The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, March 30, 1889, Image 4

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George W. Matlock rf et R I while fishing Sunday. caught a large muskrat which b.t at a shiner and became fastened to the fish hook. The German emperor seems to be imbued with the most Spartan no tions of parental discipline. The crown prince, aged, and his next brother, Eitel Frederick, aged 5, have only li hours recreation dur ing the day, Now comes Thos J. Dome, who. beiug duly questioned, says that he knows Mrs - Sarah Summers, of Jones connty. Mrs: Summers lives near Robert’s station. She was born in Oglethorpe county in the year 1800. She has children, grandchildren, to the number of 251. At lea'-t, this wa* the number when the last active, countjwas and made. She is well and from prospects is likely to live for some time. Mrs. Summers is the daughter of Joseph Stiles. She Jives in a house buiit by Abner W iin berly, The house itself has a l.isto ry. The lumber of which it is built was sawed by hand, and it is thoffirst framed house in Jones county. \\ hat a record to be sure! .Just think Telegraph. of a family of 251 people! Macon PIMPLES, SOKES, ACHES AND PAINS. When a hundred bottles of sarsa arilla or other pretentious specifics fail to oradicato io-born scrofula or contagious blood poison, remember that B. B: B. (Botanic Blood Balm) has gained many thousand victories, in us many seemingly incurable in stances. Sond to the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., -Book of Won dors,” and bo convinced. It is the 0ftft/ w . J TRUE BLOOD PURIFIER. G. W. Messer, Howell’s X Roads, Ga.. writes; I was afflicted nines years with sores. AU the medicine I could tnko did me no good. I then tried II. B. B., and 8 bottles cured mo sound,” Mrs. S. M. Wilson, Round Moun tain, Texas, writes: “A lady friend of mine was troubled with bumps and pimples on her face ar.d neck, bo took threo bottles of B. B B*, and her skin got soft and smooth, jiimples disappeared, and her health improved greatly." Jas. L. Bosworth, Atlanta, Ga„ writes; "Some years ago I con tracted blood poison, I had no ap petite, my digestion was ruined rheumatism drew up my limbs so I could hardly wnlir, my throat was cantoriaed fivo times. Hot Springs gave me no benefit and my life was re of torture until I gave B- B. B. trial, and surprising as it may seem, the uso of fivo bottles cured we,” JPNr M f l f. m -;A i m ’ % - V Vk STBM-TOD1HGIMC H. ), A GOLD FOUNTAIN PEN . f AND 84 CASH . For an Hour’s Work. W* went, *»t leant, one more subscriber 9uhicrib«r to t TEX A# IIVTINUS in every town, village aud hamlet let i« in a Amori America, fl you write to u* at once, we will Appoint joi i our agent H Aon jrour of Oue uftghhorh«H>d, IX>lUr an*! will subscription pay yoi u a oas h coiutms Will on wvery s ou send, ami •• alw» wive you a present of a #‘.».6U (.old Foantniu Pen for the firat subaenption you eeiul. When you show lifHculty die paper to your neighbors, number vro HiibacriWre; know rou will have no in ftettmg a of but even if •du never get more than one subscriber,remember that we lhall give you the Gold l*en AS A I'HESEJNT, and will nail it to you aaiHHmaerou send the brat anhaorintioou The iwn is the celebratiei M A N11 ATT’A N FOl' Nr A IN rKN.withgold mounted barrel, which fitted with a 14 carat gold yan, the eatablifthed price of ia $2 60- These peue are (bey indispensable hold enough to ink every Vo write one who twenty hat cages w riting ot to foolscap do. a# setter, and ere always ready for nee. They write freely, save be a gradual and will flow, last glide lifetime. ns smoothly a» a pencil over The paper, of TEXAS a SIFTINGS price Is $4 a year Of this fe ddmon five you $1 on each subscription