Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, August 04, 1888, Image 2

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'iCZ.s BI v, —F \y 7 rrrs-.r. — Tiros. R. PEX.V, : : Gray Georgia, Saturday, August 4th OUR TICKET. FOIl PRESIDENT: 0rover Cleveland OF NEW YORK. Foil VICB-PKJSIDENT: Allen G. Thurman OF OHIO. FOR GOVERNOR: John B. Gordon. Congress Gth Congressional Dist Hon James H Blount FOR PHEWFF AND TAX COLLECTOR. Many citizens hereby announce the names of W. W. Barron and Moses W. Smith for the office *of Sheriff and Tax Collector of Jones County, Subject to the Democrat ic nomination. Rally to tho sup port of faithful officers. The democratic executive com mittee of the state of Georgia will meet in the gentlemen’s parlor of the Kimball house in Atlanta at 8 o’clock p. in., on the 7th day of August, 1888; and again in tho senate chamber at 10 o’clock a. m, on the 8th of August 1888. Meanwhile the special committee of arrangements, consisting of lions. R. J). Spalding, C. A. Redd, J. A Hunt John M. Giles and W. D. Ellis will attend to all neccessary prelimi nary arrangements, which will as semble at 12m., on the 8th of Au gust, 1888. A fid I atfceiidence of the committee is respectfully requested, Benj. JL Bigham, Chairman. \V. D, Ellis, Secretary. The New Executive Committee, for the Sixth Congressional District is composed of the following named gentlemen; On motion of Mr. L. D. Moore, of Bibb, tho gentlemen whoso names were read were made the executive Committee. The motion was carried and the committee is as follows; Baldwin—Robert Whitfield and I. L. Harris. Bibb—T. D. Tinsely and C. E. Campbell. Butts—Tins county not being represented, on motion of Air. John P. lloss, of Bibb, Messrs E. B. Pound and Wm. Mallett, were elect ed from Butts. Crawford—John T. Andrews and O. P. Wright. Jasper—Willis Newten and F. C ( Marks, Jones—11. T. Ross and Samuel Barron. Monroe—B. S. Willingham and S. D, Martin, Pike—John E. Gardner and J. A. Hunt, Twiggs—J. R. Cook and J, C. Shannon, Upson—J, ID. Alexander and W. B, Adams. * Wilkinson—J. W. Lindsey and Thos, M. Freeman. Mr. John R. Shannon, of Monroe, moved that a chairman of the coins mittee be elected, and Mr. Tinsley, of Bibb, moved that Col J . A. Hunt of Pike be made chairman for the next two years. Both motions were carried. TIIE C. & M. SHOPS. Machinery Arriving and an Air Activity Prevails, The people of Macon are not of the fact that the Covington and Macon road is establishing a valuable plant of shops near their depot, ad jacent to the park, and that large shipments of t he moBt valuable and largest improved machinery, is daily arriving, and soon the O. & M. will have shops of which it can well be proud, and this city is to be congrat ulated at their being established in Macon. The 0,4 M. folks j outsiders gone at this matter so idea quietly have hud no tha' | a movement was in operation, boot: as the shops are completed we will describe them in fuii.-—Macon ning News. ITEMS OF INTEREST. No lady lands so much in Castle Gardes as Kmi Graut. A new thing in England is a walk ing-stick made hollow, with a place in it for holding eight or nine cigars. It is not good form to use a toothpick in Arkansas now. A big rovolvor is tho thing in the best society. “Where do :horse-flies go in winter?” asks a Washington paper. To tho bad, probably. That is, it’s bad for them, Tho Oxford English Dictionary shows that there are 15,0(10 words in current use beginning with the letters A and B. An Australian family of freaks has just been brought to England, consisting of four children, the youngest of whom is 8 years old, 5 feet and 11 in height and weighs 180 lbs. Tho Encyclopaedia Britanica says that Longfellow was born “a Port land, now the capital of the state of Maine.” London omnibuses aro to bo illuminated with tho electric light, tho storage battery to bo carried under the seat of the drivers, The great garno of Japan is “Go.” It is something like chess, and tho masters of it sometimes take twenty four hours for a game. After an expenditure of three quarters of a million of dollars for machinery and propecting, Egypt has abandoned the sorach for petro leum. Tho fashion is creeping in of very short invitations to dinner. To some of tho most fashionable London parties guests aro invited only ono or two days before. A young French officer is said to havo invented a microphone which will record and announce the ap proach of a . j4y of soldiers and give somo idea as to their numbers. At Halifax, recently a perfectly formed eg g, shell and all, about tho size of a robin’s egg, was found within the yolk of a hen’s egg. Six pairs of twins have boon born within six months in tho little hamlet of North Wales Penn. This puts North Wales well