Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, September 22, 1888, Image 3

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I •.JDjrv&UjjiD j. Wr.HV #A -,urday MoaJWO :.•(, AT itt Y, OXOliGIA, ___\,V T. It. DENN.' , 0Vl -5 axd county. i ,■ ir UfWEKAN, Local Editress. k. „ L> ’*" J" 1 M !!■ U Countv Sheriff’s Sale. sold before the Ccurt door in Clinton, said on the first Tuesday in sale* next between the legal | |T l « of the of lot following 7-i in the property 6‘th die t ]* ;li -t lying N. E. Is I of b said county slash, containing on loO t A ,r>v r 1 less and 50 acres more F,” inore or Lot sving S. W. Corner of 84 Ur (ith District of said county, uniting 200 acres more or less U \m,!s sold by Jeremiah Lowe ■Tr. yette Balkcom as V. appears by ,oiv» : d Deed in Rook page 38, j„ es Superior Court. Levied on as ‘ ol Laifayette Balkcom SC ewsivali fa issued from ones iijicnof Court in favor of Elizabeth huwe. Written notice served on -ti ,,1,OS w S W.-BArvHON, fug- 28th 1888. Sheriff. j,;(j ii (j IA, — J ones County. liU Ij be sold before the Court | House Tuesday door in Clinton October on next, the ibst in ptween the legai hours of sale, four e d and five acres of land more being lots 07 and 08 in the riet of said county, road lying leading on , s ! fide of the Pnb’ic 3-UU Clinton to Caney < reek, bound iii i,y iurnls of Win. M ■ Green and iibth. Levied on us satisfy the property fi fa it I'ijoanis J. Green to a tiued from Jones Farquhar Superior Court ,i favor of A. R. & Co. iVritten notice possession. served on Joseph hi it s tenant in W. W. BARRON, b,:. 28 1888, Sheriff. OBDINARY’S CITATION’S. AbMINIST BATOR’S SALE, Hy vu tae of an order from Jones biurt hi-o vf Ordinary will be sold be ffe Court House door in Perry (Houston County Ga., within the legal hours of sale on the first Tues day in November next Thirteen hnmlfed (1300) acres of land more K>r less in the 13th Dist. of said Houston county belonging to Es tate of Allen F. Holt dec’d, known also as the T, G, Holt, plantation, b Minded by lands of H.M Holtzclaw, V. 0 Marsbburn, Warren Lathrop, and others. This a valuable plan tation, in a fair state oi cultivation. Hold to pay debts. Will be sold in a lody or divided in the judgement of the admit itrator. Terms Cash. IL II, Kikoman, Adm’r, Sept, 17th 1888. For Disiuissiou. j Ordinary’s Office, Junes Co., On, Whereas, July 23rd 1888 Mrs. Mary J. Quackin and James R. Van Huron Ex ewitrix and Executor of Estate of John W. Quaekinbush deceased have applied to me fer Dismission from said Executorship. These a> o t!u rc lore to cite and admonish all pei sons concerned to show cause at this office if any they have to the contrary on or by the first Mon day in November next. Witness my hand officially, ii. T. BOSS, Ordinary. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Go., Ga. Whereas, July 20th 1888. James A. Jones Auin’r with the will annexed on Estate James Jones deceased, applies to toe for Dismission. These are there fore to cite all persons concerned to show cause if any they have to the contrary at this office on or by first Monday in November next. Witness my hand officially, R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co,, Ga. August 30 th 1888. Whereas Jackson Roberts guar fan Hoberis, for minors, Andrew, lias Vila applied and Thomas to me for dismission ftom said guardian ship ; These are to cite and admon ish all persons concerned to show cause at this office if any they have to the contrai y on or by the first Monday Witness m October next. my 'll. hand officially, T. ROSS, Ordinary NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND GEORGIA—Jones CREDITORS. County. All persons having demands against late the Estate of James G Barnes of Jones county, deceased, are mands hereby notified to render in their de to the undersigned according to law. And all persons indebted to *aid Estate are required to make im mediate payment. This August 21st Administrator 1SS8._ J W. G Barnes H, Burden, deceased. Loans Negotiated On Farms & Town JN BIBB AND ADJOINING COVSTIE8. ELLIOTT ESTES, 583 . Chei-ry St. - • Macon Ga CLISTOX LOCALS. -- Frank . Hardeman spent Sunthr. his 22nd birthday, wish li> me ft.Iks. Mrs. Fey ton T . Pitts with Master Robbie Kingman si,eat Friday in town. Hr. Clias. Middlebrooks from Hillsboro was a* the Musical.’ Fri day night Mr. Candler, son of Ex. Con. Milton A. Candler, of Gainesville, was in Clinton Friday. Col. and Mrs. Isaac Hardeman with sons lice and Frank spent Thursday in Clinton. Mrs. James Mi-ldlobrooks and mother Mrs. JeiT Stewart visited Mrs. S. C. Pnrseley Friday. are ‘"■r attending u “ C J amp iii "’ ;icst meeting ' i|,u,,E at “r" 00 ' «• Miss Annie Lee Greer, a bright eyed belle of Monticello, is spending some time with her aunt Mrs. G. T. Pursoly Mrs. R. Hutchings returned to Macon Monday. As did also i!;ss Ada L. Griswold who has been spending some weeks enjoyable with Clinton relatives. Mr. Tom Duffey came in Sundav p. m. in a hard shower, just from the Gordon Convention, and brought news that L. D Shannon was nom inated Senator by a handsome ma jority. Mrs. A. C. Wvloy and daughter, Miss Nellie, and Master Hamilton Wy ley, of Kansas City, are spending some time with her sister-in-law. Mrs. A. S. Hamilton. It has been some years since Mrs. Wy lev visited the old town. Prof. Ab. L. Barron has closed his school at Whitesburg, and with his handsome bride arrived in Ciin 'on Monday p. m. The good “old Dr.” is feeling highly elated over the home coming of his baby-boy, and gives him a double welcome ! We extend to “Tit” and Mrs. Bar ron Jr, a hearty welcome to our old red hills. Mrs. J. 0. Bonner (formerly Miss Lester) died at her home u car Pleasant Grove, Jones County, last Wednesday. Iler death was sud den and distressingly sad: There are left ten orphaned childish hearts and forms without a mot hoi’s care and two of those twin boys only cue week old. The hoavlfeit sympa thy of the entire county goes out to Mr. Bonner and family in their sad bereavement. We call the attention of our read ers to the new advertisement of F. Price wlibh appears in todays paper. Mr. Price will take pleas ure in handling your cotton for you, and has scores of friends and ac quaintances, in Jones, who will he pleased to see his announcement and give him a liberal support. He has energy, skill and experience, and is an honest, reliable, warm hearted gentleman in whose suc cess we will heartily rejoice. We call especial attention to i he ad. in another column of Mess. Rodgers, Worsham & Co. They have ample capital, and buy only Wed, direct and from the U'ljey producer out K«imt, abroad. import their and other fertilizing kno\vif la ingredients ^Piowhor- and tUr ^' n fertiHzer Brand,” which by analysis of the State the past season far excelled all others. They say the only way to soli the best guano bo gin to fill up their different ware houses one of which is in Monticello. They invite their patrons when in Macon to visit the factory where their famous “Plowboys Brand” is made. C. B. WILLINGHAM. This gentlemen has an advertise ment in this issue that will not fail to attract attention, He is a ltvo business mar, and presents his claims to the formers of Jones and Surrounding Counties' This firm established for a series of years, has steadily increased in popularity and the magnitude of its opera tions, until now it stands in the verv foremost rank of the progres sive Merchants of Macon.—The se cret of his success is the prompt attention he give to all of his cus tomers. getting the highest price for all cotton that is sent to him, and makes liberal advances on cot* ton in store. Judging from what 1 we saw a few days ago, in thonum j ber of bales of cotton that was be- 1 ing unloaded and arriving, j bouse is certainly doing an immense ] business. “ *, f. irci lii k ii II \ s&O; 41 fig? B H% Mi, Mi 13 IliHE and Latest Styles. THE LOWEST PRICES. Send us your orders and come to gee us when in Macon. Goods sent C. O. I). unless city reference is given. FADS, NEEL & CO, 11—15—3m. 557 CHERRY ST. § 1! g y i iiy |v I ! I y 1 