The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, May 04, 1889, Image 4

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feesiill b/igt/3 in the flangeley lttlcc-p. Maine, and is expected to so uu'-ii May 1._ Jt is Estimated that 100,000.000 copies of the constitution of Japan have already been gold in that coun try. A London 1’aper thinks that jte’ephones nre more generally used in Sweden than anywhere else in the world. The (Quitman Fresa Press records at bloody battle between h goose and ufrog, in which the goose was van quished. Waldron. Mich., has been settled more than bait' a century, yet the people have just begun to clear the stamps out of the main street The London Lancet recently contained the following advertise - ment: “Homo wuntad lor homicidal lady if) house of medical man, Ad dress, stating terms.” etc. The fish in Yellow and Sopth ri vers, in Jtock.'lalo county, are being destroyed by the use of dynamite. The grand jury has the names of sev eral of the parties, and the probab ility is that they tyill suffer the pen ;ylty before the summer is gone. Probably tho most expensive carpet evey niami facto red is that owntd by the Maharajah of Barods It took three years to make, and cost $200,000. It is made entirely of strings of pure colored pearls with the center and corner^ of dia monds, The infei eating discovery of a li umber of oyaiera crewing on a piece of bark has been made at Fort Wrangol. Alaska. They are guposed to have been pro}xigated’from oysters thrown overboard from the Califor pj if pud Oregon glearners. Several Windsor Locks (Conn.) residents, who forwoided 81 each for a “music box.” advertised “as capable of pl/iying twenty-one t lines," received a large package, on which CO cents expreesage was charged. Containing three 6-cent harmonicas Heeding A toaie, PA ojiilrlren DIBS that building nr •lioulll nant BROWN’S UII, take _ItJa IKON UJTTBRS. and plpiL-nnt liaiouineo. to take, curt-. Malaria, Indira* AU dealeia kwtp U. TAX NOTICE, THIRD AND LAST ROUND. I will bo »t tbe following places to-wit { J. C. Dumas’ on Monday, May 18t.h. Haddock Station, Tuesday, May 14th. B, Clark’s store, VTedi.esday morning, Maj* 15th, Jesso Miller’s store, Wednesday ovoning. May loth. Wash Ross’ store, Thursday, May J. S, Stewart’s mill, Fiiday morn jag, May 17lb. Bradley’s Station, Friday evening, >luy I7tb. Bound Oak, Monday, May 20th. M. N. Tyner’s store, Tuesday morn ing, May 21st. Glover’s ipilj, Tuesday ovening, Way2l8t. T, C Pippins’ store, Wednesday morning, May 22nd. Caney Creek church, Wednesday evening, May 22nd. Popes Ferry, Thursday, .May 23rd. Five Points, Friday morning, May 24th. Wayeide, Friday evening, May 24th. B. A. Gordon’s store, Monday morn ing, May 27th. G, W. F, McKay’s store, Monday evening, May 37th. JackBon Roberts, Tuesday, May 28th. Roberta Station, Wednesday, May 2tHh. LaFayette Balkoora’s Thursday, May 30*h. James Sution, Friday, May 31st. Morton Station, Monday, Juno Sid. Grays Station, Tuesday evening, Juno 4th. Haddock Station, Wednesday, June 5th. Bid Jones’, Thursday, June 6th. i am in Clinton every Saturday, and will close my books l>y the gOtb of June. William T. Morris, Tax Receiver Jones Co. pr. 82nd 1889,—til ju»20 ! gpf^ llsfj ■ . ,-j llplr 