Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, November 03, 1888, Image 2

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r/ tfij* TUOS. B. PENN, El Gray (ieorgia, Saturday, .Nov. 5 Judge Thurman has given two thousand dollars to the Democratic campaign committee. The topic of conversation is the election that comes off next week for President and Congressman. Hur rah for Cleveland and Janies H. Blount. Sarah Bernhardt lias got a new pet. ft is a largo green lizr.ard which crawls about her neck and should ers in a way to startle the behold or. From theSpaika Pioneer: Ml. George W. Flowers, living a short diatanoo wost of Sparks, is about sixty years of ago. During his eventful life he has killod L313 deer, fifty-two wild cats, and turkeys loo numerous to recollect. Rev. Mr. Harris. the blind man from Twiggs County, sp-nt a few days this week in town. He lectur ed at the Methodist church last Sabbath morning and evening. In the afternoon he performed on the Organ, »t the same church and the different schools united and a mus ical treat was afforded to all.—Jas por County News. A Massachusetts man who got a wife by advertisings has just shot hunsejf dead after only six months of married life. This incident ought not to lesson the advertising patronage of the newspapers. They ought not te be expected to do their subscribers courting for them, and when that duty is put upon thorn they are are apt to make u in css of it. A WHITE SQUIRREL. Headmaster Reviore roturnod yesterday from a trip over tho A. P. & L. bringing with him the skinofaMiow a- hi to squirrel-, kill ed in Wilcox county a few days ago. The little animal was perfectly white from tip to tip, and was quite a curiosity to those who saw it. Wohavo often heard of white quail and white robins, but l never boforeofa white squirrel.—Amori cus Republican. -...... —■ renitoutiury guard & B Stanley passed through Macon yesterday afternoon with four prisoners from Jones County’, on hie way to Col* Umbos, whore* they will be put to work for the Chattahoochee brick Co. Among them was Duncan Johnson, tho fifteen-year-old boy who took the key of a drawer fiom the pockets of Mr John Williams, of Jones, and unlocking the drawer stoln a bag containinfi 8125 in gold, lie owned up to tho robbory and said he was induced to stoal tho money by Flora Dumas, the cook, llo goes for four years.—Macon Tclogrnph, THE ACORN CURE. For some time past Ofilocr Low enihal has been troubled with swollen sore feet. Aa everybody knows, he is a powertul, well built man, and makes a splendid looking officer, but ho has suffered agony with his feet. They grew in sine until he had a coiner on shoo leath er and thus impeded hia locomo. lion. He was laid up for a few weeks unable to walk, and during tha.ttimo ho tried tho various rem edies people will ^propose, but re ceived no benefit. Finally bo man aged to get out, and while his feet were convalescing was detailed to light duty ns watchman at the etty hall. At last a eoutrymao came along and seeing the officer’* foot, which had long since gono beyond the size of a Chicago girl’s, recommend ed that if he would carry acorns in hia pocket tho swelling and soreness would vanish. Tho officer was finally induced to try it. Saturday night he was on reg ular duty, and when asked if he fbund any relief from the acorns, ho jumped np and cracked his heels together twie* before com ing down. He says the acorns did the work. The boekeye cure must row take a back seat. Q C2 ■- • CO herifTs Cals. Will ■ be sold * -;oie the ( oupi House door in < • during the ’-•gnl, hours of sale on the first Tues day in December next six hundred and seven and one ha ! f acres more, or less being lots Nos. 162, 170 and 171 in the 8th Diet, of Jones county as the property of Robt. Lundy, lov ed on under a mortgage fi fa issued from Jones Superior (Join t in favor ofM. S. Griswold against Robt Lundy tosati-fy said mortgage fi fa properly pointed out in sanl li fa am* written notice of said levy served upon Defendant. Alsoattho same time and of place land ono hundred and fifty ac es more or le-s as the property of Robt. Lundy, said land lying situate and being in Hawkins digt. in Jones county and known as the Ivey Charles place adjoining lands of Mrs, II a mi'ton, Mrs. Wimberly and others, levied on us the property of the said Robt, Lundy to satisfy said fi fa and other fi las in my hand. Property pointed out by Pl’ffs Att’y and written notice served upon D’f’t. W. VV. BAlinON, Oct 291888. Sheriff Jones Co. “ ADMW8TKATOBW s a lb. JONES COUNTY LANDS. By virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of Jones county will be sold at the Court-House door in Clinton within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in Decem ber 1888,, Fifty acres of land be longing to the Children of C. L. Ridley, Jr. Situate on Falling Creek in North-west part of Jones county, good land, and sold for suppoit and education of said minor children. It adjoins II, B. Hillsboro Ridley and the pub lic road from to Cornuco pia. Terms Cash.