The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, April 13, 1889, Image 4

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SOAP VS. LAW. - A Missouri constable rode oat alarm near SL Joe, armed with a subpena for a woman who wanted ns a witness in a case in .co»r.t. He found her in her yard,busily engaged in stirring boiling, bubbling mass in a large black kettle. He stated bis busi ac-s, u .„ s fln(1 and Bhe Bhe saul. caid . & g° to-day. “but you must,” ‘■Whet’s the hurry?” “Why, court's in session, and the ,ca s e is now on trial. They want you by noon.” ■‘Well J am going. You think I’m going olf and leave this hull kittle o’ Huft soap to spile, just to please your old court? bio ah reel” “ Wh ^ m y dcur mud:l,,1 > y° u ri,,let - louicaJy r don t to under seem stand 1 understand that Pvc got a big _ kettle o’ splendid soap grease on to bile, and it 11 make thin, sticky soap if it aint finished to-day. lou go back and tell the jedge so.” ; ‘■'j < p°V! .coli I r d hke to see the M Missou- \ r - ry jury that d fine a woman foi not leaving her eoap bihn’ when it was at a critical ...... p mt, us ono migh; . . , say. , Tell r ,, ,v„ the jedge • . 1 II como . „ , to-morrow, ' if we don ,. t , butcher , , our peegs then ; an if wo do, 111 come some day , J next . M . ceJ{ „ “But . I . tell , you that ... won , t , You must come now.” “Lookte, young man, you think I’m a fool? I reckon you never, made any soap, did you? If you had : you’d know that—” “What does the judge care aoont your soap? “Well; what do I care ’bout the jedge, if it comes to that? Law’s law and soap’s soap. Let the jedge ’tend tojiis law, an’ PJI Lend to my soap. The good book says there’s a tlmo for everything, an’ this is my time for ft bar’l o’ saft soap,” ‘•Well, madam, if yon want tq be Lined for contempt of court, all right. You’ll bo fined sure as—” “Bah I I know all ’bovt thg law, an’ there a ! n’t anything in it, nor in the Constitution of the United States, nor in nothing’ else that says a woman’s got to leave a kittle G half cooked soap, »nd go oil' to court when sho aint a m ! nd to. I guess I know a little law myself.—Tid JHM. TAX NOTICE. SECOND HOUND. I will be at the following places to Wallace Dist, atj. C, Dumas Mon day April 32nd. Popes Diet, at Haddock’s Station Tuesday April 23rd. Lesters Dist; at V. B. Clark store Wednesday morning April 24th. Ethridge Dist. at Jesse Miller stoic Wednesday evening April 24th. Tranquilla Dist. at Stewart Store Thursday April 25th. Barrou Dist. at Bradleys Station jlarrou Friday April 36th. Dist. nt Bound Oak Monday April 2?tb. Saunders Dist. at M. Y, Tyners store Tuesday April 50th. Hammock Dist. at T. C. IMppcns store Wednesday May 1st. Hammock Dist. at Dames Ferry Thursday May 2nd. Finney’s Dist. at R. A. Gordon’s store Friday morning May 3rd. Towles Dist. at Five Points Friday evening May 3rd. Davidsons Dist. at James Station Monday May Gth. Levi May Kmsjlovy store Tuesday morning 7 th. Burdens Dist. at LaFayott Balk com Tuesday evening May 7th, Griswoldvillp Wednesday morning May Sth. Roberts Dist. at Jackson Roberts Thursday May 9th. JIawkins Dist. at T. B. Stripling Friday May 10th. | in Clinton every Saturday. W’illiam T. Morris, Tax Receiver of Jones Cp. Msroh Ilth 1889.—tf. Tho Butteupk Dolineator is a Monthly Magazine, illustrating the latest METROPOLITAN FASH • JONS, and well worth tho sul serip tion price, ono dollar. Every l a jy should have it in her house, A d- 4r««i BDTTEBICK PUPLISUING £9; ? and 11 West I3N. Y. it ii .-:ads the J/is?. The April number yf The handsomest h uncicstionably Lest agricultural thoj ever issned in amt the South. Its shining} j excellencies are so numerous that to uuuraera te them would require columns. Its list of contributors cm, bream of Southern talent in addition to n,ar 0; able and experienced this country writ era in other section ot an d 1U Europe. Each is»ne is a v. 1 nine in itsoif worth double the price of subscription. At $1 per annum it is the cheapest journal in this country. Wo heartily command it to 0 ur readers. Send on your dollar and names to The Cultivator Publishing Co., Drawer 8, Atlanta, Ua. ” i I.