Newspaper Page Text
aiM »< -■ * * L
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THOM. R. PEK!*, : : Publisher.
Gray Oeoriria. Saturday. .N'»v. 17
The informal inauguration of Gov.
Gordon, for his second term of of
fice, took place last 'l nesday.
The Madison Advertiser says ;
Lumber has arrived to build the. d< -
pot of the C. & M. R. R. at this place,
ami the work will he pushed to com
pletion without delay.
Legislature was organized with
Hon. Flemming DuBignon, oi
Chatham, as President of the Senate,
and Hon. A. II. Clay, of Cobb,
Speakei of tin* House.
The Messenger will be owned sole
ly bv fi, ,V Adams after the 1st of
Jan. Mr. Adams is well known to the
readers-of this paper and ho will bo
welcomed among ns again 11 o is
well up in the newspaper business
and will no doubt make the Mess
enger better than ever.—Eaton ton
M isHcnger.
Judge Weavci declares or firmly
believes that he was poisoned last
week by picking cotton, That
there was something in the cotton
leaf that poisoned him on the face.
It would bo well if every farmer
could realize that there is more or
lesss poison in the plant and quit
raising it.—Eatonton Mcsssug r.
Mr. Johnson, an Atlanta truck
fanner and commission merchant,
cumo to Madison this wet-k for the
purpose of making arrangement- supply °f 1
with Col. He Wo}f tor a
milk, not being able to procure
enough around Atlanta for his
trade. Tho excellence of Col. Do—
tVoil’s Holstein’s is fust becoming
known throughout the State and
no doubt 1)0 will receive other oi
dors. r-r-Adverti er.
Bronwood Reporter : 'The art of
ynesmerisin fs creating a sensation
here since Prof. If uckaby’s while show
Homo claim it a farce, othOiS
are fully convinced that it is gen
uine, Several negroes have been
mesmerized, and did not flinch
when a pin was driven through their
arms. Others admitted all tSe
crimes they had ever eommitte but
emphatically denied the same
thjLSWH flmblb,
mills began operations in the
south, one in Colntnb ia, S. V., and
tho other in Dallns, Texas. To
gether they have 18,000 spindle's,
200 looms and will employ nearly
400 hands. More than a dozen
other mills are now in process ol
erection in tho south. The past
year has been one oi unusual pros
perity 4or cotton mills all over the
Mr. Parry Lee, who set his
first typo in this oiliec, some four
pr fiye years ago, will commence
the publication of the Pike Coun
ty Journal, at Zebulon, Ga. sbortly
Helias purchased an outfit which
will be shipped at once to Zebu*
Ion. Parry, though young, has
had some experience in journalism,
and with tho tact ho has for apply
ing himself, together with lr.s mor
al sensibilities and energies, we com
mend him to the people of Zebulon.
Wo wish him success in the enter
prise.—Jackson News.
Madison is enjoying a building
boom. There are seven cottages in
course of construction and about
completed by Mr. D. Towns, one of
tho most popular contractors in this
section. Two tin Mr. D. P. Few,
two for Mr. A JS Hough,
one each for Messrs. W. J.
Qrr, J. L. Griflin and Geo. A.
Bearden, The cost of the cottages,
which will be occupied as soon as
completed, will bo from $800 to
$1,500. Let the good work goon.
Wo have a potatoo, which grew
on Mr. J esse M. Mayfield’s place in
tho northern portion of our county,
which is ft real curiosity. It is the
exact representation of a duck. Its
body, neck and head a little inclin
ed to one side, as is natural with
tho duck species, The potatoo is
of tho yellow yam variety, and
weighs about two pounds. It was
plowed up iu Mr, Mayfield’s potatoo
patch on Mondayjast and brought
to town by Dr. W. A. J. Anderson
pn I Tuesday, who gave it to the
Star for the inspection of the curi
ous. 1 It is certainly a strange freak
pfnature.—Covington Star.
‘Jones County Sheriff this.
-»/■.* JU**i •
Will be sold befoic the Court
House door in Clinton during the
legal hours of sale on the first Tees
day in December next six hundred
and seven and one half acres more
or less being lots Nos. 162, 170 and
171 in the 8th Dial, of Jones county
as the property ol Robt. Lundy, lev
ied on under a mortgage fi iia issued
from .Tones Superior Court m favor
of M. S. Griswold against llobt.
Lundy to satisfy said mortgage fi fa
property pointed out in said fi fiiaito
written notice of said levy served
upon Defendant.
Also at the same time and place land
one hundred and fifty ac-es of
more or less as the property of Robt.
Lundy, said land lying situate and
bo ng in Hawkins (list in Jones
county and known as the Ivey buries place
adjoining lands of Mrs. -■
Haini’lon, Mrs. Wimberly and
others. Levied on as the property satisfy
of the said Robt, Lundy to hand.
said fi fa ami other li las in my
Property pointed oat by iVfis Att’y
and written notice served upon UTt.
