The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, March 02, 1889, Image 4

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A young woman who man* ed a pne-logged man says it doesn’t take much to make her husband hopping mad, Thu artist who puts up gHt signs may not be much of a «oi*ro»d,'indent but he turn;* out some brilliant let ters. When a man and woman discuss the subject of matrimony one sel dom gets the better of the other. It usually results in a tie. The great question for every pa rent should he, not how much of an estate in lands and money and other securities I may bo able to leave iny children, but how may I implant such principles in them by precept and example as will fortify thorn against temptations and (It them to lead useful a ul honorable lives. Every other question is secondary (mis .burdiuate. Salem church, in Oglethorpe; county, in conference last Saturday, 1 declared by resolution not to tolerate in its members the practice of clanc ing under tbo names of jay-bird, steal partners, twistificatimi, trip to Boston, and all such, Tho egg nogg memborg and the members who take a drink will moot their resolution next, Tho members of Pleasant Hill church of Lumpkin county pro ceeded to go to their church on urday last to hold their monthly conference, but lo and behold v/i.en they ariived on the spot they were surprised to find that a poor widow woman had lakon possession and liad taken up.quarters (or the winter. Tlor excuse was that tho house be longed to the county. A negro boy of Franklin, Heard county, suicided in a strange way. It took three treos for him to com plete tho job. lie hung his coat on one,his baton another, and himself oil a third one. Ho was sent out to find a eowy and was tohl he would, get a whipping if lie did not find it Failing to lind tho cow, he put an end to his earthly troubles by break ing Uis neck. It occurred near that r<?mantie spot, Lovers’ Leap. In Mexico poodles do not take the piaoe of children. The native love for babies is groat. It is tho chil dren's paradise. Children arc loved and potted in public to an extent that makes an Englishman, used lo tho stolid ways of his own country people, open his eyes in astonish ment and pleasure. There is no affectation in tho matter; A little child is tho pel of the people. A baby is every one’s admiration ; and you may see fathers out walking with their children for the pleasure of tho children’s company. In shops and all places whore people meet, children are potted, and a baby in a phop is seized and carried by an army of male admirers. PIMPLES, SORES, ACHES AND PAINS. When a hundred bottles ofsarsa arilla or other protoutioun specifies fail to eradicate in-born scrofula or contagious blood poison, remember that B. B: B. (Botanic* Blood Balm) has gained many thousand victories, iu as many seemingly incurable in stances. Send to tho Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., “Book of Won dors,” and bo convinced. It is the OSly TRUK BLOOD PUttlFlKU. G. W, Messer, Howell’s X Hoads, Ga.. writes; “I was afflicted nines years with sores. AU the medicine I could take did mo no good. I then tried B. B. B., and 8 bottles cured mo sound.” Mrs. S. M. Wilson, Bound Moun tain, Texas, writes: “A lady friend of mine was troubled with bumps and pimples on her face and neck, he took three bottles of B. B B*, and her 6kin got soft and smooth, pimples disappeared, and her health improved greatly.” Jas. L. Bosworth, Atlanta, Ga., •writes; “Some years ago 1 con tracted blood poison, 1 had no ap petite, my digestion was ruined rheumatism drew up my limbs so 1 could hardly walk, my throat was cauterized five times, llot Spriugs gave me no benefit aud an- life was ne of torture until I gave B* B. B. trial, and surprising as it may aeem, the use of five bottlos cured sae,’* CLUB B ATES. We will club the Jones County IIkadmght and Macon Weekly Telegiaph for $1.75 per annum: Also Tub Headlight and Atlan ta Weekly Constitution for §1.75 per annum spot cash. Also the Farmers' Alliance Ad vocate and The Headlight for $1.90 per annum. Terms cash in advance. CLUB KATES. The yearly subscription of the GEO UK IA FARMjili is 50 cents. To any one getting ug a club of ten at 35 cents each we will send Farmer free six months, and for a club of twenty will send the Farmer reeone yea-. Address. GEORGIA l-'ARMER, Barre,vibe, Ga fafisZseSF___ . SBS It n«frl»is.M«fIil»pr| I na— and ® **»«»»» 00 d* Where we will the tend pcor.Je free ran uoa ) ; each to one j A g° t'«*t aevring-machina m locality,the very j I ft *he world,with made in all the attachment*, ffEAJttLi We will al*o aend g*B’«©o con,plcta bh > .'me of our costly and valuable ar* ar* y. ’ £;»nmplei. Show hat In return send, wc Mktbatyo •on L m V, w© to those who may call e .1 your home, and after 55 ; months all shall become your mvn j property. This trrand machine it made af'er tho Hitanvr patents, i" i which have run out; before patents >^ *-"LNffr*R' ^ run out it sold for/frtflt, with the : ,lt *chmcnta, and now aelle for c machine Beat.ctrongeat,tnpatuse- in the world. All ia j tne 9 II §0*rRw/>ce. No capital required. Plain, ef matruuions given. T hose who write to us at once can se cura (free th« best «* wing-machine in the world, and tho finest lice of works of high it So* art ever shown together in America. WKVJB CO., IIO, Augusta. Covinpton & Macon R. R. TIME TABLE, No. 1, To take effect at 7:00 a. m. Monday December 10th, 1888. betVv Sen macux a™ Athens (North Bound.) 