Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, July 07, 1888, Image 2

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Wht *tt ft VV thos. r. pi:n>. : Publisher. Dray Genrjria, .Saturday, July 7th OUR TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT. Grover Cleveland OF NEW YORK. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT: Allen G. Thurman OF OHIO. FOR GOVERNOR; John B. Gordon. FOR CONGRESS 6tii DISTRICT. Hoii James H Blount Baldwin, and Jasper Counties, has instructed for Hon. Jas. H. Blount for Congress, and John B. Gordon. Governor, The betting in New York is ten to seven on Cleveland, and the re publicans are not taking the bets at a very lively rate oven at those figtn os. Tho confidence of the re publicans in the success of their ticket is not as great as they pre tend it is. At a prayer mooting in Indian apolis the other night Mr. Elliott F. Slicpard of tho Now York Mail and Express made a political speech, in which ho abused , Cleve land and Thurman. Nobody ought to expect anything bettor of Shepard. Ho is a crank. Jumbo Jowott was in Macon, on exhibition the4th ot July; Jumbo weighs 649 lbs, Ho has a good look ing and intelligent face, and his foot and hands are of ordinary size, but his body, legs and arms are simply fearful in sizo. He says ho suffers no inconvenience from his fatnesh beyond pain in tho foot, caused by supporting such an im mense woight, never has tho boat and is an avorago eater. Ho weighed six pounds at birth and up to tho time ho was twelve years of ago was an ordinary boy. At that ago he began taking on flosh, ami lots of it has boon taken on. He was twonty-fivo years old last March, and has no idea when ho will stop increasing in weight, JURY TRIAL. The principle, of being “triod by tho judgement of our ‘poors’ ’’ of tho vieinty, is one of the great ele ments of a republic, and tho great est characteristic of a troo govern ment. Tho Jury room is a school in which tho citizens of a Republic learn to weigh facts, to balance ar guments, and the habit of delibera tion—in a word it is the school in which the man is educated into the citizen. The true popular element of our judiciary is to make tho citi zen a member of tho court in the administration of Justice, between tho state and the citizen, and be tween citizen and citizen. And no consideration should out weigh the advantages resulting from a person al Participation by the citizen in tho administration of Public Jus- tice.” This view of the Jury ques tion is an important ono, a view or point from which our people havo not as fully considered it as they should. It is a question which should be considered by tho Jury commissioners in all of tho counties of this state. The quest ion before them, is not, will 2, 3 or 5 hundred or one thousand names in the Jury Box be enough. Thoy should con sider the importance of tiffs school ing in a Democratic or Republican government, to its citizens and give every “intelligent and upright citi zen'' of the county a chance to take part in the administration of the public justice. This is the magna charta idea, and there is no star chamber in it. Oitizen. | Athens iLnnor-B utci C. A M. under the man acre men t Col. Mucbc-n, is moving into just us fast as possible. man who passedover the line jester day says that in the next thirty days the cars will whistle in Watkinsville. t The bridge over the Apalachee is finished, and the first engine passed over the bridge Thursday. Too much praise cannot be given to Col. K.C. Machen, the gallant Kentuck ian, who lias surmounted every ob stacle and is now ready to roil into Athens. ITEMS OF INTEREST. There have only been fifteen different versions of “Sheridan's Ride,,” and now that he is getting better the other twenty ought to come in. It lias boon discovered that there are at least 150 Mormons living m Atlanta, but eggs are uf no use. They put in a year learning to dodge ’em. The idea of zinc pads under a draught horse's collar was original with an Englishman, and he soid his knowledge to a Yankee for a glass of beer. A Chattanooga girt dreamed that her lover asked tier to go and eat ioo cream, and she sprang out of her chamber window in eager ness to accept. Jay Gould receives an average of ten begging letters per day, and seven of them are certain to end with, “And I will always pray God to bless you,“ Mr. J. B. Toorner, of Atbons, has several pieces of silver that his family brought over from Wales in 1647. It is Worn considerably, but still used at times. Wagons bearing immense adver tising signs are permitted, to follow Chicago funeral processions through the streets. There is no ordinance to prevent, and the Fool Killer never takes in that town. The grand Centennial Exposition at Cincinnati open on the 4th, and will close on Oct 27th, ’88, bids fair to bo a success. Wo return thanks to Chairman Printing and adver tising committco, for courtesios ex tended. The Countess of Abcdeen is a warm friend of Ireland. She wears shamrocks in her bonnet in London and one of hor handsomest cos tumes is a gray Irish poplin embroid ored with sham rocks. Mr. Hector Thomas, a brother ot Colonel L. P, Thomas, and for many years a resident of Atlanta, was killed by muon shiners in Indian Territory a few days ago. Billy Newberry, of the city en gineer's department iu Ht. Paul, is a man of phenomenal natural strength. Ho is a able to lift a heavy man by his teeth, and can snap stool stove pokers like broom sticks by twirling them aloft and bringing them down quickly over his loft forearm. William A. Smith, who died a few daysagdin Richmond enjoyed a unique distinction. He resigned a seat in congress because he did not think he had sense enough to prop erly represent his constituents. This is the first and probably tho last instance of the kind. DadeOitv, Fla., exhibits an alli gator fourteen feet long and with a spread of jaws capable ot taking in a cider ban el. If this