The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, April 27, 1889, Image 4

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The (rial of Dick Haw** is going on at Birmingham Ala this week. The surveyers arc busy locating the linefiom Machen to GrifUn. The warm sun now breeds freck les on the average school girls nose A great many are taking advantage of the new schedule in visitiug the Central City. Ou account of the illness of Col. Rutherford Tom Woolfolks trial has been postponed until the first, Mon day June. The finny tribe, on the average angling streams, are not having an unusual amount of rest these bright, sunshiny days. We are glad to note that the fruit crop was not injured by tho recent cold snap, If nothing further happens to it wo caa safely count on a good crop. The fall session of the Augusta Presbytery will he held at the Presbyterian Church m Monticelb sometime during the mouth of October. The state of Maine has an asylum for liars. Such an institution in this country would bo filled with delinquent subscribers.—Ex. You will get the very best PHO TOGRAPHIC WORK of every kind at L. S. Hill’s Art Gallery, Pugh’s OH Stand, Macon Ga. The “Toxae Siftings” comes to us this wock with an appropriate frontispiece, the picture of a Con federate Votcian leaning on his gun- The “Siftings’' is always full of good things. TAX NOTICE. P' SECOND ROUND. I will be at the following places to wit; Wallace Diet, at J. C. Dumas Mon day A pril 22Dd. Popes Dist. at Haddock’s Station Tuesday April 23rd. Jjesters Dist: at V. B. Clark store Wednesday morning April 24tb. Ethridge Dist. at Jesso Miller store Wednesday cveuing April 24th. Tranquilla Dist. at Stewart Store Thursday April 25th Barron Dist. at Bradleys Station Friday April 26th. Barron Disk at Round Oak Monday April 29th. Saunders Dist. at M. V, Tyners store Tuesday April 30lh. ’* Hammock Dist. at T. 0. FippoiiB store Wednesday May 1st. Hammock Dist. at Dames Ferry Thursday May 2nd. Kinney’s Dist. at R. A. Gordon’s store Friday morning May 3rd. Towles Dist. at Five Points Friday evening May 3rd. Davidsons Dist, at James Station Monday May 6th. Levi Kinslow store Tuesday morning May 7th. Burdens Dist. atLaFayett Balkcom Tuesday evening May 7th, Griswoldville Wednesday morning May 8th. KobertBDist. at Jackson Roberts Thursday May 9th. Hawkins Dist. at T. B. Stripling Friday May 10th. I am in Clinton every Saturday. William T. Morris, Tax Receiver of Jones Co. March 11th 1889.-tf. ■’GOLDEN DAYS.’ A HIGH-CLASS WEEKLY FOR iBOYS AND GIRLS. THE BEST WRITERS for youth that money can procuie are regularly engaged upon and give their best work to Golden Days. PUZZLEDOM will perlex and delight the ingenious boys and girls, as it has in the past. TERMS: $3.00 USE ANNUM IN ADVANCE. ADDRESS, JAMES ELVEfiSON, Fcb V. W. cos. Ninth * Spruce Sts. Philadelphia, Pa MUm mu NOIAN FEMALE MEDICINE WEE SI for i)Yhi-r.Nn l.i illliwi’j I ton BlllffA Phyticiana recouunenu it. Genulnff All dealers keep it. fl.00 per bottle. tm» trade-mark and crossed red lines <& wrapper. IT HEADS THE LIS T. The April number of The South ern Cultivator is iinqesUonably the handsomest and best agricultural ever issued in the South. Its shining excellencies are so numerous that to enumerate them would require columns. Its list of contributors cm, bream of Southern talent in addition to many able and experienced of this country writ er3 in other section and m Europe. Each iseuc is a vcl ume in itself worth double the price ofsubscrjption. At $1 per annum it is the cheapest journal in this country. We licai tily