Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, October 13, 1888, Image 3

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&** 1.V1.LY SA'i UP HAY MORN IN AX ya.Y, GEORGIA, _BY X. U. VENN.— __ r ~V<>WN AM) COUNTY. H AHObMAX, Local Editress. Mrs “tfSjsS COTOTY SALE. LANDS POE UltAMl uiroUXUMTY TO GET A A TEBMS. oocr, HOME ON EASY 11v virtue of a deed ot trust and I KeJbytbe miJr of sale vested legatees in of the James undor- G. I I Jbnuo « r L H , lute of Jones dated county, May de- 29, rAVorUod ^ j oc j in ibo clerk’s of. AdfJones county of deeds, superior pages court, 9o to book W. the o: ; I will ami sell best at publjcoutcry bidder, on the to nrsl I hi )j0st November next (being I TntmbiV i» before I the full day of the month), || l0 court-house- door m Clinton, I Joins county. Georgia, the follovv ; lands recently owned and pos I1( r James G. Barnes, as a h e I jiesnotl by vesting his cltil I .state thence m dreii: said lands lying in the tenth .listriet ol said county, to wit: ] Lot No. 42 and part of lot No of, (in one body), containing 285i ' acre?, lying mi the F rank’s public Station, road a ! )0 ut one iiiile from r.ivim-lon ami Macon railroad, and known * afi the “Mooreland” place. 2 Lot No. 64, containing 202J acres more or less (by recent 2)1 survey acres), this lot island to contain known a» the “Cupel” or ‘* 1101110 '’ ‘ 2 ]A>t No. 69. containing 202j acres (by measurements 204 acres), luit'wn as the “Jeter'’ place. One half of one acre of this lot h reserved, on which the family burying ground \* located. 4 hut No. 86, containing 20 Ui -4* . “Oliver” ones, known as the © L* llorne place. No. 92 und pw*t of lots N09j 5. Lot M, 106 and 107, containing 333 the lines (in one body) known as “lieri'ord” place. well improved This property is and highly productive, with tenants on each placo. It will be sold in lots or bodies as described. Having boon recently surveyed by a com poUut surveyor, a complete map of it may be found in the hands of Mr. LceJ. Barnes on the premises, a bo on the records in the clerk’s office of Jones county superior third cash; court. be paid Terms, ono to immediately on bidding same off. Ono third in 12 months and balance in two years with interest at 7 per coat on the deferred payments. Bond for titles until the last pay ment is made.—Oct 4 1888. W. H. Burden. MACON, GA. CITATION—YK A US SUPPORT. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. October 1st 1888. Notice is hereby given that the Report of Commissioners setting Mrs. aside one years support lor Susan Barnes iu Ei-tate James G. Barnos dcc’d, is now of file in this office and I will proceed to make fame the Judgement of Court on tlie first Monday in November next unless some legal cause bo shown to tho contrary. Witness my hand officially, R.T. ROBS. Ordinary Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. October 1st 1888. applied Whereas, James D. Godard has to mo for administration do bonis non on the Estate of Richard Blow late of Jones County doeoased. These are to cite all persons con cerned to show cause if any they havo to the contrary at this office on vember or by the first Monday in No next. Witness my hand officially R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold at tho late residence 'i James G. Barnes deceased near Bradley’s 6a. Station in Jones County commencing on Monday October 22 1888 promptly at 10 o’clock a in and continuing uutil disposed of to the highest bidder for cash, all of tho perishable property, belonging to the Estate of J. G. Barnes, consist Bjg of 7 Head of Mules, 1 Horse, 20 Read of Cattle, (among which are some good milch cows) 4 Bogs, 11 goats, 1 Buggy, % WagoDs, Planta tion Tools and implements, 1 Cotton Gin, Corn and Fodder, House-hold *nd Kitchen furniture, 1 Large -Kettle or boiler, 15 Bee-hives, Freo conveyance will be furnished to any who may wish to attend the ®ale from Bradleys Station, C. $ AU.R._Oct 1st 1888. W. H. BURDEN, Adm’r. ___ For Dismission. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga, _ Whereas, Mrs. Mary July 23rd 1888 «>ish J. Quackin and JameB R. Van Euren Ex ecutrix °hn W. and Quackinbush Execute:* deceased cf Estate have applied to me for- Dismmicn from “id Executorship. These are ere to cite and admop.iak all •I ? s concerned to show cause at MySM&Skr** ifanj U hs ? ha7 ° t0 tbe „ Ki -' Witness my hand officially. & T. I’/JSS, Ordinary. CLOUDS LOCALS. Icc was seen ili EutontOn on the Boi.ii of September. Little Jimmie Ross is .quite sick with an attack oi' pneumonia. Mrs. Ea! Christian lias been very ssiek at her home near Clinton. It is saiii that the past month ot September \\m \he coolest ever known. Hon. Walter B. IIill of Macon received one vote in Atlanta for Gov ernor. Hr. and Mrs. R‘. B. Barron spent Friday night, Saturday and Sunday in Macon, Rev. M A. Philips and family went down io Macon Tno.