reptile is worked us he ought to be Dado City will succeed in getting up a boom. A woman was passing through tho grand hall of tho Glasgow ex hibition a few nights ago with a baby m her arms, when the hand began to play. Tho child screamed with (right and died. The gold mines of North Caroli na are again being vigorously de veloped, and exceptionally vich yiolds are reported from most of them. Nash At tho Mann-Arrington, in county, some men who work over the tailing morely are said to make S24 a day. The skeleton of an Indian princess was found near Montgomery, Ala the other day, and on it were found in a fair state of preservation a silver coronet and silver bracelets and necklaces. These relies w ere pre sented to the agricultural and me chanical college at Auburn, to be placed with the Strassburger col lection. ORDINARY'S CITATION’S — Tor Administratrix Dismission. Ordinary's Office, Jones Co., Ga. June 20th Whereas, Mrs. M. M. Witlmnis. Adm - X 0ll Estate of J ohn F. Wit liams Dcc’d, applies to me for Dis mission from said administration, These are to cite al! persons con-, cerned to show cause if ariy they have to the contrary at this office on or by the first Monday in Oc tores, next. Witness my hand officially ; R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. For Administrator. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. June 20th 1888. Whereas Win. H. Burden applies to mo for administration on Estate of James G, Barnes of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite ail persons concerned to show cause if any they have to the con trary at this office or by the first Monday in August next. Witness ray haad officially, R. T. BOSS, Ordinary. Notice Leave to Sell Land. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. June 20th 1888. Notice is hereby given that Dr. John F. Anderson, Adm’r on Estate of Martin R. Malone deceased has applied for an order to sell all the lands belonging to said estate, and that unless some valid objeeiions be offered to tho same, an order for such sale will be granted by this court on tho first Monday in August next. Wituess my hand officially. It. T. ROSS, Ordinary. For Administrator's Dismission. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. Juno 20th 1888. Whereas J. B. Pound, Adm’r with tho will annexed on Estate of Baalam Peters Doc'd, applies to me for Dismission from said adminis tration. These are to ci'tb all per sons concerned to show cause it any they havo to the contrary at this office on or by the first Monday in October next, in default of which, Dismission will bo granted. Witness my hand officially, R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. The best 50c, 75c and $1 Str^w Hats, at Eads f Neel and Co., 557 Cherry Street Macon Ga. \mum CO- : 3 8 a in mm no MACON, GA. Parties desiring their mills re paired, and the Patent Mill Bush and Dress applied, can write me euro of Talbott & Son’s. Macon Ga. 6-28-3 m-1888. FOR SALE. Five thousand acres of land in Jones County in lots to suit pur chasers, for cash or on time. Apply to, Richard Johnson, May 26th 1888 tf. Clinton Ga The cheapest line of dry goods to be found in Macon are aUG’Gormans & Co. O’Gorman & Co’s July sales will be immense their special bargains will draw trade. Do not foil to call on them when visiting Macon. MONEY FOR FARMERS. I am prepared to negotiate loans for farmers at a total commission of 12 per cent, with interest at eight per cent, payable once a year, to-wit on Dec. 1st. J. C. Baiuion, A tt y Law, June Oth 3m. Clinton Ga Si'UJlIMM, W* ' ■'**** fi 1 ? <•<0 & vV w §m CLINTON, GEORGIA. Practices r x Ocmoi^ek Circuit Office in Court House. ]o?, I fen?, jr., oiAfeodos. w .ycIjEs, jEWEUflf, SIL^E^W^E 1 SPECTACLES AflD EfE qlassks. Watch Repairing a Specialty. 308 SECOND STREET, MACON, GA 4 21 3m. Crockett’s IRON WORKS, ENGINES, WATER WHEELS. GRIST, SA W and CANE MILLS. KETTLES and EVAPORATORS Cotton Presses (Hand and Horse Power ) E. (JROCKETT, Macon, Ga. iSEag? TUB BRiLUANT. Biscuit Smith is now the presid ing genius of THE BRILLIANT SALOON, tho finest in Macon. Ho gives his customers tho best to eat, best to drink, and furnishes --FREE BEDS- doing more for his patrons than any man in Macon. Ceitr d R R of Mice is TravelliiE Pule. The best and cheapest passenger route to NEW YOSX ^BOSTON is via Savannah and elegant steamers thence. Passengers before purcha sing tickets via other routes would do well to inquire first of the merits of the route via Savannah, by which they will avoid dust and a tedious all-rail vide. Rates include meals and stateroom on steamer. Bound Trip Tickets Will be placed on J une 1st, good to return until Oct. 31st. New York steamer sails tri weekly. Boston steamer weekly from Savannah. For further information apply to any agent of this Co. or to E. T Charlton, G. P. A., Savannah Ga. C. G Anderson, Agent Steamers, Savannah Ga. TO THE Traveling Public —YOU,CAN— gAVE J^QWEY BY STOPPING AT tf II iti:\YER'§ MACCN GEORGIA. LOOK OUT I At Clinton the old town —AND— Having engaged in General Merchandise in Clinton, Jones Co and with a large stock of Goods, 1 will make a lively stir m reduction of prices. A largo lot of good stock for cost and less than cost. Such as SHOES, HATS, and notions, WOOLEN and COTTON GOODS. And many other articles of value. Must and will bo sold at prices to do ty competition. Come and see. don’t take ray word for it. Roland T. Ross. Juno 25th 1888. tf. CLINTON, GA. GEORGE W. ETHRIDGE. JOHN T. WALL ?TSa ■ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WlNEs al am 1 POOL AND BILLIARDS. 416 Poplar Street, I 6-30-1888. mn n *TV Ti i UlliUl B (SUCCESSORSTO R. S. COLLINS.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CARRIAGES Buggies and Wagons. HARNESS BABY CARRIAGES, WHIPS, Etc, 684 and 470 SECOND STREET Feb. Macon, 23rd 1»S8 - - - Georgia. T. B. Artope, a W; 0 cf* 2jy J/SL ARTOFE [A p» \ ^•0^0013 B *T —AND DEALER IN—■ > <S> ill ^I^ooixr