-Il LLb, bUUE.'e, ACHES AU1L8AM) AMD PAINS. When a hundred bottles of sarsa arilla or other pretentious specifies fail to eradicate iu-born scrofula or contagious blood poison, remember Uiat B B: ]j.{jj otan j c blood Balm) j liH gained many thousand victories, in as many seemingly incurable in stanc09 . Send to the blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., “Book of Won (JcrH „ anJ bo convinced. Jt is the 0 > TBVE BIj001) ruMWEB . G. ,, W. ,. r Messer, ’ IIoryeB’s rr A .. Bonds, „ , Ga.. writes; * “I was anucted nines years ivith . sores. All .,, the , medicine ... \ I could ", take . did ... me no good. , I then tried . . , B. „ .... Ik Ik, and , A 8 bottles , ... me sound.” | -JDs. S. M. Wilson, Bound Monn tain, Tgxas, writes: “A lady friend of mine was troubled with bumps and pimples on her face and neck, h e tcok three bottles of Ik B R*, and her skin got soft and smooth pimples disappeared, and her health improved greatly.” Jas. L. Bosworth, Atlanta, Ga„ writes; “Some years ago I eon traded blood poison, I had no ap petite, my digestion was ruined rheumatism drew up my limbs so I could hardly walk, my throat was cauterized five times, llot Springs gave mo no benefit and my life was lie of torture until I gave B- B. 33. trial, and surprising »s it may seem, the use of five bottles cured mo,” If you want to prevent your V.v drant from overflowing and filling the cellar, don’t pay your water tax, take the money and buy a New Home Sewing Machine and tho Now Iiqm {Company will warrant tho Machine and guarantee that you will have no Water, r feg-ty ^ •yr ■ L, -w. ■}* ■■ . : -A 4 akiK 6 POWDER Pure- This powder never varies. A ma vel of purity, strength and whoier eomeness. More economical than the ordinary competition kinds, and cannot be sold n with the multitudes ow test, short weight, aiumn orphos phate ROYAL powders. BAKING Sol only POWDER in cans CO 106 Wall Street New York MONTICELLO, - - * • GA. Mkb. IV. A. Siiekill, Proprietress. (0) I OFFER REDUCED RATES FOR MOXTH UY R0ADER3. 1 HAVE COMFORTABLE ROOM’S AND XICE KEW bed’s. 3—7 -’89. a iH ranted. xuupg Heavy Cut*. Both 8oKd Gold Mud la die*' ,aiid w;e«, with work* c*mi of e^ual valtso. -■'/.SjA JOm ” faiiijr k*4?rt»«uiaaacb can fro*. j 0 - j, , »rears one forvrhrr wiih our tr.rjr- amUai wWW- S ,l !u l, " < ’ cf BoHwhold knuiplo*. « Thewsa: Well tho ?*. as a* watch, we srag •V in --------Free. *»d After y. u bare kept v ti yoor homo for 9 won:La and ahowu thma ta thoso way bav* called, they beccni* your wo pix'pvrw. Those wh# write et ooen von h# wn of reoefirtug tho W;it<h U*4 Hiamulee. tA <?«.. We U« pay nU el* «»»w. i’orUaaU, froight,ele. Maico. Addraae T. W. BOND’S SIS IS ! m A Beds Free to Customers. n«?sa'»fwifffww fiQARp AMD foB/CCOJS --AT THE BAB, BILLING JUGS AND BOTTLES A SPECIALTY, Come ones and you’ll come again. Morgans Corner, Macon, Ga —8—tl‘. Clarence H. Cubbedge. 672 GHERjUY STREET, MACON Q\. General House Furnisher. Dealer la Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Cutlery, Excelsior and Capitola Cook Stoves and Rang as. OTBSOBIBE FOB TII _ HEADLIGHT — i tmim ■% % CIRCULATION "^oo0°- f V A STEM-WINDING WAT CH, A GOLD FOUNTAIN PEN . AMD S 4 CASH . For art Hour’s Work. We want, at loa^t, oue naive subscriber to T£XA8 lIFflNUS iu every town, village will and hntnlct in America, if you write neighborhood, to us at once, end we appoint you our agent « your will pay you a cash couunie aou will ot One Dollar on every subscription of you send, and ye also give you a present, a $2.00- (void Fountain Pen for the tlrst subscription you send. When you show die lifHculty p»I»er in to Kctiing your neighbors, number of ye 6ubscrit>era; Know you will but have no than a subscriber, remember even if 'ou ihall never Rive got more Gold one Pen AS PRESENT, that t»e you tile A and will nail it to you as soon as you wr.d the first subscription. Alii The pen is the col eb rated MANHATTAN FOUNT .