Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, September 08, 1888, Image 2

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‘4-! * t n TH08. X. PF-KN, : Gray Gcorela, Saturday. ,Srpi. 8tb * »■ OCR TICKET. CONGRESS f.Tll CONORKSSJONAl, D'ST HON. JAMES H. BLOUNT. FOR RErilESENTATJ VE. Richard Johnson. for sheriff and tax COLLECTOR. Many citizens hereby t he names of W. V\. Barron Moses W. Smith lor the office Sheriff and Tax Collector 01 County Subject to the Democrat ic nomination. Rally to the sup oort of faithful officers the right of wav. Referring to the right of wry cl “Hr that place writes as follows. It ' reported that , a gcutbnwm ,, cm. . nec t With the Richmond and R.uivibi railway stated that if Athena woulJ do her part towards giving Maelnii u light -f I • the city that he would rndme Jus company to subscribe $10,0»J0 to the fund. It would be •>!' gmat interest to the Richmond and Dttnvillo htivo t*r)tiuoctK)n with the Covington and Macon road a s it would bring a grout deal <d the Florida truyel over that line, ,t iug Ibo shortest uml h.y Inr the iuo«t pleasant route between the north and the Land of Flowers—Tel. _______ ___ \ At ihe meeting of Ihc Slate Farm et ei'e 8 Alliance, ivmanct. recently ,r held in Macon | 1 tho following resolutions oik red h b\ ,. A. T. Pope, of Oglethorpe county, were adopted- Whereas, the Bag «.'i„g trust which is now seeking to so w ickedly 3 oppress 11 the farmers of 1 the cotton States in the article ! bagging and other articles o’. consumption.—Resolved 1 hat t-be Farmers’Alliance, of Georgiy hold | their cotton in tho s«c<l bo far a* prfietretrbh) mud ... <K > „. • • - sought to bo put npeii L em ir bitkon nod urge all eOltoh hu’inoi» l ml Aliimoc men of other .States, and ttUU other parties 1 that are bring tliiB combine.ion - oppressed by m units with us; againt this cmnbii.a wick-' these be given to the press for publication ibo lion. .« e"- 1 b. ing resolution offered t>y - Livingston,of Newton, was papers,’ Resolved, That, the thank.. of this, tho Georgia c»tutc At a*n^.e be, uml are hereby lemier. d tin* lion Breckinridge, of Arkansar Morgan, of M^ssissMT'b Gimmctu', of North Carolina, and othciB now moving in our national Congu-u looking to tho relief ol cotton plant or» from the oppression and wicked conduct of the bagging trust.. “ the pluck, energy and judgement of E. O. Maehen. There has been tunes since the beginning oi .bio }oa ^ when no enterprise had more friends and times when no enterprise had fewer friends. Reported bankrupt, sold out, transferred, and dead, even past resurcotion, had more promises made to it, and fewer of them com plied with, than any other enterprise in the country. But notwithstand ing all this, she stands in her own shoes, in her own light and in the hands of her original projector and with her fully com plied and her stocks and bonds worth one hundred cents in the dol lar. Thus bus she come to develop and belter the country, through which her trains pass. One other noted fact in the history ot this enterprise is that it has developed the fact that a stranger has come among ua, who gives his parole promise to pay the debts ot anoth or to the amount of over three hun dred thousand dollars, and has re deemed that promise to a jot and tittle. That stranger is E C, Maehen ^tZ^ZZZZ biud him to his promises, even to pay the debts of another, Citisens of liibb Jones. jKper.Mo^M.Oconoe and city of Athens, this ex is worthy of our imitation.— Couofy Nows. ’O’U V ticTitiuui i'« tin- li-cra: hours of sale the fa|}o.vuig ; roja-i p: to-wit. I fit Ot lot ?'> ill the Gth dis tiictof f a.d county yion N* side of Long SI,a h I’nr itaiiiing acres man r m.d >t> acre.