Newspaper Page Text
'■fp~ i eiWa&i **
TI’OK It 1’FAV, : I’nl-iishw'.
Hk ■ ww»v*».'«.w-- ■*n+n*jim*r*x »KVixmM
Gray Georgia, Saturday, OH- -<
CIi.\ V !; JCItf OCT.’, TERM 1888, JOKES
Hi i’i.l on COURT
We ti c grand Jurors sworn for
the Oct., Term, Su~
perr i Corn t beg leave to anion
the following gcrcral presenter enf
Wo recommend that the Gov
ernor. lior J. B. Gordon,
J. C. Barron Judge of tho County
Court of Jones county, for the unex
jJrcd term of Judge Richard John
son, and tho four years or full ' erm,
following, with a salary of Forty
dollars per month and all costs.
After careful and diligent inquiry
into 1 hoccndition i f the roads of the
county, and the road law, we rec
oinmend that the present law ho
continued in force, amf said laws
rigid 1 y enforced by the proper au
We would especially caii the at
tcation of tho tonatma-ionors . . of
Chuton Dist. to the Bridge and gul
Jy between the residences of W. It
iioisenheimil s. j.
We would rail the attention ol
thecoiniiiisaiouors of Whit' *,
J)1SG. to the roads 10 their Dist s and
order that they put them in good
condition at once. Further we rec
commend that the Com’rs of Bur
den Dist. causeway that portion of
the Garrison road, between the Ir~
Winton road and Bob erf’s Station
that needs it.
IVe find the Books of the Sheriff
and Tax Collector well and correct
ly kept and congratulate tho county
on huvmg such an efficient officer.
AT find the Book of the Tax Re
ceiver neatly kept. Wo recoonunend
thuUin the future, the book he turns
oveij to tlib Tax Collector be made
out in A fphaheBcaI order.
We find the Books of If. S.
Greaves County treasurer correctly
kept, with proper vouchers lor all
money p,tut out. by him, with a bai
am'b oufirniid this day of $fi05,fi0,
^ < 1 mJJiilk
rtn- eioptf ,ar(la rks > correct and kept
. .
^' iaChS T l w,tb
t hi- l i ul-li liinir „ n »!/.,.« fi„.
TlH' „„d Ulert of tlo.l
Buperior Court Books are eonectly
kept in a business like maimer, and
we find uji c«?es pending, properly
recorded in well hound bodro, as the . i
Jaw requires. VVu commend the !
officer for bis pro[)er discharge or’!
duties, ■ -
the public buildings are in good
cond't.on, except some few gi ,ss to
he pul in the jail,- and further, white
wadiia tho, which we r-com
mend, the Sheiitf have attended to
at once.
The Books of illo Justice’s of the
Peace of the county are correct, \uh
the except?uu of the Book of the
Justice of th" 858th Diet, who fai’ed
to sign the Judgement of the Court.
'Ve mxmniju*ud that Van Bureu
Clurk*be reappointed N. P. Justice
ot the Reaco of 801st Dist and
James A. Walker 1* reappointed N.
P. and Justice of the Peace of 299th
Dist. J. R. Bonner, recommended
N\ P. aud Justice of the Peace of
305th Dist. Frank M, Smith N. R.
and Justice of the l'oaco in 307th
We recommend that T. R. lVnn
Vie paid Ten Dollars, payment for
the publixHIng of the General Pre
eeatmetol the Grand Jury April
Term, Jones Superior Court
We recommend that a Bridge be
bmlt over Walnut creek, at
Mill, according to specific'die us to
bofui'iufhed by the County Juffi
Cost not to exceed $350 00.
We recommend that Dr. S. B. Po
land be paid five dollars for
service* ronder< t John Griffin. nns
ori *-i » under an of officej.
JudgeJohnson wdl
re'Cr: from f v
County t'nur 'TTft
- <5Jf
no ha&oeeu
, this <J: ;’f uud v.’f. ’■ .•
field <ff labor may he a? ;
a* his recent trboi: uve ,
wit h us.
We w-hR to ten* : : m' JHuge Jenkins
our thcrUg for ali kiadue3%s, »dc
moro c8peuia Hy ( i o we wi t .c com.
, non ,i hirn P •»^IT £ ,• e -d r-ffm
ICnt C :*.ir vrt Ot
F ;; I
ROB 1 l'- KAbli( '
j >l;W Gup
Octobe 'f’—v, 1888.
Ret the. ioregomg Genera'. Dree. ot
men ts be :reu. on the niinn u
this court
By the Court.
Bout. WH’TriEUJ, Sol. Gen.
True extract from the minutes of
said Court.
R T Jl(K , clerk.
— ------
.. .
By virtue of s,n- order from the
court of Ordinary of Jones county
w jp at the Conn-House door
j„ , within the iegtd hours of
Urn first T< esday in Dovcin
:;;g/u.N:v.; ;■
( , 00 ,i ian-^aiMyoli; :);i ..uppovt and
education of said uum.r ohiiureu.
ju , JV , |J|f< __ 0c t. ]5th 1883.
