Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, May 19, 1888, Image 2

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CURIOUS FACTS. The Seven Years’ War in America con tinued from 1755 to 1762. The “original bearded woman” has just died in the Pyrenees. A baptismal garment known to be 132 years old is in use at Pekin, III. The Athenaeum at Home was erected "by the Emperor Adrian, A. I). 125. Amadeo Von der Hoy a, aged 13, of Atlanta, Ga., is a phenomenal violinist. An Ottawa (Kansas) blacksmith has a bellows that has l>een in the family eighty years. A swinging sign in front of a Chicago atore bears the legend; “The Truth Spoken Here.” filled A Brooklyn dentist has successfully a tooth of Iris favorite setter. The dog bore the operation nobly. It is said to be the custom in Spain for the girls to kiss every young man they meet on the 29th of February. The first slave labor within the present limits of the United States was that I'ui ployed at the founding of St. Augustine in 1565. The first Chinese tramp ever seen in this country turned up at a Baltimore police station the other evening and de manded a night’s lodging. A. W. Gray’s Sons, of Middletown Springs, Vt., resently shipped to Africa a rice instead threshing machine, to be run by man of horse power. If a few drops of aquafortis had not dropped burg glass upon the spectacles of a Nurem still have remained cutter, etching unknown. on glass might If a watchmaker’s apprentice had not held up some spectacle glass between his thumb and forefinger, telescope lenses might never have been known. A man was recently sentenced in Liv erpool, Eng., to five years’ penul servi tude for obtaining a shilling under the pretence that it was for a charitable ob ject. of < halccdony is nof a gem. It is a species quartz, very hard. Good specimens derive their value from their markings aud from the work put on them by artists. conics. Spain signifies This a country of rabbits or fested with country was once so in those animals that the inhab itants petitioned Augustus for an army to destroy them. ted Probably the oldest violin in the Uni States is owned by Rev. \V. M. Beau champ, in of Baldwinsvllle, N. V. It A .1 ■ touud the ruins of Glastonbury Ab bey, which was destroyed in ISM. The first normal school for the instruc tion of teachers was established nt Paris, by a law, October HO, 17!M, and opened been January 20, 171)5, and this design has followed in other countries, espe cially iu the United States. A St. Louis man says that Mar. h is the lucky month for tiie birth of great, statesmen, and im-tunees, in support of his statement, the fact that, many of the Presidents of the United States and Sovereigns month. of Europe were born in that Captain Baldry, of the steam whaler Urea, has returned to San Francisco from a voyage in whi h he killed thirty-five whales, the largest catch on record. 1 "onty-eight of those all the ship could carry -were stowed and yielded 2800 barrels of oil and 4800 pounds of bone. The catch was valued nt ftil ! ,800. » A rattlesnake was discovered tarrying off a half-grown turkey near AVaukeenah, Mi., and two dogs were set upon it. It struck both animals, and both died, but the turkey was released unbanned, which is proof that snakes do not poison their own food. The snake killed was s:x feet seV' n inches long and had fifteen rattles. The avorago Russian is said to drink trom ten to twelve glasses of tea a day. his Every Russian merchant has a tea urn in mechanic counting-room, and tho lawyer or goes out to his cafe for tea as often as the German for beer or the Frenchman for wine. At the cafes at all hours of the day and night one can see crowds of people sipping tea. Mrs. Phillips, a handsome widow of ship, thirty, who runs a farm in Cypress Town Barnwell County, Ga., last year, unaided, made thirty-eight tales of cot ton, besides raising corn, pens and pota toes, She plowed with an ox and did all the work of preparing, planting, cul tivating and gathering. She has bought a mule for the farm work this year. General Sheridan’s Traveling Hed. I was reading the other day that 'Wen dell Phillips, the lecturer, when he traveled carried a sleeping-bag, into 'which he crawled nt night when at a strange hotel. It reminded one of the sleeping tells hag that Dell. Randolph Keim me General I’hil Sheridan carried while on the campaign against the Indians iu midwinter. It was made of fur, with the fur inside, and Sheridan used to strip and crawl into it. The General had und two big iu dogs that followed him about, the morning early when the reveille was sounded the dogs would go nosing about until they got, into Sheri dan’s tent, when they would rush upon their sleeping master and run their cold noses into the sleeping bag. It had the effect of a an electrical bath on “Little Phil,” and the language ho used was ex ceedingly free, and the dogs would rush, growling, Harrisburg down the camp street.