded 2800 barrels of oil and 4800 pounds of booe. The catch was valued at $60,800. i A rattlesnake was discovered tarrying off a half-grown turkey near Waukecnah, M i., and two dogs were set upon it. It struck both animals, and both died, but the turkey was released unharmed, which is proof that snakes do not poison their own food. The snake killed was six feet seven inches long and had fifteen rattles. The average Russian is said to drink from ten to twelve glasses of tea a day. his Every Russian merchant has a tea uni in mechanic Counting-room, and the lawyer or goes out to his cafe for tea as often as the German for beer or the Frenchman for wine. At the cafes at all hours of the day and night one can see crowds of people sipping tea. Mrs. Phillips, a handsome widow of thirty, ship, who runs a farm in Cypress Town Barnwell County, Ga., last year, unaided, made thirty-eight t ales of* cot ton, besides raising corn, peas and pota toes. she plowed with an ox and did all the work of preparing, planting, cul tivating mule and gathering. She has bought a for the farm work this year. General Sheridan's Traveling Bed. 1 was reading the other day that Wen dell Phillips, tho lecturer, when ho traveled carried a sleeping-bag, into 'which ho crawled at night when at a strange hotel. It, reminded one of the sleeping tells bag that l)eB. Randolph Iveim me General Phil Sheridan carried while on the campaign against the Indians in midwinter. It was made of fur, with the fur inside, and Sheridan used to strip and crawl into it. The General had ■and two big in dogs morning that followed him about, tlie early when the reveille was sounded the dogs would go nosing about until they got into Sheri dan’s tent, when tlu-y would rush upon their sleeping master and run their cold noses into the sleeping hag. It had the effect of a an electrical bath on “Little Phil.” and the language ho used was ex eeediogly growling, free, down and the dogs would rush, the camp street.— Harrisburg Telegraph. A Horse IMes of a Broken Heart. ■ An incident il!u -trating the affection ate nature of a horse is told by the Georgetown Moore’s (Ky ) Enterprise : “Eugene noted horse, Villain, died last week of loneliness. He was eleven years old, and from the time he was a colt was greatly attached to his master. In winter’s cold or summer’s heat Villain was his always back ready draw to carry his master on or him in a buggy. Shortly after Christmas he was sent to Kincaid to spend the winter, and his owner for failing to put in an appearance several weeks, the horse pined away, refusing died, lie to eat any food, and finally and, while was given a decent burial, no monument will be erected over his remains, his gentle disposition and noble qualities will long be remem bered by those who knew Villain.” of Slavery existed in Mexico irorn the time the Conquest, 1521. until shortly after the of tUc A ItACY BOOK. Scintillating with Truth. Hurra* in and Brilliant New York IMter. Chap, Chap, II. I. “Has Malaria;” goes to Florida. Chap. 111. “Has “Overworked;” Rheumatism;” goes to Europe. to Kma goes Chap. IV. Has a row with his Doctor. I have read a deal of sarcasm in my day, but I never read anything equal to the sar easm contained in the above four chaptered ! > f| ok, written by some anonymous. 1 sus pect the the experience portrayed is a personal one; author intimates as much on page 31. Let me give you a synopsis: which “Malaria,” as it states, “is the cloak with titude of superficial feelings physicians cover up a mul ill which they do not under stand, It and do not much care to investigate. is also a cover for such diseases as they cannot cure. When they advise their patient to travel or that he haseverworked and needs rest and is probably suffering from malaria, it is a confession of ignorance or of inabil ity.” “The pat ient goes abroad. The change is a tonic and for a time he feels better. Comes home. Fickle appetite, frequent headaches, severe bility, tired colds, feelings, cramps, and sleeplessness, general