The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, February 16, 1889, Image 4

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Brooks county shipped some thing over a thousand carloads oi melons last year, about eleven thousand bales of cotton and a large quantity of pears and vegetables, to nay nothing of other freights. A innn by the name of l’ierce threw a stone through the window of u passenger coacli on the (Jhuttauo I’oriif; and Columbus railroad at Buchanan last Sunday a week ago just missing a lady passenger. He was arrested and a true hill obtained him the next day, aud before night be was sentenced to the penitentiary for four years. Quito a number of the, papers oi Georgia are speaking favorably of lion. Tlios. Ilardoman as Governo: Gordon’s successor. The Hawkim villo Dispatch says: -Why not elect Colonel Torn Hardeman, the old war-horse of Bibb, next Govern or of Georgia?” The Constitution of a few days ago says. ‘ The Har deman ailillery may or may not be ordered out, but if it i*>emay look for smoke from the ramparts oi Ma con before long.*' xV levelheaded farmer was hoeing hard on his patch of laud when one of those town loafers approached the feneo. “Hollo, Earner B., what do \ on think of the outlook?” “What «>utlook ?” “Why the business out look ” “Didn’t know there was one." ‘ Wo are talking about it, down at the store and they sent me up to hoar what you had to Bay.” “Oh yes 1 see, Well, you tell ’em if they will stop filling and go to hoeing that the country will prosper without any outlook. Do you hear ?” The Social Circle correspondent of the Walton News has the following: TheNvedding that Madam Rumor spoke of in a recent i-sue of tho News has come to pass. The wed ding took place in Atlanta at the home of the parents of the bride. Capt Boyukin Smith is one of Social C ircle’s best citizens, and the wo man he has chosen for a life’s com panion—Miss Maggie Barrett—is worthy of tho husband she gets. The happy couple came back to So eirl Circle Thursday, after spending a week in Atlanta. The Southern Cultivator for February is promptly on our table It fills the bill exactly, being true to its name in every detail, It is one of the handsomest and best, as it is the oldestagricural periodical in tho South. We note specially the lull Alliance Department, covering a wide range of information concern tlie progress of that organization, although there is no lack of matter in all of its departments. The Southern Cultivator should bo in every homo. The price is only 81 per annum. Address The Cultivator Publishing Drawer 8 , Atlanta Ga. IIOW TO SAVE BOYS Open your blinds by day aud light bright tires at night. Illuminate your rooms, Hang pictures upon your walls. Put books and newspapers upon your tables. Have music and entertaining games. Banish demons of dullness ami apathy, and bring in mirth aud good cheer. Invent occupations for your sons. Stimulate their ambitions in worthy directions While you make home their delight, till rtf, thorn i. with . . . higher . * * purposes than pleasure. . .... W bother , they , shall , ,, mere pass boyhood aud outer upon man hood with refined tastes and ambition depends on you. With exertion and right mean s, a mother may have more control over the destiny of her boys than any othr in fluenco whatever.—Appleton’s Journal. MAJOR KEY ELECTED Ph’hXinDY'P i X . It affords us great pleasure to. note that Major J. C. Key, of Mon tieello, was elected president of the Covington and Macon railroad, at a meeting of the board of directors, m \i JUaCOll.OU A tlio .t Otn rx \ 1 • US(., , to . 1! o AI ii the . 1 ’ vacancy caused by the resignation Mr. Douglas Green, ol New York Major Key has been a director of tho road from its incipience, aud was elected vice president of the com pany last year. He is an honest and faithful worker, and possesses the Confidence of the company aud the public generally. The clectiou of Major Key to presidency of iho company id a u: served compliment t" thi von, by gentleman, of which he may v.eli feel proud. been Major Key has always a strong friend tolhe project of com pleting the mil to this place, and we trust, now that he has been pro moted to the presidency for the com puny, we may soon hoar from him on this subject. Cant. E. C. Machen, the energetic builder of the road, was elected vice president and general manager j?of tlie company, bv the directors, at the same time. The election of Major Key and Capt. Machen to the management of the Covington and Macon railroad augurs well for the success of this new and important line. They are both energetic and progressive bus iness men, and the S tai pronounces them "the right men in the right place,”—Covington Star. Covington & Macon E. E. TIME TABLE, No. 1, To take effect at 7:00 a. in. Monday December 10th, 1888. BETWEEN MACON and'ATHENS (North Bound.) 