— Telegraph. A Horse Hies of ;t Broken Heart. An incident illu-trating the affection ate nature of a horse is told by the Georgetown Moore’s (Ky ) Enterprise; “Eugene noted horse, Villain, died last week of loneliness, He was eleven years old, and from the time he was a colt was greatly attached to his master. In winter's cold or summer's heat Villain was his back always ready to carry his master on or draw him in a buggy. Shortly after Christmas he was sen t to Kincaid to spend the winter, and his owner for several failing to put in an appearance weeks, the horse pined away, refusing to eat any food, and finally died, tic was given a docent burial, and, while no monument will be erected over his remains, his gentle disposition and noble qualities will long be remem bered by those who knew Villain.” of Slavery the existed in Mexico trom the time, the independence Conquest, 1521. until shortly after of tke country in 1821. A UACY BOOK. 'vinlilladng ,«iili Truth. Hnrcasin and Brilliant New York Letter. Chap. Chap. II. I. “Has Malaria;’’ goes to Florida. Eurof«. Chap. “Overworked;” goes to IIL “Has Rheumatism;” goes to Chap. IV. Has a row with his Doctor. I have read a d ?al of sarcasm in my day, but I never read anything equal to the sar casm book, contained in the above four chaptered written by some anonymous. 1 sus pect thb the experience portrayed much is a personal one; author intimates as on page d. Let me give you a synopsis: “Malaria,” as it states, "is the cloak with which superficial physicians cover up a mul titude of il) feelings which they do not under stand, It is and do not much care to investigate. also a cover for such discas-s as they cannot cure. When they advise their patient to travel or that he has overworked and needs rest and is probably suffering from malaria, it is a confession of ignorance or of inabil ity. "The patient abroad. Tho change is a tonic and for a time he feels better. Comes home. Fickle appetite, frequent headaches, severe bility, colds, cramps, sleeplessness, irrita tired feelings, and general unfitness for business are succeeded In duo time by alarming alxmt. his attacks of rheumatism all human which flits ings. body regardless of feel '■It is muscular,—in his back. Articular, —in his joints. Inflammatory, tny! bow he tears it will fly to his heart! “Now off he goes to the springs. The doc tor sends him there, of course, to get well; at the same time he does not really want him to die on his hands! That would hurt his business! “Better for a few days, Returns. After a while neuralgia transfixes him. He bloats; cannot breathe: has pneumonia; cannot walk; cannot sleep on bis left side; is fretful; very nervous and irritable; is pale and flabby; has him frequent chills and fevers; everything about musters seems to go wrong; becomes demands suspicious: up courage and to know what is killing Liiii! “Great heavens!” he cries, “why have you kept me so long in ignorance!” fate “ Because,” Raid the doctor, “ best I read keep voUr live years ago. J thought to you He ignorant of the facts.” too late! His disrn ssos his doctor, but fortune has all gone in fees. But him, what becomes of him ? The other day a well known Wall Street banker sanl to me: “It is really astonishing how prevalent bl ight’s disease is becoming. Two of my personal friends are now dying of it. But ir, is not incurable, I am certain, for my nephew was recently cured when his physicians The said recovery was wonderful impossible. •’ case seems to me to be a one. This gentleman formerly represented his gov ernment in a fore gn country. He knows, appreciates and declares tho value of that preparation, because bis nephew, who is a son of Danish Vice-Consul Schmidt, was pro nounced incurable when the remedy, War tier's Kafo Cure, was begun. “Yes,” said his father, ”1 was very skeptical, but since tak ing that remedy the boy is well ” 1 happen to know what it was that cured the boy, for Genl. < fiiristiansen, of Drexel, Morgan ,v Co.’s., told me that it was that • wonderful remedy, Warner's safe cure.’ Well, I suspect the hero of tho book cured himself by the same means. 1 cannot close my notice better than by quoting If, tho friend, author’s advice: " my you have such as experi ence as 1 have portrayed, do not put your trust in physicians to the exclusion of other remedical agencies. They have no monop oly over disease and 1 far personally know that many of them would prefer that their patient* their should go to Heaven direct from be saved powerless hands than that they should authorized to means.” earth by tho use of any “un Hazel Eyes. flirt Noting with man, yon bod better not try to ft pair of hazel eyes. It is a waste of time and rather dangerous. nml They are less susceptiblo deceived than the bine when once do not pine away it in grief, but rally for revenge and take out in scorn. If you tackle them you had better go in to win or leave the country. And while I think of it, I’ll mako another remark:—When you woo and win and wed you had better keep winning afterward or leave the coun try. It takes a power of love to do them. She Had One, Too. A little 5-year-old girl was visiting at the house, and his little daughter was showing interest, her the different objects of to nil of which her invariable comment would be: “My mother's got one, too.” At last she was shown two companion studied intently pictures of dogs, which she. for a few moments and then hurst out with: “My mother has got of them a picture is of two dogs, too, only one a eat .”—Boston Globe. A (irrm l.eirncy To 1 equeath to your children is wealth, a strong,clean, because pure it constitution—better than will never prove a curse. You cannot give what \ ou <h> not possess, but mothers will find in Dr. l'ierce’s Favorite Prescription a bringing wonder ful help cone ting ail weaknesses, their s\stems children, into perfect shall condition,so rise to that call 1 heir untainted, up them blessed! all the land There is not a druggist stock in hand. But always keeps a on King Humhort, of Italy, seldom wears a uniform, preferring civilian clothes. “ i'otiwninptioii can bit (’urt*d,” Dr. J. S. Com its, Owen&viUe, Ohio, says: “I have given Scott’s Emulsion* of Ood Liver Oil with Hypophosphltes to four patients with bettor results than so: metl possible with any disease, remedy. and AH were advanced hereditary that eases of Lung to state when Coughs, frequent pain in the ehes . frequent Emaciation. breathing, thesecaaes pulse, have fever and in weight All increased from Irtto is cine.'’ lbs., and are not now needing any medi yjAcoBS oji FOR POULTRY. -CERES Chicken Cholera and all Diseases of Poultry. S3-GEXESAL LIKECTIOSS.-Nixa piU fi bread or eloupA saturated with St. Jacobs Oil. Ij the fowl <vmHtg suxUUow force it down (he throat, M x same cam-meat dough with the Oil . Gist nothing else. They will finally eat and be cured. fold by Druggists and Dealers Everywhere. RIE CHARLES A. V 0 GEIER CO . Baltimore. Md |B?>LY’f’^Si Ely’s Cream Bairn IS SURE TO CURE (AriEVERfyJJ Cold in Head QVUKI.Y. ’• Apply Balm into caob nostril, K!y B»s.,235GrM*owicbSt.,N.Y. SI 00 to $300 {!T.r.« i>r.>ttuL'y TOiwM ni«". spir." moment* may a HJlva }' SO f ^'ca. l w\TMrtn,T"it“chm *' HERBRAMO FIFTH WHEEL SfitSSE UKKBUANl) CO., mrnonv O. PIS0S CURE FOR CONSUMPTION THE LIME-KIL.1 CLUB, Bro. Gardner Present Some New Aphorisms [From the Detroit Fr4 Press.] “In walkin’ softly long e path of life dar’ am sartin lings it woi il be well to remember,” said Brother Gardner as the meeting opened. judge of by his “Doan’ a mau’sjeauty whiskers. He may grow ’<ln to conceal pimples “Doan’judge an’ soars. of good natur’ a womans by her talk on a street kyaror the way she smiles in church. “One reason why our chillbn paints git licked so often is because their happen to be de biggest. “It is only a fool who joes around lookin’ for a model man. man with out faults would be too soft, b stand this climate. “While consistency should be re spected in a gineral way, doin’ loop-hole hesitate to squirm out o’ any sort of i when argying time with dat a lawyer. begins “About de a man to assert dat dis world owes him a ,ibin’ ar’ about de date when he should gethis fust sentence to State Prison. dat “When dar’ you h’ar sicli a pusson thing