up to tho front as a twin-producing town. A French investigator has come to the conclusion that women have a larger proportion of brown eyes than men. Tho latest arrangomont in Paris for a wedding at homo is a floral umbrella, under which the happy pair stand. If any club wants a great pitch er it is communed to look up Mr. Pitcher, at present of Boston. Ho made a “pick up” of 8700,000. Arthur Stanley, of Buffalo, pro poses to go over tho Falls with a parachute. When ho does that there will bo another Stanley miss ing. Wm. Black, the novelist, is ing to America. Crossing the ocean will give him a chance to write another novel to bo called “A Beautiftd Retch.” Henry Price, “tho father of sonry’ in America,” died in send, Mass., in 1780. Now, tardily, a monument lias beon od over his grave. The location prominent and overlooks the where Price spent bis last There has just been sold in don an autograph letter of in which he says; “I have little elso but sloop and wash self sinco I got homo out of many.” Whilo in mourning for Frederick III, London gayety went on black and white robes and “mogpio” dinners, and !‘magpie” dances, as they are called, were just as gay’ though they were birds of paradise. A dentist of alleged skill and putation, a former president of a state dental association, was ly' sued by a New Bedford man for pulling tho wrong tooth and a piece of jaw with it and tho jury gave the.plaintiff $500 damages. OLE GEORGIA STATE FAIR —a.\D THE— Georgia State Agricultural Society, The Georgia State Fair will open this year in tho c ity of Macon on Oct. 10th, and close.Oct. 19th. We are informed the exhibits will be far better this year than ever before. Usually there have taw three counties to enter fur the County t)is play prizes. This year there are eighteen entries already. The prizes ,, : -or the flrst; ?750 for the second; $o00 for the thud, and a registered Jersey bull, worth given by the Macon Telegraph, for the fourth the*comity For f making the best and , largest , display .. of .. ns . live stock , a prize of $600 is offered. | To the county making the best and largest display of minerals, $150. Display of Georgia woods, 8100. The individual displays m the Agricultural Department are: for the first, 850 for the second, and $25 for the third. Never were such handsome prizes j offered at an agricultural fair, Special individual prizes are offered on all articles, such as corn, cotton, peas, etc., and in all the departments same as usual. Our people should prepare for this great Fair at once, and send some ar ticle You are almost sure to win a prize of some kind if you prepare a number of articles. The Fair is held under the manage ment of the Georgia State Agricul tural Society, which was organized at Stone Mountain, Ga,, in 1816, and reorganized after the war in Macon, Ga., 1869. The Agricultural Society has accomplished great good to the State, and has held many fairs, most of them at Macon, city has proven to be the best place in the State for holding fairs. The Society is composed of life members and lesser throughout the Suite, , which ... elect . . delegates to the conventions twice each year, in February and August, At the August meeting the officers are elected. The officers consist of a President, a Vice President at large, a Vice President fronfeach ional district, a Secretary, a Treas urer, and an Executive Committee of three from each district, who have in charge the Fair and its management. The Vice Presidents,, Secretary and Treasurer, are ex officio members of the Executive Commit tee. 1 So you will observe the Georgia State Fair is no local or sectional as sociation, for the advancement if any city or section, but to work rjp the State at large, and it is as mudh our Fair as it is the Fair of the city of Macon and county of Bibb. V|e have as much interest in this Fair as any citizens of Georgia, and fe ask our citizens to put their shoijh dors to the wheel and help along the grand enterprise which has done so much good for our State. Attend the Fair, make exhibits, and our section will reap the benefit. The next Convention of the Society will be held in the city of Newnin, Aug. 14th and 15th, and will be the largest ever held in the State. The Society is rapidly growing, and now almost every county in Georgia is represented. Send to Clark Grier, Secretary, Macon, for a Premium List. Crockett's IRON WORKS, ENGINES, WATER WHEELS. GRIST, SAW and CANE KETTLES and EVAPORATORS Cotton Presses (Hand and Horse Power.) E. CROCKETT, Macon, Ga. Dr R A JONES RESIDENT DENTIST. MONTICELLO GEORGIA. Office up stairs over Dr. drug store. oaDIBfA KY*S CITATlOffTb ; Jones J uiy 30th Co., Ga. 188s!.; | Whereas, Joseph W. Jolly Adm’rj ■n Estate ot O'ho was J. Messer Drc’il., applies to me for leave to! jell all the real estate belonging to ,aiJ dec’d, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in September next at this office, Take notice accordingly. Witness my h„„doffl.,ially L * ____ ___ Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. July 27 th 1888. . , e( j mc y ol . getting aside and valuation of Homestead Exemption the Constitution of Ga,, and I will pass upon tho same on the Ijhd day of August next at 11 o’ a. m., at tins office, Witness my hand officially, It. T. ROSS, Ordinary. FOR ADMINISTRATION. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. July 23rd 1888. Whereas, Mrs. Caledonia Glawson to me lor administration on ^ osoph Glawson late of said county deceased. Ibeso arc t0 cite an d admonish all persons concernc d to show cause at this of fice if any they have to the contrary on or by the first Monday in Sep TEMBK-It llCXt. Witness my hand officially, it. T. EOSS, Ordinary. For Dismission. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga, July 23rd 1888 Whereas, Mrs. Mary J. Quackin bush and James K. Van Buren Ex ecutrix and Executor of Estate ot John W. Quackinbush deceased have applied to me for Dismission from said Executorship. These are there fore to cite and admonish ail pei sons concerned to show cause at this office if any they have to the contrary on or by the ram Mon Witness my hand officially. R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. Ordinary’s Office, Jodcs Co., Ga. July 23rd 1888. The Commissioners sotting apart °« e years support to Mrs. Elizabeth Malone widow of Martin R. Malone dee’d have made their report and ^ 10 6urae j 8 aow on file in this office, uu <] notice is hereby given that said report will be made the Judgement of this court on tho first Monday m September next unless good pause be shown to tne contrary. Witness my hand officially', R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. Notico hereby July 23rd 1888. is given that the Report of Commissioners Betting aside ono years support' to Mrs. Caledonia Glawson widow of Joseph Glawson dec’d., and her six children is now on file in this office, and un less some legal cause bo shown the contrary will be made Judgement of this court on the Monday in September next. Witness my hand officially, R. 1’. ROSS, Ordinary. Ordinary’s Office, JouesCo., Ga. Whereas, James July 20th A. Jones with the will annexed on Estate James Jones deceased, applies me for Dismission. These arc fore to cite all persons to show cause if any' they’ havo tho contrary at this office on or tho first Monday iu November Witness niy hand officially, It. T. ROSS, Ordinary. R^ILS^D TlfflE T4SLE. COVINGTON & MACON JR. R. SCHEDULE NO. 13. May 4th I8SS. GOING NORTII—MAIL TRAIN. Lv Macon..... 7 00 a m Massey’s Mill, 7 10 a m Roberta........ 7 22 a m Morton. ........ 7 35am Grays......... . 7 42 a m Franks......... 7 48 a m Barrons........ 7 54 a m Wayside....... 7 57 am Round Oak.... 8 05 a m Hillsboro 8 19 a m Adgate......... 8 27 a m Minn eta........ 8 42am Monticello..... 8 48 a m Machen......... 9 15 a m Little River- , 9 27 a in God frey........ 9 33 a m Ar Madison... 10 20 a m GOING SOUTH—MAIL TRAIN. Lv Madison... ...11 30 a m Godfrey......... River.... ...12 17 a m Little .. .12 23 a m Machen......... ...12 35 a m Lv Monticello, ... 1 25 p m Miuneta........ ... 1 33 p m Adgate......... ... 1 49 p m Hillsboro..... . 1 5S p m Round Oak... 2 12 p m Wayside....... 2 19 pm Barrons........ 2 22 p m Franks.......... 2 2S p m Gray's.......... 2 34 p m Morton......... 2 41 p m Roberts........ 2 54 p m Massey’s Miff ••••••••• • ••••• 3 06 p m Ar Macon..... 3 16 p m B. W. FRO BEL. Gen. Mgr. A J McEvoy, \ (A Craig Palmer, Sup’t, Gen’i. Pass-Agen LOOK OUT! At Clinton the old town —AND— Dno ii ii m Luw PRICES. i Having engaged in Gonoral Merchandise in Clinton, Jones Co., and with a large stock of Goods, 1 will make a lively stir in reduction of prices. A largo lot of good stock for cost and less than cost. Such as SHOES, HATS, and NOTIONS, WOOLEN and COTTON goods. And many other articles of value. Must and will bo sold at prices todo*. fy competition. You will find theso prices to bo in keeping with tho Farmers Alliance and arc extended to all persons. Como and see, don’t tako my w T ord for it. Roland T. Ross. June 25th 1888. tf. CLINTON, GA. GEORGE W. ETHRIDGE. JOHN T. WALL. G. W. ETHERIDGE & CO. WHOLESALE AND DETAIL DEALERS IN NES anJ LIQUORS J POOL AND BILLIARDS. 418 Poplar Street, UK GEORGIA- 6 30-1888. W m 6 E4 M 4 W E! GEO. T. BEELAND, ^§P| \wm U ! £7 mmmmwmm Sjieef aclfs MS mm m |||! Goods f. Novelties in Holiday V ii ^ORDERS WILL RECEIVfi BY MAIL PROMPT AND RELIABLE ATTENTION m 320 Second Street MACON GEORGIA T. B. Art ope? a At. o & O 4^4' & At —AND DEALER IN— MAOON @A a