Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, August 11, 1888, Image 2
m TT*' - TIIOS. 11. PENS, : : Gruy Georgia, Saturday, August OUR TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT: Grover Cleveland OP NEW YORK. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT: All on G. Thurman OF OHIO. FOR GOVERNOR: John It. Gordon. Congress 6th Congressional Hist Hon James II Blount FOR SHERIFF AND TAX COLLECTOR. Alany citizens hereby announce the names of W. W. Barron and Moses W. Smith lor the office of Sheriff and Tax Collector of Jones County. Subject to tho Democrat ic nomination. Rally to tho oup port of faithful officers. E. P. Roc, the novelist, is dead. General Sheridan died suddenly of heart disease, at Nonquict, Mass, last Saturday night. The greatest number of veterans, of the 3rd reunion Ga Regiment, Madison, who attend- passed ed the at up the C, & Al. R. R. ... ...... . - — From the Macon Telegraph: Iu company with Gol. Wiley and others, Hon. James II, Blount visited the new goverment building yester day and took a look at the interior finishing. He expressed himself well pleased with the building and the progress of the work. lie made a note of some improvements that could bo made on the .outside sur roundings. jvhteh* will probably re cclv6 attention on his return to Washington. THE COMING STATE FAIR The coming Fair of Georgia Agricultural Society to be at Alacon, commencing Octob- 10th, promises to be the grandest held by this now famous So President Northcn, with his well energy, encouraged by the success of last year, has not permitted interest in the affairs the Society to fag for one mo Not a day has passed but work has been done, and not point has been overlooked that would add interest or conduce to tho success of this year’s undertaking. We are informed that Polk county will contend for the 8150 premium best and largest display of min The county will also f ill in line with an agricultural exhibit, and as the work of collecting and ar ranging is in tho hands of Col, John O, Waddell, of Cedartown, First Vice-President of the Society, and Maj. S. M. II. Byrd and Mr. R. T. Pool, of the Executive Committee, it is safe to say that the resources of old Polk will be well shown, and other counties may look to their laurels. From Carroll countv will do the county exhibit, besides several indi vidual exhibits of more than ordi nary merit. At a recent meeting the farmers much enthusiasm was shown and all the details completed for collecting and arranging their exhibits. In addition to the one cent per mile in our own and contiguous States, excursion rates from nati, Louisville, Evansville and cago have already been arranged, and negotiations (with every hope success) are in progress to secure these rates from all the Eastern and Western cities. Thus it will lie seen that the visitor will bo eutertaimd with one of the finest displays ever seen in the State, the exhibit will catch the eye of representative men from all parts of the county, ! To enlist the offices of our lathe in any enterprise is to insure success, ami with this view we especial attention to t he j wherein woman is supreme take hold sover eign. Let our ladies ! the matter, and, our word for they will be fully repaid for trouble. Premium Lists and full tion cheerfully furnished on applica tion to Clark Grier, Secretary, con, Ga. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Ostriches sell for 81000 per pair in California, Tho sculptor St. Gandon’s is to got 825,000 for his statue of Peter Cooper, and has three years in which to oxecuto the work. John Gcnnadiug, Greek minister to this country, assorts that the Groeks of today are as strong phy sically as their famous ancestors classic times. A young French officer is said to have invented a microphone which will record and announce the ap proach of a body of soldiers and give somo idea as to their numbers. A carrier pigeon loft has been es tablished at tho United States training station, in Newport, R. I., by private ^citizens, by permission of Commander lligginson^n charge of the station. Tho fashion is creeping in very short invitations to dinner. To somo of the most fashionable London parties guests are invited only one