Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, November 24, 1888, Image 4

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) / AGRICULTURAL TOPICS OF INTEREST RELATIVE lO FAUJ1 AND GARDEN. p _ Palming the Trunks of Trees. Rural New Yorker tells of a farmer who for nearly twenty years has painted the trunks of his apple trees to protect them against The the borer with lead and oil paint. Ihe paint is applied from a little below soil to a foot above. lie finds this entirely effective, while the body of the tree is not in the least injured. He has tried other preventives, such as tar paper, wire, removing lime wash, and crushing them with a etc., but nrefers the paint simply became it is entirely effec tive and easily applied. The trees are ^inted as a rule every year in early Sow tho Best anti Cleanest Seed. Wheat, rye and grass f-eed are tho with principal crops sown in the fall, and these, two items are important: One is to use clean seed, and the other is tp havo seed of the very best quality. It is true that trashy seed can be sown either broadcast or with a drill, but at the same time when trash is being sown, good seed is not, and it is more difficult to secure agood wheat stand with trashy, secure a good stand, bothVn" grass'and grain, and if the best yield is to be obtained, it is important that grass seed bo sown early to obtain this. In a majority of cases in sowing unclean seed, more or loss w*eed seed is sown, and this is something always to he avoided. A strong, vigorous plant is an ant item in semiring the best yield, good not seed only is necessary to obtain this. should is necessary that tho seed contain sufficient vitality to ger inmate, but ihe plant it sends should ho strong and vigorous, and be able to make a good start to grow. If this is clone, the seed must bo of the best quality. Good soil, well prepared, In properly good sown, and thorough cultivation season, are what may be termed the true essentials of a good crop, and generally in proportion as these are given, wnl be tho results socurcd. Each Is important in itself, and a failure to give either will affect the result. The differ once in the cost between good seed and that of a poor quality, is a small Item m comparison with tho risk in the In addition to this, the use of poor seed aids very ma tenally to lower the quality of the prod . uct, ana to cnu-ic the seed to run out, while on the other hand, a very careful selection, and using of the very best will aid very materially to gradually improve it .—Praina Parmer. Care _ of „ Cowhand Calves. Tlicro is nothing more important in the way of perfecting the dairy herd than (hat of getting the cows into good, babits. oust as good habits are the ff-ennng child, it is principle with of tho growing so the coming cow, She !■ the pure creature of habit, and this trait should be cultivated and trained. T he character of the cow seems to par take.strongly this governed of by her the surroundings, and is nature of tho man who directs the farm. If he is careless and ignorant, the cow is certain to equally careless and ignorant, and if he ih pushing, energetic and go ahead in hisstyleol business the cow will respond to these sentiments. By simply looking at tne farm you can usually toil tho s(yio of animal will find on From this we learn that the man’s mind is the starting point from which all good or evil flows throughout the whole working of the farm and tho animals on it. Just as he wills it, so it will be, and there is ho escaping this conclusion no matter how much he may lay the responsibility to luck, the weather or the moon. I ay the blame for what goes wrong to your own head, and nine times out. of ten you will liavo reached the origin of ail your troubles. Teach your cows that they have certain duties to perform at certain hours of the day, and it is wonderful how promptly they Will respond to your reasonable require tnents. but this must be done with re ligious regularity, not only in matters of importance, but particularly in those points of anparent small necessity, Lows should not. only be fed aud milked at regular hours, but they should be j made to always occupy the same stalls, and be milked m the Samoorder. These little things go a great way in fixing her character, and otten settle the point oi pro,it or loss in the year’s work. leacuing valves to drink is an art that »ome men have great trouble iu learn |ng. A. tiie Mime time it is easy enough tl 1 here is !