unfitness irrita for business are succeeded in due time by alarming about attacks of rheumatism which flits his body regardless of all human feel- “it is muscular,—in his back. Articular, —in his joints. Inflammatory, thy! how he lours it will fly to his heart! “Now off he goes to the springs. The doc tor sends him there, of course, to get well; at tlie same time he does not really want him to die on his hands! That would hurt his business' “Better for a few days. Returns. After a while neuralgia transfixes him. He bloats; cannot breathe; has pneumonia;cannot walk; cannot sleep and on irritable; his left is side; pale is and fretful; flabby; very has nervous frequent him chills and fevers: becomes everything about seems to go wrong; demands suspicious; musters up courage and to know what is killing him! “Great heavens!" he cries, “why have you kept Because,” me so long in ignorance!” I “ said tlie doctor, “ read vottr fate ignorant live years of the ago. facts.” 1 thought best to keep you He His dismisses his doctor, hut too late! fortune has all gone in fees. But him, what becomes of him ? The other day a well known Wall Street banker said to me: “It, is really astonishing Two how prevalent of personal bright's friends disease is becoming. dying my are now of it. But lit, is not incurable, I am certain, for my nephew was recently cured when his physicians I’lii! said recovery was impossible. case seems to me to be a wonderful one. ” This gentleman formerly represented his gov ernment in a fore gn country. He knows, appreciates and declares the value of that of preparation, Danish because his nephew, who is a son Vice-Consul Schmidt, was pro nounced incurable when the remedy, War ner’s Sale Cure, was begun. ‘ Yes,” said his father, "1 was very skeptical, but since tak ing that remedy the boy is well.” 1 happen to know what it was that cured the boy, for Genl. Christiansen, of Drexel, Morgan A Co.’s., told mo that it was that ‘ wonderful remedy, Warner's s ite euro.’ himself Well, by I suspect the hero of the book cured the same means. I cannot close rny notice better than by quoting If, tho friend, author’s advice; “ my you have such as experi ence as I have portrayed, do not put your trust in physicians to the exclusion of other remedical agencies. They have no monop oly over disease and 1 personally know that many of them would far prefer that their their patients should go to Heaven direct from be saved powerless hands by than that they should to earth tho use of any “un authorized moans.” Hazel Eyes. flirt Young with man, pair jon had hotter not try to a of hazel eyes. It is a waste of time and rather dangerous. and They when are less susceptible than tho blue once deceived do not pine away in grief, but rally for revenge and take it out in scorn. If you tackle them you had better go in to win or leave the country. And while I think of it, I’ll make another remark:—When you woo and win and wed you had better keep on winning afterward or leave tho coun try. It takes a power of love to do them. She Had One, Too. A little 5-year-old girl was visiting at tlie house, and his litlle daughter was showing her the different objects of interest, to all of which her invariable comment would be: “My mother’s got one, too.” At last she was shown two companion studied intently pictures of dogs, which she. for a few moments and then burst out with: “My mother has got them a picture is of two dogs, too, only one of a cat .”—Boston Globe. A Great l.cuney To 1 equeath to your children than is wealth, a strong,clean, jmre constitution -heller because it will never prove a curse. You cannot, give what \ ou tlo not possess, but mothers will find in l)r,’Pierce’s Favorite all Prescription weaknesses, a brinsiiig wonder ful iheirs\stems help cone-ling into perfect that their children, untainted, shall rise up to call them blessed! in all he , land There is not a druggist stock hand. I But always keeps a on King Humbert, of Italy, seldom wears a uniform, preferring civilian clothes. *'Consumption ran !»