Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, August 18, 1888, Image 2

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* » i li* Gray (Jeor.-ria,Saturday, August SBgBB •*e*f*« OUR TICK., T FOR PHE£ I DENT: 1.1 rover €k * hind OF NEW Y< \\ , FOR A If’!,* A.J PL *• i k- I i SN T; Mien 1 4 » OF OHIO. (iO KRXOR John E. Gordon. Com;!;;. XU ( h, Mam IIOLmuLaMI L'iHsl! XUUUUl }tfoipi? FOR RE. G.SF.NI ATI’. ; Richard dohusou. FOR SHERIFF AND TAX COLLECTOR. Many citizens hereby announce the names of VV. W. Barron and Moses W. Smith for the office of Sheriff and Tax Collector of Jones County, Subject to the Democrat ic nomination. Rally to tho sup port of faithful officers. NOTICE The chairman of the democratic executive committee in each county ot the state is requested to send his name, and postoffice address to the undersigned at Savannah, J. fl. E STILL, Member of tho National Democrat ic Comittoc for Georgia. Atlanta Constitution: Three editorial brethren aro in tho race for the position of messenger to take the electoral vote to Washington. lid Hoak, oaty editor the Augusta Chronicle; S. W. Rob erts, of the Sparta Ishmaelite and Undo Jcorns Anderson, of the Cov ington Star. All are popular, and of course aro thoroughly capable. Hero’s to the lucky man ! A SAD ACCIDENT—While Mr Reeves, with bis bridge force, was working on tho bridge at little river last Monday, Mr. McLaughlin fell from the bridge and was killed in stantly. Mr. Reeves immediately came to Monticcllo; procured a handsome casket, from Wellington & Uickman and had his remains bur ied at Shady Dale the following day. The parents of tho young man reside in Canada and the sad death of their son will be a great shock to them..—Jasper County News, TIIE STATE CONVENTION. The State Democratic Convention met m Atlanta on the 8th mst and performed its work quickly ;md without trouble. Governor Cordon and the State House officers were renominated. Tins is the list of electors and the executive committee for stale at Lu Thomas Watson, of McDuffie, and John Templeton Graves, of Floyd, wore nominated electors at large; J B. Sllman, of Jefferson, and A. R. Lawlon, of Chatham, alternates The district electors are: First district Cr. J. Brannon, of ] nanucl;ahernato, B. Whitfield, of "' ni -'•»J»d_A. Arthurllooa. U U«v«, ]Ventin'; [Uml .l,,;, * P ’ > ’ ‘ " Sh ‘■* un<-U >.te. J. t B. u Hodge t s, Houston. i .nth—J. M. Mobley, Harris: e, A. B. Wilkinson, Coweta, l —James A. Gray. Fulton x, Thos. H. Flake, DoKalb. —R. D. Smith, Craw-ford: s H F. Ron)' 1 '* *■* Eich id v a. w \\ "at tort it i ■**tM *r- «r TVr- f is :;. Sf.r:* Ex; eu - five Dfcfnoirut Executive Com mi t J c j(\ W l A\ al ter nates for two ars X »lC|t- G. /l, J'iCICCl ; ij. <L livi™ ton • Second—W. A. Harris; W. 0. Worrill. Third—J, T. Watson; J. Me Rea. Fourth—C. A. Redd; K. F. Free man. Fifth—B. Q, Walker; W. F. Pat lo. Sixth—J A, Hunt-, 11, V. Hard; man. Seventh—J. 0. Waddell; S, A. Anderson. Eight—Ham McWhorter: c. Ninth—J. E, liedwme: R J 41 redd, -J. E. Strother: W. L. The Convention was one of the largest anil most harmonious ever held in the Male. $35 reward is offered by the Jasper and mnty authorities lor the arrest K m ia any p!ac<* in this State or . . r Fne ot'J. Otis Pope win i;t yi 0nticc .n 0> Ci, AOg. COIL UNS TO HE PAID. Bateman Prcparod for t..o> ..ton.: cr Payment. Next month the September pay rm • o ot the six per cent bonds of the Covington and Macon road will bo due. Green and Batsmen, of New York, are prepared to mako the said payment at. their office. These bonds are worth par and interest, and the payments arc made in March and September. The pay ment last March was promptly met.' The C & M bonds are considered gilt edge in the Northern markets, and are considered a most valuablo investment.