W. W. RARiiON,
Oct 29 1888. Sheriff Jones Co.
By virtue of an order from the
court of Ordinary of Jones county
will he sold at the Court-House door
in Clinton within the legal hours Bern of
sale on the first Tee.-,lay in ,.i
her IB‘1.8, Fifty ocivs FWuig of hum F Ik
in S* North-west S. Sfe, of J< Cre
land, part sold for m. county and
good and said minor support
education of
it adjoins II. B. Ridley and the pub
lie road from Hillsboro to Cornuco
pia. Terms Cash.—Oct. 15th 18S8.
C. L. Ridley, Guardian.
By virtue ol an order from the
Court of Ordinary of Jones County
will be sold at the Court-House door
in Clinton within the legal hours of
sale on the first Tuesday in Decem
ber 1888. Three hundred acres cf
land more or less, belonging dec’d. to estate
of Martin lb Ma'one Borne
good land plenty water and timber
no improvements, Situated three
miles from C. & M. It. R. in North
west part of Jones county. Adjoins
Middlebrooks, Gordon, Crutchfield
ami ail rs. John Bold I 1 Anderson, for Dib.LibiUiqi), Auhq
G EORG1 A— Jones County.
All persons having demands
against late Jones the Estate of James G Barnes
of county,' deceased, are
hereby mands notified ttye undersigned to render in their de
to according
to law. And all persons indebted to
said Estate are required to make im
mediate payment. This August 21st
1888. W. 11, BUilDEN,
Administrator J G Barnes deceased
Have always groaned under a
burden of luxuries and tho very
mosphere scorns to inako the boys
now of the famous •‘Brilliant Bar,’
ot Macon, has pleasant recollect
ions of his associations in tho grand
old county, and always orders the
dog chained when ho hears any oi
tho boys around.
will soon bo bore. Just think of
Copper Distilled Rye, 16 years old,
and sparkling Com with a bead oil
it that would put a dew drop to
shame, with olhor choico
served at t-lio bar.
Choice Beef Steak ami Reil Skin
with every other delicacy to bo
in tho Macon market, and last but
not least
to sleep on after you liavo
about tho city to your satisfaction.
Call on mo at tho old Brilliant Sa
loon 367 Third Street, Macon Ga.
Biscuit Smith
Trunks- Satchels. Pocket
Books- and Fancy Leather
Macon Trunk Factory,
J. Van & Co. 4103rd St. Macon Ga
fpmwn,*?* g 9i m J - •
■ M ?! 21 & t- JiSk ( «nw ll [ ll ^ '
ypvuiv.' ill i mk i M -s ■ -a ifriiro *i ' -
-,•■ ■ - i ! g B . ' g l „- .^ r^^ggeagsai—- Georg* - .espe^fitUi muUd . , to +1 th
The good ; of the Stale of a e
Discussion <;f the Reform Tapfl,j^ow •*•*•*“*> ■*• g —• >
Trade, Trust*, etc., at the
EXPOSITION STC3I, Fi. S. Ihrjghout Beit Mr 414 Ii®? rat
which has begun and will c ntirme the season. My position
is well known to my patrons as i have leen Leading in Lc-T v,0 ° ® ll
Lowest Prices buying as I do, in cheat markets for spot cash and wit .i a
large bank account to my credit, flattcrpyseif I hate stiuck a ow to
Trusts and Combinations and visited allleading mills and markets of the
East which have given me advantages vhioh Cash alone can secuie.
For Ladies, Misses, Gents andfBoys, tie echo comes from Boston, Lynn
and Rochester, that Ph. M. Derg lead; the trade. Will here state that
lo date 1 have received of Shoes and lUots, alone, 250 cases ot ail grades,
of which I here quote only a few priced for your "sr consideration: o w
m sk m, es s m mi , sat
Ladies’ kid butfonslioos 65c worth Children’s kid button shoes 25c and up
$1.50elsewhere. Men's heavy waxed brogans 60c “
Misses kid button shoes 57c worth Bachelors best brogans at $1.25
1.25 elsewhere. Befit veal cult brogans at L25
Ladies fine Dongola kid button Meis’ congress gaiters at 1.00
lines $1.10 worth 2.00 elsewhere. Mens'custom made congress gaiters 1.50
Ladies’ fine custom made Dongola kid button hoots $2.00 worth 3-50.
and only purchased , the ,. , best ,
In Clothing I have searched the markets received
for the least money that hard cash could procure. I have so far
. , Men’s Suits ranging all the wayJ'rom 82 per suit to $25 for fine and
««» M«4 Prince Albert •**. the tatter cemrot be bought any
where c-Le for less than HO. The mast elegant an t largest stock ol Cloth
ever brought to the city, at hard "ash prices. Listen to the music,
Pauls, Men’s’Working from 40c, per pair up .Good Black Corkscrew Suits, 7.00 up
Suits ......$2.C0 up ' Bcackonsfield Blue Beaver “ 8.00 up
Business Suits, .......... 3.50 up Fancy Corkscrew suits $10 up
Nice all wool, Cassimers,... 5.00 up j Good heavy Overcoats from 1.65 up
Dr. is Suits, .............. 0.50 up [ Hands-nne Childrens suits well 1,00 up
I have a line line of extra Farmers and Driver’s Overcoats as as
fine light Dress Overcoats, all of which I giuirauteeto be worth double the
money I ask for them. An elegant Jiae of Millinery and Notions just
received. Late styles. Hats at great bargains.