«' ('ured.” I)r. J. 8. Com ns, Owensvi He, Ohio, says: “I have given Scott’s Bmulsiox of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites to four patients with hotter lVMLts than so mod possible with any disease, remedy. and All were advanced hereditary that cases of Lung to state when Coughs, pain in the ches , frequent breathing, frequent pulse, fever and Emaciation. All these cases have increased in weight from ltlto 2vS lbs., and are not now needing any medi cine.” <jTj AcoiBS OR FOR POULTRY. -CUKES Chicken Cholera and all Diseases of Poultry. « 3, DIRECTIONS,—Mix a P& bread or doi: ; i\ saturated with S. Jacobs Oil. lj the Joici cannot suxUUow force it down ike throat. tl x some corn meal dough Kith the OR, Cite nothi ig else. They will finally eat and be cured. Fold by Druggists and Dealers Everywhere. tits CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. Baltimore. Mti IPSpl Ely’s Cream Balm IS SURE TO CURE lAY-KVERfS Cold in Head i^l QITl’KLY. Apply Balm into each nost ril. Ely Hto»..2X6 Greenwich St., N. Y. SI00 to $300 spirt- moment, may n- protuaniy emmoyed ai*>. HERBRAND FIFTH WHEEL ciJSS? - ------ A P l« a day. SamplM worm $1.50, FRES U w%9 ■% Brewster Linos not Safely under the Ueiu horse’s HoldorOo., feet. Holly, \Vrite Mich. PISOS CURE FOR CONSUMPTION THE LIME-KIL3CLUB. Bro. Gardner Present Some New Aphorisms fFrom the Detroit longle Tri Press.] “In walkin’ softly path of life dar’ am sartin tings it world be well to remember,” said Brother iardner as the meeting opened. of man’steautyby | his ‘‘Doan’ judge a whiskers. He may grow ’to to conceal pimples “Doan’ an’ scars. of good natur’ her judge a woman? kyarpr the by talk on church. a street i way she smiles in “One reason why our chi lien git licked so to bo often de is biggest. because their paints happen “It is only a fool who roes around lookin’ for a model man. A man with out faults would be too soft b stand this climate. “While consistency should be re spected in a gineral way, doin’ i loop-hole hesitate to squirm out o’ any sort of when argying with a lawyer. “About de time dat a man begins to assert dat dis world owes him a ibin’ ar’ about de date when Prison. lie should getliis fust sentence to State “When you li’ar a pusson arfyfying dat dar’ am no sich tiling as fueher’ punishment you has lighted uponan ole sinner who ar’ trying to lie to hisself. too “You highly compliment to call ’em some hog. men altogether I hev a no ticed dat no hog gets drunk except by accident. “While I admit dat George Washing ton was a great un’ good man, I would not, if I was runnin* a co’ner grocery) trust any odder American on that ac count. “De man who am alius ready to fight for hia convictions will fight onde wrong side at least half de time. “If it wasn’t would fur nayborliood wiilout gossip some ehill'en go shots, an’ some mothers would put six mo’ dollars into deir bonnets. “An egotistical pusson is simply a re fleekshun in Nature’s lookin’-glass. people “Dignity build ar’ de keep fence de which world sartin up to from gettin’ clus ’null to find out how bad dey really am.” A Good Investment Is that wli'ch yields large returns from a small outlay. Reader, the wn v is clear! No specu lation, no chance, big returns! If you are lik i most of mankind you have somewhere a weak ness—don’t feel at all times just as you'd like o—heada- he to-dar, backache to-morrow, blood downside next week—all because your is ’ < mt of order. A small ou lay and wliat la ge returns! You inv st iu Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery and soon pm -, fresh b ootl courses through > our veins, and you are an other being! London’s death rate is 20 in 1,000, and that of New York is 26 in 1,000. Cold Went her Hen e Valence. Why is cold weather productive of benevo lence? It makes people put their hands in their pockets. It also produces coughs, colds and croup. Take Taylor’s. Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein. If You Feel Tired weak ana wotwy, worn out, or run down from hard work, by impoverished condition of tho blood or low state ot the system, you should take Hood’s Sarsa parilla. The peculiar toning, purifying, and vitaliz. ing qualit es of this successful medicine are soon felt throughout the ent re system, e pell ing disease, and giving quick, health action to every organ. It tones the stomach, creates an appetite, t ml rouses the liver and kidneys. Thousands who have taken u with be nef i t, t stl f y - t hat Hood s - Sars ap a r t Ua "makesthe weak strong.” Hood’s Sarsaparilla "I have taken not quite a bottle of Hood’s Sarsa parilla, and must say it is one of the best medici ^es for giving an appetite, purifying the blood, and regulating the digestive organs, that I ever he rdof It did me a great deal of good.” Mrs. JST, A. St n ley, Canastota, N. Y. Makes tho Weak Strong “Feeling languid and dizzy, having no appetite and no ambition to work, I took Hood’s Sarsaparilla, with the best results. As a health invigorator and, medicine for general debility I think it superior to anything else.”—-A. A. Rirrr, Utica,N. Y. “I took Hood’s Sarsaparilla for loss of appetite, dyspepsia, and general languor, ’t did me a vast amount of good.” J. W. Willeford, Quincy, 111. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1; sir for $5. Prepared only by C. 1. HOOD Sc CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. fOO Doses Ono Dollar $85 1 his splendid, SOLID GOLD WitTCN FREE! for that price solid it gold, hunting-case bargain watch, is now until sold lately’ nt is the (test in America; it could not he purchased for less than $1U0. We have both liv* dies’ and gents' sizes with works and cases of equal value. ON IS I* I’IwJSO V in ertch locality can secure one of the so elegant watches absolutely 1*' IS 8' I’ . These watches may bo depended on, not only ns solid gold, but as standing among the most perfect, correct and reliable timekeepers in the world. You ask how is this wonderful otter possible? "> answer—we want one person in each locality t.> keep in their homes, and showto those who call, n complete line of our valuable and very useful £ 1101 . 1 ') Samples; these samples, as well as the'watch, we so: nd ABSOLUTELY Kit EE, and after you have kept them in vour home for 2 months, nml shown them to those who may have called, they become entirely your own property; it is pos sible to make this great offer, sending the Solid <«ol«l Watch and large line of valuable samples FREE, for Uo 1 that the showing of the samples in any locality, always results in a largo trade for us; after our samples have been in a $.i.(Min locality for trade a month from the or surrounding two, wo usually get Those from whowrto f 1,(100fo will country. for work to ns at once receive a great benefit scarcely any and trouble. This, tha most remarkable and liberal offer ever known, is made in order that our valuable Household Samples may be placed nt once whew they can be seen, all over Ameri ca ; reader, it will he hardly any trouble for you to show themto those who may call at your home, and your reward w ill be mast satisfactory. and A postal know card, on all, which do to write us, costs hut A cent, if, after you you not care to go fhrthtr, why no harm is done. Hut if you do send vour add re? * at once, you can secure, FREK, AN Kt.tCGANT SOLID GOLD, Ill’NTiNo-l’ASK Watch ami our large, complete lineof vari able ilorsKIIOLl) S4MP2.K4. >V© par all express freight,etc. Address, Siinso> & Co., llox jcT I'ortland.iiaiao. Do you want “ SSfaSSS 1 * inspirator? s /3 s ■r-fi WATER SUPPLY WASTE mrccmsons 1'0 MORDECAI LEWIS. JOHN T. LEWIS & BROS., WAR II ANTEl I’t It I, While Lead, Red Lead. Litharge. Orange Mineral, Painters Uolan and Linseed Ull. CORttKSl’tlXtIENt’l S<01.IfITKD. . GINNIRS^IgSIgi™ other useful attic less than wholesale Co. 1,1*k! <, at and IVaiera j rices. Catalogue FUCK. Ag#is supplied. Address C It It \t;«> St’Ai: to., Chicago, III. TEXAS Address,GUDLEY A. BOtTEK.Dallae.Tex. Ifso. write BlKO'nVN' & KING . Manufacturers and Dealers in Cotton. ernl \Voolnt Mill and Gen W . rough: Hnnplies. Imd Iron 1’] flnluln. 