1 LeCOITTE NURSERY, SMITH VILLE, — — — GA, l«l All Kinds of Fruit Trees For Sale, SPECIALTIES: LkContk and 1\ n : vm -: it Pears. Japan PjatsntMOX and Grades. JferSPKCIA I. PRICKS TO Al.UA.NCES. Send for Catalogue Fhee, W. li: THOMPSON, Proprietor. s T* A STEM-WINDING WATCH, A GOLD FOUNTAIN PEW . AMP SS4 CASH . For an E-four’s Work. uir nrm r - ---- , | M ,m —ii—— niliai— i i Wo want, at least, one r >>vo stihgcriher to TEX A# JII'TINlhS in every town, village nutf h.itiiletin America. <f yf>u write noigliL«*rlu>od, t-<» us at oncO, and \v*» vvill v. Ui uppaiut you our agent n yonr pay you n cash commi#* .•ion of One Hollar on every sulifecriptiou y««u rend, and v« will also givoyou a present of a #2 .50 Gold fountain pen tor the tir«t huLso notion you Mend. When you hIiovt . he paper to y.-ur noiKldrora, number of we auhsciffierflc know you will but have no if iirtiouUy in gi-tlmg than n. oneaul>M!ribor.reim*inberthat even »ou m»vcrgot more (iold PRESENT, mid will wo dial I kivh you tho J’eu AS A ttaii it to you an noon usyou send the first subscription. Phi* penis I he celebrated MANHATTAN PUDNTAIN ?KN,with»feld mounted barrel, fitted with n J4 carat gold >on, the established price of which *vln* bas.wniii)g la 60 . Tlieae do, puna »re indisimn i n»le to every one to ;ta .bey hold nnougb ink to write twin t/ pages of foolscap »uper, and ai*> always flow, glide ready for amoothly Use. They write freely, mve a gradual lifetime. ,ik ua a poncil over be UHper, and will last a The price of TEX AN SITTINGS In f4 » year. Of thl« ijive you $1 on each Hubhcrintion you send. Ip hall ddition send to this, the if you send Gold tis Fountain KOIIR snlmcriptionn, Pen we jj)6 yon fti.fitt and a item winding and Stem setting: Nickel Cased Watch. Hie watch is NOT A WATERKUHY. It is full ioweled, iml has tlm finest Waltham stylo movement. The case h solid nickel beveled convaining 20 It per cent, perfect silver, timekeeper. und over tho *aco thick gluHa :s a We warrant both tho l>n ond the Dutch, TEXAS S1KTINUS could not afford to give either a yen or a watch that, it would not guarantee. For your trouble $3.50 in aocuriwr and $5 4 watch. subscriptions you wilj fat If $4 cash, want a neither pen a watch, butado want to »nrk you for cash, writo pen and nor shall offer us we you a cash lonnnisaion Renter than that offered by any Journal or Paya/inem America. tnd TE is X certainly A S S11-TIN(is of the probably most popular, one of the humorous best known, one for ana itorary papers in the world. A volume a year con. aina columns- 52 weekly It numbeis, is published *00 page*, hemieplieres. l.fiOO illustration*, T.» .’.UOh in two a \merican edition in published over I'JU.IKX) London, copieB weekly. England, Thf turopean circulation edition, copies in week. has ***Aoh«d a of tiO.WO a 81 KIT NOS is sold by nowsdonlers at 10 cents a copy. Semi live cents in stamps, and we shall send yon a ample copy of SIFTINt.S, aud full explanation of •nua. V?hen writing state where you saw this advk. s ta* . > D R. MOFFETT’S FEMALE MEDICINE__ corrects all Irreitnlaritlesasd »nnoyln« troubles from which sotuany laillea sutler. It irlves the weak.debilitated woman health and strciu;tli.