LOGIC at our other LOW PRICES.
Prints.......31 cent.-, per yard up Cotton Worsted......die. per yard up
•Standard Prints...54c per yd up All wool Worsted ,..,7c per yard up
Heavy Brown 4-4 Sheeting be up Ladios ! Jerseys... ........35 cents up.
7-8 Shirting Ala per yd up Corsets............. .... ...25 cents up
Checks,...... .5Jc per yard up Jeans,.............. . .. 10e per yard yd up,
White Handkerchiefs 25c por dqz Ail wool Jeans.... 25 cents per up
7-8 Bleaching.—4|c per yd up litd or White Flannel 12leper yd up.
4-4 Bleaching.'."....0J cents per yard up.
My Stock of Mens, Ladies, M isses and Childrens’ Shoes is Full and Com
plete and Guarantee the Best Shoes (or the Least Money at Prices
Lower than the Lowest.
call Ail bofore uoods at\uInW realMi'dii^i^inTTIT g^ ' gt'tCifijldv' l.y s'b-V -fr-n
Goods. Come making your purchases elsewhere, for it is m; troulflc to ffiio .v
one, Come all, and beconvineed and save your money by
buying your goods at J
Bs ExjiosltiM Store, a IBIE5, Prspileft?,
414 Mulberry St. Macon Ga
Aug2 188S.
Inorder to Advertise our large st ook d
l P a or
;, 70 zani & tc m a
hi k^n boiiafl
H*. -b. jiv'hL v i-i'W rj If .fiie These American watches Niekle are eased Full Jeweled in solid Expansion gold, havo
Balance, Patent Regulator Brcquct Hair
Spring, stem Wind and Set movements, made
by Rockford Money. Watch Company. Join NOW
and save
The J. II. & W. W. WILLIAMS Watch Club, 35 2nd St,, Macon, Ga
For nineteen Years Past
We have conducted Cotton Factorage at our Warehouse, corner of
Second and Poplar Streets, Macon, Ga , and now at the opening of another
season, once more offer our services to planters and shippers of cotton,
pledging close personal attention to the interests of our patrons.
Grateful toohl friends and desiring to make new ones, we are yours truly
Oct20tf. Campbell & Jones.
W. B. & O. G. SPARKS,
dOtTOW F40f0RS
Commission Merchants
We have every lacility for Handling and storing cotton nt the lowest
rates of commission. Prompt personal attentionpaid to parties shippin g
us their cotton. Storage Free. Money loaned to planters at the lowest
rates of interest.—10—11— lm.
W. B. & 0. G. SPARKS, MACON, GA.
At Clinton the old town
jjfij i ii see 1 ■
Having engaged in General Merchandise in Clinton, Jones Co., and
with a large stock of Goods, 1 will make a lively stir m roduction of
prices. A largo lot of good stock for cost and less than cost. Such as
And many other articles of value. Must and will bo sold at prices todc*
f'y competition. You will find these prices to be in keeping with the
Farmers Alliance and are exteudod to all persons. Come and sec, don’t
take my word for it.
Roland T. Ross.
Juno 25th 1888. tf. CLINTON, GA.^
Gray Georgia.
fO IIS UHE SF THE 6. & i. U.
Having recently furnished my Shop with the most im
proved tools am now prepared to do carriage work in all
its branches and will do better work for less money than
any other shop in the county. Bring in your old buggies
and wagons and for a little money I will make them look
like new ones. $ew work built to order only.
Satisfaction guaranteed in all my work. Give me a tria
and be convinced,
25—3m. H. A. MORGAN.
IMlll Ilf
iraruKji’» 0upplies and
General Merchandise,
Snob as are kept in first-class houses. I am also prepared to pay tho
highest market piT es for cotton as I do the work my sell and save tho
usuai warehouse expenses. Cotton snipped to me will receive my person—
iv attention.
All cotton in store fifilly protected by insurance.
umm m ties
Constantly on hand at the lowest prices, and orders for same and also
shipments of cotton solicited, Very Respectfully,
9—8 —3m—1888. EAST MACON, GA.
°-T. W. BOND’S-o
8*1 w® I a r \v
Beds Free to Customers,
Wfi 33B3T of WJWiS WQ-VW
Come once and you’ll come again.
9—8—tf. Morgans Corner Macon, Ga,
m . %£ darfe SolK
* I Xovelties in Holiday Goods
s§H ■i:
& 320 Second Street