°" a y great S ° I'H difference 0 '! 1 U iu l in . he the r 'gRt way. ity of calves lor learning take capac to their £2 flreii, ‘Ltiw.?’ but a uttlo Jus patience !- as 14 i8 and 'y ith persis- chil - In In n? the,first W fi . CU place !° tll tho f most calf obstinate must be eases, made actually hungry, so as to sharpen its wits and make it know just what it wants, Now back it into a corner and hold it hrm with one arm around the neck, rush its head into the pail of warm milk and put a linger in its mouth. Some say ihe finger should enter over tho un der lipj If the calf has not been unduly 1 gin ,i° il >0k WW which shmdd .♦S° stupid calf r i t f hre0 and ,, leS right i S0 Ji S , here wil1 c V let re th0 us n,09t give calv es must uot be fed skim-milk when too young, or cold i fm thS? 0 . to meet the absolute requirements of seed oil, iu proper proportions, accord- I ing to the age and size of the calf. Thei fainier who is not willing to take this trouble with the calves had far better leave them to suck the dams at a loss of milk, for otherwise he will lose the I calves. —American Dairyman. i - Fnrin and j Garden Notes. j Overfeeding is injurious. i Every sheep raiser makes his own luck according his flock. to the oare and attention he gives An ingenious method of detecting a fire in its inactive stage, whereby better protection is insured against fire in tex tile mills, warehouses, large public build higs, Ore ships, etc., has been advanced by England. tiro brigade master at Paisley Ilis system departs from the heat alarm method aud consists of an ar rangement of perforated pipes which are led through the interior of buildings oi the lower decks of seagoing vessels, These are connected with an ordinary suction and force pump or pumps, eithei rotary or reciprocating, which, when set ih motion, will inhale smhkearising and discharge hie all it times at a convenient point avail at for observation, As smoke consists of minute particles of carbon separated from the material af fectcd, but not consumed, it at once ascends to the ceiling, expands aud an apartment may become full tosuffocation by these floating particles before any beat is developed sufficient tomelt the fusible alloys ordinarily used in the construction of automatic extinguishers, it is, there fore, clear that an' earlier indication of the existence of mischief may be ob tained in this manner than has hitherto been possible. ’I he advantages claimed for it are its extreme sensitiveness in giv iog a distinct alarm before smoke is visib,e ; 1,0 "“t 61 ’ damage possible unless lire occurs; giving alarm long before heat would give it ; great security against fire; aud placing proprietors in a b good position to secure reduction of pre miums. It is al-o claimed that with a combination of appropriate water ap paratus and automatic sprinklers this system maybe utilized as a fire ex tinguisher.— Hartford Times Writing by Wire, “Mercy on us! That looks like the Such a remark made a few months a-o would havo subjected the speaker to not a of little ridicule,'but the onward march science is robbing us of our jokes at ,h “ “ * J,U “■>“’ — that the poets aud Presidents of the liig Winnie, the Freak. „ ihiltimore ... . has , lost . horcliampion freak, * c olore,i woman, Winnie Johnson, who . S“cd 849 pounds. we! Her coffin was F®?"* four feet " ide aa d three and a Lftlf feet dee P- 8ho was born in Henry county, Ky.. in the year 18J9. As a chi ld she was as other children are, aud 8. &vo no 8 'gns of attaining any unnsual nf of »<»> a S e ^1“ *b e bigan ^ 7 to 8S gr,w about , large. twent y Every years year added to her size, she was the corners And rubbish piles harbor insect pests, especially cbinch bugs. Club root in cabbages is prevented by making the seed bed on new ground or ground not used lor cabbage for several years. It is said that land infested with cut worms may be relieved of these pests by ploughihg under a crop of buck wheat. The elements of the fundamental principles of farming are: Soil, heat, moisture, muscle and brain power. The commingling duce the of these five elements pro key to successful farming. The great preponderance of testimony shows that soft food is better for cattle than is dry feed, and that in the dairy it is no trouble, with plenty of ensilage, to keep up a summer fiow of milk all the year. Shade is necessary for the currant. A good crop cannot be successfully grown on au open space, unless the ground is