*iid makes sbuertut tbe despondent, depressed lu Aak your Druggist, pi A YEAR. sj>l ONE ’ AV A 1 j vY Sc- ONE DOLLAR. v: Cl DOLLAR. si! ■» */ V* V* 3 ♦ *A $1 A YEAR. ‘ . . . re a “la ‘4 ‘x‘ékua ., e mi __ tree ress1 1 0» :2: : wrzrgae’. 74. . ONE DOLLAR 'A m.‘ Ter Large The Page: of 0! Chaiceat Dollar Weekliol. Runway 31.3.02. Greatest 'um Fm: Puma h nowwmnn the much at :11. lb tabled an: a_uAfx emmum nlil’ghlt‘n 1-; nm dmdm’ule in a 21:12:” 91qu. "uflfi‘fizgoxffih i'iifizum co” nnerrhsrfb353111’m Ksffjfi’s TEETHIKA (Teeming Powders) AlUy. Irrlt.tinn, Aid* Digestion, t'liiul,cuxk.s Regelati-s 1 i«tfcli>R th# lb-welj, Mr> "frrhrin tho Con's. Teolhina Ka«y En and Cost, enij- and SS roihlng juals f K urea for theumroer rtious and Sores ol'ChllUreo vftir.y e It tronble, ape. <4.;n/e nnrf ra-A Try It and yon will n«\rr ctUiA. bo without TFFT'UiVA aa long X/rc^gt.t. ea tbere aru itBlutesUotuu, As- >our T. V*/. BONDS ill m I 8 IIII Hi Beds Free to Customers, TJJ?, PJJPT or WF? WQW fiQAR£ AND J*0B/vCC0jB ■-AT TIIE BAR,- FILLING JUGS AND BOTTLES A SPECIALTY. Come once and you’ll come again. Morgans Corner, Macon, Ga Ml, III I SO. CLJIIIU ill, Sunil0IHT1 Cjrr33t a ui Latest Styles THE LOWEST PRICES. Send us your orders and come to sec us when in Macon. EADS, NEEL & CO, —15—-3m, 557CIIERRY 8T Good? sent C. 0. R. unless city reference is giveu. ClarenceH. Cubbedge. 672 CHEERY STREET, M^COfl Q/\. General House Furnisher. Healei? to Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Cutlery, Excelsior and Capitola Cook Stoves and Ranges. LNi W -ip FOH TMM HEADLIGHT INDURATIB FIBRE WARE. ABSOLUTELY CKE FIECE1 HAS NO HOOPS 1 NEITHER PAINTED OR VARNISHED 1 NOT AFFECTED BY HOT WATER! HAS APPEARANCE OP POLISHED MAHOGANY. PAILS, TUBS, BASINS, PANS. KEELERS; SPITTOONS, SLOP-JARS, WATER-COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS, &c., &c. URGE VARIETY OF GOODS. * * CORDLEY & HAYES, New York, Sole Agents. Factories: Portland. Mo . PeterL-oro, N. H . Watertown, Mass., FOR ____ SALE Otweso. N. Y., Lockport, N. Y., Cleveland. Ohio, Winona, Minn. BY ALL HOUSE-FURNISHING. HARDWARE, GROCERY AND CROCKERY DEALERS. _^ ULL prick-list and catalogue free on application. THE EXCELSIOR kernel is . . 1BBEBS Lcombebs Gnm-anteed to be Equal to r.-Av $ 'tlie best. F-icks the Seed Clean, GlntPflit nn<t lllnkci ■£ a Fine Staple. m r-- Patented, Ti'O Circular and Roll other Box if no ma nufacturer can use it. Scud for Circular, No trouble to communicate with parties wanting those ma chines. iMi Old Gins Repaired at short I notice aud cheap. j Massey Cotton Gin Works MACON, Ga.. S’, Otic R S 2 3 1 JlL w r GRAY GA. My business still goes on and I am prepared to sell to my friends and cus tomers goods at prices that will astonish them. I will sell everything in my line, for the next 30 days cheap for cash; Dry Goods, No tions, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Groceries, I have in Stock a full line Gents, Ladies, Misses and Children's S I0ES that I am going to close out regardless of cost: In addition to the above, I carry a F nil Line ot hard ware, Crockery, Tinware, W oodenware, and many other articles generally kept in a first-class store, all of which I will sell at Rock bottom prices. * t' Give me a trial and be convinced that I mean business. D. D. HOISENBECK.