Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, August 25, 1888, Image 2

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XOrf G.-rX 2k;;i T1I0S. It. l»EXJf, : : Publisher. ________ —- ; am, MM, for wbSETT Richard Johnson. FOR SHERIFF AND TAX COLLECTOR. Many citizens hereby announce the names of W. W. Barron and Moses W. -Smith lor the office of Sheriff and Tax Collector of Jones County. Subject to the Democrat ic nomination. Rally to the sup of faithful officers. Jones County, (Vug. 20th 1888. In the usual course of life’s event we attended a grand Picnic at Round Oak in this good old county, the Lome of my childhood and on through many years of changes still my homo and of eourso all things portaiuiug to the interest ot the the public is dear to my heart, Wo shook hands with many old friends and made some now acquaintances and now it is a pleasure to roeord the fact that tho good people in that neighborhood are advanced and no more hospitable can bo found and tho way they dispense tho good things of this life and manage a big crowd at a public barbecue was wonderful to behold. They desorve more than words of praise for the order that prevailed and tho deco rum with which tho whole manage ment succeeded. Among other topics discussed we found politics ar.d the character of tho candidates foi county offices in full blast—a contost for the offico ol Ordinary engaging some attention. We found a few only who were dis posed again At that able and worthy oncumbont Judge. R. T. Ross. A better man never filled an office nor has given such general satisfaction and so well conducted the affairs ol his offico as Roland T. Ross, and when wo recall tho dark days of our “»"T“L“°V " h “" h “ out of office by a dn ecu. mill a y <» dor from .Provisional Gov . Ruger ftirrf The said order by that colored Republi can Scalawag J. B. Devcrcaux, ltoss had the courago to refuse to obey tho order and to vaeato except at tho point of tho bayon ot. His ap peal to that grand Democratic Statesman and Soldier Gen. Terry, who was in command, mot with success and was sustuiuod in his re fusal to obey the iniquitous order, and thus our good old county was saved from radical rule and negro supremacy. His management of county affairs has been smooth and her guanoes economically adminis tered and wo dare say no countv in the stato enjoys tho same distinct ion and lias given so universal sat isfaction. It is a matter of pride to examine tho neatness and well kept condition of our county records and nowhere cun one find a more wor thy or capable officer and as evidence ol all this every Grand Jury for years has given to him unstinted praise, and why thero should thou he any opposition is certainly strange and must bo either for a want of true patriotism or lack of apprecia tion duo to all faithful and efficient public servants. Wc row vonturo the opinion and aro not alone in our Views that when the day comes that his place is to bo filled by a «ew and untried officer may tho good poople fear the consequences of so ill-advised a policy. Wo would like to say much about Round Oak, tho beautiful grove and gushing springs, all of which is duo to tho cnorgy of Prof. II. J. Smith, but tho length of our communica tion reminds us to cut short and we will only add that wo oxpoct in tho coming years to see uuoof the hand somest resorts in the stato estab lished at tho old “Oak” as it is convenient, accessible and thronged there abouts with cultivated and ex cellent citizens who know a good thiug when they seo it. 88 MONEY FOll FARMERS. I am prepared to negotiate loans for farmers at a total commission 12 per cent, with interest at eight per cent, payable once a year, to-wit on Dee. 1st. J. C. Barron, Atty Law, June 9th 3m. Clinton Ga ,' NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND “L-v persons having demand.® - * against the Estate of Jamas G Barnes j late of Jones county, deceased, are Administrator J G Hjirues !!!■ m»i H IM m ■ rris*-*ir-‘—n*.