gooseberry deeply worked and then mulched. The seems to do best in partial Quicklime is as indispensable in a dairy as ice. It is exceedingly absorb tive of moisture, taking up one-third ol its weight and falling slowly to a fine, dry powder, without any appearance ol moisture. A 1Iors(, ’ s K<,en Sei| sh (,r Smell, A horse > sa y 9 the New York Son, will not dnnk oi water objectionable to his questioning which sniffs, or from a bucket some odor makes offensive, how ever widen, thirsty. His intelligent nostril will daintiest quiver, bit, and query over the offered by the fairest ol bands, with coaxings that would make a mortal shut his eyes and swallow a nauseous mouthful at a gulp, A m!lr e is never satisfied by either her or whinney that her colt is really own Ulltil she has a certified nasal certificate to the fact, A blind horse, now living, will not tt,low the approach of any stranger with out be showing signs of anger not safely to fl< disregarded. The distinction is evi mtly made by his sense of smell, and ttt a considerable distance. Blind horses, as a rule, will gallop wildly about a P il8t,ll ’o without striking the surround ^ ing fence. The sense of smell informs iem of its proximity. Others will Y hen loosened Horn the stable, go their «'rectiy to the gate or bars opened to accustomed feeding grounds and w,len desiring to return, after hours of careless wandering, will distinguish the [ ,r,c ou,let and patiently await its open The odor of that particular part of fenco is their The horse in browsing or while gather . herbage mg with his lips is guided in its choice of proper food entirely by its nostrils, blind horses do not make m s ta kes in t,l eir diet. In the temple of ihe ‘bympus , a bronze horse was exhibited,at enced -sight °f which six real horses ex P er, the most violent emotions Lilian judiciously observed that the most P eilect art could not imitate nature suf lIlu3| /Jciontly well bike to l’iiny produce and so strong an on- Pausanius, he subsequently affirms that ‘an casting the s,atuo a magician had thrown Hippo manes tku plant U P 011 it,” which by the odor of deceived the horses, and “ le rein we have the secret of the miracle, The scent alone of a buffalo robe will causo man . v horses to evince lively terror anc * tke l ' oatln ff scent of a railroad train will frighten some long after the loco ra °tivo ia out of bight and hearing, An Inanimate Fire off, and the log, which is never over ten inches through, is split into sections, making it easier to handle. They take a section and pound it over a log or rock until it slivers. It is then segregated by peeling the slivers off, which are used for what is called “filling” for the baskets. The “standards” are peeled much thicker and have the appearance of a flour barrel hoop. They are tied in bundles, and, if not used when green, are soaked in water over night, which makes them pliable and easy to weave. If they do not cut this wood themselves they are compelled to pay $16 a cord for itfbut it is said that a great many cut their own wood, and are not particular whose land they cut it from Times have changed with the basket makers, and competition has dozen cheapened their product from $16 a And then twenty wood years ago to $6.50 now. was only $6 a cord. The mode of basket making is simple. First the thick strips are cut to the re quired looking length, and laid on the ground, like a gigantic starfish. At the point of contact they are fastened, and then comes the work of weaving the light strip is or side strips in and out." One woven in several times around the basket before it gives out, when an other one is lapped on. As the weaving continues the standards arc raised and bent, or “shaped,” until it has reached the required height. Then two thicket strips, draw shave flat on one side, rounded with a on the other, are clapped on. The standards, which project above this band, are twisted around it and securely fastened. The handles are put on be fore the band is. I hese are made of a thlCK strip trimmed down smooth, with n notch cut mthem, which abuts against the band. Then the basket is turned upside down, and another star-shaped set are pushed up through the woof of the basket. This is done so that the basket can sit on its own bottom. A basket maker has to hustle to make two dozen baskets in a week. They ma'e all kinds, the corn, the market and the oyster basket, but the latter takes pre cedence over the two former, a^ the de mand along the Sound is nevflt filled. —New York Sun. The weather in the Alps has been so bad this season that the hotel-keepers look in vain with dismal faces for the usual stream of foreigu guests. A con tiuuous rain has been a calamity to tho region. Will Martin, a young bov, son of Will iam Martin, who was chastised bv his teacher, set fire to the Mount Freedom school house, near Nicholasville, Ky and destroyed it. The boy is , old. about nine years Queen Victoria has sold a numoer of Shorthorn and Hereford cattle fo- ex portation to the United states and BASKET 1SD03L CURIOUS PEOPUH same. PEACE IN CON aing. An. The Colony of People ite. Dantown—Homes of the kot Makers—How Bas kets are Made. You may look on the map and sfr the Postottice guide, and you wills find Dantown; but tbjye is a Dant4 and it is about as exclusive a towj eigj was five ever miles populated. from Dantown is andR New York; reached by the New York, New Ha and Hartford llailroad, via Stamford New Canaan, Conn. A colony of bar makers there inhabit a district beginn about four miles north of- New Cans in running width in length about eight miles, about three miles. In this b wick is included another settlem called Jumptown, but the whole dist is known as Dantown. The settlem derives its name from the first settle whose name was Dan. and ninety-ni hundreths of the people who live th now are also Dans. The homes of the basket makers old, tumble-down, ramshackle affai nnpainted, built of oak shingles, oi fialf of them fallen off, and the balance ft state of irretrievable decay, fern falling whole down, gates with no hinges, t settlement looking as if a cyclo had struck it away back in Eevolutic ary war. times, and not a stroke of pairs being put to it since. For fur ture of these houses there is nothing 1; the plainest straight-backed chairs, wi basket-woven seats, some of > hem hand! down from great-grandfather’s time, ai some of late domestic manufacture, b all presenting the same style and disco* fort. The old fashioned fireplaces a built of wood and inside ai out. The Pan town ers are not hi* livers. They cat because it sustains lift i hey do not sit long at table, and the dispense with all of the conventionality of table etiquette. The writer satdow to dine, or, as the host expressed it, “t take pot luck,” and was told to “pile in and help yerself,” which he did. Th bill of fare was pork and beans, potatoes bread and molasses, and apple sauce, th young bay, gn'1 of the family remarking maar, ef its dark t.’night I’ll gi nuther bag o them there apples. tV hereupon maar replied: ‘ ‘Dry up ye ya !, p ' Iho people . .. live , frugally, „ because the. are compelled A basket maker mus work early and late to make $5 a week amt as there are generally a dozen“yoiin* uns about the house, this does not gi tar, though the ‘young ’uns” were all ii a lot. i * .n There eSe people areconteut with thei baskets, and is always they a market for thei manage to squeezi along on. the commonest food so tha they can indulge in tobacco and get the little brown jug filled. The latter is more absolute necessity to the of the l antowners than the sack of flour or the flitch of bacon. Years ago they were famous for their store of Medford rum, but it is never seen now. In its place is rye whiskey, and not the best, either, and now that New Canaan is a* piohibition town, they are sometimes! put to for the where withal to wet their whistles. There are woriisnops, ana the busi ness the of setting rip baskets is carried on in kitchen, dining-room and parlor, which is generally all in one room. They are They very particular about their timber. and use hickory, white and black ash, black oak. They use the first cut of the and no Too Near the Stage. .'or a young man has a need of al] jbing resources it is when he is try iO make a cold, cruel and inconsider girl believe that the rear row of seats 1 bptcony are just as good, if not jy a little more desirable, than the „_.50 orchestra seats. As they take their seats he says, cheerily: tho stage, “I never like to sit too near do “Well, you?” I don’t know,” she says in i s discouraging way. “Of course I d on’f like to be too near.” “No; I don’t either,” says the young man a trifle gloomily. “One is more apt to see all the sham and pretense of the thing; don’t you think so?” “Well, I—I—suppose so,” she says in a tone that no girl of any feeling would ever use after she has had 75 oents squandered on her. “I