C. L. Ridley Guardian.
Office, Jones Co., Ga.
October 1st 1888.
Nol»ee is hereby given that the
of Commissioners setting Mrs.
one years support for
Barnes in Estate James G.
dec’d, is now of file in this
and 1 will proceed Court to make
tho Judgement ot on
first Monday in November next
some legal cause be shown
the contrary.
Wituess my hand officially, Ordinary
It. T. RO.sS,
Ordinary's Office, Jones Co., Ga.
Wh JamC8 D . Godard has
to urn for administration Hicbard dr
bunis non on the Estate of
Blow late of J lines County deceased.
rn°c 1 1!,/^ a ujo 1 'n Kly
,, rtVe t0 t ha t . l(Ut , a! . v A t . this office
Monday in No
’tKTiy T. ■..«».! BOBS, oic-i-y Ordimny.
0 rJi„„ o ’» OlliH, Jonc. v o , lia,
July 23rd .^uahkin- 1888
Whereas Mrs. Mary J
bash and James R, Van Buren
and Executor of Estate of
W. (^uackinbush deceaaoa have
to me ft r Dismission
Executorship. These are all there
fore to cite and admonish pm
concerned to show cause at
this office if any they have t tho
on or by tho nasT Mb»
in Nov km mu next.
Witness my hand officially.
K. i. ROSS, Ordinal v.
By virtue of ao order from Jciul
Court of Oi dinavy w;l! be sold be
fore the Court. House door in Pony
Houston County Ga., withi t
legal ho are of sale on t he firs, Tues
day in Novembor next Thirteen
hundred (1300; anres of land more
or less in the 13th Dist. of Bn j
Houston county belonging to Es
tate of Allen F." Holt doe’d, known
a , so us .. the 1. ««, Ay} 1 phvm.v t .. .on,
bounded ,»v lundsofll. Al ', Holt acla",
V. O Alai 60 burn, Warrtn imthrop,
and others. Phis a vnluablo p
taGon, m a hur stalo of enluvntion.
bold to pay debts. W ill ho sold in
of a body or divided in the judgement
the administrator. Terms Cash.
R. II, Kino mam. Aduffr,
Sept. 17th 188S.
Notice Leave to Soli K. It, lLud..
Ordinary’s Otli:' 0 , Jones Co u a.
V. ,otu;o is bevel < given
or TT* ;v witl be gra "ii at the Navom
bey Turin of this Court ' 1C I > i
tbousa <d Doluuv of Ce r»l >T’ii 1
registorod Bonds be;o V*
tale ol James G Rai nes, doc 4, u.
some legal cause bo shown to Co
coolraty. Uet, 1st 1888.
Witness my hand officially,
. R T. ROSS, Ordin
Ordinary’s Office Jones t o
Us 1881
Wher n\
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j Corn3 o r\f>n /:! jon,
Morgans r nor, Macon, Ga,
— 11 |li r i
m-mo, T. BESSIlAND
(i WATCHES ! ill/ It JIM,
'Novelties in Holiday wuleJ Goods
, CZ 8B t ».u H
820 Second Street
mwmkm mmm mkiiki i
The good people of the State of Georgia are respecifully invited to the
great Discussioocf the Reform Tariff, Low Tariff, High Tariff, Free
Trade, Tiusts, etc., at the
EXPOSITION STORE, PL ft Btw, Wf 414 life? m\ J
which has begun and will continue throughout the season/ My position
is well known to mfy. patrons »3 I have been Leading in Best Goods at
Lowest Prices buying as I do, in cheap markets for spot cash and with a
large bank account to my credit, flatter mysetf 1 }qiye..struck a blow to
Trusts and Combinations and visited all leading mills and markets of the
East which have given me advantages which Cash alone can secure.
m Fin mm m smses
For Radies, Misses, Gouts andfBoys, the oeho comes from Boston. Lynn
a i)d Rochester, that Ph, M. Berg leads the trade- Will here state that
have r- ei W Boots.- alone. 250.cases of all grades.
hf which I here quote only a few prices PSPyoWi- oonsitleratioifr
g^MSlE WM. It Ss^W
prices vcm
Ladies kid button shoes 65c worth
♦« 50..l 5 «vh«o.
Rd5 elsewhere. .
Ladies fine Dortgola kid button
shoes $1.10 worth 2.00 elstwhcrfc.
Ladies’ fine custom lnude.Dbngoia kjil button boots $2.0b worth 3.50.