commend it to our readers. Send oil your dollar and names to The Cultivator Publishing Co., Drawer 8, Atlanta, Ga, OB. R. A. JONES. RESIDENT DENTIST MONTICELLO GEORGIA. I will be in HiHsuoro second week in each month. PIMPLES, SORES, ACHES AND PAINS. When a hundred bottles of sarsa arilla or other pretentious spec ifics fail to eradicate) in-born scrcf ula o contagious blood poison, remember that B. B: B. (Botanic Blood Balm) has gained many thousand victories in us many seemingly incurable in stances. Send to the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., -‘Book of Won, dors,” and bo convinced. It is the only TRUE BLOOD PURIFIER. G. W. Messer, Howell’s X Roads, Ga.. writes; ‘T was afflicted nines with sores. AH the medicine I could take did mo no good. I then tried B. B. B., and 8 bottles cured mo sound.” Mrs. S. M. Wilson, Round Moun tain, Texas, writes: “A ladj' friend of mine was troubled with bump* and pimples on her face and neck, he took threo bottles of B. B B*, and her skin got soft and smooth pimples disappeared, and her health improved greatly.” Ja?. L. Bosworth, Atlanta, Ga.. writes; “Some years ago I con traded blood poison, 1 had no ap petite, my digestion w«b ruined rheumatism drew up my limbs so 1 could hardly walk, my throat wa* cauterized five timos Hot Spring* gave me no benefit and my life was ne of torture until I gnvo B- B. B. trial, and surprising as it may seem, the use of five bottles cured mo," rr.r *;:«• 1& s A % , T , V . A STEM-WINDING WATCH, • A GOLD FOUNTAIN PEN . AND 84 CASH . For an Hour’s Work. w* wrftnt, Aft l«Mft» One more subscriber to TEXAS LIFTINGS in oruqr town, riUs«« and hasuiet iu America, if you writ« to as at ono«. we will appoint you our a**nt n your of Ono neighborhood, l*>lUr and will pay you a cA«h commto* 4oo ••will also *iro on orory subscription of uold you sand, Fountain sod first subscription you a present a 93-50 When Prt» for tbs noiphbora, you send. you show •ha paper to your we know you will hava no ttf&cuHj in ffotttnjt than a number of subacriWrs; but a van if wm never get more ono Mibacnb*‘r rt«m*»mb«r that wo feall cireyon the Gold Von AS A I’HKSFNT, and will nail fno it to yon as soon as you MANHATTAN send tha first subscription, riCfTwith pan is thorelebrat,*! FOUNTAIN the established Rold mounUnl barrel, of which fitted is with $46t»- a 14 Those earat gold >*», indispensable prioo who has wrifiuc do, pons are to every one to as ihey hold ertouf h ink to write twenty !<*««* of foolscap sapor, and cradnal are always ready for smoothly use. They writs frooiy, usee a will flow, glide *a ae a pencil over he paper, and last a BUYINGS lifetime. The price of TfcX AS is $4 a year. Of this «w |ri*e you fil on each subscription you sard. In dditkm to this, if you »ond us Fountain FlnJK subscriptions, wo hall »»‘nd you tho i*2.N0 Gold Pen and a fi& item-winduic and btem Nickel t'ascd Wat on, Dio watch ia NOT A W aTKRHU K Y. His full jeweled, red has the finest Waltham stjls movement. silver, Thscaao o solid nickel ©onvainio* So per cent, and over thfi 'are thick beveled glass. It is a perfect timekeeper. W« warrant SIFTINGS both eonld the Pea and afford Ike Wattlu TEXAS watch not to five either a yen or a that it would pot guarantee. For your trouble ip securing- alt 4 subscript-loaf you wifi „ * *4 taeh. a flLtO pea and watch. If yea want neither pen nor watch, but do wut* to work for cash, write m and wc shall offer you a cash greater than that offered by any Journal er Mnesrine in Am erica. OB of TEXAS SI kT IN ia probably one the best known, vnd is certainly one of tho most popular, humoTons ana Keren papers in the world, a volume for a year oop. ares columns a weekly It nnasbeia. is published «00 (era, two hominy***me. 1,600 illustration*, Tfce MM in American European edition, edition is published over lfij.000 ip ^oedon, copies weekly. England, The has maebed a c nrcnlalton of fil.oat copies a weak- ' . 