5. 3. i, STATIONS. Loe’l Fr’t. Fiu-tj S’un. Aeroin. only. Daily Sun. Mail x Daily. I.v MADOX] *r a m 7.00am Van Maascy liurens Mil 21 7:10 cs 7:16 Roberts.... o 7:32 Morton..... e 7:35 Franks..... Drays...... II c 12 7 7:42 0S Harrows.... 11 24 7:54 Round Wayside Oak. .. IMS 11 30 7:57 3:05 1 lillsboro . . 12 28 p m 8:1!) Orasslield. . 12 52 8-27 Miimeta.... 1 22 8;42 Monticello.. 1 43 8:48 M aeber...... 2 42 0-19 Marco...... 3 06 9:32 Godfrey.... M 3 30 9:42 adison.... ^ ru 4 40 10 55 4 55 10 35 Florence.... Cn 5 40 1121 Gould Farmington Ct 6 30 1 11 ...... C7 fl 1 50 Watkins ville i — 708 14 59 White Hail.. 7 44 12 17 p Ar. Athens... -y; m 8 20 v> m 12 35m BETWEEN MACON & ATHENS (South Bound) 2 . 4. S TATIO Ns Fast Lo’l Ft LAccotu. Mail Daily Daily Soil ySundav x •only. Ar MACON si “ m 6 00 p m iy’s Mill Si 5 45 Van Suren a 535 Roberts.... cc 5 24 Morton.... o 5 54 Grays...... cd 4 36 Franks.... > 1 12 1’arrons ... v ■ 4 00 Wayside.... Round Oak wf •• 3 34 39 3 Hillsboro .. 3 00 Grasslield 2 36 Minueta.... 2 06 Monticello H 148 Miiehen... i 12 52 Marco ...... . is 12 23 odfrey.... : g 12 10 p ni adison ! B it 10 .... 2 10 35 35 a in Florence £2% e 957 Gould....... Farmington : o 990 32 Wntkinsville' - 1 21 bv White ATHENS Hall 1 1 1 3xS 9 8 8 SOpm 50 10 9 8 8 30 50 10 p m A G. Ckaig, Gen. Pasfc Agt* A. J. McEYOY, Superintendant. $1 A YEAR. Spl ONE {A 7 • V rM ONE DOLLAB i.,io It DOLLAR. $1 A YEAR. :‘J “2;. ,yfi'; . , 444? ._ - 1% ,. .1 ’3 a a l 9 -I‘; M4 (3.9.; , 4' etrmt I PI‘GSS TBS muu- ~- 9“,,- i“Q,;-;*’;“::-”r¢v «’41:... "zmr 4 1 -—v- .W" ’ « ONE DOLLAR > A. "YEAR. Ter Large Page: of Chaicest Realms Manor. The Greatest of Dollar Weeklies. 1‘51) hum Puma Is now within the tomb at Ml. Ito tabled eon. ficflhfifl tum erlegflw , J’E'. ‘22?” ‘ ?Pf-L‘l in mm: deuimble , Detrogltny m a (family; .‘5 WELH' paw. ,I Bub . FREE P.I{JQSS 00.. ®*"" t \ % o ce I 2 Notice! : - fi JV mm 0 Y% r- P % m J, vMkawS® i 9 m GRAY. GA. My business still goes on and I am prepared to sell to my friends anti CHS tomers goods at prices that will astonish them, I will sell every thing in my line, for the next 30 days cheap for cash; Dry Goods, No tions, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Groceries, ! have in Stock a full line of Gents, Ladies, Misses and Children’s - n t I that I am going to dose out regardless of cost. In addition to the above, I carry a Full Line ot hard ware, Crockery, Tinware, Woodenware, and many other articles generally kept in a first-elass store, all of which I will sell at stock bottom prices. Give me a trial and be convinced that I mean business. D. D. HOISENBECK. Rodgers Wobsham&Co. 4-20 and 422 Third St., Macon, Ga Y/e ofier oar services to the farmers of Jones a »d Jaspo Counties for the season 1883 and 1889. We have now in stock pure TEXAS RUST PROOF OATS GEORGIA RUST PROOF OATS, RYE and BARLEY. WE ALSO AYE A LARGE STOCK OF D A® Cll WG and TIGS FLOW?, GRAIN, BACON, TOBACCO’S etc., at the LOWEST BRICES. We have made the best trades of our liyes iu Fertilizers and we assure planters that their interest will be served bj calling on us before buying elsewhere. For next season we are SEVERAL. AGENTS in Middle Gear gia for. M S MILLER & CO’S., famous Bone Fertilizers. ‘PLOWBOY’S BRAND” a complete fertilizer. “SOLUBLE BONE DUST” the best acid sold. MACON OIL and FERTILIZER CO., cotton seed meal. W© have also imported a very large lot of genuin® QER[*Aft [0* IKI T *NO> efpQJ^s'U Estimates made to Alliance OJubs. AU farmers are cordially invited to call or write us for price- etc. RODGERS, WORSIIAM & CO., H-9-2 Gin. 420 and 422 Third St., Macon, Ga . C LARENCE H. CUBBEDGE, 672 CHEERY STREET, QA ' General House Furnisher. ■ Healer In Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Cutlery, Excelsior and Capitola Cook _Stoves and Eanges. M, HEEL 8 CO. (MBS, ER, as a Kill Correct and Latest Styles THE LOWEST PRICES. Send us your ordcrs.and come to see us when in Macon. Goods sent (J. O. D. unless city reference is given. EADS, NEEL & CO, —15—3ra, 557CHERRY ST REDDING & BALDWIN. 4—1-(0)—i—t J -r r CLOTHING; HATS AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS: Keep always on hand a good stock and guarantee to give satistaction to all their patrons. 388 2nd Sff^ssy, Pf\coM, Qa. WINS HIP & CALLAWAY’S OLD ST ANIL N—H—9-20—3m. \y, r & O. G. SPARKS, COTTON FACTORS AND Commission Merchants M e have every facility for Handling and storing cotton %t the lowdt rates of commission. Prompt personal attention paid to parties shippiuf us their cotton. Storage Free. Money loaned to planters at the Iowes ates of interest.—10—11 W. B. & 0. G. SPARKS, MACON, GA *