FOUR subscriptions, you seud In to thia, if you tend na we hall tend yon the Gold Fountain Pen and a *5 fbe H e m watch -winding N< and »T A Stem W ATKKHVUY. setting Nickel It ('seed ia fulHeweled! Watch, is god eolnl baa nickel the tineet Walt ham style itu-vemeut. The case • coniamiug *' jn»r cent, aihcr, and over tbs face thick bevele<l glass It is a perfect t imekrepcr. Tie warrant both the Pen and the Watrh. » TEXAS SIFTINGS could cot afford to give either % pan or a watch that it would not guarantee. For your trouble in securing 4 subscriptions yonwiU fet $4 cash, a 91 Ail pen and a $i watch. If you want neither pen nor watch*but do want to work for cash, write ns and we shall offer yon a cash rnwraiasion greater than that offered by any Journal or Hag arms in America. TKX AH SIFTINGS la probably one of the best known, ■id Iterarr ia certainly oue in of the world, most popular, volume humorous for and papers the a a year oou. Aina a wevkly It number*, published m* nagwe, hemlepherea. 1,6(10 illustrationa* Amerioaa V 000 columns is m two Tre edition is over 111(1,000 London. copies weekly. England, The mac Vumpean bed a circulation eiliUon, published of 46.000 copies in week- hag » i 61PTINGS is sold by newedsslere at 10 cents a copy. * * Send fire cents m stamps, and we shall tend you a Maple ysfm eop.v of SIFTINGS, sod full ernlauatiun of writing stats where you s»V thi$ gdvi. v. » - life) S' 6; Ly~ fe * Jo sSr .kH jj£g>k. Th.Tnaitjchurcl.,New! 'York, has an usamed taluafon if $3,750,000. This property is ««npt $1 A YEAR, tjsl ONE d«|§'I ONE DOLLAR " DOLLAR Ig* it 9J m SI A YEAR. $1 .__ E.” .5 :“3 .. 5‘??? i .1 55": Jav|ifi$ .. “.5” ‘ j c.» ‘5‘}: - h? ’ .JWJ ‘ ‘ 5......» ._. 1 I m E w: EKLY t I > ‘ I f“ E ‘ 1 fl 1 " s i .4» ' " ' mgsuo 4 j “'23: . 5 $34‘p’jtfic. \l'f: —‘ \ 7.5 ‘ ‘- ‘ ma.-—-a- ‘ - -\=’ ‘ONE DOLLAR .A. Md 1 ‘Ter Large Pages of Choices: Roadigg Mgtter.‘ 3 The Greatest of Dollar WeckhoI- 1 L KM) F‘s" Tubs lbs! 1'5 now within the reach of 1.11. ha tabled Sub-1 conn‘ iscnbe tux: eminxi-s ad in mag mm; m . funiiy' paper. 135 owe. Afldnm [sampleco life!» 2am , I“)€3‘IE I‘IKICRS ('30.. mt“)lth I as.<?<•!.i Watch. wu'i.nijrp Kli f *’tff.'sjjlf[jH titil “22jfwM.Sfc? lat »iV ! SI,‘.T“.'q"i' , 7.7u l ‘.! ti51?2SSu?5 Well a * Hie watch, wo ■end Free,am* after *<*have kept them thaw In In yonr yonr ho homo for 3 months ond shown them to thus# ^■»W^jrt wha m b S^.7S5a.Srr , 8r5S a co,. «•* aui.i**ruaad.BL»tea. Advertise in your county paper. The Official Organ of tlie County. «Tk ; X 1 0 'll .% A i o nee j % i|i BT^ oh S3 j. V — K1 BH m Wm ggjSjii P*»J R GRAY. GA. My business still goes on and I am prepared to sell to my friends and cus tomers goods at prices that will astonish them, I will sell everything in my line, for the next 30 days cheap for cash; Dry Goods, No tions, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Groceries, I have in Stock a full line of Gents, Ladies, Misses and Children’s s that I am going to close out regardless of cost. In addition to the above, I carry a Full Line ot hard ware, Crockery, Tinware, Wooden ware, and many other articles generally kept ilia first-class store, all of which I will sell at Rock bottom prices. Give me a trial and be convinced that I mean business. D. D. HOISEPI^lCIC. T. W. BOND’S III WS mmvm Beds Free to Customers. tj* psst of mer? hwv piQARp AND ^OBytCCOp -AT THE BA R,— FILLING JUGS AND BOTTLES A SPECIALTY. Come once and you’ll come again. * Morgans Corner, Macon, Ga —8—If. WBS0BIBB FOB fll HEADLIGHT A good advertising medium. m, 1ELI CO. cioiiit, k sin j:i mis. Correct and Latest Styles THE JiOWEST PRICES. Scud us your ordersjiud come to see us when in Macon. Goods sent C. 0. H. unless city reference is given. EADS, NEEL & CO, —1!—3m 657CHERRY ST