- raor • or less lying hi IV. Corner of Lot in thefith l>i tri ‘1 of raid aggregating m cures more or less bring lands sold bv Jeremiah Lowe to LaFayet?e Hulk Kim vs appears bvj Hecorded Deed in Book V. page 08 , j Jones Superior Court, levied on as iiie Cty iiiofa'r’y oJ La. oUikconij ^ fy ■ ;*i -a t! born Jones • r (> <nirl in favor **f Elizabeth! I we. V/riiSi) . dice served on tenant in posse/, ij.,^ '• ' *' _ sheriff. I .... bn .Hold be lore the ii i louse fh.ior in Clin toil ou tisc being lota 6 f i.M >>>’, 11 1 die !lth d.’iM.'d .an eu.iiiy, lying on from Clin to- to (K ey Cm k,bound , { \ hy la»i:>s o: V. n. i.^rcen and others. Kvied <u, as the Thomas J. Cru n tesauafy a n is,;,e ill m ... u lAyah. Gopi ‘ ourt Co. m ^ of ^ j. r & y/ nt { e ,. -orved m Joseph Chiles tenant in u is.’X'USion. W. /.Hi 10 Aug 28 iF : -, f« .»»*>•> -r. i\sr/vcma**itj r.. * am; .- t.msmm , OEMiJib-tlL'a. L J : A /'./!)&■ A Ordmari rorms'Rl^on. a Ofiiou, Jones Go., Ga, July 2;ird 1888 Whereas, Mrs. Mary J. Quackiii bnsn anu :enu s It. Van Burcu Kx and Lxiiutoroi r.state John W. Quaekiiil-mh de< eased have applied to me U r Luomis.- on from su id Kxecutorslup. Theseaiethere Ui , (( u> i;il0 . uu5 i,i,b all pe« N0I)S 0 onceiue(J to show cause at this office if any tlu-y have to coatrnry on or by ! Do nusr 'Ion - i>*r in Novxmufu next. VV itness my hi tm ofneeillv. “ V- Uyt ' S > ° nii;jarv - Gi dicaryV Office, Jones Co., Ga. July 2!.Th 1888. G Rcrca.-, y amca A eoitoc Avierr vii:.b .tho yt’J.i on !l! ,{ i0 for DisiOixmcn. T,‘uv>* are -1 Imre. f;.>re to cite mi oi • eoncorued to show caimo it -.mj t hey have to tiu contrary a thiy- tf. o .-.a or by the lirst ffivmJiiy.-o': iber r.c- i. vVllll€)r . my hand olffi-i^iy. ll. T. HO;>- Ord: ary. ^ );W , 1;S0M Roh , rt , ^ nar f 0 . Am'w, tHx and Thomas Roberta, minors, iuw applied to Lai. me .or dkmis-don from raid gmu ‘ offlce they have t ftUtie ttt UliB lf ;in y ^ j k(> con t ra rj on or by the first Monday m October next Witness my band ofikirdiy, R- i'* iwfrS, Ordinal’. NOTICE 'AO DEBTORS AND tiiEDLTOm. GEORGlA—Jones County. All persons having demands against the Estate of James G Barnes taid Estate are reipured to make tra- 1 v ' s Administrator J G Barnes deceased, COVinHon t Macon R. B. *11 H a.., VI’ run i a, i .ia, r m ao. io, F In effect May Uh, 1888. ......... 1, 2 *' Fast ’ FT.VI IONS Fast. ; Ait u. j M;ul j Mail lAcKs'm. liiaily. Daily. |Daily , HtvHv. S.ISOpn'.ii.iOani; | MACON 3:lSpni SrtXi 11.Sa 11.20 o> X:12 7:10 Massey Mill |3:<K> . :v.M 7 .Hi ■ Van Uurens > 11.11 1 01 ' ’22 UoVerfa '2.M Ui.ixi 1 .18 ‘7 .'.’la ! Morton 2.11 ;n.*w t 30 ',7 :12 Franks (•rays H l: 10 '•18 j 2.28 1:18 i7:.’Vt Barrens •> 1 .% | 7 * 57 i Wayside 2 . 1 !) ih.hG 10.36 5 10 |S ;05 Itomid Oak 2.12 , 8:10 Hillsboro I.Vs 8.51 iS 27 1 Qrasstieid 1.40 >.12 0:10 ; 8;!2 i Minnrtft 1 33 12 0:21 jS-,4S i Monticello 1 . 2 ,'. •’S .23 OAT 015 Mache.r. 12.35 •T.47 * T -.27 19:27 , Little River Sl’i.iT ! 2.23 7 . 21 ) Godfrey . j7.ll AvApuriorjo a* MAiusotu 11.30am‘6.30 A. Cr aig Palmer, Gen. Fr’t & Pass Agt . A. J. MoEYOY, Supcrintendaut-. Malberry SI i jssa. i HacoaGa _ IwftbES . rs fl tf „ Day * . Mas , c _ M BTJTNEB, rioprietress. J* 1 Oft ffa+i- U » i r •' : sr A *R,*-*§* j® 9 '■*- i ■X >x r y[ p rv >p ■ i . * *• — ■*=■ Col H Meat. Flour, Hay, 0 : - . A _>Pct»i, Bn gar, Coffee, Laid, Syrup, Salt, Tobacco, Bagging and lies, ere* When '; come to Macon, call and see me an l get my prices. E. 1 . BURDICK, AG'T.; 452 POPLAR ST., MACON, GA. N h__ 8—25—3ni. CibHB tttmmr* mmmmammm ♦,-y iwrnwn c rno< - SACRIFICE . GREAT OF i. sit k \ iti Hits AT— IT SMS, 1 B Hill MR. iMM A | W m. &LQ' f$. 