CLO ’T'jLj i 0.11 iiyrri Nvjr
In (.'• i1 Lave sea; bed the markets amt only v-avefiased the be; t
for the ttast money that hard oush forid pracu.N-. I lu-.-*; ,,o far received
5000Meu’s Suita ranfing-ah tho way f^-m 82 per suit to ;;/5 f-x fine and
legant satin lined Prince Albert fuHs, the latter etui: :-t L .* b.uigbf a : v
w*hare else for iess tban -HO. The most elegant r.r.d longest stock ci Cloth*
tV!}jr brought to the city, at cash Liston to the niuaic.
r 3 s '’j/*/■ 0 -MJc, F« pair ap
Men s Working bud.-......> • up
Rnaiuoss Suits, * - cp
'll vvooi, «. -u-suiv . up
'iessSaits, . .. ■ fi.oOup
T b a fine tine cf extra Farmer’s and Diivor’a Oveiv-oar-s as veil us tight Dress Overcoats, all of a i gornunee to be worth double the
money 1 ask for them, xn-.xg^ut ane of Millinery ana NcUots just
received. LOOk Late stylos. Hats at great bargains.
at our itthsr L&W PRICES,
cmito per up
Standard Prints..,51c per yd up
u 0RV y Brawn 4-i Sheeting 6c up
^ shirting......4jc ..........5j<- per yd up
0hook8 per yard up
VYbite Handkerchiefs 25c J pe; i ,
? „ s B!oatbii> g..... 4Je p - d a? .
H cents per yard up
My Rook of M. is, l adies. Misses and BmUrc;Shoes is Full and Com
pier i i fciv-e tin* Rest Shoes for rbe MoneyPrices
rnyrTc r n -tv r » t> kBr ri'?T Sfilb C1 r: i T -? * > j. ie BEST bxiIRT in the
« ;.i_ Kt. \ World at f<5c and ap.
oo .3 reduction.-, to sail toe hard limes. Be sure and
■ pttrchus'i'3 elsewhere, D v it u rouble to show
.n/. be cenviacod and your money by
. rii. m. |L?. T : ■' : C r -A P T Hfipt IT*
V iJijiiUj i i aJjl iultil,
114 Mulberry S J*’’* Macon Ga.
Aui'2 I8S8
1 «j'.t i iC- mt
Ghildreh’s kid button shoes 25carnRup
»«■. !a »v, ««,a ^ 80c " <•
»>?*“•». $1 25
Best jeal cait brogans at 1,25
gaiters at LOO
made congress gaiters 1.50
Goo’T .,1s Coruo.. 7.09 up
Uuo Beaver u f*.00 up
u.j. v -J-.r m\'J3 $19 up
: i C ' tv;- - Gv.- • - or.i l.A up
D.—u. T3E3W* Childrens suits 1,00 up
Worsted......7c per up
All wool per yard up
Ladies’ Jerseys. ..35 c uts up.
Corsets..... . .. 15 coni * up
Jeans.............. ...... 10c per vnrd i> p.
All wool Jea- s......23 ccm* per-yd / up jJ.
Vl a ;r , >0 i ; ail} ; d a
■ Li ■w.m
-■i •;;. . i
At Clinton the old town
—A VD—
Having engaged in General Merchandise in Clinton, Jones Co., and
with a large stock of Goods, I will make a lively stir m reduction of
prices. A large lot of good stock for cost and less than cost. Such as
And many other articles of value. Must and will be sold at prices tode*
fy competition. You will find theso prices to be in keeping with the
Farmers Alliance and are extended to all persons. Come and see don’t
take my word for it.
June Poland T. Ross.
25th 1888 tf. CLINTON, UA.1
Gray Gee r-gria,
ea tk Lifts m m 0. & u. gj.
Having recently furnished my Shop with the most i lm
proved tools am now prepared to do carriage work in all
its branches and will do better work for less money than
any other shop in the county. Bring in your old buggies
and wagons and for a little money I will make them look
like new ones. $ew work built to order only. % a - .■i
Satisfaction guaranteed in all my work, Give me ’a .tria
and be convinced.
2 o*——3 m. H. A. MORGAN.
imhli -Ilf
Farmer’ s Supplies and
General Merchandise,
Such as are kept in first-class houses. I am also prepared to pay tho
highest market prices for cotton as I do the work my sell and save the
usual warehouse expenses. Ootiou shipped to me will receive my person
al attention. >■
All cotton in store fullly protected by insurance.
Constantly on hand at the lowest prices, and orders for same and also
shipments of cotton solicited, Very Respectfully,
9—8-3m—1888, EAST MACON,GA.
m Inorder to Advertise our large stock of
Thoroughly, we have commenced or
f. ^ .-gzaniing clubs and putting in a
m mm ^Xjy boiiar Watch for tlljy bonar?
These watches are cased in solid gold, have
fine American Nickle Full Jeweled Expansion Hair
Balance, Patent Regulator Brequet made
Spring, by Rock Stem Watch Wind and Set movements, Join NOW
ford Company.
and save Money.
The J. H. & W, W. WILLIAMS Watch Club, 35 2nd St„ Macon, Ga
X. B. Artope, *
If'fOfiTEit r%
O <v c ?
iOTOFS ^ v
4 4 ® 'ts 0
4 Af: T o *i
A<, ® xl x a
s 4\\