The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, May 04, 1889, Image 3

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JRfce • ..... > „- - . im , || nn I, -n , m , | * HfBUSU*«' fcVKHY SAIUKDAY MOUNleU AT OR Y. OF.OttOIA, —BY T. H. PENS.— ^SubscrlpUei* ftatem-lH Adtanc*. Ou« Year. • 1 g fix yiiren Mon ilouUs, tin. ..... sR E iwr> 1 it thi Put* tlice at GraiGa %f second class mail matter. Postoffice orders, drafts, etc., should be stade payable to X. I,. 1 i-xx. Kate5 for advertising made known on application. Communications for individual benefit, or ef a personal character charged for the ettnifc as advertisements. Marriage and obituary notices, not cx teedir.gone square, inserted without charge —over one square will be charged for same* as advertisements. Correspondents alone are responsible through these for opinions expressed by them «i..i;nnns. town and county. That girl should sutely be con demned, And shunned by all the beaux, Who, though her fingers are be gem med, * Neglects to mend her beaux, Leaves everything she can un hemmed. And pins on all her eleaux, —Milledgevillo Chronicle. We want it distinctly understood that we are not lesponsible for opin ions and sentiments expressed by our correspondents, or are responsible for communications of auv descript ion. (Day is still on tho improve. Several of oureifcizeus visited the Central City this week. The Headlight office looks ever po nice and neat in its new Spring drcKg. Mr. J. W. Jones lias been quite busy this week placing a neat fence around his lot. We regret to learn that Air. An drew Stewart, father of Mrs J. W. Jones of this place, is quite sick at Lis home in Putnam county. Much to the regret of those in terested Mi-<s Annie Clark has re turned to her home in Blountsville Jones-CGUiity.—Eatonton Messenger Jlen. J. li. Blount was among the distinguished visitors to the city on memorial day. Air. Blount has u large number of strong followers in Baldwin county.—M Ledge iDe Chronicle. A special train passed np the road ‘Weduesdny'tuormng, from Macon for the benefit of teachers along the iine attending the Teachers Con vention which is .in session this week in Athens. Mr. Henry J. Stewart gave the Headlight Office a short call Sat urday afrernoon. He is a “News paper man” and interested in the prosperity of all papers, especially, that of the Headlight. He re turned to Chattanooga on Monday. We copy the following f rom The Jasper County News. The Young ladies cooking club will meet at Col. Flem Jordans to morrow night Prof. Dumas gave the school children Holiday last Friday, it being Memorial day. There was a big ball at the House last Friday niglit. the occasion being the closing ol Prof. Barnatta’s dancing school. A prettier place could not have been selected for the Lawn Tennis club than the beautiful grounds in front of Cot Flem Jordans house. THE PRIDE OF WOMAN. A clear pearly and transparent Bkin is always a sign of pure blood, and ail 1 persons troubled with, dark, greasy, yellow or blotched skin can rest assured that their blood is out of order. A few doeea of BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER & BLOOD MAKER will remove the cause and the skin will beeome clear and trans’ parent. Try it, and if satisfaction is not given it will cost you nothing It is iully warranted. D. D. HOL SENBECK. NOTICE! I will do all the work and sawing of vour pines at 40cta per hundred &et. For further information apply to the undersigned at Monticello,Ga. A. A. PENN. Jfiss. E. (1 11.VRUEXAN, Lditus - i CLINTON LOCALS. Farmers are about through plant ing cot’on. The absence of tho Local Editiess this week accounts for the shortness of news. The fruit trees indicate that a nio.