The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, March 23, 1889, Image 4

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The South Georgia Cfoautaqua will convene fit Albany Ga, March 25 th. Five thousand dollura wfil go to Og'elhorpe countv a& pensions to Confederate soldiers. The question of u suitable location for the experimental farm id being agitated in middle Georgia. Ma con, Griffin and other towns are en deavoring to secure u tract suita hie. Postmaster-General Wannaroa ker has satisfied the employees of the Poatofflee Department tlmt there ■will bo no dismissal except for caus es. lie says; “If you have been faithful you will not be disturbed.” Representative Townshend, of Illinois, who lias been in Congress for fifteen years or more, died in Washington, Friday, of pneumonia, contracted during the Inaugural ceremonies on the 4th iust PIMPLES, SOUKS ACHES AND PAINS. When a hundred bottles of sarsa arilla or other pretentious specifics fail to eradicate in-born scrofula or contagious blood poison, remember thut If. U: U. (Botanic Blood Balm) has gained many thousand victories, in us many seemingly incurable in stances. Send to the Blood Balm Co, Atlanta, Ga., “Book of Won tiers,” and bocouvinood. It is the only TRUK BROOD I’URIFIKB. U, W, Messer, Howell’s X Roads, Ga.. writes; “I wus alSicted nines yoars with gores. All tho medicine I could take did me no gebd. 1 then tried If. 15. B., and 8 bottles cured mo sound.” Mrs. S. M. Wilsou, Round Moun tain, Texas, writes: “A lfldy friend of mine was troubled with bumps and pimples on her face and ueclc. he took three bottles of B. II B*, and her skin got soft nnd smooth, pimples disappeared, and hor health improved greatly.” Jfts. L. Bosworth, Atlanta, Ga., writes; “Somo ypais ago 1 con tracted blood poison, 1 had no ap petite, my digertion was ruined rheumatism drow up my limbs go 1 could hardly wain, my throat was oautejrued five timos. Hot Springe gave me no benefit and my life was ne of torture until I gave B- B. If. trial, and surprising as it may seem, (h© nso of fivo bottles cured mo,” _ M. 11. JJSES. i *.r* fo .j, 4 A. — ? * RESIDENT DENTIST MONTJ0ELIO OKOI1GIA BUY YOUR Trunks- Satchels- Pocket Books, and FancyLeather GOODS, FROM THE FACTORY AT FACTORY PRICES. Macon Trunk Factory, J. Van $ Co. 4103rd St. Macon G a '~ T^n SX t^SJS e SSS Z T'T '‘"M l ■» $1 A YEAR $1 ONE o i; a ONE f« v , c DOLLAR* !fr Cl DOLLAR. iff * 1 * i r. A YEAR. W ’ _ THE WEEKLY fletmit Free Press Dom ”4.... :1" ONE 2m .zawm 1‘; 1-;th «?mgm Maw: 1*. mum“ mW%“ am .ufif‘i‘t ‘ @3239 00.. MAny Fersonv hctMtWd Are l/foken duffft from overwork or war Brown’s Iron flitters rebuilds the system, *l<la <li»«stion, repioyes geuuluo. ex ■jew of bile, &U4 cure* majarlu. Oet the Loans Negotiated On Farms & To wn Property IN BIBB AND ADJOINING! COCNT1K6 ELU3TTESTES&G0 318 Second St. Macon Ga m p^llFIE -nr"fTIfHfc Iodic» geula' *»*•(•, with work! v 'St EwV?aud can** *>t equal value. One Person in each !o ^caltly can eecore ona and free, val towelfccr with oar large uable Un« of Hoosehold Saajpte«< Tfceer eamptea, a* well a» the watch, we eeod Free, and after you have Jhosa kept am In ynnr home for ft month* and ehowi* them to TkoM atrU .fidnal Advertise Ms county paper. The Official Organ of the I» County. i n i 1 gBSESafi etosa* t! Tf - a i K- X. mm 9 GRAY. GA. My business still goes on and I am prepared to sell to my friends and cus goods at prices that will astonish them, I will sell everything in my line, for the next 30 days cheap foreash; Dry Goods, No tions, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Groceries, I have in Stock a full line ■^1 Gents, Ladies, Missesa nd Children's I am going to closer regardless of cost. In addition to the above, I carry a Full Line ot hard ware, Crockery, Tinware, Woodenware, aiid many other articles generally kept ilia first-class store, all of which I will sellat Beck bottom prices. Give me a trial and be convinced that I mean business. D. D. HOISENBECK. T. W. BOND’S ill m Beds Free to Customers. TM °f TOF? WWW jjiQARp AND ^OBACCOg -AT THE BAR,-* FILIJNG JUGS AND BOTTLES A SPECIALTY. Como once and you’ll come again. —8—tf. Morgans Corner, Macon, Ga n i l >4 h ' HEADLIGHT A good advertising t-’ medium. « EADS, NEIL l CO. £111, HITS. Mil H 9YE3C01TS. Correct and Latest Styles THE liOWEST PRICES. Seud us your ordcrs’aud come to see ns when in Macon. Goods sent V. .0. JJ. unless city reference is given. BADS, NEEL & CO, M7CJIERRy trr