8IFTIKG8 it sold by newsdealers at lu cents a copy. Bead five cents SIFTING*, m stamps, sud we shall scad yon 4 a sun pis copy of and fall explanation •CM. Wbefi snritiAff state where you Mir wit adri» INDURATES FIBRE WARE. ABSOLUTELY ONE PIECE! V > H 0 VARNISHED f NEITHER PAWTED OR NOT AFFECTED BY HOT WATER! HAS APPEARANCE OF POLISHED MAHOGANY. PAILS, TUBS, BASINS, PANS, KEELERS, SPITTOONS, SLOP-JARS, WATER-COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS, &C., &c. L i Oswego, CORDLEY Factories: N. Y., Loskpori, Portland. & LARGE HAYES, N. VARIETY Me.. Y., Cleveland, Peter New boro, OF York, Ohio, GOODS. N. H Winona, .Watertown, Sole Minn. Agents. Mass., __ CROCKERY DEALERS. FOB SALS BY ALL HOUSE-FURNISHING. HARDWARE, GROCERY AND FULL PRICE-LIST AND CATALOGUE FHEE ON APPLICATION. T.W. BONDS If wsIIISSI * Beds Free to Customers. THE BE?T o r -WJt?? LIWW j]|QARp AND j OB/CCO^ --AT THE GAR, FILLING JUGS AND BOTTLES A SPECIALTY. Como once and you’ll come again. « Morgans Corner, Macon, Ga EADS, NEEL & CO. CLOTHING, HITS, SDNS II Ml. Correct and latest Styles THE LOWEST PRICES. Send us your orders and come to see ns when in Mncon. Goods sent 0. 0. D. unless city reference is given. EADS, NEEL & CO, —15—3m, 557CHERRY ST HEADLIGHT V ,ws ■ 7WmmW% ■ crag— LeCONTE NURSERY, SMITHVILLE,--— GA. I — I 0 1 All Kinds of Fruit Trees For Sale, SPECIALTIES: LeConte and Kieffer Fears. Javan Persimmon and Grapes. J®-SPECIAL PRICES TO ALLIANCES. Send for Catalogue Free. IK If. THOMPSON Proprietor. l«*> to «a »«*<■ *> t, *to.»*to. ’to w. «0! H ■ItonriiMk^! m*hS U, mu (U«, WirtuboMtofr,,,_,____ *r me HMJ —» —T-Vt ~rl btwn—totoi^i j *•» nto h to—d. —M m CTl fer to to SmStSi * * MvpMtT. TW» craa* m* thine it m«w» whivk *• Alat«r fMeatt, ham run »«t: before refect* nm©MU*ol4f»r*®a, withUm eB*F^ *od mo\r mU* tM 0 B , ‘i^r£Sn!a Mi Iil.&to. to. . to ■ K, toTMl Itotond. riton. tofi.m- ?WM wfca wnw to to It toe, ton to •to, Oto to. ton nraHtoto to to, -told, «od to* T*Vl*CO,Aa Mtoi aMW-toto,f fctoti ,rt to— toona tocMto. -3 * 740. Aanw,U $1 A TEAR. $1 ONE lU ONE DOLLAR. fU> K c- DOLLAR. 6' '-* tsw 2 'i* *it i* t* *.•: *fi .« *;♦* * Ebiimaill -&> rH Kj <J w e , , l H THE WEEKLY Detroit Free Press *5“ n'i" :1: \ ”A f. '1???» ‘3 " " ‘- K”... , “i. ONE DOLLAR A YEA‘EL Tar Largo Pml o! Choicut Reading Hum. The Greatest of Dollar Weeklies. flan FM: Puma Is now within the much of :11. ll- tabled con uAts embodie- s“ that is mu“ m In t funny paw. Bub wflhe B‘ilEE at onm. Addrm- l’I’I-ms 00.. ”molt. [Sample 3:210“ Sum ' ■; >-AV,YX GRAY GA. My business still goes on and I am prepared to sell to my friends and cus tomers goods at prices that will astonish them, I will sell everything in my line, for the next 30 days cheap foreash; Dry Goods, No tions, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Groceries, I have in Stock a full line Gents, Ladies, Misses and Children's •W flBk 10 E S that I am going to close out regardless of cost. To addition to the above, I carry a Full Line oi hard ware, Crockery, Tinware, Woodenware, and many other articles generally kept in a first-class store, all of which I will sell at Rock bottom prices. Give me a trial and he i ... convinced that- I mean • i business. D. D. HOISENBECK.