arfyfying fueher’ am no as punishment you has lighted upon an ole sinner who ar’ trying to lie to liisself. “You compliment some men altogether too highly to call ’em a hog. I hev no ticed dat no hog gets drunk except by accident. “While I admit dat George Washing ton was a great an’ good man, I would not, if I was runnin’ a co’ner grocery, trust any odder American on that ac count. “De man who am alius ready to fight for his convictions will light onde wrong side at least half de time. “If chill’en it wasn’t fur nayborhood widout gossip some would go shoes, an’ some mothers would put six mo’ dollars into deir bonnets. fleeksliun “An egotistical Nature’s pusson lookin’-glass. is simply a re in people “Dignity build ar’ de keep fence which sartin up to de world from gettiu’ clus ’nuflf to find out how bad (ley really am.” A Good Inveslinrut Is that wh’ch yields large returns from a small outlay. Reader, the wav is cleat! No specu lation, tin chance, big returns! If you are likt most of mankind you have somewherea weak ness—don’t feel at ali times just as you’d like o—headache to-dar, backache to-morrow, blood down sick next week—all because your is out of order. A small ou lay and what la ge returns! You inv -st in Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery and soon pure, fresh b ood courses through \ otr veins, and you are an other being! London’s death rate is 20 in 1,000, and that of New York ts 2t) in 1,000. • old Weal tier Benevolence, Why is cold weather productive of benevo lence? It makes people put their hands in their pockets. Take It also Taylor’s produces Cherokee coughs, Remedy colds and of croup. Sweet Gum and Mullein. If You Feel Tired Weak unci weary, woruout, or ruu down from hard work, by Impoverished condition of the blood or low state of the system, you should take Hood's Sarsa parilla. The peculiar toning, purifying, and vitallz. Ing qualltes of thU successful medicine are soon felt throughout the ent re sy3tem, e polling disease, and giving quick, heaith action to every organ. It tones the stomach, creates an appetite, i nd rouses tiie liver and kidneys. Thousands who have taken u with benefit, t stify tha; Hoods Sarsaparilla "makes the weak strong.” Hood’s Sarsaparilla "I have taken not quite a bottle of Hood’s Sarsa parllla, and must say it is one of the best mediei es lor giving an appetite, purifying tho blood, and regulating the digestive organs, that I ever he rdof It did me a great deal of good.” Mrs. N, A. St n ley, Canastota, N. Y. Makes the Weak Strong “Feeling laugui l and dizzy, having no appetite and no ambition to work, I took Hood’s Sarsaparilla, with the best results. As a health invigorator and medicine for general debility l think it superior to anything else.”—A. A. RtRKR, Utica,N. Y. “1 took Hood’s Sarsaparilla for loss of appetite, dyspepsia, and general languor, ’t did mo a vast amount of good.” J. \Y. Willeford, Quincy, Ill. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $l; sir for Prepared only by C. 1. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. JOO Doses One Dollar 1,85 Iris splendid, SOLID solid go)d, GOLD huntlng-caso WATCH watch, la now FREE! sold f at It could nt ihnt not lie price purchased it is the best less bargnin than in $1UU. America; We have until both lately laf dirs'and tor pouts’ sizes with work* find cases of equal rsluD. 0\K Pr.lSMi\ v« in ertoh locality c»u secure one of tlieso !*J elegant depended watches abs olutely F IS B'. lb. ‘Hies® Wat dies n isy ho no on, not o nly as solid gold, but as standini mg among tho most perfect, com* ct and reliable timekeepers in the world. Yen ask how is t this wonderful otVcr possible'.' We answer—we want one persoj i bi each locality to keep in their homes, end shoWfo those who call, a complete line of our valuable and very usciil Hot''SKID >M» tiAMULKS; these samples, as well as the watch, we semi AHsoLl'TELY KUEE.and after j’ou have kept them In vour home for 2 months, nml shown them to those who may have called, they become entirely your own property; it is pos nihlp to muke this pm/it offer, sending - tho Striid tioM Watch and largo line of valuable samples FuF.K, for tho I’cnsou that the showing of the samples in any locality, always result* iu a large trade for us-.after onr samples have Keen in a locality for a month or two, xve usually got from $1,000to in trade fYom the surrounding country. Those whowrto