-*t abundant, crop will be' borue. Every tree and bush is full. Send a postal to Ellis & Co., Ma con, Ua, for a line of samples, and when they arrive you will be sure to order a big bill of their substantial goods. The Editress, with a “full corps” of the family band, left on Tuesda) to visit her brother, lion. M. li. .Smith, near Toombiboro. U'e wi->h fjv her a pleasant visit and safe (and q ick) return. Crazy Martin was put in jail in Ci a M. >n a/ for setting fire to me barn of Cant. H. B. Rid ley. The barn and contents, con sisting of 230 bushels of corn, a good wagon and other property was burned. At one time every out building on the promt ses was on fire. Martin was in jail a year or two ago and was se tt to tiie Asylum but bv some moans he was released. He should either be confined or se verely punished. Mrs. Lucinda A. Gibson, mother of l)rs. \V. C. and Obie Gibson, died alter an illness of several months at the home of her son-iu-law, Dr. A. Mathis, in Suudersville, on the 27th nit., and was buried at Mountain Spring church yard on Sunday. She was a woman of remarkable traits of character and her many friends are sa ideiicd by the news of her death. Mrs. Gibson was born and raised in Jones county about six miles from Grigwoldville, she was a model wife and mother and ‘.her children rise up and call her b'essed.” Our sympathies go out to the bereavedjfatnily. Neuralgic Vertovs Wid those troubled with will nervousness be relieved bj resulting taking Troui care or overwork Brown’s Iron Bitters. Genuine lias trade mark and crossed red lines od wrapper. current happenings. The Hawes trial is still going on in Birmingham, Ala. Gen. Gordon attended the Centen nial ceremonies in New York this week. Tho “Interstate Drill” to he held in Macon in May is the all absorb ing topic among the Maconites. Pa stands for Pennsylvania and Ma for Montana. Tiie United States are preparing to bo a happy fami ly.—Ex. Tho talented and graceful Lamar Clay of Macon won fresh laurels at his recent success in the play “Vir ginias’’ and repeated the perform ance on May 2nd. The families of tho two noble firemen who were killed last week have been liberally help'd by a fund raised by subscription, which already amounts to near §1500.00. Miss Janio Crawley of Rutledge committed suicide Saturday night by jumping into the well. She was forty five years old and ill health had impaired her mental faculties. Tho republican loaders are said to be strongly in favor of calling an extra session of Congress m October. No doubt their object is to get their schemes ready for the regular ses sion. Objections are being raised by many of the Georgia weeklies to the manner in which several of tbe dai lies are manipulating their columns with thc8Cissora without giving any credit. Oao of tho leading late inventions is a contrivance which rings a bell in a hotel office and registers the room number when some verdant person blowgout the gas. A western man is the inventor of the plan.— Milkdgfcville Chronicle. TOU CANNOT AFFORD At this season of tbe year to be witbonta good reliable diarrhoea balsam in the house, as cramps, ool ic diarrhoea and ail inflammation of 4 the stomach and bowels are exceed ingly dangerous if not attended to at or.ce, One bottle of BEGGS DIARRHOEA BALSAM will do more good in cases of this kind than any other medicine on earth. We guarantee it. D. D. HOLSEN BECK. FROM ROUND OAiL Df.i* llRvmnntiT l donth\te-ul to write an out and out obituary, but must tell you that try poor rooster, “Robinson Crusoe,” has de parted this life. The cook did it “with her little hatchet.” Ho no longer comes to the frontdoor, splits his throat and bursts our brains out with his shrill cock-a-doodle-doo while in the effort of giving as no tice that company may be expected, Neither do we longer hear tho clarion tones of this favorite chanticleer, telling us that old Sol’s smiles