St tjjjliu ™ I'Ai 14; \ 5 420 and 422 Third St;, Macon, Ga. KJB fapnMC KJu ii'i r—ii ii. jiii - a m-gr- vci— *«caCTta xg - , <*’** &% We oiler our services to the farmers of Jones and Jasper Counties for the season 1888 and 1835). We have now in stock pure TEXAS IluST PROOF OATS GEORGIA RUST PROOF OATS. RYE and BARLEY. WE ALSO HAVE A LARUE STOCK OF BA©&ItfGand.TI£ 3 S FLOUR, GRAIN, BACON, TOBACCO’S, etc, f at the LOWEST PRICES. tVe have made the best trades of our liycs in furl fliers and we assure planters that their interest will be served by j calling on us before buying elsewhere. For next season we are GENERAL AOENT6 in Middle Geor gia for II. S. MILLER <& GO'S., famous Bone Fertilizers. “PLOWBOY’8 BRAND” a complete fertilizer. a SOLUBLE BONE DUST” the best acid sold. MACON OIL and FERTILIZER 00., cotton 'seed meal. We have also imported a very large lot of genuine Qe^U^I JC^INT A,NO Of Poy^Sif Estimates made to Alliance Clubs. All farmers are cordially invited <t 0 Call or write us for prices etc. RODGERS, WORSHAM & CO., N —II-9-20-Gm. 420 and 422 Third Br., Macon, Ga. —BRADLEY’S— ---I o I i o | I am now prepared to Gin your COTTON at 25cts per hundred lbs. and 1 will pay 15cts per*bushel for your cotton seed, I also deal in Farmers Supplies, and will sell Hour, Bacon, Sugar, Cof fee, Syrup and Salt As cheap as you can buy in Macon, with freight added. 9—8—1888 tf. JOHN BRADLEY. .4, B. &fM!lS&S0lf a WilliSII IIMMISJIMIC1ITS Ten years ago we were the first to reduce Hie charges for ^ anc ^^ 1 « cotton to 75c. per bale. We now propose to make a Bill further reduction. From tliis date we will charge only 50e. per bale for weighing and selling Cotton except where we have already madoadv “« es ) an<! »° oxtrii stora « e - We will loan money in the Spring at a low rate of interest. We solicit your patronage, and guarantee satisfaction. 516 Poplar Street. msm mmm. 3m 8—lb ’88 In order to Advertise our large stock of WATCHES Thoroughly, clubs we have commenced or ganizing and putting in a ?p *■. Dinar IffC* foMjr taw 0B 1,AVMBNT0F 8100 A WEKK ' HI d§M These watches are cased in solid gold, have .V *> ! ^ m0 American Nicklo Full Jeweled Expansion , W % '■*** by Rockford Watch Company. Join NOW L y nK j jj & \V. W. WILLIAMS Watch Club, 35 2nd St„ Macon, Ga. REDDING & BALDWIN. t C L 0 T U I N G . II A T S AND G E A 1 T S F UIIA 1 SIIIN G G 0 01 ) S i Keep always on hand a good stock and guarantee to give satisfaction to all their patrons. 388 2m Sj^sej, fA/ycoN, Qa. WIN SHIP & CALLAWAY’S OLD STAND. N—II—9-20-3m. SHIP YOUR COTTON TO I. f. PB, Bint Bills, CL Ho does strictly a COTTON BUSINESS And will get highest market price for cotton . "7 HE LENDS M ON EG Y In Spring at low rate of interest.—N-H-9-20-8m. o-T. W. BOND’S-o HI m I 81 I 11 II 1 Beds Free to Customers. TDE PfiPT °f TOF? MQW? ptqy\R$ AND "j oBACCoq —AT THE BAR, FILLING JUGS AND BOTTLES A SPECIALTY. Come once and you’ll come again. Morgans Corner Macon, Ga. 9-8—tf. LOOK OUT At Clinton the old town —AND— eSTTSD Lv. ■ Having engaged in General Merchandise in Clinton, Jones Go., and with a large stock of Goods, I will mako a lively stir m reduction of prices. A largo lot of good stock for cost and loss than cost. Such as SHOES, HATS, and NOTIONS WOOLEN and ©OTTOM €OODS. And many other articles of value. Must and will be sold at prices to de fy competition. You will find those prices to be in keeping with tlio Farmers Alliance and are extended to all persons. Como and see, don’t take my word for it. Roland T. Ross. Juno 25th 1888. tf. CLINTON, GA. W. T. WOMACK. DMAJUBB IN Farmer’s Supplies and General Merchandise, Such as are kept in first-class houses. 1 am also prepared to pay the highest market prices for cotton as I do the work my self and save the usual warehouse expenses. Cotton shipped to me will receive my person al attention. All cotton in store fullly protected by insurance. BAGGING AND TIES Constantly on hand at the lowest prices, and orders for same and also -*«W. Very ^otfuU, j \^J IJ1 ^ OMACK o_s_3m—1888. EAST MACON, GA.