to u» af om'e will receive a great benefit for scarcely any work ami trouble. This, the most remarkable and liberal offer ever hue nvn, is nude in order that our valuable Household Samples may be placed nt once where they can be seen, all over Ameri ca; reader, tt will he hardly any trouble for you to show them to those who may call nt your home, and your reward will be most satisfactory. A postal card, on w hich to write us, costs but A cent, and if, after you know all, you do not care to go fhrilitr, why no harm is done. Hut If you ELKO do send vour address at once, you can secure, FRKK, AN ANT SOLID GOI.p, lll'XriVii-i'tsi" Waivh ami our large, complete line of vala eble lloi'SKitoi.n Sahplks. Wo par all ext?ress freight,ex. Address, BTlXSQS A to. Vox iG7 2*artktnd, iisiao. Do yoinsant "Sim,pie"' Inspirator? 3 vSl Li." I0MIIER £ ' ■ -0 5 mrccnssons Ta MORDEUAI LEWIS. JOHN T. IiEWB Sc BROS., WARit \ NTEI I’lltE White Mineral, Lead, Painters Red Lead, Color, Litharge, Orange Oil. and Linseed « OttHKSl’ONUEXt I WOl.ll’ITKP. GINNERS.?^r^’V W«M 111 J ter^«;u,^nlrs^n*,. fe *“» lino. write llltO'tVV & KING Manufacturers and Deniers I'n Cotton. _ erl:l “’oolrn and Gen Mill Suppliva. “I 'rous n Iron m aolldn. .5 mm "(a "“11 Brush 5‘ 5. Bar)“; 81.. A’IW'I‘A. GA. v«" w,s HA r\ A* ❖ aA X PURE O WHITE <n TRADE mark. Establi she a 1772. — ------ Living Witnesses. — Ask anv one who has used or, Pierce's Pleas ant Purgative Pellets as to their me its. They w 11 te 1 you that pimples, blotches and erup tions disappear; thate nstip.tion—that breed er of disorders—is relie ed; that the appetite is restored; that the whole system is renovated and little regulated beyond any Being conception purely by these wonder-workers. vegeta ble, they are perfectly harmless; ingredients,they being ,om posed of concentrated, active and are powerful'. will Purge be unknown. and purify Of the all system drug disease gists. ______ The South African diamond fields yielded ?ems -worth $20,000,000 last year. In every community there are a number of men whose whole time is not occupied, such as teachers, ministers, farmers’ sons, and oth ers. To these classes especially we won-d say, if you wish to make several hundred dollars during the next few months, write at once to li. F Johnson & Co., of Richmond, Va., and they will show you how to do it. For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. SSSHSSaSS! on the kidneys, liver ami bowels, remove disease, strength and renew vitality. This medicine is a asne’s unbound Tt filis a place heretofore unoccupied, and marks a new era in the treatment of nervous troubles. Overwork, anxiety, disease, lay the foundation of nervous prostration and weakness, and experience has shown that the usual remedies do not mend the strain and paralysis of the nervous system. Recommended by professional cud business men. Send for circulars. Price 81.00. Sold by druggists. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors BURLINGTON, VT. Don’t buy until you find out the new Improve”’ ments. Save the Middleman’s Profits. tSaTStend for Catal ogue. J. P, STEVENS & BR0, 47 Whitehall St** Atlanta* Ga. «OSGOOD» TJ. 3. Standard Scale:. Sent on FullyWartanted. trial. Freight paid. 3 TON $35. Other size., proportion ntely low. Agents well paid. Illustrated Catalogue free. Mention this Paper. CSSOOD Si THOMPSON, Binghamton, H. Y. m Live at home mid make more money working for us than I it anythmsrclse in the world flit fir r sox Costly outfit Fit LI'.. Tern'* Ui:v;i;. A<>i!r,i'i:i r: ,®i Co., Augusta, Maine. er J A. PLEASANT v ! HvwT - , -3 \ REMEDIAL HOME. w *a» ■i % vyvf r 153 PULL STAFF OF frijgg g ~ ■ K i EXPERIENCED PHYSICIANS a SUROEONS. . m 9 g r v J Jin 9 P many cessfully Personal CHEONXC Treated Consultation. DISEASES 'without a ©nc l —• K A." > ip :V.' "rEr'fe&! H|p WE obtain our knowledge of the patient’s dia mm rapEE j science. medicine, ' ease The of by well-established the most application, ample resources principles to the- for practice of treating modem of ’tf>W ■ ’’m lingering or chronic diseases, and the greatest • skill, are thus placed within the easy reach of invalids, however distant they may reside. Write and describe your symptoms, inclosing ten cents in stamps, and a complete treatise, on your par INVALIDS’ HOTEL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, 6S3 Main Si., Buffalo, N. Y. ticular disease, will