or two days before. At Halifax, recently a porfoctly formed egg, shell and all, about the size of a robin’s egg, was found within tho yolk of a hen’s egg. Charles II. Streams, the veteran fireman of Boston, says that he has attended every circus 'perfor mance givgn in that city for tho last sixty-three yours. Ho consum ed a pint of peanuts at each ^per formance, A French investigator iias come to the conclusion that women have larger proportion of brown eyes men. Prince Bismarck has given evi dence that l*o is still a skillful marksman. While practicing with rifio at 129 yards recently he hit tho buli’s-oyo every time. Arthur Stanley, of Buffalo, pro to go ovor the Falls with a When ho does that will ho another Stanley miss Death from siiustroko is said to bo unknown in Portland, Crc., whore t ho recent decease of a citi zen from that causo is looked upon as a peculiar occurrence. Wm. Black, the novelist, is com ing to America. Grossing the will give him a chance to writo another novel to ho called “A Beautiful Retch.” Pennies aro now eagerly demand ed by tho soutn and west, where they wore once despised, and 3,000 000 of ponnics mado at Philadelphia mint last month not equal to tho want. Isaac S. Alullon of Boston, is to bo the first colored man ever pointed by a Massachusetts nor to a position on the polico force, llo look tho oath office and was duly qualified month. Six pairs of twins have been born within six months in the hamlet of North Wales This puts North Waios well up tho front as a twin-producing There has just been sold in don an autograph letter of in which ho says; “I have little olso but sloop and wash self since I got homo out of many.” While in mourning for Frederick III, London gayety wont on in black and white robes and *‘mogpie” dinners, and “magpie” dances, as they are called, were just as gay as though they were birds of paradise. A dentist of alleged skill and re putation, a former president of a state dental association, was recent ly sued hv a New Bedford man for polling tho wrong tooth and a piece of jaw with it and the jury gave tho plaintiff $500 damages, : , Loans Negotiate ■ 0 n Farms & Town Props*? IN BIBB AND ADJOINING COTJNTI S. ELLIOTT ESTES 5C3 Cherry St. Macon Ga Grodtots ? IRON WORKS, ENGINES, WATER WHEELS. GRIST, SAW and CANE MILLS. KETTLES and EVAPORATORS Cotton Presses (Hand and llortc Power.) E. CROCKETT, Macon, Ga. KOBT.MRIMl CLINTON, GEORGIA. Practices in Ocmulgee CiRctiT Office in Court House. jop. t. ton?, Jp, DIApodDS, WAJCt|£S. Jswel^Yj silVee^w/^, SfECJACLES AflD EyE CLASSES, Watch Repairing a Specialty. 308 SECOND STREET. AIACON, GA 4 21 3m. «i gp— SSSSSi bnhm ®* 2 Knang a jg?* ii Biscuit Smith is now the presid ing genius of TnE BRILLIANT SALOON, V tho finest in Macon. Ho gives his customers tho best to eat, best to drink, and furnishes --FREE BEDS- doing moro for his patrons than any man in Alacon. TO THE Traveling Public —YOU CAN— BY STOITINa AT & II BRMER'i AlAOCN GEORGIA. MRU Notice to Traveling PnMic. The best and cheapest route to HEW YOUfU BOSTON i s via Savannah and elegant steamers thence. Passengers before purcha sing tickets via other routes would do well to inquire first of the merits of the route via Savannah, by which they will avoid dust and a tedious all-rail ride. Rates include vueals and stateroom on steamer. Hound-Trip Tickets Will be placed on sale June 1st, good to return until Oct. 31st, New York steamer sails tri weekly. Boston steamer weekly from Savannah. For further information apply to any agent of this Co. or to E.T Charlton, G. P.A.. ? Savannah Ga. C. G Anderson, Agent Steamers, Savannah Ga. ORDINARY’S CITATION’S. sxassjss Ordinary’s Qfiifce, Jones Co.. Ga. Jniv 30th 1388. w {£5? tho applies real to me belonging for leave to ail estate to dec’d, and I will pass Monday upon application on the first ’this office. September accordingly. next at notice ' - „ Witness my hand officially ITT. ROBS, Ordinary. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. July 27th 1888. Notice is hereby given that Wm. Hudson of this county has ap to me for setting aside and of Homestead Exemption the Constitution of Ga., and will pass upon the same on tho day of August next at 11 o’ a. m., at this office. Witness my hand officially, R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. FOR A 1)511 NISTR AT I ON. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. July 23rd 1888. Whereas, Mrs. Caledonia Glawson to me tor administration on of Joseph Glawson late of county deceased. Those arc cite and admonish all persons to show cause at this of if any they have to the contrary or by tho first Monday in Sep next. Witness my lia^d officially. R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. For Dismission. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga, July 23ru 1888. Whereas, Airs. Alary J. Qnaokin and James Ii. Van Huron Ex and Executor of Estate of W. Quaokinbush deceased have to me fir Dismission from Executorship. These are there to cite arid admonish all poi concerned to show cause at office if any they have to the on or by the first Mon in November next. Witness my hand officially. K. T. ROSS, Ordinary. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. The Commissioners July- 23rd 1888. setting apart years support to Airs. Elizabeth widow of Alar tin R. Malono have made their report and same is now on file in this office, notice is hereby given that said will be made the Judgement this court on the first Monday September next unless good cause be shown to the contrary. Witness my hand officially, R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. Ordinary’s Office. Jones July Oo., Ga. 23rd 1888. Notice is hereby given that the Report of Commissioners setting aside one years support to Airs. Caledonia Glawson widow of Joseph Glawson doc’d., and her six children is now on file in this office, and un less some legal cause bo shown to the contrary will bo made tho Judgement of this court on the first Monday in September next. Witness my hand officially, R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga, Whereas, July 201 h 1888. James A. Jones Attra’r with the will annexed on Estate James Jones deceased, applies to me for Dismission. These are there fore to cite all persons concerned to show cause if any they have to tho contrary at this office on or by tho first Alonday in November next. Witness my hand officially, R. T. ROBS, Ordinary. COVINGTON & AIACON R. R. SCHEDULE NO. 13. Alay 4th I8S8. GOING NORTH—MAIL TRAIN. Lv Alacon..... 00 a m Massey’s Alill 10 am Roberts... 22 a m Alorton..,, 35 a m Grays...... 42 a m Franks.. .. 48 a in Barrens..., 54 a m Wayside... 57 a m Round Oak., 05 a m Hillsboro ... 19 a m Adgato...... 27 a m Minneta...... 42 a m Monticello... 48 a m Alachen....... 15 a m Little River 27 a m Godfrey...... 33 a m Ar Madison. 20 a in GOING SOUTH—MAIL TRAIN. Lv Madison... .11 30 am Godfrey......... .12 17 a m Little River..., .12 23 a m Machen......... 12 35 a m Lv Aionticeilo 1 25 p m Alinncta......... 1 33 p m Adgate......... 1 49 p m Hillsboro...... 1 58 p m Round Oak............,....... 2 12 p m Wayside....... . 2 19 p m Barrons........ . 2 22 p m Franks.......... . 2 28 p m Grays........... . 2 34 p m Alorton......... . 2 41 p m Roberts........ . 2 54 p m Massey’s Mill, . 3 06 p m Ar Macon..... 3 16 p m B. W. FROB EL. Gen. Algr. A J McEvoy, JA ; Craig Palmer, Snp’t, Gen’]. PagsoA geh LOOK OUT! Clinton the old town —AND— UU 11 u W FIB, Having engaged in Genoral Merchandise in Clinton, Jones Oo„ ant} a large stock of'Goods, 1 will raako a lively stir in reduction of A large lot of good stock for cost and loss than cost. Such as SHOES, HATS, AND ■ NOTIONS, WOOLEN and COTTON GOODS. And many other articlos of value. Must and will ho sold at prices to dm fy competition. You will find those prices to be in keoping with tho Farmers Alliance and are extendod to all persons. Como and see, don’t tako my word for it. Roland T. Ross a Juno 25th 1888. tf. CLINTON, GA. IO, T. BEEM1B, 0? i VATCHB mu wm V BZ&VliBWAlIB fats .............. £*22.1*01, ..... J BI_ X.S3. ETC IIllfliSB \i THOMPT JOBBERS and BY reliable HAIL WILL attention RECEIVE 320 Second Street AIACON GEORGIA GEORGE W. ETHRIDGE. JOHN T. WALL. S.W.I SS“«»Hi8 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN \ turd billiards! POOL 416 Popla? SIM, 1 AM, SIOBI 6-30-1888. T B ARTOFE T. B. Ariope, A/) o ;cy , c<2|| —AND DEALER IN— ^ 1 3MLA.O03>T GpjSL Mac £511; G—a.