can be seen in the dim distance. No, lbs spirit has been wafted to realms above, while bis cat Cuss lias been baked and used ns fuel to fire the engine that runs the mortal part <>t man. Nature first dressed our la mented Bob, then the cook put on garments of a diflrient hue. This surplus dressing lay in profusion on the dish around our very deceased Bob, as ho lay in state. All that were allowed, took from him a souvenir in the shape of a drum stick, wing, the neck, liver and giz zard. As we pulled the drum-stick from his side, Both wings seemed in bow-knots firmly tied. We Loscd them both with no little While ]iride, j Barb -e aud I made an equal | divide. Now into the gravy the spoon went splash, Then on Bob’s breast we cut a great gash. Next morning at breakfast we made a final dash, When we finished up Robbiein the shape cf hash. The Round Oak Alliance Club hold a called meeting a this place last Saturday to initiate several male applicants and two ladies, Mis. Whitehead and her mother. One Aliiaucemau brought for (ho inspec lion of the chib a bunch of volun teer oats in full head, four feet and two inches high, one hundred and twenty seven stalks, with forty grains to the stalk, which foots up the enormous amount of five thous and and eighty grains. All of this came from one grain. Messrs. Jack Roberts and J. A. Walker arc contesting fts to who has the largest hog. They seem so far to be making length the test Both claim their ‘ respective” hogs to be seven feet long- Mr. Walker’s hog is exactly seven feet, not count ing his tail. Mr, Roberts claims bis to be seven feet also, but does he count from tip of nose to tip of tail? If so, Mr. Walker will take the “blue ribbon,” Just a little old “pig tail” is getting up this great big “tei-doo.” Weigh them, gentle men, when you kill them, then we’ll see what’s what. There is so much hog in tho matter, perhaps it would be bust to have witnesses while the weighing is going on. Miss Hattie Hunt has returned from her visit to Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1*. Hunt have gone to Sunny Side to visit their son. Mr. Ed Hunt. Mr. Sterling Marshall is at home again. “J.” RECEIPT FOR V ELVJ5T SPONGE CAKE. Published by request. Six eggs, two cupi of white sugar, two and a half cups of Hour alter being sifted, two dessert spoons of yeast powder, one cup boiling wa ter. Beat the yolks with sugar fif teen minutes, add three whites well beaten, then the hot water and flour, flavor with lemon and bake in layers. To the remaining three whites, after being beaten, add six dessertspoons of sugar, flavor and place between the layers of cake. E G H All the really good points contained in other sewing machines have been utilized in tbe construe tion of tho New Homo, and many new improvements and devices ad ded, tbe result of which is a sewing machine as neatly perfect as it is possible to make one. Examine the New Home. ip rorrn back scrips Or you *re all worn out, really kuo< 1 for netting It is general <:el)llity. Try nnoH/ns n;»s iuttkti*. Sold It vril'. ears you, andgivr a -aypelite. li all dialers laraedicdoe Mr. Carnegie's gilt of $10,000 to Hie strikers of a rival stel works may he a very g ood investment, It is said that the Governor Ames, the fire masted schooner recently built on the New England coast, will hold ns much lumber ae a train { of cars a mile lon g. In Lenoir, N. O. a child. Ilatl'e Rainey saved a small railroad bridge from destruction. She discovered it ablaze, and carried water in her felt hat from the sirearn beow, making several trips before the flames were extinguished, Sevenal Tipsy young Men got into a non o at uastanea, near Lock Haven, lately, whiio the family were out, and fell asl op, when a wandering horse tba; lnul been nos ing in a b >sin of Hour suill'ed at the faces