■*EN.withhold mounted barrel, fitted with a 14 carat gold jeu, the established price of yrhioh is $2 uU. Thnse pent ire indispensable to every pne who has writing to do, as •hey hold enough iuH to write twenty pages of foolscap »Kpor, and ar<» always voady for smcotnly use. They write freer/. Into a gradual flow, glide as as a pencil over ho paper, and will last a SIFTINGS lifetime. is $4 The price of TEXAS a year. Of this ’e give yoa $1 on each subscription FOUR subscriptions, you send, ddition to this, if yon send ns we hall send you tho $2.50 Gold Fountain Pen and a 85 item-winding and Stem, setting Nickel Cased Watch. fhs watch is NOT A W ATERBURY. It is fulljcweled ind solid has t he finest Waltham style movement. silver, Thecaao s nickel containing SB per cent, and over tho !aco thick boveleil glass It is a perfect tiwiekeepor. - We warrant hath the Pen and the Watch. TEXAS SIFTINGS could pot afford to give either a yen or a watch t hat it would not guarantee. For your trouble in securing 4 Bubecriptiona you will yet $4 cash, a 82.30 pen and a i5 watch. If y >u want neither pen nor w^atch, but do want to *ork for cash, write us and we shall oiler you a cash :ommission greater than that offered by any Jqumal or Usjraxine in America. of TF is v AS SIbTINGY is probably moat ... popular, one the humorous best known and md certainly cue of the volume iterary papm-s in the world, a for u year con ouna 63 weekly numbers, *J0 pages, hemispheree. 1,5U0 i mist ratio nna, s'W.10 columns edition It is published 120,000 m two copies weekly, Tt.o Auicrioau is over in London* £ngUai •eached 'peau circulation edition, published of 60.000 week. n Oopios a LUT INGS is sold by newsdealers at 10 cents a copy. Send five cents SliTINtSi. in stamps, and we shall send you a mupla copy of and full explanation of diua. \YLep writing state where you saw Uua advt. # ^ % a A: fai ! ’s?) fVi A TEAR. $1 ONE k ¥m f<C % ONE DOLLAR cv DOLLAR. J 21 ft* r“lf b* *4 t.* A YEAR. l‘ , i, Vb." ’Iv 4'5'W‘ ‘ ,nh. I 1' HE ‘ WEEKLY - . ‘ ' l w». 1.. :1" \ _ ~ .. *5“, :4 ' ONE DOLLAR .A. ....'~’ EAR Tor Large Pages of Choiceat Reading Matter. | The Greatest of Dollar Weeklies. I 'mn Faun I'mcss Is now within the reach of all. ha table of con. ,tuw embodies all that is most desirable In a {amiiy paper. Bub scrihe st awe. Addrhss itnmqfle cnpm Free. '!“'1{'l'~‘. F3 I’III‘JQQ (3().. Detrulc. Biljeh- = DTL MOPTETTS H i'l i afe DIEDiCINESggg fcMBkt iW s i fail S3 FEMALE I.odi sorrecU wlilcU ill lr*gnla*ltlc<a^a somacy Is iif soffeT. annoyl!^ I; tronbl-a wesh.deUlHt»t«dw.naaiihe»nh»i!<l5tren!ttH.»nd , elves the mskes c^eertwl the despondent, depressed la i Sirm p ts‘ ‘ir r :*’• ,1 1 * : /:<J !»<1Tsh»uM ^ c,wi he with- i a a 2 MoTice! % G a ms 1 m .-V- 1 * f- B. GRAY. GA. My business still goes on and 1 am prepared to sell to my friends and cus tom ers goods at prieesthat will astonish them, I will sell everything in my lire, for the next 30 days cheap for cash; Dry Goods, No tions, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Groceries, / I Hava in Stock a full line HN Gents, Ladies, Misses and Children’s SHOES that I am going to close out regardless of cost. In addition to the above, I carry a Full Line ot hard ware, Crockery, Tinware, Woodenware, and many other articles generally kept in a first-class store, all of which I will sell at 1 Rock I bottom prices. Give me a trial and he convinced that I mean J business. D. D. HOiSENPECK.