5. 3. i. ST.VI IONS. r .oc’l Fr’t. last Accoai. Daily Mail Sun. only. x Bun. 1 Pailv. ------------- l.v M At’ONli 9 oo a in! 7.(mui Mass ey Mil!..........i 9 21 I 7:10 Van Biircns..........| 9 42 7: 7:23 IS Morton..... Ilnlicrtb • • Sc 7:35 11 r»i y .4..... 3 7 :42 Franks .... II 12 7: IS Barrons.... t! 21 7: 51 Wayside • 11 30 7:57 iioiiiKl Oak. I! 48 3:05 Hillsboro . . 12 28 i) m 8:19 Grassfieid. . 12 52 3 -27 Minneta 1 22 8;42 Momicello. . 1 48 8:48 Manlier,..... 2 42 9 19 Marco. ..... 3 00 9:32 Godfrey.... 3 30 9:42 Madison • 4 55 p m a- 10 55 ^ 10 3 ) Florence •. ■ 5 49 H 21 FiimungUm <i 31 t . l 11 Gould....... 1)50 rt 150 Watkinsviilo 708 —i 11 59 \V!ii!»‘ Hall.. 7 It -i ! 1 12 17 p Ar. Atliciis... 820 )> m b-. 20 p m 12 3)in BETWEEN MAGON & ATHENS (South Bound) 2. 17-o stations Fast Lc’l Ft -Aicon). Mail Daily !>:iily Fun »onlv. ^Sunday x Ar MAGON 0 25 pm 6 00 p in Massv’s Mill 014 5 45 Van V.utcn 0 08 5 35 Roberta.... 0 01 5 21 Morton.... 5 48 5 54 Grays...... 540 4 30 Franks.... 5 32 4 12 l’arrous... 5 20 4 00 \Vavsi<io... 5 23 3 34 Round Oak 5 15 3 39 Hillsboro .. 5 00 3 00 Grassficld 152 2 30 Miuneta.. . 4 38 2 Of! Monticello t 30 1 48 Machen 4 00 12 52 Marco... 3 47 I ' ‘N To Godfrey.... 3 20 1 2 p Ill jiadiso 3 02 II 10 n. 2 50 10 35 35 a m Florence o 27 9 57 957 Gould Farmington •> 00 9 32 990 32 . ... l 45 9 21 l 21 Watkinsvillc t 1 30 I 9 10 9 10 White Hall 118 ,8 50 8 50 Bv ATHENS | I 00pm ) 8 30pm t 8 30 p m A G, Craig, Gen. Pass Agt* A. J. MoKVOY, Bniierintendant. SES7.5XSS& i v A STEM-W1HDI86 WATCH A GOLD FOUNTAIN PEN, AUMu: ,.v. . BWMMHlMHMnM MBUMWM' AMD C4 «A!SH, For an Hour’s Work. jmm-. nm»mnnr - i ~ i-----^ . - — ■^ nar.xwr ^ "iw wi m, i, -—ini«.■ — ~ «i — ... ......,... to TEXA.8 A .ATE.:A A.nenc Ga. *nt ii\ ;>r iu'i V ootij an i v. ; pay \ ainsh commit* o d u ■ • -.•> . . > u u *«.« m* : ul and wo will ah-» .tviyrni ft pr .).^r. b-Wt*old Fouutfliu f«»{-“/,«•. IV'A.AA'RA ^xKk^Z ». AvAjlmoA:'! '■'-A G.f JAVA A 1 } f h ;y AD '. i.A.!ETA 'X ' .A YAGA A»W* A A*,; A:A V - A!.'.V? AO 'It ^AAAAut HjWJUOVOT iftlt. The n 1 ' i-!i... st V :ul ««*» r ^ '■-TaZlX-^ , ver t a Me w»rrft’’f • nth tV.v ran Hint ttu* ^ 'itfll. TEXAS Si! T'INt.S omUI m T afford to give either a par.: : » watch that it * .'rid m»t pu i ruitve. For your trim loin #** 0111114 ; 4 euhscnpt'OBi you vvul aA A'AYGvr a, ^a„t to ~r x RSn ml sisrr. 4 >:»My<*wef,»>* 8 -*kn.>tra, \<*k&'AVX , .'' T A> AAi'GARSgA A- lAlA- hoti in Lonaoti* EuglanutOM I'.urop*:,v.i oht'o'i. \ \M. tWei'pk-'siaire*!*. tv . ;v.;' «: SI I VIM «8 is lit Uj r n«*atHrior» at 10 cents % copy. SVfSif^pSSSS'iS »««>. Ab''”. • 'T .Uv : ^ r-m _______-•; tivAw . i£ THIS SPACE BELONGS TO D. D. HOLSENBECK, of our young and most enterprising Merchants who will have something t say next week that will he of in terest to you. 420 and 422 Third St., Macon, Ga o tv riiPtepktesiGBraanKaisit! n i ■« cxr:as afa li i! 8 Wmw Cfompostinjg* STANDABD IN NAME, PUNE IN QUALITY, and HIGHEST GRADE IN ANALYSIS. Oarload Lots Arriving Daily, Enter your orders now for immediate, or future delivery, and take ad vantage of short cuts in prices at opening of the season. Is Ml will greatly exceed tie supply is sea,-is stelage at fasts® will te My 50,030, tens: j esno 1 GTE3 J t ii III Midi 2 i « * C GOODS of the highest standard value, will bo received in n few days. NOT BELAY BBT ORDER AT ONCE. BEK S 81 I G ISBIS IB If * > ■ R ; Yve have notv in stock pure TEXAS REST PROOF OATS GEORGIA RUST PROOF OATS, RYE and BARLEY. WE ALSO HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF GRAIN, BACON, TOBACCO’S etc., at the LOWEST PRICES. ’,Ye have made the best trades of our liyes in f c r 111 iz q v 8 and we assure planters that their interest will he served by calling on us before buying elsewhere. For next season weareCENERALAGENTS in Middle G eor gia for H S MILLER &CO ’S., famous Bone Fertilizers. i PLOWBOY’S BRAND” a complete fertilizer. ‘•SOLUBLE BONE DUST” the best acid sold. MACON OIL and FERTILIZER CO., cotton seed meal, "\Ye have also; imported a very large lot of genuine QERpIAfl [C/^NFf km f/fd!\lAJE P0T4 S H* Estimates made to Alliance Club j. All farmers are ccrdially toyall or write us for prices etc. RODGERS, WORSHAM & CO • » — 11 - 9 - 2 ( 6 m. 420 and 422 Third St.,Ma©©k, ©a.