The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, May 11, 1889, Image 4

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Will <»ur friends plea?? bear m mind tbut it in • |>OBitivc'*y against I N:kV 3 -fAp>r ruled to publish 1 V ,* Article without the authors rc. 1 ff iums. Ity this you will understand that nothin" hat t'ue uon-de-j»!un. will appear in print, but without the proper signature, as a guarantee of good faith, no communication will * L <* insertea. r—r .——--* The Georgia Teachers Association . '*. session in Athens, far at its recent oreel the introduction of a bill to he ■hitrodjucvd at the next Legislature establishing a school in Georgia for the industrial training of girls. If I knock three times on the cof fin li>l during the church service yon must let ine out,” said James Dailey of Providence, as he was nearing end the roller day. Everybody wait ed and listened, hut Janies did nol signal, and the burial went on. jie forgot it the fault w,as his own. The following arc the directors of tho C. & Al. 11. 11. for 1889, of whom J. E. Jones is President and J. C. Key Vice President. A. 0. iV’mer. U. E. Harris, V,’. H. Itoss, Dr. Lax ter, J as. K. Jones, J. C. Key, W. 0, J.everctf, \V. A. Broughton, \v. K. i■ noLies, o.,vos A xi. 11 Jioi.^.oii Ilod"son al'd aj.u (.’■ c G u. Talmadge, nil of whom arc Georgians. * 77*S" Work on thctirilHriand Eatontor extension of Hie C. & {.b it. It. is ready to be commenced as soon us tho right of way is secured and Ea ton ton, Jackson and Gi iflius’ quota of fubscripUoD is raised. Here is flic whole case in a mit-sheil—If the |,toplo along the line want this road, this is what have to do to got it. Within ten days after this it done, work will be commenced along Gv' whole way from Eaton Ion Gyiflin, mm Ofsnows IRON BITTERS f ife, IinJBcation, Uliionsness, Iiyf'pepsla, Main. Tin, Ncmiuaiiess, and Ueneral riebillty. I'liyal. nans rt’Oommejnl it. 511 iliailers n il it. Genuii e ton: iade'>niftrlt uud crocted r*d Uaes yu wrapper. TAX JSfOTlCB. THUW AND EAST ROUND. J will fo at the lpllowipg places tn-wit; J. (J. Dumas’ on Monday, May I3th Haddock Station, Tuesday, May 14th. V, B. Clark's store, Wedi osday morning, May 15th, Jesse Miller’s store, Wednesday evening. May 15th. tVash Ross’ store, Thursday, May mh. ‘ j. R, Stewart’s mill, Fiiday morn ' jug, May 17th. Bradley's Station, Friday evening. May 17th.. • Round Oak, Monday, Maj’ 20th, M. N. Tyner’s store, Tuesday morn ing, May 21st. (Hover’s mil, Tuesday evening, May 21st. T.' C Pippins’ store, Wednesday 'inriming, May 22ud. Canoy Crock church, Wednesday evening, May 22nd. Popes Perry, Thursday, May 23rd. Five Points, Friday morning, Maj ?4th. W ay side, Friday evening, May 24th. R. A. Gordon’s store, Monday morn ing, May 27th. k>. W. F, McKay’s store, Monday evening, May 27th. Jackson Roberts, Tuesday, May 28th. Roberts Station, Wednesday, Mav 2!