of the strangers so closely as to imprint on 'each a ghastly whiteness When the family got back at twilight their outcries hoard three blocks away. A Record of W0 ituns a t* sit'd was left by a New Haven man, who died insane this week. His arrests were chiefly for drunkenness, ami it was through bis excesses that bis mind gave way. It was one of bis tricky when arrested ,to throw his should, r out of joint tvid then by frantic groans to -o'icit the sympathy of ttie officers in charge, ilo was al out 70 years of ago. WHY IS IT That people linger along always complaining about that continual tired feeling? One bottle of B. GGS' BLOOD PURI FI Ell & BLOOD MAKER will entirely remove tins feeling, give them a g«od appetite and regiffato digestion. D. D. HOLSENBECK oOO* RUSE CUTTINGS. e Have your soil rub and well spaded and during a damp, cloudy spell in October, put out each on wlitre you wish it to remain, press ing them firmly in the soil. Should it be dry, water twice a week del ing Fall, also in the Spring if dry weather sets in. SEVERE CASES'. OF BLOOD POISON. Thousands suffer from blood poi s m, who would be cured if they gave B, B. B. (Bontanic Blood Balm) a trial. Send to’tlic Blood Balm Co , Atlanta, Ga., for book of wonderful cures; that convince the most skepti cal. It is sent free. J, O. Gisboii, Meridian, Mis*,, wriies. “For a number of years J suffered untold agonies from blood poison. Several prominent physi cians did me little if any good. I began to use B. B. B. with very little faith, but, to my utter surprise it lias made me a well ar.d hearty person.” Z. T. Ilallertan, Macon. Ga. writes, “I contracted blood poison, I first tried physicians, and then went to Hot Spiing. 1 leturaed home a ruined man pbysiciall. Nothing seemed to dome any good. My mother persuaded me to try B. B. B. To my utter astonishment every ulcer quickly healed.” Benj. Morris; Atlanta, Ga. writes; “I suffered years from syphilitic blood poison which refusid to bo cured by all treatment. Physicians pronounced it a hope lea* case. 1 aiid bad joims no appetite, and I lmd kidney* pains in hips my were diseased. My throat was ulcera ed and my breast a mas* of running sores. In thts condition I eom menced a use of B. B. B.. It healed every ulcer and sore and cured me comptetly within two months.” Notice to Debtors and Creditor* All persons bavirg demand* against the estate of N. S. Glover, late of Jones Cocnty, deceased, are hereby' notified to render in their demands »o the undersigned accord ing to law ; and all persons indebted to said estate are required Ur mane immediate payment. W. P. GLOVElt, AdmV. N. 8. Glover, deceased Apr. 2nd 1889. 6t ^ * - UT.7 - : : v\ 4 Ordinary's Office, Jones Co., Ga. April 29(h 1930. Whereas i*. appears to the court that tiie estate of Miss N. A. Ro*s deceased, is unrepresented, these are therefore t > cite all persons con cerned to show cause at this cilice on or by first Monday in Juno next, ifanyt hey have why adniinirtration oh said estate shall not be vested in some proper person accoidng to law. Witness my hand officially, II. T. BOSS, 4 \\* Ordinary. Urd-UiUj’s Office, Joivea 0‘>., Gu. April 2iHh 1^9 Notice is hereby given that the report of Commissioners setting aside one years support to Tilda V\ Idle (e) from estate of her dee’ll hnslmml is of file in litis office and I will pass judgment upon tho sum,' at tiie June berm next of tins court unless some iegal came be shown to the contrary. Witness uiy hand officially, It. T. ROSS, 4iv Ordinary Ordinary’s Office, .Jones Co., Gu. January 21>th 1889. Whereas, \V, P. Glover the admin i stmt or on Estate of John J. Glover (luce’ll, applies (o me (or Dismission rom said administration. Tnesoare therefore to ci to and admonish all persons concerned to show cause at this office if any they have to the con trary on or by the first Monday in May next. Witness my hand offici ally. R. T. RUSS. Ordinary. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Gn. January 29th 1889. Whereas, John F. Anderson Adm’r on Estate of Martin It. Malone dec’d, applies to me for Dismission from Ha id Effiile. These are to_cito and admonish all persons concerned to show cause at this office if any they have to the contrary on or by the first Monday in May next. Witness my band officially, 11 T. ROSS, Ordinary. f It m Compton & Macon E. E. TIME TABLE NO 2. In effect Sunday, April 1889 No. 1. Fast Mail—North Bound. Leave Macon... ••••••••••«••« .7 00 a rn. “ Grays.... ... 7 42 Arrive Mouticello 8 48 “ Madison............18 35 Leave “ 10 55 Arrive Athens 12 35 p, m. No. 2. Fast Mail—South Bound. Leave Athens...... .... 1 00 i>. m. Arrive Madison... .... 2 50 Leave “ .... 3 00 “ Mouticello. .... 4 16 “ Grays. .... 5 21 Arrive Macon, .... 6 00 No. 3. Ac’modat’.v.—North)Bound Leave Macon..... . 8 00 p. ni. “ Grays....... 9 12 Arrive Monticello 11 04 “ Mackcn.............II 40 Leave “ 5 00 a. m. Arrive Madison C 12 “ Athens... 8 30 No. 4. Ac’modat’n.-— South Bound. Leave Athens...... ... 8 00 p. m. Arrive Madison... • •••«• • ..10 10 “ Machen •••••• * ......10 40 Leave “ ..... 4 55 a. in. Arrive Mouticello, 5 29 “ Grays,. 7 18 « M aeon ......8 35 No. 5. Loi'l Fr’t.—Noutii Bound. Monday Wednesday and Friday. Leave Macon. ...9 00 a. in. “ Grays ..10 43 Arrive Mouticello.......,...1 35 p. na. •* Madison 4 40 Leave 4 50 Arrive Athens ■•Ml* 7 30 No. 6. Loc’l Fk’t.—South Bound. 'Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Leave Alliens-. . .8 30 a. in. Arrive Madison. ,10 40 Leave u 11 OG Arrive Mouticello.........1 15 p. rn. S Grays 3 40 R Macon...............610 A. J. McEVOY, Superjntendant A G. CkaTO, Iron Tesr Ajt. $100 RK V AR1>. -U' 0. Ttie readers of the The News, will be plcu-ed to loam that there is at b asts ono dreaded, disease that science has been able to cure in-aff its stages autl that is Ca ts rh. Hall's Catarrh Cmc is ti e only positive cure now known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh directly Cure is taken blood internally, an4 a ting upon the ihere miters surfac s of the system, by destroying tho found at on of the disease, and giving the patient strength, building up the Constitu tion and a fi- ting nature in doing its work, flic proprietors have so much faith in its curative power**,, that thal tin y offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to euro. Send for list of testimonials, oil by Druggist^, 75c. Address, K. J. CiJ ENKY A CO., Toledo O. • • DB. J. T. SMITH, - - MOMCELLO, GA. Office in building formerly occupied by Dr. Dozier. When not at office can be found at Mouticello Hold. All of my Dings are Fresh. April 1st firu. I I »•«*«* UMbr*1>T. 'Vvmv-i l!**&vy *JTU1 fluil «aa fe&dte 4rvra*:wa. G»v4 Mta fcgjaji a«aag fire-ixby W I^MtlnT Jib wn ajpI f,r% vel until® .. our Hon .f St «■»»!*«• Tb.-v* *• *»M as tft« watch, SVH Free, af.rv you hi*» K<i4 Ikm in toot bom* for 81 month* ■» i ainrwn #h«w to tV*M vrt>*» nuylim Miirij, they become yi>er uww prv'tiertT. TKv** vrtio vridVi tf o*»iy* *-nn t*« *ur« ot r*»)»lrin*r Hi» WAt«l# •n.1 Yfnnuf »U «pr>*», feefirhl, eV. A iAr^ litUsou \Sc CVo,, »6«X AtO, “GOLDEN DAYS.’ A HIGH-CLASS WS2HLY FOE BOYS AUD GIRLS. THE BEST WRITERS for youth that money can procure are regularly engaged upon and give their best work to Golden Days, PUZZLE DOM will perlex and delight the ingenious boys and girls, as it has in the past. TERMS: $3.00 PEfl ANNUM IN ADVANCE. ADDRESS, JAMES ELVERSON, Pun N. W. cor. Ninth a Spruce Sts. Philadelphia, Pa -AND *•"3 teas* WEEEYEiSTiTITII -FOR u m an HI 15 Ml! % £<■: 'ifilSSjtfl if® W&wp Z Wm " • m \ii i .j ?:■ % \\ : a v. 1 1 n IT I i i mmmJI