3 ti ® “ V**'*'* j5 |J r .*■+.. * r* '( : >Vv , 4 III) -fi 4 I r'11 ihr .^ V A L VA Vu&J’ A j ofl vr as inducements from now until Jan 1 st 1180, to advertise my goods Best Hand Bowed Shoes $3.50 Former Price, J5.00 Maohino “ Calf 2.50. 5,5L 2nd <«T it f .75. vi a !,50 Ladies Sewed. Button Shoes 2.50 .00. ii •• 1.35 ;; .75. .. Calf Skill Lac« ;t 1.25 ii >. 00 . Best Boots for Men 3.00 ;* “ 3.00. “ Hagans 1.00 and , , 1 25 “ 1.50 and 3.75. Children Shoes and Hats M vaur own good:-; 1 toTM*ftnVt.]y o. First Class and Ml of these guaranteo everything waranted to bo as rcrroFittod, w respectfully invite you to give us a call. Rernedbot* the place. , ■« ys | ~s 9 ^ ft Wf L O Olt K~l o h U herrv St. ’ * N ji " ‘ CJ m ill $1 & mm■?* t M y Pi 1» ^ $ $ ti a . m •; & & * evsiVKK if £ ' ■' ■/ • ••./. o , ajf ■««.* siciffS Sfe: * „ ii AND 4(>5 MULIffiltnJ ST. ^ACON GA. Just received, One Bar Load Dixie and Lnd^'jBagging. u <c “ Arrow Ties. Two “ “ Flour. Wo also keep Seed Oaks, Rye,' Mival-Forn and everything 0 i ,. ; ;- e p k j u a First Class Grocery " Bus/ess. Can give vou DAVIS ©ALECOi: 8-25—tf. 451, 453 and 4-55 UULBpY ST., MACON, GA. ■ mi—nniwwam imiii rnrri in r*^vijtaa».aa.-Brn wmnv j;,* - vtn.-isrtnrr#^ ROBERT COLEMAN. JOHN N. BIK BOI.IVER IL LAY. COLEMAN. BA & CO. nn acorn, m ■ m r N*S CL ca s j i TT&m m Groceries, Enters’ Supplies BaGGIVG ANtflES* After many years’ practical experience handling and selling Cotton wc announce to the Planters ol Georgia cfenicnce t> we are for now satisfactory ready for hand- tho coming season, with every facility be. entrusted and In Without favorites lingof all Cotton that may a. any among the buyers, but treating all alike,) make selling it our special aim to get the vovy highest market price for each Piper, to the very best ad vantage each individual bale of Cotton, pr the convenience cf our supplied friends m with the country full stock ,we of have Groceries, in counjo/i Iviriona with and our Bagging warehouse and a store Ties, a which wc will sell as cheap as anyone, f season we have a full supply o. Mules, which we will sell for cash or oi» n h We a!|o handle Guano oi the best grade, which we will bd glad tok'tikk to ail wishing it for easii or on time. Wo thank our many friend-f t'V itisfaction. past years for their liberal patronage, and trade. to all new Respectfully, ones we guarrtev ; We solicit your Cotton and eona^, bay & sa, j N II. aug 25—3m. ' F. S. JOHNSON. JEFF LANE JOHNSON A; LANE. h MACON <w • G A. Hardware, Building Matdal, Mferial Belting, Cutlery, W^on - — — :o:---- 1 Guns, Ammunitio- Pistol^ and S-2S-3nv LOOK OU r X At Clin ton th Id town -AND— I I Having engaged in General Merchandise in Clinton, Jones Co., and with a largo stock of Goods, 1 will make a livoly stir in reduction of prices, A largo lot of good stock for cost and less than cost. Such as SHOES, HATS, and ■ NOTIONS 3 WOOLEN and ©OTTOH GOO OS. And many other articles of value. Must and will be sold at prices todo ty competition. You will find these prices to bo in keeping with the Alliance and arc extonclod to all persons. Come and see, doiRt take my word for it, Roland T. Ross. J uno 25th 1888. tf. CLINTON, GA. mtmans GEORGE W. ETHRIDGE. JOHN T. WALL. ! H his rJ 6 a WHOLES Ay^ AND RETAIL " - sji ' DEALERS IN ’TVT 111 fF 1 J fjirsfi IM I Lcj > U FOOL AND BILLIARDS. 415 Paplar Si ? MACON. GEORGIA G 80-1888. T a B a % 4?. ififei\T E ^ •rN g O & O i A p A 0 § A V ¥ 0 m « 4 ip —ANO DEALER IS— > MACON C5> JSk. ■&« W® STBAMOM* DEALER IN ^hot Guns Rifles, Pis F i s hi n tols, Cut Sporting" Tackle and | A. ^ilery, Gun and Lock Goods. Smith, Repairing Promptly Done. 416 Cheuby Street MACON, - GA. N H—S-25—oin.