—Oct. 15th 1888. C. L. Ridley, Guardian. CITATION—YEARS SUPPORT. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. 1888. October 1st Notice is hereby given that the Report of Commissioners setting Mrs. aside one years support for Susan Barnes in Estate James G. Barnes dee’d, is now of file in this offico and Judgement 1 will proceed of Court to make same tho on tho first Monday in November next unless some legal cause bo shown to tho contrary. Witness my T. hand officially, R. ROSS, Ordinary Ordinary's Offico, Jone6 (Jo., Ga. Oolobor 1st 1888. Whereas, James D. Godard has applied to mo for administration do bonis non on tho Estato of Richard Blow lato of Jone^CoutAy deceased, Those are to cito aTjrpfcrsons if con- they uorned to show cause my have to the conti ary at tins office on or by tho first Monday in No vember next. Witness my hand officially R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. For Dismission. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Go., Ga, July 23rd 1388 Whoreas Mrs. Mary J. Qnaekin buah and James R. Van Burcn Ex ecutrix and Executor of Estate of John W; Quackinbush deceased have applied to mo for Dismission from said Executorship. These ate there fore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause at this office if any thoy have to the contrary on or by the must Mon day in November next. Witness my hand officially. R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATORS SALE, By virtue of an order from Jones Court of Ordinary will be sold Perry be fore the Court llouso door in Houston County Ga., within tho legal hours of sale on the first Tues day in November next Thirteen hundred (1300) acres of land more or less in the 13th Pist. of said Houston county belonging to Es tate of Allen F. Ilolt dee’d, known aLo as tho T. G, Holt, plantation, hounded by lands of H. M HolUclaw, V. O Maisbburn, Warren Lathrop, and others. This a valuable plan tation, in a fair state of cultivation. Sold to pay debts. Will be sold in of a body tho administrator. or divided in thojudgement Terms Cash, R. H. Kingman, Adm’r, Sept. 17th 1888. Ordiuary’s Office, Jones Go., Ga. Notice is hereby given that an order will be granted at the Novem ber Term of this Court to sell four thousand Dollars of Central R. R registered Bonds belonging to Es tate of James t4. Barnes, dec'd, un less some legal cause be shown to the contrary. Oct. 1st 1888. Witness my hand officially, It. T. ROSS, Ordinary Ordinary's Office, Jones July Co., Ga. 20th 18SS. Whereas, James A. Jones Adm’r with the will annexed on Estate James Jones deceased, applies to mo for Dismission. These arc there fore to cite all persons concerned to show cans© if any t bey have to the contrary at this < ffiec on or by the first Monday in IS< vember next Witness R. my T. KO^S, hand officially, Ordinary. UtFUbi I P~ fMC: r 4 MOT m * 0 flB—«WSS3 *n Del' The good peopl^fhe State of Georgia Low ©• respectfully Tariff, High muted Tariff, to Tree the groat Discu-siou of the Reform Tariff, iJosmoif STOES, PI. M. Bets, Pnp’r 414 Mm M which has begun and will continue throughout the season. M\ posit.o., is well known to my patrons af •-"’have been Leading in Be^ 1100 s at Lowest Prices buying as I do, in cheap markets for spot cash and with a large bank account to my credit, flatter myself I have stitick a >o\\ o Trusts and Combinations and visited all leading mills and markets of the East which have given me advantages which Gash alono can secure. IH F!s4E BOOTS ASD SHOES For Ladies, Misses, Gents and|Boys, the echo comes from Boston, Lynn and Rochester, that Ph. M. Berg leads the trade. Will here state that to dat e I have received of Shoes and Boots, alone, 250 cases of all grades, of winch 1 here quote only a few prices for your consideration: ’VSAJHSSJ&ASl^ Ladies’ kid button shoes 65c worth Children’s kid button shoes 25c and $1.50elsewhere. Men's heavy waxed brogans 60c “ ‘‘ Misses kid button shoes 57c worth Bachelors best brogans at $1.25 1.25 elsewhere. Best veal call brogans at 1.25 Ladies fine Dongola kid button Mens’congress gaiters at shoes $1.10 worth 2.00 elsewhere. Mens’custom made congress gaiters Ladies’ fine custom made Dongola kid button boots $2.00 worth 3.50. CLOTHING In Clothing I have searched tho markets and only purchased the be-t for the least money that hard cash could procure. I have so far received 5000 Men’s Suits ranging all tho way from #2 per suit to $25 for fine and elegant satin lined Prince Albert suits, the latter cannot be bought any where else for less than $40. The most elegant aud largest stock of Cloth ing ever brought to the city, at hard cash prices. Listen to the music. Pants, from 4Qc. per-pair up Good Black Corkscrew Suits, 7.00 up Men’s Working Suits..... .