Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, January 05, 1889, Image 1

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.... at** Mlffl ■ if! I * ■ ; 1£» ■■ rt ■H m VOL. II. sift* •t THOS. R. PENN, : : Publisher. FROM HADDOCKS. Notwithstanding the short crops, and consequent dull times, the Christmas trade was good, and will always be. Not ihe least conspic uous was the jug business. This however benefits Macon almost solely, fur they got tho money, and we the oblivion and head-ache, Tobo Bonner with his family of eight left for Texas on Monday. John Andrews joined them in Ma con with the same destination, ideas and intentions. * Frank Clark, the all-round bailiff, collector, and farmer, has taken the Singleton place for this y car. One of our favorites means a sort of Katie-bar-lhe-door-oxpression, caused by the gush of a lady friend who romarked that her “ma knew it before she left home.” Our swells returned from the par ty at Judge Johnson’s full of lauda tion at the good treatment of the genial host and fair hostess. ’Tis ■whispered that one who made his declarations too pronounced and was rather gushing under cupid’s inspirations, is now trying to weather the storm incident to bonds previously formed. The marrjago of Mr. Charles Moore and Mrs. Whitten took place last week, and resulted in consign ing an unsuccessful suitor to far away Texas. The usual curiosity was manifest ed last Sunday to see and hear the new pastor Mr Cook, who made his first appearance at Fortville. From tho manner in which he is spoken of, the good will of his con gregation is fully assured. Numerous entertainments in the shape of parties and social gatlier erings have afforded much pleasure to the young folks and those of the olden set, who were fortunate enough to get an “invite,” One which we are not whom, Miss Annie Bollc Glawson spent Christmas vacation at home, and with somo of her numerous friends. A welcome is always prepared for ono who is such a favorite. Cary Morris with a few other en, thusiastic fox hunters wore quito successful in the chase this week, A Red and Gray were brought in to show what was accomplished. It takes some nerve theso crispy mornings to launch out after a pack of hounds, but Cary is equal to the emergency, and most generally’ re turns with a trophy. It was rather diaphanous for that party who failed to return on the afternoon train, Christmas Eve, to say that they were left. We have been there; but long since learned that to lay it on the train was trite. Good punctuation and an absence of typographical errors, evidences the fact that our recent notes have fallen to the lot of an old Jour. Thus when we meet O. J. it will be chapeau las. it _>> BUY YOUR Trunks- Satchels. Pocket Books, and Fancy GOODS, FROM THE FACTORY AT FACTORY PRICES. Macon Trunk Factory, J. Van & Go. 4103rd Sj. Macon Ga ‘‘OUR AMBITION IS TO MAKE A VERACIOUS WORK, RELIABLE IN ITS STATEMENTS, CANDID IN ITS CONCLUSIONS, AND JUST IN ITS VIEWS.” Jones County Sheriffs Sale. G EORGIA—Jones County. Will be sold befoie the Court House door in Oiutou during the lega day in hours Feb’y of sale on the first, Tues- 51 horse next at public outcry ono manufactured power by A. R steam Farquhar engine & Co, ono rubber belt and engine fix tures as tnc property of H. J. Mar shall to satisfy one fi fa from Jones Superior Court in favor of John S. Stewart & Son for use lie v# It. E Uuthings, J Phillip Hutchings and 11. AJatshall. Said property found in possession of and pointed out by said H. J. Marshall. Jan. 2nd lSbi). W. W. BARRON, Sheriff Jones Co. GEO RGIA— Jones Countv. WILL be sold before tbeConrt house at Clinton Ga., during the legal sale hours, on the first Tues day in February 1889 at public out cry ninety five acres of land more or less in Hammonds Dist. said State and comity, bounded by lands of H. known B. Ridley, the G W VY Waynard T Childs and place others and as now in his possesion, VY levied on as vir- \ he property of said T Childs by tue of one fi fa from Jones Superior Court in favor of W B. & O. G Sparks vs W. T Childs and \V r . A Malone. Written notice served on VY. T Childs tenant in possession. W. W. BARRON, Jan 3rd 1889. Sheriff Jones Co, GEORGIA—Jones County. WILL bo sold before the Court house in Clinton during the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in