rather prefer the balcony to any part of the house,” says the young man cheerily and falsely. desirable, . „ “The front seats are very she says. and yet, do “Yes, Hike them; little you know, it always makes me feel a dizzy to sit and look over the balcony railing?” it?” she asks in kind of I “Does a “How know - you - are - fibbing tone. strange! I like the front row best of all.” there,” he “I tried to get seats says, “and I had a messenger boy stand in line three hours ’—this is a big one— front “but there wasn’t an orchestra or balcony seat to be had when he got to the window. All sold four days ago.” must “How strange!” she says, “they have told the boy a story, for brother Fred got three splendid orchestra seats this afternoon.” “Got them from speculators, didn’t he?” says the desperate right young at man. the box “No; he got them office, and he said there were lots left; bo if I were you I’d complain about it.” “I certainly will,” he says earnestly, while he makes a solemn vow that he certainly will not take that girl to the theatre again as long as he lives. “Holds Up” a Car. The Louisville Post tells this story:— Louis Nevin, recently returned from Hot Bpr i U g8, Ark., brought a tarantula as big as a tea saucer to Dr. Vanderespt as a present. Mr. Nevin was at a great j eft i 0 f trouble in catching tho insect and in bringing him to Louisville. It was bagged in the wilds of the hilly country about Hot Springs. While Mr. Nevin bad rt in his possession boarding-house he was and quaran- had tined from his to leave his pet in the woods to eat his meals. Ho had a highly exciting time in getting the bug to Louisville, He carried it in a glass bottle with a stopper -with air holes in it. While riding on the narrow gauge road between Hot Springs and Little Hock the stopper fell out of the bottle, and following closely after it came the tarantula. The coach was full of passengers at the time, with a large number of women and children among them. Before Nevin had an inkling of the spider’s escape he saw it in the middle of the car aisle. He tried to recapture it without creating any furor, but the tarantula was bent on a little fun, and refused to be captured, With masculine good taste he made straight for the petticoats of a pretty girl, the tab gu i,; m j umpe d upon seat and gave the alarm. All the women went promptly into hysterics and the men were thrown into a state of equal excitement. The tarantula had the oar at his mercy for half an hour, but was finally run'into a corner by his owner and captured, Novel Regulations. The Seventh-day Adventists of Minne sota have organized a school in Minnea polis, ihe rules and regulations are: language, Nobody who uses profane or uubecoming intoxict^ who uses tobacco or tins; liquors or is in any way immoral will be admitted. Manual training is to be one of the features, and tent-making is mentioned as a very pleasant as wefi as useful employment to be taught. It is also the plan to have the general do mestic work of the school done by the students and the work embraces dining room, kitchen and laundry work, sa\v ing anl splitting wood, etc. Aside from the ordinary branches, physiology, civil government and algebra are named in connection -with missionary and Sab baiii-scliooi work, as a part of the course. A novel feature is that the young men flannel are required to provide themselves with or colored shirts and with cellu loid collars and cuff-,, as linen shirts, cuffs, etc., will not be laundered at the school. Interviewer: “To what do you at tribute the falling off in your passenger traffic?” Railway manager: “To ihe fact, sir, that wo spent $1,000,000 in blasting the roof of a half mile tunnel and m king an open cut of it. (Bitter ly.) Our chief competitor, with a quarter mile tunnel, calls itself the Great Lovers’ Route now, sir.” A Valuable Remedy, Brandreth’s Pills purify the Blood, stim Olate the Liver, strengthen the Kidneys, re-m late the Bowels. They were introduced in the United States in 1835. Since that time over fifty millions of boxes of Brandreth’s Pills have been consumed, This, together with thousands of convincing ltive t^tlmonials evidence from of their all parts of the world, is pos value, Buandrkth’s Pills are purely vegetable, ab * oIutelr harmless, and safe to take at any ““*■ Sold in every drug and medicine store, either plain or sugar coated. United A Madman at I.nvge! He Is a well-known citizen,-and his nearest and dearest