be sent you, with our opin ion as to its nature and curability. OUR FTEI.D SUCCESS. Nasal, Throat The treatment of Diseases ot the Air Passages and Lungs, such as Chronic Catarrh in the Head, AND and Laryngitis, Consumption, Bronchitis, both Asthma, through Lung Diseases. correspondence constitutes an important and at our specialty. institutions, Nasal, Throat Lung We publish which three separate books on and Diseases, give laucn valuaule in formation, Bronchitis; viz: price, (X) post-paid, A Treatise on Consumption. (2) A Treatise Laryngitis and ten cents. on Asthma, or Phthisic, giving new Treatise and successful treatment; price, post price, paid, ten post-paid, cents. (3) A on Chronio Catarrh in the Head; two cents. | I S iwhw nc t B rhea, Tape-worms, and kindred affections, I | IfKTmnM UliiLOMUil. a | are cessful a 111011 treatment ®' those of chronic which diseases our specialists in the have sue ---attained great success. Our Complete Treatise on Diseases of the Digestive Organs will be sent to any address on receipt of ten cents in postage stamps. Kidney BRIGHT’S DISEASE, DIABETES, and kindred maladies, effected have in thousands been very largelv treated, Diseases, and cures of cases which had been pronounced beyond hope. These dis eases are readily analysis diagnosticated, or determined, by chemical of the urine, without a personal examination successfully of patients, treated who can, therefore, generally bo at their homes. The study and practice of chemical analysis and microscopical examination of the urine in our consideration of cases, with reference to correct diagnosis, in which our institution long ago became famous, has naturally led to a very extensive practice in diseases of the urinary organs. CT3 J These diseases should be treated onlv by a special CL3 ist thoroughly ascertain familiar the with them, condition and who is com petent of advancement to which exact the disease has and stage ascertained by careful made (which can only be a chemical and micro scopical examination of the urine), for medicines which are curative in one stage or condition do positive injury in others. Being in constant and receipt curability of numerous of these inquiries maladies, for a complete work on the nature written in a style to be easily understood, we have published a large, Illus trated Treatise on these diseases, which will be seat to any ad dress on receipt of ten cents in postage stamps. Bladder INFLAMMATION OF THE BLAD DER, STONE IN THE BLADDER, Diseases. Gravel, Retention Eitiarcetl of Frostate Gland, tions. be included Urine, and those kindred affec of which may among in the cure dinary These our fully specialists have achieved extraor success. are treated of in our Illustrated Pamphlet on Urinary Diseases. Sent by mail for 10 ets. in stamps. I | p wTolCTliSE r ,,. rM „ r 1 3 STRICTURES Hundreds AND of URINARY of the FIS I 3 of strictures, them cases worst form many of greatly aggravated by the careless use of instruments in the hands of inexperienced physicians and surgeons, causing false passages, relief urinary fistula’, and other complications, annually consult us for and cure. That no ease of this class is too difficult for the skill of our specialists is proved by cures reported in onr illus trated treatise on these maladies, to which we refer with pride. To Intrust this class of oases to physicians of small experience, is life a by dangerous proceeding. Many a man has been ruined for unskillful so doing, while thousands annually lose their lives through treatment. Send particulars of vour case and t.n cents in stamps for a large. Illustrated Treatise containing many testimonials. " B» B. Bi In many iosfances.a sufferer from blood remedy poi son hesitates as to which is the best they should use. Theory and logic are not enough, for fluent, writers may pen advertising witli most seductive wording, but the intelli gent man wants experimental proof. Nothing is so convincing as the words from those who have suffered and found a cure. Read the fol lowing true and unsolicited testimonials of the wonderful effects of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm): July 12,18S7. For Meridian, Miss., have suffered untold a number of years 1 I had agony from the effects of blood poison. my case treated by several prominent relief. physi- I cians, but received ail but little, medicines,spend- if any, resorted to sorts of patent ing a large amount of money, but yet getting \\‘> better. My attention was attracted by the cures said to have been effected by B. B. B., and I commenced taking it merely as an ex periment,having but little fa th in the results, To my utter surprise I soon commenced to im prove, and deem myself to-day a well and hearty person—all owing to the commend excellent quai ities of B. B. B. I cannot it too highly J. to those suffering from M. blood O. poison. R. R. O. Gibson, Trainman, A Baltimore, April 20,1887.