February next at public black outcry mule, four mules to-wit; one mare one black horse mule, one sorrel horse mule and one sorrel mare mule as the property of R. J Turner to satisfy one fi fa in Jones Superior Court in favor of A. H Stephens vs Thos. J Miller Principal and S. T Bragg and E. J Turner Sum. tie?: Said mules found in the po sesion of It, J Turner. This the 3rd day of Jan 1889. VY. VY. BARRON. Sheriff Jones County. EXECUTOR’S SALE. GEORGIA—Jones County, Will be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Clinton in said county, on tho first Tues day in February next, between the legal hours of sale, the following wild lauds, belonging to tho estate of John S. Walker, late of said county deceased. Lot No. 363—8th of VYare. Lot No 224—9th of Ware, Lot No 44— 14th of Decatur, Lot No. 247—27th of Decatur, Lots No’s 172 and 173— 1st of Leo. Lots No’s 260 and 261— 12th of Wilcox, Lot No 39—I3th of Habersham, Lot No 90—4th of Carroll, Lot No 61—27ih 2nd of Gilmer, Lot No 112—12th 1st Lumpkin, Lot No 284—7th 1st Fannin, Lot No 340—1st 4th Polk, Lot No 148—3rd 2nd Cherokee and half interest in No 285—12th 4t i of Walker. Sold authority of the la st will and ment of Ih o said John S. Walker, dec’d, for divisions among the Terms Cash- Jan. 3rd 1889. F. J. WALKER, J.H. WALKER. Execu tors. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Coy Ga. Nov. 17th 1888. Whereas, Pleasant R. Bird, cutor of Estate John W. Bird ceased, applies to mo for sion. These are to cite all concerned to show cause if they have to the contrary at office on or by the first in March next. Witness my hand officially. It. T. ROSS, Ordinary Money To Lend ON ;f ae m s i N Jones County -|AT | - —LOW W 31. B. b I K c II , M 4 SONIC 7J V J. ON. GJ GRAY, GEORGIA, SaMRBAY. JANUARY 5, 1SS9. SHIP YOUR COTTON TO I. ,a i y Id, Si. . hI!» , 1,1 Si ! , • * He does strictly a COTTON.; BUSIN ESS And will get liighcaSmarket price for cotton. II 'BLENDS ¥ *■ MONEY In Spring at low rate interest.--x-ir-9~20-3m. RIDDIN8 % BALDWIN, -r-r C L 0 T II I Ki A G , HATS AA1) G E N T S FUR N IS KING G 0 0 D S, Keep always on hand a stock and guarantee to give satisfaction to all their pfitrous. 8G8 2 HD P^COK, Qa.. WINSHIPV CALLAWAY’S OLD STAND. ■ jr N—II—9—20—8m. -4"? — W. iiffii R & Ojg. !MyDT#itis S PARK S, AND Commission Merchants We have every facility for Handling and storing cotton it the lowest rates of commission. Prompt personal attention paid to parties shipping us their cotton. Storage Free. Money loaned to planters at the lowest ates of interest.—10—11—lm. W. B. & 0. G. SPARKS, MACON. GA l IE ft ciiii, mi, snr in mmi. ' *'~T Correct and Latest Styles. THE 1,0WEST PRICES. Bend hs your orders and come to see us when in Macon. Goods sent C. O. J). unless city reference is given. EADS, NEEL & CO, —15—3m, 557 CHERRY ST. • ESTABLISH] IE 1833. BOOTS and SHO330 I am still selling quality goods at prices a low as the low est e E. P. Strong, £74 Second MACON - GEORGIA. NO. 8. SELLING OUT 3=2 Come and See and be CONVINCED. From now until the 1st of January. R. T. BOSS. Clinton December 12th 1888. cat t mm shq? Gray Georgia. 3‘J THE LINS St THE G. & B. ML J laving recontTy furnished mv Shop with the most im proved tools am now prepared to do carriage work in alt its branches and will do better work for loss money than any other shop in the county. Bring in your old buggies, and wagons and for a little money J will make them look like now ones. j\’ew work built to order only. Satisfaction guaranteed in all my work. Give mo a tria and be convinced, 2 5—3m. II. A. MORGAN. W. T. WOMACK. bmaijMB m Farmer’s Supplies and General M erch andise, Such as are kept in first-classihouses. I am also prepared to pay tho highest market prices for cotton ns 1 do the work my sell and save tho usual warehouse expenses. Cotton shipped to mo will receive my person al attention. AH cotton in store fullly protected by insurance. mmm and ties Constantly on hand at the lowest prices, and orders for same and also shipments of cotton solicited, Very Respectfully, W. T. WOMACK, 9—8 —3m—1888. EAST MACON, GA o-T. W. BOND’S-o ill ‘At® Hi ¥ 1 Beds Free to Customers. TJ^ °F WWW ^iQARp and Tobacco^ —AT THE BAR, FILLING JUGS AND BOTTLES A SPECIALTY. Come once and you’ll come again. Morgans Corner, . Macon, Ga, J—5—LI, ^ .