—Maeon News. ITEMS OF INTEREST. The School for Scandal has many pupils Caress is tho now rival town to Kissimmee. A railway ticket man is the mod ern road agent. —rffcc — w t tiakf Duc t 8 *- • gotting -A drink put on the slate. It la said that there are 12,000 Smiths in Philapelphia. One of tho tovchers oC a cam paign is tho night parade. E. i'. Roc’s last story, “Tho Quoon of Spades,” is said to bo a trump. Jay Gould says his insomnia would’ni bother him if hoeould got a good night’s sioop. That’s what troubles him. California has train loads of grapes this season, but tho juieoloss California grape will bo as dear as over in Detroit. Eastern people are discussing tho question “Who is tho greatest liv ing novelist?” The correct answer is that there isn’t any. It ■„ ,. lid that the telephone shav l th° hearing. A man has PAt to sharpen up Ins hearing, or 3ittl ° wso lor tcle * Amos Penn, oi Pennsylvania, says ho has a stone animal similar t0 tho Cavbiff Giant, And to think W. Rena of t he aamo State was a truthful man! They say. that New York, tho meanest city on the continent, had better finish tho Grant mona mont before it talks of a memorial to any other distinguished soldier. The Thomas Baud is to disband hut the Thomas oat on tho back fence wo still have with us. „ „ :V . ]tMva „ writtcn , ^ u u bo hoped tint Mrs Bowser approves of it. Mary Anderson has a beautiful yacht on the Thames, It is twelve feet tong and Mary works it ty means of t.vv,i nnicu nr. nlte f tie \ H-I ,3 ~ IPS .X''' : r MONEY FOR i j i am prepared to n egotist oars for farmers at a total commission of 12 per cent, with interest at p ^ ht per cent, payable one- a year, to-w;t on Dec. 1st. J. C. Babron, A tty Law, June 9th 3m. Ciinton G a n . >> Q V..v '■J VA QJ J ,LX Vv IIX Oja VT •sTrn.AJT.TQ ‘j JL4/ ixt'J ENOLN HS, WATER WHEELS. GRIST, SA W asp CANE MILLS. KETTLES and EVAPORATORS Cotton Presses (Hand and Horse Power.) E. EROCKETT, Macon, Ga. BOBT. V. IIASllMAiV, t CLINTON, GEORGIA. Practices in Ocmuloee Circxiit Office in Court House. jsp. t. ten?, jp, SIAM Sj WAydjESp Jewelry. siiYei^w^e, SPECTACLES AjJD EyE QLASSES. Watch Repairing a Specialty. 308 SECOND STREET, MACON, GA 4 21 3m. Biscuit Omitn i s now tho presid ing gonius, <•«*’— _ j) at war ii TIIE BRILLIANT SALOON, tho finest in Macon. Ho gives his customers tho best to oaf, host to drink, and furnishes --FREE BEDS- doing more for his patrons than any man in Macon. TO THIS Traveling Public —YOU CAN— BY STOPPING AT HI ISsraEBi'S MAOCN GEORGIA, era J T £m w J Ncfe to tevslii Pilic. The best and cheapest pasaenger route to -- c KVTMKinSSTH is via Savannah and elegant steamers thence. Passengers before pureha-. sing tickets via otheV routes would do well to inquire first of the. merits of the route via Savannah, by which they wi!I avoid dust and a tedious all-rail ride. Rates include meals and stateroom on steamer. Round >v GUI r ■ * ■ ‘ ' li ii A ■ I I IDINAII Y’S CITATION'S Co., -r - — C.-dmary’s Office, Jones oa. July 30th 188A Whereas, Jo?i ph W. J'dly A f on Estate’ ot Thoms J. Messer app | ic * to me for leave to HeU ft jj tho ., ca i estate belonging to said dec’ll, and I wili pars upon said application on the first Monday in September next at this omcc\ Take notice accordingly, officially Witness my hand 11. T. LOSS, Ordinary. Ordinary’s Office, .Tones Co., Ga. July 27th 1888. Notice is hereby given that 11 m. A. Hudson of this county has ap plk-4 to me for setting aside and valuation of Homestead Exemption and im dec the Constitution of Ga., I will pass upon the same on the 23rd day of August next at 11 o’ clock a. in,, at this office. Witness my hand officially, R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. FOR ADMINISTRATION. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. July 23rd 1888. Whereas, Mrs. Caledonia Clawson applies to me ior administration on Estate of Joseph Clawson late ot said county deceased. Theso are to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show cause at this of fice if any they have to the contrary on or by tho FixiT Monday in Sep tembi u next. Witness my hand officially. R.T. ROSS, Ordinary. For Dismission. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. July 23rd 1888. Whereas, Mrs. Mary J. Quaekin bush and James II. Van Huron Ex ecutrix and Executor of Estate of John W. Quackinbush deceased have applied to me ft r Dismission from said Executorship. These sue there fore to cite and admonish all poi sons concerned to show cause at this office if any they have to tho contrary on or by the riR.iT Mon day m Nov em iint next. Witness my hand officially. 11. T. ROSS, Ordinurv. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. July 23rd 18S8. The Commissioners sotting apart one yci’-s support to Mrs. Elizabeth Malone widow of Martin It. Malone dec’d have made their report and tho same is now on file in this office, and notice is hereby given that said report will be made the Judgement of thiscourt on the first Monday in September next unless good cause be shown to me contrary. Witness my hand officially, R. T. E08S, Ordinary. Office , Jones Co., Ga. er«. V- Juiy 23rd 1388. i-WJw U hereby given that tho Report of Commissi oners setting aside oug years support to Mrs. Caledonia Giawson widow of Joseph Glawson dec’d., and her six children is now on file in this office, and un less some legal cause be shown to the contrary will ho made the Judgement of this court on tho first Monday Witness in September hand next. R. my officially, T. ROSS, Ordinary. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. Whereas, July 20th 1888. James A. Jones Adm’r with the will annexed on Estate of James Jones deceased, applies to mo for Dismission. Those arc there fore to cite all persons concerned to show cause if any they have to tho contrary at this office on or by the first Monday in November next. Witness my hand officially, Ii. T. ROSS, Ordinary. i Ml a 335 -V ^ K mb./;x'Ju2 10 m\m] MACON, GA. Parties desiring their mills re paired, and the Patent Mill Bush and Dross applied, can write mo cave of Talbott & Son’s. Macon Ga m-1888. MIDDLE GEORGIA jllLlftHY Collego 0 jlpIClUTllUjll i ILL■ 6 A. I en JL ‘ttCi. G: l ty. ' . ?ed an out nuicat?; turse ■ . > fi ! . - ’ * * r * Ula3 Muai oronghness of Scholar— •ipiir.this Ct l(6ga u . N nr Term opens I-. For Catalo to J. N. Moore, jtee. LOOK OUT m j s ^ At Clinton me old town —AND— ft fcaMW^t-.>rraJ m li S 6 a "i m • arjt i« weafiy-Hi II n vcs.r> ijpiTaataj'pMBP.- zjo PP tif f ? KozBniaiBSBSBq baocs *3ESZ&S£X£2e± XggBSZ&iy&JE&J fi i vtxA«a/ TRs II h yf hi; ■Am Having engaged in General Merchandise in Clinton, Jones Co., and. with a large stock of Goods, I will mako a lively stir in reduction of prices. A largo lot of good stock for cost and loss than cost. Such as SHOES, HATS, and NOTIONS 9 WOOLEI1 and COTTON coo OS a And many other articles of value. Must and will bo sold at prices to de fy competition. You will find theso prices to bo in keeping with tho Farmers Alliance and aro extended to all persons. Como and soe, don’t take my word for it. Roland Y, Ross June 25th 1888. tf. CLINTON, GA. GEORGE W. ETHRIDGE. JOHN T. WALL. WHOLESALE AND DETAIL r DEALERS IN ^ m■■■ I \ o ktaBaBfissiK? MBMI' 2 t i h --J r V POOL AND BILLIARDS. 410 Poplar Street IAC0H, MIA . 6 30-1888. ia M Zi Artopep a y) %'V rO '<L^x €: o & y FJ X * 8 $ 0 0 & .vk 'B H 3 i % < P 2 , ? V X 2B •v W X a V. X J —AND DEALER IN— MACOST Gt AL GEO. T. BEKLJJfB P {• w.wuihs aoffl jsnutr. Sn&f aefe MS PEHCL I*S ETC Novelties in Holiday Goods BORDERS BY MAIL WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND RELIABLE ATTENTION 320 Second Street MACON GEORGIA