$2.00 up Beackonsfield Blue Beaver •* 8,00 up Business Suits, 3.50 up Fancy Corkscrew suits $10 up Nice all wool, Cass liners,... 5.00 up Good heavy Overcoats from 1.65 up Dress Suits, .............. 6.50 up Handsome Childrens suits 1,00 up I have a fine line of extra Farmer’s and Driver’s Overcoats as well as fine light Dress Overcoats, all of which I guarantee to be worth double the money 1 ask for them. An clhgsnt line of Millinery and Notions just received. Late styles. Hats at great bargains. LOOK at our other LOW PRICES. Prints.......31 cents pea- yard up Colton Worsted,......3to. per yard up Standard Prints...5}cper' yd up All woo! Worsted......7c per yard up Heavy Brown 4-4 SheetinjMc per-2, up Ladies’ Jerseys.............35 cents up. 7-8 Shirting......4£o ) up Corsets......................25 10c cents up Checks...... 5Jc. per yard up Jeans,................... per yard up, White Handkerchiefs 25c per doz All wool Jeans......25 cents per yd up 7-8 Bleaching......41c per yd up lDd or White Flannel 12Jeper yd up. 4-4 Bleaching......61 cents per yard up. My Stock ot Mens, Ladies, Misses and Childrens’ Shoes is Full »nd Com pleteand Guarantee the Best Shoes for the Least Money at Prices than the Lowest. THE ttONAMH SHIRT ! ATI Goocls at rfftnmfci.reductions fo suit the hartl times. Be sure and call before making your purchases elsewhere, for it is no trouble to show Goods. Come one, Come ali, and be convinced and save your money by buying your goods at Tie Eipositim Stoic, Pi I SIRS, Proprietor, 414 Mulberry St. Macon Ga Aug2 1888. Inorder to Advertise our large stock o WATCHES ^ Thoroughly, clubs we have commenced , iPr gzaniing and putting in a Slip Dollar HUM for flip kgnsr ON PAYMENT OF $1.00 A WEEK. These watches aro eased in solid gold, have I a tine American Nickle Full Jeweled Balance, Patent Regulator Broquet Stem Wind , Spring, and Set movements, by Rockford Watch Company. Join NOW and savo Money. The J. H. & W. W. WILLIAMS Watch Cum, 35 2 nd St„ Macon, G.i Loans Negotiated On Farms & Town Property IN BIBB AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. ELLIOTT ESTES, 63 Cherry St. Mao on Ga HulterryStu^L iMaceaGa Rates $1.50 Per Day. Mbs. C. M. BITTNER, Proprietress. mxmm, *5 the best f ^ CLINT(E A is easily disced Vrcpairer. •Acity Its grow Practices is a promising in N Omc* in Cm > We „ LOOK OUT At Clinton the old town —AND— 11 1111L 1 >/« Having engaged in Gonoral Merchandise in Clinton, Jones Co., an( j with a large stock of Goods, 1 will make a lively stir in reduction of prices. A largo lot of good stock for cost and loss than cost. Such at SHOES, HATS, and NOTIONS, WOOLEN arid COTTON GOODS. And many other articles of value. Must and will bo sold at prices todo. fy competition. Yon will find theso prices to be in keeping with tho Farmers Alliance and aro extended to all persons. Como and seo, don’t take my word for it. Roland T. Ross. June 25th 1888 tf. G-ray Georgia. 8N THE LINE OF THE C. & M. U. Having recently furnished my Shop with tho most im* proved tools am now prepared to dp carriage work in all its branches and will do better work for less money than any other shop in the county. Bring in your old buggies and wagons and for a little money ' I will make them look like new ones. Jfew work built to order only. Satisfaction guaranteed in all i»y work. Give mo a tria and be convinced, 25—3 m. H. A. MORGAN. W. T. WOMACK. BBAKEB IH Farmer’s Supplies and General Merchandise, Such as arc kept in first-class houses. I am also prepared to pay tho highest market prices far cotton as I do the work my sell and save tho usual warehouse expenses. Cotton shipped to me will receive my person al attention. Ail cotton in store fullly protected by insurance. BAGGING AND TIES Constantly on hand at the lowest prices, and orders for same and also shipments of cotton solicited, Very Respectfully, W. T. WOMACK. v —o —o m — ~t 1 r»nr» ooo* EAST MACON,GA. Centr aJRRof&a Notice to TraveliiE Pole. The best and cheapest passenger route to NEW YORK $ BOSTON is via Savannah aud elegant steamers thence. Passengers before purcha sing tickets via other routes would do well to inquire first of the merits of the route via Savannah, by which they will avoid dust and a tedious all-rail ride. Rates include meals and stateroom on steamer. Round Trip Tickets Will be placed on sale June 1st, good to return until Oct. 31st. New York steamer sails tri weekly. Boston steamer weekly Savannah. further information apply to agent of this Co. or to E. T Charlton . \ tSilV; BEEXiAND, WATCH MU IlM. gnmwus SjPff acts fftis P&RCXL.9 ETC Novelties in Holiday Goods ^ORDERS BY MAIL WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND RELIABLE ATTENTION 820 Second Street MACON GEORGIA e-T. W. BOND’S-o £ i i <3? Beds Free to Customers. WR o F tors MQW? pQARS AND •J’oB.ACCOJS -AT THE BAR, FILLING JUGS AND BOTTLES A SPECIALTY. Come once and you’ll come again. Morgans Corner, Macon, Ga» . —vi.