—For over ulcerated twenty years I have been troubled with bowels and bleeding piles,and grew very weak and thin from constant loss of blood. I have used fotlr bottles of B. B. B., and have gained 15 health pounds than in I weight, have for and ten feel better I recommend in general B. B. medicine years. I have your B. as the best ever used, and owe my improvement to the Use of Botanic Blood Balm. Eugenics A. Smith, 318 Exeter St. Dawson, Ga., June 30, 1887.—Being debility an old man and suffering of fron general of the shoulders, and I rheumatism the joints business, fouhd difficulty in attending to my that fit a lawyer, until I bought and used five bottles of B. B. B,. It. Botanic Irwin Blood Balm, of Mr. T. C. health Jones, of J. & Son, and rheumatism my gen eral is improved, and tiie leftme. I believe it to be a good 3. medicine H. LainG. Address, Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. B. B. Bi Tho BUYERS’ GUIDE is issued March and Sept., each year. It is an ency clopedia of useful infor mation for all who pur chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. Wo can clothe you and furnish you witli all the necessary and unnecessary or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just out what is required to do all these thifitgs COMFORTABLY, and you can make a lair estimate of the value of the BUYERS’ GUIDE, Which Will bo sent upon recoipt of 10 eent3 %o pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 1X1-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill. FOR THE Peck’s Pat mbi h*rnovxb Cushion*® l Ear Dbumb Perfectly Restore the rr^ W\ H eari n£,whether the deafncJ* to the h caused /ft Lv colds, fevers or injuries comfortable, always iT’-Lj drums. Invisible, wliis ^ gjk - in position. Music, conversation, •W' fcroiuhvav, cor. 14th St., Ne^ York, for illustrated hTok of proofs, r REE, When l say euro I do not m€cn merely to stop them for LLrant remedy?. fur« K ewes! 6 > Beranso mj the wore* i:ive failed is no rc'awiii for nob new receiving n cure. Send at once for a .treatiM and a Free Bottle | ; wSJIRSV & Drshsm GOi^chIcago.' fJERyDUS I ralysis, Epileptic Palsy, Convulsions, Locomotor or Fits, Pa» I St. Vitus’s or Dance, Insomnia, Ataxia, inability IJlPCieCQ I or EJIotflOLC. | Debility', to sleep, and and threatened insanity. Nervous treated by every variety of nervous affec with unusual tion, are See our specialists for these dis eases different illustrated success. pamphlets numerous cases diseases, reported In our of on nervous any one which will be sent for ten cents in postage stamps, when request for them is accompanied with a statement of a case for consulta tion, so that v. e may know which cnc of our Treatises to send. biii.i iiki.iiim iiKiia « -^- e }, ave a Special Department, devoted I i ilISFASFS “ l 0 fiF “ r exclusively Women. 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U! r flrrrn UFri.H 8 1 attention offer to no this apology neglected for devoting class of so diseases, much fit I believing that condition humanity is WO i, UrOLODY ■ B wretched no of '* • to ° to merit the gympathv and best services of the noble profession to which we belong. Why any medical man, such intent on doing cannot good imagine. and alleviating Why suffering, should shun it otherwise cases, we any one should consider than most honorable to cure the worst eases of these diseases, we cannot understand; and yet of all the ether maladies which afflict mankind there is probably none about which physicians in general practice know so little. W’e shall, therefore, continue, as heretofore, to treat with our best con sideration. sympathy, and skill, all applicants who are suffering from any of these delicate diseases. Piiorn JUntU HI IT Unjjr Burnt. at, Most distance of these cases well can if be here treated in by us when a as as person. 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