-day re turning Friday evening. Our typo made the “Pound party” to be on the 23id at Mr. Walls, "it should have read Mr. Richard Watts near Bradleys. Tlie election last Wednesday pass ed so quiolly that several in to wn did not know it was in progress. Only about 48 or 50 votes we e poll ed in Clinton. Mr. Rolit Reynolds arrived in Clinton Saturday night to carry his family back to New Orleans. They left on Monday for New Or leanfl via Macon, The Putnam County Fair, which opened in Entonton on the 4th was said to bo a decided success. We see irom the Messenger that Mrs. Jeff Stewart and son represented Jones county. Master Edgar Giawson, son of Mrs. Jas Glaweon is attending Mercer University and boarding with Mrs. Sam Barron. Miss An nie Bell Glaw son is attending school in Millcdgeville. Next Monday the Fall term of Jones Superior Court convenes. There ate five prisoners in jail, it is earnestly hoped that tlie whole docket will be cleatod during the week if Court has to continue until Saturday night. Mr Clark Smith, of Gray’s neigh borhood was i'n Clinton Saturday. He was a frequent visitor to Clin ton prior to the building up of Grays, and is besides an export “draught player,” one of the mo*t substantial farmers and staunch citizens of the old County. Little Miss Mary Purseley enter tained Lor school mates and friends with an enjoyable “Candy pull” last Friday afternoon. About eight een little lads and lassies attended and all returned to tin ir borne high ly delighted with a big chunk of sweetness. Mr. E. M, Landrum, who spent his vacation in Clinton and by his courteous demeanor and pleasant manners made many friends, has returned to classic halls at Ox ford. The fair ones aro sighing, (not singing) “Weshall meet, but we shall miss him!” Rev. Dr. Wm E. Boggs of Mem phis Tenn, has been elected Chan cellor of the University of Ga. lie was born in India, while his father was stationed there as Missionary, is about 50 years of ago, and a man of fine talent and worthy the honor bestowed upon him. His salary will be $3000.00 per year and biick resi lience furnished him on the Cam pus. THE OLD RED HILLS OF JONES Have always groanod under a burden of lazaries and the very at mosphere seems to make the boys clever. BUSCUIT SMITH now of the famous “Brilliant Bar,’ ot Macon, has pleasant recollect ions of his associations in tho grand old county, and always orders the dog chained when he hears any ot the boys around. TUB CRISP FROSTY MORNINGS will soon be here. Just think of it. Copper Distilled Rye, 16 years old, and sparkling Corn with a bead on it that would put a dew drop to shame, with other choice Liquors served at the bar, TtHcs Hcf Skin Onions with every otl-er d°l;tacy to be bad in the Kasou mariret. and last but not least FREE BEDS to shot: on rAer ^ou have knocked abc k the city to your satisfaction. Call on me at tho old BrlUian, S. loop 367 Third Street, Macon Ga. Biscuit Smith Ml, KEEL. 1 CO. mi im a® hd mns. Correct and Latest Styles. THE LOWEST PRICES. Send us your orders and come to see us when in Macon. Goods sent C. O. D. unless city reference is given. EADS, NEEL & CO, —15—3m. 557 OIIERRY ST. SHIP YOUR COTTON TO V. s rm a die 9 B essa ssw» 9 SBS»» ISSikiS He does strictly a COTTON BUSINESS And will get highest market price for cotton. HE LENDS MONEY In Spring at low rate of interest.—N-n-D-20-3m. rarau.' rtjBc SJiiil wm 1 ei. 5 420 and 422 Third St., Macon, Ga. wvh w btoiu wr—.'iiit va m We ofTer our services to the farmers of Jones and Jasper Counties for the season 1888 and 1889. We have now in stock pure TEXAS RUST PROOF OATS GEORGIA RUST PROOF OATS, RYE and BARLEY. WE ALSO HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF and, TIES FLOUR, GRAIN, BACON, TOBACCO’S etc., at the LOWEST PRICES. Ve have made the best trades of our liyes in f e f 1 11 i z Q’t QJ and wo assure planters that their interest will be served by calling on us before buying elsewhere. For next season we are GENERAL ACHE WT$ in Middle Geor gia for H. S. MILLER & GO’S., famous Bone Fertilizers. “PLOWBOY’S BRAND” a complete fertilizer. “SOLUBLE BONE DUST” the best acid sold. MACON OIL and FERTILIZER CO., cotton seed meal, W« have also imported a very largo lot of genuine QsRJfAfi [C\iNT AMD PJ^SAJE Of Poy^slf. Estimates made to Alliance Clubs. All farmers are cordially inviled to call or write us for prices etc. RODGERS, WORSHAM & CO •9 N —II-9-20-Gm. 420 and 422 Third St., Macon, Ga. Notice Leave to Sell It. R. Bonds. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. Notice is hereby given that an order will bo gruntodat the Novem ber Term of this Court to sell four thousand Dollar-'of Central R. It. registered Bonds belonging to Es tate of James G. Barnes, doc’d, un less some lcgiU cause bo shown to tho contrary. Oct. 1st 1888. Witness my hand officially, R. T. ROSS, Ordinary Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. July 20lh 1888. Whereas, James A. Jones Adm’r with the will annexed on Estate of James Jones deceased, applies to me for Dismission. Theso arc there fore to cite all persons concerned to show cause if any they have to the contrary at this office on or by the first Monday in November next. Witness my hand officially, R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. GEORGIA—Jones County. All persons having demands against the Estate of James G Barnes late of Jones county, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their de mands to the undersigned indebted according to law. And all persons to laid Estate are required This to make im mediate payment. W. H, Burden, August 21st 1888. Administrator J.G Barnes deceased BEDDING & BALDWW. T—r )-t-x ■X CLOTHING, HATS AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS: Keep always on hand a good stock and guarantee to give satisfaction to all their patrons. 368 2nd Street, f^cea, Qa. WINSHIP & CALLAWAY’S OLD STAND. N—II—9—20—3m. A. B. ADAMS & SON. WMIIS1I Ml CBMMIS JMSSCHiTS Ten years ago we were the first to reduce the charges for handling cotton to 75c. per bale. Wo now propose to make a still further reduction. From this date we will charge only 50c. per halo for weighing and selling Cotton^ except where we have already made advances) and no oxtra storage. We will loan money in the Spring at a low rate ofinteiost. Wo solicit your patronage, and guarantee satisfaction. 51® Poplar Street. 3m 8—16 mm% ’88 8EG86U. —BRADLEY'S— ! o ! — } o | lam now prepared to Gin your POTTO i at 25cts per hundred IDs. and f will pay 15cts per bushel for your cotton seed, I also deal in Farmers Supplies, and will sell Flour, Bacon, Sugar, Cof fee, Syrup and Salt As cheap as yon can buy in Macon, with freight added. 9—8—1888 tf. JOHN BRADLEY. 9&S Inorder to Advsriiso our large stock of WATCHES 'M Thoroughly, dubs we have commenced or -m . gzaniing and putting in a 03 I mUBm K O - 5* a IjflHK iM Balance, bio American Patent NicUle Fall Jeweled Brcquet Expansion Hair Spring, Wind Regulator Stem and Set movements, made m !§§ by Rockford Watch Company. Joiu NOW and save Money. The J. H. & W. W. WILLIAMS Watch Club, 35 2nd St„ Macon, Ga ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE, By virtue of an ordor from Jones Court of Ordinary will be sold be fore the Court Houso door in Perry Houston County Ga., within the legal hours of Bale on the firat Tues day in November next Thirteen hundred (1300) acres of land more or less in the 13th Dist. of said Houston county belonging to Es tate of Allen F. Holt dec'd, known also as tho T, G, Holt, plantation, bounded by lands of H.M Holtzclaw, V. O Maranbum, Warren Lathrop, and others. This a valuable plan tation, in a fair state of cultivation. Sold to pay debts. Will he sold in a body or divided in the judgement of tho administrator. Terms(Jash. K. H, Kingman, Adm’r, Sept, 17th 1888. WANTED. Willis F Price wants to handle most ot the cotton from this county and guarantees satisfac tion to every customer. He treats rich and poor alike. Hia motto is good weights and big prices Loans Negotiated On Farms & Town Property IN Bins AN D ADJOINING COUNTIES. ELLIOTT ESTES, 63 Cherry St, Macon Ga LOOK OUT At Clinton the old town —AND— SroD in and see LOW PRICES. Having engaged in General Mercliandiao iu Clinton, Jones Co., and with a large stock of Goods, I will make a livoiy stir in roduction of prices. A largo lot of good stock for cost and less than cost. Such as SHOES, HATS, AND NOTIONS, WOOLEN and COTTON GOODS. And many other articles of value. Must and will bo sold at prices to de fy competition. You will find those prices to bo in keeping with tho Farmers Alliance and are oxtondod to all persons. Como and sou, don’t take my word for it. Roland T. Ross. Juno 25tli 1888. tf. CLINTON, GA. W. T. WOMACK. DBAUB IN Farmer’s Supplies and General Merchandise, Such as are kept in first-class houses, I am also prepared to pay the highest market prices for cotton as I do the work my self and save tho usual warehouse expenses. Cotton shipped to me will receive ray person al attention. All cotton in store fullJy protected by insurance. BAGGING m TEES Constantly or. band at the lowest prices, nnd orders for same and also shipments of cotton solicited, Very Respectfully, W. T. WOMACK, 9 —b —3 m—1888. FAST MACON, GA.