>th. LaFayctJe Balkcom’s Thursday, May 30*h. James Station, Friday, May 31st,. Morion Station, Monday, Juno3uk Grays Station, Tuesday evening, Juno 4th. Jla tdock Station, Wednesday, J um* 5th. Sid Jonen’, Thursday, Juuo 6th. I am in Clinton every and will close jny books by 20th V"-f3' of ^ June. A f William T. Monnis, Tax Receiver Jones Co Apr. 22nd 1S80.—til jun20 if rocs, hack Acnra Ot you an all 'vOni out, really kcio. 1 for nothing DilOVien it U iffiuml IRON vft'WlAy. JtJTTEJtX J'ry .t will cure you. and Rive a good appctiW. Sold Lj' nil ucfckrs in meuicine.. *■ SftlMWSM I r«!.a uaaM^.,. «... i AaxlM, tW. K**vy bobl G ild nilag Cutft iRd.f .' *** |>-ttU uaevw'.rh worku c **'* *>f * s w»i ««<ne. Zk; «n« I*«*r»o« laMch I» foe©Uwr ©»'tly e«n Wcm on* ♦rt-e, with our H.iehdd Ht*. « B d ««]. &>■* Aamp|tp«. "«* tfcwwi •atr.|»iv$. »• W-i; *» tkc wRivh. «<-ad ^ ? y hey* for O o^!n e t r»o£t 1 OB. 8. A. JOKES. . j ill RESIDENT .DENTIST monticello Georgia. I will be in IIillsooro second week j ■ j u r , a ,.] 1 rnf> rab. -mmm * I n Ccvinp'ton & Macon R. R. j____ Novthboumi . } (Southbound i r F 7 tiv X iTijhi' Table A Ino No. No. 2. (iniiv. 2 tc s. t; it,-uoc.>v -'1!>'U r efi'e < t i rhur.Sat r/H I 2.0. 7= e-*- y Ai»rt ft a min tii y /. ■M!*9 i-rt i £• s 1 H S 0. e. y m!p. ______ a. M a..ME>'1'A'J j'li' ionmIu.m ml| a. -* i'. M i ,7 1 v\ f : ‘,!, 'll * V T ■ 510 ! ;V ■) CAAACC 1 3 7 55 ~ j 1 20 inr* eo oo 7 So .Morion 7 25 H 5. ) j; rays.., :t m u ■». 9 -j,s _t 8 Kraiiks.. 1 :; ;i 2o n !■ 1 ■ ,l ' . u ..l I,.Umrim' j I r,n r.57! -tin ,,, r> HX . ;; i > ;2 1 ■ - • w, (i:«uu>i oakl i ,->« a u 2 so lli is to 10 |>. n,j Hill,shore l.loj li 17 2 20 l24J|l032 Jfiior, 2 |H s 271 J One*ft-ld 1 0 01 2 oo 1 ij ishlontivello .Mhineta ■121 5 H, I ."5 1 :>.|!1 /A 4 Oljs hM I Hu IS 5 2.0j J 1., 25.7 “ ~ 5 ' • i I < »1 ■*> 932 li»5 >rn<H»en Man .•i;a,i)2oic'io Sip 2 ■ ,#> 12] , 0 559 I 40 5231 9 Godfrey.. ? •'iili'lllOo 5 P 00 5.1 0 12 Mailiso 11 .. »« •1 59 I c 5 55 0 43 11 21 Florence 2 27 into ^ fi 10 7 20 11 dllKarminghi 155 0 12 0 25 7 53 11 501 Gould, I ff) 9 00 ■ 0 40 7.Vi i 1 f»oAV« Ikinsv’l 1 30 ,3 4S — 251 12 0|J. , .Sidney I 51 10 ^ 0 Ron liat 3 7 JCI ,3 x20|l2.r,“A 1 2 12 iVjWliiti: Allien 1 JS H 24 x 7 5(11 I | Of» a 00 x * A. J. McEVOY, Supcrintcudant A 0. Ckaio, Gen. Pass Agt. dm 1 ^T.LOUIS MO. | | QALLAS.tex. ^ - 993 finwfnp-NfnPhjnp trcJ txa jat once establish trade in ail parts, i by Hjau' piacing our iiihchincu nud pood* tvhero the po< •us jjfflggqiaS^pcwin them. we will tend f’a*o oone in each locality,the very 5H "Mr h test sswitiy-niachine nude in FiL. e fcthc We world, will with send all 1'j‘fe the attarfaments. sis® a complete M lline !>l#a. of our In cosily and valuable art liiaij Ctt. return we sak that yoa show »vh at we eerui, to tho*.* who ■/Jhifi'fftV,““V c A lJ at your bviJM'.aml slier ,\5 1A f^mouths all shell become your own ’*■« JMTA >£ ^■tnadc liprorrrty. This frrsnd machine >• JR y hwh after h-.v vc the run Hinjjt'r out; before patents, patents p att itaoMfor$1)*t, with tho 0^*SfsO. htn cots, and now sells fop Rest,strongest,most use r nui tr fic.skir.c. 1 L' c»p»*i ..