0. Fittings 3.BK0AD Brass :51 81., ATLANTA. GA. X o WHITE PURE ^ *os •*> TRADE MARK. Established 1772. - Living Witnesses. Ask Purgative anv one who has used ur. Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets as to their me its. They w 11 te 1 you that thatc pimples, nstip blotches Dion—that and erup tions disappear; breed er of disorders—iS relie ved; that tlie appetite is restored; that the whole system is ren ivated and regulated wonder-workers. beyond any Being conception purely by these little they perfectly harmless; being vegeta po-ed ble, of concentrated, are active ingredients,they - om are powerful! disease will Purge be unknown. and purify Of the all system drug and gists. ______ The South African diamond fields yielded ?ems worth $20,(DO,000 last year. In every community there are a number of men whose whole time farmers’ is not occupied, and such oth as teachers, ministers, sons, would ers To these classes especially hundred we dollars say, if vou wish to make several during the next few months, write at once to Ii. K Johnson & Co., of Richmond, Va., and they will show you how to do it. For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. • Medical and scientific skill has at last solved the problem of the long needed medicine for the per. vous, debilitated, and the aged, by combining the best nerve tonics. Celery and Coca, with other effec tive remedies, which, acting gently but efficiently on the kidneys, liver and bowels, remove disease, restore strength and renew vitality. This medicine is e aines ombound It nils a place heretofore unoccupied, and marks a new era in the treatment of nervous troubles. Overwork, anxiety, disease, lay the foundation of nervous prostration and weakness, and experience has shown that the usual remedies do not mend the strain and paralysis of the nervous system. Recommended by professional and business men. Send for circulars. Price $1,00, Gold by druggists. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors BURLINGTON. VT. Don’t buy untU you find out the new I m prove ments. Save the Middleman’s Profits. tS-iTSetirl for Catal or/ite. J. 1>. STEVENS & 15110., Ga. 4? Whitehall St** Atlanta* **3 ton $1? Other size., proportion- Catalogue ately low. Agents well paid. Illustrated free. Mention this Paper. OSGOOD & THOMPSON, Binghamton, 1’. Y. m Live at home and make more money working for us t hnn I at anytliinsrelse in (hf "•<‘rlil FULL. Term* lull. A .itlr.’ss, Tu; , f ( 1 .A. ^XjE-A-S-A-lSrT I Krwg ~3t4 *r £S2 ^ vjT|] p mmm 'firstsj.\i .;-■ 2i': REMEDIAL JIOME. *g3g FULL STAFF OF fe=-> iF- j® ilib- tv EXPERIENCED PHYSICIANS £ SUROEONS. a ! Sl; _in Fi:; - 5* i a MO ®i si I Irl E '. i !, M‘g- '« aSKflf *' r v,' * 58 : Many cessfully CHRONIC Treated DISEASES without a Suc l I lr yifrKv .-hi: m r- >' ii Personal consultation. •* f:ri X. I Wl §•3=53! t. ; -Cr^ P' I m mm? m m YUE ' ’ ease obtain by our the knowledge application, ■4>- of to the the patient’s practice of . mm '■4# Si im medicine, of well-established principles of modern :*hrr science. The most ample resources for lingering or chronic diseases, and the skill, are thus placed within the easy reach ■Ip £-3 invalids, however distant they may reside. -- and describe your symptoms, inclosing ten in stamps, and a complete treatise, on your 1HVAUQS 1 HOTEL AHB SUSOIOSL INSTITUTE, 60S Main Si., Buffalo, H. V. ticular disease, will be sent you, with our ion as to its nature and curability. OUH FIELD OF SUCCESS. Nasal, Throat Tlie treatment of Diseases of the Air Passages and Dungs, such as Chronic Catarrh in the Head, and and Laryngitis, Consumption, Hroncliitis, both Asthma, through Lung Diseases, correspondence constitutes an important and at our specialty. institutions, We publish three separate books on Nasal, Throat viz: and (1) Lung Diseases, which Consumption, give union valuaole in formation, A Treatise on A Laryngitis and Bronchitis; price, post-paid, ten