friends do not suspect his insanity. How do we happen to know about it? Listen: his appetite is gone, he is low-spirited, hedon’1 by sleep hacking well, he has night-sweats, he is annoved forerunners a of cough. These symptoms are th* he neglects them. consumption and death,and yet Is it any wonder that w* call him a madman? If you are his friend.tell him to get a bottle of Dr. I’ierce’s Golden Med ical if Discovery without delay. will It will cure him he takes it in time. It not miraculouslj create but new lungs will when the o'd ones are nearly gone, it restore diseased ones to a healthy him condition. Tell him about it, and warn that in his case delay means death. The Princeof Wales is said to be a first-elaea banjo player. If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp •on’sEyc’wafcer. Druggists seli-at 25c. per bottle. SSSpp^^gjs;: SSfsgw holder to any pattern they manufacture. Wa Sir^otome^anfn'slems thit incredible an order each for Magazine a uattern (Price, worth 20 cents), from contain^ 20 to 30 cents. This will certainly hurt the pattern trade, for ladies will soon learn that they can fi; t y samp’ containing | “Order” Send 10 cents for a e copy for pattern worth 30 cents. “ has certainly gone to the rear._ | w.«.r» 7 ;. 7 ...r«.. pill in the market, bo it great or small, little, is on account of the fact that diey are tiny, S'HSSESS less: and for constipation, biliousness, sick headache, and all diseases arising from de rangement of the liver, stomach or bowels, they are absolutely a specific. according A gentle laxa- ol tive or active cathartic, to size France has over 3,600,000 tree- growing along the high r oads; mostly cut-bearing trees. A Wonderful Food and Medicine, Known and used by Physicians all over the world. SCOTT’S Emulsion not only gives flesh and strength by virtue of its own nutritous properiies, but creates an appetite.for food that builds up the wasted body. “I have been using'colt’s Emulsion for several years, and am pleased witli its action. My patients say it is pleasant and palatable, and ail grow stronger and gain liesli from the use of it. 1 use it in all cases of Wasting Diseases, an ! it is ' S pecially useful for cliilhren when nutrient me dication is needed, as in Marasmus”—!. _ Knoxville, Ala. W. Pierce, M. 0 .. The original s' irit-rappers, the Fox sisters are lecturing and laying bare the cheat. Danger.,as Ixcgliseuce. It is fis unwise to neglect a case of constipa- other of fever or ress use of this medicine. <£> cents. Dose one h lg. Mack Drug Co., N. Y. Diseases Peculiar to Women, especially monthly disorders, are cured by the timely use of Bradfield’s Female Regulator. New Yo k City 1 as ten reformatories for the rescue and hc-v of fall* u women. Use the great specific for "cold in the head” and catarrh—Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. Short a counts make on - friends. Use not credit to., often without oiling with currency. ’i he best cough medicine is Piso’s Cure for Consumption. Sold everywhere. 25c. The true American has a warm place in his heart lor the old Lot: Cabin. It’s W not “English you know, ” but from the Log Cabins % sNW America i* ave sprung men in every respect greater than any from the grand castles of Europe. Warner’s 1 og Cabin Sarsa parillais the best in the world. (tofiSsS. feMM Ely’s bream Balm, ^“MoOLD Is Sure to Cue Jgm IN HEAD QUICKLY. Apply Balm into each nostril. UAAj ELY BROS.. 56 WarrenSt.,N. Y. HT Learn Telegr THE GEORGIA TELEGRAPH SCHOOL. Thorough rience. We Knowledge, Ample Facilities, Large Expe teach Ladies and Gentlemen. Telegraphy always for affords lucrative positions. Cut this out and send circulars. Address A. U. COUCH, Srnoia. Ha. * III Pa' 1 « FISTULA and a 1 Rectal Disease 8 treated No by a painless pro" cess. 1 088 of time from business. No knife, ligature or caustic. A radical gfhB guaranteed in every case treated. Rfiference givea. Dr. R. G. JACKSON, 42% Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. w ANTED—-A i'm §200 Earn :i Month! a Salary We from want SV1AF4! SlOO a Live, to Lnergetic in the man, Southern who is States. not afraid of work, in every county Such a man can make t»:e above amount-, handling our goods. No capital required. Work too year round. It. « . HUDGINS & CO., I’ub islicrs, ATLANTA. GA. ^ JONES HCSI PAYSthe FREIGHT 5 Ton Wacon Scales, Iron Lever*. Steel Bearings, Brae* Tare Beam aud Beam Box for *T«rr priM UM ■aertlon this paper and addresa IDNES Gf BIS8XAMT9N. V. BINGHAMTON. N. RH'E/tSHOTGUH al&woiii'u Indat upon getting the ** Champion w ; !f your tfealer ltaan t it, aentl to us. Send 6c. In otampa for Illustrate^ 100*rage rataiocurof Gun*. Rifles, Kevolver*. Police Good*. J02LK r. LOYLLL ARBS CO., Kami fra, Bolton, Mae*. npiaw habit ii Treatment. Trial Free. No Cure. No Pay. Tho w Humane Remedy Co., Da Fayette* Ind. RHT mUx T\ ^ veat anything home and make more money working for us than else in the world Either sex Costly outfit m kk. Term* fkee. Address, True & Co., Auguata, Maine. Sho r+ Guns Br r SilZr1 $6.50 Oata'.ogua free. PtneBi’s i4um House, O.