<," 1 ’'^.' miit brief instructions priven. I tiose who write to us st ones esn •« rure lk*«« »U* best •ruhig-mtehiue in the world, and the ftneat tine* of works of higli art ever shown together in America. I ICI K«fc t«., Dos 749, Augusta, Alu.-.e, dSSBh % A STEM-WINDING WATCH, A GOLD FOUNTAIN PEN AND m CASH . For an Hour’s Work. W® want, at leasts one wore subscriber to TEXA.8 UFl'INuS U iu every io«u, villtige will and hamlet in America, you write to um nt, oqoa, we appoint you our agent n youj neighborhood, and will pay youaca&h comm aeu of OnulVuIW ou overy aubacriptiott you send, and vewill ftlao gw© you a present, of a $2.50 (iold Fountain Pen for t h© ttvftt subscription you send. When you anovr •he fdficully paper to getting your neighbors, number el we ftubav know ribors; you w ill but huto no if in a subscriber.vpjnevnbev ©von *ou ne'*»*r get nuw' than one that ww t)».* 4 }J give you tho Uold IVn AH A ITU .SKNT.aiulnill nail it toyou as awm as you send the nv*U subtcripiioa, fheponia**o MaNIIATTVAS l'Ul’NTilN rl'N.'vtthgold the ©atnbiiahed nn uated price barrel, of which titled is w t r. fit. « n Tbew carat gold xui, iudisiH>ns»V*ie who has riting do, pens ir© to ©very or,«* w te as »h»:*y held enough mu Iai writo twert/ oacea of foolscap >aper, and are always r»»ady for use They writ© freely, :ave a iri sdual fiow, glut© as sunooiaiy as a pencil over he pajH r, and wiii 8 ttlcthue. •\ 05-ice of T li X Ari S1 FI LN<.§ . w a year. Of this 0 give you $1 «m each subscripts FOl H n Subscriptions, v. u send- iu Uditien to this, iho if yru scud Gold ua Fountain IVu vr» hall send you sfiJ>C and a So «©m->vimii»g and Sstetu-setim* Nickel Cased Watch, rb# watch i* NOF A AV ATFUbUKW it iafull>*wel*d, Th** »nd ha-3 the iinePt Waltham Style movement. caao a **4>l>tJ thick nickel combining £» It per Is cout. ^>«rfect silver, timekeeper, and orar tho •tc beu liKl vl«e * a t>e nftrrgnf both the !*i*ti and the Watch. TKXA8 8U TINt»S could p-.t afford to give either * jon or a watch that it would not guarantee. k'er your trouble iu securing end $5 4 wat tcbscriptlou ch. » you will j«*t 5*14 cash, a ® 3.89 pen a watch, do If you want ne ther pen fior shall but want to vork for caah, uri to us and we offer you a cash Muutntmvon greater tluua that oflereq by any Journal or 1 t’5f\ Sue' best known, -id curtiunly ASM t Tl of the is probably meet popular, one of th© humorous and u* one roluiue Horary papers weekly in th« world. A for illustrations, a year cx>o Ains 51 mmilnus, *»»*> pages. I.MHt V 000 Column** It is published 130.000 ill two copies heuaiapheres. weekly, Th# T o merioau edition is mer edition, published copies in Loudon, wo©k. i.rigiand, ba# ■waefu'd S1FT7N(<8 a circulation of OU.OOO a ©onto , in sold by newsdealers and at 10 shall »©nd a copy. \ Send rive cents 31tTUK*8, in atamiHk wo full you a ' Ample copy of and esrianatmu of » onus. When writing state wncrv you saw Uue adn. : j 1 & 1 ’ ■ fa 1 Sc. CUBBEDGE. 