-**“' • *•&**-'■*****“"' Covington & 2!acon XL E. TIME TABLE, No. 13. In effect May 4th. 1888. 3. { 1. f J. | 4. Fast BTA'I IONS. Fast j jAcc’m. Acc’n. j Mail Mail Daily. Daily. Daily. (Daily. 3.»il>ni ! 7.00am| MACON iHSpiui 3:12 ;7:10 [Van IMusn-y I'l- 3:51 17:16 Durens :0( 4-01 17:22 Roberta 2.54 in. 4.18 17:35 Morton 2.41 hi 4:30 17:42 7:48 Franks Grays 2. 2.28 it 4:40 4:4!) 17:54 l’arrons 2 »B> 4 . 5.1 17:57 Wayside 2.10 9.50 5 'KJ 8:05 Routid Oak 2.12 9.35 5:30 8:11) Hillsboro 1.58 .9.27 5:51 |8-27 Grassfield 1.49 9.12 (5:10 j s ;42 MinnelH ! .33 8.42 .5:21 |H:48 Monttcello 12.35 f.25 8.23 0:57 Macliet 7.47 7:27 0:27 Little River 12.23 7.20 8:20pm 7,30 ,9:33 10 20 Godfrey 11.30am 12.17 6.30 7.U am a Madison. A. Craig Palmer, Gen. Fr’t a Pass Agt. A. J. McEVOY, Superintendant. ORDINARY’S CITATION’S. Mmmmir*** Mi n./Ar.Mr mr. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. July 30th 1888. Whereas, Joseph Thomas W. Jolly J. Messer Adm’r on Estate ot Pec’d., applies to me for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to said dec’ll, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in September next at this office. Take notice accordingly. officially Witness my hand R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. Ordinary’s Office, Jones July 27th Co., Ga. 1888. Notice is hereby given that Win. A. Hudson of this county has ap plied to mo for setting aside and valuation of Homestead Exemption under tho Constitution of Ga., and I will pass upon tho same on the 23rd day of August next at 11 o’ clock a. no., at this office. Witness my hand officially, R. T. ROSS, Ordi nary. “ FOITa NISTRATIOA. OMI Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. Where.., Mr., 'ffl.S applies to mo lor administration ou jjstato of Joseph Glawson late of eolurty deceased. Ttfcso to eite arid admonish all persons concerned to show cause at this of fice if any the they have Monday to the .contrary Sei> on or by first in TEMBF-R nest. Witness my hand officially. E. T. ROSS, Ordinary. For Dismission. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga, Mrs. Mary July 23rd 1888. Whereas, Buren J.Quaekin buyh and James R. Van Ex ecutrix ami Executor of Estate of John W. Quackinbush deceased have applied Executorship. to mo for Dismission These there- from said me fore to cite and admonish alt per sons concerned to show cause at this office if any they have to the contrary November on or by tho first Mon day in next. Witness my hand officially. R. T. ROSS, Ordi nary. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. July 23rd 1888. Tho Commissioners setting apart one years support to Mrs. Elizabeth Malone widow ol Martin R. Malone deo’d have made their report and tho same is now on file in this office, and notice is hereby given t hat said report will bo made the Judgement of this court on the first Monday in Sedtember next unless good cause be shown to tno contrary. Witness my hand officially, R. T. ROSS, Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. Notice hereby July 23rd 1888. tho is given that Report of Commissioners setting aside one years support to Mrs. Caledonia Glawson widow of Joseph Glawson deo’d., and her six children is now on tile in this office, and un less some legal cause bo shown to the contrary will bo made the Judgement of this court on the first Monday Witness in September hand officially, next. my R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. July 20th 18SS. Whereas, James A. Jones Adm’r with the will annexed on Estate James Jones deceased, applies to me for Dismission. Those are fore to cite all persons concerned to show cause if any they have to tho contrary at this cffico on or by tho first Monday in November next. Witness my hand officially, FOR SALE. Five thousand acres of land in Jones County in lots to suit pur chasers, tor cash or on time. Apply to, Richard Johnson, May 26th 18SS tf. Clinton Ga. i - 01 -V £•* it % iy« f/'f 7 .;), f ** l£ o' #«% €/ a 9 .. mass 3 &»£!