cents. (2) Treatise on Asthma, or Phthisic, giving new and successful Chronic treatment; price, post paid, price, ten post-paid, cents. (3) A Treatise on Catarrh in the Head; two cents. [Diseases IDigestiqn. of are stinate rhea, Dyspepsia, among Tape-worms, Const those “Liver ! pal chronic ion. and Complaint.” diseases Chronic kindred in affections, the Diar- Ob treatment suc cessful of which our specialists have --attained great success. Our Complete Treatise on Diseases of tlie Digestive Organs will be sent to any address on receipt of ten cents in postage stamps. Kidney BRIGHT’S DISEASE, DIABETES, and kindred maladies, have been very largelv treated, Diseases. and cures effected in thousands of cases which had been pronounced beyond hope. These dis eases by chemical are readily analysis diagnosticated, of the or determined, examination of patients, urine, without a personal who can, therefore, generally be successfully of chemical treated at their homes. The examination study and of practice the urine in consideration analysis and of microscopical our eases, with reference to correct diagnosis, in which our institution long ago became famous, has naturally led to a very extensive practice in diseases of the urinary organs. Caution. These diseases should be treated only bv a special ist thoroughly ascertain familiar the with them, and who is com petent of advancement to which exact the condition disease and stage has made (which can only be ascertained by a careful chemical and micro scopical examination of the urine), for medicines which are curative in one stage or condition do positive injury in others. Being in constant receipt of numerous inquiries for a comolete style work ou the nature understood, and curability of have these maladies, written in a to be easily we published a large. Illus trated Treatise on these diseases, which will be seat to any ad dress on receipt of ten cents in postage stamps. Bladder DER. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLAD STONE IN THE BLADDER, Diseases. Gravel, Enlarged Prostate Gland, Retention of t rine, and kindred affee tions, may be included among those in the cure of which our specialists have achieved extraor dinary Pamphlet success. Those are fully treated of in our Illustrated on Urinary Diseases, sent bv mail for 10 ets. in stamps. I 1 STRICTURE i TEL STRICTEBES AS.-Hundreds AND of ERINARY of the worst FIS- form I i 8 of strictures, many of them eases greatly aggravated of inexperienced physicians by the careless use of instruments in the hands and surgeons, causing false passages, urinary relief and fistula;, and other complications, annually consult us for cure. That no case of this class is too difficult for the skill or our specialists is proved by cures reported in our illus trated treatise on these maladies, to which we refer with pride. To intrust this class of oases to physicians of small experience, is a dangerous proceeding. Many a man has been ruined for life by so doing, while thousands annually lose their lives through unskillful treatment. Send particulars of vour case and ten cents m stamps for a large. Illustrated Treatise containing many testimonials. 3. 3. B. In many instances,a sufferer from blood poi son hesitates as to which is the best remedy they should use. Theory and logic are not enough, for fluent writers may pen advertising with most seductive wording, but the intelli gent man wants experimental proof. Nothing is so convincing as the words from those wno have suffered and found a cure. Head the fol lowing true and unsolicited testimonials of tne wonderful effects of IS. IS, B. (Botanic Blood Balm): Miss., July If, PS". Meridian-, have suffered untold For a number of years 1 poison. I had agony from the effects of blood my case treated by several prominent if relief. physi- I cians, but received but little, medicines,spend- any, resorted to all sorts of patent ing a large amount of money, but yet getting no better. My attention was attracted by tne cures said to have been effected by B. B. B., and I commenced taking it merely the as results. an ex periment.having but little fa th in To my utter surprise I soon commenced to im prove, and deem myself to-day a .veil and hearty person—all owing to the excellent qual ities of B. B. B. I cannot commend it too highly to those suffering from blood poison. J. O. Gibson, Trainman, M. & O. It. It. Baltimore, April 20, 1887.