672 CHEERY STREET, M^COfj Q/\. General Mouse Furnisher, Bo ale? la (’rockery, Glassware, Tinware, Cutlery, Excelsior and Capitol a Cook Stoves and Ranges. p 5 sees ;) v? m k y 1 I mis, mis, sms u 01®. 'Correct and Latest Sty I (PC THE JiOWEST PRICES. Send us your orders and come to see us when in Macon. EADS, 1TEEL & CO, — 15—3m, 557CIIERRY ST Goods sent (.!. O. 17. unless city reference i» given. T. W. BONDS ill w II m 4{ yiHLtU M y. i ''ti Tv.E Beds Free to Customers. Ths of mw? mm \G c jGq y \Rk and Job^ACCOP --AT THE BAR, FILLING JUGS AND BOTTLES A SPECIALTY. Conic once and you’ll c cine again. Morgans Garner, Macon, It the EXCELSSOR y m p?k jg i g . c.^i. sii FEEBEBS WIPMH ■■■■ AND *4? punranfeert lobe Ei)r.n! to m Up Clean, Dt-st. (llns Pichs Past nml chi; MuH.ce fSoeif a Fine Staple. ’iJJjiMri The Circular Roll Box ie mi nufacturer Patented, and no other ni„ ■‘■’S' Send can use it. M ’ wmrnmmi trouble to for communicate Circular, with No chines'-. parties wanting these ma- 5 [SS^sssaa IS Pi Did Gins Repaired at short ‘<Y v l> gBrAfe*?' f^Sfiiassey __j§ K no *ice and Cotton cheap. n . Gin Works 3IACON, Ga. rHI r 'i' v 4' I'-ss SD- ^ THE WEEKLY j ' .Detroit res I '___■ WW "Wt^f W W ’ r , l i yl ; i !»• I r 02-TJ3 EOLEAfi ___'NrilEJYTrA u\. | j Ter R»rj?e ^ h@ Pa~rs Cieatost of of Choicest ZHoliar Weeklies. TeattiBo. Kat-er T I ISO- i O EOW tiithln t9e reach of all. 7fs SuhiJ i UU ** iu a ftonilr W er. j j ; j INSULTED FSSHE WABL | ABSOLUTELY ONE PIECE! HAS NO HOOFS! s 9 NEITHER PAINTED CR VARNISHED! gl mm 1 NOT AFFECTED BY HOT WATER! 1 m HAS APPEARANCE GF POLISHED HAHCSAMY. PAILS. Tt'SS, BASISS, PASS, KEELERS, SPITTOONS, SL0?-JA”5, WATEP-C0GLERS. REFRiGERATOSS, &c., fe. LAT VARIETY OF GOODS. C0HDLLY & HAVES. New York, Sg’o Agents. Ora- . etortes t >i^oro. s. h , Walartewn. Mass.. TOR SALE ;j. H. Lectuw ft r., - jhio, Winona. Mina. py ALL HOUSE ruav. miG. HARs 5ARL, GROCERY AVD CROCKERY DEALERS, re t Pdl«C't:s7 A»o CATALOCUS FREC ON APPLICATION. ■AT fy o i ce ■ ' 2ES ■ as -, & t- R GRAY GA, — . . .. . ■ %***» j My business still goes on and I am prepared to sell to my friends and cus tomers goods at prices that will astonish them, I will sell everything in my line, for the next SO days cheap for cash; Dry Goods, No tions, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Groceries, 1 have isi Stock a full line Gents, Ladles, fees and Children's % iSfaRSll g i&fSik ~ I ~ ps is i !5a 4 S*t i 1 i • >■ • s that I am going to close out regardless of cost. In addition to the above, I carry a Fnil Line ot hard ware, Crockery, Tinware, Woodenware, and many other articles generally kept in a first-class store, at all of which I will sell Rock bottom prices. Give me a trial and he convinced that I mean business. o D. D, KOf SEN BECK*