>’ Uj __ £ jg-PUNi gj w fS u 'j Oats, Meal, - Wheat r Corn, Meat, Flour, Hay, Bran, Sugar, Coffee,, Lard, Syrup, Salt, Bagging and'.'ios, etc. W lion you conic to Macon, call and see mo and fret my pi iocs* 1 7 E. L. BURDICK. AG’T •5 452 POPLAR Sl\, MACON, GA, N II—8—25—3m. it* w a -DEALER IN- Q l:ot Guns <s^r Bifles, Pis F i s hi n sr tols, Gut Tackle Sporting*^ and i .....LiA s , Ty^’and SSlery, Lock Gun Goods. Smith. Repairing Promptly Done. 416 Cheery Street MACON, GA. N H— 8-25 Sm. 3*aBIdei3S!aSBBE7HE»SSS!l2!»ft5SS5CT!521STSKr!S7a6seS6£ESS2B®r '13 § Eifes -iil wni mm m ms mss mm 451,453 and 455 mulberry st. macon ga. Just received, One Car Load Dixie and Ludlow Bagging. « Ci “ Arrow Ties. “ “ Two “ “ Flour, Wo also keep Seed Oats, Rye, Meat, Corn and everything else kept in a First Class Grocery Business. Can give you Bottom figures on such goods. DAVIS & BALKC 0 M, 8-25—tf. 451, 453 and 455 MULBERRY ST., MACON, GA. ROBERT COLEMAN. JOHN N. BIRCH. BOLIVER II. RAY. Macotv— COLEMAf, RAY & CO. EL *3 CBTTmm WA& 2 QM 8 Dealers in Groceries, Planters ' 5 Supplies, Bagging and Ties. After many years’practical the Planters experience Georgia that in handling and selling Cotton, we announce to of wo are now ready for the coining season, with every facility and convenience for satisfactory hand ling of all Cotton that may be entrusted to us. Without any favorites among the buyers, but treating all alike, wo mako it oar special aim to get the very highest individual market price for each Planter, selling to the very best ad vantage o.idi bale of Cotton. For the convenience of our friends iu the country ,we have in connection with our warehouse a store supplied with a full stock of Groceries, Provisions and Bagging and Ties, which we will sell as cheap as any one. In season we have a full supply of Mules, which wo will sell for cash or on time. We also handle Guano of the best grade, which wc will be glad to furnish to all wishing it for cash or on time. Wc thank our many friends of the past years for their liberal patronage, and to all new ones we guarantee satisfaction. We solicit your Cotton and trade. Respectfully, N II. aug 25—3m. SQLS&S&H, KY £ G 3 . GREAT SACRIFICE ■OF Ilttii illffi ill lilf ■AT it son m sis ms? suit. Macon ■3 Georgia Special Offers to tlia Public. I offer as inducements from now until Jan. 1st 1S89, to advertise my goods Best Hand Sewed Shoes $3.50 Former Price, §6,00 “ Machine “ Calf “ 2.50. • < - 3,50. 2nd Grade “ “ u 1.75. u r 2.50. Ladies Sewed Button Shoes 2.50 “ r 4.00. u a “ L25 a - 1.75. <; Calf Skin Lace “ 1.25 u - 2 . 00 . Best Boots for Men 2.00 ci ^ 3,00. “ Brogans 1,00 and 1.25 1.50 and 1.75. Children Shoes and Hats at your own price All of these goods I guarantee to be strictly First Class and everything waranted to be as represented, we respectfully invite you to give us a call. Remember the place. Selinll*s No 513 Cherry St. N H—8-25—3m HAIXM, ££D1». LOOK OUT I * a* ^ Clinton the old town —AND— «r». 1 a Having engaged in General Merchandise in Clinton, Jones Co., and wit'll a Urge stock of Goods, I will mako a lively stir in reduction of prices. A large lot of good stock for cost and less than cost. Such as SHOES, HATS, and NOTIONS, WOOLEN and COTTON ' GOODS. And many other articles of valuo. Must and will bo sold at prices to do. fy competition. You will find those prices to bo in keeping with tho Farmers Aliiance and are extended to all persons. Como and soo, don’t take my word for it. Roland T. Ross. June 25th 1888. tf. CLINTON, GA. GEORGE W. ETHRIDGE. JOHN T. WALL B— B s. 3 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN I'fflg ted n (eaansia<Bi«» MBBHUfiHBSSOal oil um i J POOL AND BILLIARDS. 416 Foplar Sf 2 lEou, mm 6 30-1888. asc&zt: T. B a Art®p© ? a LpORTEB O & y eM , c^| *uoo is-o MACON —AND DEALER QA IN— <$> SEO. T. BEEXiAND !&ii WATCHES CWS Jr.lll.lSi. gXKFSRW&Rn mir If %cdacte§ SolS 3? ens PEICC£LS ETC fe ipmm Novelties in Holiday Goods BORDERS BY MAIL WILL RECElYfi PROMPT AND RELIABLE ATTENTION 320 Second Street MACON GEORGIA