-uliush, WiS. PPhOllAllU Vica bend 2c. font. for CoiiBuinptives Du. it r-LETT, and Buulder, AatUmat Ait Ool. PEERLESS DYES tZSgSS, New and Second-Hand H e are Headquarters for Engines, Hollers, Saw Mills, Shingle and Mill Outfits, Portable Corn and Wheat Mill-, Mill-tones. Bolting ' ot ton seed Bullet's and Grinders, Belting, Sau-s, Piping, It to fl» e U Aal^ 0 ^“. t A ° om . thre and S »» Mk (not "’ e style) '-'® r the a garment manwfio that waSts will service keep S his ’ haiS stora ^ todsm b?«er toat ? \ la n 1*8 lUf mm np him caUed dfy TOWER’S in the hardest FISH stonn. BRAND It U snSKSSSfisS ue|u aajtBSg.’airgjaaig doc-snoth*vethen«iH»vn " 8 * * E* 8^3 and take no other. If yenr storekeeper sjs,pSss«£«"5 r ,”“ f ?‘““*~-S T physical overwork, anxiety, expose Z*^. 4101 i ‘ h effect of which * « is to weaken ' tem, the Cause resulting with in that one great of these Nerve disea nw« teTZl ffi0T# eesdli will disappear. ' •hd the " ,' ^l^ety . , Compound S335S5fiRSi3ga ( 0ne 0 f t jj e g y S tem was wonderfu ivo? 1 ® a%SS&“ ,1 ' k “ 1 *™ <%Sh Will Cure You' Sold by druggists. Si • six for BurltoSn^v^ S 3 Pro,. ! , by Wells, Richardson & Co -j-yKSSHfej., £F I if 1 ftj> lv Sk Ml | j grtifB ’Hk 9 MB V.-. 1 I W 19 U I OP||R§mP^|Q 8 ®L ■ m g Vlf 8 W_jf_r- t## § W a WS Warranted to color more goods than anynflJ dyes over made, and to give more brilliant " 1 durable colors. Ask for the Diamond and i no other. A Dress Dyed FOR A Garments Coat Colored Renewed 10 A * Child , v CEHTS. can use them! i Unequalled for oil Fancy and Art Work, A.t druggists and Merchants. Dye Book Burlington,Vt| fee. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO,, Props., 9313*» I believe Piso’s Cure for Consumption saved V my life.—A. H. Dowell, Editor Enquirer, Eden ton, N. C., April 23,1887. E i PISO s The best Cough Medi cine is Piso’s Cxjbe fob Consumption. Children '?■ take it without druggists. objection. 25c. By all ta La: *3} KH AH BOVS! Do you want to team all about n Horse ? Uotv t? Pick Oat a 0oo(lOne? How to Knowlmuer- & £atitiom» ami so m i«iinrl n vain ST Frit iid ? HoW f«; Detect Disease and EiswvSoiriB effect a cure mmKm9 . - i 1 i by ^ «>. C ? ^ ■ f What lo call the / Different Pails 7 m. of the Animal ? Ho to Shoe a Horae Properly f AM tni*» and other Vnluable In form at ion relotini HOUSE B“OK, wliicti we will STAMPS. forwaM, Effrif’M? 25 6T§. !H HOUSE ROOK CO.. 134 I.ciMinrd St., N. Y, every FARMER’S L WIFE ft Sees some of her Poultry die each year without knowing wbat the matter ffilG remedy was or if how she to does effect recog- ® nize the Disease. This is SSU'M ceil, an ex _ WIrt (in giving the experience of a practical working for dollar ana (not a > amateur, but a man 11 tenches)oa cents) during a period of 25 years. how howto Detect and Cure Disiases; Fattening; Feed fur Kir urn mid n Iso for tor which Fowls to Save lor Breed*'ng poses; £nowon and everything, indeed, jow ap®" * this buhject. 134 Leouai d bticel* N. Y. City*. $160 FARiVlEKS ENGINES, Wood Pl*n«n. SAW JVSILL. I Circular Hege’fl Improved Saw' Mill! With Universal Log linear Beam Simulta-lS Recti- j centric neous and Double Set Friction Wor Ec-^fg k figs [a hips Feed. Manufac- ^ t SA u red LEU by the IRON WORKS, SAD •'Mi N. C. tip S£bd*attS8assi«B able sleep; effects cure* where a 1 others fail a | W If you are not, OU should join ROWM BNirsOClETY. Box 846, Minneapolis, DIaIhIaSDIIa G f 8at English Gout Elixir Oval Box,3i{ Sll -Ja round# Rheumatic 14 FiiU> (Finely. ElASiE STUDY. Book-keepins. Business Form. Bryant’s College, 457 Main St, Buffalo ,N mtim Broadiva^N- 1 N- U For y-four, IQ) ■ CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS, Best Cough Syrup. Sold Tastes good. Use in time. by druggists. 1 r<!#<g3 ,-,=-Z_5"'CT3S..E CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use in time. Sold by druggists. ZLC’PS