—For over twenty years I have been troubled with ulcerated bowels and bleeding plles.and grew very weak and thin from constant loss of blood. I have used four bottles of H. B. B., and have general gamed 15 pounds in weight, and feel better in health than Iliaveforten years. I recommend your B. B. B. as the best medicine I have ever used, and owe my improvement to the use oi Botanic Blood Balm. 318 Exeter St. Eugexius A. Smith, Dawsox, GA., June 30, 1887.—Being an old man and suffering fron general debility I rheumatism of the joints of the shoulders, found difficulty iu attending to my business, that ft a lawyer, until I bought and used bottles of B. B. B., Botanic Blood Balm, of Mr. T. O. Jones, of .1. ft. Irwin & Son, and my eral health believe Is improved, it to he and good tlie medicine rheumatism left me. I a J. H. Laing. Address, Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. B. B. B. Tho BUYERS’ GUIDE is issued March and Sept., each year. It Is an ency clopedia of useful infor mation for all who pur chase the luxuries or the ”*53213!*^ necessities of life. We can clothe you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at homo, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these thifiga COMFORTABLY, and you can makeafair estimate of the value of the BUYERo GUIDE, which will ba sent upon receipt of 10 cents %o pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan AvertuC, Chicago.Ill. Um Peck’s Patent Jatfkovkd Cushions® Ear Drums Perfectly Restore the - nii Heari nff."Aether the deafnt&sH* caused f %tA)\I 1 >V colds, fevers or Injuries to the Ih' ///fltk' Li fair Invisible, Music, comfortable, conversation, alway* whis la volition. I 1-roMtwav, cor. 14th St., York, for agjgSfcJ jiiustmttDl tifiok of proofs, IM. WburYzay euro I do not m«3* meTely to stop tbem SSIllfeSiSKfiSIS: LESglSfk! ‘am .ffc Write Mr CA l ALOBtL. _______ Graham Gaa & Epileptic Convulsions, or Fits, P«*‘ 1 ralysis, or Palsy, Locomotor Ataxia, !=? St. Vitus’s Dance, Insomnia, or inability i to sleep, and threatened insanity. Nervous *• Debility, and every variety of nervous affec tion, are treated by our specialists for these dis eases with unusual success. See numerous cases reported in our of different illustrated pamphlets on nervous diseases, any one which will be sent for ten cents in postage stamps, when request for them is accompanied with a statement of a case for consulta tion, so that wo may know which one ot our Treatises to send. j- We have a Special Department, devoted n|Cri?uQ uhigRui .0 fir br exclusively Women. Every to the treatment consulting of Diseases specialists, of case our the 'A’ourp Si URltn. whether most careful by letter and considerate or in person, attention, is given lui -----portant cases (and we get few which have not already of full baffled the skill of all the home physicians) have the benefit the Invalids' a Council of skilled specialists. Booms for ladies in Send Hotel and Surgical Institute are very private. of ton cents in stamps for our Complete Treatise on Diseases Women, illustrated with wood-cuts and colored plates (160 pages). r.,n nfli; [;Aj Ii!Ih£ IlnP HERNIA (Breach), or REPTEKE, size, no matter of how long standing, or of what „ is promptly and permanently cured by (If u< imriuriL. hiiPTIIRF our specialists, without Hie knife ana without dependence upon trusses. Abundant references. Send ten cents for our Illustrated Treatise. bowels, PILES, FISTX'UE, and other diseases affecting the lower of are treated with wonderful success. The worst cases pile Send tumors, are permanently cured in fifteen to twenty days. ten cents for Illustrated Treatise. decline Organic weakness, nervous debility, premature of the manly powers, involuntary losses, impaired memory, mental anxiety, absence of tions will-power, melancholy, weak back, and all affec arising from youthful indiscretions and per and permanently nicious, cured. solitary practices, arc speedily, thoroughly AVe, many years ago, established a Special Department for the treatment of these diseases, under the management of some of the most skillful physicians and surgeons on our Staff, in order that alt who apply to us might receive ail the advantages of a full Council of the most experienced specialists. ui_ n UrrEn ___r I We offer no apology for devoting so much Jit I 1 attention believing to that this neglected condition elasB of humanity of diseases, is u HO uPOLOOV • I no and *-oo wretched to merit the sympathy • • best services of the noble profession to which we belong. Why any medical man, intent on doing good and alleviating suffering, should shun such eases, we cannot imagine. Why any one should consider it otherwise than most honorahle to cure the worst eases of these diseases, we cannot understand; and yet of all the ether maladies which afflict mankind there is probably none about which physicians in genera! practice know so little. We shall, therefore, sideration. continue, as heretofore, to treat with our best suffering con from of sympathy, these delicate and skill, all applicants who are PlIDCn any Ilnur diseases. when *>UntU ST nUlnt. Most of these cases can be treated by us hi at a distance as well as if here in person. A Complete Treatise (136 pages) on these delicate diseases sent sealed, in plain envelope, secure from observation, on receipt of only ten cents, in stamps, for postage. All statements made and secrets confided to us will be held to be sacredly Confidential All letters of Inquiry, or of consultation, should be addressed to WORLD’S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, No. 663 Main St., BUFFALO, Y.R. Hk J i mi ? '. IA Ps LV “• "*■ in iilfS (-^r v / i ■ M nn ■ / ' > -j m W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE • GEXTUU& FOR The only fine calf $3 Seamlm* Shoe in the - worl<8 roach- wit limit tacks «r $5 nails. As stylish wui durable a> those cost the tug or $(>, and having ac , tacks or nails to wear comfortable stocking and or hurt t'icfeft J makes them as Buy the best. None well fitting as hand sewed shoe. genuine un less stamped on bottom w. L. Douglas $3 Shoe warranted.** IV. L. DOUGLAS $4 SHOE, the originalnna only han l sewed welt $4 slice, $ii which equais custom made shoes costing from to $9. W. L. DOUGLAS S’J.50 SHOE ts uncx celled for heavy wear. W, 1j. OOUGIiAS S3 SHOE is worn by ajj Boys, and fs the best school shoe in the work’. All the above goods are made in Con; gress, Button and Lace, and if not sol l by your dealer, writ* W. b. iXM'GT.AS. B* ©ckt«n. Mass. A .... DIE IN ^DQN’rC THE HOUj!# X Gone Where the Woodbine Twineth. Rats are smart, but “Rough on Rats” beats them. Clears out Rats, Mice, Roaches, Water Bugs, Flies, Beetles, Moths, Ants, Mosquitoes, Hugs, Bed-bugs, Hen Lice, Insects. Potato bparrotvs, Bkunks, Weasel, Gophers, Jack BaSubits, Chip munks, Moles, Musk Bats, HqXurrels. 15c. and 35c. Druggists. “ROUGH ON PAIN” Plaster, Porosed. 15c, « ROUGH ON COUGHS.” Coughs, colds, 2oc. ALLSKIN HUSIORSCuliDW a«! “Rough on Itch” Ointment cures Skin Hu mors. temples, Flesh Worms, RingWorm, Tet ter, Salt Rheum, FroetedFeet, Chilblains, Itch, Ivy Poison, Barber’sltcli, Scald Head, Eczema. 60c. Drug, or mail. E. S. Wells, Jersey City. R0U0H1PILES Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itchic.T, Protrud ing, Bleeding. Internal and external Druggists remedy in each package. Sure cure, 50c. or mail. E. S. Wells, Jersey City, N J. 1.1 Great English Gout ant i Rheumatic Remedy. ___________>■ Oval Box, 34s Pills round, 14 * O I * 1} is worth $300 per lb. Pettit’s Eye Sal w is VTT worth $1.0(10, but is sold n,t 2r>c, a box by dealers. A. N. U...... .......Seventeen, 68,